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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 5 (10/26/2016 - 11/01/2016)


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Scott/Alex will be up on the block, with Kryssie as probable third nom. If Scott/Alex come down, Shelby'll probably go up. If Kryssie comes down, then Scott leaves.

We NEED to make sure ACP goes to Morgan or Whitney 100%. That way, there's a chance of Kryssie going home if she stays up on the block. In fact, she would 100% go if she doesn't win veto.

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I'm bad at HG math, but doesn't Dani being HOH take a vote away from the LNC?  Obviously the nominees will be 2 BS's (Scott/Alex, Scott/Shelby or Shelby/Alex).  If Am nominates Krissie, that leaves 3 BS voters and only 2 LNC with America's vote going either way?  If Am nominates Scott, they are in trouble unless they snag the veto.  All is not lost, but I'm betting Scott lost a lot of America's sympathy tonight with his post-eviction actions.  Eh, he's not my first choice, but Scott leaving isn't the end of the world.

38 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


Two insufferable HOHs in a row. This is going to be a swell week.


As long as next week ends the same way, lol

I completely left ACP out of my convoluted equations above...who knows what will happen!  

Edited by leocadia
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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

We NEED to make sure ACP goes to Morgan or Whitney 100%. That way, there's a chance of Kryssie going home if she stays up on the block. In fact, she would 100% go if she doesn't win veto.

I'm down for this.  Who should we campaign for?  Giving it to Morgan would be a subtle nod to sister twist and pretty much telling Morgan to protect Alex.  But should we give it to Whitney because she might get more vote from the more pro-Misfits fans out there?


5 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

The plastics better threaten Scott to not speak at all for the week. At least his stupid "strategy" of being an ass to Danielle is out the window. 

Yeah, Scott's strategy of having one sole enemy has gone down in flames.  Dude just needs to go to sleep for the next week.

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Just got on to see both the good news and bad news.  Neeley's gone?  YAY!  But Danielle's now the HoH?!  NOOOOOOOO!

Well, personally, I think the Care Package should go to Morgan or Whitney so pretty much only one of the Misfits' votes counts.  Actually, none of theirs would count if one of the Ballsmashers got it, would they?

Then again, reading about Scott's antics makes me not mind too much if he hits the road.  Even then, the Ballsmashers would be up four to three in next week's HoH Competition.

5 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

Shelby is also the current leader by a huge margin on the Joker's poll for who should get CP. I say we go with Shelby or we risk the votes being split.


1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Yeah, I'm going the easy route. Shelby for ACP. 

Same here.  Seems like the smartest move at this point.

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

I'm down for this.  Who should we campaign for?  Giving it to Morgan would be a subtle nod to sister twist and pretty much telling Morgan to protect Alex.  But should we give it to Whitney because she might get more vote from the more pro-Misfits fans out there?


Unfortunately, people are dumb right now and wanting to give it to Shelby. It would be better to save Shelby for a future ACP, as I'm afraid Justin/Jason/Danielle will get the best ones in the future. 

This one is almost pointless, looking at how things could turn out. If Kryssie's America's Nom and she stays up on the block, then it'll be (if Alex/Scott/Kryssie are up on the block) Whitney, America and Shelby vs Jason/Justin. If Kryssie comes down, then the ACP is completely pointless. If a Misfit wins it and Kryssie is still up on the block, however, then it spells danger. Basically, it just can't go to a Misfit. 

I wish we could give Shelby one of the later ones, too, but I'm okay with her getting it. It needs to go to a Ballsmasher.

In my ideal world, Justin could get next week's (Co-HoH), because I'd actually like to see what he would do when he has to be in power. And then Morgan/Whitney could get the last two. Jason would be so pissed that Shelby got an ACP and he never did. Which would make it even better for me.

  • Love 4

Jason's already trying to get America to love him again by hanging out with the Ballsmashers.

I see what you're doing, boy. You're not being subtle here. Applause for figuring it out and trying, but you ain't winning points in my book! 

Unless you make sure Kryssie goes this week. Then I would reconsider. 

