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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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I'm actually pretty excited to see what Da'Vonne will do once Frank is taken care of. I forgot she was even here because she's only sleepin' or creepin' lately, but she's going to want to start making some moves after this.

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Of course Frank has to tell her this. I almost think he's going to be able to reverse psychology her into using it on him, though.

ETA: James is telling Bridgette he feels bad about putting her up (but doesn't regret putting up Frank). He wants Frank gone.

Edited by mooses
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James is having honest talk with Bridget explaining why he had to put her up.  Frank's name is all over the house and she is collateral damage, it had to happen.   He is apologizing.  Both she and Frank understand the situation.  Frank can never get the heat off of him.  I like James. 

He may see the situation with Paulie more clearly after Frank leaves and start some movement.  Surely Paulie has told him the goal is to eliminate the girls.  I hope he and Day do some brainstorming.  She is loyal to him. 

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I have no sympathy for Bridgette. She's been up Frank's ass for most of the season, rarely leaves his side, and hasn't attempted to build relationships with anyone else in the house.

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Well, except for the Spy Girls, which dissolved quickly after Bronte left. But yeah, I know Frank needs to go, but I actually want Bridgette gone over Frank for that alone. At least Frank can play the game.

ETA: Posted this exit interview with Tiffany in the episode thread, but I figure live feeders would appreciate what she says about #calmyournipples.

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6 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I have no sympathy for Bridgette. She's been up Frank's ass for most of the season, rarely leaves his side, and hasn't attempted to build relationships with anyone else in the house.

Yeah, she hasn't done one thing right yet. Even winning HOH was terrible. She totally screwed up her HOH for him and didn't even try to maintain her relationship with Natalie after Bronte was gone. I mean, the Fatal-Whatever hated her, but there were others in the House to at least mingle with. Why didn't she even speak to Paul about being betrayed about Bronte's eviction? She let Paulie and the crew get to him first when she could have tried to paint them as the bad guys for blindsiding Bronte.

Edited by mooses
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1 minute ago, alihart41 said:

Well, except for the Spy Girls, which dissolved quickly after Bronte left. But yeah, I know Frank needs to go, but I actually want Bridgette gone over Frank for that alone. At least Frank can play the game.

There is no one left that he can play the game with.  Better he go and allow the house the divide again among themselves.  Frank stays and he will be the target again; that means things stay the same.  Not good. 

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1 minute ago, alihart41 said:

Well, except for the Spy Girls, which dissolved quickly after Bronte left. But yeah, I know Frank needs to go, but I actually want Bridgette gone over Frank for that alone. At least Frank can play the game.

Frank is definitely a better character but I agree with what wings707 said above. He needs to go for people to start playing the game. When the entire house has a consensus scapegoat for everything it makes things very boring game-wise.

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2 minutes ago, alihart41 said:

Well, except for the Spy Girls, which dissolved quickly after Bronte left. But yeah, I know Frank needs to go, but I actually want Bridgette gone over Frank for that alone. At least Frank can play the game.

As much as I enjoy the fact that Frank can play the game, the longer he's there, the longer Paulie can remain protected and off the radar of being targeted. Plus, Paulie wants an all boys alliance, including Frank. He's already started planting seeds for either Bridgette or Day to be evicted this week. Some may think he's faking it, but I truly believe that Paulie would be happy to keep Frank as his shield. The longer he's there, the farther Paulie gets. If Frank isn't taken out this week, Paulie will get either very close to the finals, or he will be in final 2. I truly believe that. 

I only really feel sorry for Bridgette a little bit, but she caused her problems, much like Day. They'll get their eviction soon enough. But this week needs to be Frank, which means Bridgette needs to come off and a boy needs to go up, maybe Corey or Paul. 

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 And Natalie is trying to explain this to her but she doesn't get it. 

from jokers 

Sat 11:17 AM BBTNatalie says BB is about luck. Frank adamantly disagrees. "Bridgette isn't in this position because of luck."

Natalie says she never tries to have one-on-ones with the girls, which Bridgette immediately countered saying they run away from her if she enters the room.

Bridgette: Just wait until they turn on you.

Natalie: I know that.

Bridgette: Bull****. I hate them all. 

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2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

There is no one left that he can play the game with.  Better he go and allow the house the divide again among themselves.  Frank stays and he will be the target again; that means things stay the same.  Not good. 

