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Unforgettable - General Discussion

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Huh, is Poppy Montgomery still co starring? Cuz I saw a boatload of Jay.  The Elliot head toss with sniff was a bit overplayed but I love that guy from this and Good Wife. (Dallas Roberts)  I find I actually like him better here, which I never thought I would.


Al and the steak showdown was BOSS.  Love Al.


And yeah the alibi....so he only did it for loyalty to Dave?  I'm sure it'll be washed over....but it was weird.  Whole show was weird with Carrie out of the loop, in the loop and the wife and "Dave" not really being explained.  A shoulder to rant on? A coincidental friend?? Who knows.  Kind of weak but poignant.

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I didn't like that fake alibi at the end either.  Stuff like that happens on other cop shows, too.  Do TV writers think that they have built up such sympathetic characters that the viewer are going to excuse illegal or at least immoral actions to get them out of jams?  How about some policemen/women who actually follow the rules, and if they do something wrong, have to face the consequences?


Anyway, I have not been a regular viewer of this show, so forgive me for asking: Does Elliott come from a wealthy background?  Because I can't believe he makes enough money in the NYPD to have what appears to be an upper class lifestyle.


Does Elliott come from a wealthy background?


In Canada we got this episode last week and the next episode was shown last night.  Just by coincidence, Elliott mentions in it that he married money.


But even in this episode I thought it looked like he came from a reasonably affluent family and it was Dave who came from the mean streets.

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I've read that Poppy was pregnant while filming this season


  I read that about a month ago she announced she was pregnant so I'm not sure she was during the filming - it looked more to me like she was on a major weight loss effort, her face doesn't look the same at all.  Miss the round cheecks.  And two or three weeks ago for the poker game thing she was huge in comparrison to this ep - had to hold her purse in front of her stomach.  Bubble skirt was adorable, btw. 


Anyway, she carried last week's - I think it was? - show when she got Al out of jail, so maybe she wanted this week partially off or something? (If not for the pregnancy thing...)


ETA:  I don't have a problem with Elliott not hanged and quartered over something that happened in 1998 where he had secondary culpability of 1/3.  If the world was fair, it could be dealt with, but since it would just be used as a political hangman's noose and he is a good cop I'm fine with it.  No way could you count on the punishment to fit the crime when you are as high profile as he is but yet not a politician and thus able to withstand most criminal charges.


The third friend/politician would've done fine about 1998 - it was the current oh, I just had someone commit murder and here's the proof situation that was going to hang him.  Plus I believe it was an empty threat.


Plus Carrie breaks the law as often as she can playing poker and it's never been remarked upon; a fair playing field has to go for all characters and the viewers have basically already shown they're okay with that.

Edited by Jlina
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...Does Elliott come from a wealthy background?...

At one point in the episode I was seriously worried that it would turn out Elliot's home in the Hampton's was from illegal dealings, and they were going to write him off. I suppose that deal Carie cooked up could still go that way if he needs to leave the series for other commitments.
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 FYI : my DVR has put two shows on the weekend of Aug. 29 and 30 on Sat. and Sun both..  Perhaps they're finishing the series on that weekend but I don't know.  I enjoy this show and hope we get it back next summer.

Hrrrmmm...Zap2it is showing Aug 30 and 31, which are Sat. and Sun, so better check your DVR. I don't have one but frequently read on boards that they get confused when networks mess with air dates. Anyway, thanks for the heads up. I'm guessing this is to make up for the week that got preempted.
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Is there such a thing? With real estate and rent being so high in Manhattan, this seems unlikely.


I checked it out - North Brother Island in the East River, it's exactly what they said on the show, formerly a hospital for contagious diseases - and other uses through the years - now abandoned, it's a designated bird sanctuary.


Anyhow, I didn't quite get who shot who...did the professor shoot Sam and the drug company guy shot the professor?  Or did the drug company guy shoot them both?  And who took the cure medicine to the island?


Overall, a pretty good episode.

