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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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My girl Alex Wagner knocking it out of the park

idk if Joe and Mika are gonna be there tomorrow

but tbh the live MSNBC panel is giving us to so much right now they redundant repetitive reading isn't gonna add much tomorrow.

If they were still doing the roundtable thingy it would be interesting but I'm not super interested in the reading summaries from people in boxes 24 hours later

omg Joy is hereeeeeee! knocking it out of the park

okay but we still need Nicolle right now

come on Nicolle we need youuuuuu

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12 minutes ago, tres bien said:

None of this is MJ talk. I did post on the MSNBC board and there's also a Rachel Maddow board.

there's a Rachel Maddow board devoted to talking about how pretty and perfect Rachel is.

It's insanely boring, and pointless

yeah, there's also an MSNBC board where no one ever posts, ever.

Morning Joe is interesting in terms of where they are going, what they see their role within the network

there's a ton of mileage from comparisons across the network 

i mean where they are and where they are not during breaking news? Who the heir apparants are? What the other hierarchies are within the network and how it fits in? 

like a lot of this is comparative. it's meant to be engaging an interseting, if it's confusing or whatever that's fair but there's literally a mute function. I'll never understand how vibrancy and activity and conversation are a bad thing


I'm gonna take your very very fair criticism on board and try to keep my ass on topic

it's just that I get over-excited sometimes, and I just think, the more posts the merrier? Sometimes it's tumbleweeds around here and I don't understand the commercial impetus behind telling people to be scared to post, hmm

anyhoo today's show! Joe and Mika are in their home studio.

Present, so that's something. But also yelling! and grim and weird.

man they do breaking news so badly and awkwardly compared to the Evening Team who get the tone and humor and everything so so right.

Willie is in NYC being his perfect and adorable self.  

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Mika still doesn't have a chair and it looks wildly uncomfortable, maybe that's why she's yelling

I don't understand how this is supposed to supplement the evening coverage?

In the evening they talk freely and intelligently, like they understand their audience are smart

Then the next morning they spoon-feed and hold back and mince words and drone and drone and drone

why can't they bring back the freewheeling, the fun, the honesty

so damn dull 

Joe is now reading from the document that literally everyone has already read *sigh*

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I hear you Kemper

but but we can't change the channel, because there are no alternatives, not really?

Fox news is... well...fox 🥴

And I don't even know what CNN is supposed to be, it's like the entire channel and the people on it was generated by ChatGPT. I like my news delivered by humans, not robots

so that leaves us with MJ, which is why it's all so frustrating. it's so good when it's good and they put effort into it and so so bad when they don't care. quality-wise like a daily rollercoaster.  

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There are literally hundreds, maybe thousands of ways to get well-written, well-reported news if that is what a person wants. MJ has some very good analysts on; but the main reason I drop in is to be entertained with some news on the side. I do have online newspaper subscriptions. I am old. I love dropping in here and reading the smart, witty comments. And will now stop pontificating- or I will sound like Joe. By the way…I called it last evening. The Twins were back this morning. Next time let’s start a pool when they are on vacation.

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5 minutes ago, Kemper said:

There are literally hundreds, maybe thousands of ways to get well-written, well-reported news if that is what a person wants. 

i am a person who wants this!! and am desperately in need of recommendations from humans whose judgement I trust, so bring it ooooon my friend

just in terms of actual tee-vee, man it's a desert out there

5 minutes ago, Kemper said:

 The Twins were back this morning. Next time let’s start a pool when they are on vacation.

they are still on vacation. vacation is their norm, like it's flipped upside down. Their time physically spent at work is the exact amount other humans spend on vacation. it's why we only get 1-2 real live studio shows per month

Edited by neona2
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1 minute ago, neona2 said:

i am a person who wants this!! and am desperately in need of recommendations from humans whose judgement I trust, so bring it ooooon my friend

just in terms of actual tee-vee, man it's a desert out there

You are right. When cable became a haven for the 24/7 news cycle it was the end of straight, hard news. We have gotten off-topic on here (sorry mods, my fault). Won’t happen again.