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Loved My Girl Shelby doing the Stupid Vertical Clap as she voted to evict Neeley.  That's what you get for tossing out the insults, Nana Neeley.

"Disgusting" speech by Neeley, so I understand how Scott was provoked.  I am a bit surprised that he'd never heard the "Scott clapped at my injury!" complaint from Kryin' Kryssie over the last two days, but I guess they never spoke, and while I did see her say it to Shelby and Morgan (in separate conversations), I guess neither of them ever told Scott.  He must have been pretty blindsided, given that he thought she was unloading all her ammo against him in this morning's argument ("He sold you all out! He's bullying Danielle, and we just had Purple Spirit Day!") and so it must have sounded to him as though she had thought up a new line of attack this afternoon and was making one last Hail Mary.  Although, as noted by Justin later, America had already voted by then.  Still, not the best reaction, but I understand how he felt. 

Jason…there are no words.

Loved the little "fuck!" Whitney said after she answered the penultimate question correctly, only to hear "you both got it right, you're both still in the game" rather than "Congratulations, Whitney, etc." she was hoping for.  I was hoping too, Whitney…right there with you.

Danielle as HoH will be a misery, of course.  I "can't wait" for her to "force" the Plastics to talk to her, and "make friends" that way, as she said would be her "strategy" in last night's DR session.

But there's no reason things can't go the same way they did this week.  Danielle puts up Scott/Alex (for example), "America" puts up Kryssie (I'd assume), Misfits don't win Veto, and Kryssie goes home.  Just have to make sure that the Misfits don't get the CP, so I'm glad to hear that Shelby is in the lead.

And I'm not bothered by "wasting" a CP on Shelby this week.  We might have needed a Plastic to win it even if Whitney had won HoH.  Assume that Whitney had put up Jason/Danielle, and America had nominated Kryssie.  If Justin then won Veto and saved Jason, that would have forced Whitney to fill the spot with someone from her side.  If, say, Justin had gotten the CP, whoever Whitney put up would have gone home.  (Six votes in play, including America's, and if Justin canceled three, he and Jason would have had a 2-1 majority, in this scenario.)

I don't think that it's a problem that a Misfit will eventually get a CP.  There are only three left, and two Plastics will remain eligible, even if Shelby gets it.  And frankly, the final CP, while useful from a game-advantage p.o.v., doesn't impact the "sides" so much.  We'll be at F5 then (remember there's a double-eviction), and all the final CP recipient gets is the "chance" to go directly to F4.  


a) the recipient might fail the competition and nothing will happen, and

b) even if they do succeed and get to skip F5 and go straight to F4, the Plastics might still have a 3-1 advantage there, and

c) if  "Scotty and His Hotties", to quote Jason (or "The Heartless Monsters" in Kryssie's description), can run the table, there won't be any Misfits around to win that last CP.  Remember, there's no CP delivered during the double-eviction.

Still, I would much rather have had Whitney win HoH.  Relying on "America" to do my favorites' work feels a bit cheap, I admit.  But them's the rules, so…*shrug*

ETA:  Now that I think about it, if we get the CP and the AN, and win Veto, we don't even need the AV on Wednesday.  Say it's Alex/Scott/Kryssie up on the block on Wednesday night; Shelby cancels out Justin and Jason and Morgan's votes (because Whitney got a free pass this week, so she has to step up next time) and then Shelby and Whitney can vote out Kryssie, regardless of whether "America" makes it 2-1 or 3-0 in the final score.

Edited by DAngelus
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4 hours ago, flipflopdiva said:

In my ideal world, Justin could get next week's (Co-HoH), because I'd actually like to see what he would do when he has to be in power. And then Morgan/Whitney could get the last two.

Oh, yeah.  That's even simpler.

If "America" helps us to evict Kryssie this week, then next week let Justin have the Co-HoH.  Either it means nothing because Jason won HoH and "America" can still evict Danielle (barring the Veto going to that side), or he'll be splitting power with a Heartless Monster and he won't be able to protect both Jason and Danielle. 

