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5 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

I loved JAG it really would be cool to have it come back, but I kind of doubt the stars can do it. It took a long time for them to be able to fit in NCIS-LA into their schedules.

True both DJE and CB have other commitments. DJE did say in an interview that he'd be open to doing a JAG revival if asked.  They could probably do a 13 episode spring show that could work around their other schedules.

Guess we'll see, this could all be wishful thinking by fandom and CBS doesn't have an interest at all.

Official "reunion" next week.

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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

True both DJE and CB have other commitments. DJE did say in an interview that he'd be open to doing a JAG revival if asked.  They could probably do a 13 episode spring show that could work around their other schedules.

Guess we'll see, this could all be wishful thinking by fandom and CBS doesn't have an interest at all.

Official "reunion" next week.

I’m hoping that exchange was them joking and that they better STILL have gotten married!!!!

7 hours ago, irisheyes said:

Nine freakin’ years of build up just to leave us hanging, and then they kill it all in one scene. I’m so pissed. 

Yep and my only consolation (not much of one) is that I believe this is geared towards a JAG revival.  So we're back on the will they/won't they wheel with the added benefit of them having been a couple, possibly married (I can't remember if Mac confirmed that or not) so it's not just angst/UST it's past/failed relationship on top of the "we can't since we work together".

Of course NCIS:LA has a married couple as actual partners in the field but, whatever.  Not happy 😒

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9 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:



9 hours ago, irisheyes said:

Nine freakin’ years of build up just to leave us hanging, and then they kill it all in one scene. I’m so pissed. 

giphy.gif giphy.gif


1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Yep and my only consolation (not much of one) is that I believe this is geared towards a JAG revival.  So we're back on the will they/won't they wheel with the added benefit of them having been a couple, possibly married (I can't remember if Mac confirmed that or not) so it's not just angst/UST it's past/failed relationship on top of the "we can't since we work together".

Of course NCIS:LA has a married couple as actual partners in the field but, whatever.  Not happy 😒

It was bad enough the way Bellisario draaaaaaaged out the Harm and Mac relationship for 8 fucking seasons. In the ninth, Harm was mooning over her and so positive that he and Mac would be together. And we got that bullshit last minute I love yous and proposal, and all for, what? Grimmel's an asshole. He KNEW a lot of the fans of Harm and Mac wanted to FINALLY be told who won the toss, and that they've been happily married. 

But no mention of Mattie? Not that I cared for her, but he was her guardian. 

And show messed up. When this show ended, Mac was a full Colonel, yet last night, they referred to her as "Lt. Col." 

At least we got the throwaway line that Harm is getting his own ship and soon be an Admiral.

I can't believe how royally I was baited and switched like this.

Still, it was good to see them both.

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10 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And show messed up. When this show ended, Mac was a full Colonel, yet last night, they referred to her as "Lt. Col." 

At least we got the throwaway line that Harm is getting his own ship and soon be an Admiral.

I can't believe how royally I was baited and switched like this.

Still, it was good to see them both.

NCIS as a daughter franchise has never been protective of its internal continuity and fictional universe building

Well even JAG by recasting Catherine Bell was more on the level of Law & Order. Whoever put up the last edit on Wiki does have her listed as a Lieutenant Colonel. Before the NCIS episode I   just figured that my memory was faulty with the coin toss she retired while on the list for the next full Colonel promotion while Harm was promoted. Then again Captain Rabb losing the toss and then being welcomed back into the active duty Navy, as they say only on TV.


No, Mac's new billet to San Diego hadn't come with a promotion. Harm's post to London did get him promoted to O-6 in the finale. 

Apparently, they both remained at those ranks for the next 14 years. Sigh.

Mac said she hadn't seen him in nine years, So what about the five years in between? Were they just perpetually remain engaged or did they get married and then divorced? When did Harm decide to head back to (I'm assuming) active duty? 

Clearly, they never ended up going halves on a kid. 

On 5/20/2019 at 12:34 PM, Vera said:

No, Mac's new billet to San Diego hadn't come with a promotion. Harm's post to London did get him promoted to O-6 in the finale. 

Apparently, they both remained at those ranks for the next 14 years. Sigh.

Mac said she hadn't seen him in nine years, So what about the five years in between? Were they just perpetually remain engaged or did they get married and then divorced? When did Harm decide to head back to (I'm assuming he just entered the reserves) active duty? 

Clearly, they never ended up going halves on a kid. 

