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Little Women: Atlanta - General Discussion

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I honestly think this is the stupidest bunch of women I've seen on any reality franchise. I'm talking VH1, TLC, Oxygen, the gamut. Like they are legit dumb. I don't know how they function. When Juicy is the savviest, smartest, most well spoken person in your circle, there's a SERIOUS problem.

Why the hell did Morlin come back? Is the show paycheck that good, because you couldn't pay me to believe he loves or wants to be with Monie...whose son clearly is uncomfortable around her and doesn't seem to have any desire to live with her.

Don't get me started on dumbass Tanya and her earth mother shit with 3 kids in 3 different sized diapers with not a baby daddy to be found and some fake job making capsules and teas. She doesn't want to air her business out on tv but this is the only way she can pay for these kids she keeps squeezing out. Dude, you can't even PHYSICALLY carry your kids/help them in an emergency. Why are you having more???? With a dude who doesn't give a fuck about the FIRST one he had with you?

Seeing the preview of her trying to drag Minnie with the "at least I got some baby daddies" was, in the words of my 16 year old, "The most pitiful self drag ever. EVER, Mommy. How is she trying to one up somebody with men who dont want her or her kids?"

out of the mouths of babes. 

They're going to make me quit this show. It's just too dumb. No one makes any good decisions. I'm not even asking for smart ones, just non detrimental choices at this point. Jesus.

Can we get Bri and Malik back?

Edited by sunsheyen
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I hatewatch this show, and others like it, rather silently, lest I be beaten with that prejudicial stick.  But seriously, little ladies - even shit floats some of the time.  Do those TeeVee $$$$s make you deaf, dumb and blind when you watch yourselves?  Because I cringe ....

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I do not like Tanya at all. Like who brags about having multiple baby daddies in an argument?! What is so wrong with her mentally that she thinks that's an accomplishment, especially when it's patently obvious she can't handle the two children she has, let alone 3! She's dumb for cheating on that Von guy with openly bi (at the very least) Nico. Von seems to be a great dad with a great heart, way better partnership qualities than Nico. 

Anyone else side eye Jordan when he mentioned wanting to have babies but not marriage? Happy Amanda shut that down immediately, I wouldnt want to be in her sister's or Tanya's situations either. 

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I couldn't help but laugh when Tanya told Minnie at least I have baby daddies.  Pendeja (dummy) like that was suppose to be an insult to Minnie?  Yes, she has baby daddies who left her ass. Neither one wanted to stay with her dumb ass.  Also picking up her son who is almost her size while she's pregnant not a good idea either.  She struggles lifting him up.  

I see from the previews of the next episode Sam is back.  The way Tanya treated Sam I hope she's not back to help Tanya.  Maybe Tanya will learn not to keep picking Nico over Sam or anyone else for that matter.  That man sees Tanya as a booty call nothing else.

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Why do all the ladies on the little women shows make such bad decisions when it comes to making babies?? And does Jordan come off as mentally slow to anyone else here?  And why didnt Monie just take Morlin out to a casino? Do they have casinos out there? Im so used to being surrounded by them living in Arizona. And I agree with ChaCha Slide, I don't like Tanya at all, there is nothing endearing about her.

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On 3/16/2017 at 4:52 AM, ChaChaSlide said:

with openly bi (at the very least) Nico.

You know, I hadn't picked up on that before seeing this comment, but from the previews it seems like it's being confirmed?

The conflicts on this show are just so contrived at this point.  And the women are all such trash.  I'm not so much hate-watching as I am enjoying seeing what a shit-show their lives are.

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The only ones I hate watch now are Tanya and Minnie (esp when she gets on her high horse and starts calling people fat/losers/etc). The rest of them are just pitifully dumb and it makes me so glad no one was filming me at 23/dumb baby daddy drama and that I got a little reality (unlike Monie). I don't know if I will return next season. I think I've finally hit my trash tv limit of enabling/paying people who are too stupid to realize that they are stupid. These chicks aren't even Jerry Springer/Flavor of Love dumb-but-functional...these are just some sad, dumbass broads. I can't contribute to them being this pathetic.

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6 hours ago, Alapaki said:

You know, I hadn't picked up on that before seeing this comment, but from the previews it seems like it's being confirmed?

The conflicts on this show are just so contrived at this point.  And the women are all such trash.  I'm not so much hate-watching as I am enjoying seeing what a shit-show their lives are.

It was posted about on one of the Instagram gossip blogs the end of February, complete with pics.