Say Morgan wins HoH, Justin gets the CP to be Co-HoH.  Morgan nominates Jason, Justin nominates Shelby, "America" nominates Danielle.  Justin wins Veto, takes down Jason, and Morgan puts Whitney up as a pawn (because she's worried America would evict Scott, and she doesn't want to risk Alex).

Voting to evict Shelby:  Jason

Voting to evict Danielle: Alex, Scott, "America".

Danielle evicted, 3-1

Now if Justin were to take down Danielle, or if Dani wins Veto, then it's Justin/Dani voting out Shelby, but Shelby should then have four votes (Alex/Scott/Whitney/"America") to stay.  Albeit that winning the America's Vote against Jason might be more difficult…but imagine how much it would kill him that "America" evicted him while keeping the "prostitute" in his place.  And imagine him being all bitter about this in his interview with Julie, only for Julie to tell him that Shelby is actually a lawyer.  :)

So yeah, if we can get the Heartless Monsters through this week intact, using the same CP+AN+Veto strategy as this past week, we can afford to give Justin the CP next week and save the last two for Morgan and Whitney.  Good thought, flipflopdiva!

ETA:  In the HoH, Danielle says she's not targeting Scott, that's too easy. She wants to make the Plastics squirm.  Oooh, goody, it is high school all over again for her.  So strategic.  (Yeah, yeah, keep a target in the house, Scott's easy to beat at the end, I know.  But I doubt that's it, entirely.)

Meanwhile, Kryssie says they get to "crap in comfort" again, because they control the HoH bathroom.  So…they're not letting the opposing alliance use that, not even the tub or shower?  That's rather ungracious.  Did Monte/Alex/Scott run their HoHs this way?

And, down in the yoga room, My Girl Shelby is snuffling and losing her shit as she cries to the camera


…and I haven't done anything that counts, and I blew a completely-mental comp, which I've been wishing for this whole time.

Yeah, not just blew, out on the first question, which she answered with such authority I was sure she had it right and we'd be down to just Alex/Scott/Shelby, right away.  Nope.

(BTW, do we think Scott threw it?  He seemed happy to hear he'd been eliminated, IMO.)

Shelby's real trauma, though, is that she figures she's third in line to go, which would date her eviction to November 17, and she gets her Bar Exam results on the 18th.  And since the competition reminded her of how she felt when she took the bar—"like a complete fucking moron"—she's really worried about the 1-2 punch of eviction/bar failure, on consecutive days.

Well, yeah, but…

a) you might not be third in line; the other side might want you gone sooner.  Or dragged to the end as a goat; you never know.

b) your side can still win HoH, which throws the math completely out the window.  Or Kryssie might be evicted via America this week, as we've been speculating.

c) even if you are evicted on the 17th, there's no rule saying you have to check your results immediately.  Go to Vegas for the weekend…it's what it's there for, as you well know.  (Shelby's visited Las Vegas 12 separate times.)

Although one thing Shelbs doesn't know is that the 17th is a double-eviction, which increases the odds against her.  Still, that's an eternity away in BB time.

But I'm glad she might be getting the CP this week, if she's so stressed.  I don't like to see My Girl cry…even if previous "My Girl" recipients of my BB-support included Rachel Reilly, so it's not as if I'm not used to it. ;)

(And she pulls it together to go hang with the other Plastics, so this was just a "get it out of my system" cry, not a full-on breakdown, anyhow.)

ETAA: Jason and Scott are working things out in the back yard, quite amicably.  I guess they just needed a nicotine fix to unwind.

Of course, part of Jason's new amity is that he knows Danielle isn't targeting Scott this week, so…

In fact, he pretty much spills Danielle's "break up those girls, they vote as a bloc" strategy right to Scott, although he leaves it as "I feel" rather than "I know", perhaps to maintain deniability.  Scott's like, "Hey, I won't complain!"  Not that he's planning on talking to Danielle, either way.  But no more "terrorizing", either.  Which is good.

(Although I feel that if he tries to explain to Kryssie that he really wasn't clapping about her injuries, it was just gamesmanship, we might still get a blow-up or six.  But we'll see.)

