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Season 12 Spoilers, Speculation and Anticipation

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oh for F&^%S sakes, WHY!!!????!! *Another* new character to be concentrated on for a year again in a (vain) effort to make us like him/her/it. And let the show's stalwarts (you know, the loyal ones who've been there since the beginning, or nearly so) fall by the wayside. 

Crappity crap <lots of German and Ukrainian swear words> CBS/Messer/MarkGordonProductions I hate you!


Edited by ReidFan
  • Love 4

Agreed. I really don't know why they all keep saying they "need"another team member - unless it has to do with the amount of screentime the regular cast have in their contracts. After all, Beyond Boredom has a small team with on the face of it a much wider remit dealing with other cultures. I don't know this guy as I never watched any of the CSI shows. is he any good?

  • Love 4

makes me wonder if Matthew's slated to be off the month of October again. I can see needing another guy because down to just Rossi, Hotch and JJ in the field full time might be stretching things. But maybe then, they could be realistic and really dramatic and actually have someone (the new guy) die on the job. It does happen. And if it's the newish guy, none of the longtime and established fanbases would be beside themselves (the JJfans, the RossiFans, the ReidFans and the HotchFans I mean). 

Edited by ReidFan
clarifying a point
  • Love 1

I too have nothing personal against the actor. In fact I quite liked his character on CSI Miami.But I also feel his addition is unnecessary.Now I would be okay with it if it turns out Aisha Tyler won't be able to commit as near as much time the show this season as she was last season.Of course no doubt MESSer is going to move heaven and earth to make it possible for the actress to continue to be on the show as much as she was last season.I fear that Hotch and Reid's screen time will suffer the most. Because we know damn well the new character will be getting a ton of focus/screen time right of the bat.Afterall he is slated to be a regular  and look how much focus/screen time the character of Lewis ended up getting and she was considered a recurring character.

I know one of the reasons MESSer was insisting on bringing in another character was "Now is not the time for a shrinking team" And according to her the team is going to have all these serial killers, who have escaped, to chase down.Therefore, they can't afford to be a man down.

Can someone please tweet Erica Messer and ask her why it is that an FBI team that works international cases only has to have 4 field agents,but an FBI team that mainly works domestic cases has to have at least 6 field agents.I really want to get Zannej opinion on it.Who knows maybe it makes more sense to have a smaller team when going a board.However, why then could not Jack Garrett and his team handle that one case alone.Why did Hotches team have to be bought in on the case.


It is official. I bleeping hate tablets.I wrote and posted this via my tablet with no problem at all,but than I discovered I needed to make a correction.So I did.However when I tried to post it again, I couldn't do it on my tablet. I had to use my laptop. And it's the second time this has happened.

Edited by MMC
to make a correction
  • Love 5


He's pretty, in a similar way to how Moore is pretty - tall, muscular, very symmetrical. I hope his character is worth the time we're going to have to spend watching him. If they can come up with something undramatic, yet different and interesting... well, you never know. It could work out. I'm willing to give the man a chance, at least. 

The only interesting part for me is that this will be the first new male regular character introduced since Rossi all those years ago, so at least the newbie is not another woman this year, for once. I mean, hopefully we get to keep Tara.

I don't have an issue with the show having more characters than the spin-off,  because this show is on for ten episodes more than BB. So there's more space  for a larger number  of personalities. At least the characters on this show still have personalities. On BB, they mostly just seem to have lists of skills  and attributes, so far. 

I agree that it's maddening that they won't just leave  the cast as is. At least they're clearly not getting a budget cut.

Edited by Lebanna
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, MMC said:

I too have nothing personal against the actor. In fact I quite liked his character on CSI Miami.But I also feel his addition is unnecessary.Now I would be okay with it if it turns out Aisha Tyler won't be able to commit as near as much time the show this season as she was last season.Of course no doubt MESSer is going to move heaven and earth to make it possible for the actress to continue to be on the show as much as she was last season.I fear that Hotch and Reid's screen time will suffer the most. Because we know damn well the new character will be getting a ton of focus/screen time right of the bat.Afterall he is slated to be a regular  and look how much focus/screen time the character of Lewis ended up getting and she was considered a recurring character.