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Minnie is acting very childish.  She should've understood why Juicy didn't go to her house party.  Yes Minnie went to meet Juicy's mom but Juicy's mom didn't throw or fight with Minnie.  She's acting real dumb about the whole situation with Juicy.  

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You know I can't really blame Minnie for the way she acts.  Look who raised her.  She is a chip off the old block.  Why would you drag your ass to a party that you were specifically told you weren't invited.  Her mother calls Juicy a bully because she told Minnie she wasn't invited.  Say what?  Bully?   Good on Juicy for kicking her out.  

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This isn't elementary school where it's required to invite the whole class. By the time you're 50, you can invite or not invite whomever you want to your own birthday party. Someone needs to tell that to Minnie and her mother. It's no wonder Minnie doesn't have any real friends. Her mother trained her to be a horrible person.

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I'm trying to practice the fruits of the spirit but these ladies make the possibility of being hot in the afterlife worth the trash talk

The twins and Monie should be in an adult education/life skills classes

Morlin looks like he just flunked the 17th grade for the second time

Juicy looks straight out of central casting for The Wiz

Minnie and her momma look like they cholesterol higher than their credit score

Tonya looks like Lil Sweet 

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9 hours ago, Boofish said:

I'm trying to practice the fruits of the spirit but these ladies make the possibility of being hot in the afterlife worth the trash talk

The twins and Monie should be in an adult education/life skills classes

Morlin looks like he just flunked the 17th grade for the second time

Juicy looks straight out of central casting for The Wiz

Minnie and her momma look like they cholesterol higher than their credit score

Tonya looks like Lil Sweet 

Hilarious and so true.  Every single word.  17th grade almost took me out.  Lol

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This show continues to be nothing but the formula: plan a phony social event; film various cast members planning and talking about it and hoping no one starts a fight; film the event, at which . . . someone starts a fight; film various cast members talking about how someone started fight at the event; repeat; repeat.

Otherwise, the only notable thing about that last episode was how hard Tonya is working to stay on the show.  And I've seen "bumpers" (coming into or out of commercials" which are photos of just Tonya and the show logo, as well as short clips with Tonya talking about clothes.  Have they done this with other cast members?

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It's like they find a hot mess [Tonya, Sam, Moist (HAHAHAH) ] but say "naaah we can find a hotter mess than this" and here comes whatever the hell this new chick is .. I had no idea "have kids and twerk" was a goal.

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So for almost the whole hour my husband kept insisting Abira might be a man til I googled her and realized she is Fire the Midget aka The Real Goonette who I've seen half naked on the internet for the last 10 years. I really didn't think there could be a more disgusting character than the Drummond Twins but Lifetime has proved me wrong.  

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Wow did Juicy piss me off when she dismissed that male stripper for being 5'1.  She is over there looking like Grimace, and she is turning away someone for being too short.  And she is a short person, so should someone just outright reject her because she is a little person?  Also, he is 5'1, so he doesn't even get to qualify as a little person, he gets to just be a short man who has ignorant ass shit like that happen all the time, even from other short people.

Go to hell Juicy, and by the way, you're just plan ugly, and you know it.  That is why you are always commenting about how sexy you are, because you know you aren't.  

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Is Monie . . . um . . . touched?  

I mean, she does realize that she's complaining about Minnie taking pictures at Juicy's Party to the camera that filmed Minnie taking pictures at Juicy's Party?  The only way Morlin doesn't find out is if he has a whole lot more sense than we do and refuses that watch this bullshit.

And they keeping trotting just another piece of trash after another.  This new one's got four kids?  And she keeps whoring herself out?  I don't get it.  I just don't get it.  

Tanya, if a foot massage is "just what the doctor ordered", you need a new doctor.  The kind who'll order a tubal ligation.

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Tanya got on my nerves last episode.  I don't feel Sam needed to apologize.  If anything Tanya was the one being a total bitch to Sam and yes Tanya did choose Nico over Sam. Then Tanya had the nerve to say I'm glad Sam apologized but Tanya never apologized to Sam.   I so dislike Tanya. 

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6 minutes ago, PreciousGem said:

It sounds like Tanya is giving Nico a hard time because he doesn't want a relationship with her.  So she making him out to he the bad guy.

I get what you're saying, and she definitely was trying to make something happen that anyone could see was NOT going to be, but a guy that's completely comfortable letting the next dude raise his kid, even to the point of coming into town to get some pussy WHILE your kid is out of state being taken care of by said dude...is not a good guy. Doesn't take much to lower my opinion of him. I think they're both sorry and stupid as hell.

