FormerMod-a1 October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 A place to discuss particular episodes, arcs and moments from the show. Please remember this isn't a complete catch-all topic -- check out the forum for character topics and other places for show-related talk. Link to comment
Meredith Quill November 3, 2016 Share November 3, 2016 Your Season 1 Topic! Link to comment
RedheadZombie November 6, 2016 Share November 6, 2016 Not sure if I'm sticking with this particular franchise. I've never watched the Atlanta show for a reason, and now half these girls seem recruited from that show. They all seem pretty young, and how in the world do they afford the piercings and tattoos, not to mention the gigantic SUVs and nice houses? I'm having a hard time keeping the blondes straight, but holy cow the birthday girl is difficult to take. In fact, I'm not sure I like any of them yet, but I feel compassion for the one who lost her baby. Is little people twerking a thing? I mean do people watch because they want to point and laugh? Dawn from NY is going to have a problem with this. Why do so many of these people insist on being performers? Why do only a handful (on these shows) seek real professions, with steady jobs, and absolutely no exploitation? I hate hate HATE rodeos. I will never understand the joy one receives watching a baby animal be terrorized, and then while he's bawling for his mama, watching a big brave cowboy attempt to snap its little head off his neck. These calves are found to have internal injuries when they go to slaughter. And birthday girl, Amanda did not kick that bull's ass out there. She kicked that baby's ass. I actually said, "that bitch is riding a calf". I'm sorry, I root for the bulls and this was no exception. And she just wanted to climb on that calf and kick him so more. She's dead to me. Too bad this is what she learned from her alcoholic mother's death. And don't get me started on the imbecile who thought a bull bellowing sounded like a dinosaur. Wonder if she knows Jurassic Park isn't real. The only thing that may keep me watching is those adorable pit bull pups. My Am. Staff died a month ago, and I need a fix of adorableness. 3 Link to comment
Alapaki November 15, 2016 Share November 15, 2016 Pretty weak so far, but barely a step up from Atlanta. I'll give it a try because whatever. But these really are just a bunch of women trying to hard to make their lives seem interesting enough to justify filming, when it all just comes across as so fake. And, honestly, with the twerking-for-pay? I'm average height, so I guess I don't have a dog in the fight, but that seems pretty fucking uncomfortably close to minstrelry to me. 3 Link to comment
bluvelvet November 17, 2016 Share November 17, 2016 This is okay so far. Looks like at least two of these girls moved from Ohio, makes me wonder how many just moved for the show. 2 Link to comment
ChaChaSlide November 17, 2016 Share November 17, 2016 11 hours ago, bluvelvet said: This is okay so far. Looks like at least two of these girls moved from Ohio, makes me wonder how many just moved for the show. That reminds me of Atlanta, all of the castmates except Minnie are from Texas. Monie is from Houston, Ms. Juicy is from East Texas, and the Twins and the Cheeks *cringe* are from the Dallas Ft. Worth Metroplex. Of all of them, I think Juicy is the only one that's an actual transplant to Atlanta, she has an actual job with the Ricky Smiley Morning Show. I think the others just go to ATL to film and return to their actual residences. With the LA cast, few of them live in LA proper, but they all live in California and have for years. Same with NY, everyone except for Misty in S1 and Katie in S2 were locals of the NYC commuting area. 2 Link to comment
Trampolina November 18, 2016 Share November 18, 2016 That boyfriend, Austin, seems really controlling. He was at the bar for one minute and said they were leaving. Then again, it was probably somewhat scripted. 1 Link to comment
RedheadZombie November 19, 2016 Share November 19, 2016 (edited) On 11/17/2016 at 9:24 PM, Trampolina said: That boyfriend, Austin, seems really controlling. He was at the bar for one minute and said they were leaving. Then again, it was probably somewhat scripted. It will be a cold day in hell before a chubby 19 y/o marches in and tells me it's time to go. I agree he's controlling, which is odd since she snatched him out of the cradle at age 16. He's bossy, he's loud, he's arrogant, and he clearly thinks he's a huge catch. He'll probably throw those gorgeous pit puppies out next, at which time he will be dead to me. Edited November 20, 2016 by RedheadZombie mutliple spelling errors - blame the vodka/lemonade and bathtub posting 4 Link to comment
