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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 3 (10/12/2016 - 10/18/2016)


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23 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, let's say Shane wins ACP. Him and Danielle will be on the block, as they probably guess, so he'll pick Diamond. If Danielle, Shane, or Kryssie wins veto, they'll use it on two of their members and then they'll put up Shelby and Alex.

You can't remove two people with the Diamond POV though, only one. It's the double veto that allows you to remove both nominees, but it lets the HOH make the replacement nominees.

16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

You can't remove two people with the Diamond POV though, only one. It's the double veto that allows you to remove both nominees, but it lets the HOH make the replacement nominees.

Ah, ok! I totally forgot about what DPOV did. But still, they would put up a Plastic and the Plastic would go home for sure. It will most certainly be Alex, as well. Unless two Misfits are up on the block. 

32 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I have no words for this. I mean I guess it's nice he asked lol. But honestly I really need one of them to go this week because I can't with this showmance shit.

Ahahahaha! "I don't know" is never a good answer to that question. And yes it is nice that he asked because you know neither Corey nor Paulie gave a damn lol. I never care when HGs have sex in the house, it only bothers me when feedsters (no one here) slut shame the women for it. I've seen Dani getting way worse than N/Z did because she's a mother AND a teacher. *clutches pearls* Shane's hot and seems like a nice guy who isn't using her (I thought it was really sweet that he got up in the night with her while she did punishment) so whatever. I don't find them anywhere near as insufferable as Nicorey.

Nicole: "Coreeeyyyyy, you're being weirrrrd-uh,"

Corey: "I'm being weird? YOU'RE being weird."

Nicole: "Staaahhhhhhpppppuhhhh"

Corey: "You stop! You're really showing your true colors right now."

Nicole: *sobs uncontrollably* Why would you sayyy that to meeeee-uhhhh?!"

I don't know how we made it 90+ days through that crap.

Edited by Marie80
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They haven't reached Nicole/Corey levels yet, but I can't stand them. Every time I see Danielle she's practically sitting on Shane's lap. And Shane is so fucking dull to me. I find it endearing sometimes, but most of the time I am just aghast at how someone can be so utterly boring and charmless. IMO his looks don't make up for his nothing personality.

I really hope he goes this week. Danielle is entertaining and a gamer player, Shane is neither. He brings absolutely nothing to the show.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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The Plastics found the Krackle bars that Danielle/Shane/Jason hid because they're assholes who hate Shelby.  Apparently they are now safe in the Plastic's possession, and they are trying to figure out a hiding place. Yay, Plastics!!

Please "America", please don't nominate a Plastic this week, please let the HOH actually have their way, please let the LNC know they aren't golden so that they spend a little less time patting themselves on the back about how America is on their side, and spend a little more time playing the game.

And I know they've named themselves the ball busters, but I've become fond of the name Plastics, because I find them anything but, and it amuses me. So for me, they will remain the Plastics. 

Also, Justin is playing the hell out of this game right now. The best game in the house by far. 

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Yeah, people are going crazy over this. Now, what Danielle did wasn't malicious, but it was incredibly irresponsible and idiotic of her. Girl, you take your sick, dying dog to a Petco food depot and not to an actual vet? What in the effing hell? Also, Danielle, your puppy didn't "kill herself". It sounds like she just got sick. Are animals capable of suicide? Man, I wouldn't have called Danielle an idiot until now. 

1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Nope. No. You take the dog to the vet. Things happen. Puppies die. But you take the fucking dog to the fucking vet.

The worst part of it is watching Danielle stans try to defend her actions. 

"But she didn't kill the puppy! She's not a puppy murderer! You're making it all up! You're demonizing a WOC! Shame on you!"

Listen, she may not have killed her puppy; the puppy might have died regardless, and I guess she tried feeding her with a syringe. But not taking her to an actual vet and thinking that someone at a pet food depot is going to know what's best for your puppy? If she was sick, she wouldn't take herself to a pharmacist to ask what was wrong with her in hopes that they'd give her medicine. And they'd probably tell her to go to an actual doctor or the hospital. Also, blaming the dog for killing herself because she wasn't eating? Man, I don't think Danielle is going to last long, after all. I think she just angered all dog lovers that watch the online show. 

Hell, even Jason/Kryssie were perplexed as to why she didn't take her puppy to an actual vet. 

Wow, I can't even watch it because it sounds horrible. :(

On a much brighter note, I love when Justin hangs out with the Plastics. Their conversations are always hilarious. They were just discussing funny sex positions and Morgan and Justin even recreated the "wheelbarrow". Justin apparently has three girlfriends back home and each of the Plastics reps their favorite like "I'm Team Janae" "No way I'm totally Team Michelle!" LOL. Apparently, his girlfriends all know about each other (if they didn't they do now) so it's not as gross as it sounds. Man if Justin became a Plastic I would be 100% behind that alliance.

