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That was depressing!

Jake is such a dbag. I wonder why he invited Ami to Utah if he knew he wasn't ready to start dating again.  I have a feeling that for the next seven years, his 11 year old daughter Taylor, is going to make sure he doesn't get close to anyone. 

Based on the way Valene  was always posing and fact that she was always camera ready, led me to believe she viewed this as an audition.  "What about me?  I have feelings too."  She is as phony as they come.  Too bad Mike couldn't see it.  I think he is making a big mistake. Huge! 

 I don't believe John was the least bit attracted to Denise, and hearing Elijah say that he wanted her to leave, certainly didn't help.  I was glad she walked out of there with her head held high.  She deserves so much better.

Too bad Sara didn't tell Jason, Mary Ellen and his gawky, awkward daughters where to go and how to get there.  

Paul was right.  He can only give so much.  Kallie seemed to really care for him, so I hope they make it work.

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I think Kallie's family was pretty rough on Paul and they did it out of selfishness as well as concern. They don't want her moving several states away.

What was up with Denise's pants at Thanksgiving? They were so shiny and distracting! Her and John? were poorly matched.

Edited by Court
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4 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Jason said, "Mom left and she's not an option for me right now."

Right now? Does that mean he's open to a future with Mary Ellen? Maybe he's not over her. That made me feel so bad for Sarah. 

Called it lol

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So Valene is moving to Florida with Mike. I guess we didn't see a lot of" oh Valene you are so good with Mikey" in the editing

i think Jake is sexually confused

the dad with the tweens what a joke!  He knew he wanted the ex back

good for Denise to leave. Must have been hard. John is hot! ( I'm very shallow)

i don't know I think if they were with women who had children it would have been easier for some of them

i never met a man who was so devoted to their children as these men were

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8 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

Called it lol

Agree! He said they broke up because he couldn't stop drinking. I think he did this to make her jealous. 

Also, she needs someone around her own age or someone without teenagers.

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Mike is adorable and a really good dad, but he is the classic example of a guy being led by his dick. The sexual chemistry is good, so in Mike's mind he is "falling in love with her." Sorry, but rage texting nonstop was a good sample of her personality; Val is what she is, which is self-centered, immature, and in no way ready to be a step-parent. I do hope Mike figures it out before proposing to her. 

I thought John and Denise were good on paper at the beginning, but I agree he was never attracted to her from the get-go. Doomed. He really is not ready for a relationship outside of his son.

I missed a bit of last week, so if there was any set up to tattooed guy--blanking on his name--going back to his ex, I hadn't seen it and was all WHAAAA? Timing sure seemed strange on that. The whole awkward meeting between the women was, well, awkward. and weird. Who doesn't know how to make small talk for 15 minutes? I have mild-to-moderate (shout-out to the commercial forum!) social anxiety and even I could have faked my way through that. I thought Sarah was a cool chick and she genuinely related to the tweens, no easy task. But yeah, girl, you got hosed unless you were in on the whole thing (always possible on a "reality" show).

I have this crazy feeling things could work out for Kallie. She seems very sweet and I think Paul genuinely cares for her but is a typical Southern man of few words. I was concerned at first that he seemed too inflexible about "this is me, take me or leave me", but after his TH, I took it to mean more that sincerely declaring his love was his romantic best, he's not a hearts and flowers kind of guy. They actually seem to have some "connection" (ugh, Bachelor word).  Speaking of Southern, his kids have nice manners, as so many of them do.

Jake. Good lord. Go on home, Ami, and don't spend one second reflecting on this waste of time. It was definitely him, not you. :)

Edited by bref
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What the heck was that? What a waste of 6 weeks, or whatever the HECK THAT WAS!!  One couple works out and even that one is doubltful?  God, these people have no social skills, can't hold a conversation to save their lives, there are CHILDREN involved here, they always have to come first, what a bunch of stupid stupid people.  Jake's one daughter said it best, something like, "It was really awkward with her here.  I won't miss her."

Absolute mess of a show.

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10 hours ago, Adeejay said:

 I don't believe John was the least bit attracted to Denise, and hearing Elijah say that he wanted her to leave, certainly didn't help.  I was glad she walked out of there with her head held high.  She deserves so much better

I was shocked when John told Denise how much Elijah liked her. WTF? That kid didn't want her around at all.   John really loves his son but he doesn't know how to discipline at all which in essence is one of the things that was frustrating Denise.  The kid is going to be a terror the older he gets.  

Valene- again dressed inappropriately. That outfit for blueberry picking? No, just No.  Mike's little boy seems like a sweetie. Valene doesn't deserve him. She could have wound up with an Elijah, lol. 

