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Rick: Lord of the Thangs

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I think we were seeing what people were Before. Thus "Remember". Carl as a kid going to school and playing video games; Rick as a fresh-faced law man, Carol as a mousy housewife. But Daryl looking and behaving the same as he always has because he is still who he was Before. (Only now he is valued, respected, loved, for his ways). The ZA didn't change Daryl, it just gave him a leg-up in the hierarchy. 

Daryl didn't fit in with the Before and thus he doesn't fit in in this place that is mimicing the Before. And he knows it. He's clearly uncomfortable. 

His pacing in his "interview" and then the pacing like a caged animal after the dust-up with Glen & Aidan. Loved that and loved the shot of him sitting in the corner of the porch when Rick asked if he was coming and he said no. The vertical porch spindles around him were a strong visual metaphor for him being caged/jailed. Maybe I am giving the Show to much credit but that was spot-on. In the Before he very well could have ended up in jail, in the fake Before they are in now, he's like a caged animal.

Unlike the others he can't pretend to be who he was before because this IS who he was before. 


I like it.  I read somewhere the ep titles are a call back to Dale's little speech about the watch.   Are future episode titles considered spoilers?


Episode 12-16 titles:






"I like what the father said to the son when he gave him a watch that had been handed down through generations. He said: ‘I give you a mausoleum of all hope and desire which will fit your individual needs, no better than it did mine and my father before me. I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it. For a moment, now and then, and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it.’”

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  I swear I saw Jessie's eyes pop out of her head and her tongue rolling out to the ground as she cheerfully chirped, "Hi!  I'm the next Mrs. Grimes!!"  My only conclusion is Rick is in for a world of hurt.  TPTB cannot have him be a happy man.



  She was so sweetly pushy about that haircut, wasn't she?  OMG.  I knew she seemed familiar.  

I missed something; but I also saw the other women looking at Rick like Carol with her eyebrows shooting up and Michonne with the head tipped to one side and Deanna...well, if Deanna leaned in any closer she would have blown her nose on his pants. She made that remark about "I had no idea what was under there" or something and my immediate thought was that if a strange man said that to one of the CDB women it would have been more quickly perceived as the squicky remark it was.

Truly, the only time I saw anything close to a tongue hanging out was Carl watching Enid going headfirst over the fence, and I think I think I heard his puberty chirp

Hello, Future Mrs. Carl Grimes!

Maybe Rick should hand Carl one of those magazines in the upstairs room and tell him his hormones are losing the war.

I like it.  I read somewhere the ep titles are a call back to Dale's little speech about the watch.   Are future episode titles considered spoilers?


Episode 12-16 titles:






"I like what the father said to the son when he gave him a watch that had been handed down through generations. He said: ‘I give you a mausoleum of all hope and desire which will fit your individual needs, no better than it did mine and my father before me. I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it. For a moment, now and then, and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it.’”

No, future episode titles that I used in that post are not considered spoilers because they were released by AMC some time ago. So it is safe.

  • Love 4
I missed something; but I also saw the other women looking at Rick like Carol with her eyebrows shooting up and Michonne with the head tipped to one side and Deanna.


For me, it wasn't so much the way she looked at him, but when she was cutting his hair there was a moment when she kind of caressed it for a minute and had this dreamy look on her face. And then she snapped out of it real quick like. Given the tiny tidbit we saw of her husband, I wonder if maybe he isn't an ass and she feels lonely and unfulfilled, so she might start to seek approval/companionship elsewhere? I can't say with a certainty they're going to "go there" with Rick and Jessie, but I wouldn't be surprised. 

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 she kind of caressed it for a minute and had this dreamy look on her face.... she feels lonely and unfulfilled

You just made me think of Season 1 Carol at the quarry; I wonder if she heard about Rick's hidden pistol she would have said You could have at least brought back the blender!

And I've noticed this season has focused a lot on clocks/watches/time. 

The grandfather clock in the road was a bit heavy-handed.

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The Walking Dead‘s Rick Grimes – Beard vs. No Beard

In Sunday’s Episode 512 of The Walking Dead, the survivors said goodbye to one of their own: Rick’s epic beard. Now, get a glimpse of Rick with or without the beard by sliding the arrows in the below image. You can see the new clean-shaven Rick, the hirsute Rick of yesteryear, or something in between.

I don't know who the hell that was supposed to be tonight. I hope that Talking Dead fapfest over the "Jessick" love of the ages was worth it for TPTB.


Rick's been my main man on this show from the very first episode, but if my choices are believing his character integrity is out the window because in the space of two episodes, he has found a magical mystical insta-love with a married woman he barely knows (after he himself knew the pain of a wife sleeping with another man), or that Rick is now on the path to becoming a sexual predator, then, my only response to this character is going to have to be: 


The kiss scene didn't freak me out at all. I think it just happened spur of the moment, a gesture to show he was grateful for how kind and welcoming she had been to his family since they arrived. I didn't think Jessie seemed upset or offended at all - just surprised, not only by the kiss but by how it may have made her feel. 


Now, the scene later where he touched his gun while watching Jessie walk with Pete, THAT was a bit creepy. That was a bit Shane. But I'm not entirely sure where they're going with this yet, so I'll give it some more time before I decide how I feel about it. 