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i actually find this to be a really interesting (and relevant to the show) discussion, so I hope we don't get deleted

I have no interest at all in "hard news", which is what both Rashida on MSNBC and that Chris Licht dude harped on when they took over. 

it's like, we're gonna read the entire encyclopedia at you, and you're just gonna sit there and listen, because it's good for you. that's our strategy for success, lecturing viewers, on the assumption that they are morons!

yes, hi, but it turns out we are actually smart.

We do the preliminary shit by ourselves.

We *read* newspaper articles, on our phones, in the morning, at about 2x the speed that Mika reads them to us, so why, just why. 

i don't need hard news, I need *intelligent news*.

As in intelligent discussions between smart people. Liveliness, snark, humor, fun, honesty. *sigh* 

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I knew like 5 seconds in, this show was gonna be bad

Mika looks like she looks on the days she has decided to be totally quiet and subservient and not talk, like you can feel it through the screen. She didn't say anything for like 50 minutes and it was awful. I so wanna hear from her, but no, just quiet, and chairless

Joe and Mika still in their mystery! awol! studio! no live special for the arraignment or anything, just yelling remotely. so damn disappointing

at least there's the 4 p.m. special to look forward to

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Joe is mad at Fitch for downgrading the US credit rating. Joe said the USA economy is $25 trillion & bigger than China at $17 trillion.

Joe said Fitch is a bunch of whiners. The debt ceiling debate was resolved.

Joe helped negotiate the budget when he was in Congress. The rating agencies loved Joe because he was a fiscal conservative.


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i think there's probably some sort of divorce thingy happening. Joe just totally innocently put his hand on Mika's and she freaked out and pushed him away, it was so weird. 🥴

it's super uncomfortable to watch people who are so physically uncomfortable with each other.

it's their own business but man, why do they let all their drama radiate through the screen, just deal with it privately, good god

on a positive note, I loved Eugene Robinson today. Just his entire self and all his comments *chef's kiss*

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they need to explain this terrible Andrew Weismann situation, it looks ridiculous and incredibly rude.

why is he over there, in some random corner?

Why can't any of the regular panelists move their asses to give him a seat at the table?

good god, he deserves it, he actually showed up in person

Edited by neona2
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21 hours ago, Kemper said:

There are literally hundreds, maybe thousands of ways to get well-written, well-reported news if that is what a person wants. MJ has some very good analysts on; but the main reason I drop in is to be entertained with some news on the side. I do have online newspaper subscriptions. I am old. I love dropping in here and reading the smart, witty comments. And will now stop pontificating- or I will sound like Joe. By the way…I called it last evening. The Twins were back this morning. Next time let’s start a pool when they are on vacation.

I guess as someone who has had to research various topics in my career, looking something up on the internet and finding an article from a well regarded outlet is much more informative than the clap trap that passes for news or intelligent discussion when Joe and Mika are running things.

Joe is so ridiculous with his stating something three different ways, or "I've said all along" .

Have you Joe? Have you really? Or are you just caught in the bs and trying to back track, again.  

Today his "here's something I learned so I'll use it every way I can" topic was California has a larger economy than Russia.  Yes Joe we know, and you say it as often as "I was in Congress". SHUT UP!!!@!@

When I turned on this morning, I figured they'd be back since the arraignment was today.  And I lasted about five minutes. 



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6 hours ago, neona2 said:

i think there's probably some sort of divorce thingy happening. Joe just totally innocently put his hand on Mika's and she freaked out and pushed him away, it was so weird. 🥴

it's super uncomfortable to watch people who are so physically uncomfortable with each other.

it's their own business but man, why do they let all their drama radiate through the screen, just deal with it privately, good god

on a positive note, I loved Eugene Robinson today. Just his entire self and all his comments *chef's kiss*

Mika has always done that, even right after they got engaged.  Even a huge diamond ring and a seven figure salary doesn't negate the fact she married a complete d bag. 