Kallie- not sure what she wants from Paul. He took her to a nice bed and breakfast for a romantic night, told her he loves her and she still isn't happy. How much does she want her ass kissed? He's right when he said he isn't sure if he can ever please her. It's exhausting to keep trying when all she does is complain it isn't enough. My heart broke a little when he started crying on camera. That was real. The poor guy is trying to raise 4 kids on his own, and doing a pretty decent job from what I can see, so her family needs to give him a break. 

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Mikey's teeth drive me crazy.  They were out blueberry picking, supposedly after the big fight, and he has only baby teeth.  Five minutes later, his two front teeth are growing in.  Other times, he has one baby tooth and one adult tooth growing in.  The very last interview with Mikey has the two baby teeth again.  Obviously the storyline is completely false and manipulated.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

I was shocked when John told Denise how much Elijah liked her. WTF? That kid didn't want her around at all.   John really loves his son but he doesn't know how to discipline at all which in essence is one of the things that was frustrating Denise.  The kid is going to be a terror the older he gets.  

Valene- again dressed inappropriately. That outfit for blueberry picking? No, just No.  Mike's little boy seems like a sweetie. Valene doesn't deserve him. She could have wound up with an Elijah, lol. 

Kallie- not sure what she wants from Paul. He took her to a nice bed and breakfast for a romantic night, told her he loves her and she still isn't happy. How much does she want her ass kissed? He's right when he said he isn't sure if he can ever please her. It's exhausting to keep trying when all she does is complain it isn't enough. My heart broke a little when he started crying on camera. That was real. The poor guy is trying to raise 4 kids on his own, and doing a pretty decent job from what I can see, so her family needs to give him a break. 

Yeah, Valene's outfits in general have been in extremely poor taste but her blueberry getup made me gasp. There is NO WAY I would let her around any children dressed the way she does.


Jake was horrendous. I felt so awful for Ami when he never apologized and just grabbed her unused gifts for the kids but tried to squeeze out a few tears and mention how it felt good to put his kids first and not have anything/one else to consider. I seriously hope that he gets some therapy and I really want to know why his wife left him.


In Kallie's defense, I feel like taking Paul home made her listen to her inner voice (which these women for the most part seem to have been ignoring!) so that's why she appeared to make Paul jump through all of these hoops. I am not quite sure how Paul truly feels about Kallie, but it was telling when he kept responding that she got along with his children. 


I feel like Jason? emotionally abused Sarah in a way. Perhaps that's too strong, but I also think that these women were deceived and manipulated. I'm married now thank God but some of these "relationships" made me recall issues I had when I was dating. I hope these women can rest easily knowing that they weren't truly the problem (not Valene though). 

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Valene did what she has probably been doing since she was 13 - relying on her looks to be her personality and threaten to leave boys/men when she doesn't get her way. She's in her 30s now so I hope she realizes that strategy will work on fewer and fewer men as she gets older. 

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I think Jake may be Gay and not ready to admit it. He is a baby and needs to grow up and do something about his dyed scalp.

Paul bugged me- I think is very uneducated and Kallie would have been so freakin bored with him.

Valene - well what can I say! No intention of being a Mom.

Ami- I am sorry he did that too you.

Denise you should have never gone-too good for him.

What is it with these emotionally stunted men????

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13 hours ago, Court said:

Agree! He said they broke up because he couldn't stop drinking. I think he did this to make her jealous. 

That was my thought, too. He'd light a fire under Miss Mary Ellen by bringing in Miss Sarah. And it worked. Sarah's a mess and shouldn't be in a relationship with anyone, but it was still very, very cruel to use her this way. The guy was a total selfish ass to do it like this.

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I read the article above. Even Mike and Valene didn't work out!  Yay!

hes a great catch. Wish I was younger!

also Paul just met his new woman on social media right after the show aired- a quote from his sister

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So 2 out of 5 huh? Interesting because from what I remember it appears to be the only 2 couples that admitted to having sexy times. LOL!

What is weird is that I came into this prepared to dislike and deliciously snark on everyone but I wound up liking most of the ladies, with the exception of Valene and having varying degrees of feelings for the guys but only Mike came out solidly in my like pile but he did lose some points for letting little mikey make the decision. And no I don't mean little mikey his son. Bold choice. Stupid choice. Mike did seem very smitten with Valene (stupidly so) but in typical led by loins fashion he ignores all the flashing lights and signs that signal her brand of crazy. Valene is just annoying and immature. Not surprised that she expected Mike to chase her down and ask her what was wrong. 

One thing I did like is when the ladies realized this was a no go they packed their bags with little to no fanfare and peaced the hell out. Sure, it was probably because they met their contractually required time period but I am glad there wasn't a ridiculous tantrum and scene and everyone seemed real mature about it with the exception of Jake the jackass. 

At least Ami realized she shouldn't settle and get a well-traveled man.

14 hours ago, PityFree said:

Yup. It's like he has never talked to a woman before. How did he make 3 kids?????