At the begining Al and Carrie talk about Belmont Horse racing.The blonde sounds just like Carrie! Al being framed for murdering a perp(Oscar Payn), he put away. Was nice that Eliot believed in him and let Carrie help. Funny how he can talk to someone and it seems no one else hears it in the Squad Room.In elevator Eliot told her to go suspend yourself! I was hoping maybe she would have gone to her old team of Mike, Nina and Roe. You know they would want to help and are not out of the Police business, just because Al and Carrie transfered. I would really like to have seen them worked in this series again sometime as guest stars. But Carrie got help from the whole team .She even had to do a mind meld, kinda with Al. he had forgotten some stuff about his history with Oscar Payn. But Al didn't tell the whole story on the Mellisa shooting. So we findout that Dominic Moreno blamed Al, and tried to frame him. Brenden Quinn was saved on the beach and Carrie, Brenden and Vincent took him down. Al didn't know Mellisa had a crush! But it was funny Al told Carrie he had a crush on ..... Margary Binstock in another dept. The sparing back and forth sometimes they do is cute.

It was cute that Jo told Carrie she was the Dirty Harry of M.E.s, lol

Carrie drives a Black Challenger like Sam and Callen from NCIS:LA.

It was nice that the Quinn family wasn't the bad cops. Actor who plays Vincent Quinn has played heavies in past and I was worried it would be easy to figure out. But even though it took awhile for the family to warm up to Carrie they finally did help her. She was checking belistics and Shooting range eveidence to find out how Al's pistol could be used in the murder. But I thought at first it was Vincent then later son Brenden. But sister Officer Mellisa Quinn was Payns victim. Even Kathleen Quinn could have done it. But as I said luckily it wasn't made that simple. But then we find it happened at the shooting range, some how Al's gun was taken or used to make a match.

Al was jumped in his cell by Danny Murphy a gang member. Al stopped him but it was good action. Wonder if the "forgetful" Guards were repremanded?

Drug company guy showed up with both cannisters at the island I think and the girl grabbed them and was destroying the vaccine.  The school guy shot Sam probably and yes, drug company guy shot school guy - but he could've have shot them both, it wasn't clear.  No didn't Carrie  say Sam found out about it and confronted school guy - so it was probably him, then med guy shoots him. 


I knew as soon as they had the girl make note of the column to the garden it was going to be a Carrie flash back pivotal moment.  The show kind of worked but after the Al drama, and the Elliott drama the follow ups have been mediocre and woefully lacking in CARRIE.  How does she even keep up with developments and how come no one asks where she's been when she breezes in the door? 


The back turned chess playing was fun.  Sometimes the show overwhelms me thinking of how one would function if all that was in your mind...all the time.  Glad it's not me, and I have pretty close to a photogenic memory.  But only when I want to. Soooo much better/easier, and it accounts for why I can't remember show details 3 days later, it just wasn't important to me.  Having everything be of equal importance to your mind, or maybe not quite from the way they show the flashbacks - but close, would be debilitating irl.  

Edited by Jlina
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I'm not one to have the threads combined like twop had them, I either had to do a lot of reading to catch up , or when I was a couple episodes behind I could not comment or was told to comment on only the current topic. So I'd rather have them separate, but I can see it is a lot of work to set up the thread then have only 2 people comment.

Al and Carrie get invited to a fancy fund raiser party by Eliot. We meet his wife Shelby and I knew something was up by her facial expressions and in fact having her there. I didn't think affair until later. But it seems he was an old friend that Shelby used as a shoulder to cry on. And no sex happened. But it was very nice at the end when Eliot was waiting with the Nashville pie on the stoop. "Don't Go!" He asked, NICE! He really has turned into a nice character. At first he seemed to be just a stuffed shirt.

It was nice to see more of Murray and Jay working with Al on the case. I am surprised that Carrie and one of them don't go to interview more often. Yes Al is the head detective but the mixed group works on SVU and Criminal Minds.

I did think that at first Mayoral Candidate Robert Bright had something going on. Then for me it jumped to the 2 ladies, Amanda Temple and Martha Harrison, but it seems Martha had nothing to do with it.