Edited by DAngelus
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So I guess it's time for America to do some BB strategy. (Holy cow, that got wild just before the HOH competition.) The RHAP chat room was going nuts during eviction and HOH. I've been leaning toward Whitney for the CP because I think she's got the most strategic mind of the BS, but I guess no matter which BS won it, they would all discuss the options. Besides, it's not like there will be a lot of voters to choose from. Danielle will put up two Plastics, so that leaves Jason, Justin and Kryssie's votes to cancel. No brainer for a Plastic. Sounds like Kryssie for America's nominee? I'd rather have Jason go, I'm tired of his vitriol and hypocrisy.

Agree with the above, Scott shouldn't try to be a villain. I believe he's a nice, kind-hearted guy in real life and he should just own it on the show - he doesn't have the evilness in him to be a true villain. On the chat site we were discussing how we would make over Scott. Natalie would do it in a heart beat if she was on this season.

6 hours ago, DAngelus said:

Did Monte/Alex/Scott run their HoHs this way?

Monte did; remember the stupid little key that he wore around his neck the entire time as HOH because he locked the door? I know Scott always offered things from his HOH, but I can't remember what Alex did. 

So, I've come to accept that our side will be voting for Shelby to get ACP; they just better not complain when Shelby's in actual danger and a great ACP comes up. But now that Danielle's said that both Shelby and Alex are her targets, I'll absolutely get behind Shelby winning ACP. They need those votes cancelled. Unfortunately, Danielle's not doing what we want and putting up Scott, which means Alex or Shelby could actually leave. So that's absolute worst case scenario, if the Misfits win veto and take down Kryssie. I think our luck may have run out this week, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. This could be the first week where things don't go the way that I want them to. 

I just read that Danielle wants Whitney/Morgan with an Alex backdoor. The unfortunate thing is that if a Ballsmasher gets it, then Alex going up on the block won't matter, because BS will cancel Jason/Justin/Scott's votes, and that'll leave Shelby and one of Whitney/Morgan voting. Even if America votes to evict Alex, Kryssie will go. We might have to lose Whitney or Morgan, though, if Kryssie's taken off the block. But...we don't lose Alex? This is all taking into account that this decision stays the same before ACP, although Danielle might want to put up Scott/Alex upright after the ACP reveal, especially if they don't get it. I think her smart move would be doing that and I assume that's what she'll do. 

Unfortunately votes are being split, it seems, so now JASON might win ACP this week. 

48 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Unfortunately votes are being split, it seems, so now JASON might win ACP this week. 

Ugh.  Well, I guess Danielle's strategy will be dependent on who wins ACP.  if Jason wins, it would make sense for her to put Scott/Alex up right away because they know they will be able to cancel votes in order to get their target out.

However, if a Ball smasher wins, it may be in Danielle's best interest to keep Scott off the block initially in hopes that he will get America's Nominee.  (personally, I think Kryssie will get it but I don't think Scott will be far behind)

Now I'm nervous about this ACP!

Well, if the Ball Smasher wins ACP it will be a Pagong streak, right? I'm okay with that. LOL!!! I think Krissie will be the America Nom but she might not go hom if Jason or Justin get the ACP!! I have no idea how this is going to play out. I'll have to check with Jokers because so far they've been acurate with the voting and ACP.

Just checked...the Top 4 are Shelby, Alex, Morgan & Whitney with Justin in 5th. Maybe, Shelby would get the ACP which would frusterate the midnight crew. It's gonna be long weekend. I can hardly wait. LOL!!!

  • Love 1

It also looks like Have Nots will be Kryssie, Justin, and Whitney this week, so that's not bad. 

It does look like people are dumb and voting Shelby, though. I don't love Shelby like others so I'm fine with giving her this one, but I also think that Morgan/Whitney have less of a chance of getting the last two ACPs than Jason/Danielle. 

I need Scott to go this week tbh. I just can't stand him. Kryssie provides me so much entertainment! I just really would rather Scott or Jason get America's nom/evicted. 