Edited by IPS Temp Admin
On 5/20/2019 at 8:50 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:


giphy.gif giphy.gif


It was bad enough the way Bellisario draaaaaaaged out the Harm and Mac relationship for 8 fucking seasons. In the ninth, Harm was mooning over her and so positive that he and Mac would be together. And we got that bullshit last minute I love yous and proposal, and all for, what? Grimmel's an asshole. He KNEW a lot of the fans of Harm and Mac wanted to FINALLY be told who won the toss, and that they've been happily married. 

But no mention of Mattie? Not that I cared for her, but he was her guardian. 

And show messed up. When this show ended, Mac was a full Colonel, yet last night, they referred to her as "Lt. Col." 

At least we got the throwaway line that Harm is getting his own ship and soon be an Admiral.

I can't believe how royally I was baited and switched like this.

Still, it was good to see them both.

I absolutely hated Bellisario's game playing with Harm and Mac. And him trying to get her to fall for whatever the hell his name was, who was supposed to be a younger version of Harm? If I'd been anywhere near him, I'd have punched him in the face lol!

As for the finale, Mac said they were engaged but Harm left to go back to active duty, and that he was in line to get his own ship and possibly become an Admiral. Not that it was a done deal (unless I misheard). I don't get how he can be a Captain and serve as the XO for another Captain? 

Was Mac a full Colonel when JAG ended? I don't remember that. She got promoted from Major to Lt Colonel awfully fast so I thought they were backtracking a bit by leaving her with that rank.

Otherwise, I agree with your assessment that Grimmel screwed us. WTF was all Harm's mooning over her and the coin toss if he was just going to walk away? And they haven't seen or spoken in NINE YEARS????? And of COURSE Mac is an 'old friend' of Hetty's. Who isn't?  ::eyeroll::

1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

I absolutely hated Bellisario's game playing with Harm and Mac. And him trying to get her to fall for whatever the hell his name was, who was supposed to be a younger version of Harm?

He was NOTHING like Harm had been at his age. First of all, Harm would never have cheated or lied or HIRED AN ACTOR to pretend to be a witness. Harm would go and hunt down witnesses, which he was shown to do during the entire run of the series. I can't be bothered to look up who played the asshole or his name.

1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

As for the finale, Mac said they were engaged but Harm left to go back to active duty, and that he was in line to get his own ship and possibly become an Admiral. Not that it was a done deal (unless I misheard). I don't get how he can be a Captain and serve as the XO for another Captain? 

That whole scene was a mess. Did they get married? Or were they just engaged for FIVE YEARS before breaking it off when Harm "realized" he loved the sea (whaaat??) more. He loved Flying. Okay, yeah, yeah, flying only be done while at sea, blah, blah, fishcakes. It is possible for him to be a Captain and an XO. It was discussed in the NCIS: New Orleans thread, and I brought up the pilot of JAG--where Boone was the CO, and the Skipper, was a Captain and XO.

1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

Was Mac a full Colonel when JAG ended? I don't remember that. She got promoted from Major to Lt Colonel awfully fast so I thought they were backtracking a bit by leaving her with that rank.

Otherwise, I agree with your assessment that Grimmel screwed us. WTF was all Harm's mooning over her and the coin toss if he was just going to walk away? And they haven't seen or spoken in NINE YEARS????? And of COURSE Mac is an 'old friend' of Hetty's. Who isn't?  ::eyeroll::

I could have sworn that Mac was a full Colonel when the show ended. I know she was on the fast track and her promotion to Lt. Colonel had been passed over after the whole murder/lying about murder of her ex/not ex husband and revelation she'd been fraternizing with what'shisface.

Yup, Grimmel, Gimmel, whatever LIED. Like anyone who was a fan of this show and especially invested in Harm and Mac would be watching to learn that hey, they didn't last and broke up! BULLSHIT. He kept waxing on and on and ON about how he wanted to get both David and Catherine on the show, and when he does, we get THIS? He's smokin' some serious CRACK if he thought fans would accept this nonsense.

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Mac was clear they never got married. She said 'we did get engaged.' For how long is the question. Perhaps they stayed together for 5 years and then he left. That makes as much sense as them splitting up and not even seeing each other for 9 years. ::eyeroll::

I was okay with him losing the coin toss because it was a nice switch from the woman having to give up her career. But the rest of it is just BS. 