It was to easy to think Irish Mobster DeClan Macauley to be the one that did in Dave O'Bannon. It was cool how Al put the pressure on him to talk. Later when Carrie had him come in and make the Yankee alibi for Dave and Eliot it seemed to easy. It still may come back to bite him, Eliot and Declan. "That's what Dave would have wanted!". Yes but Dave had a coincidence and it finally was making him make the right choices.

With the press conferences and Bright telling Eliot he had been carrying Dave for months I figured he was in on it.

When Robert Bright was arrested and did the threat of the Oct. 18, 1998 incident, it showed he was not a true friend. Eliot was going to loose Major Crimes and all his friends. So the OD girl in the room with the Senator, and they made sure no one knew? Did they hide her body? Or just let it seem she was alone when she ODed? And then the Senator did them favors?? Wonder what the favors amounted to? Bright was either making idle threats or he figured it would change Eliot's mind or that he could get him in trouble.

So must be Bright hired someone to go to Dave's room to get the key to the Storage locker. And they must have done him in. Amanda's cut must have been in the hand, but the murderer cut his neck?? Did they print the Storage locker to see if any matched the unknowns from the motel room?

Carrie doing the Illinois Plate trick on Amanda to find out what pen she used was kinda cute.

Dave's wife Gina seemed in a way to be like Shelby, she didn't really know what was going on with their men.

Edited by webruce

I wonder why they are doing another back to back showing - I know last week it was to catch up but no need for it now.

Unless I'm losing my mind (entirely possible) last week they only aired one episode (the one that was pre-empted by an overtime sports telecast) and so this week they are doing the actual catch up by airing two episodes.

I liked the fatherly banter Al had with Kendall. Has Al never had kids?

I also enjoyed Elliot confiding in Tawny Cypress' character and his interaction with Jay while on the phone briefing the mayor.

The open marriage misdirection was kind of stupidly portrayed.

I did not like the perp being someone who seemed incapable of committing murder and kidnapping--both technically and mentally. It's a common occurrence on crime shows, but it's also a pet peeve of mine.

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Unless I'm losing my mind (entirely possible) last week they only aired one episode (the one that was pre-empted by an overtime sports telecast) and so this week they are doing the actual catch up by airing two episodes.


I thought they showed the catch-up episode in the US last Saturday and then a new episode last Sunday.  So two episodes but only one technically new but it appears I was wrong and your mind is still where it's supposed to be:)   I think I mentioned that I'm in Canada and we didn't miss the episode that you did in the US so we didn't need the catch-up. So, if I'm confused, that's why.


I thought the perp - and the motive - just came out of left field.  Other than the highlights, as mentioned by shapeshifter, I thought it was a fairly meh episode.

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Carrie's chess match with Barry, Sean and Quinton was a nice touch. She beat them all on the same move.
I knew that father Bruce Miller couldn't have hurt his son, Sam. But Al pushed to see if he could break him. I also figured union rep, Ray Polanski was a dead end too. But was surprised Sam was on the union side. Also Louisa and Dealer Eddie Codd didn't make me think they had anything to do with it. But Jay calling Al old man and Al telling Jay he only shaves once a week was cute during the chase.

Sam meeting the person at the pier seemed to be nervous but happy to meet them So it makes it hard to think that the Dr. Paul Hughes met and shot him at the pier. But I don't know why Masetech owner Wendell Kuryak would have killed him? Did Sam figure out they were poisoning them? The same gun that killed them both was used by the same killer/killers. But if Sam found out Hughes was testing the disease on them and then trying to same them, he could be pissed, and Dr. Hughes was trying to cover it up. But Wendell was saying he was trying to help when he had the vaccine on the island. Then why kill the Dr.? Complicated! Was it possible the Dr. committed suicide after the NYPD found out? Even though Wendell stole the vaccine? It doesn't really say that Wendell shot the Dr.

Sam Miller and his Depression wasn't touched upon very much. His mom Shelley and Carrie in his bedroom made me sad.