I was taken aback at the giggling or whatever while Chuck Rosenberg was waiting to be dismissed, the look on his face was priceless.  

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2 hours ago, SeanBug said:

I guess as someone who has had to research various topics in my career, looking something up on the internet and finding an article from a well regarded outlet is much more informative than the clap trap that passes for news or intelligent discussion when Joe and Mika are running things.

Joe is so ridiculous with his stating something three different ways, or "I've said all along" .

Have you Joe? Have you really? Or are you just caught in the bs and trying to back track, again.  

Today his "here's something I learned so I'll use it every way I can" topic was California has a larger economy than Russia.  Yes Joe we know, and you say it as often as "I was in Congress". SHUT UP!!!@!@

When I turned on this morning, I figured they'd be back since the arraignment was today.  And I lasted about five minutes. 



Joe loves to repeat his talking points. He loves to quote statistics about California & Texas having bigger economies than Russia.

I recall when Joe was promoting his book on Harry Truman, he would bring up references to Truman for weeks including how he was a Red Sox fan.

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I'll say this -- Scarborough is one of the only commentators who really stresses the gravity of what's happening right now.   Watch any other panel show, including Deadline Whitehouse, and what you get is a helping of very serious facts drowning in a sauce of collegial laughter from the hosts and their guests.

Picture Walter Cronkite discussing the first former President of the United States being arranged on felony charges including trying to deprive the American people of their right to vote and have those votes counted.   Do you think he'd be chuckling and snarking with Michael Steele, Tim Miller, Harry Littman and the rest?  This is dead serious stuff -- people DIED on January 6th -- with consequences that could destroy democracy, but most hosts and guests on MSNBC act like it's all a reality show.  

I have often wondered why so many people aren't as concerned about this as they should be.   Is it any wonder, given that the very people delivering the news don't seem to treat it as especially serious.


Edited by millennium
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10 hours ago, millennium said:

I'll say this -- Scarborough is one of the only commentators who really stresses the gravity of what's happening right now.   Watch any other panel show, including Deadline Whitehouse, and what you get is a helping of very serious facts drowning in a sauce of collegial laughter from the hosts and their guests.

Picture Walter Cronkite discussing the first former President of the United States being arranged on felony charges including trying to deprive the American people of their right to vote and have those votes counted.   Do you think he'd be chuckling and snarking with Michael Steele, Tim Miller, Harry Littman and the rest?  This is dead serious stuff -- people DIED on January 6th -- with consequences that could destroy democracy, but most hosts and guests on MSNBC act like it's all a reality show.  

I have often wondered why so many people aren't as concerned about this as they should be.   Is it any wonder, given that the very people delivering the news don't seem to treat it as especially serious.


Walter Kronkite never needed a panel; he simply reported the facts. As did all news shows and anchors of the day. We were all the better for it.

Somewhere in Joe’s diatribes there can be truth and raw emotion that comes through. As hair-raising and hysterical as he was this morning…there was shock and horror at what is happening right now. That is why I can’t completely quit him. 

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They do that with many guests. This is the problem with having people in different places. If you around a table you interact. Many times I’ll hear someone say something really interesting and then Mika will say thank you moving on to ……. I wonder did you hear what they just said or is the goal to check off topics covered. It all goes back to being in the same place with your guests. But those days are gone for this group. Why other hosts do it and they don’t us beyond me. But don’t worry if what was said was good you know joe will get  the point into one of his rants and act like he thought if it. 

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Mika & Joe were excited that Alexi McCammond started a new job at the Washington Post as an opinion editor. Mika helped her in 2021 when she was fired from Teen Vogue.

Joe is outraged at Fox News for promoting Hunter Biden's Legal problems. Joe said they should focus on Trump's indictments.

There was a detailed discussion of Trump's DC indictment.