Made me think of Jake's most awkward line to Ami: "You can make me do things" Apparently those things don't include being an honest, considerate man who doesn't shamefully waste people's time.  Jackass! He wasn't attracted to her from jump and tried to fake it which resulted in some of the most awkward lines and kisses on TLC since the virgins kissing/face eating on their wedding day. 

3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I was shocked when John told Denise how much Elijah liked her. WTF? That kid didn't want her around at all.   John really loves his son but he doesn't know how to discipline at all which in essence is one of the things that was frustrating Denise.  The kid is going to be a terror the older he gets.  

Valene- again dressed inappropriately. That outfit for blueberry picking? No, just No.  Mike's little boy seems like a sweetie. Valene doesn't deserve him. She could have wound up with an Elijah, lol. 

God forgive me but yeah. He is an incredibly cute boy (he could be in commercials cute)  but I wouldn't want to be around him for an extended amount of time. Shitting in his own pants as a form of rebellion! No thank you! He is only 4 years old so I blame his dad for that. He knows he is the center of his dad's world. I wonder what he is like at school? John is incredibly attached to Elijah to the point there is no room for anyone else OR he was using Elijah as a human shield. Either way there was some Norm/Norman Bates seeds here but in daddy son form. 

I agree with some others who say that John just wasn't attracted to Denise. He kept talking about taking things slow. There was no taking things slow. He pushed the stop button. He wasn't even making any moves, which is not to say he had to be incredibly physically demonstrative but at least complimenting her on something, looking at her a certain way, wanting to speak and share once Elijah went to bed. The only time they spent out of the house was to go to the gym. Come on man. He made no overtures towards her AT. ALL.  She basically seemed like someone who rented a room in his house for a few weeks. I really liked Denise and hope she finds someone.

Jason realizing he needed to be back with his ex was weirdly a surprising non-surprise. Yeah, I know that makes no sense. Sarah was my favorite of the 'contestants' so I was not happy to see her used as a means for revelation by Jason that he needed to be back with his ex. His girl's ended up being very sweet but also kinda got jerked around by this situation. They got attached to her albeit for a short period of time and in the end got their family back together.

Kallie and Paul? I am sorry. Sounds selfish but I find it hard to advocate for a single gal to sign onto be a step mom to 4 kids. Paul seemed like a nice enough guy but I just don't think he would have fulfilled her. 

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I got the feeling that Callie wanted some sort of award for dating a guy with four kids. Look at how amazing I am! If anyone should be cutting out of this relationship it should be me...after all I'm being awesome enough to date you even with your four kids. He was right to say enough is enough because she would always hold it over his head. I think she was more into the idea of a relationship than him.

Ami dodged a huge bullet because that 11 year old...Taylor? She could star in a Mean Girls sequel. 

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Wow, Jake was really mean to Ami the way he ended it.  The comment about how her eyes make him 'smirk' was meant to be mean and he failed trying to disguise it as a compliment.  Not even saying he was sorry she was hurt was mean.  C'mon... what's so hard about saying you're sorry she's hurting?  He was so cold-hearted towards her that I'm surprised he didn't say "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."  He totally humiliated her which was uncalled for.  What an ass.  At least with the other breakups the women were able to leave with some dignity but he was just plain mean.  And he was so happy after she left that he's gotta have something going down with someone else.  He's got a secret lover/boyfriend/something.

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Actually I just read 2 articles that had updates from Mike and Valene and also Kallie and Paul.  Apparently neither of them were able to make it work.  Mike and Valene ended it not long after the show, and Paul and Kallie did the same thing.  If you google single dad seeking updates those 2 articles will pop right up.  Haven't heard anything yet about the other couples.


I will say this though I felt the Jake was a COMPLETE DBAG!  WTF is the point of having ami come all the way out there if you knew full well that you just weren't really interested in her like that.  He wasn't even sure before she came that he wanted to be with her.  He wasted her time and I am glad she was only out there 2 weeks instead of more than that.


As far as John and Denise I don't see that lasting at all because he can't disipline his son well at all.  She wanted to cook with him all alone and he ended up taking a nap with his son.  I mean nothing wrong with that but she was excited to be cooking with him and then he let her down.  She really likes him but he is just wicked shy, and he is moving at a snail pace when it comes to denise.  I have a feeling he is going to regret her leaving and wish he had made it work out with her.

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Actually I just read 2 articles that had updates from Mike and Valene and also Kallie and Paul.  Apparently neither of them were able to make it work.  Mike and Valene ended it not long after the show, and Paul and Kallie did the same thing.  If you google single dad seeking updates those 2 articles will pop right up.  Haven't heard anything yet about the other couples.


I will say this though I felt the Jake was a COMPLETE DBAG!  WTF is the point of having ami come all the way out there if you knew full well that you just weren't really interested in her like that.  He wasn't even sure before she came that he wanted to be with her.  He wasted her time and I am glad she was only out there 2 weeks instead of more than that.


