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The Voice Format: Shifting Sand

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I don't like this Battles Round 2 format. For the most part, I think duets are boring. I'd rather see an artist tackle a single song. We see less coaching this way too. I just don't understand how this is a improvement over knockouts. Oh well.

I'm also not impressed by Christina Grimmie. I thought that battle was a hot mess.

Edited by tmelange

I don't understand why they are doing this second round of battles --it seems like a way to film more shows in bulk ahead of time and cut down on the live shows to me.   Maybe that is how they get the celebrities to do back to back seasons--to compress down to less time so they can travel and do other things.

It puts so much emphasis on singing duets instead of seeing each singer individually--which is what they really are competing to do.   

I do think there have been some really good people bumped off that I would have liked to have seen move on a bit longer.   

I remain convinced that the format of the show is both a blessing (for ratings) and a curse (for the contestant's career). We spends weeks and weeks seeing them in small groups and then when the opportunity to see each singer week to week and to vote arrives, it's almost the end already because there are so few weeks of live shows compared to something like Idol. The coaches are the only constant, the contestants are disposable. 

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I remain convinced that the format of the show is both a blessing (for ratings) and a curse (for the contestant's career). We spends weeks and weeks seeing them in small groups and then when the opportunity to see each singer week to week and to vote arrives, it's almost the end already because there are so few weeks of live shows compared to something like Idol. The coaches are the only constant, the contestants are disposable. 

I agree the show format doesn't help drive a post show career.  Then again, on TOP of that is the fact that the powers that be seem to have no energy or devotion (or willingness to spend money and favors) to push any of their careers post-show.

Keep up with the constantly changing The Voice rules and formatting here.

I'll just say - I hate the Twitter save.

Amen and Halleluiah.  I just hate hate hate the Twitter save.  If they think it will debunk those middle age women voters they need to think again.  Hell my friend's Grandma set up a Twitter account just for the Twitter save.  Never doubt the tenacity of Gen X.

I also hated the two battle round formula.  Usually by now I can tell the people apart and at least remember their first names, but that is a stretch this year.  I think changing the knockout round to a battle round really affected that.

If they think it will debunk those middle age women voters they need to think again.  Hell my friend's Grandma set up a Twitter account just for the Twitter save.

I think that's actually their goal: to get more people to sign up for Twitter and increase the show's social media presence. I doubt they care about the demographics of Twitter voters that much.

And yeah, I hated the two battle rounds too. I wonder if they did that because they wanted Chris Martin as a mentor for the second round. It would have been too much work for him to coach every contestant individually, so they just paired them up again. (It was still a terrible idea though.)

Hell my friend's Grandma set up a Twitter account just for the Twitter save.  Never doubt the tenacity of Gen X.

Your friend's grandma is Gen X? *feels old*

I hate the extra battles as well. We don't get to see what they would pick like we did with the Knockouts, and I just dislike the battle formula in general. It always seems to go one of two ways: a fabulous duet without a clear winner, or two soloists trying to out-diva each other. Neither way lets anyone shine.

Your friend's grandma is Gen X? *feels old*

I hate the extra battles as well. We don't get to see what they would pick like we did with the Knockouts, and I just dislike the battle formula in general. It always seems to go one of two ways: a fabulous duet without a clear winner, or two soloists trying to out-diva each other. Neither way lets anyone shine.

Oh noooo I'm Gen X, the Grandma is a Boomer :)  But alas Gen X is the new middle age....

It was nice to know what they were about as an artist so early in the show.  I really do think that is why they still kind of smear together except for a few.

Thinking on the positive side, I think the best change they made was adding the steal to the Knockout rounds.  I know all the seasons before that would have played out so differently.  So many talented people went home, and it stopped the judges from picking fodder for the lives.  I also think it was a good idea to put them all in one lump once they went live and not just to where each coach had one person in the finale.

I hate the twitter save also, but I think the goal is actually to get more people to watch the results show live, rather than DVR or just looking up the result on line and not watching at all. Lots of shows are using social media gimmicks and apps that sync with the show to try and encourage more live viewership by providing little extras and interactive bits that only work if you watch the show live.

Season 9: What do you think of the coach bringing back a knock-out contestant?  I think it's fine - why not give them another chance to perform, and it makes up for having no more steals.  Of course, I can also imagine the show gradually changing the format until everyone is back.  lol.


No mention of the twitter save yet.  I am hoping that's a thing of the past.  Gosh, that bugged me.

I didn't mind the bring back thing as the person recently eliminated, at least when it's on TV. I remember a few seasons ago they tried to have a wildcard and bring back anyone from I think the top 12 to be part of the top 5. And America ended up voting in the person who was going to come in fifth anyway. Which made the whole thing pointless, which I was happy about since it was dumb.

Season 9: What do you think of the coach bringing back a knock-out contestant?  I think it's fine - why not give them another chance to perform, and it makes up for having no more steals.  Of course, I can also imagine the show gradually changing the format until everyone is back.  lol.


No mention of the twitter save yet.  I am hoping that's a thing of the past.  Gosh, that bugged me.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's back again this season.  I'm not a fan either. :/


Four episodes:  Nov. 17th and 24th, Dec. 1st and 8th

It seems to me after the auditions the chosen songs are over produced. It seemed during the latter half of this season there was too much instrumentation along with too much going on in the background which can take away from the performer. I get the impression they're spending too much time testing them not just for talent but how they'll react on stage with a professional production including movement and special effects in the background. Billy sounded the best and his sets were simple.  America's Got Talent does the same thing. The auditions are the best part and once they advance they too are over produced.

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