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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 5 (10/26/2016 - 11/01/2016)


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Well, I was going to kick off the thread by recapping the Live DR sessions, but I got distracted by other things, and then my feeds crashed, and it was after midnight BBT, which meant I could no longer Flashback to yesterday.  So I'll just leave this with a couple of goodies from Danielle.

Question 5 is about what the HGs think is their biggest challenge moving forward.  Danielle thinks her challenge is connecting with the Plastics, that they never connected from Day 1 and it's bringing back memories of growing up. She complains that they don't acknowledge her presence, she speaks and they don't hear her [oh, they hear you, I'm sure], and she doesn't even know what she did.

Except that…she kind of does:


I know I can be hard to connect with or get along with and I talk a lot, and I have a lot of stories, but at the end of the day™, I'm me, and through this next week, if I win HoH, that forces those girls to give me a chance and to speak with me and play the game.

So…she plans to repair the holes in her social game by taking power and making "friends" through intimidation, is that it?

Holy facepalm.

Question 6 is on whether the HGs have bonded with their fellow hamsters, and will they be friends outside of the house? Danielle says she's close to the Jamboree because when she was being targeted "they were there with me, they were loyal to me" and moving forward there might be "game moves" that could be seen as "disloyalty", but "I will understand".  [Emphases added] She seems to take the ME-aning of "making friends" in a rather personal way there, methinks.

She also talks about spending more time with Shane, and says not one word about anyone not in her precious Jamboree.  

Or is that "Jambor-ME"??

ETA: Courtesy of the Big Brother Network Twitter account, let's have a look at Kryssie's "five open wounds", shall we?

%22Five Open Wounds%22.jpg

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 6

I voted to evict Neely. I don't really have any problem with her but it will drive the midnight crowd up.a.wall. Hysterical! Now, if Shelby could win HOH that would probably make Jason self evict which would be fine with me. He's been so vile and nasty this season. Send him home to his basement and off my screen. Ugh! I'm glad the 4 girls are tight and they seem to work really well together. It's been tried for years and now it's here so I will enjoy it while I can. BTW! Did you hear that Krissie almost bled to death? It must be true because she told EVERYONE about it.

  • Love 6

Heh, BB apparently called Kryssie into the DR last night to tell her to stop talking about her hands. Even BB is annoyed, although I don't blame them. She has been blaming them for her hands since she quit the veto comp.

Someone on Twitter posted a picture of Kryssie showing her blistered hands in her DR, but I can't seem to find it. They do look kind of bad, but nowhere near the level that she's describing. There's no blood, no potential for amputation, no near death misses, just two or three blisters. Scott also has two blisters, and Neeley was shown bandaging her hands, as well as Shelby. So basically, Kryssie's making it seem like she's the only one to get injured during the veto. 

It'll be close between Neeley and Scott, but I'm hoping that Neeley goes. Morgan's afraid of her not going and being targeted. Also, the ideal HOH scenario would be Shelby winning. It would be hysterical, and she'd put up Kryssie/Jason, or Jason/Justin. They believe, and are probably correct, that Kryssie will be the third nominee. 

  • Love 3

Shelby winning HOH would be absolutely hysterical. I hope the Ballsmashers get their way this week, just to mess with the LNJ.  I cast my 40 votes for Neeley, so hoping it helps in some way.

I'm really looking forward to tonight's eviction.  It's gonna be a close one! I don't even dislike Neeley (or anyone other than Kryssie) all that much, but if it messes with Kryssie and ruins her HOH, then I'm all for it.  Plus, it will help give my girls the numbers to stay in the game. 


Honestly, I'm really kinda hoping for more cross-alliance dealings in the next week or two.  Maybe if the LNJ is finally starting to see the light that America is over them and their bitchiness toward the girls/Scott, they'll start trying to work more with the Ballsmashers/Scott.  Morgan and Whitney seem to have a good enough social game and be liked well enough that they could potentially form new connections.  Justin's been riding the fence all along mostly.  They talk about it a lot, but I wonder if Morgan and Alex would really turn on each other?  I could seem them voting for one another if they already knew there was NO way to change the outcome and everyone else was gonna vote Alex out, for instance.

  • Love 1
34 minutes ago, Matteo said:

I could seem them voting for one another if they already knew there was NO way to change the outcome and everyone else was gonna vote Alex out, for instance.