sunsheyen November 26, 2016 Share November 26, 2016 Watched one episode of this and deleted the rest of the remaining shows from my DVR. Can't stand the young girl, the rest are dull as hell. I was only here for Malik. I hope Bri hightails it back to Atlanta to get her check since Emily thinks she's going to manage now. I think the trend of watching little people twerk is over and the cheeks don't fit in with their castmates. I'll check in here, but won't be watching. 1 Link to comment
JoJoPowerRanger December 1, 2016 Share December 1, 2016 It looks like not many of us are watching this (or at least not discussing it) but I need to note that the first 5 min of this most recent episode (ep 5??) was the most violent reality TV I've ever seen in my life. And I'm a reality JUNKIE. Worse than the worst fights on "60 days in," worse than the bloody brawls on "Cops." I had intense anxiety the whole time, I don't think my stomach can handle the rest of the season if it continues like this. 2 Link to comment
Zanne December 1, 2016 Share December 1, 2016 I was surprised they hadn't been kicked out of the restaurant long before it got to the brawling stage. I do find it interesting that the woman who started it all - Brichelle? - threatened to charge Emily who didn't do anything except defend herself, but who also happens to be the only cast member with a large trust fund. 3 Link to comment
ChaChaSlide December 1, 2016 Share December 1, 2016 10 hours ago, Zanne said: I was surprised they hadn't been kicked out of the restaurant long before it got to the brawling stage. I do find it interesting that the woman who started it all - Brichelle? - threatened to charge Emily who didn't do anything except defend herself, but who also happens to be the only cast member with a large trust fund. From my vantage point, Amanda started it with throwing the drink in Brichelle's face (seriously how long has the drink throw been a reality trope?!), and then when Emily stepped in, she did so literally--she either inadvertently or purposefully stepped on/kicked Brichelle's face trying to break up the Amanda fight. From what Emily said about not liking Brichelle and vice versa, I'm operating under the assumption it was purposeful. That's when Brichelle switched from fighting Amanda to fighting Emily. Link to comment
Trampolina December 2, 2016 Share December 2, 2016 From the previews I thought the fight was probably faked but that chipped tooth looked real as hell. It was also super vicious when the average sized girl started busting the young blonde little lady in the face. I can't imagine what it would have been like to be a patron in that bar. That would be the best story to tell ever! 1 Link to comment
Alapaki December 2, 2016 Share December 2, 2016 Can we talk about the fact that the drug test guy was most likely a Lifetime intern? I mean, I can't even start listing the questions I have about that ridiculous scene. And Brichelle is right out of central casting for Angry Black Woman. That was beyond caricature to the point that it she was disgusting. I kind of think that fight was not scripted, but I really can't believe they were allowed to stay there that long. And what the fuck with that broad in the red miniskirt and the wicked fupa? 3 Link to comment
Nowhere December 2, 2016 Share December 2, 2016 (edited) The nerve of that girl to ask Emily for money! Bitch, she doesn't even know you. How can you have a giant truck and a nice ass apartment and then also beg for money?? She should maybe live within her means. Obviously twerking isn't paying the bills. Just when I thought I couldn't dislike someone more, Brichelle steps on the scene and makes Caylea look like a saint. That woman is terrible! I don't think there is any redeeming quality. I haven't seen the fight episode yet so I don't know the outcome, but Brichelle deserves to get her ass beat. She obviously wasn't raised by parents who taught her not to be a loud-mouth bully. Who acts like that?? I've never seen anything so disgusting in my life! Her behavior was horrendous! Edited December 2, 2016 by Nowhere 1 Link to comment
Alapaki December 10, 2016 Share December 10, 2016 "We don't know anything about the Dallas bar scene. . . . We want to open a bar!" <record screech> Bri? That's where you draw the line? "Dancing" . . . in a costume? Because in the regular shit you wear it's so classy? And Emily thinks that whatever spasms she threw down was "an industry"? The fuck? Why does Caylea keep covering her top teeth with her lip? And I'm only 10 minutes into this shit-show-episode. 3 Link to comment
Zanne December 10, 2016 Share December 10, 2016 I think Kayleigh has a severe underbite. Her lower teeth/jaw extends past her upper teeth which is why her upper lip looks so stiff. Try sticking your lower jaw forward and talking. It'll look and feel exactly like what's happening with Calleigh. No, I do not know how to spell Khaylee. 2 Link to comment
