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Unforgettable - General Discussion

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East of Islip

A murdered body washes ashore in the Hamptons, and Carrie and Al's boss offers them a "paid vacation" in his beautiful Southampton cottage, in order to help local law enforcement find the killer, who may or may not be related to a previous serial killer.

So they play house two episodes in a row? I see where this is going...


So Collin (Tommy from Arrow) Donnell gets killed off again.

And Carrie makes a promise that no one can ever make: That a child will have a happy, normal life.

Even I, with my very poor memory, would have recognized that "Ladies" truck. Is it just me, or are they taming down her ability to have total recall?

Oh. Right. It just me here. *sigh*

Carrie comes across her adversarie Jackie Mikalova. They had met before. Seems she has a vendeta against some people to settle. Ofcourse Carrie didn't know that at first. Carrie tries to stop her from killing. We find Agents that were supposed to be dead. Victor has her son David. That is why she is supposed to kill those people. But at end Jackie helps Carrie and Al catch Victor.

I wonder they will touch on her sisters murder at all?

I agree with you Shapeshifter.

An okay episode, but, yeah, nothing to write home about. I was surprised they had Tawny Cypress doing a lot of the scenes Poppy Montgomery would usually do. These episodes were filmed a long time ago, so maybe it was right after her daughter was born last year.

On these crime shows where someone was wrongfully convicted and spent decades in prison, or in real life, do they get any monetary compensation automatically? Or would they have to jump through legal hoops first?

Edited by shapeshifter

I didn't really think as soon as Carrie said it that Shaun Manning didn't rape Dr. Rupa Nair or kill Attorney Chris Jenkins. It was nice that Lisa Martinez and Mark Brennen Were helping Shaun. I figured when they talked to his Aunt Rhonda that she knew more about his whereabouts then she would say.

Was quite a coincidence that Al and Carrie were in town for a Wedding the same weekend back in 2000 when Rupa Nair was raped and she saw the same Mounted Officer Karen that Rupa heard.

I liked when Al and Cherie went to see Gino at the Home-style Pizza place. He said he hadn't seen Shaun Manning and Christopher Jenkins until Cherie pointed out that the cooks had no hair nets. Then he recognized them. As she leaves she said, "Buy some hair nets." lol

I'm surprised that ADA Gordon Frost would push Eliot Delson to close this case since he was the murderer? Wouldn't it be better to stay away and not have your name come up if possible? Why would he frame Shaun for the rape and let Bobby Cordero get off? Was he his lawyer back then? Or the prosecuting Lawyer?

Carrie helping Al find an apartment closer to work was a little funny to have her correct Paula White the Realtor. Then later remembering when the "counter bid" man was at the last building.

It was nice when Carrie talked to Rupa Nair about her sister. Wonder if we will ever find the killer?? Then she offered Shaun a job at the hospital. NICE!

Not sure what happens if you are in jail wrongfully. He should have to be paid by Frost.

Edited by webruce

I'm surprised that ADA Gordon Frost would push Eliot Delson to close this case since he was the murderer? Wouldn't it be better to stay away and not have your name come up if possible?

I'm pretty sure that in real life, most murderers aren't very good at covering their tracks, but on TV, it seems most murderers start out as chess-champion-worthy planners and then start acting stupid when it's time for the stars of the show to catch them.
  • Love 1

So, finally an episode worthy of watching other than Friday zone out. Putting the team together in a relaxed fun space actually worked.

Unfortunately, the moral of the story is: You can never really cross over to the other side of the tracks.

And the perp couldn't have been more obviously guilty the first time he was on screen. Director, do not allow that sort of thing in the future.

  • Love 1

I really liked that for once in 40 years of female crime fighters, finally one took off her noisy heels while stalking killers. Okay, so she said it was because of how ridiculously high the heels were. And likely it was really because she didn't want to ruin her ridiculously high-priced designer shoes. Still, I was fanwanking that Jo was in her socks too.

  • Love 2

I didn't find it here. I will take time later to write up my thoughts on the episode. I guess young Carries problem is knowing all that happened in her life and others she's crossed. That was why they called her names, "Scary Carrie"! I forget how old she was when her sister was murdered? But I don't remember anything at the Reunion about it. Or in her flashbacks.

Edited by webruce
  • Love 1

Seems a lot of reunions this season. Hawaii Five-0 and Person Of Interest both had them also. No one calls her "Scary Carrie" anymore?? Seems like several did. Al even told them about it. Jay and Cherie liked looking at Carrie's yearbook photo.