Was nice in squad room that Cherie was talking with Jay about her daughter Mia. We don't hear much about home life.

Funny Eliot worried about the Tourist Board more then the FBI!

Louisa running off with the vaccine to burn kinda confused me. Good thing Carrie remembered how to go through tunnel maze. Surprised SWAT and a big bright light couldn't have joined them.

Nice again to have Murray and Jay working in field with Al. You could see Carrie's black out fit seemed a big big. But it hid well.

For North Brothers Island being a bird sanctuary I didn't really see any birds! And where were the drug dealers and their pot fields? Was surprised when Al and Carrie went to the island first time they went alone. There could have been any kind of baddies there. Later they take in SWAT.

Was funny seeing Al and Carrie talking about camping at end. He talking her because she is like a Swiss Army Knife of information. Carries wanting to take something warm, matches,lol

Edited by webruce
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Funny Eliot worried about the Tourist Board more then the FBI!

He really made me laugh when he kept worrying about the Tourist Board.


I guess the show really wasn't clear about who killed who.  The writing could have been a little more concise.


I thought it was odd too that Louisa ran off with the medicine to burn it but I guess she was already showing symptoms of the sickness by then and wasn't really in her right mind.

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Good thing Carrie remembered how to go through tunnel maze. Surprised SWAT and a big bright light couldn't have joined them.


When they went through the tunnel the first time, my husband turned to me and speculated, "Later on, she's going to have to find her way through the tunnel in the dark, with only her magical memory to guide her." This show is so predictable. 

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Carrie blithely stepping over laser beams really annoyed me.  Having a perfect memory is one thing but it doesn't make her invincible.  That was still a very dangerous thing to do when all they had to do was wait a bit for reinforcements.


I liked the bomb squad lady and the work she was doing, continuing what she learned in the military.


The plot twist was good, having it look like terrorist bombings when it was really to cover up a plain old robbery of gems.


I thought it was a pretty decent episode overall.

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This episode irritated me because perfect memory does not mean perfect coordination. She may remember the moves in DDR, but anybody who has ever played it can tell you that you may remember the moves and still find your feet moving the wrong way. Same thing with the trip lasers. Next thing you know, Carrie will pull a River Tam during a gun fight.

Also, I ask this out of genuine ignorance: how easy is it to do slow balancing moves in high heels? I personally would never try it, but then again I'm a relatively heavy man.

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Is Poppy Montgomery pregnant again? Why is she always in black? I remember in Season 1 everyone complained that she wore tanks tops 24/7...it's like the wardrobe stylist gets fixated on one look and can't adapt.


I co-sign everything about invincible Carrie. It's becoming ridiculous. Not to mention the previous night's new episode (are they burning them off for some reason?) had the same "tunnels to the murder scene" trope.

The last several episodes, she's been dressed all in black and wearing that black leather jacket. It's like they decided to cut the wardrobe budget to the bone and have her just wear the same outfit for a month.


These episodes were filmed a while ago - like almost a year? - when she was still carrying some weight from her last pregnancy, but she recently announced that she's pregnant again. No idea how that will affect the filming schedule, assuming the show continues. 

This episode irritated me because perfect memory does not mean perfect coordination. She may remember the moves in DDR, but anybody who has ever played it can tell you that you may remember the moves and still find your feet moving the wrong way. Same thing with the trip lasers. Next thing you know, Carrie will pull a River Tam during a gun fight.

Also, I ask this out of genuine ignorance: how easy is it to do slow balancing moves in high heels? I personally would never try it, but then again I'm a relatively heavy man.

I was annoyed with the high heel boots, but otherwise I thought the cold opening scene--where she memorizes and performs the dance steps faster than the practiced guy--prepared us to accept the laser not!tag moves.

Who played the ex-solder bomb squad woman?  I thought her role's name was something like Ayesha, but I'm not sure.  She was lovely.

