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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Exactly. Like if that's it then it'll only really be worthwhile if Day, Natalie, or maybe Bridgette gets it. Those aren't good odds.

Totally. And I'm losing hope on Natalie playing her own game separate from James. Hopefully she sees that she needs Da'Vonne and her talk about targeting Bridgette was just to get on Michelle's good side.

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7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Exactly. Like if that's it then it'll only really be worthwhile if Day, Natalie, or maybe Bridgette gets it. Those aren't good odds.

Or even if Day got it like she did with the 4 vote veto last season, she'd be able to effectively use it. I hope Grodner et al don't make me hate another season.

sorry that is very terrible phrasing. Basically, I'm doubting that even if it falls into the "right" hands, it will come to much good anyway.

Edited by sunsheyen
muddy clarity
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Barring any unforeseen twists in the HOH process.  

If Day should win HOH she would probably put up Nicole and _____.  I don't know who else is on her hit list but I guaranty it won't be strategic.  She likes to think of herself as playing alone.  She once mentioned that to Z and Z replied, "this is BB you kinda have to play with others." LOL.  

Bridget would put up Michele and Nicole. (Frank wants to get her from home!)

Both those help the men. 

I have no idea who I would like to see win HOH.  

We, the viewers, are involved in something on Thursday but I doubt it is game altering.  Maybe a poll as to who is favorite and least favorite?  That would be juicy!  It would give them a heads up as to how they are doing!  Nah.  We probably vote on somethings we will find lame.  The show airs at different times so nothing will be immediate and cannot effect HOH. 

They are trying to attract viewers to sign up to CBS Access and create buzz.

The biggest deal is in the secret room, I assume. 

Edited by wings707
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2 minutes ago, sunsheyen said:

I would love to see Paulie and Corey up on the block together. Make my wish happen, someone, please!

Okay!  I am going to get right on that.  brb

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Just now, wings707 said:

Barring any unforeseen twists in the HOH process.  

If Day should win HOH she would probably put up Nicole and _____.  I don't know who else is on her hit list but I guaranty it won't be strategic.  She likes to think of herself as playing alone.  She once mentioned that to Z and Z replied, "this is BB you kinda have to play with others." LOL.  

Bridget would put up Michele and Nicole. (Frank wants to get her from home!)

Both those help the men. 

I have no idea who I would like to see win HOH.  

We, the viewers, are involved in something on Thursday but I doubt it is game altering.  Maybe a poll as to who is favorite and least favorite?  That would be juicy!  It would give them a heads up as to how they are doing!  Nah.  We probably vote on somethings we will find lame. 

They are trying to attract viewers to sign up to CBS access to participate and create buzz.

The biggest deal is in the secret room, I assume. 

I think Da'Vonne would want to do Paulie/Corey - but would have some crazy, complicated plan that would backfire on her. Remember her unlikely Get-Frank-Out plan?! 

As for the twist - Julie said it would be a twist allow viewers to "impact the game," and you can "strategize with other viewers on how you want to impact the game, whether you know them or not." Maybe it'll be a vote on what we want the next twist to be or something. 

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Frank told Bridge to put up Nicole and Corey last night.

James can pill a trigger when he needs to as well.

Anyone might win a power as well.

People see what Paulie's doing, they may not talk much about it yet, but they are aware he needs to go.

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1 minute ago, mooses said:

I think Da'Vonne would want to do Paulie/Corey - but would have some crazy, complicated plan that would backfire on her. Remember her unlikely Get-Frank-Out plan?! 

As for the twist - Julie said it would be a twist allow viewers to "impact the game," and you can "strategize with other viewers on how you want to impact the game, whether you know them or not." Maybe it'll be a vote on what we want the next twist to be or something. 

I would love that but I am not confident that would happen because I remember!  

Yeah, I know what Julie said but I don't trust it is going to be all that good.  I don't want to talk to fans I don't know in a live chat, that is for sure.  I can see a bunch of trolls looking for how they can mess things up.  

1 minute ago, Umbelina said:

Frank told Bridge to put up Nicole and Corey last night.