Nowhere December 10, 2016 Share December 10, 2016 (edited) Obviously Brichelle just wants to be on the show. She doesn't care about being friends with these girls. The producers probably wouldn't let her go even if she wanted to. I guess she's good tv?? I'd really rather watch the rest of the girls and pretend this shit is real, not watch that woman who is clearly fake. I could tell it was a real fight but nobody would let her back in their life unless somebody was really pushing it or there's a contract involved. And yeah right she actually wrote a check for the tooth. Give me a break. This story with that bitch is just producer driven bullshit. I'm good with watching Kaylee's dad flip shit and make her cry. I don't need Queen Big Tongue taking up space. Is there another way to spell Cayley? We're at five now. Edited December 10, 2016 by Nowhere Another way to spell K-Lee Link to comment
Nowhere December 15, 2016 Share December 15, 2016 I wish you guys would join me in discussion. It's very obvious that Amanda's ex wants to be on tv and that's why he's suddenly interested in her again. I could see right through him during that skype conversation. Why don't they get it? These girls are being used by these men because they are on tv not because every man has a dwarf fetish. Aside from Wooda, I haven't met one man I'm not suspicious of. oh yeah and Asta's husband seems cool. 2 Link to comment
Trampolina December 15, 2016 Share December 15, 2016 I think it would be really hard to date as a dwarf. It would be kind of like being super rich and not knowing whether people are actually in to you or just want access to your money. There was a tattooed rockabilly little lady in Seattle years ago and numerous men in the neighborhood slept with here, but always just once because they only wanted to see what it was like. It's interesting that all the Atlanta little ladies only want to date typical men but a lot of the LA little ladies are with little men. Link to comment
Alapaki December 16, 2016 Share December 16, 2016 Shrubbery on the wall. Shrubbery on the wall. Shrubbery . . . on the wall. It's no mystery why these broads end up with the guys they do. 1 Link to comment
MZ. ATTITUDE December 18, 2016 Share December 18, 2016 So Asta just short? Link to comment
walnutqueen December 22, 2016 Share December 22, 2016 How to get rid of a lazy live-in boyfriend: 1) Pack his bags while he's sleeping or playing video games 2) Hand him a 1-way ticket out of town 3) Have his bags & an Uber waiting outside 6 Link to comment
Nowhere December 23, 2016 Share December 23, 2016 ^^That was amazing! 2 Link to comment
MZ. ATTITUDE December 24, 2016 Share December 24, 2016 She was not playing ! 2 Link to comment
SyncMaster December 25, 2016 Share December 25, 2016 On 12/1/2016 at 6:54 PM, Alapaki said: I kind of think that fight was not scripted, but I really can't believe they were allowed to stay there that long. And what the fuck with that broad in the red miniskirt and the wicked fupa? I've seen a lot of fights on reality television but that shit took a lot of cake material: Brichelle constantly running around to keep mobbing on Amanda; Amanda's tooth loss; Caylea getting hard-tagged from her blind side by an average sized woman; Bri banging on people with various flat objects. That shit was wild. I think it was Caylea that grabbed Brichelle's cousin by the weave from the rear and the cousin barely paid attention. That woman in the red miniskirt was very poorly served by that piece of clothing. That was NOT an appropriate style for her body shape. If she was trying to get cute in the presence of one of her friends and that friend didn't point out how ill fitted that skirt was then that friend is wholly responsible for that eye burning bullshit. On 12/22/2016 at 0:43 PM, walnutqueen said: How to get rid of a lazy live-in boyfriend: 1) Pack his bags while he's sleeping or playing video games 2) Hand him a 1-way ticket out of town 3) Have his bags & an Uber waiting outside She was leaving very little to chance or interpretation and his trifling ass still had to get one last drink of free water from the fridge. Emily's trust fund has come up several times during this show and I don't remember that the subject ever came up when she was on the Atlanta show. Has she explained why she has a trust fund? 1 Link to comment
Alapaki January 13, 2017 Share January 13, 2017 On 12/25/2016 at 3:29 PM, SyncMaster said: Emily's trust fund has come up several times during this show and I don't remember that the subject ever came up when she was on the Atlanta show. Has she explained why she has a trust fund? I've been wondering the same thing. Actually, I've never heard them refer to a trust fund. Just the fact that she obviously has lots of money to "Invest". Has this show been yanked? Did I miss a finale? Hiatus? Link to comment