I know one of the reasons MESSer was insisting on bringing in another character was "Now is not the time for a shrinking team" And according to her the team is going to have all these serial killers, who have escaped, to chase down.Therefore, they can't afford to be a man down.

Can someone please tweet Erica Messer and ask her why it is that an FBI team that works international cases only has to have 4 field agents,but an FBI team that mainly works domestic cases has to have at least 6 field agents.I really want to get Zannej opinion on it.Who knows maybe it makes more sense to have a smaller team when going a board.However, why then could not Jack Garrett and his team handle that one case alone.Why did Hotches team have to be bought in on the case.


It is official. I bleeping hate tablets.I wrote and posted this via my tablet with no problem at all,but than I discovered I needed to make a correction.So I did.However when I tried to post it again, I couldn't do it on my tablet. I had to use my laptop. And it's the second time this has happened.

Exactly! nothing against him, but we don't need him and the longtime cast, particularly as you said, Hotch and Reid, will most likely be marginalized.

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I personally do not want Lewis back, or I at least want to see a whole lot less of her,since they decided to replace Morgan.But regardless how anyone may feel about this news we can still celebrate the departure of Kim Harrison by far CM's worst writer. Although,perhaps we shouldn't celebrate so soon.Because,if anyone would have the knack for finding someone as bad, or maybe even worse than Kim,it would be Erica Messer. I do hope Karen Masser shows some improvement this season as I was not all that impress what she brought to the table last season

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I do agree with most of the comments, and I want to state I think a new team member was unnecessary for the many reasons we all know. Now, I going to complain about the fact we are getting another actor on board no matter what.

As Lebanna said, he plays in Shemar's league. I didn't watch much of CSI Miami, but if I have to choose I prefer this actor to SM. I really dislike Morgan and the way SM "played" this role and I don't miss him a bit.

I don't think Rodríguez is better as an actor, even if I like him more than SM. However, I think if they write him well, without any drama and some struggling to fit, more like Prentiss and less like Morgan (who was complaining for everything like some brat) it could be ok.

I would like AT gone because of the bad writing of the character.

Maybe if they transfer Tara and write something decent for AR and less unsubs and better casting and less money for explosions or expensive guest stars and no Mantega's friends around....I am going to stop here and pray for some new qualified blood in the writing room this season hahaha

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While I would have loved for CM to return to its cerebral roots, I am not naïve enough to deem it a possibility---not at this point in the game.  That cerebral quality attracted a great many loyal and devoted viewers, present company included---and we are obviously still watching.  The more casual viewer has long since moved on, but has been replaced by a smaller, but younger, group of viewers who like action.  For CBS, that’s the best of both worlds.  They're not about to abandon it.

So I’m not at all surprised that the network decided to replace Morgan.  He was the action hero, and none of the remaining characters would have been able to fill that role and still remain in character. (Cue the tired chorus of ‘but what about NinjaBarbieGoldenGirlJJ?!”).  I wish a Morgan replacement wasn’t necessary, because I would prefer to see more of the other characters (Reid).  But I get it, and I expected it.

Also, I’ve learned from those who have experience in the business that it is simply wrong to think that Erica Messer is behind the decision.  That privilege resides with those higher up in the network.  She simply preserves her employment by making the most of what’s given her, and that includes promoting the hell out of it.  She is a middle manager, with limited independent authority, who has bills to pay and a family to support, and is, therefore, going to do what it takes to get her job done.  On the spectrum of life histories, that’s actually a success story, and I will go on record as saying that I don’t think it is deserving of denigrating comments, and I would be very happy to see no more of them. 