Edited by Marie80
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I liked Julie's questions for the house guests last night. To Justin: "My husband is the only person who is allowed to call me Baby." Asking Shane how he felt about America being able to watch all the actions taking place in the house. Asked Jason and Shelby about their "sofa-gate" argument.  What I was curious about was why Shane and Danielle were sitting on the eviction nominee sofa. I thought Scott had already put them up but he hasn't done his nominations yet. So maybe Shane and Danielle are just used to sitting there.

Regarding the care package, I sent 15 votes to Morgan and 5 to Scott, but if there is heavy voting for Scott, I may just toss my votes his way. The POV needs to be the second or third option so the HOH is able to put up replacement nominees.

Also, I'll vote for Danielle as the third nominee if Scott doesn't put her up. I like puppies.

Edited by Lamb18
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16 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Also, Justin is playing the hell out of this game right now. The best game in the house by far. 

I started being really impressed with Justin's game during his first live DR. I didn't expect him to have such a grasp on certain aspects of the game since he's obviously never seen the show.

Although, the LNC already has him figured out and they pretty much don't trust him at all anymore, so I guess he's not play that well lol.

ETA: Scott won the care package.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Scott got jelly beans in his CP and now I want jelly beans dammit!

I really hope a member of the LNC goes this week. Like basically any of them would work for me lol. I mean my preferences are Jason, Kryssie, or Shane, but if it's Danielle or even Neely, I'm not gonna be too upset.

I finally watched the Plastics finding Shelby's krackle bars. Such fun. I love them I don't care!

ETA: So Jason's crew is sure that America gave this to Soctt because it sucks and it's just proof that America loves them. Yet when Kryssie won the CP it was because America thought she was SO awesome. OK, guys. I really can't stand them. Please let America nom one of them this week!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm so good with Scott winning the CP. He'll keep the power in his hands, so hopefully no Diamond veto. Scott knows which one he wants played. 

I mean, all of the veto choices have their pros and cons. I just think that by using the Boomerang veto, even if Danielle wins and takes her and Shane down, Scott will put up Neeley/Kryssie and I'm pretty sure Kryssie would leave. 

I need a Misfits member to go this week. 

LOL, Kryssie thinks that America came through to them. Mmmkay, sure. 

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11 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I mean, all of the veto choices have their pros and cons. I just think that by using the Boomerang veto, even if Danielle wins and takes her and Shane down, Scott will put up Neeley/Kryssie and I'm pretty sure Kryssie would leave. 

Another pro for the Boomerang veto is that it doubles The Plastics/Scott's odds to be able to remove America's nom if it's one of them. Honestly the Boomerang veto is really the absolute best choice for Scott and I really hope he sees that.

Because as I said and as you just said @Lady Calypso, I really need a LNC member to go this week.

How's it looking on other sites like the vote's gonna go for HNs and America's nom this week? I try not to venture into twitter/tumblr/reddit/jokers myself lol.

ETA: He's telling Justin he's gonna pick the Diamond POV. I mean honestly how can he be this stupid!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

How's it looking on other sites like the vote's gonna go for HNs and America's nom this week? I try not to venture into twitter/tumblr/reddit/jokers myself lol.

I think Danielle, Krissey and Jason are the top picks for HNs. Not sure about America's nom. If Danielle for some reason isn't one of Scott's noms then she will definitely be nommed by America. Unless she wins veto I'm almost 100% sure she's going next week. Which is fine with me.

Just now, Marie80 said:

I think Danielle, Krissey and Jason are the top picks for HNs.


I'd be OK with Danielle going. I mean I'd definitely much rather it be Jason, Shane, or Kryssie since Danielle is the only member of the LNC crew besides Justin that provides me any entertainment, but I'll take it!

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

How's it looking on other sites like the vote's gonna go for HNs and America's nom this week? I try not to venture into twitter/tumblr/reddit/jokers myself lol.

This week is definitely not as clear cut. For Have Nots, people are ranging from Shelby/Alex/Danielle to Danielle/Shane/Kryssie to Alex/Shelby/Whitney. I do think that Danielle will be a Have Not this week, and it's all because of her "suicidal" dog story. Kryssie is a high contender because people want to knock her off her "America Loves Me" pedestal. 