strongoxman January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 On 1/13/2017 at 10:38 AM, Alapaki said: I've been wondering the same thing. Actually, I've never heard them refer to a trust fund. Just the fact that she obviously has lots of money to "Invest". Has this show been yanked? Did I miss a finale? Hiatus? Temporary hiatus, apparently. Link to comment
PreciousGem April 20, 2017 Share April 20, 2017 Emily is shady as hell. She had no intention of opening a bar until Asta came to her asking to borrow money. She did steal Asta's bar idea. Asta's idea of a midget bar is the same as Emily's mini bar. 4 Link to comment
Zanne April 20, 2017 Share April 20, 2017 I need to step away from this show. Emily is being such a slimy human being that I despair for humanity. The fact that any of these women are supporting Emily is shocking to me. And Emily's excuse for her lack of a soul is the fact that she has money to pay for everything and Asta doesn't. Then Emily says she doesn't want there to be hard feelings between her and Asta. How about not stealing your friend's ideas? Come up with some of your own! 2 Link to comment
gigiann April 21, 2017 Share April 21, 2017 When Asta and Emily were in the bar and "negotiated".....wouldn't the appropriate thing to have done was for this to have been referred to the attorneys? 1 Link to comment
RedheadZombie April 22, 2017 Share April 22, 2017 I feel the need to tell these ladies that a bun is not an alternative to washing your hair. Emily pretty much disgusts me. So what will she do if she has a girl that she "doesn't want"? A new boy will simplly be the dead one in her mind. And I hope she does something with those spikes on her fingers before she scars up the kid she already has. Do.Not.Like. WTH is a "trust fund baby" doing shaking her ass for a living? Her money is going to be gone any minute the way she blows it. Does Brichelle have upper teeth? 1 Link to comment
Alapaki April 23, 2017 Share April 23, 2017 That meeting with the Emily and the lawyer was bullshit. I know. I'm a lawyer. A non-disclosure agreement isn't the issue. That would make it easier for Asta to sue Emily. But not having one doesn't mean Asta can't prevail. And the lawyer knows it. Because if he's so sure Asta has no case, then why are they offering her any cut anyway? And no lawyer would ever propose that, and then tell the client to present it to the other side. That's a discussion for the lawyers. Emily's an asshole. She needs to be sterilized. 4 Link to comment
Alapaki April 23, 2017 Share April 23, 2017 On 4/21/2017 at 8:37 PM, RedheadZombie said: Emily pretty much disgusts me. So what will she do if she has a girl that she "doesn't want"? A new boy will simplly be the dead one in her mind. And I hope she does something with those spikes on her fingers before she scars up the kid she already has. Do.Not.Like. She's a monster. When even the grief counselor says "whoa, honey, that's fucked up", you know you're fucked up. I hope she finds a way to keep her bow-legs closed, because the worst thing she could do in produce another spawn. 3 Link to comment
walnutqueen April 23, 2017 Share April 23, 2017 I realize this may sound harsh, but Emily - if your son was meant to be here, he'd be here. You cannot create JJ 2.0, and will royally fuck that poor baby's life if you try to replace your son. Listen to your therapist, and everyone else. 2 Link to comment
Alapaki April 23, 2017 Share April 23, 2017 Someone whom Emily will listen to needs to sit her down and, charitably, make her understand that she is (quite understandably) still very fucked up in the head and has no business getting pregnant again. In the conversation with her baby-daddy's aunt, Emily went in the course of single breath from saying she didn't want to "replace" J.J., and that she needed a boy to "take J.J.'s place". If that baby daddy is still fucking her without protection then he's just using her as a sugar-momma. And if she's dumb enough to accept that, frankly she deserves all the heartache she gets. The way she's talking is completely devaluing J.J.'s life. He wasn't an actual independent person to her. He was just a set of XY chromosomes that she was "supposed to have". He's completely replaceable by any other set of XY chromosomes. 2 Link to comment