  • Love 6

JMO, I a lot of times agree with you, however to say that it simply wrong to think Messer is behind this, I have to disagree with. It's not wrong to think it, even if she may or may not have made the decision by herself, she advocated it. She has been the one saying how necessary it is and so forth. She's the showrunner. The buck stops here. 

Not to knock your opinion, as everyone has the right to their own. :) looking forward to your next chapter.

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I am not surprised. I do like AR, he is a hot guy and can do the action stuff well. Not a stellar actor but serviceable. If you buy the premise that this team would be the ones kicking down doors, ect. Then they have to have someone who looks like they could do that. Hotch is aging out of that and he's team leader, Rossi? Just no. Reid is a waif and ninjaJJ just can't be everywhere. The other gal seems more of a talker than doer but IDK,  they kind of had to hire someone. IMO. 


I can't say I'm too thrilled about Adam Rodriguez. Nothing against him- I liked him on CSI Miami- and I hope he winds up as "more than just muscle", but I can't say I am behind this for a few reasons:

-The team has enough agents, regardless of whether or not Tara returns (Rodriguez's hire makes this a question)

-The show already has a muscle character in JJ. Say what you will about AJ Cook's abilities to be a muscle character, the fact remains that the show already has the role filled.

(Furthermore, wouldn't it be great if, just for once, the "team muscle" is filled by a female?)

Having said that, it may be fun if his character actually is Delko....but I won't get my hopes up.

Edited by Danielg342
1 hour ago, Danielg342 said:


Having said that, it may be fun if his character actually is Delko....but I won't get my hopes up.

it's funny you say that, Danielg342... because Maser tweeted a reply to a follower asking what AR's character's name was. And she said they proposed one but were waiting for it to be approved by a higher up (and I didn't get the feeling she meant Messer by that either)... almost like they were waiting to see if they could use a pre-existing name. And Delko would fit, wouldn't it? They'd have to get permission from whoever owns CSI to do that.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, normasm said:

They have said he's from the FBI Fugitive Task Force, so it's not likely they'll recycle the Delko character. He was CSI specializing in fingerprints and drug analysis.


3 hours ago, ReidFan said:

ah. so a muscleman/door kicker. Hotch hired a bodyguard type for the rest of the team? O:-)


oh my... I would have liked the Delko 2.0 better than the DIY FBI team because it looks like they are trying to use this new guy to chase last season fugitives.

Cooome ooon!

wouldn't it have been better if the BAU and Marshals team up and everyone does their part? we could see all the efforts/problems of the task. bureaucracy, lack of resources and jurisdictions (Hotch), the tension between FBI and Marshals and liaising things (JJ or Hotch and JJ even better), profiling (the whole team without Tara) and the hunt, they also would be there because its their show after all hahahaha

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, normasm said:

They have said he's from the FBI Fugitive Task Force, so it's not likely they'll recycle the Delko character. He was CSI specializing in fingerprints and drug analysis.

His CSI training would relevant for the job, and CSI: Miami has been off the air for six years...plenty of time for Delko to gain some new skills.

I'll agree it's not likely that we will get Delko...but it's fun to think about.

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On 5/13/2016 at 1:39 PM, Bookish Jen said:

Well, I'm willing to take one for the team.

All my fellow Reid-ettes, "Get in line."

Then of course, I'm still convinced Elle got betwixt his legs and relieved Spencer of his he-hymen.


On 5/13/2016 at 7:13 PM, Droogie said:

I couldn't breathe or swallow after I read this...  What did you say???


On 5/14/2016 at 5:57 AM, ReidFan said:

Don't think Elle could either


Jesus, I turn my back on you people for a few days.... ;-)

I have no feelings about Adam Rodriguez being cast one way or the other. I never watched much of that CSI show because I couldn't abide David Caruso after NYPD Blue, where he was awesome, but I thought Adam was okay on Empire even though I find Cookie Lyon utterly exhausting. She's awesome, but her all-gas-and-no-brakes approach would wear me out if I knew her in real life.


