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S01.E12: Yes Is the Only Living Thing

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As Jana, Sam and Suzy pull together the funds they need to plot their escape, Jake considers his own options for breaking out of the cordon. Lex receives cryptic clues from Leo that lead him to an abandoned warehouse outside the city. Elsewhere, a widespread rumor leaves Dr. Cannerts' life in danger. Finally, after seeking shelter at her grandma's house, Teresa makes a difficult decision about her family's future.



And after a minute of previouslies we get a quote from e.e. cummings -- whatever.  Maybe Burton Cummings was unavailable.

Huzzah !! Katie is really dead !!  It wasn't a big fake out.  Jake wakes up next to Quentin, since he promised Katie he would get Quentin out of the cordon.

And he gets a visit from Dr. Cannerts that it is time to incinerate Katie's body.  Followed by a full 90 seconds of piano-accompanied Jake washing Katie's face -- and then he takes off his gloves to caress her face.  Why, oh, why couldn't the virus be transmissible by physical contact ??

Day 17 -- and we get a minor protest outside the cordon where a guy in an ice cream truck is trying to broadcast Dr. Lommers confession to the people inside the cordon.

Lex investigates the tip in the pizza box he got from Leo -- oh boy, lots and lots of boxes.

Team Jana is still convinced that they can drum up the money for Meese's escape outside of the cordon -- I'm positive it's all a con, but Jana is convinced they can find stuff at Bitscan to offset any shortcomings in cash.

Xander and Theresa decide to take the baby to Grandma's house -- never saw that coming </sarcasm>.

Jake goes to Theresa's mom's store to buy booze from the gangsters since he has the sads.

Lex searches all the filing cabinets and boxes, but spies a sketchy looking drain pipe, and opens it up to find an envelope address to him.  Really ?  Was Leo really expecting Lex to spot that in the dark ?  And inside the envelope are copies of payments made to several people.

Team Jana continues to search the building housing Bitscan but determine that the building has been stripped clean -- by who, the tweakers ?  Jana is still wearing the bunny suit for some reason.

Xander and Theresa finally get to Grandma and Bertie's house -- and Grandma is all distraught when she finds out her daughter is dead, since she hadn't heard from her in so long.  Yet, Grandma/Bertie haven't heard from Theresa in 17 days and didn't even seem really surprised when they showed up.

Jana runs into Jake outside the store when she mentions to him that they are going to buy their way out via Meese -- funny thing, it appears that no one else seems to be taking this route out.
Jana seems to be acting like there is some kind of ticking clock that they have to get out by, but there has been no evidence of this at all.

Lex finds evidence linking the conspiracy to someone named Katrina Hobbs who received a big payout from the same foundation that paid off Meese's wife and their house. Finds out from Katrina that her son died at a facility nearby, and Lex discovers more evidence implicating Lommers.  He confronts her with the evidence, Lommers does on a diatribe about how she is protecting the country, blah, blah, blah.

Xander and Theresa announce that they will be staying with Bertie/Grandma but oh noeeessss the cupboards are bare.

Jake and Quentin have a chat and decide to leave, but Jake has to retrieve all of Katie's personal belongings first.  Whatever.  Then as Jake finds Dr. Cannerts the gang members from the store show up to kill Dr. Lannerts based in the incredibly reliable ice cream truck broadcasts.  But Jake convinces them the Cannerts was framed and they need to help defend him -- and they comply.  But a infected guy wearing a biohazard suit sneaks into the hospital and confronts Dr. Cannerts and the infected guy is shot by the gang leader, spraying one of his gang members with infected blood.

And as we hear that someone tried to breach the cordon from the inside, Dr. Lommers holds a press conference outside the wall discussing how the cordon can not fail.

Meanwhile, Theresa, Xander, the baby, Team Jana and Quentin are all headed into quarantine before leaving to escape the cordon as Jake looks on sadly.  I still think Meese's plan is a scam.

  • Love 2

This show is such a rambling mess.  I loved the empty cupboards - not a package of old pasta or a can of baking soda.  Grandma and Grandpa teen love do not fill their cupboards the way I do.  In the zombie apocalypse I'll keep us going for a long time. 

Why oh why oh why couldn't we have lost Quintin with Katie?  He is so annoying.  Now that she's dead,  he'll listen to her.  Prior to her death he went roaming around like they were at the local  schoolyard. 

And Jake is all broken up because he lost the love of his life that he's known as long as most Bachelor contestants.  His pain runs so deep he kisses photos.  I'll  give the actor credit for not rolling his eyes during that craptacular scene.

I still don't care about any of these characters, nor am I concerned for the greater Atlanta area.  I would like Lex to confront people with witnesses.  Of course, I enjoyed the self-righteous, yes, I created the virus because god and country and protecting the world.  Makes perfect sense if you have no sense at all. 

One more to go.  Can I vote for firebombing the cordon?   

  • Love 4
  On 7/13/2016 at 1:43 PM, The Mighty Peanut said:

"Oh, that's nice" like I would if someone brought bagels to work. Plain bagels. 