Alapaki April 23, 2017 Share April 23, 2017 And here's another thing on this ridiculous bar idea: From what I could find on Google, the incidence of live births of babies with dwarfism is somewhere between 1 in 26,000 - 40,000. In 2014 there were about 50,000 live births in the counties that comprise Dallas and Forth Worth. That's somewhere between 1 - 2 dwarfs born each year. Obviously you've got to be over 21 to go in the bar. Was the pre-natal and neonatal care of dwarf babies that good 20+ years ago? I'm guessing not, and that there was a higher incidence of infant mortality in this population. Point being, there's not really a market for this type of bar. Especially when you've wiping out a year's worth of the demographic when as soon as you hire two bartenders! Link to comment
Alapaki April 30, 2017 Share April 30, 2017 So Caylea is "done with bad boys". Except the one she apparently fucked within the last three weeks who knocked her up. And Emily goes from "being able to afford to open my own bar" to needing 50% buy-in from Terra? If she really just needed Terra's "name" for the bar, and if she had the first fucking clue about business like she likes to pretend to, she'd propose a licensing agreement with Terra which would be a lot cheaper than giving up 50% of her profits. But I loved Terra wanting to see Emily's business plan, after Emily shit on Asta for not having a business plan. And the most important part of opening a bar is having a "signature cocktail"? Really? Dummy. Ultimately though, this was all a gimmick to get to the end result they had planned all along, a single night of a "pop-up", paid for, promoted, and cast by Lifetime, instead of an actual midget bar. 2 Link to comment
Zanne April 30, 2017 Share April 30, 2017 The signature drink thing was stupid. If it's a mini-bar for little people, you would think the obvious answer would be a shot of some kind. I am still pissed about what a doormat Asta is. Emily can tell her anything and she'll buy it wholesale. Link to comment
SyncMaster April 30, 2017 Share April 30, 2017 On 4/21/2017 at 5:37 PM, RedheadZombie said: WTH is a "trust fund baby" doing shaking her ass for a living? Her money is going to be gone any minute the way she blows it. When the subject of her having a trust fund popped up on this show I was mucho surprised because: the reason for her having access to a trust fund was unexplained, I think; it wasn't mentioned at all when she was on the Atlanta show. The Atlanta show made it seem that she was shaking that boootay to put food in the fridge. On 4/23/2017 at 0:42 PM, Alapaki said: In the conversation with her baby-daddy's aunt, Emily went in the course of single breath from saying she didn't want to "replace" J.J., and that she needed a boy to "take J.J.'s place". When she became pregnant the first time her boyfriend was dead-eyed, droop-eyed and disinterested in the whole situation. She wants to take another stab at a pregnancy with him? She needs to rest, relax and think instead of believing that she's ready for another little one right now. 2 Link to comment
PreciousGem May 3, 2017 Share May 3, 2017 Emily is a horrible person. Asta needs to stop letting Emily screw her over. I couldn't believe Emily had the nerve to ask Asta to design a sign for the bar. The bar idea she stole from Asta. Then Emily wants to give her 5%. 5? Really? Dumb Asta agreed to it so not to hurt their friendship? Emily is no friend! Is Asta really that dumb that she doesn't see that? Link to comment
Zanne May 3, 2017 Share May 3, 2017 Yes, Asta really is that dumb. She was actually apologizing to Emily for getting mad when Emily screwed her over AGAIN. Link to comment
ChaChaSlide May 3, 2017 Share May 3, 2017 Emily seems to be the Terra of this cast, while Juicy is the Terra of the ATL cast. If you don't get along with Terra, Juicy, or Emily, you get the outsider treatment, which also results in production cutting down your storyline. The less screen time you get, the less integral you are to the show, and the less ability you have to negotiate higher pay. With Terra, I get it, since she's an executive producer, with Juicy I kind of get it too, her being on the Ricky Smiley Morning Show is more or less free promotion for Atlanta, but Emily? She brings nothing to the table but has the most amount of control over the Dallas cast... If I had to guess its because she's closest with Terra out of all the girls so Terra is more apt to side with her when crap goes down. This is why I miss New York, the mean girls cliqueishness really wasn't there, there wasn't a distinct and obvious leader to the pack like mean girls or something. 1 Link to comment
strongoxman May 6, 2017 Share May 6, 2017 Asta sure is dumb. She signed a contract to provide a service, and now is reneging on it at the 11th hour because she wants to now focus on an art show? And all of this is filmed, so the whole world will know that Asta's word is not trustworthy. 1 Link to comment
