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Ghost Adventures - General Discussion

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Good episode - I think the historic location inspired them to be less hokey than they've started to resort to as of late.

Whenever any of them has something "come over" them these days I roll my eyes and wonder how much longer I can watch. I know they can't strike gold every time, but I'd rather see more background on the location, the history, local interviews or - ANYTHING other than the guys hamming it up and becoming "possessed" which I just flat out don't believe.

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The place to talk about Zak, the pumped-up, goth-dressing, ugly-glasses-wearing, dog-loving, doll-hating, word-mangling leader of the Ghost Adventures Crew. The above quote comes not from the Ancient Ram Inn episode, where he kept asking for the "incubus" to come to him, but from the Longfellow's Wayside Inn dinner, where they were discussing being featured on The Soup. He's hilarious.

The place to talk about Aaron Goodwin, the genial goof who's always getting left alone in the darkest, dankest, creepiest places. Often used as bait for aggressive spirits. He also has the best scare-face ever. Seriously. Google "Aaron Goodwin scared." The above quote comes from one of the hospital episodes, I'm pretty sure one of the Linda Vista ones. He was alone, of course, and heard something right behind him. Then he noped off down the hallway at speed, yelling the whole way.

Season 9 episodes, feel free to discuss all in this thread.

9.1 "Sharon Tate Ghost/The Oman House"

9.2 "The Myrtles Plantation"

9.3 "George Washington Ghost/Morris Jumel Mansion"

9.4 "Hotel Meade/Bannack Ghost Town"

9.5 "Fear Factory"

9.6 "Heritage Junction"

9.7 "Fort MacArthur Museum/Battle of Los Angeles"

9.8 "Paris Catacombs"

9.9 "St. James Hotel"

9.10 TBA

9.11 TBA

9.12 TBA




I got a kick out how Zak was "at death's door" before the lockdown, and displayed no hint of any illness during the lockdown. The "rest" that he needed for his "exhaustion" consisted of sitting in a chair for a few minutes. Also quite amusing was how Aaron was just sure they were going to padlock him into room 18, and then he would "ruin a historic location."

I wouldn't stay at the St. James either. Not with invisible forces throwing people over balconies. But mostly likely, Miss Thing was drunk and confused and fell over. Everyone seemed to buy into the haunting completely, which makes me nervous.

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Zak is such a dick. Always locking Aaron up in dark, haunted, isolated "historic" locations.

Who else rolled their eyeballs into the back of their heads when the stick ghost thingy obeyed Zak. "Raise your hand," stick figure raises its stick arm "OMG DUDE BRO did you see that?"

Also this.  { NO EVPs }  Stamped across the screen in bright red. *Face palm*

Yep, I don't understand this whole stick figure technology (video game? lol) they started using. The first time I saw them use it was in the Exorcist house, and they tried to explain it, but I just didn't get it at all. 

I want Zak to tell the stick figure thingy to "Twerk for us! Come on! DO it! Are you chicken? DANCE!!"  hee  hee

Edited by FinePoint
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The spectral stick figures amuse me to no end. I get the technology and how it works, but I don't think it's possible for the "evidence" it produces to be anything other than utterly silly. We've had stick figures "operating" on Nick, then "punching" him, "climbing" Billy, and now playing Simon Says with Zak. I can't wait to see what the stick figures do next!

I didn't want Nick to be left out. The discussion of the Kinect stick figure silliness reminded me of the George Washington episode. That was at least recent enough that I could remember some of the things he said, unlike the one where he was "operated on" and "punched." He's pretty mellow during the lockdowns, and tends to react as much to the other two dudebros as to the spooky circumstances. I have noticed that he has a "me too!" thing going, where if someone else says they feel cold or nauseated or something, he'll chime in with something like "funny you should say that, I felt the same thing." I still can't believe he fell for the cold reading of that Perry psychic person.

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Finally saw the St. James Hotel last night. So it seems the Brost Adventures team now includes the two tech guys? And what was up with Zac's squawk box? It was making hilarious fart sounds that were totally distracting. Also Zac trying to have a "broment" with the one guy who had the ghostly experience by saying he too (!) was being stalked by the same male ghost. This show I just can't.

Jay and Billy have been around more and more, starting about a season ago. It started as just acknowledging their presence, progressed to ineracting with them more during the investigations, and now they actually fill in. I suspected that they might be being gradually introduced so that when either Nick or Aaron (but probably Nick, since he has a young child now) leave it won't be too jarring. But it's been so long now I don't think that's it. It does let them cover more ground, when the team can be split in two.


In the new opening Zak says how they've spent years building up their credibility, and I always think "Really?" Then they mention how they work with some of the best experts in the field. In the past they've worked with other paranormal investigators, but this season they've brought in a number of psychics. Wasn't the whole point of this show (and Ghost Hunters) to use science, and get away from the whole business of psychics and séances? I mean, why do you need all that high tech equipment to film little blobs of light and record a few barely audible EVPs, when a psychic like Amy on the Dead Files can describe the ghosts standing in the room and report exactly what they're saying?


