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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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that's fair, i understand that

i guess I was trying to express frustration that we all have to engage with the premise, like our actual bodies are the subject of some dumbass theological dispute rather than our own damn business ahhh

but if I take a deep breath I do understand the politics. it's just nuts, like having to consult the Pythia before having an appendectomy.

I think they could do more to just categorically state that religion is a private matter and really should have nothing to do with any of this. by indulging in it they almost make it seem legit that Jesus should have a say, as long as it's the correct version of Jesus. 🥴 again no shade on Jesus. 

i have similar thoughts on the Biden! age! debate! I'm not personally worried about Biden's age, I'm worried about other people being worried about Biden's age. so if a pollster asked me, I'd say I'm worried about Biden's age, not because *I'm* worried, but because I'm worried it makes him less electable to *other humans*.

But then what percentage in those polls are people who are actually worried vs people who are worried about other people being worried (ie most democrats who don't vote out of self-interest but out of a general wish to save human civilization).

And the only reason it's a question in the first place is because some pollster invented it as an "issue".

It's all so circular it makes my head hurt.

i'm getting so skeptical about how these things are framed and the premises we have to accept in the first place 🥴

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Monday! Vibes!

including Mika awol, and 4 women and 13 men on the guest list

Joe & Dick Durban had a long-ass discussion about women and Europeans and abortion and consensus.

There were obviously no women around for this discussion, about actual women (or Europeans), but at this point that's not surprising

*cries* come back Mika, aaah

Although Joe cited zero studies, he did throw out there that  "most Americans" agree there should be a 14-16-ish week limit. Ish. He cited no medical studies, or specific legislative proposals, or qualified medical exceptions, or really anything beyond his gut! feels! about women's goddamn lives. 

the thing I find disappointing is Joe went to law school so probably he learned about the part where physical individual human rights of actual humans kinda sorta have to trump the, uh, *feelings* of other people, even if they may or may not be in the majority, because the thing the majority has *feelings* about actually physically does not affect them. at all.

and the acknowledgement of that fact is pretty much necessary for humanity to progress.

That kinda sorta was the entire premise of the civil rights movement etc etc. 

For actual comparison of how wild the discourse is right now, I wish they would do a "study" on erectile dysfunction, where 70% of the respondents are female, and all the questions are geared towards how male erectile dysfunction affects the feelings of women rather than the health and well-being of men.

Maybe then they'll finally understand how gaslighted we are all feeling rn. 


Edited by neona2
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Apologies in advance because I’m going to make a post making today’s show ABOUT ME.  It’s okay I guess, I like reading about my primetimer friends’ lives, but just an acknowledgement so it’s less obnoxious.

Did anyone here know that Elise Jordan is apparently 6’2”?  Well that explains a lot 🤦🏼‍♀️. I’m 5’10” and she gets a pass from me for some of her awkwardness. 

Seven years ago today I was 39w2d pregnant and having false labor. I was worried my baby would be born on Mika’s birthday. I don’t know why, I LIKE Mika (most of the time), but anyway he held off for a few days.

It was lovely to see Mika talk about her age and speak about being blessed having the show. Humility looks good on you, Mika!  

They didn’t have many guests today but somehow it was still a good show.  I watched most of it because Minka the cat was stuck to me like glue. Political winner=Kevin McCarthy (wow!) and loser was Nikki Haley, good grief watch out for buses and stuff, lady.

ETA: Lisa Rubin was a guest!  I adore her, there is just something about her that is so compassionate and intelligent. Even her voice has a soothing lilt. I’m always happy to see her offering her analysis on things. I’m glad they put her on assignment at the Carroll trial and I hope they keep putting her on assignments.

Edited by jenkait
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I just watched today's show now, it was actually pretty good.

Joe's on assignment, probably in Europe to mansplain to European women how They Feel About Abortion. I'll ask my mom to report back, including re amount of raw produce thrown in his face. 🥴

i mean I throw shade, but also, Joe, we miss you at your actual nyc-based show. aaaah. The a.m. asshood is occasionally cathartic and also fun, when you decide to prioritize that part of your livelihood 

but tbh Mika knocked it out of the park today. Happy birthday! I hope Joe got her the pet giraffes or whatever crazy shit it was she wanted 

Edited by neona2
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I did think the MJ panel did a wonderful job (even Barnicle) with the Dr. Murthy (Surgeon General) interview on loneliness and the mental and physical impact it has on so many people. I was never once ready to click off the channel. I liked the panel teasing Mika about her birthday. She seemed relaxed and let others talk. Then it switched to a KYV segment, so….click. 