I kind of hope this will be the last season for CM, and it feels really disloyal to say that after all the time and energy I've devoted to watching it, even if last season was...not great. I'm a completist and will probably stick it out for MGG, but I really got the sense last year that he was ready to be doing other things. As JMO said, I would like to see the competent, mature Reid that we all know exists using his wits to help solve cases. In a perfect world, he could have something outside of the job, but at this point I'm content to rely on fanfic for that. Less guns (fewer guns?), more brains.

If nothing else, I wish Rodriguez good luck replacing Moore. I don't think they need anyone new at this late date, but I hope he doesn't get scourged just for taking a job.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, normasm said:

Beautifully said, CoStar

I agree.

And if this ends up CM's last season, so be it. I'm perfectly at peace with it; it isn't even a mere shadow of its former glory. It's a mere puff of smoke disappearing into the atmosphere. I can always watch the earlier seasons on ION or DVD (or both) when I get the urge. Sometimes I think I only keep watching CM because I found such a wonderful collection of like-minded fans here who are thoughtful, funny, kind and just all-around great people. That in itself, is a blessing.

As for Matthew, I hope his post-CM years are fulfilling and he gets to direct some great features as well as episodic television. He's definitely shown his director chops through CM. As for Spencer? At this point I don't think CM will ever make use of his potential character to truly satisfy me so fan fic it is! Erica seems to think (thanks to the Screaming Mimis) that it's only Matthew's looks that have us hooked on Spencer. Well, Matthew's looks helped; I'm not made of stone, people! But let's face it; Matthew won the genetic lottery and goody for him (#ratbastard). It's his talent as an actor and his embodiment of Spencer that made this character so potent to me.

  • Love 5

Just coming back from vacation, having seen that AR was signed on -- don't know the guy but he seems attractive in a bland, not-interesting-to-me type of way.  I was exactly zero recent surprised that Morgan was replaced, and more than a little bummed.  I read some article -- maybe from a link here, I dunno -- that quoted EM as saying this guy will have some focus so we can "get to know him."

Color me over it.  I don't want to get to know him.  I want to know my other peeps more intimately.  There are lots of unanswered questions that they should really answer, since this is very nearly certainly the last season (pick up the show and negotiate practically the entire cast's contracts?  I'm skeptical about the possibility of that happening).  I guess the newer, shinier demographic isn't interested/doesn't even know about unfinished business from seasons past, so I'm not holding my breath that there will actually be any focus on that.  The return of Mr. scratch and what could have happened while Hotch was under his influence has So Much Potential, for Hotch and the entire team -- I think they could practically get half a season out of that alone, done correctly. You writers here would do a bang-up job of it I am sure.  I'll bet Andrew Wilder would go back to CM if he were asked and write the heck out of it.  :::cries::: Why can't they ask him??

i might be in the minority, given that these writers largely suck, but I still wanna see Reid have someone to ride off into the sunset with.  I can't stand the idea of the show ending with him still alone.  Implication isn't enough -- I need them to actually ponder it and write it and let me see it.

Interestingly, Harry Bring engages all manner of ding-dongs on his Twitter but I have tweeted a couple of times to him and EM to please consider allowing Reid to have a relationship and I get crickets.  I don't need a Movie of the Week.  I just need to know Spencer loves someone who loves him back.  

And as far as the question of whether MGG will be off in October, this is by no means definitive, but I saw something announcing some sort of film festival maybe (?) in NY in October, with a photo of Matthew and Aaron Nee.  It was just a three-day thing, if I remember, and we all know MGG can zip all over in that time frame, but I wouldn't be surprised if he vanishes again for a while this fall.

Edited by Droogie
  • Love 1

Harry Bring tweeted this today:-

Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS 12h12 hours ago Los Angeles, CA

@CCCherishh If ratings hold up I strongly believe there will be a 13

Of course he is a master at blowing smoke and it's far,far too early to even speculate on that.