I know Montgomery is a producer, but seriously?  Carrie is being portrayed as some kind of superwoman.  Her one flaw seems to be her gambling habit.  Yes, her memory is extraordinary, but that shouldn't mean that she does everything well.

The Scavenger Hunt guy who had to step over the body of Jedidiah Cosgrove to get his clue was quite brash. But Carrie kinda put him in his place. Talking about his big buck boots and told him his driver can meet him at the Police Station. Wonder if he even knew who the dead guy was? He was behind the Hunt. Later to when Carrie told Lacey Chambers to "Shut Up!" I laughed. She wanted to find out form Marshall Cosgrove about the secret maint. passages in school.

Eliot was having the Mayor on his back about the case. Then told about Jeffrey Tollenson's kids going to the College, I figured we would meet them, or him, but nope. Then when Carrie 2 times ran into Wyatt Stroamer the flirter, I almost thought he was related to Jeffrey. I did like how Carrie handled him, but was surprised she went in the tunnels alone.

Jay helping Eliot giving the Mayor the right answers was funny. Then Eliots talk with Cherie also was nice. Then disavowing that his team does a great job. Jays smirk and head shake was great!

Also liked Jay making the snapchat pics of Kendall look like she is in the park and the alley.

The Open Relationship was kinda interesting. It made Al uncomfortable. It put them on a side hunt for Robert Chavez as the killer. I knew it wouldn't be the answer, but it helped cloud things. We should have met one of Jed Cosgroves GFs to though. His wife Camille Cosgrove didn't seem super torn up about the death. Marshall Cosgrove was torn up the most. But as Carrie pointed out Step Mom was dating his Vice Principle Chavez, and Daddy got him the job. I also figured that partner Powells, (I heard Eric), John Hibbert and the ladies were all dead end investigations. But it is nice to work that in. Even if like most shows the early suspects aren't the bad guy! I always tell my son, "Nope to early". But even though we saw Derrick O. Hibbert talking to his dad in the memorial room, we didn't have any info. on him early. But I know some would say but then we would have figured it out earlier. I agree that it seems a big move to kill Jed Cosgrove and Dr. Reed just to cover up that you might have had help qualifying for a Ivy League school?? But we saw when Derrick had Aunt Vicki Wilson held hostage and NYPD burst in he wasn't so tough acting. Carrie talked him down. Aunt Vicki couldn't have been much older then Kendall. Didn't really find out why she didn't live with mom and dad did we? Maybe like Al's admission that they are simple folks and not to glamorous??

The saying" First Names and Hand Shakes" eventually made Al say, he was done with first names, "I'm Lieutenant Burns!"

Al's talk with Kendall Wilson and her being Marshall's "side slice" (had to look it up, but figured out what it meant) was funny. Comes after last weeks "old man/ young man" talk with Jay. She called him Daddy and it was funny.

Carrie and Al later surprised me when she asked, "If we ever got married would you be open to a open marriage??" Al came back with a big"NO!" Not sure what Carrie would have thought if he said yes, or what her opinion is. Then they talked about her bikini and Al's speedo. He telling how cold it was made me laugh. But Carrie said he looked good and then asked what color her bikini was, lol.

Earlier they also talked about the Secret Service man Francis Simms in his speedo.

Well, she can't dance.

IRL, being pregnant enough and of the proportions to have one's center of gravity thrown off would make it impossible to dance or dodge lasers gracefully unless one was already an expert at both--so I'm not going to judge Poppy's (lack of) dance moves. Probably not the best plot devices for her at that time.
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At the first bomb site scene, I thought we would find that Lt. Morris instead of bomb squader Aisha Conway was bad. Luckily neither one was. But Carrie did use a lot of information from both to figure it out. She also disarmed the bomb by remembering what Aisha told her.

Smiling Carrie showed up the dance king on the video game. Quite good. Later ofcourse she steps over the lasers by remembering where they were and finding the bomb. Nice work! Hard to believe, but... Al and Carrie find Moslem writings in the blown up businesses. But mouse pads leads her to the business of Bilal Ali. I didn't think he was in on it, but an employee, yes. But the Athletic Center owner Usman Khan, made me wonder.