What the hell does anyone need with 3 kids in diapers under 4, especially with no real job, no partner for help, multiple baby daddies (repeating with the one who has PROVEN his worthlessness), and a physical condition that makes it a struggle to carry around even one of your kids, much less tussle with 3 and all their diaper bags/strollers/baby crap. Mess.

sorry for the runon sentences.

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I agree.  Nico doesn't seem to have stepped up the way a REAL father should with his son. Your right they both dumb.  But I see Tanya as the worse one.  To allow herself to get pregnant twice from a man who clearly does not want a committed relationship with her and wasn't around much to raise the first child.  I see her jumping into bed with her ex husband once he moves in. She'll sleep with any man that will pay a little attention to her doesn't matter with who. Sorry but that is how she is portraying herself.

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On April 6, 2017 at 11:04 AM, sunsheyen said:

I get what you're saying, and she definitely was trying to make something happen that anyone could see was NOT going to be, but a guy that's completely comfortable letting the next dude raise his kid, even to the point of coming into town to get some pussy WHILE your kid is out of state being taken care of by said dude...is not a good guy. Doesn't take much to lower my opinion of him. I think they're both sorry and stupid as hell.


Lol pussy was just a side dish to the main course of what Nico was really after.... All that AsssSSss *in my Ms. Juicy voice*. You know Tanya probably came to Atlanta because that was her incentive to get Nico to be even halfway involved, being in the biggest black gay city in the United States. Both Tanya and Nico were living in NYC when they met and had the first child, but she didn't try to get casted on LWNY for a reason. Remember Nico told Juicy that they got together after he told her he was bi; I lowkey think she gets off on him being with men. 

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I wish being Bi wasn't sure a big deal.  I'm surrounded by gay, bi and lesbian people and I'm bi myself, so I guess I'm surprised that it is still such a big deal.  I really hate the stigma when a man is bi.  He is usually called gay and people act like the lure of penis is so strong, that surely it is what he "really" wants.  Bi women get the same thing.  I'm glad Nico is out as bi, the more men who come out, the less scandalous people will feel it is.  

It's pretty obvious Tanya fell in love with her best friend, and Nico tried things with her, and it didn't work.  She is being very immature about the situation.  Even the way she was sitting there telling him she didn't want to see him was something I think a immature person would do.  She was trying to hurt him.  

I did side-eye Nico when he said he'd see her whenever he sees the kid.  Umm, that is your child, set up consistent plans to see them, you don't just come whenever you get a whim.  

And on to petty stuff, Sam, always wear your hair back.  This crisp noodle short curl look you have going on is not the business.  Either fluff out those curls or wear it back, it makes you look horrible.  

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Personally I don't believe a word Tanya says.  She is playing hard to stay on this gravy train and keep the checks coming in.  

I also have to say that every time I see Sam in those TH where she's wearing the red strapless dress, she looks enormous, like one of those freezer rolls that plumps when you bake it.  It looks like she's going to explode.

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Minnie upset at one of the twins (I never know which one is which) because she went to the acting class and saw it as a sign of disloyalty because Minnie wasn't invited????  Oh puhllleeeeeasssee!!!! Not everything is all about you!

Have any of these people heard of birth control???  Apparently not!

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I can't stop stupid watching this manufactured mess. Among other things, their big "play" cracked me up! What a joke! It looked like it was held in a jr. high school auditorium that was a quarter full with the production staff, everybodys Aunt Mary and whoever else they could drag in. 

I have a long history of watching some  seriously dumbass reality TV but this has got to be one of the worst. Could they humor us with at least pretending that the whole thing isn't scripted? If I wasn't so busy being entertained by how poorly acted it is, I'd be incredulous.

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The whole thing was just ridiculous.  Tanya is seriously surprised that her daughter has dwarfism?  When there was a 50-50 chance?  How are you not prepared for that possibility?  Those kids are going to have an awful time in life.  But it's got nothing to do with their dwarfism.  It's from being raised by this awful excuse for a mother.

The play was theater of the absurd.  Monie sucks.  Juicy was no better.  And I still don't get the point of the play.  

The twins don't need to learn how to speak in public.  They need to learn how to speak in general.  

Yep.  I'm strictly hate-watching at this point.

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I'm with Juicy, Mini needs to take that money and go buy some therapy.   She is constantly copying Juicy.  Juicy plain has more charm than Mini, that is why she does well on the radio.  Mini is constantly lying and going for drama.  I guess some of it is to keep her spot on the show.  If I'm remembering correctly, Juicy wasn't a member of the show the first season, she was a friend of, then they included her in the cast when Left cheek and Right Cheek went to Dallas, so I can kind of see why Mini feels okay with coming after Juicy's stuff, because fighting with Mini is kind of what got Juicy on the show.  