Alapaki May 12, 2017 Share May 12, 2017 This last episode was boring as fuck. The only interesting thing was watching Emily's cold-sore grow. What a joke this "mini-bar" is. First of all, I seriously doubt Emily owns a liquor license. I doubt you could get one for a single night. And at >$10,000 for the whole process, it isn't worth it for a "pop-up". Most pop-up restaurants either go BYOB or stage themselves in establishments that already have licenses. "Wooda" was going to perform, but decided to baby-sit instead? Really? So we have to see those two mental-midgets singing? As if watching them "twerk" their 10 lbs of shit in 5 lb bags of "dresses" isn't bad enough? But I love the ending chyron busting Emily. Nice to see the show thinks as little of her as I do. "I painted this Panda head with a skull breaking through because . . . I like pandas . . . and skulls". Fucking profound. 2 Link to comment
Destiny74 May 13, 2017 Share May 13, 2017 So, Asta created what Emily wanted and Emily liked two of the six versions of the graffiti logos. Everything was fine between them. THEN Terra said they were low class and cheap and all if the sudden they weren't good enough for Emily or even what she asked for in the first place. This girl (Emily) is a real piece of work. When she was on LWA there was no mention of a trust fund or any indication that she had any money at all, other than the pocket change being "a cheek" brought in. Now, with the trust money (wherever that came from and I am actually really interested in knowing about that) she thinks her sh#t don't stink. She's riding high on her cash and she delusionally thinks it makes her a more important person. Nope, still as low class as ever, now she just has enough money to hire an attorney so she can steal ideas from her "friend" and scare her into not taking action against her. Back to the hot mess dubbed Mini Bar. So Terra wants some kind of classy, high end martini bar and Emily wants a jumpin' hip hop bar. Didn't Terra ask to see a business plan? Did she read it? Does she know Emily? Does she think the Emily she knows would want to open a classy, snobby martini bar? Is she stupid? Did she just jump into this so she could be on LWD with some kind if purpose? Is she just an attention whore? Ok, I know the answer to that last one. Answers, please! Another real question. Emily paid Asta a fee and 5% stake for her logo work. That leaves 95%. She also said that Terra is a 50% owner (because Emily wanted Terra's name on the project). So, does Emily now have 45% ownership? For doing absolutely nothing, Terra gets a full 50%? Or did Emily give Terra 47.5% making them equal shareholders? Because if Terra has more stake, I can see why her opinion means more than Emily's but if they are equal, that means Emily is just a sniveling coward who can see straight because her nose is so far up Terra's butt. I really want to know. Emily had no backbone when Terra was ripping her bar, and her whole idea about entertainment in said bar, up and down. Truthfully it made Terra look like a judgemental snob. She doesn't know the crowd in Dallas and I would say it is quite different from the scene in LA. And she said the place looked cheap and trashy and ratched. Um, dear delusional Terra, did you not see the outfit you were wearing on your show a couple of weeks ago? The red "jumpsuit" you wore to the Sex Health Fair? That getup was the definition of trashy, cheap, and ratched. I dunno. They both piss me off. I hate watch both if them. Good to see Caylea get her shit together. Hope she does well with the makeup. Tiffani and the Ohio Sponge...I just don't understand. At least he has a job now but is it a job in Ohio or Dallas? Is he moving back in full time? If so, why not get engaged? You can be engaged for years. She said she knew she was going to marry him, just not right now. Why not? If he is moving in, it is not like you are going to be sowing your oats while he is living with you. What's the point? Other than the fact that he is barely legal enough to buy a lottery ticket by himself... Last thought. Amanda and her boyfriend are so cute but if he moves to Dallas I hope they don't live together immediately. They should both have places for like 6 months - a year. They should ease into the relationship again, not go straight to playing house. Not to mention the mess that could happen if he is not happy in Dallas and leaves her to return to Arizona. Another long one. Sorry about that. And once again, I am obnoxious! 1 Link to comment