Another plus of Scott going for me is that it prevents one side being decimated, which is boring to me, but at the same time it stills keeps everyone I like safe lol. The only people I care about staying are Morgan, Shelby, and Whitney and then Kryssie and Danielle because their delusions are fun for me. I'd also like Alex to stay for a bit longer simply because she helps the people I like.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Even if America votes to evict Alex, Kryssie will go. We might have to lose Whitney or Morgan, though, if Kryssie's taken off the block. But...we don't lose Alex? This is all taking into account that this decision stays the same before ACP, although Danielle might want to put up Scott/Alex upright after the ACP reveal, especially if they don't get it.

Well, we know Scott and Alex won't get the CP; they've already had theirs.  (Ditto Kryssie.)  But yes, assuming Shelby gets the CP, she and any other Ballsmashers not on the block will either have the numbers to evict Kryssie/Jason (as the AN) or choose which Plastic leaves, if the AN comes down after Veto.

The scariest possibility for me is also the one with the most drama: Shelby ends up trapped on the block and has to figure out which votes would save her and which ones she should cancel.  Fortunately, it seems that she's the one Plastic that Danielle isn't targeting, so that's good.

What's no good are the reports of vote-splitting and Jason possibly getting the CP.  Oh, hell, no.  Vote for Shelby, people!  Give a "prostitute" a Care Package!

(If only to see Jason freak out when she gets one before he does; little does he know they're essentially fighting it out in the votes.)

ETA:  the Chat box on my feeds site is showing some support for giving the CP to Danielle, to "protect" her HoH.  So hopefully there's some vote-splitting going on amongst JamFans, not just on our side.

ETAA:  out of nine HGs, Jason is the only one to respond to the initial "rise and shine!" announcement.  Maybe if they played the music, there'd be more stirring?  But I guess if they're not blanking out the "wake up!" portion of the feeds, as they usually do, they'd have to pay royalties.  Cheap BS, CBS.

Edited by DAngelus

Ha, you can vote for Alex, they don't have her blocked off for her Week 3 ACP. I put one vote her way and did the other 19 for Shelby. Have Nots: definitely Kryssie, probably Justin because he hasn't done it yet, Danielle or maybe Whitney to lull the Misfits. I'm going to see if I can vote on my phone, then later on vote on my personal laptop.

OK, I can't do it on my phone because I already voted today. So they track by your All Access ID.

Edited by Lamb18

Danielle can't be a Have-Not; she's HoH.  Next week for her.

And just because you can vote for Alex on the CP (due to, I'd guess, an error on the site), that doesn't mean those votes will be counted or that she'd get the CP even if she "won".

Scott, Alex and Shelby sitting in Tokyo, discussing yesterday:


SCOTT:  Yeah, don't be stressed; yesterday was a very happy day.

SHELBY: Yeah. 

ALEX:  Yesterday was the day of miracles.

SCOTT: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.  But mostly, the best of times.  Not gonna lie.

Charles Dickens in the BB house!  Holla!

ETA:  Whitney joins them briefly (she's soon called to the DR) and they're discussing Neeley's speech.  Shelby's laughing about how Neeley said "coup de grace" so many times, regarding three separate issues ("He sold you out! He clapped about Krissy's injury! He's going to terrorize Danielle!") when the whole point of a coup de grace is that it's the final blow.  So you really can't have three of them.  (IMO, I don't even think Neeley's usage was correct…a coup de grace is more active than "this is the final argument against him", I'd say.)

Shelby also reiterates that it was weird Neeley's speech was all anti-Scott and nothing about why the HGs should keep Neeley, herself.

Talk turns to discussing Scott's job in debt collection.  Shelby (still covering her law school history) "wonders" if she should move into debt collection from "waitressing".  


SHELBY:  I think I'd be good at that.  "PAY YOUR BILL!"  

(The others laugh.)

Edited by DAngelus

That debt collection convo was not The Plastics/Scott's finest moment. I had to turn it off because they were annoying.

But then I went to the LNJ and Jason was talking about how he knows they're good people so he doesn't care what America thinks and then they started talking about sucking their own dicks so I just turned off the feeds.