Oh, no doubt. And I could actually see Alex actively pushing for Morgan's eviction down the line if she thought it was beneficial for her game. Hell, I think Alex would've tried to get Morgan evicted over Scott this very week! 

2 minutes ago, diana said:

I've seen reference to casting 40 votes a few times. I thought the daily limit was 20. Am I missing something or do you just have 2 accounts?

Voting started yesterday so you could vote 20 times yesterday and 20 times today.

Edited by peachmangosteen
2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Voting started yesterday so you could vote 20 times yesterday and 20 times today.

Ahh, now I get it. Thanks. So there's only a 2 day window. I put mine to vote out Neeley. I don't get to watch much feeds, but watching that video of her utter outrage at the BSers' celebration and then doing the same thing was enough. Scott is not great either but I believe this will help the BSers and I want to see them win.

58 minutes ago, Matteo said:

Honestly, I'm really kinda hoping for more cross-alliance dealings in the next week or two.  Maybe if the LNJ is finally starting to see the light that America is over them and their bitchiness toward the girls/Scott, they'll start trying to work more with the Ballsmashers/Scott. 

Well, I think that it's possible with some of the LNJ/Misfits, such as Jason and Justin, but I think Danielle has already mentioned that she wants to win HOH so the other side has to talk to her, and Kryssie will only make deals for the other side if there's legit no other option. Even if Neeley goes tonight, Kryssie's too proud to try to work with the other side this early on, not when Jason's still around. She'll be done with Morgan, she doesn't like Alex or Shelby, and I don't know her feelings toward Whitney after the vote. She might still want to work with her. 

Although I am really wanting some cross-alliance dealings next week, which will only happen if Neeley leaves. I think if Kryssie goes next week, the Misfits will absolutely disperse. Jason already wants to work with Alex, and Justin doesn't like Danielle so I think Kryssie's eviction would make it easier for him to switch. That would mean that Danielle would be mostly alone, but it would make things interesting to see who she tries to ally with.

The order of evictions that I want is: Neeley, Kryssie, Scott, Jason, Danielle, Justin, and then Shelby.  I know it may not happen, but a girl can dream that Alex at least gets to the finals and Jason/Justin aren't there. If Jason/Justin aren't in the finals and Alex is, then I think she wins, hands down. 

Ballsmashers counting items in the house, especially those that relate to Halloween, as today is the last HoH competition before that holiday.  They think that it's liable to be a questions-based HoH (as the Veto participants are still rather beat up), but not about house events, as they just had that in the Veto.  So, either "objects in the house", or maybe "things the evictees said in the DR", but with only three HGs gone so far, it's a little early for that one.

Wow, Neeley is completely losing her shit on Scott in the kitchen RN.  Will pause and attempt to transcribe.

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Neeley just went OFF on Scott for.....daring to campaign to Jason.  Because that is not allowed?  This is what I hate about the LNJ.  They are so sanctimonious about how to play this game.  Kryssie said it would be so "stupid" of the Plastics to keep Scott.  Why?  He is aligned with them, and would not go after them, while Neeley would.  Why is that stupid?  Ugh, these people are the worst.

Kryssie is going to LOSE it if Neeley goes tonight.  I read on Jokers that if Kryssie starts really going off on Morgan after the vote, Morgan just has to say "Pineapple" if she starts getting uncomfortable, and Shelby will start going off.  That would be hilarious, quite frankly, if Kryssie is trying to make her feel guiltiy and awful and out of nowhere Morgan just says "Pineapple".  Heh.

  • Love 7

Yeah, so Neeley can go. I feel bad for Scott, who has now been "attacked" twice this week. Ok, the attack by Danielle was somewhat warranted because he was annoying her on purpose, but Neeley now attacking Scott? God, the egos on these people are ridiculous. Their fans are not much better. I won't look on Twitter, but I just KNOW that their fans are applauding Neeley and calling her a Queen or something. I don't even LIKE Scott and only tolerate him because he's an ally for the Ballsmashers, but now I want him to stay around long enough to watch Kryssie, Danielle, and Jason walk out the door. 

Also, who knew that Monte would be right when he guessed that Neeley would blow up when on the block? I know his intent of his comment might have been somewhat based on racism, but....I mean, he wasn't wrong, after all. 

