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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 7 (11/09/2016 - 11/15/2016)


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Danielle still trying to spin the "Fake 5" alliance as if it had any vestige of reality, as if it was nothing but a cruel prank.  Lying sack.

And she's trying to con the girls into getting rid of Whitney.  Which she doesn't even need them to do.  Just tell Justin that it's him or her, and put up Kryssie on the other side.

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Danielle does impress me. She is here to play the game. She's sucking it up better than the others, at least. Morgan mentioned Jason/Justin as big threats. Danielle wants to make a deal for week 7, which is smart. 


They might send Justin home. THEY MIGHT SEND JUSTIN HOME. 

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8 minutes ago, missyb said:

Oh yeah ! Opps, sorry. Isn't Dani also available for a care package? Have they forgotten that ?

What are the other LNJ saying. Have they talked about Dani talking to the girls?

Last I checked, Jason was still bitching about this being like the original DPOV in Season 4, which I don't even see the analogy.

Just now, ByaNose said:

Jason should really go home game wise but I'm okay with Justin. He's so annoying. Danni will probably get the CP next week and be propelled to the Final 4. Jason will then have to fight his way there. I don't care if CBS rigged this because there more game to play this way. LOL!!!

Hey, if she actually gets Justin out, I'll fight to get her to F3. I'll set aside my personal feelings for a strategic one right here. 

I think Jason's going to also vote Justin out so Danielle doesn't have to break the tie.

I'm good with that.

And that ends my birthday. Oh my god, thank you, BB Universe!

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think Jason's going to also vote Justin out so Danielle doesn't have to break the tie.

Jason should just vote Justin out because it's the right move for him.  Any comp that Whitney can win, he can win as well.  Whereas if they got a purely physical comp, Justin would smoke him.

Kryin' Kryssie is at it again.  Even though she's not in the slightest whiff of danger.

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I bet Jason is willing to vote out Justin.  He knows that Justin is a massive end game threat and that Whitney will likely be on an island after this veto.

Shelby/Morgan go talk to Whitney and let her know that you are not voting her out!  Bring her back to your side.

This has been a really dramatic DE (better than most).  Team Good Feeds has won tonight.

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I feel a bit bad for the Misfits....until I remember that a half hour ago, they were gloating and smirking before ACP was delivered. They were saying nasty stuff and making fun of Shelby/Morgan. So yeah, no tears shed from me.


Fuck, they might evict Whitney instead. YOU KIDDING ME, FOOLS? 

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Kryssie still crying like a baby.  This less than two hours after she was mocking Morgan's eviction speech by saying she had "only" threatened to quit "a couple of times, in the first few weeks".  Which…

a) bullshit

b) still would mean you suck, even with your spin, and

c) well, you're back to your "old" behavior now, Kry Baby.

Danielle does realize that she can't play HoH, right?  And that if she breaks her deal with the girls, they can put her up if they win it?

Ditzi Dani strikes again!

I would vote for one of Justin's pizzas over her.  Moron.

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 2

Dani does not understand that she is at the bottom of Justins loyalty list. Jason and Khyrsee have been with Justin for a long time. She is really screwing herself. And now they want to blindside the girls again. And Dani will get all the blame where Jhyrsee, Jason and Justin have had a deal the entire game. All have been duped by Jason.

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8 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

Justin just said "And Trump probably won." They didn't tell them?! 

No, they don't give the HGs info on real-world events.  Except for 9/11 and comps during BB 9 and 10.

I must say, Whitney deserves to go.  How does she not even try to pitch a four-girl deal to Dani/Morgan/Shelby?  "We'd definitely get that last CP and Justin and Jason would beat any of us in the end."  

Be fairly ironic if her floater ass got flushed on a night when Rachel visited the House.

(But I still hope it's Justin.)

Edited by DAngelus

Justin, of course, in between complaining about the CP ("That's some real-life bullshit", over and over) is saying that he wants to go home immediately if he's evicted, he won't stay and do the press that he's obligated to do.  Fuckin' spoiled cheating brat.  This is what happens when you let the "cool" kids cheat and have an easy ride, BB.

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Girls staying strong.  Jason walking away in frustration. It almost looks as if they might make a F4 with Dani and Kryssie, which would serve the dickbag right.

Still a few minutes before the vote. Go eat a dick, Stockboy.

Dani's still pushing her "Whitney's a comp threat!' nonsense.  Whitney, with a whopping zero wins to date.  Riiiight.

This is just uncomfortable at this point. Whitney is going, but Danielle is going to have to break the tie. Everyone admit it, and just move on.

Meanwhile, Kryssie is standing around for this conversation, but adding nothing. And the two nominees are nowhere to be found. Just get rid of all three and let the four gamers battle it out.

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Danielle called to the DR.  Jason comes back to get his drink cup and just glares at Morgan.  Dick bag.

Now the girls are pitching to Kryssie to keep Whitney and take the decision away from Dani.


Apparently, Whitney pledged she'd never vote Kryssie out. So that's a reason to keep her.  We'll see.  Be wonderful to blindside J/J/D, all at once!

Edited by DAngelus

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