Oh, I know. Like I said, he needs to go. I just wish he could take Bridgette with him since she's attached to him anyway.

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So....you know that hate Michelle has about Bridgette when she made a comment about her passing out and her wanting to shave her eyebrows?


Also, Bridgette says she'll stick to Corey/Paulie if she stays. 

Bridgette can go any time now for me. But Frank needs to go first. Paulie/Corey are just going to take her out after Day, anyway. 

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Aslo,  during the whole Paulie and Z mess, Nat told the others that she knew Paulie wasn't emotionally with Z. That he is only attracted to her but doesn't like her.

Some think Nat was just being catty, because she said this after Victor was flirting with Z in front of her and offer his clothes to Z to wear for this dress up game that is suppose to happen today. 

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14 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

As much as I enjoy the fact that Frank can play the game, the longer he's there, the longer Paulie can remain protected and off the radar of being targeted. Plus, Paulie wants an all boys alliance, including Frank. He's already started planting seeds for either Bridgette or Day to be evicted this week. Some may think he's faking it, but I truly believe that Paulie would be happy to keep Frank as his shield. The longer he's there, the farther Paulie gets. If Frank isn't taken out this week, Paulie will get either very close to the finals, or he will be in final 2. I truly believe that. 

I only really feel sorry for Bridgette a little bit, but she caused her problems, much like Day. They'll get their eviction soon enough. But this week needs to be Frank, which means Bridgette needs to come off and a boy needs to go up, maybe Corey or Paul. 

It makes sense, but I am not so sure.  I have heard Paulie talking that up with Frank but it looked like BS to me.  Victor (I think) told Frank this morning that he is marked to go.  

If Bridget stays, she and Day are easy noms for the next wimpy HOH.  

I am rooting for Day to win next HOH.  

6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So....you know that hate Michelle has about Bridgette when she made a comment about her passing out and her wanting to shave her eyebrows?


Also, Bridgette says she'll stick to Corey/Paulie if she stays. 

Bridgette can go any time now for me. But Frank needs to go first. Paulie/Corey are just going to take her out after Day, anyway. 

What????  Please explain about the eyebrows. 

Edited by wings707
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3 hours ago, J.D. said:

He's smart, and he's not going to soon forget that Day told him she's coming after couples.

If James honestly believes that Day was talking about him when she was saying they had to go after the showmances then he's even dumber than I thought.

2 hours ago, JediDVguy said:

Ugh. Frank might be a sleazeball, but I don't get the sense that he actively hates women the way that Paulie does. 

I agree with this. Paulie seems to have let Derrick completely poison his mind. Or I guess maybe he always hated women and Derrick just nurtured it.

28 minutes ago, mooses said:

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Of course Frank has to tell her this. I almost think he's going to be able to reverse psychology her into using it on him, though.

I feel like he's probably laying the groundwork to reverse psychology her into saving him for sure. That feels like a Frank type move.

7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So....you know that hate Michelle has about Bridgette when she made a comment about her passing out and her wanting to shave her eyebrows?


No, it was actually about Michelle. Paul saying he 'wouldn't care if she died' was about Tiffany, but Michelle thinks it was about her. And she doesn't care. She only cares about Bridgette's eyebrows joke. I don't really get why these girls hate Bridgette with the intensity they do. Sure, she's annoying and fake, but they're really OTT with their hate.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

It makes sense, but I am not so sure.  I have heard Paulie talking that up with Frank but it looked like BS to me.  Victor (I think) told Frank this morning that he is marked to go.  

If Bridget stays, she and Day are easy noms for the next wimpy HOH.  

I am rooting for Day to win next HOH.  

What????  Please explain. 

Apparently the comment was made toward Tiffany, but Zak misinterpreted it for some odd reason. The comment about Michelle passing out is true, but the other thing isn't:

I am honestly a bit confused, but I'm just reporting what I see!

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There has been no discussion about the secret room.  The DR may put a fire under the HG of their choice today, to get that moving.  Whatever that room holds only lasts for 4 weeks and I am sure they want it to be discovered sooner than later.  

I don't think AG wants to save Frank.  It is obvious that a better game will ensue when he is gone.  