  • Love 4

I didn't find anything objectionable in the debt collection convo.  Mind you, I've done fundraising, which is debt collection's only-slightly-less-annoying cousin.  Heck, I'm jealous of Scott for having his own cubicle; I was stuck in a straight-up "boiler room".  A nice room (skylight, good ventilation, etc.), but we were all in rows; no cubicles for the grunts.  So the fact that Scott has to be persistent and know how much to call didn't bother me.  But JMO.

Of course, if I'd known what I was missing outside…

(Has Jason actually accomplished auto-fellatio?  He seems as though he might be flexible enough to do so.  Chad Kroeger of Nickleback says he did it as a teen; I wonder if that impacts his marriage to Avril Lavigne?  "C'mon, Av; I can do a better job! Why you gotta make things so complicated?")

Actually, IMO, the Plastics convo that was more of a bummer was the one that followed the debt collection one (just Alex/Morgan/Whitney now):


WHITNEY:  I like learning about "a day in the life" of people.

ALEX:  What's a day in your life like, Whitney?

WHITNEY:  Sucky.

It seems she doesn't like working as a Medical Assistant to her Nurse Practitioner brother*, because everybody who comes brings stress:  people with medical issues, drug addicts trying to scam her, misbehaving kids, etc.  Whereas when she worked at the gym before, she was surrounded by "positive people", because you don't go to the gym unless you want to, etc.

I mean, I see her point, but I'd like to think that health-care professionals weren't quite so miserable, that they enjoyed helping people to heal, etc.  Scott seemed to like debt collecting more.  Even if he joked about being worried that he's blown his cover by going on BB, and now all those people who threatened to "break his arm" for calling them know his surname and where he lives. 

*-I think this may actually be Whitney's half-brother or step-brother, because she called the woman that does the billing "his stepmother", not "my" or "our".  Not that it makes a difference.

Edited by DAngelus

Well, it's not popular here, I guess, but I'm voting for Jason for ACP. I do want Krissy to go home and I will nominate her this week, but I'd rather see the two sides even up again. 

I also just like messing with the hamsters. Does America like the Misfits? Does America like the Ball Smashers? America in the form of me just wants a good game and doesn't really like any of you except...

The only one for sure I want to make Final 3 is Justin. But I hope that whatever hamsters are sitting there with him played so hard to get there that I would have a hard time deciding on a winner.

Edited by ZSweetJane
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I think I'm the only one who doesn't like Justin. I.don't.get.the.love.for.him.at.all. To each is own, right? I don't want Jason or Just near this weeks ACP. I want Shelby to get it because it will drive Jason up the proverbial wall. He's been so nasty this season that I'm so over him. I want Krssie to go next. I know that it would be boring if one side keeps winning but I just can't with the late night crew. I think they are all vile. IMO!!

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I think I'm the only one who doesn't like Justin. I.don't.get.the.love.for.him.at.all. 

Same here.  I don't understand all the Justin love.  He reminds me of Andy.  He toggles between both sides, absorbing all their information while keeping his opinions to himself, then he drops hints to each side about the other side without really giving up any names or solid fact.  Some may say that's why he's such a great game player -- and maybe that's true -- but to me he's just a rat.

1 hour ago, ZSweetJane said:

Well, it's not popular here, I guess, but I'm voting for Jason for ACP.

I'm not going to vote, but I'm not against Jason getting it simply because what I really want this week is for Scott to be evicted and I think Jason getting this ACP would help that. I, like you, would like to see the sides even up again. Plus I hate Scott and I find Kryssie entertaining as hell.

35 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I think I'm the only one who doesn't like Justin.

I'm not much of a fan either. I mean he's fine, but I don't care about him in any way. The only people I'd want to see leave before him are Scott and Jason.

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9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

We have no way of actually knowing, but the Jokers poll, which has been fairly accurate so far, has Shelby in the lead with 47% of the vote. But Twitter is apparently pushing for Jason.

It's pretty amazing how accurate Jokers has been. I'm not sure if it's just feedsters who vote on their but it's pretty (so far) accurate. I'm hoping Shelby wins because she cracks me up and it would drive the midnight crew crazy.

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