The walk in the subway tunnels were cute, Al afraid of rats. Pop back up in the Store. No Samir today. He turns out to be Jean-Luc Augustin. A common thief, but it seems he is putting the blame on a terrorist for the bombs. That is a little different twist on a case. Also making them think it was precious jewels when it was actually Semi conductor stuff he was after. When Carrie and Al see the Bomb squad truck I thought ohoh it is Morris. But they did have NYPD shirts, but luckily it wasn't him. Nice punch Al! Carrie visiting Aisha in hospital was nice. Wanting to wear the green suit. Aisha told her she could have a hat and t shirt,lol

It was great how Jo worked with Maya, Murrays daughter. Playing in the fort under the table. Murray had a nice talk with her daughter. Her daddy was brave. What did he do? Was he in Iraq, a fireman or a policeman? But Maya said Mommy was brave too. She had told Jo she wanted to stay there and was worried about mommy.

Jay and Murray didn't help Al in the field like the last couple episodes.

Al said he felt alone. Carrie told him he should learn to dance. Did she kiss him at end?

I enjoyed the episode pretty well. 


Again, Carrie being all that and a bag of chips was annoying to me.  But she's the star, and a producer too, so she has to be wonderful.  Still,  I was hoping that at least one of the men she flirted with to lure them away from the meeting would decline, saying he was waiting for the duchess.


Another good plot twist, with the victim and the killer working for a drug cartel, That was unexpected.


I haven't heard anything yet about the show being renewed.  I hope it is.  My occasional annoyance with Carrie aside, I really like the characters and the show in general.

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The episodes don't stick with me, but that's why I like watching. It's like a stiff drink for those of us with sensitive stomachs.

I was hoping that at least one of the men she flirted with to lure them away from the meeting would decline, saying he was waiting for the duchess...

IRL that would have happened, but this show is not about real life.

I enjoy the main characters flirting at the end of each episode. It reminds me of Hart to Hart.

Nope, no pretending about Carrie and Al any more!  What a sweet moment.


My biggest fear was that it would be a cliffhanger leaving us to wonder if Carrie survived/got her memory back which is the ONE thing that would ruin the show for me. Thank heavens no and wow, Jo was a genius and a little unsung, and wow again -an untested anti venom? 


The bathroom fight was kick-azz but I think the disinfectant with the shattered glass would've slowed him down more? Or not...it's drama.


I think the Carrie's husband thing will be a throwaway for her, but will upset Al to no end. However Al is the most grownup guy I know, so maybe it'll be okay.  Just another obstacle.


Jay continues to really impress me and add to my enjoyment :)  The "other" group going out for a beer was cool.


Happy finale all!

Edited by Jlina
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What is with all the forgotten marriage twists this year? Castle did it. Rookie Blue did it. Now Unforgettable? Did all the police procedural writers get together and share plot points? Did they decide to undermine all the otherwise competent women by making them into floozies who somehow forgot that they legally married someone?


As for the case itself, I was mostly annoyed with Carrie for trying to continue on even when she's been poisoned by a deadly neurotoxin. There was nothing she contributed that couldn't have been done just as well from a hospital bed. 

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A little article about renewal/cancellation:





As for the case itself, I was mostly annoyed with Carrie for trying to continue on even when she's been poisoned by a deadly neurotoxin. There was nothing she contributed that couldn't have been done just as well from a hospital bed.


I agree, she didn't need to keep going when she was so sick, actually causing more work and worry for the rest of them.  But that's what the heros and heroines do in these shows.  I felt badly for her, not that she lost her memory, but that she thought she was useless without it.  It really is only one aspect of her skill set - a very good one, but not the only one.  I liked that Al tried to reassure her she was just as valuable without it. 


Why do writers think we want or need something screwing up a romance?  It was lovely seeing Carrie and Al together at the end - and then we get some jerk showing up, saying he's Carrie's husband!


Well, it better get renewed so we can find out what it's all about.

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