Edited by mothmonsterman
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I think obviously the Minnie's whole "stepping out in faith" to have a "redio career" is pure bullshit for the show.  She's not qualified.  She doesn't want it, beyond wanting more exposure generally.  They're just running out of things for her to feud with Juicy over.  But it's harmless.

Tanya, on the other hand, is fucking around with a real, innocent human life.  I hope that horseshit about the "birth story" was just for the show.  Because if that asshole thinks she's capable of pushing even a preemie-sized baby, let alone a 7 pounder, out of her little-person-pelvis, then I seriously fear for the child's long-term well-being.  VBACs are risky enough.  VBACs after two C-sections even more so.  To add the dwarfism on top of that?  What a selfish you-know-what.

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1 hour ago, Alapaki said:

I think obviously the Minnie's whole "stepping out in faith" to have a "redio career" is pure bullshit for the show.  She's not qualified.  She doesn't want it, beyond wanting more exposure generally.  They're just running out of things for her to feud with Juicy over.  But it's harmless.

Tanya, on the other hand, is fucking around with a real, innocent human life.  I hope that horseshit about the "birth story" was just for the show.  Because if that asshole thinks she's capable of pushing even a preemie-sized baby, let alone a 7 pounder, out of her little-person-pelvis, then I seriously fear for the child's long-term well-being.  VBACs are risky enough.  VBACs after two C-sections even more so.  To add the dwarfism on top of that?  What a selfish you-know-what.

I remember when I was pregnant and people would brag about natural birth.  I would say, "you know you don't get a cookie for that."  Meaning, who cares if you took all the pain for some reason.  I would have taken anything they gave me that didn't hurt my child.  I didn't scream during childbirth, but it was no brave thing.  The nurse told me if I screamed it would make the pain worse, I screamed once, she was right, and I didn't do that crap again.  I think I would have traded my soul to the devil to get out of that pain.  

Tanya is just extra in a lot of ways.  It is like she is trying to be as 'normal' as possible.  I know it is challenging to be a little person, but the way she is so obsessed with things, it just isn't normal.  Sometimes I wonder if she had a baby with a super tall guy (neco) so it would be less likely to have a little person (I don't think it works that way, but I wonder if she thinks it).  

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7 hours ago, mothmonsterman said:

I remember when I was pregnant and people would brag about natural birth.  I would say, "you know you don't get a cookie for that."  Meaning, who cares if you took all the pain for some reason.  I would have taken anything they gave me that didn't hurt my child.  I didn't scream during childbirth, but it was no brave thing.  The nurse told me if I screamed it would make the pain worse, I screamed once, she was right, and I didn't do that crap again.  I think I would have traded my soul to the devil to get out of that pain.  

Tanya is just extra in a lot of ways.  It is like she is trying to be as 'normal' as possible.  I know it is challenging to be a little person, but the way she is so obsessed with things, it just isn't normal.  Sometimes I wonder if she had a baby with a super tall guy (neco) so it would be less likely to have a little person (I don't think it works that way, but I wonder if she thinks it).  

Her terrible self hatred needs to be examined. I was appalled when she broke down crying and apologizing to the baby for "making her" little and did all that carrying on. She's going to instill so much insecurity in these kids, it's a shame. She really doesn't see herself as a normal human being who just happens to be a dwarf, i think she really feels she's flawed. Like that wasn't obvious in her emotional games with Nico and lying to him about not wanting to have a baby or be in a relationship. 

The VBAC stuff made me want to throttle her. When she got all sassy with Sam, like (paraphrased) "little people not having vaginal births is bullshit", I was livid. Even an idiot like her can do some basic spatial reasoning about what will and won't fit thru her hips. She's even tinier *hips/ass wise* than most little people, so I don't even know why she's thinking it's possible. She'd rather risk death and leave 2, maybe 3 kids without a mom and only one with a reliable father, or cause some sort of traumatic injury or death to the newborn just so she can say she shat out a baby? Girl, stop. I hope she doesn't have any more kids, she's too stupid to function. She is basically planning to labor at home until its too late. This being a third kid means that things will likely go a lot faster and she's going to lose that time cushion to actually get to the hospital. I just pray theres no rupture/injury/death. That midwife was obviously just following script "we will do everything we can to make that happen" knowing good and well Tanya isnt having a VBAC.

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Tanya is just dumb.  She thought by getting pregnant yet again from Nico it would keep him around and actually make him want a relationship with her.  Boy was she wrong.  Why would she allow herself to get pregnant yet again from a man who wasn't there for the first child?