You mean without even cream cheese?  Because that is evil.  

Any predictions which of the group trying to escape the cordon will die?  Meese for being greedy?  Xander, Teen Mom, Baby, Quentin, Jana, and Suzie are all planning on going.  Yikes, a lot of women and children.

  • Love 1

Pure spec: Jana, Quentin and Baby will live. The baby will be named Hope. Jake will put aside his manchild ways for good and become a surrogate father to Quentin in honor of his one true love Katie. One of Baby's parents will die--I'm guessing Xander in some kind of heroic act, but Teen Mom could die if they want to make a point of a young single dad steadfastly committed to raising his child in an uncertain future despite prejudice and other setbacks. Suzie the Sassy Friend will die and inspire Jana to love with abandon because every day is a gift or something like that. Um I forgot who Theresa is. 

I do give them a small--SMALL--amount of credit for killing off a lead. I fully expected Dr. Cannerts to have secretly harvested some of Thomas' stem cells or plasma or something and used it to cure Katie (after a period of tension during which he explains it could cure her or cause her to spontaneously combust).

Edited by The Mighty Peanut

Aww cheer up Jake. What is that saying however long your relationship lasted it takes twice as long to get over it. So you should be good to go in a couple of weeks.

I have an idea instead of wallowing in your man pain try to remember the oath you took as a policee officer and try serving and protecting or something. So glad this mess is almost over!

  • Love 6
  On 7/13/2016 at 4:53 AM, Muffyn said:

This show is such a rambling mess.  I loved the empty cupboards - not a package of old pasta or a can of baking soda.  Grandma and Grandpa teen love do not fill their cupboards the way I do.  In the zombie apocalypse I'll keep us going for a long time. 

Why oh why oh why couldn't we have lost Quintin with Katie?  He is so annoying.  Now that she's dead,  he'll listen to her.  Prior to her death he went roaming around like they were at the local  schoolyard. 

And Jake is all broken up because he lost the love of his life that he's known as long as most Bachelor contestants.  His pain runs so deep he kisses photos.  I'll  give the actor credit for not rolling his eyes during that craptacular scene.

I still don't care about any of these characters, nor am I concerned for the greater Atlanta area.  I would like Lex to confront people with witnesses.  Of course, I enjoyed the self-righteous, yes, I created the virus because god and country and protecting the world.  Makes perfect sense if you have no sense at all. 

One more to go.  Can I vote for firebombing the cordon?   


In fact that seems to be happening in the final episode, so a possible cheesy heroic sacrifice could happen before the end.

  On 7/13/2016 at 4:53 AM, Muffyn said:


And Jake is all broken up because he lost the love of his life that he's known as long as most Bachelor contestants.  His pain runs so deep he kisses photos.  I'll  give the actor credit for not rolling his eyes during that craptacular scene.



I thought he was either going to a) Make out with the shower curtain again or b) rip it down and take it with him as a keepsake.

  • Love 7
  On 7/12/2016 at 4:54 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

But a infected guy wearing a biohazard suit sneaks into the hospital and confronts Dr. Cannerts and the infected guy is shot by the gang leader, spraying one of his gang members with infected blood.


I laughed when this happened.  Sorry show!

I was impressed by Jake's ability to squeeze the single tear out when looking at Katie's stuff.  The actor sure does have "sad face" down pat.

  On 7/13/2016 at 4:53 AM, Muffyn said:

I loved the empty cupboards - not a package of old pasta or a can of baking soda. 


It's only been what, 17 days?  The old couple are definitely the kind to keep stocks on hand - oatmeal, flour, stuff that lasts.  Salt and sugar?  Pasta, beans, peanut butter?  Those shelves are like 6 month empty shelves.

Who is going to take care of Quentin? Is Jana going to do it until Jake gets out (if he does)?

The little boy who doesn't show symptoms is pretty calm for being locked up indefinitely.  Who is taking care of the rest of Katie's group (not that she ever really did)?

So I guess Claudia Black's group wanted a nasty virus so the government would allocate more money to virus protection for the masses.  Good plan!

Oh Lex - just say F it and let everyone out of the cordon.  I'm getting tired of hearing that word. 

  • Love 2
  On 7/14/2016 at 1:41 AM, raven said:

Who is taking care of the rest of Katie's group (not that she ever really did)?


Good question -- there was a 1/2 bus full of kids that were kept at the hospital.  We know where Tommy and Quentin are, the one girl was injured in that van and basically died in Katie's arms (and probably infected Katie), the bus driver and the one girl with the sneezes took off during the riot -- so where the hell are the rest of them ?  Better yet, where are all the senior citizens --  the ones the the kids were singing for at the hospital ?  They have also disappeared.

Who knows -- maybe Dr. Cannerts needed more test subjects ?

  On 7/14/2016 at 2:12 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Good question -- there was a 1/2 bus full of kids that were kept at the hospital.  We know where Tommy and Quentin are, the one girl was injured in that van and basically died in Katie's arms (and probably infected Katie), the bus driver and the one girl with the sneezes took off during the riot -- so where the hell are the rest of them ?  Better yet, where are all the senior citizens --  the ones the the kids were singing for at the hospital ?  They have also disappeared.