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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

No, it was actually about Michelle. Paul saying he 'wouldn't care if she died' was about Tiffany, but Michelle thinks it was about her. And doesn't care. She only cares about Bridgette's eyebrows joke. I don't really get why these girls hate Bridgette with the intensity they do. Sure, she's annoying and fake, but they're really OTT with their hate.

The eyebrows joke is just dumb. Like, that's obviously not funny and barely a joke at all, but Bridgette was not actually going to shave her eyebrows. I don't know why Michelle is so fixated on it when, like you said, she thinks Paul said an even worse "joke."

All the HGs say some pretty mean things at one point or another. If I looked, I'm sure I could come up with an "eyebrows comment" each HG has said about every one of the other HGs. But Michelle/Z/Nicole are like poison - they don't just say mean things, it's like they breathe negativity, jealousy and insecurity. 

Edited by mooses
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1 minute ago, mooses said:

But Michelle/Z/Nicole are like poison - they don't just say mean things, it's like they breathe negativity, jealousy and insecurity. 

Yep. They're all just so insecure. It's sad, but it manifests itself with them being such terrible people that it's hard to feel sorry for them.

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13 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

If James honestly believes that Day was talking about him when she was saying they had to go after the showmances then he's even dumber than I thought.

I agree with this. Paulie seems to have let Derrick completely poison his mind. Or I guess maybe he always hated women and Derrick just nurtured it.

I feel like he's probably laying the groundwork to reverse psychology her into saving him for sure. That feels like a Frank type move.

No, it was actually about Michelle. Paul saying he 'wouldn't care if she died' was about Tiffany, but Michelle thinks it was about her. And she doesn't care. She only cares about Bridgette's eyebrows joke. I don't really get why these girls hate Bridgette with the intensity they do. Sure, she's annoying and fake, but they're really OTT with their hate.

I didn't get the Bridget hate either but going back to that stupid party Z throw for her stuff animal. It seems that Z offered to throw Bridget a party for her brithday. Bridget turned down the offer. But later she went on to mock Z's offer with Tiffany and even told Tiffany that Z should have a party for her stuff animal instead. Basically she was mocking Z, Z heard about it and decided to be petty by actually throwing an  all out party for her stuff animal.

So I  think they might hate Bridget for petty reasons but might also have legitimate reasons to dislike her.

Edited by SevenStars
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2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

There has been no discussion about the secret room.  The DR may put a fire under the HG of their choice today, to get that moving.  Whatever that room holds only lasts for 4 weeks and I am sure they want it to be discovered sooner than later.  

Screen Shot 2016-07-23 at 12.14.35 PM.png

I did see this last night. So they expect a secret room, but no one is looking for it I guess.

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1 minute ago, mooses said:

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I did see this last night. So they expect a secret room, but no one is looking for it I guess.

They seem to all just think it's Pandora's Box. I can't blame them for thinking that. BB is going to have to find a way to clue them into it.

3 minutes ago, SevenStars said:

So think they might hate Bridget for petty reasons but might also have legitimate reasons to dislike her.

I can see why they don't like Bridgette, and vice versa, but they spend so much of their time bitching about all the other women in the house and it's ridiculous. The three of them are just very insecure, jealous, petty girls.

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Funnily enough Bridgette is talking about how the girls have been talking about/making fun of her since week one. She said they compare her to Jun and she's like, 'That's so dumb. I'm Filipino. I think she's Chinese. A whole different kind of Asian.'

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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

They seem to all just think it's Pandora's Box. I can't blame them for thinking that. BB is going to have to find a way to clue them into it.

I can see why they don't like Bridgette, and vice versa, but they spend so much of their time bitching about all the other women in the house and it's ridiculous. The three of them are just very insecure, jealous, petty girls.

Yeah, the guys seems more willing to put aside their dislike for eachother in order to play this game together. It's sad but understandable when you think about how society raised girls and boys.

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

The funny thing is that Paulie is actually one of the cattiest people in there and yet I hear him talking about how catty women are all the time. Ugh I want him gone so bad. 

He really is catty and totally have a double standard when it comes to women. 

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Natalie mentioned Frank slapping Da'Vonne's butt, and Bridgette said she's just trying to put a bigger target on Frank's back and Natalie has to see through that.