This season they also seem to be getting more carried away with the "historical" recreations. There was a recreation in the Bannack Ghost Town episode that bugged me, when they showed the townspeople carrying the dead body of the girl who'd drowned. The camera angle, of her body hanging backwards, in her bathing suit, revealed quite a bit of cleavage. But the girl who drowned was 10 years old. Way to go, Ghost Adventures, very classy.


I also feel that this season Zac is really trying to promote himself as some kind of serious philosopher about life and death. My guess is that now that he's a bit older it's starting to bug him that many people view him and his crew as a bunch of clowns. I think he actually is a pretty bright guy, but the reason I've always liked this show is that it doesn't take itself so seriously. "Ghost Adventures" is a perfect title, because it really is about going to cool places and doing cool things. I can't stand Ghost Hunters because of their whole "we're serious scientists" bit. Even the new people, who act like going through their 6 weeks of "training" is the equivalent of earning a PhD. And of course when you come right down to it, there is no such thing as a "scientific investigation" of ghosts. Because there's no observable phenomena with which to test and verify a hypothesis. (A high EMF reading indicates the presence of paranormal activity. Okay, if you say so.)

Edited by bluepiano
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Ok, so here's my real life Ghost Adventure, along with a story about the Ghost Adventures crew the first time they filmed at The Stanley Hotel in Colorado:


My oldest son (18)  and I stayed at the Stanley on the night of May 26.  My husband had to go to Estes Park for a conference and dragged the whole family along.  My son had always wanted to stay at a haunted hotel so . . . voila!  After dinner we took the nightly ghost walk tour around the property.  They don't take you up where the guest rooms are so as not to disturb people, but we went through the public rooms on the main floor and the concert hall, which is a separate building.


Long story short, the tour guide seemed to be a "true believer," and I guess she's probably had experiences that have made her so.  My default position is "skeptic" but we were in one room where I did witness the door shut by itself, and no one was near it. It was in a basement room with no windows and no ventilation so I don't think it was wind.  The guide showed us later that if you try to close the door you have to hold it up a little so the warped bottom doesn't brush the carpet slowing it down.  So it seems unlikely it would close like that just because of wind anyway.  That was mildly interesting, although I'm still skeptical.


Really that was the only "ghostly" thing we experienced all night.  Of course, we weren't in one of the "haunted" rooms (217, 401, 408, etc.)--those go for upwards of $350 per night and are booked months in advance--and no ghostly hiinx ensued in our room.  Of if they did, they didn't wake me up.  We did walk the fourth floor, saw where all the "haunted rooms" are and saw the famous hallway where Stephen King supposedly had his experience.  That was kinda cool.


What I found most interesting, that I thought I'd share with you, was what the tour guide told us about one of the first episodes of Ghost Adventures that was filmed there.  Some may know this, but I didn't:


The tour guide said the Ghost Adventure guys are there all the time.  Some is televised, some is not.  People were asking her about the episode where Zac went to the Carriage House, a separate building that used to house the "motor carriages." (We didn't get to go into this building, but saw it from outside). I remember seeing this ep.  Zac goes into this place, which is supposedly very haunted and is now used for storage, and said that part of the reason it was haunted had something to do with one of the mattress stored there, which was the place a past guest had died, so his spirit was still there or something.  The tour guide told us that was a load of bunk, Zac had completely made it up for the TV show and that they don't even usually store mattresses there.  However, people do report weird things there at night.


So, you know, just in case you thought this show was real or something.

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Zak seems to leap to ridiculous conclusions pretty easily. There were definitely mattresses there, and someone from the hotel showed them to him, so perhaps they were just there temporarily. But he sees mattresses, assumes that the reason they're not still on a bed is that people died on them, and viola! Haunted mattresses! It couldn't just be that they were old, and awaiting someone to come and haul them away or anything. He always asks really leading questions too, and then takes any type of answer other than a flat "no," such as "maybe" or "I suppose it's possible," as a definite "yes" and goes from there.

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I have to say, for me, Overland Hotel was one for the ages. Screaming, pushing, oppressing, possessing, collapsing, bum-rushing,  chasing, new tech, pranking Nick with firearms, a creepy mannequin jury, haunted hangers, a drunk named Jimmy, and a rogue air freshener. But by far the best part is Zak, prowling Prioche in his giant baggy pants and bonus giant hat. I can't figure out if he was adopting a half-bowlegged walk to go along with his cowboy hat and newly acquired hint of twang, or if he just has to walk that way because of too much pants. And the hat! Oh the hat! Two sizes too big, I'd say, riding his eyebrows all night. How could he see anything? And when did all the witness interviews start taking place in the dark? I was expecting them to pull back the camera and see them holding flashlights under their chins half the time.


And come on - Aaron says "Dude it's gone into your back" and Nick immediately wails "Oh my siiiide!" Zak must have been jealous, because shortly thereafter he hit the floor, with wails of his own. Is there some sort of award for night-vision scenery chewing? Way to end the season with a bang, dudebros!

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So, Overland Hotel wasn't actually the season finale, but it should have been. This Licking County Jail episode was just boring, and I got way sick of hearing "Misty" over and over and over again. At least Zak ditched the stupid glasses.


Season 10 (10!) premieres "this fall" with what Zak is calling "explosive announcements." Any guesses?

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