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S07.E12: It's Not Always Sunny in Pittsburgh


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God, I missed the Pittsburgh studio. 

What the fuck is wrong with Kira? Always miserable, negative, and all of the above. The way these moms act is pathetic especially over the pyramid. I don't think her 16 year old cares about the pyramid. Ellie was amazing & deserved much higher than 5th. Let Elliana have her moment. A grown ass woman being so jealous of a 9 year old. How Kalani is her daughter I'll never know. She's so sweet and mature unlike her nasty sour faced mother. Can she ever have an argument without screaming like a banshee maniac.

It was rude and childish that nobody except her mother clapped at pyramid for Elliana. Grow up ladies!

Honestly, I feel like Camille wants to be on this team, more than Camryn does. 

Nicaya can't dance imo and wtf was she wearing? That costume looked like for a 6 year old.

ALDC group was the same old 6 steps they been doing for years. Brynn was great though! She was the standout. Candy Apple's dance was definitely producer driven.

Lifetime producers strike again! They didn't air Elliana and Lilliana's duet. What's up with them not airing the minis duets this season?

Sorry, but the ALDC vs Candy Apples drama is WAY played out.  It got old and stale around Season 5. Even Abby is not into it anymore. She just ignores Cathy. Please don't bring them back for Season 7.5

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When Abby and Kalani were talking about Kalani wanting to dance after Kira's blowup, Abby said she wanted her to dance because "we plan the dance for the cast that is there".  Interesting.  We also noticed that Elliana and Lilliana had a duet and Kalani had a solo as she was in her costume from a couple of weeks ago backstage.  Sad we didn't get to see either of those dances because they were not part of the planned show.

ETA: I cannot stand Cathy and her apples.

Edited by CoolMom
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My 2 cents - yes Kira is a B**ch with a capital B - she grabs onto something and can't let it go whether it be Kalani's placement or a misconstrued comment from Camryn - she' still in high school and playing games.

Jill isn't much better after reading Black Patsy's tweet and asking What adult would do that to a child - why Jill - your name comes to mind as I seem to remember quite a few kids that you dissed as well as Kira with the Jojo mimic - what goes around comes around. This is actually one of the only times I agree with Black Patsy.

Black Patsy's political rant - get over it - not for a Reality TV show.

Nicaya's dance was horrible and she was way off in the group dance - this is not the girl I remember from before. Ava just keeps growing - but I did like Cathy's group dance better. I got that story whereas I didn't get Abby's. I have to say for all the weeks we spent on hearing how Brynn has no expression - Brynn showed more expression than even Kalani and Nia. This producer driven drama has got to stop - fake audiences and competition result - there probably weren't 40 people in that audience and all strategically placed behind the ALDC. Remember the hoards of kids that use to await the ALDC's arrival - not no more!

I am looking forward to seeing Zak dance again - boy has he grown and seeing Chloe. Now someone tell me what happened to the Pittsburgh ALDC? Searching - I still see their website - advertisements ect... and there has been mention of Maddie and Mac still taking classes there - maybe someone from the area can enlighten us if this again was just a producer driven falsity.

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I don't like Black Patsy and agree she's a hypocrite and I hate her going after kids, but I don't think her political rant was out of place.  That was the first time in the history of the show I agreed with her.  Obviously the wall dance was producer driven, but everything she was saying to those other mothers at least in terms of privilege was 100% right IMO.  They don't understand, nor are they threatened by the current administration because they are steeped in white privilege.  That is just facts.  We aren't living in a time where one can say "agree to disagree" over politics and call it a day.  Also by producers putting that stupid wall dance in there, it certainly opened the door for politics to come into the show.  You can't put in a effing wall dance with nods to Trump and expect people to just ignore the elephant in the room.

I'll also play minority opinion in that I liked the ALDC dance.  It looked far cleaner than Cathy's stupid dance.  The problem with Kathy's dance wasn't just the producer driven theme.  Cathy's girls, probably because they are a fabricated team, don't dance like a team.  They are sloppy and don't match well.  ALDC might stick to moves they know and while they are a fabricated team, most of them have been dancing with each other long enough to at least blend as a unit.

Also I'll echo that Brynn stole that dance.  She was fabulous in it.   The whole Brynn can't perform or dance with emotion is as fabricated a story as everything else on this show.

Edited by spanana
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I hate when Kathy is brought in.  What a nasty woman.  

Black patsy....Go away. 

Abby looked very pretty in the black turtle neck sweater.  

Brynn and Kalani looked beautiful in the ghost town hair and makeup.  Brynn is awesome. She seems quiet and like she works hard.  Cameron is a clone of her mother. Kira can shut up.  The moms just have a bunch of stupid drama! Cheer on the kids and shut up. 

Edited by Sgt Pepper
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Just when I thought the show couldn't get more annoying they have to talk about politics. Ugh. Although it was slightly amusing that Black Patsy had to tell the other moms that Cathy's dance was likely a reference to being a Trump supporter (or at least the producers wanting her to look like one). But then it turned into another nasty fight.