As for America's Noms, it's between Kryssie, Morgan, and I guess Alex? We know Danielle's going up, but she probably would have been the third nom. I'm really hoping that America's Nom is Kryssie; that way, Scott's decision for veto should be easy. He just has to keep the power in his court and none of the Plastics would be going up this week. 

Justin/Danielle had a rough fight last night. Apparently they "made up" (I say this because it'll most certainly come back to bite Justin or Danielle at some point as leverage) but the fight was about parenting. Justin was talking about when he becomes a father, something about it being with different women. Danielle disagreed and thought that it could be a bad idea to be a father to three different children. It was all offscreen, so I didn't know the logistics of the conversation, but Alex just confirmed that Justin accused Danielle of using her son's father for child support money.

And...Scott wants to use Diamond POV. I know where his logic kind of is with that (only one nom can come down), but come on, man! Keep the ball in your court! Not potentially in the Misfits' court! 

Hopefully DR clarifies that he can't choose renom and he rethinks things. 

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Also wait I think Scott's best bet is the Double veto, not Boomerang. I guess it really depends on who he decides to nom/who America's nom is. In any case he should definitely not pick the Diamond veto, which is the one he just told Justin he's gonna pick. LOL.

Jason keeps talking about 'what America wants' Shut up. He's also SO sure America won't nom Kryssie and she already thinks America loves her, so I really need her to be America's nom if only for the LOLs.

ETA: The LNC thinks the veto winner picks the replacement nominee in every scenario. LOL.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

ETA: The LNC thinks the veto winner picks the replacement nominee in every scenario. LOL.

Shh, let them think that. :)

I guess the chances of Jason/Kryssie being in veto AND winning AND taking Shane/Danielle down are slim, especially knowing that Neeley/Justin will go up in their places. Kryssie/Neeley and Jason/Justin have already discussed the idea of getting out Danielle or Shane this week, so...as long as Scott doesn't fuck this up and someone can knock some sense into him, I think Shane or Danielle will go this week. 

And....Scott wants to put up two pawns instead. Chances are from his own team. But he has decided not to choose Diamond POV.

No, Scott, no. Just keep your noms and do the Double or Boomerang. Don't chance having a Misfit member win veto and not use it. 

Oh, no, he wants Kryssie/Neeley up as pawns instead, to decrease the chances of Shane/Danielle. It sounds like he's leaning toward Double.

The only reason I don't like his new plan is because I really wanted Kryssie to be America's nom. But this is fine. Neely/Kryssie up and then Danielle being America's nom would be fun lol. And it would be made even more awesome if Shane did end up otb and evicted come Wednesday. Ideal scenario for me right there!

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So, the noms right now look like Kryssie/Neeley with Danielle as America's Nom. If that's the case then I hope Scott can quickly deduce that Boomerang is his best veto for that scenario. It ensures that a Misfit definitely goes. Double Veto in that case could have a Plastic end up on the block (less likely, but possible) and the Plastics need all of them off the block to ensure their target of Danielle/Shane/Kryssie goes home. 

And if Jason ended up on the block and people decided to vote him out? Even better. 

So the LNC has decided to put on the plastic's clothes to make fun of them. Jason and Shane apparently rubbed their armpits on their pillowcases, Jason did the same to one of their jackets, and Shane has it on trying to stretch it out, per Jokers, and now Jason is wearing one of the plastic's shoes.

The Krackle wars? That's just good fun (the LNC now have them back in their possession). This is both stupid and gross. I really hope three of these people are have nots tomorrow. They REALLY need a reality check. 

Edited by Katesus7
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Shane just finished his live DR.  He mentioned that if America wants to make Danielle a have not, to make him a have not as well (so they could be together).  I thought about it but then felt that it would be more entertaining if Danielle was a have not and he wasn't.  

It looks like Morgan is ineligible for have nots.  I did not realize that houseguests could not be have nots in back to back weeks.

I think the LNC will be blindsided if any of them are have nots.  Might make for interesting feeds while we wait for America's nominee. 

ETA - Justin just said in his live DR that he does not know who his long-term threats are in the house.  My initial reaction to this was "Aw, that's adorable."  Not sure if that is a good thing or not lol.

Edited by zenithwit

People are really getting annoyed at Danielle. Kryssie/Jason are so annoyed by her self-centeredness and entitlement. If Danielle gets America's Nom and stays on the block, I think they'll have no problem voting her out. Or Shane. 

So, Jason's an idiot and spilled Scott's plan to the rest of the Misfits (Justin told him, and he was perplexed as to why Jason told). Danielle immediately went off the deep end, saying that she'd punch Scott in the face, that she's coming after him, that America's Nom will stay up on the block and they should vote them out, etc. Shane chimed in a few times as well. 

