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Jason and Kristina: Life Can't Change

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I don't like this woman at all. She seems so snobby to me. She's the type of mom who looks down on stay at home moms, I can just sense it.

Her talking about payroll and work while in labor was so fake. Like we needed a reminder that SHE WORKS!!! She owns a business, that's cool but its not as unique as she seems to think it is.

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Loved this couple and their elaborate google calendar for the baby.  Wait til they bring that baby home and finds out that he doesnt give damn about your pretty color coded calendar.   Should be pretty sobering.  Reminds me of me and my husband the first night we brought our daughter home.  We thought we had to set an alarm so we could wake the baby to feed her cause what if she sleeps past feeding time.  We were idiots!!!  Still laugh at it though.

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Hahaha, yeah, I enjoyed a hearty laugh at their color coded calendar too. All well and good dears, and if you wind up with a baby you can put down anywhere, who can wait a few minutes before being fed, or can roll with being around a lot of stimulation without melting down, more power to you. However, you may find that your baby needs quiet, or needs to be in his own crib, to nap, or has to eat right now or collapses into screams, or is up all night if his nap is interrupted. So you may just want to adjust that "the baby will have to fit into our schedule" talk. You'll be less embarrassed later. My son was a remarkably easy baby who took well to a schedule, but I had to be able to adapt to when he was ready to change the schedule. Oh well. We all learn in the end, right? :-)

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Well that was an unfortunate choice of clothing the doula or whoever it was standing at Kristina's bedside. I thought it was covered in blood when really it was some kind of tie-dyed t-shirt! Yikes.

I caught that too! I legitimately thought the doula had big splashes of blood on her sleeves from being all up in Kristina's birthing area. Maybe she picked that shirt on purpose? Ugh, horrible.

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She seems so snobby to me. She's the type of mom who looks down on stay at home moms, I can just sense it.

Her talking about payroll and work while in labor was so fake. Like we needed a reminder that SHE WORKS!!! She owns a business, that's cool but its not as unique as she seems to think it is.

I agree. She also seems like the type of woman who always talks way louder than what the situation calls for. It could've been creative editing, but the way the promo for next week's episode (tonight) has her yelling, "Our new baby is HOME!" I don't know, she reminds me of girls I went to high school with who were involved in drama club and always had to over-enunciate everything as if they were the star of life.

She made several references to "pushing with her face instead of her vag." I honestly couldn't see what problem she was referring to. Did she have broken blood vessels in her eyes or bruising in her face? I couldn't see it.

I wish I could snark on her all the way, but I did feel for the poor gal when they showed previews of upcoming episodes where she seems to be depressed taking care of a baby all the time. It must be a huge adjustment going from business-woman to mommy for the first time. I bet it does knock her down a few levels.

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I don't mind them.  I can relate to the early weeks at home with an infant as I found them pretty boring really.  After about a week I felt really cooped up so I made a point to leave the house everyday for at least 2 hours.


The pushing with her face was because she did burst some vessels in her eye.


I am not sure she wants a career over a child but a career and a child, nothing wrong with that.

Edited by fountain
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I don't like this woman at all. Seeing her shed tears because she has to stay home all day "with this thing that gives you no stimulation" pissed me off.

You have a healthy baby boy, how many woman would give anything to have a healthy baby? I doubt those women would whine and cry over having to take care of a "thing"

She seems like she only had a child because its the thing to do, not because she actually wanted to be a mom.

It will be so nice for Lincoln to watch this some day and see that his mom only cared about going back to work and found no happiness at all in being with him.

This woman should have never had a child.

Edited by Maharincess
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I bet she regrets saying that on camera. But the newborn phase is really hard and really exhausting and hormones are raging. Some people love taking care of newborns but not all moms do. It seems like she's doing better now that Lincoln is more interactive and engaged, I was the same with my daughter. It was nice to see her get emotional with him after her first day back at work.

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I also enjoy their candidness.  I too am not a baby person, but I am a parent and I think a decent one, though never in a million would I want to be a stay at home parent.  I guess I like them because I can relate to them.


You have a healthy baby boy, how many woman would give anything to have a healthy baby? I doubt those women would whine and cry over having to take care of a "thing"


I don't think that is really fair as those women have nothing to do with what Kristina is experiencing.  Not everyone loves everything about being a parent right out of the gates.  Personally, I think the attitude that mothers need to love everything about parenthood and not get overwhelmed or miss their old life leads women to not seek out support as they feel they will be "judged" a bad parent.  I found IRL when chatting with new Moms just telling about my early "bad" days makes people feel that they are not alone and other people share the experience.

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Ordinarily, this type of woman would grate on me -- badly.   But, for some reason, I like her and I like Jason, too.


The "I love my work so much" mantra that Kristina expresses at every opportunity is starting to sound as though she might be trying too hard.  Trying too hard to convince herself, other people, the producers of the show (ratings, ratings), etc., as well as trying to uphold the image she has created for herself.


if I were to write the epilogue on this family it would be this:  Kristina works at home until Lincoln turns three or so, at which point he goes into full-day preschool/daycare and Kristina will be already pregnant with baby no. 2. 


I think she is starting to fall in love with that adorable little baby boy and that she is going to WANT to spend as much time with him as possible. This is just a vibe I'm getting.

