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"Oh HELL No!": TV Moments That Make You Irate

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I don’t normally get irate at shows. I can something get upset by fans, even triggered. But I don’t even remember the episode well enough to discuss it. I also don’t feel protective of Cordelia or Xander. 

Edited by Affogato
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Here's an oldie but baddie:

 In the Canadian series, Road to Avonlea, (1990-1997)they had the protagonist have a most toxic reaction in the very first episode.

Let me explain. Sara Stanley (played by the even-then brilliant Sarah Polley) had been the preteen only child of the wealthy magnate Blair who she believed had been framed but had been sent to the home village of her late mother Ruth King Stanley to try to spare her from being tarred via the scandal with her lifelong caregiver called Nanny Louisa. Alas, almost immediately Nanny Louisa clashed with Ruth's eldest unmarried  sister Hetty King (who, as it turned out was also the town schoolteacher so Sara had to deal with her in and outside class) and this resulted in Hetty throwing Nanny Louisa out of her house of Rose Cottage with Nanny Louisa attempting to sneak Sara out but being caught by Hetty with Hetty threatening to press kidnapping charges against the elderly caregiver if she didn't leave PEI sans Sara at once! Now, I perfectly understand WHY Sara would get upset over this turn of events (along with being teased by her initially mean cousins Felicity and Felix King for being too pampered). However Sara's reaction was rather appalling- she went  on a HUNGER STRIKE refusing to eat ANYthing either Hetty or her sweet youngest aunt Olivia offered her unless they brought back Nanny Louisa. As I said, I understand why the girl was upset losing the last link to her old life and the only reliable caregiver she'd known. However, what were the showrunnners THINKING depicting a preteen girl having a hunger strike on a show with its main intended audience being OTHER preteen girls (a demographic not unknown to have eating disorders)?! Did they not consider that promoting a self-destructive, health if not life-risking action by their protagonist might not have been the healthiest storyline to depict -especially considering that Hetty dismissed it to be a mere dramatic ploy on Sara's part(as, alas far too many RL so-called parents and guardians have done often to the detriment  and wrecked health of their anguished offspring). Thankfully, the hunger strike got resolved and two of them somewhat made up their differences by the end of the episode and decided to give each other a chance to get to know each other and possibly like each other for who they were (and it should be said that even her initially mean cousins wound up showing more likable sides by the end of that episode). However (for the audience's sake) I still think the writers should have found another means for Sara to express her initial anger,etc. besides conducting a hunger strike!

Edited by Blergh
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On 5/5/2024 at 9:45 PM, Mabinogia said:

That is kind of surprising given how racy/dirty that show was. Honestly, I loved it as a kid so most of what they were saying/implying went way over my head at the time. Watching it back now (Pluto TV) often has reruns and I'll go on a binge because I love Brett and Charles being all drunk up on the top row and Dickie Dawson being all sexy on the bottom, I see just how far that show pushed the envelope that I'm a bit surprised the network pushed back on genitalia. I guess that was one step too far for them? Wonder if they'd have allowed any of the slang words for it as you could pretend they were referencing other things, like kitties or hot dogs haha

It is funnier if it is bleeped out or left hanging. 

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