I'm pretty sure she's losing her fanbase bit by bit. 

Whitney also got a birthday "dance" from Scott/Shane (Justin didn't want to participate in respect to Whitney's boyfriend Winston). I didn't watch, but it sounded like a blast. Except when Whitney tried one of Jason's cigarettes and got sick right after. 

I really do like Justin. He may say stupid things sometimes and he is part of the Misfits, but I haven't seen him participate in the cruel things they do and say, for the most part. 

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Kryssie/Jason are so annoyed by [Danielle's] self-centeredness and entitlement.

Oh, that's rich!


I really do like Justin. He may say stupid things sometimes and he is part of the Misfits, but I haven't seen him participate in the cruel things they do and say, for the most part. 

I'm back to liking him, too, but I really wish he had never called Shelby a 'cunt bag.'

@Katesus7 do you happen to have a time stamp for Shelby's live DR last night? I wanna flashback it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
13 minutes ago, missyb said:

I think my vote for Americas nom will go to Jason or Justin. Neely and Khyrsee will be Scotts noms. I want Jason or Justin to have to play veto to win. I know Justin juste wants to make people laugh and cook but you can't do that forever.  But which one ???

I don't think Jason or Justin will be America's Nom, but throwing your vote onto Jason is the better bet. Justin is extremely popular, now maybe a bit more popular than Jason (not many people were happy with the armpit sweat rubbing on Shelby and Morgan's stuff), and Jason's more of a prick. Justin may be there for entertainment, but he's the only one that is on ok terms with the Ball Smashers. Everyone else has pissed them off too much. Justin's the only one attempting and it has been working out to his favour. 

I want Justin to play a slightly better game, but at least he's not solely relying on America to get him to the finals. Even if the houseguests won't matter in terms of winning, they will matter in terms of making it past evictions. 

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And, at least Justin expressed concern to Jason for telling everyone else about Scotts plan. Biggest game move I have seen from him. But I do agree, Justin has crossed over very nicely. I think he is bored with the LNJ and is amused by the Ball Smashers. He probably gets bored with both groups !! But I do like his ease with people. Love to see how he uses it later in the game.

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1 minute ago, missyb said:

And, at least Justin expressed concern to Jason for telling everyone else about Scotts plan. Biggest game move I have seen from him. But I do agree, Justin has crossed over very nicely. I think he is bored with the LNJ and is amused by the Ball Smashers. He probably gets bored with both groups !! But I do like his ease with people. Love to see how he uses it later in the game.

Agreed. He's the only one in the house making an attempt and not just sticking to his group. I love Alex, but she hasn't really done a good job at establishing any solid relationships. Whitney's the only one on the Ball Smasher's side who has been somewhat friendly with the other side as well. These houseguests are too caught up in their own groups because they know they don't need the other side's votes to win, and at this point because of America's Vote, they just need to pander to America. So they stick to their groups and it becomes quite boring. That's why I've grown an appreciation for Justin. He doesn't trust anyone, it's clear that he's getting annoyed with the pettiness and it's only a matter of time before he fully switches sides. Morgan's right in that she could help bring Justin over. And actually, I've seen a lot of friendly banter with the two of them. They'd make good allies for each other. 

Unfortunately, I liked Neeley until she got in on the catty behaviour and got too emotionally attached. Justin's been playing a fine game. It's subtle, but it's working. America/Feedsters love him, and so do the houseguests. So I'd be very happy if he won. As long as he refrains from too much vile behaviour, then I'm happy. He's been trying to remain light and fun, which is much better than Jason/Danielle/Kryssie complaining about the other side not playing the game and "sitting inside" while they're sitting outside all day and all night, also not playing the game. 

I am preparing for Justin to slip and say some negative stuff from time to time, but when you're in that house surrounded by this type of behaviour from all sides (but mostly from the Misfits), it's hard not to slip up. As long as it's not a consistent thing, then I can absolutely let some comments slide. 

At the moment, my ideal F3 are Alex, Justin, and maybe Whitney. 

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I want Danielle to be a Have Not, but not Shane.  I want them to have to eat and sleep separately.

I wish BB didn't keep us from seeing the majority of the Justin/Danielle/child support argument.  I would have liked to hear what Justin said that made Danielle so upset.  

Speaking of.... do any of the HG's (in either alliance) know that Danielle's baby daddy is a pro football player?  If not, I'm wondering if that would change their mind about keeping her around.  Seems to me some would conclude that Danielle doesn't need the money because baby daddy's probably paying her handsomely.  Not that money should matter, IMO.  I remember how people complained last season about Paul not needing the money, and I said that shouldn't be a factor.  I still stand beside my earlier statement.  But speaking from the HG's perspective and speaking from the belief that if someone has money (or presumably has money) they don't need to win BB,... I'm just wondering if anyone knows who Danielle's baby daddy is and if that knowledge would make them want to vote her out.