I do have the teeniest niggle at the back of my mind about that weird conversation that Antonia Slade had with JJ about her wanting to be in charge and being cleverer than Hotch that just makes me wonder if they would try to move the show on if main cast members didn't want to re-sign after this season. I can see TPTB liking the idea of JJ as Unit Chief with the new guy as her right hand man! Maybe I've just not had enough sleep lately and the weird, horrific thoughts are rising to the surface!!

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Old Dog said:

Harry Bring tweeted this today:-

Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS 12h12 hours ago Los Angeles, CA

@CCCherishh If ratings hold up I strongly believe there will be a 13

Of course he is a master at blowing smoke and it's far,far too early to even speculate on that.

I do have the teeniest niggle at the back of my mind about that weird conversation that Antonia Slade had with JJ about her wanting to be in charge and being cleverer than Hotch that just makes me wonder if they would try to move the show on if main cast members didn't want to re-sign after this season. I can see TPTB liking the idea of JJ as Unit Chief with the new guy as her right hand man! Maybe I've just not had enough sleep lately and the weird, horrific thoughts are rising to the surface!!

In order for that to happen, I think both Hotch and Rossi would have to leave, and the next in line for Unit Chief would be Spencer. Despite what some people have said about MGG being passed over for credits placement by everyone from AJC to this new guy, Matthew's been there the longest, no matter what monkey business they did to his number of episodes record last season. 

  • Love 3

as long as they're under contract, the regular cast still gets credited per episode, even if they don't appear in it. Only Thomas Gibson and Matthew Gray Gubler are in 'every' episode. 

I love Reid, he's my favourite but I just don't see him as Unit Chief. I don't think Reid would even want that job. He's a blinker :) .

To end the series, I'd rather they just retired the entire present team and indicated they've all gone on to other things and new profilers have come in to take their places as the jet flies off into the distance. Hotch is busy 'consulting' somewhere, and goes home at 430 every day to be with Jack. JJ takes a M-F 9-5 job with another governmental department. Lewis goes off on that other thing she's been working on. Rossi retires and goes back to writing books. And Reid will get married and become a dad, and then take up teaching or something.

  • Love 1

Speaking of Harry and tweeting,his tweet about CM needing a higher number of profilers was probably one of the most asinine ones I have ever seen from him. "Why Harry, I pray please tell me why, Why the bleepity, bleepity, bleepity does the show need more profilers, especially in light of the fact they aren't doing anywhere near the amount of profiling that was done in the earlier seasons when they only had 5 profilers instead of the 6 they have today.

Of course now I am assuming that Tara is still with the show and is committed to doing as many episodes as possible next season. Because as much as I hope to see less of her, I also just realized, were that the case, CBS probably would have also been looking for a female replacement for her. That is unless the actress has been able to assure CBS that she'll be able to commit a decent amount a time to the show next season.And the reason I believe this is because CBS is probably scared to death of the accusations of sexism were the team only to have one female agent/profiler on it. Although I don't exactly cotton to the idea myself. Because I fear they'd use it as an excuse to shove the "Golden Girl" down my throat,but hey they do that anyway so it doesn't necessarily deter me from hoping we will see way less of Lewis next season.Because then it would be like the show had basically gone back to having 5 profilers, even with the newbie, the way it use to be. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, MMC said:

Speaking of Harry and tweeting,his tweet about CM needing a higher number of profilers was probably one of the most asinine ones I have ever seen from him. "Why Harry, I pray please tell me why, Why the bleepity, bleepity, bleepity does the show need more profilers, especially in light of the fact they aren't doing anywhere near the amount of profiling that was done in the earlier seasons when they only had 5 profilers instead of the 6 they have today.