  • Love 1

For me, it wasn't so much the way she looked at him, but when she was cutting his hair there was a moment when she kind of caressed it for a minute and had this dreamy look on her face. And then she snapped out of it real quick like. Given the tiny tidbit we saw of her husband, I wonder if maybe he isn't an ass and she feels lonely and unfulfilled, so she might start to seek approval/companionship elsewhere? I can't say with a certainty they're going to "go there" with Rick and Jessie, but I wouldn't be surprised. 


Maybe she was taken back to the first time she cut her husband's hair, and the lovely night that came after.  Or some guy she had a crush on back in cosmetology school.

Just an aside, but if Rick does decide to throw down with Jessie, or anyone, I hope he'll have a chat with Maggie and Glenn first. They're the poster couple for ZA birth control. (Have they scavenged all the condoms in Georgia now, and that's the real reason for heading out of state?) The group has shown impressive teamwork, but I just don't think they can cope with another baby.

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Well, her husband is the town doctor. The actress AB mentioned on TTD that Jessie was pregnant when they got married--because they had to---and Pete had to give up his artistic dreams to go to med school so he'd have a real job and be able to support this unexpected family.

So I'd say Dr.Porchdick is pretty insistent on birth control.

Which is weird because Tovah Feldshuh says her character is concerned with a good gene pool, and repopulating.

Now there's something that has to come up as a plot point.

Well, her husband is the town doctor. The actress AB mentioned on TTD that Jessie was pregnant when they got married--because they had to---and Pete had to give up his artistic dreams to go to med school so he'd have a real job and be able to support this unexpected family.

So I'd say Dr.Porchdick is pretty insistent on birth control.

Which is weird because Tovah Feldshuh says her character is concerned with a good gene pool, and repopulating.

Now there's something that has to come up as a plot point.

Well... If your focus is on world repopulation, Jessie would be one heckuva place to start.

Yeah. I'm a guy. Quelle surprise.

  • Love 1

If Jessie survives whatever is going to very soon happen to ASZ (personal speculation), and Pete doesn't, I could see her and Rick developing something in the somewhat near TWD-time future.


But right now, yes, its just full on lust - at least on Rick's end.  Without the 'liquid courage', I don't think he pecks her cheek.


And I don't have a ton of experience with really young children, but that really seemed to be the most awkwardly intentional 'lets almost semi-passionately embrace' hand off of a baby I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing.

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Random observation: when Rick is telling Sam that he knows the cookie baker, his speech affectations to me are almost spot on to when Shane is pretending to be Lori asking for more frog legs in season one. Anybody remember that?

Yes! But I didn't pick up on that from this episode. Adding to my mental list of things to look out for on rewatch.

  • Love 1

Yeah, she doesn't quite have the look of a woman who had a horrible cheek-kiss forced on her against her will.


The forced look on her face was more before the kiss, when he was staring her like he was going to carve his initials into her forehead. 


Maybe it was supposed to be hot and sexy and forbidden shockingness - I just didn't see it that way. And screencaps likely won't change that for me.

The fact that Jessie doesn't have her own thread—that she's discussed solely in relation to Rick or Pete—sums up the problem I have with both the character and the fan reaction.

I'd guess I am not the only one who has contemplated starting a Jessie thread. Not having done so has nothing to do with Rick or Pete.



Edited by kikismom
  • Love 1

I wanted to see what people's thoughts are on the Rick/Lori relationship. I marathoned the first 4 seasons of the show, so I think I may have missed or not fully appreciated what their relationship was really like.


I remember that in one of the first episodes, it was revealed that Lori and Rick were having troubles before the ZA. So, was their marriage almost over? In other words, were Rick and Lori still in love at the end?


And can someone help explain why Rick was so cold to Lori in the beginning of season 3? I never quite got that.

I wanted to see what people's thoughts are on the Rick/Lori relationship. I marathoned the first 4 seasons of the show, so I think I may have missed or not fully appreciated what their relationship was really like.


I remember that in one of the first episodes, it was revealed that Lori and Rick were having troubles before the ZA. So, was their marriage almost over? In other words, were Rick and Lori still in love at the end?

Simply put, Rick and Lori were high school sweethearts.  Who weren't in high school any more.  Don't know if their marriage was on the rocks yet, but they were wallowing in some rough shoals.


And can someone help explain why Rick was so cold to Lori in the beginning of season 3? I never quite got that.


It was more a mutual chill than anything else. 

After Shane made it clear to Lori of his certainty she was pregnant with HIS child, Lori went several days going on and on to Rick about how he should get rid of Shane because of the threat Shane posed to Rick and their family. 

Then, when Rick did kill Shane (in self-defense), Lori acted like she was shocked - SHOCKED, I tell you - Rick was such a horrible monster. 

While Shane was alive, Lori feared and reviled him; after his death, she all but canonized him. 