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Kryssie is going to LOSE it if Neeley goes tonight.  I read on Jokers that if Kryssie starts really going off on Morgan after the vote, Morgan just has to say "Pineapple" if she starts getting uncomfortable, and Shelby will start going off.  That would be hilarious, quite frankly, if Kryssie is trying to make her feel guiltiy and awful and out of nowhere Morgan just says "Pineapple".  Heh.

That's actually hilarious.  I am very eagerly awaiting this eviction tonight.  It's gonna be a close one, and it's really up in the air.  I hope things go the way I want them to, and Neeley is sent packing! I am enjoying the hell out of this season so far, far more than the summer season.  I didn't have the feeds for the summer season, so maybe that's why I'm more invested/engaged in this, but the cast/alliance dynamics are really interesting, and I'm glad for all the America Vote options (because it's fun to mess with their heads and to watch them try and figure out why certain people are liked, disliked, or favored each week).

Between this and Survivor, I'm looking forward to all my good TV tonight! Well, not "TV," technically, but you get the point...

Edited by Matteo
  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Matteo said:

That's actually hilarious.  I am very eagerly awaiting this eviction tonight.  It's gonna be a close one, and it's really up in the air.  I hope things go the way I want them to, and Neeley is sent packing! I am enjoying the hell out of this season so far, far more than the summer season.  I didn't have the feeds for the summer season, so maybe that's why I'm more invested/engaged in this, but the cast/alliance dynamics are really interesting, and I'm glad for all the America Vote options (because it's fun to mess with their heads and to watch them try and figure out why certain people are liked, disliked, or favored each week).

Between this and Survivor, I'm looking forward to all my good TV tonight! Well, not "TV," technically, but you get the point...

I love and hate my Survivor & BBOTT. I love Survivor because it's on at 8 EST. I hate BBOTT because the eviction & HOH don't start till 11 or midnight EST. I am so tired on Thursday. I wish BBOTT would air the eviction right at 9:00pm and then the HOH. That said, I'll be watching. I want Neely to go home and I want Shelby to win HOH just for the pure joy!

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I love and hate my Survivor & BBOTT. I love Survivor because it's on at 8 EST. I hate BBOTT because the eviction & HOH don't start till 11 or midnight EST. I am so tired on Thursday. I wish BBOTT would air the eviction right at 9:00pm and then the HOH. That said, I'll be watching. I want Neely to go home and I want Shelby to win HOH just for the pure joy!

I agree. I've just started working early so I have to be up at 8am, which means I can watch the live eviction but now I'm not sure I'll be able to watch the HOH competition. If it was just an hour earlier, even, then it would be so much better. And of course, I want to watch tonight's because I need to see Neeley's eviction (I'm 60% sure that she's going) and I need to make sure a Ballsmasher wins HOH tonight. At this point, I don't care which one. Maybe not Whitney, only because she's closest with the Misfits and I want her to stay on friendly terms with them just in case, but Shelby/Alex/Morgan or even Scott would be awesome. But Shelby or Alex would be great because they've said that they want to put up Jason. 

28 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Yeah, Scott really is kind of the worst.  Which is why although I really want Neeley to leave tonight, I certainly won't be all torn up if Scott leaves instead. 

I will.  But only because it means the numbers for the next HoH would be even at four vs. four -- Whitney, Alex, Shelby, and Morgan vs. Danielle, Neeley, Jason, and Justin.  With Neeley gone, the Ballsmashers and Scott have the numbers advantage in the next HoH at five vs. three -- Alex, Whitney, Morgan, Shelby, and Scott vs. Danielle, Jason, and Justin.  So I only want Scott to survive for that reason.  Hell, he can stay till at least one more Misfit goes home, maybe two, and then go himself.

  • Love 2

Sisters and Shelby eating breakfast at the kitchen island.  Justin enters, to a small gasp from Morgan and a sotto "no!", which I guess means to cool it on discussing the upcoming HoH?  Or maybe they knew the LNJ were acting salty in the back yard and Morgan was worried about something happening.

Neeley enters, wearing sunglasses indoors, clearly tense.


NEELEY:  So, ladies.  I just thought y'all should know, it has been mentioned that you guys would not be in a Final 5 with Scott.  [ie, in campaigning to Jason, Scott held out the possibility of keeping him to F5.  Don't know if he said he would keep Jason over any particular Plastic, as Neeley never mentions any name; more likely he was simply anticipating a spot opening up.] Scott's been campaigning all night.

