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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 7 (11/09/2016 - 11/15/2016)


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Well, if Morgan/Shelby don't get to the end, I hope Danielle does and wins because she really does deserve it. I guess the best case scenario if Morgan/Shelby do leave is Jason/Whitney/Danielle at the end.


If I could vote, I'd vote for Morgan. She won't get it anyway and Justin will, so why not? I'm now dejected enough to guess that ACP won't make them ineligible to be nominated, so whatever. This is bullshit. 

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, if Morgan/Shelby don't get to the end, I hope Danielle does and wins because she really does deserve it.

She's done nothing strategically, put a target on herself with a showmance, and then couldn't save her boytoy.  She's at the bottom of her alliance, and never even tried to reach out to the other side.  She stupidly put her neck in the noose last week, and was only saved by Jason's winning the Veto.

Jason's a piece of shit, but he's won as many comps as she has, and he's run rings around her in the non-comp game.  And you'll notice who got a CP, and who didn't.

Just now, DAngelus said:

She's done nothing strategically, put a target on herself with a showmance, and then couldn't save her boytoy.  She's at the bottom of her alliance, and never even tried to reach out to the other side.  She stupidly put her neck in the noose last week, and was only saved by Jason's winning the Veto.

Jason's a piece of shit, but he's won as many comps as she has, and he's run rings around her in the non-comp game.  And you'll notice who got a CP, and who didn't.

Actually, she's won three while he's only won two. And I do think Danielle's done some things strategically. She helped get the house to vote out Cornbread week 1, I remember clearly. I remember because Neeley kept bragging that they both did but Neeley did nothing. Danielle's done a few things to help her keep herself in the game as well, so I do have to give credit where it's due. 

Jason's only had to fight for veto week 1 and then fight this last week. Otherwise, he's been sitting pretty as everyone on his side wants to protect him (for their own game for America's votes, but still). He's been fairly lucky. But his social game has been marginally better. 

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10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Jason is literal trash so I'm definitely rooting for Danielle over him. And I'm rooting for Whitney over her. Jason, Justin, or Kryssie winning would suck imo.

Once Shelby and Morgan leave, the only rooting I'm doing is for a sinkhole to swallow the house, with the F5 inside.

Or possibly a plague of locusts.  I could live with locusts.

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It's the Veto.  That's all it is.

And "bring back the duos" was planned long in advance (to protect Jeff and Jordan, not Rachel/Jordan, as it turned out), and didn't affect the game at all, really.  Neither Adam nor Shelly would have voted Jordan out that week, anyhow.  Whichever one Porsche put on the block to replace Rachel would have gone.  (It would have been Shelly; Porsche/Adam had a secret F2.)

8 minutes ago, J.D. said:

Holy crap, Alex is already tweeting.  :0

Are you sure? Because Alex would be in sequester right now. She won't get social media usage until tomorrow night. 

I know how tonight's going to go (I got a feeling it won't go well) so at least I'll finally get to quit this season. I'm sick of Big Brother now.

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13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Are you sure? Because Alex would be in sequester right now. She won't get social media usage until tomorrow night. 

I know how tonight's going to go (I got a feeling it won't go well) so at least I'll finally get to quit this season. I'm sick of Big Brother now.

Seems like her but I guess it could be someone else running it:


Edited by ByaNose

Misfits are complaining and whining again, even though Jason got the ultimate CP barely a week ago.

I think they'll put up and evict Whitney, which will teach her a lesson. I kind of hope that Danielle decides to just put up Whitney/Justin...and then have Morgan use veto on Whitney. She's the easy choice, unfortunately. I WANT JUSTIN OR KRYSSIE GONE, GODDAMNIT. I know Danielle will never put up Jason, even though it would be smart. 

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think they'll put up and evict Whitney, which will teach her a lesson.

It would be hilarious if Whitney went home because Justin voted her out.  Morgan/Shelby won't, so the ShitFits would need Justin's vote to force the 2-2 tie.

And if they put Justin on the block to take away his vote, then Jason has to take the chance to vote him out.  I mean he could be that stupid as to not get Justin when he has the chance, but he likes to pretend that he isn't.  Prove me wrong, Stockboy!  I dares you!

Edited by DAngelus

Whitney's crying now! Haha! She knows she's going home! Suck it! 

...yet I really, really hope Danielle realizes that wasting it on Whitney is....a waste. 

Get Justin or Jason out, 100%. But preferably Jason because you can't beat him.

LOL, Danielle had to suck it up and go talk to Morgan. Brilliant. After whining about how she hopes they never approach her, she had to go talk to them.

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