Irate Panda May 13, 2017 Share May 13, 2017 Trash....trash...plain trash...where do I start? Isn't Terra being a belligerent jerk on one show enough? Now I have to suffer through seeing her on two? Terra started off her career bopping her booty around for Lil Wayne now she's so above it. Girl, please. The whole minibar is thing is stupid. The cast of this show probably makes up 90% of the LP population in Texas, but lets make the main focus a bar for LP?? Yes, the logo was ugly, but Emily thought it was great until Terra got there. I like Asta (well compared to the rest of the cast) but her art seems like something I used to do in middle school. Emily, I'm so tired of hearing about your trust fund. If you're so rich why don't you hire people who have real experience with marketing/pop ups/ logos/anything even remotely involved in making this successful? Oh yeah I forgot you're giving Asta 5% of nothing and the person who supposedly has bar experience (Asta's husband) is not involved because well you screwed him over (in this madeup plotline). Dumb...dumb...dumb. Tiffany and her deadbeat....I won't even comment on these two twits except to say the only thing I enjoyed was the bum's inquiring if Tiffany was going to pay for his Uber. He's a keeper! Bri and her codependent relationship with EVERYBODY. Five years later still chasing Wooda. No commitment unless he needs sex or promotion for his music on your corny show, although he at least seems involved in his child's life and the only one that doesn't seem completely miserable on the show. Although if I were getting free trips and maybe a little paycheck just to show up and do nothing I'd be smiling too. Bri's five years later still chasing Emily. No commitment unless she needs someone to hit Brichelle with a pizza pan. Bri, Emily is not your friend. Bodybuilder girl (how bad is this show I can barely remember anybody's names) and her story, which can be summed up as : Won't pee in a cup, does weed, almost killed Asta, broke her tooth in a fight, ex-"boyfriend" comes back to help her keep a spot on this show. Caylee/Cayleigh/however you spell it. Glad she seemingly got herself together. I'm sure it won't last long but just not sleeping with Wooda's bum friends is a 100000% improvement of her life. When Wooda is the most respectable man in the room, you're probably in a crappy room. Leave immediately and alone. Emily, I'm sorry she lost JJ, but she's just so unlikable and insufferable. She was mean and rude before JJ so I can't blame it on that. Never thought I'd say this but please bring back slow-talking Lontell just so I can remember while Emily is screwing over everyone it doesn't really matter since all the spoils will go to Lontell anyway and he still won't claim her. Emily stays losing and if this trust fund was so large why was she driving around in that busted up car when she was in Atlanta? When and where she did she get this money from? Also how many trust fund babies are professional twerkers? Can't believe I wrote professional twerker. Don't you shake your a$$ in dive bars for a nominal fee because you don't have money? Talk about hustling backwards. The whole thing is confusing. Best part of the finale was the producers shading almost everyone in their wrap-up summaries. Worst part of the finale- Well everything, but the entertainment at the "bar" opening was horrendous. When even Wooda doesn't want to be associated with this crapfest (yes I know it was just so they'd have a reason for Emily and Bri to get up there and make fools of themselves, but I like to pretend Wooda has some standards and refused to tarnish his image as a "serious" artist. Those performances made me wax poetically for the Hubba Bubba video of LWATL. 2 Link to comment
Alapaki May 13, 2017 Share May 13, 2017 14 hours ago, Destiny74 said: Back to the hot mess dubbed Mini Bar. So Terra wants some kind of classy, high end martini bar and Emily wants a jumpin' hip hop bar. Didn't Terra ask to see a business plan? Did she read it? Does she know Emily? Does she think the Emily she knows would want to open a classy, snobby martini bar? Is she stupid? Did she just jump into this so she could be on LWD with some kind if purpose? Is she just an attention whore? Ok, I know the answer to that last one. Answers, please! There was never any intention of opening a bar, or a mini-bar, or anything like it. How convenient that they got the dim bulb bright idea to do a "pop-up" that would be open just long enough to film the season finale. Please. 6 hours ago, Irate Panda said: The cast of this show probably makes up 90% of the LP population in Texas, but lets make the main focus a bar for LP?? Somewhere upthread I'd looked up the birth statistics and ran the numbers and figured there's probably barely enough little people in the entire Dallas/Fort-Worth area who are drinking age to fill that club if they all showed up on the same night! Just the staff they "hired" constituted one or two years worth of little people in the region. 