MORGAN:  He has?

ALEX: I mean…

NEELEY:  He's been saying crazy stuff.

ALEX:  Scott…the thing is with Scott, he's a superfan, he's not going to go down without a fight, so this isn't surprising me that he's staying stuff.

NEELEY:  He's been saying all sorts of [undecipherable]-ass shit—

ALEX:  Okay.

NEELEY: To everybody.  So—

(Scott comes out of the bathroom, smiling)

SCOTT:  Did I hear my name?

NEELEY:  So, everybody (turns to Scott, louder) Yeah, you know, you messing with the wrong woman, 'cause I ain't scared. I ain't like Danielle, and I ain't gonna cuss you out and talk crazy—

SCOTT:  Okay.

NEELEY (stays loud): —but I'm gonna let everyone know who you really are.  Like, Scott, I didn't have no drama with you, I didn't have no issue with you, but you didn't have to talk shit about me; you didn't have to try to come for me.

SCOTT:  I've never talked shit about you.

NEELEY:  I didn't have no issue with you!

SCOTT:  I'm competing…I'm campaigning to keep myself safe.

NEELEY (louder, talking over him, using hand gestures): I didn't have no issue with you.  You didn't have to come for me like that, at all! That wasn't gonna be my style, to play like that.  But you didn't have to come for me like that, at all!

SCOTT:  I've never—


SCOTT:  I've never said a negative word about you, Neeley.

NEELEY:  Don't be trying to throw my name under the bus, talking bad about me—

SCOTT (annoyed? offended?):  Never! I've never said a bad word about you to anyone!

NEELEY: And when you're the most [indecipherable, due to overlap w Scott] person in this house! No one in this house should trust you, because your fucking Day 1 [alliance], by your own admission, your Day 1?  That shit is GONE! [ie, she's claiming Scott is untrustworthy because he [publicly] chose to evict his former alliance-mate Shane, over Danielle, last week.]

SCOTT: It is gone!

NEELEY:  So why should any of them trust you when you couldn't keep your Day 1 alliance intact?  (Bangs her hand on the island, several times)

SCOTT:  Shane couldn't keep it intact!

NEELEY:  Yes, and you got rid of him! And now you wanna terrorize Danielle??  (Playing to cameras, raises arms) I hope America sees that! He wants to bully Danielle! That's his game plan! His big game plan is to bully Danielle!

SCOTT:  Mark those words, America…

NEELEY:  That's how he wants to win this shit.  So I hope America sees you for what you are.  (Kryssie enters from the back yard, sits and eats at the counter.) The week after the [anti-]bullying campaign, the Purple Spirit Day, you wanna bully someone? [I guess CBS had them do an anti-bullying spot?] That's real cute! That's the CBS way! Is to bully somebody for the rest of the week.

(Turns back to Alex/Morgan/Shelby)

If y'all want somebody who's gonna bully people and doesn't have a real game plan and can't keep his alliance intact, then that's what you do.  But keep someone in here who's really here to play, not here for their weekly stipend, and not here with some "Day 1 alliance" bullshit.  And that's what you have.

SCOTT (tired):  I never said a bad word about you, Neeley.

NEELEY (as she heads back out):  I can't believe you tried me like that, dawg!  'Cause I'm not that person!

SCOTT: I never said a bad word about you!

NEELEY:  I'm not that person, I don't talk bad about people in this house like that.  I'm past that kind of shit in my life.

SCOTT:  Okay! That's good!

NEELEY:  But now you done tick me off, dawg.  

SCOTT:  But I never said a—

NEELEY:  Don't come for me like that! Don't tell my friends some bullshit about me, like how you gonna do this and how I'm gonna flip on people!

SCOTT:  I never said a bad word about you, Neeley!  I never said—

NEELEY: Because you're the only one that's flipped!  Alex knows for a fact, Week 2, how you kept going to each individual side and give information!

SCOTT:  Who did I give information to?

NEELEY: You were taking information from one side, passing to the other side, passing to the other side, passing to the other side!

SCOTT:  Because I… [trails off, out of gas…and possibly worried about this issue]

NEELEY:  She knows that you are not trustworthy, you are not loyal!