James can pill a trigger when he needs to as well.

Anyone might win a power as well.

People see what Paulie's doing, they may not talk much about it yet, but they are aware he needs to go.

Nicole would go in that case. 

Of course anyone can win and the likely hood of Day or Bridget winning are low.  Victor is a beast. 

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This is a clear illustration how limited the HGs vision is when in the house. From jokers.


James says he thinks Mich/Paulie/Paul/Natalie/Corey may win America's fave player. James thinks he won't win it twice, no way. NT

James hesitation about going against the house might be due to how he is viewed once out.  That is very important to him.  He doesn't want to be the one who is responsible for booting a favorite. 

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TV flashing: "Clues to the secret..are all around you. You may want to keep it to yourself..."

ETA: James told everyone. That's so James. Poor Natalie is probably like, thanks a lot.

Edited by mooses
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I'm just praying to Jozea they don't wake the girls and get them all in on the hunt.  Nicole:  "Whereeeeeee is the clueeeee?  Wherrreeeeee?????"   

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I love that just before the TV reveal James had said to Paulie and Natalie that all Frank would do until Thursday would be sleeping, s**tring and eating. Heh heh. And now Frank's up and about searching.

Edited by TimWil
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Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at 4.37.10 PM.png

Multiple people tried the phone booth, but I guess they didn't have the right number.

Frank/James say it must be something they're setting up outside. Paulie still trying to figure it out.

Edited by mooses
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Someone will surely register that the departure board has numbers.  They need a number where are numbers!   

They fucking better get those fish off so we can see who finds it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by wings707
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Natalie seemed to get it had to do with Paris. 

I thought that maybe they would wait for the secret room, since Julie said the twist would end in four weeks. I thought that would be plenty of time. But of course not; they want it NOW. Silly me.


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I blame James for everything that happens now. You should have kept that shit to yourself, or told only Natalie.

ETA (since posts won't merge??): Frank's up there. I don't know if I want him to get the special power either.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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Uggghhh.....Why can't Nat figure out the connection?.... she's SO close.  She already mentioned that the Eiffel Tower is not in Tokyo.  Can't she see France is a clue.  

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Just now, mooses said:

imageproxy.php?img=&key=32bc34fe46752225Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at 4.43.57 PM.png

Forget James! Just do it. Paulie is a hawk up there, though.

Paulie's not going anywhere, that's for damn sure.

Thanks, BB. You made me dread this week so much because you just HAD to reveal clues on the TV, We would have had one week where Frank would go home and not a female. Now, it could be Bridgette, Michelle, Natalie, anybody! 

Now Day and Paul are up. PAUL, GO BACK TO SLEEP. He's the one I dread getting the power the most. 

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I really should have figured that they would do something like this when the week became too predictable. I just didn't think it would be blatantly obvious, and I didn't think James would be dumb enough to run and spill. At least give it half an hour, look around, pretend not to know anything! Give you and Natalie a head start!

James tried and left. I need Natalie to get in that phone booth and get it. Now. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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I just...I can't. People are going to immediately know who gets into the room. It's not going to be a secret at all! 


I would have been dialing all the numbers of the Departure board. I don't know why anyone hasn't done that. 

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Michelle just telling everyone how to find it but not going to try it out herself. This is so like these HGs. I guess it turns into a House group activity when the whole House is in an alliance, though.

Edited by mooses
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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

I just...I can't. People are going to immediately know who gets into the room. It's not going to be a secret at all! 


I would have been dialing all the numbers of the Departure board. I don't know why anyone hasn't done that. 

Do they maybe only get one try and then have to get back in line?

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Zakiyah's got the right idea. Where is Natalie? She figured that out minutes ago! She needs to get her little ass up to that phone booth! 

LOL, never mind, Paul's an idiot. And.....never mind, he's back on track. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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Guys, are we sure it's a special power, or is it just something that will impact the game in general - kind of like the Golden Buzzer? 

Or hell...a shopping spree or a date with Frankie.

Edited by lyric
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