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After they showed the compilation of concession speeches  going back to Nixon's loss to Kennedy, against Trump's rants, Mika was just beside herself with faux anguish.  

Is this the first time she saw Trump rallying his crowd, yelling about the election? 

Why are you so upset, Mika? You and Joe get off on this shit so much, all you have left in your bag of tricks is yelling about Trump.   Is there any way Joe can tie this to how big California's economy is? 

1 hour ago, oakville said:

Mika & Joe were excited that Alexi McCammond started a new job at the Washington Post as an opinion editor. Mika helped her in 2021 when she was fired from Teen Vogue.

Joe is outraged at Fox News for promoting Hunter Biden's Legal problems. Joe said they should focus on Trump's indictments.

There was a detailed discussion of Trump's DC indictment.

Joe only see what he wants to see, Oakville.  

15 hours ago, millennium said:

Scarborough is one of the only commentators who really stresses the gravity of what's happening right now.  

I had Peacock on yesterday, they had Lester Holt, Savannah, Chuck Todd, Kristen Welker and others discussing the arraignment/indictment/charges and they were serious. Chuck Todd was almost apoplectic describing the charges. 


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9 hours ago, SeanBug said:

After they showed the compilation of concession speeches  going back to Nixon's loss to Kennedy, against Trump's rants, Mika was just beside herself with faux anguish.  

Is this the first time she saw Trump rallying his crowd, yelling about the election? 

Why are you so upset, Mika? You and Joe get off on this shit so much, all you have left in your bag of tricks is yelling about Trump.   Is there any way Joe can tie this to how big California's economy is? 

Joe only see what he wants to see, Oakville.  



Mika & Joe should be very grateful for President Trump's legal problems. This has allowed them to spend almost the entire show over the past few months ranting about the issue. It's easier than trying to discuss other topics

If Jon Stewart was still hosting The Daily Show, he would post clips of Mika & Joe fawning over Trump while he was running for President in 2016 & especially during the transition in power.

Joe's knowledge of economics is stunningly superficial. The show used to have a segment with CNBC's Mark Haines & Erin Burnett every day to discuss economic issues. Ratner helps out once in a while.

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7 hours ago, oakville said:

Mika & Joe should be very grateful for President Trump's legal problems. This has allowed them to spend almost the entire show over the past few months ranting about the issue. It's easier than trying to discuss other topics

If Jon Stewart was still hosting The Daily Show, he would post clips of Mika & Joe fawning over Trump while he was running for President in 2016 & especially during the transition in power.

Joe's knowledge of economics is stunningly superficial. The show used to have a segment with CNBC's Mark Haines & Erin Burnett every day to discuss economic issues. Ratner helps out once in a while.

Erin Burnett has been on CNN for years and sadly Mark Haines died. They could have a CNBC personality on regularly but maybe they can't get anyone who's willing to listen to Joe yapping.

Joe and Mika may think that their long time viewers don't remember how they giggled and fawned over Trump calling in constantly but sorry we do. Hell I remember Eddie Glaude telling viewers not to bother voting in 2016 if they live in blue states.


Edited by tres bien
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2 hours ago, millennium said:

The damn sports segment is getting longer.  This morning it's droned on for about 15 minutes.   What percentage of the audience you think tunes in each morning to hear Scarborough, Mika and Katty Kay's sports commentary?


I was happy to see Joe complaining about the Red Sox performance this weekend. I am a Blue Jays fan, so it was a great 3 game sweep.

Joe said management should have got better players during the trade deadline.

Mika clapped at Joe not wanting to watch baseball anymore this season.

Lemire went to the game yesterday at Fenway.

Joe compared the Politico newsroom with Sam Stein to the Guardians White Sox game. Anderon got punched to the ground.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Mika compared her comeback on cable news anchoring after being fired from CBS to Biles.

Joe said Simon Biles experience could be a new interview for Mika's KYV & Katty Kay's confidence code.

Oakville…please tell me that you are just making fun. Because I can easily see Joe and Mika saying these things. 😁

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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