SCOTT:  I never—

NEELEY:  So don't try to act like you are a better bet, you are loyal, because You! Are! Not! (does stupid vertical clapping to emphasize this last bit)

SCOTT:  I've never come for you, Neeley.

NEELEY:  You are not loyal! You are not loyal to nobody!

SCOTT:  That's your opinion!

NEELEY (roaming and raging and pointing):  And if they keep you in the house, they'll get picked off one by one—

SCOTT:  That's your opinion, and you're welcome to it—

NEELEY:  They will get picked off!

SCOTT: You're welcome to it!

NEELEY: And I hope they know they can't trust you!

SCOTT:  All right.  

NEELEY:  Because you sold every one of them out last night, in your plea to America, in your plea to Jason!

SCOTT:  I have never thrown your name out there, Neeley, I have never thrown your name out there! Ever!

NEELEY:  Don't do me like that!  (leaves, slamming sliding door)

SCOTT (after her): Ever! I've never thrown your name out there, Neeley.  On some real shit.

(DANIELLE passes through from the living room to the bathroom, apparently having missed the whole thing.  Was she sleeping again?  The girls make small talk about avocados, while SCOTT stands awkwardly silent, perhaps worried that Neeley's words had an effect. KRYSSIE goes back outside.  JUSTIN offers SCOTT some coffee, which he gratefully accepts. Then JUSTIN and SHELBY start laughing.)

SHELBY:  We had such a nice breakfast ready.  We, like, prepared it.  Then, almost instantly (makes finger-flexing motions, mock-growls) "Ar-ar, arr-arr!" Awww. Grrr.

(ALEX heads to the bathroom, smiling.)

JUSTIN (to SCOTT, smiling): You want some sugar, Buhb'im?

SCOTT (with a smile in his voice): Yeah, I'll take some sugar!

(ALEX returns)

ALEX:  That was…wow.

SCOTT: Yeah, that was, uh, pretty intense, wasn't it?

SHELBY: It was a little bit "Over The Top"!  (Morgan smiles at the plug.)

SCOTT:  It was a little bit "Over The Top", wasn't it?

SHELBY (laughing): And of course, Alex gets dragged into it!  Just like every single time!

ALEX (spreads arms, makes "helpless" gesture):  Blame it on Alex! Always! 

SCOTT: Yeah, of course you get dragged into it!

MORGAN (laughing):  And she [Alex] is like "why me?"!

(SCOTT and SHELBY talk over each other in this next bit)

SCOTT:  I've never said a bad thing about Neeley, though.  Like, I like Neeley, and I respect Neeley.

SHELBY:  She says she's never said a bad thing about anyone in this house, and she called me "stupid" to my face, so…

(SHELBY then repeats herself, so SCOTT can hear it)

SCOTT:  Well, there you go.  People can believe what they want to believe, but there's definitely some revisionist history going on in the house.

JUSTIN: Oh, that was intense.

SCOTT:  It's almost as if six people didn't try to get me out of here two weeks ago, like that never happened!

MORGAN:  Happy Wednesday!

SCOTT: Revisionist history! Welcome to Big Brother!

SHELBY:  Oh, man.  And breakfast was gonna be so nice.

SCOTT:  They were coming for me first, though.

JUSTIN:  I never tried to come after you, bro.

SCOTT:  I know you didn't, Justin. (JUSTIN laughs) But you do know the people who have been after me.

JUSTIN (laughs):  No, I do know the people who have been after you, Bo!

SCOTT: You know that there are people who have been after me for, like, the past three weeks.

JUSTIN:  I do know, Bo.

SCOTT:  And I mean, shit had to hit the fan, eventually. 

JUSTIN:  Yeah, kid.

SCOTT:  I mean, they're free to talk shit behind my back—

JUSTIN:  I had nothing to do with that, Bo.

SCOTT:  …but you're not gonna talk shit to my face?  You better make sure that you're ready, 'cause…

SHELBY (snorts):  'Cause Scott's coming for you!  

SCOTT:  'Cause I'm coming for you.

SHELBY (mocking tone, but still on Scott's side, here): 'Cause he brings it! 

SCOTT: That's right, I fucking bring it.  And the people who have been talking shit about me for the past three weeks?  They should be scared.