Of course now I am assuming that Tara is still with the show and is committed to doing as many episodes as possible next season. Because as much as I hope to see less of her, I also just realized, were that the case, CBS probably would have also been looking for a female replacement for her. That is unless the actress has been able to assure CBS that she'll be able to commit a decent amount a time to the show next season.And the reason I believe this is because CBS is probably scared to death of the accusations of sexism were the team only to have one female agent/profiler on it. Although I don't exactly cotton to the idea myself. Because I fear they'd use it as an excuse to shove the "Golden Girl" down my throat,but hey they do that anyway so it doesn't necessarily deter me from hoping we will see way less of Lewis next season.Because then it would be like the show had basically gone back to having 5 profilers, even with the newbie, the way it use to be. 

Agreed MMC, so very much!

  • Love 1

I fan wanked an idea for Spencer moving his mother to a facility closer to him and falling in love with one of Diana's nurses or perhaps an administrative assistant to a therapist that counsels family members. Or maybe he leaves to write his memoirs and needs a PA to help him out. He finds out she has some mad writing skills and takes her on as co-writer and they fall in love. But that will never fly on today's CM set with Erica as show ruiner and the current crop of typing idiots.

Well, screw them.

JJ as unit chief. No, just no.

And Bring tweets like one of those Screaming Mimis we so detest. I can't believe this man is old enough to be my father.

  • Love 2

:-\ I have to admit to enjoying most of Harry Bring's tweets. He had the JLH vs AJC riot happening on his twitter and he shut them all down saying he'd block anyone who ever brought it up again.  (and here I must admit that I don't understand why the f*** there's any sort of JLH vs AJC in the first place. It's not like they're both vying for the same job or anything.... whatevs!) anyway. He tweets a lot about his grandchildren, his Tesla (yum!) and set happenings during the shooting season. And bacon :)

And the reason I love him most is because he once tweeted a screenshot of Reid, with 'Co Executive Producer Harry Bring' under (Reid). and captioned it as 'his favourite combination on the show.' There was another tweet from his work (he sets up locations and scenes for the episodes) where he and Matthew and various other (unidentified in the photo and story) crew members were getting location sites together and he mentioned that no other director on the show is as involved (read: dedicated) to Every. Single. Aspect. of the episode as Matthew is.  He also once tweeted a photo of Matthew faux kissing him LOL. It's abundantly clear to me that MGG is his favourite cast member.

Edited by ReidFan
  • Love 1

Harry Bring should never have got into it with those maniacal JLH vs AJC fans in the first place and it got so ridiculous because he kept responding and took too long to shut them down. He does have a habit of winding up the fandom though and I wish he would stick to posting about set happenings and his personal tweets  ( except all the bacon - yuk!).

  • Love 3
34 minutes ago, Old Dog said:

Harry Bring should never have got into it with those maniacal JLH vs AJC fans in the first place and it got so ridiculous because he kept responding and took too long to shut them down. He does have a habit of winding up the fandom though and I wish he would stick to posting about set happenings and his personal tweets  ( except all the bacon - yuk!).

Couldn't agree with you more.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, ReidFan said:

:-\ I have to admit to enjoying most of Harry Bring's tweets. He had the JLH vs AJC riot happening on his twitter and he shut them all down saying he'd block anyone who ever brought it up again.  (and here I must admit that I don't understand why the f*** there's any sort of JLH vs AJC in the first place. It's not like they're both vying for the same job or anything.... whatevs!) anyway. He tweets a lot about his grandchildren, his Tesla (yum!) and set happenings during the shooting season. And bacon :)

And the reason I love him most is because he once tweeted a screenshot of Reid, with 'Co Executive Producer Harry Bring' under (Reid). and captioned it as 'his favourite combination on the show.' There was another tweet from his work (he sets up locations and scenes for the episodes) where he and Matthew and various other (unidentified in the photo and story) crew members were getting location sites together and he mentioned that no other director on the show is as involved (read: dedicated) to Every. Single. Aspect. of the episode as Matthew is.  He also once tweeted a photo of Matthew faux kissing him LOL. It's abundantly clear to me that MGG is his favouriter cast member.