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I like Kristina quite a bit, but her story is starting to look staged as hell to me now. Oh, suddenly Jason has a job offer he can't refuse? Even though the plan was for them to start a business and work together? And he just ditches and takes the job just like that? And what is up with that DC office? If Kristina is there all the time, who's running things in NYC? And really, their marketing strategy is to cold call hotel concierges and have college kids put up flyers? the whole thing is fishy as hell. So, Kristina and Jason are doing the show to promote Kristina's business. He never worked for it, or only did while he was between jobs in his real profession.


A lot of unnecessary drama over Kristina having to pick up her kid at day care because he got the sniffles, too. We've all done it, its part of life and not a dire emergency. (meanwhile, newsflash Kristina--if you weren't hovering near the door with a pained, worried expression, your kid probably wouldn't have reacted so badly to your leaving. Smile and wave bye bye cheerfully. Its Daycare 101. I refuse to believe she doesn't know this!) Why, show? I would have enjoyed the real story just as much!

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I seriously wonder if Jason and Kristina work regular 9 to 5 jobs and this whole Mogul Mom shtick is just for the show. I don't have children, but if I did I'm sure as shit not leaving them with a random stranger recommended by a hotel concierge in an unfamiliar city. I don't really get what their business is, they seem so disorganized and clueless.

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I used to work with an outfit called Parents in a Pinch here in Boston, they provided sitting services to hotels and for functions and so on  (I worked at a university graduate school, we hired them to look after graduates' kids during Commencement). The carers are all background checked and so on, they have a good reputation. So I think its a reasonable idea for a business and it could certainly succeed. But the story they're telling is wonky as hell. She's having a meeting, weeks in, with a bunch of kids and telling them to put up tons of flyers? She has to bring them all in for this? They've been in DC for weeks and this is still what they're doing? She's cold calling at hotels? Not calling ahead and making an appointment like a professional? Has she hired sitters? What are all those other people in the office doing? And the meeting with her underling, just ridiculous. She's the boss, if her baby is fussing just step away from the meeting for a minute and deal. The whole thing with the other woman giving her the side eye and Kristina being mortified was just stupid. Gah. I can't believe I'm so annoyed by all this! Maybe because I like all the people on the show and the premise. So why the bait and switch?

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I used to work with an outfit called Parents in a Pinch here in Boston, they provided sitting services to hotels and for functions and so on  (I worked at a university graduate school, we hired them to look after graduates' kids during Commencement). The carers are all background checked and so on, they have a good reputation. So I think its a reasonable idea for a business and it could certainly succeed. But the story they're telling is wonky as hell. She's having a meeting, weeks in, with a bunch of kids and telling them to put up tons of flyers? She has to bring them all in for this? They've been in DC for weeks and this is still what they're doing? She's cold calling at hotels? Not calling ahead and making an appointment like a professional? Has she hired sitters? What are all those other people in the office doing? And the meeting with her underling, just ridiculous. She's the boss, if her baby is fussing just step away from the meeting for a minute and deal. The whole thing with the other woman giving her the side eye and Kristina being mortified was just stupid. Gah. I can't believe I'm so annoyed by all this! Maybe because I like all the people on the show and the premise. So why the bait and switch?

I think it's a shared office space. There are other businesses using the office as well. 

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LOL, yes, that's what I figured, but still. Why do they need a space at all if they're just cold calling hotels and sending kids out to put up flyers? And a shared space doesn't have a private conference room? The whole thing is fake, fake fake.

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I totally agree. The drama about leaving her baby at daycare also began to make me angry. Millions of mothers go through leaving their kids at daycare every day. She runs a sitter service, for goodness sake! If she's so worried about leaving her child, she should use one of her sitters to keep him.

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I like Kristina quite a bit, but her story is starting to look staged as hell to me now. Oh, suddenly Jason has a job offer he can't refuse? Even though the plan was for them to start a business and work together? And he just ditches and takes the job just like that? And what is up with that DC office? If Kristina is there all the time, who's running things in NYC? And really, their marketing strategy is to cold call hotel concierges and have college kids put up flyers? the whole thing is fishy as hell. So, Kristina and Jason are doing the show to promote Kristina's business. He never worked for it, or only did while he was between jobs in his real profession.


A lot of unnecessary drama over Kristina having to pick up her kid at day care because he got the sniffles, too. We've all done it, its part of life and not a dire emergency. (meanwhile, newsflash Kristina--if you weren't hovering near the door with a pained, worried expression, your kid probably wouldn't have reacted so badly to your leaving. Smile and wave bye bye cheerfully. Its Daycare 101. I refuse to believe she doesn't know this!) Why, show? I would have enjoyed the real story just as much!

I don't even buy them as a couple.....I just don't.

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That last conversation didn't even make sense. She doesn't know how to handle it all, and he basically abandoned her when he took the new job, and she can't handle it, so let's have another baby? They have always seemed the most fake to me.

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Right? So is she going to step back and let her staff do more of the day to day while she dives deeper into the motherhood pool? These stories make no sense. Why? Just tell us the story of Jason and Kristina, lighting designer and business owner, dyed in the wool city dwellers, first time parents. Why the contrived storyline? For what purpose?

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Yeah, Kristina is hardly the first working mother on Earth, so this faux battle between professional demands and motherhood makes me roll my eyes. If you want to work, work. Hire a nanny, stick the kid in daycare, do what you need to do. Kristina feels like she has to be some sort of martyr about the whole thing and it's annoying as hell.

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LOL, she could write a bunch of pieces for Salon and Atlantic and the New York Times about this "disturbing trend" of white, middle class mothers who "want it all". I hear that's an issue with some people these days. /sarcasm.

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