Such a weird Big Brother dilemma. Frank was obviously very wrong about that and the way he treated the women. Can you put that aside and see it within the game? Or do you have to want Frank out because you think that Frank's behavior was morally wrong?

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3 minutes ago, mooses said:

Such a weird Big Brother dilemma. Frank was obviously very wrong about that and the way he treated the women. Can you put that aside and see it within the game? Or do you have to side with Da'Vonne over Frank in the game because you think that Frank's behavior was morally wrong?

I wouldn't be able to put it aside. Like at all. But I would be a horrible BB player so!

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2 hours ago, SevenStars said:

He didn't call her a golddiger, he told Paul that he didn't like how when Z was talking up Paul to Michelle,  Z kept telling Michelle about how much money Paul's family have. He didn't like how she talks about getting drunk and being turnt. And he didn't like how when she is mad at him she tries to make him jealous, he states that it was petty and he doesn't like dealing with that crap. He questioned whether she is only using him for the game and not because she really likes him. Apparently a lot of the things Paulie said to Paul about Z, are things that Z said in conversations with others thinking Paulie wasn't paying attention or listening to her. But his conversation proves that he listened and remembered a lot of the shit she said in this house. 

Anyway, this whole Z and Paulie messed started because Paulie didn't like the fact that Z didn't stop Victor when Victor was flirty with her. That she was actually paying attention to him. So to get back at her, he slept in HN room with Nat, which made Z angry. When Z brought it up ,Paulie started giving her shit for what happened with Victor. Apparently he was giving her shit even before that for whatever happened between her and Victor when the camera was off. So Z got mad and started paying attention only to Paul and laughing at Victor's jokes while Paulie sits next to her. He tries feeding her fries  infront of Victor and she kind refused to open her mouth. He tried to participate in the conversation with her and she told him she wasn't talking to him, she was talking to Paul. She called him an asshole, kept ignoring him and talking to Victor.

This kept going for hrs, and I don't feel like typing all of it and I don't think anyone really wants to read it. But it ended with Paulie telling Z to stop giving him the ugly looks and that she has 24 hrs to tell him why she was mad at him. When they were alone Paulie asked her what was wrong, she told him she was mad at him, and he asked her why and she lied and said she didn't know. So basically Z complains about Paulie not communicating with her therefore he is not into her, but she refuses to communicate with him. Paulie kissed her on the cheek, they hugged and it was back to them acting like they didn't spent the last few hrs trying to hurt each other.


Ohh at one point during their fight Z cried when Paulie was called into the DR. But it was for only a moment before she went back to eating her fries. This part was hilarious because people were freaking out when Z started crying but the next moment,  she dried her tears, acted like she wasn't just crying and started eating her fries. I lmao at that.

Holy shit, are they 13 years old? Yikes.

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This is the Natalie that I've grown to know and love since day 1 of the feeds. I am happy that even after almost 40 days, she hasn't demeaned herself for people. It'll probably get her evicted, but she is someone who might have excelled with different houseguests.

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Sat 12:30 PM BBTNatalie to Brig: I talk to whoever I want to talk to. I have been through more than anyone in this house ever has. I don't deal with petty shit. I'm a grown-ass woman. People can say whatever they want but I'm not contributing to it.


 Also, I'm not usually one for BB, TAR, survivor crossover .... But I would love to see James and Natalie on TAR. They were talking about it earlier .

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Well they went to Jeff interviews for veto player picks and I just witnessed a convo I hadn't heard about before between Nicole and Z where Nicole talks about how she isn't pretty enough for Corey. Since it's Nicole, I imagine that was her fishing for Z to tell her how beautiful and amazing she is. But I guess maybe she actually believes it. In any case, Nicole, please seek professional help.

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I hope the players are Natalie and Da'Vonne. I hate everyone else, so why not give the chance for something interesting to happen?

ETA: Right, there needs to be one more person. Um....I really got nobody that I want, but throw in Zakiyah. She hasn't been doing so well in comps.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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Natalie, if you want a strong woman to win this game why didn't you step up and be that strong woman?   I am not sure you can do that now, but maybe.  You are a sweetheart but not good at this game because you know nothing about it. 

Edited by wings707
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16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I wouldn't be able to put it aside. Like at all. But I would be a horrible BB player so!