I quite like Harry as well, and I agree that he seems very fond of MGG (because who wouldn't be) but he does engage the crazies more than one would expect.  He does smack them down after a time, but not until he has tried reasoning with them, to no avail (because they are not to be dissuaded).  I wish he would answer other, serious questions directed at him by CM fans.

On June 10, 2016 at 3:54 PM, Lebanna said:

While it's true that JJ has been a profiler for a much shorter time than Reid, if this were real life and she was tough and sociable and BFFs with the Section Chief, and Reid was introverted and odd and didn't even like to shake hands, I'd put all my money on her getting the job.


She simply wouldn't be qualified over Reid -- I'd think they would bring in someone from another department first.  And I don't find Reid odd (I'll argue for days about introversion, and why that wouldn't eliminate him from consideration for such a job as SAC.  I find Hotch introverted as well.); neither, I imagine, do most others with whom Reid comes into contact.  He interrogates suspects, interacts well with his peers, is very intuitive and has grown admirably into his role over the years.  Could a S3 Dr. Reid be the chief?  No.  But S10+ Spencer?  Absolutely.

  • Love 5

I completely agree, Droogie.  I can easily see the mature Reid as unit chief material.  The job of developing and implementing strategy suits his strengths.  And just imagine how quickly he'd get through those reports!  I do think he would work better if the team still had a liaison, because I can't see him spending a lot of time worrying about the media, or about how the locals are perceiving things.

As to Harry Bring---he seems to be a mixed bag.  He's figured out that social media can do wonders for public relations.  It's great that he interacts directly with fans.  Even if no one from the show pays any real attention, it seems like it would be a different viewing experience when you feel like you have a direct connection to the people involved. (Non-tweeter me does not.)

I do think Harry enjoys shining the fans on a bit (like with the season 13 teaser--is it real, or is it designed to keep people watching through season 12?).  But I wish he'd get a clue about the trolls. Some of the things they've done (eg, impersonation, libel, slander) would be actionable in real-life circumstances.  He really shouldn't be giving them any kind of platform for that.

  • Love 3

I guess I'm  just dense because when I read that article about the new profiler I was hoping that the fact they didn't even mention the Lewis character meant that she wouldn't be back. I don't have anything against AT, I just didn't warm to the character. I didn't even dislike her. It's just that she really seemed unnecessary - not that I feel another male profiler is necessary. But I guess without Lewis, we would get a glut of JJ, so....  Anyway, I try to keep an open mind when a new character is introduced. I haven't seen this guy in anything before, but he seems likable. We'll just have to wait and see what they do with his character. I'd love to see Hotch return to his old self and instead of gushing over a newbie, making him/her prove himself/herself. 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Droogie said:


She simply wouldn't be qualified over Reid -- I'd think they would bring in someone from another department first.  And I don't find Reid odd (I'll argue for days about introversion, and why that wouldn't eliminate him from consideration for such a job as SAC.  I find Hotch introverted as well.); neither, I imagine, do most others with whom Reid comes into contact.  He interrogates suspects, interacts well with his peers, is very intuitive and has grown admirably into his role over the years.  Could a S3 Dr. Reid be the chief?  No.  But S10+ Spencer?  Absolutely.

My point wasn't that JJ would be better qualified, or that Reid would be a bad boss, or that his introversion was a real problem - yes, of course you can be introverted and have no trouble talking and dealing with people. 

My point was that office politics suck. And if someone like Reid's perceived reputation and quirks stood against JJ's connections and perceived mental strength and social skills (not saying Reid doesn't have social skills, saying they don't always come through immediately, with the no touching thing) then he'd probably lose out, in the real world. She's a hand shaker who goes running and hangs out with their Section Chief. He's not. And as I said, this is a bad thing.