As for Minnie, she needs to work on herself and her insecurities. 

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Ah, I think I see what is going on now with the Tiny Twins.  The one with the children was dragged along by her sister to the show.  I am sure it was an opportunity for her-being on this show.  She left her first child behind, because she felt she couldn't handle taking care of him all on her own, even with her sister's help. Then, she had another kid and she is still on the show and now she is leaving that kid behind, too, but she wants to help her sister by being a Tiny Twin.  Maybe she even thought she would be able to afford to hire a nanny from the fame of this show, but I don't think any of them are pulling in enough money for that just from this show. 

Tanya was the most likable on this episode.  She is much more fun when not worrying about men.  

Monie started the argument between Mini and Juicy (my God, these names), if she hadn't said anything they would have kept getting along, but she has to earn her paycheck.  

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The tiny twins are always crying. Are they adults or children??  They have great parents because they are taking care of her son while they twerk their assess for money. Trying to branch out is great but if you're gon a do grown up things it's time to go all in or not at all. The whiney crying is ridiculous. 

Tanya should have a planned c section and while in there tie her tubes. This woman should not bring another baby into this world. When any of the little ladies have kids they are setting their kids up with all kinds of medical issues and needing lots of surgeries.  Tanya breeds like a rabbit. She's one I can't take anymore. She's selfish. 3 kids who will all need surgery. She's gonna have to sell a lot of herbs to cover costs. 

It's like a car wreck. I can't help but watch. I'm just perplexed that they want their behaviors and poor life choices shown all over the world. 

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Andrea needs to take acting lessons because the fake crying is terrible.

Andre is one day going to see these episodes where his mother is crying and carrying on about missing Aubry but never mentioning him.  Oh, she misses Aubry sooooo much.  Um, you have another child in Texas you hardly see but can't even say you miss Aubry AND Andre soooo much?

Sam needs her own storyline.  She's dead weight.

Tanya needs help, like professional help.  

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On 5/13/2017 at 0:11 AM, Destiny74 said:

Oh, she misses Aubry sooooo much.  Um, you have another child in Texas you hardly see but can't even say you miss Aubry AND Andre soooo much?

Andrea really is a monster.  She has a young child with medical issues whom she completely abandons to famewhore herself out on a reality show.  Yes, I suppose she's making money, and probably more than she could earn elsewhere.  But IMO she's doing psychic damage to that kid and to her relationship with him that money's not going to fix.

On 5/13/2017 at 0:11 AM, Destiny74 said:

Sam needs her own storyline.  She's dead weight.

Agree.  She's nothing more than a narrator.  Plus, she's got the body of the Kool-Aid Man.

On 5/13/2017 at 0:11 AM, Destiny74 said:

Tanya needs help, like professional help.  

Tubal. Ligation.

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1 hour ago, Alapaki said:

Andrea really is a monster.  She has a young child with medical issues whom she completely abandons to famewhore herself out on a reality show.  Yes, I suppose she's making money, and probably more than she could earn elsewhere.  But IMO she's doing psychic damage to that kid and to her relationship with him that money's not going to fix.

Agree.  She's nothing more than a narrator.  Plus, she's got the body of the Kool-Aid Man.

Tubal. Ligation.

No amount of money is going to replace the feelings Andre is going to have when he Googles his mom one day.  He knows she's not around now and obviously misses her (the fits he throws when she leaves TX or he goes back after a visit) but to hear such blatant favoritism towards his sister is going to cut deep.  I feel bad for that kid.

Kool-Aid man, LOL.  I totally can't unsee that now.

Tubal ligation. Yes!  And serious therapy for her and her kids.  That's in one thing I give Terra.  I think she will tell her kids they can do anything even though they are little.  Tanya is just going to break down everytime her kids have any issue instead of being tough and fighting.  

Not only that but now Tanya wants us, the viewers, to believe she is over Nico and he's the bad guy.  I think he is a turd but I also think she knew he was a turd from the get go.  After making TWO babies with him, she just now gets that he's no really interested in her?  Idiot!  Now he's a bad guy for doing and being who he always told her he was?  He's the bad guy because he didn't change for her?  Idiot!  You're the bad guy for laying down with him after he proved to you he was a dick father. Idiot!  Bri is going to be in the same situation unless she gets some self confidence and moves on from a romantic relationship with Wooda (Dallas).  Can't really feel sorry for these girls, I learned in my youth that I would rather be alone than with a man who didn't love and cherish the awesomeness that I am!  ?

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