On 10/13/2016 at 6:59 PM, peachmangosteen said:


Dude, if you have to ask -- she didn't.

1 minute ago, J.D. said:

I want Danielle to be a Have Not, but not Shane.  I want them to have to eat and sleep separately.

I wish BB didn't keep us from seeing the majority of the Justin/Danielle/child support argument.  I would have liked to hear what Justin said that made Danielle so upset.  

Speaking of.... do any of the HG's (in either alliance) know that Danielle's baby daddy is a pro football player?  If not, I'm wondering if that would change their mind about keeping her around.  Seems to me some would conclude that Danielle doesn't need the money because baby daddy's probably paying her handsomely.  Not that money should matter, IMO.  I remember how people complained last season about Paul not needing the money, and I said that shouldn't be a factor.  I still stand beside my earlier statement.  But speaking from the HG's perspective and speaking from the belief that if someone has money (or presumably has money) they don't need to win BB,... I'm just wondering if anyone knows who Danielle's baby daddy is and if that knowledge would make them want to vote her out.

They do know he is a professional football player. I think it was the conversation about lump alimony that led Jsutin to sue the word "gold digger ".  Can't swear to that though.

6 minutes ago, J.D. said:

I want Danielle to be a Have Not, but not Shane.  I want them to have to eat and sleep separately.


I'm positive that Kryssie wants this too. She has been listening to Shanielle having sex every night and she does not seem happy with it. I wouldn't be either; being online and being watched by hundreds of people aside, show some respect when you're sharing a room with other people. 

I think the Have Nots are guaranteed to be Danielle, Kryssie, and one of the Plastics (possibly Shelby) at this point, from what I've gathered online. Definitely Kryssie, though. I think people just want Shane and Danielle separated for a few hours, since they've been attached at the hip 20 hours a day, much like Nicorey, but worse. At least we didn't get stuck with Nicorey having sex and going full on PDA all day and night. 

7 minutes ago, J.D. said:

I wish BB didn't keep us from seeing the majority of the Justin/Danielle/child support argument.  I would have liked to hear what Justin said that made Danielle so upset.  

Same here. We can only go off of what the houseguests say happen. According to Alex (I don't know who she heard it from), Justin had made a remark about Danielle using the baby daddy for child support money, I guess because he has money as a professional football player. It was right after Danielle judged Justin on his idea of having children with other women, or something along that nature. 

I'm actually turning on the feeds for this, just to see the looks on Kryssie and Danielle's faces.

Alex, Danielle, and Shelby are Have Nots.

Well, damn on Kryssie not being a Have Not, but yay on Danielle. She gets to be separated from Shane at night, she has to take cold showers, AND she gets stuck in a room with Shelby/Alex.

Shane claims that he'll sleep in the Have Not room with Danielle. I'm pretty sure that's not allowed.

4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm really surprised Alex got HN. She seems quite popular online and I hadn't seen anything about voting for her.

Oh yeah, I knew she was a possibility, but I thought that Kryssie's votes would outnumber hers. Misfits/Jason/Danielle fans were gunning hard for the rest of the Ball Smashers to be Have Nots. So any hateful people toward that group, so they were gunning for Shelby/Whitney/Alex, especially when Alex put up the "beloved" showmance last week, or whatever. 

Twitter/Tumblr were pushing hard for it, which is why the 3rd nom will be between Danielle and Morgan. So don't be surprised if Morgan's name is called on Monday. People want the sister "twist" to blow up. 

Yea I just read elsewhere that the twitter crowd is very anti-sisters. Guess maybe I'll have to actually vote for Danielle to be America's nom just to try to keep it from being Morgan. Although with the veto twist and Scott's plan, Danielle being the third nom could backfire.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I'm not 100% sure how true this is, but I heard the vote for Alex was because fans of the LNJ couldn't vote for Morgan (HN last week) or Scott (HN last week and current HOH) and so all they had left was Alex, Whitney and Shelby and since Whitney's been the most open to the LNJ (read:  friendly to Jason), that fans of the LNJ spared Whitney for that reason.

I'm just glad Danielle's a HN.  I hope Shane gets sick of her sooner than later.   In a conversation between Neeley and Kryssie earlier today, they're already seeing the danger in keeping that twosome.  I'm guessing Justin could be easily swayed to cut Danielle at this point.  I'm not sure where Jason stands on the whole Shanielle thing.

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