On June 12, 2016 at 3:13 AM, Lebanna said:

My point was that office politics suck. And if someone like Reid's perceived reputation and quirks stood against JJ's connections and perceived mental strength and social skills (not saying Reid doesn't have social skills, saying they don't always come through immediately, with the no touching thing) then he'd probably lose out, in the real world. She's a hand shaker who goes running and hangs out with their Section Chief. He's not. And as I said, this is a bad thing.

It is possible we don't actually disagree that much.  I will say that IRL, say at my hospital, if something like a clinical manager position were to become available, and someone like JJ (a glad-hander, sociable) applied, but there was another person available, like Reid (more introspective, less gregarious) with more experience, he would have to be officially ruled out (or turn it down), with legit explanations (like a file full of reprimands) before she could be offered the position.  So, JJ wouldn't be the first choice in all real-life scenarios.

And I just don't see Reid as having that many quirks, at least to the point that he is perceived as weird and not a major contender to run the BAU, especially in the last 2+ years.  In my opinion, Dr. Reid of these last 2+ seasons has it all over JJ (and not because I don't like JJ -- I do, although I didn't for awhile and I remain skeptical). I would even say Season 9 Reid as well, even though he spent some of that season being the butt of the joke, and there was the unfortunate outburst about Emily in front of God and everybody. JJ of late disobeys orders and goes rogue -- something that I don't believe Reid has done since season 3 with Owen Savage.  Well, he sort of did with Maeve but I saw that as personal.  I imagine Reid has the respect of everyone at the Bureau, even though I hardly think he goes running with Cruz.  He sure made Strauss blink, all the way back in S5.  

Anyway, I'm not arguing, honestly -- just presenting an angle.  


On June 11, 2016 at 8:19 PM, JMO said:

I completely agree, Droogie.  I can easily see the mature Reid as unit chief material.  The job of developing and implementing strategy suits his strengths.  And just imagine how quickly he'd get through those reports!  I do think he would work better if the team still had a liaison, because I can't see him spending a lot of time worrying about the media, or about how the locals are perceiving things.

As to Harry Bring---he seems to be a mixed bag.  He's figured out that social media can do wonders for public relations.  It's great that he interacts directly with fans.  Even if no one from the show pays any real attention, it seems like it would be a different viewing experience when you feel like you have a direct connection to the people involved. (Non-tweeter me does not.)

I do think Harry enjoys shining the fans on a bit (like with the season 13 teaser--is it real, or is it designed to keep people watching through season 12?).  But I wish he'd get a clue about the trolls. Some of the things they've done (eg, impersonation, libel, slander) would be actionable in real-life circumstances.  He really shouldn't be giving them any kind of platform for that

Totally.  I would think Reid would perceive the expert handling of the media as a necessary evil, emphasis on necessary.  Whatever Reid is, he is certainly no fool.  And it has been a huge mistake not to either place JJ back in the role of media liaison or allow another one of the many characters to fill that role.  I thought JJ was perfect, and we didn't have the field muddied up with so many profilers.

As for Harry, I think he is completely aware of trolls and either enjoys engaging them for a spell or thinks he can reason with them.  Neither method impresses me as wise.

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On ‎6‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 2:16 PM, Old Dog said:

Harry Bring should never have got into it with those maniacal JLH vs AJC fans in the first place and it got so ridiculous because he kept responding and took too long to shut them down. He does have a habit of winding up the fandom though and I wish he would stick to posting about set happenings and his personal tweets  ( except all the bacon - yuk!).

You don't like bacon? Are you a unicorn?

Yep, Bring shouldn't have gotten into the gutter with the maniacal JLH vs. AJC fans. Even JLH and AJC didn't get into the gutter. Like you, I much prefer tweets about on-set happenings, show developments and various personal tweets.

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I think there are aspects that would make Spencer an ideal unit chief-his thoughtfulness, critical thinking skills, vast talents, and not too mention, his 10+ years as a profiler.

However, I do think the bureaucracy, politics, unrelenting paperwork and other nitpicky things many management jobs require might make him a bit tetchy. I certainly hated those aspects in my management jobs.

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