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Good grief, what is the deal with Luke Russert hawking his book on every damn MSNBC show this week?   So far he ate up half of Deadline: White House the other day, also half of The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell.   Now he's on MJ doing it all over again.   I have never seen one network so heavily flog a book like this.   I get it, I get it -- Tim Russert.   But my reaction is Sooooooo what?   Who cares?   He's dead and that world doesn't exist anymore.   Surely his offspring's memoir doesn't warrant all the attention being lavished upon it by MSNBC.

On 5/3/2023 at 6:33 AM, tres bien said:

Joe takes a shot at CNN 😀

Richly deserved.   Unfortunately, CNN's betrayal of its audience is precisely why I'm stuck with Luke Russert-palooza at the moment.   CNN is no longer welcome on my TV, leaving MSNBC the only cable news channel available to me now.

On 5/2/2023 at 1:46 PM, Kemper said:

What I saw from Mika I enjoyed. 

 Was there a wardrobe malfunction?

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I figured the Luke Russert book would be in heavy rotation when I saw the fawning on Lawrence’s show. It is expected - didn’t he host his own show right after he graduated college? And was quickly called “The Sage of Capitol Hill”?He and Mika can sit at the table of Born on Third Basers.

Edited by Kemper
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10 hours ago, Kemper said:

I figured the Luke Russert book would be in heavy rotation when I saw the fawning on Lawrence’s show. It is expected - didn’t he host his own show right after he graduated college? And was quickly called “The Sage of Capitol Hill”?He and Mika can sit at the table of Born on Third Basers.

Lol! Imagine if he went on Alex Wagner’s show… it would be awkward because I think she was trolling him all those years ago with “the sage of Capitol Hill”. I mean I don’t think she meant it cruelly, just ironically, and it sailed over his head.

Edited by jenkait
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I love DC! Rivendell! so much, honestly it's the best studio

I honestly did not know who Tim Russert was, but I googled him and everything I read was totally interesting and beautiful.

I feel bad for his kid who lost his dad in college.

I'm kinda mad though that they were all like "he was on MJ" etc etc but there were zero clips???

vintage! MJ! clips! are my favorite thing, and they are so hard to find in good quality

especially from way back where they had enough money to do real live shows from studio every day, with everyone there at the table etc. and they were mostly relaxed and not so weird and self-conscious about everything.

And also with Joe and Mika and Willie always together in the same room, like it was a normal thing back then you could see that every morning, it wasn't just for special occasions. I wish they would release the old episodes in full, I don't even care that I know what happened in the news, I just think the episodes and discussions would be so interesting to see from back then. Like a piece of history, and also when they were all enjoying being there together and being alive as humans

Here for Barnicle's waiting! room! chair! posture! he looks all happy and reclined like he's ready to be fed grapes by MSNBC interns and fanned by a wind machine. Good for him!! 

how come I-watch-Russian-tee-vee-soyoudonthaveto Julia! Ioffe! and the other Russian regional experts are on so rarely?

it's so insane to me, because their insights are so important. 

Sometimes Julia will come on and immediately distill the insanity of the situation into one instinctively instantaneous sentence that it takes the generic foreign policy uncle dudes a month to laboriously arrive at. 🥴 

the failure to listen to regional experts honestly is a loss

There's also Julia Davis, whom I never see anywhere, and Michael Weiss. oh and Masha Gessen! Why are they so rarely on, anywhere?

i also watched this Amazon prime thingy movie on the famine in Ukraine and the screenwriter, Andrea Chalupa, it turns out literally she is the US-based podcaster who's on a lot with Sarah Kendzior on her podcast thingy.

Soooo an actual prominent Ukrainian-American, and you never seen her anywhere on the tee-vee during the uhh.... crisis in Ukraine?

only exception to this weirdness is Nicolle's Igor!!!

I love that she has him on, but it drives me insane that he's the exception rather than the rule, there should be a hundred Igors and a hundred Julias out there explaining to all of us what's actually happening.

ETA: for too strong language and also that guy's name is Michael Weiss not White, heh.

ETA2: this Lina Khan discussion is fascinating!! i wish they would just let the best convos continue rather than interrupt for reading of headlines or whatever. i love how rich these studio shows are in terms of actual content.

Edited by neona2
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our Khaleesi Katty is on the ground to cover the coronation!! Or to give it her blessing, as previously established khaleesis outrank terrestrial royals

what is this badassery, I am here for this. Is she gonna be live tomorrow?

okay, but MSNBC one request, please please please for the coverage can we also have a fashion historian and maybe even a gemologist because I always have a thousand questions about livery and dresses and tiaras. And I know they are condescending about this stuff but for some of us humans beauty and history and symbolism are important things

and when they did the QE2 funeral they literally had zero knowledge about anything we were seeing and mainly they just ignored the visuals and talked about Churchill  

ETA: omg my girl Andrea is here live in studio!! this is why DC is so great they get all the best people in person

Edited by neona2
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these are not fun facts, this is the actual basic information we crave and need! so happy Katty is covering this.