JUSTIN:  Oh, God.  (puts his arm around Alex)

SCOTT:  The people who haven't been talking shit, and who have been decent human beings?  They don't have a thing to worry about.  Like that's all I ask, that you be a decent human being and you don't fucking ostracize me and walk away whenever I'm in a room.  (Shot of MORGAN nodding, but looking a bit uneasy, IMO.)  God forbid…

(Brief silence)

SCOTT:  And I don't know what she was talking about "last night"!  I did no campaigning last night!

JUSTIN:  I don't know, man…

SCOTT:  Like, who the fuck am I gonna campaign to?

JUSTIN:  I think she just was angry this morning.  She just hasn't eaten.  [Of course, Scott is also a Have-Not.  But he seems okay with the Slop diet.]

SCOTT (barreling on):  Neeley and Kryssie? Two people who can't vote?

MORGAN:  She's just feeling like…

SHELBY:  She's on the block, too.

JUSTIN:  She's just on the edge.

ALEX:  She's on the edge, she walked in at the wrong time—

MORGAN: Right.

ALEX: —and she caught you talking to the camera, and she didn't hear everything you were saying and that freaked her out.

SCOTT:  Yeah. 

ALEX:  So I was going to tell her…"anyone who's on the block, you don't just lie down and die, like that's not how this game is played."

MORGAN:  Right.

ALEX:  So anyone who's on the block, you're gonna…

MORGAN:  Like, you shouldn't be walking around [silently] until you walk out the door.

ALEX:  But, I mean, you have to learn that.  That's just this game.

SCOTT:  I mean, god forbid I don't like Danielle.  That has nothing to do with you, Neeley; that has nothing to do with you.  I've never said a bad word about you, Neeley.

JUSTIN (quiet):  I mean, a lot of people don't really care for D.

(The girls all laugh.)

There's more, with Scott saying (for the 1000th time) that it wasn't personal with him and Neeley, but now "she's" gonna start coming for people and Justin talking about how "she" is after him and Jason, but I think Scott is talking about Neeley while Justin is talking about Danielle, so I'll leave it here.  Also, post-size limits.

I do think it's interesting how they were all willing to talk in front of/joke with Justin (and how Justin helped defuse the tension Scott was feeling) but Justin's still clearly on eggshells and made sure to play defense when possible.

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 6

So, this is the first time I'm actually watching the episode, and my oh my, the sass is real. So, they didn't show all of Kryssie's meltdown, but we did here an "oh, for fuck's sake" when she saw the comp, and when she told BB to just cut to fish because she was just going to stand there, THEY ACTUALLY DID. 

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, this is the first time I'm actually watching the episode, and my oh my, the sass is real. So, they didn't show all of Kryssie's meltdown, but we did here an "oh, for fuck's sake" when she saw the comp, and when she told BB to just cut to fish because she was just going to stand there, THEY ACTUALLY DID. 

Production is killing it with this episode. The musical accompaniment to Justin's pizza dance was awesome and sooo much Kryssie shade. Best episode so far!

Edited by Marie80
  • Love 3

LOL, Danielle, on her way to evict, looked at herself twice in two mirrors. That pretty much defines Danielle to a T.

I absolutely got a little nervous during the live eviction. Kryssie couldn't hold back her disgust before she revealed that Neeley was evicted.

YES! Neeley is gone! Rejoice! Sorry, Neeley, but you started out as an unfortunate casualty and ended up being a bigger bitch than Danielle.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm glad that Scott's made himself to be a target for the Misfits, because I am not happy with the way he's handling things. He annoys me, so I'm so fine with him going....but after Kryssie. 

This so much. He really is being kind of horrible right now, and not any better than the other side.

Neeley's eviction speech, though. Wow. How sanctimonious can you be? So happy she's gone. Not going to miss her. Kryssie, Scott and then Danielle can follow.

  • Love 4

Okay, I'm watching the episode on delay, so I shouldn't be pausing to type, but really, Kryssie??

"This game has made me realize how much of a soul I have"??  And calling the Ballsmashers "heartless monsters", just because they chose keep Danielle over Shane?  Oh-boo-hoo-hoo.  

In the VERY appropriate words of My Girl Shelby, "these people are idiots".  Preach!

Wait, what, the eviction was at 8?  I thought it was 9.00 BBT.  I guess that's the HoH.  So I guess I spoiled myself, but I'm happy that Neeley is gone, so never mind.


  • Love 2

Well, I guess now we should think about the next ACP, which could make or break the next eviction, since it's the "eliminate three votes" one.

