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S04.E08: Sick Burn

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18 minutes ago, janeta said:

This season is just really dragging.... Who is the kid playing Logan? Where do i know him from?

He played Peter Pan from Once Upon a Time.  As for the show, yeah, it's really dull and the limitations of Molly being a witness once again reared its head.

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I thought Crane was 'killed' the first time in a battle during the Revolutionary War? If so, how can he be so well-versed on the events happened during the War of 1812?

On 2/24/2017 at 9:04 PM, janeta said:

This season is just really dragging.... Who is the kid playing Logan? Where do i know him from?

He was the time / space jumping kid and Claire Bennet's son on Heroes Reborn.

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For some reason this episode gave him major Nu!Who vibes. That cold open reminded me about the Master capturing the Doctor and basically enslaving him at the end of season 3. And the scene with people under the influence of the Djinn was a lot like the Cybermen attacking parallel Earth and turning everyone into Cybermen.

And wow, all seeing into the future moments were chilling and so well done! The fact that it appears to be the actual future, and not Dreyfuss's delusions was even more creepy and unsettling. (The writers went all current events mode in that Dreyfuss speech with "most people, they really don't want to bear the burden of governing themselves."). Molly's part of that vision was another thing that probably made the episode for me. Her seeing Crane in her vision like that was heartbreaking. Dreyfuss was really menacing for the very first time.

The opening scene with Molly, Crane and Diana was kind of gimmicky and strange but they saved it later when Jenny arrived with the desire to hang out with Molly. I liked those scene between them. And Diana is the luckiest single mother out there: so many people want to spend time with her child!

Nice character development for Jake. I started to doubt him after his weird crush on Jenny but he came through. Really great small arc for him, and the writers tied his plot to Paul Jennings and the Original Flavor Team Vault! That was amazing backstory right there! I'd watch a spin-off about Davy Crockett, Sam Wilson, Sacagawea and Jennings.

Not enough Jobe the Hot, though. He should be on the Team Pretty People Witness's Side, stat. This is his rightful place.

12 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

I thought Crane was 'killed' the first time in a battle during the Revolutionary War? If so, how can he be so well-versed on the events happened during the War of 1812?

He has eidetic memory. He also reads a lot?

Edited by CooperTV
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2 hours ago, CooperTV said:

And wow, all seeing into the future moments were chilling and so well done! The fact that it appears to be the actual future, and not Dreyfuss's delusions was even more creepy and unsettling.

When they opened with Malcolm's vision, I was saying that Molly should be the one who is having visions because it gives her more agency as a witness, as I have said before. And then she did! I hope this is something that continues. 

Why could they use "tinder" on the show, but not say "instagram." I did like how they went on the dates together to keep an eye on each other. 

2 hours ago, CooperTV said:

I'd watch a spin-off about Davy Crockett, Sam Wilson, Sacagawea and Jennings.

Talk about team BAMF. I loved the shot of Sacagawea wielding that big knife. 

These last two episodes were fairly watchable. I still find Malcolm's motivations weird. He wanted to get out of his deal, which was a cool plot, but now he's like world domination. It's kind of tropey. It would be more interesting if he kind of wanted to do something good, but by bad ways. Like, I'm going to stop the civil war by killing everyone because I can't die. 

I kind of didn't like Jenny being sidelined, but I agree with them picking up the point of her wanting to get to know Molly. Diana screamed at her earlier in the season to stay away. 

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1 minute ago, ganesh said:

I still find Malcolm's motivations weird. He wanted to get out of his deal, which was a cool plot, but now he's like world domination. It's kind of tropey.

I was thinking during this and the previous episodes that he could be overcome by some sort of outside influence and he could have no idea about that. I'm highly suspicious that these world domination plans of his appeared just after he'd become immortal.

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Probably not, but the show never gave us much indication of that previously until the 'sold his soul' episode, and even then he kind of did it out of desperation. Although, he didn't hesitate to sell out his partner, which gave us some insight. Even in that episode, Crane was rolling his eyes at him because he was blathering on how smart he was for thinking of a way out of his deal. 

Prior to that though, he was some weird dude collecting artifacts. I don't know if the show *needs* a Big Bad. When it come to 'evil', I tend to lean on the side of leaders rise up and get torn down, so there's always someone new to deal with, but the fight always goes on. I think the show could sustain that premise. 

I mean, in this episode, take away the fact that Malcolm summoned the jinn, and it's still fine. 

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16 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

I thought Crane was 'killed' the first time in a battle during the Revolutionary War? If so, how can he be so well-versed on the events happened during the War of 1812?

Because he makes it a point to know his subject matter? I think he tries to learn as much as he can about the history following his own time, esp as involves people who were connected to the founding fathers. He has an eidetic memory which means he pretty much remembers everything he reads.

Edited by tessathereaper
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I'm well-versed in the impeachment of Andrew Johnson and the intent of the Founding Fathers of inserting the "high crimes and misdemeanors" clause into the constitution. 

You'll probably not be shocked to learn that I wasn't alive at that point in history. It was for my undergrad minor. There's a lot of people who are well-versed in many subjects. 

I can suspend my disbelief that the headless horsemen is the biblical manifestation of Death. Crane being motivated to study history intently because of literally having a handwritten note from Washington asking him to guard against evil and providing him with a library is well under that. 