Who knows -- maybe Dr. Cannerts needed more test subjects ?


Most of the kids had family in the cordon that came and got them.  Katie and the bus driver were really just left with a few kids including Quentin, Tommy, the girl Tommy infected, and that one other kid.  I'm assuming that other kid is still with the bus driver (or they are both dead).

  • Love 1
  On 7/13/2016 at 4:53 AM, Muffyn said:

I still don't care about any of these characters, nor am I concerned for the greater Atlanta area.  I would like Lex to confront people with witnesses.  Of course, I enjoyed the self-righteous, yes, I created the virus because god and country and protecting the world.  Makes perfect sense if you have no sense at all. 


Or, I dunno, maybe record that little confrontation??? 

HOORAY!!!  Katie's dead, dead, dead!! 

  • Love 1

I assume that the other children Katie was responsible for, the senior citizens, the other hospital patients and everyone else that has mysteriously disappeared has either been slaughtered by a band of roving tweakers, hell bent on finding any kind of chemicals, even if they are the fumes from children's fire retardant clothing or they have been eaten by a pack of feral dogs.  Makes as much sense as anything else in this story.   

Edited by Muffyn
pronouns matter
  • Love 1

Just caught up on all the episodes.  I really liked this.  Decent acting for the most part. I liked or wasn't annoyed by most of the characters and I was interested in all the SLs.  I actually cared about what was going to happen each episode. I felt the show had plot points it had to hit but it was still character driven and the dialogue for the most part was realistic. Some of the characters did some lame things but no worse than what I've seen on other shows. They even had me invested in Jake and Katie in just a short amount of time yet other shows can't get it together after years. Good show but it should be a limited event.

  • Love 3

Oh my.  Another ep of the worst show on TV.  Katie's dead and I don't even care.  That isn't good. 

And Jana is my least favorite character.  They keep acting like she is something special when she sometimes wears the bunny suit and then not wearing it when she feels like it. 

Everything about the cordon, the captives, the authorities continues to be ridiculous or only worthy of snark.

One last episode.  I can hardly "contain" myself.

  • Love 1

Can't believe this was the penultimate episode.  It feels like nothing important as happened these past twelve episodes.  Sure, they did kill Katie at least and Jake acted all mopey like you do, but it feels like they barely spent any time on any kind of cure, the mystery behind it, and developing these characters, that I just don't care anymore.  Jake's sad!  That's.... sad, I guess.  Lommers finally confesses that she is the mastermind behind all of this.  Still doesn't stop her from being one-dimensional and a waste of Claudie Black.  Do Lex and Jana even still care about each other?  Why should I care about anything involving this gang that still comes off like a third-rate crew, that the gangs from The Wire would eat for breakfast?  Why should I care about any of this?

Glad they are ending this after one season.  I'm not sure how they managed to take what should have been an easily entertaining concept, and made it so fucking dull.

  • Love 1
  On 7/19/2016 at 12:04 AM, thuganomics85 said:

Can't believe this was the penultimate episode.  It feels like nothing important as happened these past twelve episodes.  Sure, they did kill Katie at least and Jake acted all mopey like you do, but it feels like they barely spent any time on any kind of cure, the mystery behind it, and developing these characters, that I just don't care anymore.  Jake's sad!  That's.... sad, I guess.  Lommers finally confesses that she is the mastermind behind all of this.  Still doesn't stop her from being one-dimensional and a waste of Claudie Black.  Do Lex and Jana even still care about each other?  Why should I care about anything involving this gang that still comes off like a third-rate crew, that the gangs from The Wire would eat for breakfast?  Why should I care about any of this?

Glad they are ending this after one season.  I'm not sure how they managed to take what should have been an easily entertaining concept, and made it so fucking dull.


That's because nothing of importance has really happened since the pilot, everything has been stalled since, I just couldn't imagine another season since the writers themselves don't seem to know what to do.

  • Love 1

Dear show: I don't care how invested (or not) I am in any particular character. I'm never going to root for people who are determined to break a quarantine.

Today's theme is 'WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE CORDON' and no one says "hey, maybe that's horrible and irresponsible and we're terrible, selfish people'. Dear Cordon people - you ALL SUCK.

  On 7/19/2016 at 12:04 AM, thuganomics85 said:

Can't believe this was the penultimate episode.  


For a show they've insisted was conceived as a limited run, they have a lot to do next episode to wrap things up. 

Also - my favourite part of the episode was when I realised that by cutting off Dr Canners they now have literally no way to know the spread of the disease through the cordon population. When will the cordon end? Who knows? Nobody's monitoring the disease's progress!! What's the infection rate? What's the death rate? Has the 'Thomas' variant become more widespread? Nobody knows. Do you know? I don't. I don't even know how many people are left.

At this rate, the cordon will end when the shipping container snipers end shift and go, "You know, I haven't seen anybody for days. Let's go and see." And they open it and everybody's dead. And we find out the cordon was up for 50 years and half of them died of old age.

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