Where is the special thingy she advertised going to be on, I wanna see iiiiit. BBC America? they didn't clarify where it's actually on

I was laughing so hard at the promo.

Palace guard: You can't cross that line.

Katty: Or you'll shoot me?

no Katty an 18-year-old Norwegian girl isnt gonna shoot you, she'll ask you a couple of questions and then offer you a coffee and a piece of cake, that's what normalcy looks like

from the clips, were they also in Amsterdam?? I'm super curious about this where in the world is Katty Kay special, I hope they make it a regular thing

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I wanna apologize bc I think I messed up a bit.

Basically I was saying Katty snarking on Vittoria di savoia in french is hilarious bc she's basically not even Italian, she's a tiktok star from switzerland. And yeah, the klan comment was on point. 

but the reason I was saying it was Morning Joe weekends is usually on at 7 a.m. Saturday mornings, today Alex Witt was on, with Katty etc.

Alex was basically guest hosting MJ Weekends in the MJ timeslot, that's why I thought it was okay to comment on it. again apologies aaah 

ETA: hilariously the whole thing got picked up by the Italian press and Katty is now famous. the general gist of headlines being "BBC lady crowns random girl queen of Italy"


this is all hilarious and there isn't enough popcorn in the universe. we need more of these international shade throwing specials. #teamkatty

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Shonda Rhimes is 53 years old and basically a pioneer in her field, she would have been an excellent candidate for Mika's 50+ project thingy.

it's insane to me that *Joe* is doing an exclusive interview with her, when this is basically Mika's area of expertise. in the same way Mika is actually Polish but wasn't even invited to go Poland?

i know i'm a broken record but what is it with this show and the bizarre sidelining of women aaaah

it's so contradictory. Joe is on MJ now looking like his cute and normal and affable self

At the same time there's also a super-douchey photo of him in the corner looking pompous and furrowing his brow Tucker-style, what even 😂

anyhoo I don't wanna snark to much I realize I'm not the target demographic for this evening thing. but an actual real MJ special with Willie and Mika also there would have been such an amazing thing?!

the doubling down on the sidelining of women is just nuts, I can't even

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oh oh oh! regina madre Katty Kay and her International Tour of Subtle Shade also got covered in Italian vanity fair https://www.vanityfair.it/article/vittoria-di-savoia-regina-figlia-emanuele-filiberto

i'm sorry but this will never stop being extremely funny. i hope this weighing in on succession disputes around the world becomes a regular thing. 

Joe disappeared after about 1 hr today but I thought Mika did a good job covering. 

2 hours ago, tres bien said:

The first part of today's show was dedicated to Texas. All in a bad (but truthful way). 


this. it's so heartbreaking. it all honestly feels endless and hopeless. its so exhausting to watch I cant even imagine what it's like covering it, but i'm so glad they keep doing it, honestly never ever let this be normalized

Edited by neona2
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53 minutes ago, neona2 said:

oh oh oh! regina madre Katty Kay and her International Tour of Subtle Shade also got covered in Italian vanity fair https://www.vanityfair.it/article/vittoria-di-savoia-regina-figlia-emanuele-filiberto

i'm sorry but this will never stop being extremely funny. i hope this weighing in on succession disputes around the world becomes a regular thing. 

Joe disappeared after about 1 hr today but I thought Mika did a good job covering. 

this. it's so heartbreaking. it all honestly feels endless and hopeless. its so exhausting to watch I cant even imagine what it's like covering it, but i'm so glad they keep doing it, honestly never ever let this be normalized

As if the shooting at the mall wasn't another reminder of how vulnerable people are doing normal things everyday we alo have to start the day reminded that women living in states like Texas are treated with less respect than most people treat their pets

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yeah but thats how women have been treated for "a million years" so apparently that makes it totally normal


it honestly feels unbearable, I don't even feel like watching the news coverage anymore, its too much

it was supposed to be over but then it wasn't

is there some sort of sedative we can take to get knocked out for the next 18 months and wake up when it's all over

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Mika is in Florida, but Joe is with Willie and the panel in NYC. Joe is wearing white running shoes with no socks.

It's a very relaxed panel discussion today after they discussed the Texas shooting at a mall.

Their was sports talk & Joe made fun of King Charles coronation wear.