Edited by ganesh
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Crane could easily have gone to the library and read some history books to see what happened after he 'died'. Or visited some history profs or looked on to the marvel that is the Internet! Ichabod is very well-read and well-spoken.

I too, feel a bit obligated to watch. I invested all this time and all. Just like I did with shows like 'Haven'.

Molly, as a child, doesn't really work as a Witness. Unless it's to set her up for when she becomes an adult.

I did recognize Logan as the kid who played Peter Pan in OUAT. He was very good there.

Don't really know what Malcolm wants - out of his deal, world domination, running for President...

Diana is very lucky that some decent people have an interest in Molly. Normally it's a bunch of creeps trolling the Internet.

I did wonder that if it was some sort of virus or code on the phones. Macs/iPhones don't get a lot of them.

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Well, Robbie Kay is having an awesome week. First he was on Grey's Anatomy and now it looks like he's got a recurring role on Sleepy Hollow. I found him much more tolerable on GA than I did on OUAT, probably because he had fewer lines.

I never would have guessed that Jake was close enough to Alex that he'd be willing to risk his life for her, so I guess yay for that?

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The concept of Paul Jennings, Davy Crockett, Samuel Wilson, and Sacagawea being some kind of badass gang taking out magical threats was certainly close to some of the wacky, but awesome old-school Sleepy Hollow ideas.  It's nice that the show can still remember to go balls to the walls sometimes.

Spent a lot of the episode wondering what was the point of having Robbie Kay as Logan, but I guess he's being set-up as another recurring baddie.  Looking forward to that, since Kay was a perfect sinister jackass on Once Upon A Time as Peter Pan.  Although, I continue to get a kick over how I find all of Dreyfus' sidekicks to be way more interesting then him.

Jenny and Molly bonding wasn't as crazy as I thought it would be.  Molly's taking the path of an oracle, huh?

Not sure if the hug at the end is suppose to be setting something up between Jake and Alex or not.  Kind of rather they remain friends, but television rarely actually sticks with that.  Granted, I wonder if the show even remembers the whole "Jake has a crush on Jenny" thing.

I thought for sure Molly would somehow see the video anyway, since Diana didn't actually tell her about it.  I thought Diana said she was going to be more open with her last week, so why not just tell your daughter "Hey, there is a creepy video out on the next that is causing people to burst into flame.  Just stay off the phone, OK, hon?"

Felt bad for the poor Samaritan who got burnt, because he tried to stop the infected jogger from running into the middle of the road.  Poor guy.  Just trying to do the right thing, and you get burn to a crisp! 

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On ‎2‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 2:42 PM, ganesh said:

I don't know if the show *needs* a Big Bad.

Completely agree - I think that having Molly understand the responsibilities of being a Witness, with an Evil Doer of the Week, would have been sufficient to get me hooked onto this season, but I just can't with Dreyfuss.

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On 2/25/2017 at 0:27 PM, ganesh said:

When they opened with Malcolm's vision, I was saying that Molly should be the one who is having visions because it gives her more agency as a witness, as I have said before. And then she did! I hope this is something that continues. 

Why could they use "tinder" on the show, but not say "instagram." I did like how they went on the dates together to keep an eye on each other. 

Talk about team BAMF. I loved the shot of Sacagawea wielding that big knife. 

These last two episodes were fairly watchable. I still find Malcolm's motivations weird. He wanted to get out of his deal, which was a cool plot, but now he's like world domination. It's kind of tropey. It would be more interesting if he kind of wanted to do something good, but by bad ways. Like, I'm going to stop the civil war by killing everyone because I can't die. 

I kind of didn't like Jenny being sidelined, but I agree with them picking up the point of her wanting to get to know Molly. Diana screamed at her earlier in the season to stay away. 

OMG! that is a very watchman type of twist!! I cant remember his name, but the super genius who brutally murdered millions of his fellow humans for the "greater good"!! i have to admit i found malcom to be very boring and not a very good bad guy (and this is comparing him to last years big bad!!) however, the episode with his business partner i think the actor had brought an interesting portrayal and he was an interesting bad guy!! but much like you i dont get him, hes just a greedy guy who wants to be worshipped by many and all!! maybe hes suppose to be a younger version of donald trump!! (and smarter LOL)!!

this episode was very dull, the idea was stupid, the jinn was weak ass!! and the way that they killed him sucked and was a total cop out!! i thought we were actually going to get some kind of god to unleash hell onto this guy, we got a weird pose and how did ichabod not get electrocuted?? and i like the geeky twins! they are very cute and i enjoy their contribution to the show, they actually add something!!

on to someone who does not!! i havent commented but i sure have been watching, and this actress SUCKSSSSSS!! she sucks!!! WTF!! what, you couldnt find a decent indian girl, or just a decent coloured girl at all!! like at all!! you had one, you spat in her face, now she cant even react to sunlight being shinned in her eyes like a normal person!! i just cant with her acting, every time i see her i want to throw up!! i swear, could she be any worse, bit my tongue i bet she could be!! then there is her bitch faces, her complaining, her "you lied about..." no, they didnt, its a delicate situation and they wanted to approach it the proper way, but she couldnt even do that!! i dont know what to say about her other than i really hope they kill her off at the end of the season it really would be the only saving grace of this season!! 

someone said that there is a problem with molly being a child and being a witness, pretty much wraps it up for me, i have no other problem with her other than she is a child!! i really wished they had made her an adult so she could be involved with the hunts and then hey problem solved with this waste of space called diane!!

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