6 hours ago, Irate Panda said: Terra started off her career bopping her booty around for Lil Wayne now she's so above it. Girl, please. The whole minibar is thing is stupid. Agreed, to an extent. I think Terra is a very soft-core wannabe black, what with her "gurl" and whatnot. Emily, on the other hand, is legitimate ghetto trash. That may have been a genuine cultural surprise to Terra. 14 hours ago, Destiny74 said: Another real question. Emily paid Asta a fee and 5% stake for her logo work. That leaves 95%. She also said that Terra is a 50% owner (because Emily wanted Terra's name on the project). So, does Emily now have 45% ownership? For doing absolutely nothing, Terra gets a full 50%? Or did Emily give Terra 47.5% making them equal shareholders? Because if Terra has more stake, I can see why her opinion means more than Emily's but if they are equal, that means Emily is just a sniveling coward who can see straight because her nose is so far up Terra's butt. I really want to know. Emily had no backbone when Terra was ripping her bar, and her whole idea about entertainment in said bar, up and down. Terra is the executive producer of all of the "little women" franchises. I don't believe for a minute there was ever any "investment". I think they realized that this edition of LW had nothing going for it. And when the main storyline is a newborn dying, it's time to go on hiatus and retool. I suppose the best they could come up with was this lame stolen-idea-that-was-shitty-to-begin-with "mini-bar". Terra was there solely in an attempt goose ratings (and if that's what you're reduced to? It's time to pull the plug). If Emily was such a tycoon, and if her lawyer didn't get his law degree from a school that advertises on basic cable overnights, then the deal with Terra would be to simply license her name/likeness/etc. for the bar. Not cut her in as an equal partner for doing nothing other than showing up. 6 hours ago, Irate Panda said: Never thought I'd say this but please bring back slow-talking Lontell just so I can remember while Emily is screwing over everyone it doesn't really matter since all the spoils will go to Lontell anyway and he still won't claim her. 6 hours ago, Irate Panda said: Bri and her codependent relationship with EVERYBODY. Five years later still chasing Wooda. No commitment unless he needs sex or promotion for his music on your corny show, although he at least seems involved in his child's life and the only one that doesn't seem completely miserable on the show. Wooda and Lontell (these fucking names with the spellcheck!) are the only two with their heads screwed on straight. I suppose they enjoy fucking midgets, and they get to do it bareback and consequence free (except for whatever STDs these human petri dishes are carrying). 14 hours ago, Destiny74 said: The red "jumpsuit" you wore to the Sex Health Fair? That getup was the definition of trashy, cheap, and ratched. I dunno. They both piss me off. I hate watch both if them. Most of these women dress like 10 pounds of shit in 5 pound bags. Same thing with the Atlanta crew. I don't know what it is with trashy fat women who think that outfits that hug every lump and crease of their fatness are actually "giving them curves". 14 hours ago, Destiny74 said: Last thought. Amanda and her boyfriend are so cute but if he moves to Dallas I hope they don't live together immediately. They should both have places for like 6 months - a year. Yeah, I didn't understand the moving-in part either. Did the boyfriend say he had a job offer selling drones? Yeah. I think he'll be right next to Tiffany's boyfriend trying to bum money for Uber. Ultimately I think that Amanda and Asta are the only normal ones. They should get as far away from this show as they can before they ruin themselves. 2 Link to comment
AZ Curls May 15, 2017 Share May 15, 2017 I think Austin (Tiffani's boyfriend) said the new job he got was "a driver with my own car" which means he's an Uber or Lyft driver, he probably does the Uber where you rent one of their cars to use. Either way dude a loser, but he is only 19 so I don't really expect him to have his stuff together. I just looked up Tiffani, she is only 22, I don't know why but I thought she was older, maybe because she owns that house, not sure how she is able to afford it. Count me in as someone who also can't stand Emily, I never really liked her on LW Atlanta and the Left and Right Cheek rap performance was hard to watch. And Asta is so sweet and nice, but her artwork is pretty lame. If this comes back for another season I won't be tuning in. Have you seen these "rap" videos? This music is so awful. Link to comment
DixonVixen2359 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 Meek is absolutely adorable 4 Link to comment
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