10 hours ago, Sake614 said:

As for the finale, Mac said they were engaged but Harm left to go back to active duty, and that he was in line to get his own ship and possibly become an Admiral. Not that it was a done deal (unless I misheard). I don't get how he can be a Captain and serve as the XO for another Captain? 

paraphrased from the NCIS:LA thread:

Captain is a rank and a position. Since most ships have a commander (CO)  and executive officer second in command ( XO) of the same rank these days most sailors on the ship would call Captain Rabb "XO", and the Captain in command of the air wing "CAG"(commander of the air wing, once the air group thus the G) .  But "Captain last name" is also the appropriate address. Hence when Captain Rabb was piped back aboard the ship it was as "US Navy Captain" and not "Allegiance arriving" as it would have been if the CO landed

These days that USN has had rank inflation and on most ships the CO and XO are of the same rank as the XO is a perspective commanding officer and next in line for a ship. Classes of ships which for most of last century were captained  by Lieutenant Commanders (2 1/2 stripes) now have full four stripe Captains in command of them.

The only one man on a ship can be called "captain" comes from the military science fiction world, I have seen it in a few novels back in the day. The US Navy is not like that and when Marines are aboard a USMC Captain does not become a Major while on ship to avoid using his rank and confusing the issue. On an aircraft carrier the USN Captains that you should expect to be aboard are the CO, the XO (Captain Rabb's position) the CAG , the chief engineer for the nuclear power plant and maybe the task force Admiral's Chief of Staff

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4 minutes ago, eel21788 said:

I also feel the need to know what happened to his quadriplegic foster daughter.

We don't know that Mattie became paralyzed as a result of the accident. Just that she was in a coma? Unconscious? Last we saw of her, she had a thingamajig helping her to breathe. There was really no good time for Mac to ask Harm about Mattie in the season finale. Maybe in the premiere, as I understand both Catherine and David will be showing up on it.

44 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

We don't know that Mattie became paralyzed as a result of the accident. Just that she was in a coma? Unconscious? Last we saw of her, she had a thingamajig helping her to breathe. There was really no good time for Mac to ask Harm about Mattie in the season finale. Maybe in the premiere, as I understand both Catherine and David will be showing up on it.

I remember someone talking about damage to her cervical spine. It's been too long since I've seen it to remember the specific details.

23 minutes ago, eel21788 said:

I remember someone talking about damage to her cervical spine. It's been too long since I've seen it to remember the specific details.

Huh. Well, if that was said, that would make her a paraplegic. Quadriplegic would be if there was damage from neck down, is how I understand it. Either way, I never gave a damn about Mattie--her whole introduction and how she lived was one BIG JOKE. I'll settle for a line or two about how Harm took care of her and now she's living her life wherever, happy.

17 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Huh. Well, if that was said, that would make her a paraplegic. Quadriplegic would be if there was damage from neck down, is how I understand it. Either way, I never gave a damn about Mattie--her whole introduction and how she lived was one BIG JOKE. I'll settle for a line or two about how Harm took care of her and now she's living her life wherever, happy.

Your cervical spine is in your neck. Damage to her thoracic or lumbar spine would make her a paraplegic.

Edited by eel21788
1 hour ago, eel21788 said:

Are they showing any of the episodes that INSP refused to air?

I will NEVER understand why a network like INSP would air a show like JAG. Has it been taken off the Heroes & Icons rotation? That's where I was watching it last time. I no longer get WGN, so I can't speak to what editing they do on that network.

6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I will NEVER understand why a network like INSP would air a show like JAG. Has it been taken off the Heroes & Icons rotation? That's where I was watching it last time. I no longer get WGN, so I can't speak to what editing they do on that network.

Is INSP and their focus still a thing? Much like TLC ain't about learning anymore. It seems to be all westerns and the Gunsmoke and High Chaparral stuff they had may not have had Carlin's dirty words but full of brothels, prostitutes and the like. Looks like H&I has JAG on Wednesdays

On 1/16/2018 at 12:54 PM, PixiePaws1 said:

To this day there are 42 episodes that I can never rewatch...those with Mic. That hideously awful travesty of a character. I hated that the show runners shoved this moron in our faces so often before they finally axed him. The actor was appalling and however hard they tried, there was no chemistry at all between Mic and Mac..it was all so forced. Very rare for me to have such a strong reaction to a fictional character..but ye gods I still cheer that Mac was never permanently stuck with him.

I so agree! I watch them but complain all the time. Terrible actor, terrible fake accent, repulsive, charmless oily haired character! I know Mac is supposed to have poor taste in men, but that relationship was unbelievably ridiculous! Thank you for giving me the chance to vent this!! 