I didn't get whatever drama was going down with Camryn, but at first it seemed like the other girls were mean girls-ing her.  But in the end it seems like the moms were more upset than the girls.

The audience looked completely empty during the competition.

Is Zach the boy Maddie had to kiss in one of her dances? Most of these extra dancers they bring in don't stay in my memory once they are gone.

So in the previews for next week we see Chloe in Pittsburgh...are they going to pretend she hasn't been spending tons of time in LA since she left the show?

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18 hours ago, Sgt Pepper said:


Abby looked very pretty in the black turtle neck sweater.  

Brynn and Kalani looked beautiful in the ghost town hair and makeup.  Brynn is awesome. She seems quiet and like she works hard.  Cameron is a clone of her mother. Kira can shut up.  The moms just have a bunch of stupid drama! Cheer on the kids and shut up. 

I haven't seen this show in so long. I'm glad they got rid of most of the little ones, too boring. 

Abby did look good and the girls had pretty costumes and who ever does the makeup is super talented. And finally some good music!

Nicaya is one of those kids who learned a lot early on and ended up poorly trained and not very good as a teen. 

That wall dance was cringe inducing and dances poorly.  Bad taste too.  I'm surprised they weren't chanting "build that wall!"

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43 minutes ago, Lemons said:

I haven't seen this show in so long. I'm glad they got rid of most of the little ones, too boring. 

Abby did look good and the girls had pretty costumes and who ever does the makeup is super talented. And finally some good music!

Nicaya is one of those kids who learned a lot early on and ended up poorly trained and not very good as a teen. 

That wall dance was cringe inducing and dances poorly.  Bad taste too.  I'm surprised they weren't chanting "build that wall!"

I think the mini's just prove how average the original dancers were; esp. Kendal, Nia, & Paige! The minis are so good and make Maddie look bad; esp. on spins! I love MacKenzie, but she has never achieved the skills of Ariana & Elianna! Their flexibility and grace make Chloe & Brooke look like old stiff ladies!  Just as well they're down to just 2 minis I guess; it does look odd no matter how well they dance! Elianna held up very well in "Fairest of Them All" as the lead of that group number! I was terribly impressed and knew "fault" would be found even though it won the overall! Jill and the rest just won't let it go and "make it work!" ;-)

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What crawled up Kira's ass and died? Why does she feel the need to insult other kids, not only on the show but on social media. She's one miserable nasty bitch!

'What adult goes after a child?" Hey Jill, remember the majority of last season when you and your long gone pal Jessalyn bullied and attacked Brynn.

Something about Camryn gives me a shady vibe. I think her mother forced on to the show. She doesn't seem to enjoy it and I don't see the passion.  She didn't sound genuine at pyramid when she said she wanted to be there. And the whole "will Camryn be on the team?" suspense is really undercut by her picture plastered on all the promotion for this season.

LOL, at Kendall lecturing anyone about respecting your teammates. She's got a lot of nerve.

I don't want to see the Candy Apples again after next week. I didn't even see the reason the producers brought them back other than desperation for ratings. Seriously, the last time we've seen the Candy Apples was the middle of Season 5. We didn't see them at in Season 6 due to production moving the show to Los Angeles. I would have rather seen Lilly and Elliana's duet then Abby crunching on popcorn watching Kaya and the ALDC moms childishly insult each other like junior high kids.

The producers are really laying it on thick with showing us footage from the first four seasons in every episode recently. It's really overkill.

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On ‎2‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 6:22 PM, NickDisnCart said:

What crawled up Kira's ass and died? Why does she feel the need to insult other kids, not only on the show but on social media. She's one miserable nasty bitch!

'What adult goes after a child?" Hey Jill, remember the majority of last season when you and your long gone pal Jessalyn bullied and attacked Brynn.

Something about Camryn gives me a shady vibe. I think her mother forced on to the show. She doesn't seem to enjoy it and I don't see the passion.  She didn't sound genuine at pyramid when she said she wanted to be there. And the whole "will Camryn be on the team?" suspense is really undercut by her picture plastered on all the promotion for this season.

LOL, at Kendall lecturing anyone about respecting your teammates. She's got a lot of nerve.

I don't want to see the Candy Apples again after next week. I didn't even see the reason the producers brought them back other than desperation for ratings. Seriously, the last time we've seen the Candy Apples was the middle of Season 5. We didn't see them at in Season 6 due to production moving the show to Los Angeles. I would have rather seen Lilly and Elliana's duet then Abby crunching on popcorn watching Kaya and the ALDC moms childishly insult each other like junior high kids.

The producers are really laying it on thick with showing us footage from the first four seasons in every episode recently. It's really overkill.

The end is near and the producers saw the handwriting on the wall! I know I won't be watching with any of the new people! Abby made this show no matter how much people want to kvetch about her methods! I'd rather watch the old episodes and have quite a few saved! Hypocrisy isn't new when it comes to any mother! They should all be ashamed one way or another since the evidence is recorded for all to see! ...

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