As far as John and Denise I don't see that lasting at all because he can't disipline his son well at all.  She wanted to cook with him all alone and he ended up taking a nap with his son.  I mean nothing wrong with that but she was excited to be cooking with him and then he let her down.  She really likes him but he is just wicked shy, and he is moving at a snail pace when it comes to denise.  I have a feeling he is going to regret her leaving and wish he had made it work out with her.

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Actually I just read 2 articles that had updates from Mike and Valene and also Kallie and Paul.  Apparently neither of them were able to make it work.  Mike and Valene ended it not long after the show, and Paul and Kallie did the same thing.  If you google single dad seeking updates those 2 articles will pop right up.  Haven't heard anything yet about the other couples.


I will say this though I felt the Jake was a COMPLETE DBAG!  WTF is the point of having ami come all the way out there if you knew full well that you just weren't really interested in her like that.  He wasn't even sure before she came that he wanted to be with her.  He wasted her time and I am glad she was only out there 2 weeks instead of more than that.


As far as John and Denise I don't see that lasting at all because he can't disipline his son well at all.  She wanted to cook with him all alone and he ended up taking a nap with his son.  I mean nothing wrong with that but she was excited to be cooking with him and then he let her down.  She really likes him but he is just wicked shy, and he is moving at a snail pace when it comes to denise.  I have a feeling he is going to regret her leaving and wish he had made it work out with her.

Actually I just read 2 articles that had updates from Mike and Valene and also Kallie and Paul.  Apparently neither of them were able to make it work.  Mike and Valene ended it not long after the show, and Paul and Kallie did the same thing.  If you google single dad seeking updates those 2 articles will pop right up.  Haven't heard anything yet about the other couples.


I will say this though I felt the Jake was a COMPLETE DBAG!  WTF is the point of having ami come all the way out there if you knew full well that you just weren't really interested in her like that.  He wasn't even sure before she came that he wanted to be with her.  He wasted her time and I am glad she was only out there 2 weeks instead of more than that.


As far as John and Denise I don't see that lasting at all because he can't disipline his son well at all.  She wanted to cook with him all alone and he ended up taking a nap with his son.  I mean nothing wrong with that but she was excited to be cooking with him and then he let her down.  She really likes him but he is just wicked shy, and he is moving at a snail pace when it comes to denise.  I have a feeling he is going to regret her leaving and wish he had made it work out with her.

Actually I just read 2 articles that had updates from Mike and Valene and also Kallie and Paul.  Apparently neither of them were able to make it work.  Mike and Valene ended it not long after the show, and Paul and Kallie did the same thing.  If you google single dad seeking updates those 2 articles will pop right up.  Haven't heard anything yet about the other couples.


I will say this though I felt the Jake was a COMPLETE DBAG!  WTF is the point of having ami come all the way out there if you knew full well that you just weren't really interested in her like that.  He wasn't even sure before she came that he wanted to be with her.  He wasted her time and I am glad she was only out there 2 weeks instead of more than that.


As far as John and Denise I don't see that lasting at all because he can't disipline his son well at all.  She wanted to cook with him all alone and he ended up taking a nap with his son.  I mean nothing wrong with that but she was excited to be cooking with him and then he let her down.  She really likes him but he is just wicked shy, and he is moving at a snail pace when it comes to denise.  I have a feeling he is going to regret her leaving and wish he had made it work out with her.

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On 6/20/2016 at 0:25 PM, booboopbedoo said:

I think Jake may be Gay and not ready to admit it. He is a baby and needs to grow up and do something about his dyed scalp.

Paul bugged me- I think is very uneducated and Kallie would have been so freakin bored with him.

Valene - well what can I say! No intention of being a Mom.

Ami- I am sorry he did that too you.

Denise you should have never gone-too good for him.

What is it with these emotionally stunted men????

I suspect Jake may be gay, too, judging by those dusty, dirty knees of his when he came in after going MIA overnight. 
(and that abrasive sister of his probably knows the truth about him, too, which could be one of the reasons she subjected Ami to that poolside interrogation.)

I liked Paul and thought he and Kallie would have made a nice fit -- maybe not immediately, but I thought Kallie might have come to appreciate his manly qualities, despite his somewhat "sheltered" history.   Kallie puts too much stock in her family's approval, which might hurt her chances of finding "the one." Let's be real; no one is perfect and if she's looking to find a guy that will suit every one in that big, judgmental family of hers she may end up with no one.
 I inwardly applauded Paul for speaking up so decisively during his dinner with Kallie in North Carolina. She was basically asking him to change for her, and he was forthright and stood his ground, implying that if she didn't like him for himself and for what he had to offer, then it wasn't going to work.  It looks as though he was right.

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