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9 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

I dislike the Mic story line too but  even more so the Loren Singer one. She was one smug know it all biatch!

Singer wasn't a storyline. She was a supporting character who was on the show for at least three years.She was supposed to be smug, ambitious and conniving. She left when Nancy was pregnant with their (she's David's wife) second child and the character had run its course.  As much as I hated her, she was a good antagonist.

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6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Singer wasn't a storyline. She was a supporting character who was on the show for at least three years.She was supposed to be smug, ambitious and conniving. She left when Nancy was pregnant with their (she's David's wife) second child and the character had run its course.  As much as I hated her, she was a good antagonist.

The difference is we were supposed to hate Singer...we were supposed to like Mic.. Didn't work out that way

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Just rewatching JAG on CBS a all access, which for some reason doesn’t have all the episodes. 

DJE is ridiculously handsome and I could watch him for hours on end.  However, Harm’s behavior is actually pretty problematic. He could not  admit he loved  Mac but repeatedly undermined her attempts to have a relationship. He was frequently sexist. And frankly, in the episode where he was being tested for being a judge and then when actually was one, he was immature, biased, and derelict of his duty IMO. 

I mostly like Mac, but she should not have gotten engaged to Mic Brumby while she was in love with Harm. In all fairness, he was persistent and didn’t hear her protests. I did enjoy the Australia episodes...

But Harm and Mac do have incredible chemistry. I did not watch the NCIS episodes that other folks have mentioned, but I do think it is a travesty that they did  not end up together. And if they didn’t, I wish Mac had found someone else...



I just finished 7.20 Port Chicago and I was in tears throughout. 

No matter what anyone wants to say today, that sort of treatment and lack of due process based on skin color was alien to me at the age of twenty-two as it is at the age of forty, thanks to all those, black and white and in between, who fought for the real and true fruition of Dr. King’s dream about the content of one’s character or the potential of one’s character versus the color of one’s skin.

I was twenty-two the first time I saw this episode and I could not believe this was the way things were when my parents were my age. 

This country is truly great in its evolution from one generation to the next.

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Just finished the pilot for the first time in years. I did like that original clarinet playing JAG. Ms Parker was much more the peer that we got with Mac later than Meg's assistant for the remainder of the first season, although she had a similar computer skill set.  More sexual innuendo before that assistant JAG turned up then I remembered. Also American Gladiator Zapp being a guest star was a lasting memory. She might have been the cast member I knew best back when it first aired.

Considering how things turned out the initial decision that the case was too sensitive for the N.I.S caught me as I was wondering when it became NCIS. And thus for the young Gibbs spinoff will they handle a rebrand of NCIS?

I remembered a later episode when the Marine 1 helicopter picked up Harm to see President Clinton because the Amazon Jack Ryan series did a riff of it instead of staying with Tom Clancy's and USAF combat search and rescue bird in the book that was loosely adapted. I didn't remember Hillary Clinton summoning the JAG to the White House.

Considering so much Top Gun stock footage was used for the aerial combat when the reporter made a quip about looking like Tom Cruise got a chuckle.  And we get Harm's first combat mission. Given how right Bellasario got the customs and courtesies right having Harm go without his Naval Aviators qualification wings seemed like a cheap trick. But bigger fake moment was Harm flying the F-14 from the rear seat for a night landing as the RIO didn't have flight controls back there.

As there were still Marine detachments aboard aircraft carriers back then I was surprised when Ms Parker was asking for a pistol to make the arrest

Edited by Raja
On 7/5/2024 at 12:33 PM, Raja said:

Ms Parker was much more the peer that we got with Mac later than Meg's assistant for the remainder of the first season, although she had a similar computer skill set. 

In case you’re forgetting her name, it was Caitlin Pike. Parker is the actress’s name.

I’m up to season three and this show is just so enjoyable. Yeah, yeah, pro military but the cast is just so good.

I’m hand waving how Harm was able to land the Tomcat in the pilot because it was setting up the show, suspension of disbelief, etc.

I rolled my eyes at the fake Hillary Clinton scene. Though I did enjoy the real life President Clinton scenes. I didn’t mind Kevin Dunn’s JAG got the boot. Pilot and all. Plus there was network brass interference which is why we got Tracy Needham’s Meg (much weaker actress), and maybe why Dunn didn’t stay, either. It’s so sad what happened with Lindsey, since he wasn’t that bad in the first season. Plus, the actor, W.K. Stratton was a regular from Magnum, as were others. I’m still bummed that Scott Bakula never appeared. We got Dean Stockwell!!