Typical Lori, in other words.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 5

Well, I've just finished this weeks ep and I thought I clearly saw on Rick's face a couple of times that he was manipulating Jessie.  Similar to how the smile dropped from Carol's face when she handed in her guns, I feel like I'm seeing the same thing here, that he's playing her.  Or maybe that's just wishful thinking?  I can't fathom that AL wouldn't have said - when he got these scripts and if it IS meant to be genuine - I'm lusting after another man's wife?  Making a play for her?  After the whole Shane/Lori thing???  I feel confident he knows his character better than that and I feel like Gimple does too.  I hope I'm not wrong, but I do feel he's playing this up the way Carol is playing soccer mom.


::crosses fingers::

  • Love 1
I remember that in one of the first episodes, it was revealed that Lori and Rick were having troubles before the ZA. So, was their marriage almost over? In other words, were Rick and Lori still in love at the end?


Yes, they were having problems, but I wouldn't say their marriage was almost over. Many many marriages go through hard times and make it through. Of course it's possible that if the ZA hadn't happened, they'd have split up. But the situation definitely forces you closer together in many ways. Everyone has their own opinion, but I definitely think Rick and Lori were still in love at the end. Rick was very cold to Lori in season 3 because he had just had it up to "here" with her at the end of season two. Rick forgave her thing with Shane almost without question. But then she was whispering in his ear to kill Shane, and turning around acting all disgusted with him when he actually. I think all of it just came to a boil and Rick couldn't deal with her anymore. But it was very clear, in season three, that Lori was contrite and trying to make things up to him. And I felt like he was ALMOST there. When they had that moment on the catwalk....where he reached out and touched her shoulder, it seemed to be that he really did love her, but was having a hard time getting past everything. 


I think that's why Lori's death was so crippling to Rick. They had all that unfinished business. I think he was just wracked with guilt, for not forgiving her sooner and losing her while they were still in such a bad place. 

  • Love 2

And can someone help explain why Rick was so cold to Lori in the beginning of season 3? I never quite got that.


It was more a mutual chill than anything else.


I didn't like Lori either but when they got to the prison (was that the beginning of S3?), I really felt bad for her. She's in a miserable physical condition in a hot, humid climate with none of the modern luxuries or conveniences to make it easier on her, and her husband and son are both being horrid to her.  She's been reduced to having the other women look after her, the former Queen Bee. I think even Beth spoke up for her once, telling Carl, "she's your Mom, you can't talk to her that way". How humiliating. To be pitied by those she once thought she was above. And in the real world, when you're having marital problems, you and your spouse can keep your dirty laundry to yourself and put on a happy face when in public. But in this environment, you can't,  you all are always together, it's awkward for everyone and everyone knows your sins. 


I didn't (and still don't) understand why Carl was being such a turd towards her. I know he loved Shane but he had no reason to be ticked at his mother unless he knew about all the crap that went down between Lori/Rick/Shane and blamed his mom for his death. How would he know unless Rick told him? Which would have been totally wrong, you don't talk to you kids about adult stuff like that so I can't see Rick having done that, turning his kid against his mother. Maybe with the obvious rift between his parents he just took a side in being loyal to his Dad without actually knowing why they were on the outs?


Anyway, there was one scene where Rick and Lori were talking on the "deck" outside the prison and Rick briefly put his hand on her shoulder and she was rubbing her cheek against that spot while watching him walk away. That affected me much more than her death scene did. So sad and dejected, longing for his touch, for her husband, for the way things used to be. Too sad. So I think by that point, the chill was mostly one-sided. 

  • Love 6

 When they had that moment on the catwalk....where he reached out and touched her shoulder, it seemed to be that he really did love her, but was having a hard time getting past everything. 


Hee. I just mentioned that, too. I saw it more as  sympathy-pat though. Which is way I thought it was so sad for Lori. The man she loves and misses and this is all she gets from him now. 


I think that's why Lori's death was so crippling to Rick. They had all that unfinished business. I think he was just wracked with guilt, for not forgiving her sooner and losing her while they were still in such a bad place.

Totally agreed. 

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I was going to start a Jessie thread, but I thought possibly the reason there wasn't one was that the character was so divisive that the mods didn't want one as it would quickly devolve into shipping arguments.  I don't know about anyone else, but at least for me her not having a thread has no meaning as far as her character.  I tend to think that it would quickly devolve into shipping arguments.

  • Love 1

I was going to start a Jessie thread, but I thought possibly the reason there wasn't one was that the character was so divisive that the mods didn't want one as it would quickly devolve into shipping arguments.  I don't know about anyone else, but at least for me her not having a thread has no meaning as far as her character.  I tend to think that it would quickly devolve into shipping arguments.


The shipping arguments will happen. And now there's a place for them other than here.

 But then she was whispering in his ear to kill Shane, and turning around acting all disgusted with him


When they had that moment on the catwalk....

There is an interview where AL and SWC said the original way the scene was shot (when he confesses killing Shane and she backs away) had Lori spitting on Rick. They both said they wanted that spitting shot to stay in, but it was cut from the show.


I'm sorry, but now whenever Rick Grimes is placed on the catwalk I can't help but flash on his Zoolander walk when he enters ASZ.



I'm just now figuring out this page works. I was viewing comments through my content thing, and now seeing all the threads in the list. 

That's funny!

Edited by kikismom

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