I say give it to Morgan, so that Shelby/Whitney can get the better ones. Plus, Morgan can potentially protect both her and her sister. But it also depends on who wins tonight. Either way, Kryssie's most likely leaving next week unless she is taken off the block. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
  • Love 2

Huge sigh of relief!!  I would have been ok with Scott going, but that was the most intense eviction I've seen in years!!  Yay, BB!

I don't understand why Kryssie in particular, but also to some extent Jason as well, can't see that this is a game.  Regardless of what anyone said to her, why would she believe that people would vote in a way that would jeopardize their own chances.  The vote was a clear 3-3, obviously neither side was willing to compromise at this point.  If she's going to be pissed at anyone, get pissed at "america", we broke the tie.  

Also, while Scott clapping at Neely's eviction was both tacky and bad game play, I might do the same thing if things came down on my side after the tension in the house this week.  I think he was clapping about his own good luck as much as her bad luck.

Jason seems to be a fairly astute person when it comes to the dynamics of the game, but he has such a complete blind spot when it comes to his ability to realize that the way he and Kryssie talk trash has a direct correlation with the way America is voting.

Edited by leocadia
It sucks when you see a typo as you hit submit
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While Kryssie is definitely going around doing the "I don't understand, Scott is the worst person ever, this was the perfect opportunity to vote him out, why would you lie, I don't understand" bit, she is handling this much better than I thought she would, and much better than Scott.

Still, in her back and forth with Alex, I wish Alex would have just laid it out - "Scott will not nominate me, Neeley totally would, end of discussion". Because seriously.

And once again a bunch of people in the kitchen being totally silent. Go Shelby! Win HOH and make the misfits physically ill at the thought of you in power for one whole week!

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You know, things could be good this week. If a Misfit wins HOH, then I think Whitney/Morgan will get ACP and then depending on if Kryssie or her crew win veto, she's for sure gone. But if a Ballsmasher wins HOH, then this week is easy peasy. 

Either way, either Kryssie, Scott, or Jason/Danielle will be gone next week, so that's a nice feeling. The Ballsmashers are relatively safe because I do believe Whitney or Morgan will get ACP. People on Twitter seem to be campaigning for Danielle. 

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Scott needs to to just say "ok, Jason" and shut up about it.  He really doesn't have any kind of social awareness.  His need to be "right" is seriously outweighing his common sense.

Not that I think he's right, but he obviously does.  Either own your strategy or don't use it.  Scott doesn't have the self confidence to be a real evil dick, he can only be a sad pathetic caricature of an excruciatingly nasty human being.  I agree with @Katesus7, go back to following Alex like a puppy.

Also, Danielle is "more than capable" of sinking her own ship, the only thing Scott is doing is giving her sympathy points with America.

Edited by leocadia
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Funny how Jason forgot all of the vile & awful things he has said about Shelby & the other girls. Oh, that's right he was being funny. Jason....bye!

7 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Scott and Jason arguing in the kitchen.  I hope BB won't delay the HOH competition due to this conversation.

You spoke too soon and they did. It was getting good too with Danielle chirping in.

  • Love 3

LOL, in the middle of the Scott/Jason (+Danielle) fight, production seemed to say "Ok, time to start this HOH comp" and cut to the HOH comp waiting feeds.

Listen, I empathize with Jason and Danielle's argument because Scott is a little shit and I'm fully not wanting him to bully Danielle for any reason. And finally there's a real blown out fight and the Ballsmashers are more safe than Scott is right now. 

However Danielle/Jason have been bullying Scott, Shelby, AND Morgan, so it's hard to listen to their hypocritical asses. The reason why it's such a big deal to them is because Danielle/Jason haven't been caught by the Ballsmashers and Scott. 

Oh.....this could throw Danielle/Jason off of their game for the comp! I could totally see Danielle messing up because of her self absorbed tears, and Jason will only want to smoke to relieve his stress!

This could be an easy win! 

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Ah, the exciting stuff you miss on the TV BB. Lots of sound checks and HGs sitting around. Technical difficulties, folks, because I can't have nice things.

At least it should be a short competition, so I can get to bed at an ok time still (granted, it's almost 12:30am, but still!). 

They just need to hurry up and fix the technical difficulties! 

And they fixed it! This could be anyone's game. Remember when Corey stumbled onto HOH during the DE last season?

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