I also LOATHED Andrea Thompson’s Commander Krennick, who was just a sexual harasser.

But I was thrilled we got John M. Jackson as Chegwidden- as he played JAG in A Few Good Men!

But I’ll never understand why they got some random actor as Harm Senior’s voice when we knew David played him, and in future seasons his voice wasn’t dubbed with some weird ass southern accent like we did on the third season.

Not only did we get stock footage from Top Gun, but also from The Hunt for Red October and Clear and Present Danger.  Also real life footage. Bellesario has stated this was the most expensive of his shows.

To the show-Mac has the ABSOLUTE WORST taste in men.

Marathon watching has its pitfalls- Mac knows from season two that Boone (CAG) was Harm’s dad’s wingman, yet has to be reminded in season three’s ”Ghost Ships” who Boone is.

And on a purely shallow note, David James Elliott is sooooo easy on the eyes!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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36 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

In case you’re forgetting her name, it was Caitlin Pike. Parker is the actress’s name.

The actress who went from this pilot to play Miss Parker on The Pretender. 

If I went more into callsign Lobo's role in the pilot I probably would have kept calling her Zapp. 😇

36 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Plus, the actor, W.K. Stratton was a regular from Magnum, as were others.

It went back further to at least that crew from Black Sheep Squadron, where Stratton was an opening credits  regular as  the Casey the second squadron XO' And that cast, minus John Larroquette who went on to stardom,  seemed to be a part of Bellasario's go to actor troupe. He was in Magnum's pilot, working for Buck Greene if memory serves,  and played another role later. I guess in that case he was like Miss Parker and lost out when Col Greene got Mac then Maggie as Magnum's go to Naval Intelligence contact.

Jeff McKay who was Magnum's Mac was also a Black Sheep veteran.

Edited by Raja
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3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Not only did we get stock footage from Top Gun, but also from The Hunt for Red October and Clear and Present Danger.  Also real life footage. Bellesario has stated this was the most expensive of his shows.

I caught that in the second episode. We had a Soviet, well Russian, submarine in the underwater footage firing the torpedo but USS Dallas breaking the surface from The Hunt for Red October. As a franchise they got better, at least in my memory in not doing different aircraft type substitutions between scenes to use stock footage. Well at least until the later years of NCIS Los Angeles when a video game fighter jet, not even a computer model of a F-18 or F-35 was used to intercept a Russian bomber.

The plot itself was way over the top with the bad guy working with seeming knowledge of the plot armor that President Clinton wouldn't sign his death warrant after a stay in prison. With Lt Austin's over the top skill set what good did law school and passing the bar do for her except delay the utilization of her genius.

Edited by Raja
4 minutes ago, Raja said:

I caught that in the second episode. We had a Soviet, well Russian, submarine in the underwater footage firing the torpedo but USS Dallas breaking the surface from The Hunt for Red October. As a franchise they got better,

They got in trouble for the footage from Clear and Present Danger according to Bellisario in one of the dvd interviews. It’s why they stopped using other Hollywood movies in the first season only.

And speaking of scenes, aside from the FBI building-which is the real deal, I just 😒😒😒 at the steps and buildings used for DC District and Superior courts. First, they’re NOT that pretty marble looking with steps.

District has plain old cement steps and glass doors as well as Superior, minus the steps. It’s just as ridiculous as what the show tried to pass off as Kensington, MD when Harm finally got the surgery to correct his eyes/vision. It’s a suburban area with stores and gas stations that line the streets and roads that lead to 495.

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Episode 3, the LT COL Oliver North "Ollie" cameo. After file footage of President Clinton the episode before they were pushing everything they could forward like when the science fiction shows used to get their sex robot episodes pushed forward so they got aired out of sequence. 

Two officers get into a fistfight, in front of the troops no less, that should have been the end of the golden boy Harm. To the wrong equipment issues, it was clearly an Army unit  probably filmed at Fort Irwin, north of the stated 29 Palms location. Besides the Topgun or Marine A-4s flying around, a quick flash of a pair of M-1 tanks and the howitzers that both services used all the heavy equipment used as background color, armored vehicles and the single engine Huey helicopter were unique to the US Army of that era. My memories of JAG normally getting these details right is taking a hit with this first season.

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