Joe is mad at Trump for commenting on Carrol's looks and saying she wasn't his type.

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Donnie, being a middle-aged superficial white man (just my opinion), should take a seat. I am so over “Branders” and Influencers. A pox on them all.
My beloved Mr. Kemper must have gone to very different Baptist churches in the South. I am only mentioning “South” because Joe yammered about it today. Maybe Joe never heard anything because he never stopped bloviating even as a kid. Good God, his ego is off the charts.

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On 5/8/2023 at 7:39 AM, tres bien said:

The first part of today's show was dedicated to Texas. All in a bad (but truthful way). 

Coming soon to basic cable:  The Shooting Channel.   Wall to wall coverage of daily mass shootings as they happen, reported by a team of ten seasoned war correspondents -- 9 stationed in Texas and one to cover the rest of the United States ...

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6 minutes ago, tres bien said:

Mika's near hysterical rant nearly sent me into a full blown anxiety attack.


I liked her passion.   For once, no artifice, no agenda.

P.S.  It appears they have taken her off set for the moment, possibly to re-up her meds or maybe tweak her contouring.

Edited by millennium
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It would be kinda funny if CNN hosting this shitshow Wednesday evening led to MSNBC get better ratings the next morning by devoting their time to...snarking on CNN 😎

good god, what a shitshow it all is, I'm already tired.

Joe and Willie did a good job but the show was a drag compared to Tuesday's show where Joe was in studio and it was hilariously messy but they also got into some great long discussions

meanwhile, Mika! was AWOL! but she did take time out of her busy day not doing her job to snark on the NYT Fashion Editor for, um, doing her job, which is maybe not very nice?

In fairness, the article itself wasn't very good, she should have pointed out that wearing symbolic feminist dress while happily platforming a misogynst is a perversion of the symbol and a giant FU to women. Symbolic gestures when not accompanied by actions that actually reinforce it tend to have the opposite of the intended effect, dum-dee-dum.

But but but that doesn't in itself undermine the value of symbolic dress in general, and the history of suffragette white (and green! and purple! and gold!) is actually both interesting and complex, time for a trip to the Library of Congress ---> https://blogs.loc.gov/folklife/2020/08/symbolism-in-the-womens-suffrage-movement/

The main themes being an inversion of the smears being thrown at them, as well as practicality, availability, and visibility while marching down the street amongst a sea of black top hats staring at them disapprovingly, heh.

Fun fact, in addition to roses and daffodils, guess what was also a symbol of the suffrage movement?


this button ca 1905 is in of the Museum of the City of New York! but the use of sunflowers originates back to the Kansas referendum in 1867. that it's been resurrected in another freedom struggle is honestly a beautiful coincidence

anyhoo, I have a question, so what was this Chris Licht dude like while on Morning Joe? Did he ever make appearances from the control room like this Alex guy and TJ and did he already show signs of being authoritarian-curious? 🥴

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Today I watched Morning Joe Weekend which is just a mishmash of segments from the week. Mostly boring but was 6am on a Saturday morning.

There were a couple of interviews I liked. One with E Jean Carroll and her attorney and one with Trace Lysette and Patricia Clarkson stars of a new movie Monica.

Highly recommend for early risers or those with insomnia depending on your time zone!


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Julia Ainsley was on MJ this Friday, and i've been following this Title 42 drama this weekend, and at this point I wish they'd give Julia her own show

and instead of "Julia reports" or "Julia is live" or "Julia blah blah"

---> call the show  "Julia Ainsley Actually Gives a Shit" because she's pretty much the only human being who does. And instead of trapping her inside a glitzy studio, send her everywhere to be her human self and ask all the right questions.

honestly she needs all the awards just for being so present and tenacious and never ever giving up aaaaah 

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On 5/12/2023 at 8:24 PM, millennium said:

Indirectly, I suppose.   "Sock it to me" was a catchphrase made popular on Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In" show of the late 1960s and early 70s. 

I mean there's also Saketumi! which is a Japanese restaurant in Brooklyn 😜 

fun fact, if you literally translate "Willie Geist" into German it means "ghost penis"!!

not strictly 100% true, but it would be very funny if it were

Also disappointed Willie never started a podcast called the Zeitgeist! With Geist! I would absolutely listen to that

Admiral Themistocles is here!!! I love him

but also, a really really great guest for this segment on politics of Turkey woulda been....an actual! Turkish! person! by which I obviously mean not an Erdogan lackey but a local human rights activist or journalist of which I'm guessing there are many many

i'll never get over this zoology-approach to journalism. there's no need to describe a situation David Attenborough-style when they are actually human beings and you can actually *talk to themmmmm* aaaaah

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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