Ha! Yeah, I keep almost rooting for Frank/Bridgette so that Paulie doesn't get his way - but then I can't root for Frank because he's gross. I guess I'm just going to wait for Da'Vonne to rise up from the dead and get her game back on track. And hopefully for Natalie to get the upper hand at some point.

6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Well they went to Jeff interviews for veto player picks and I just witnessed a convo I hadn't heard about before between Nicole and Z where Nicole talks about how she isn't pretty enough for Corey. Since it's Nicole, I imagine that was her fishing for Z to tell her how beautiful and amazing she is. But I guess maybe she actually believes it. In any case, Nicole, please seek professional help.

Nicole had the same conversation with Tiffany. And Tiffany took the bait and told her since she's into both women and men, Nicole can trust her when she says she sees more in Nicole than Corey. It's been a running theme that Nicole thinks she couldn't get a guy that dreamy outside of the House - which might explain why she's basically his shadow now.

Edited by mooses
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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I hope the players are Natalie and Da'Vonne. I hate everyone else, so why not give the chance for something interesting to happen?

Da'Vonne must know she has to win this or be put on the block.  James will do as Paulie wishes, unfortunately.  And apologize to her the same way he did to Frank and Bridget and he will be sincere.  He had to put them up because they were in everyone's mouth.  Day is there, too.  

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Bridgette is psycho.  The REASON the girls didn't talk much to her is that they watched her practically skip to Frank and tell him every single thing they said.

It took Bridgette what?  Maybe two minute to go tell Frank about Tiff's proposed girl alliance?  She was spying on them and then quite obviously running to Frank.  She has no will of her own, spent two days cuddled with Frank in the HOH room, and he controlled her nominations.

I mean seriously?  She is the LAST person I would ally with.  However, apparently she's spent a lot of time looking around the house at the posters and departure board, so she may find the clues.  I hope it's not a Cooty Twa, and instead is something like a trip outside the house. 

As for Paulie?  He's all guys all the way, has no respect for women at all.  I think he's chosen his teammate with that hair cut.  He always wanted to play Derrick's game, and he's found his "Cody" in Paul, but hopefully Paul will bite his head off sooner or later.

I agree that Frank leaving will make the others begin to turn on themselves, they will have to.  So I hope he goes, because really, he's only playing "counter insurgence" he's a bros to the end guy too, although I do think he wants to drag two weak women to the end for a better shot of winning the game.

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41 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

I agree that Frank leaving will make the others begin to turn on themselves, they will have to.  So I hope he goes, because really, he's only playing "counter insurgence" he's a bros to the end guy too, although I do think he wants to drag two weak women to the end for a better shot of winning the game.

Frank would have taken a goat to the end.  He was grooming Bridget for that.  I don't see him as a bro guy. He is done though and knows it. 

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I found them on another site, but they must be up on CBS.

They will start giving them clues soon, in other seasons people would have already be scouring that house for clues.  These lazy fucks won't.  Even if they find one, they are likely to shout it out to the whole house, like the model plane that says "call paris" right next to the HOH phone booth.

This isn't that hard.  Step into the booth, call 211, done.

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I find Bridgette almost impossible to watch.  God, Thurday's show alone had me raging.  When Julie came up on their screen, Bridgette squealed, pointed, and kicked her feet in excitement.   But I'm hoping all of this is because she's infatuated with Frank.  My fantasy is when Frank walks out the door, Bridgette's voice immediately drops an octave, the toddler squealing and giggling disappears, and she acts like a typical ER nurse.   Which would mean she is secretly an intelligent, quick witted, thick skinned hard ass.  It has to be an act.  Right??

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9 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

My fantasy is when Frank walks out the door, Bridgette's voice immediately drops an octave, the toddler squealing and giggling disappears, and she acts like a typical ER nurse.   Which would mean she is secretly an intelligent, quick witted, thick skinned hard ass.  It has to be an act.  Right??

Bridgette does occasionally talk without that squealy baby voice so yea it's definitely an act. I don't think she's secretly awesome though, unfortunately.

ETA: "I'll take the unitard I don't care. I actually like them." Oh, is that right, Nicole? Is that why you whined about how your Germatard was actually worse than Brittany having to kick 2400 soccer balls? 

So they seem to think it'll be the prizes/punsihments veto. I'm pissed because I wanted Paulie to be playing in that and get that really bad punishment that the comp guy tweeted about.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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