The story had some twists and turns and the Denim jacket was a big part of the key.They thought Teacher Carl Benson, Greg Zoller, and Lance Burke each had something to do with it. I should have known when Carrie talked to Melanie Lambert after Tommy Garland was found dead. But I liked how Carrie said that Hank Bronski was a big guy, and Al replied, "Oh yes he works out!" You could see a little jeliousy and sarcasm there from Al. Al even had asked him how he did get all the girls. But at first Hank thought Carrie was Mrs. Burns, he didn't even recognise her. So if she had eyes for him in school he doesn't seem to have had them for her.

They also solved the Vicky Lanister hit and run from 1991. Melanie hated Bella Crebs and she thought she had the jacket on. Tommy ofcourse was going to spill the beans. Carries flashbacks showed that there was a clique war in school. Carrie and Vickie were out.

I did like how Carrie kisses Joey Falk on the cheek after he had the photos she needed. I bet he wanted a date with Carrie. I thought it was good episode.

Edited by webruce

Jay Lee's sister Natalie's ex Evan Rusk is missing, later found dead. Wonder if he wasn't related to a Detective would they have had a reason to think it was more then just a hooker robbery and murder?? As usual Carrie Wells is over confident, just daring the counterfeiters to do something to her. Al being caught as her partner probably would have gotten one or both killed. I would think Professional Assassin Padma Jindal would have seen something fishy. Maybe not the thugs, Bennie and Abe. Carrie saved Jenny from getting shot like 2 times. So the other girls, Jenny Shaw, Kristen Goren, Sophie Deturles and Olivia Warring weren't actually part of the team? They were forced or hired to help? Padma shot the gun salesman so surprised she showed such restrain with Carrie. He was just a crooked businessman. So her numbers were more important then the rest. Will they have more problems with the "Red Door" group?

It seemed that last season Al Burns and Carrie were closer then now. They are back to like in season 1.But Jo Webster and Simms both asked about a relationship between Al and Carrie. Al did get jealous of Secret Service Francis Simms flirting with Carrie. But she flirted back, a lot. Al would change the subject if asked about them. Carrie having to burn the counterfeit money at end was funny.

So Carrie is a boxer too. Did I detect Al rolling his eyes at other characters' observations about her specialness? Or was that actor Dylan Walsh's reaction? Or maybe the director was using Dylan's character to express his own eye rolling over this plot convenience. And given how many times her specialness was remarked upon, likely the writers were rolling their eyes too.

Anyway, kudos to the show for having the romantic triangle guy and Carrie carrying on off screen. Other shows should take note. This way they get the inevitable effect of Carrie and Al finally realizing how perfect they are for each other without having to spend precious screen time developing and disposing of Mr. Dreamy Plot Device.

  • Love 1

Al is always rolling his eyes about Carrie's compliments; last show it was she's not special it's genetics!  This was like the saddest plot ever - wow.  Kills his brother, trainer, miscarriage...fight....show's rarely this dark with a completely unexpected bad guy. 


I think it's cool when they do things like recreate the street scene as it was with the vendors from her mind, and Jay is invaluable to the show's cool factor. But wow, that's the most Al alone on the case I've seen since the show started.  Odd.


The BIG thing for me though - is how in the world did her face get halved thin??  Wow, she dropped 30 pounds since this season started, somehow lipoed her face? Because in the interrogation room her cheekbones could cut glass.  Amazing even if she is still in flowly tops.


And, I guess there she'll stay since she just announced a 3rd preganancy.  It's imprinted on my mind, and I'm a girl :) when she wore the silver dress to the gambling party.  Still, unless it was editing or photoshop this is the thinnest I've ever seen her face, even in the blonde role on Missing Without a Trace.

  • Love 1

Yes, that really rang off tune to me since Dallas Robert's character was fairly insecure the whole first season.  Even the way he carries himself and the suit fit is different.  Different facial expressions to. 


The Jane Curtin casting was pretty genius but wow, does she ever open her eyes wide and then even wider!  Jay's the best at that role I've ever seen - compared to Eric on NCIS LA, the guy on Blacklist, all of em.  He rocks!  He's even with the blonde girl on Criminal Minds I'd say, and he's a newbie!


Poppy announded it on late night if the commercial - or maybe Yahoo blurb -  I saw was correct; but I mean just the difference from the last show to this one is amazing.  I love her but she had to have done something to her face - and boy I wish I could do it, too.  She's just stunning.  Easily as pretty if not prettier than Angelina Jolie and always has been.


Glad to know someone else out there is watching :)

  • Love 1

Jay's the best at that role I've ever seen - compared to Eric on NCIS LA, the guy on Blacklist, all of em.  He rocks!

I love his Brooklyn accent. It's not harsh like some.

And, yes, Poppy just announced her 3rd pregnancy: http://www.eonline.com/news/558414/poppy-montgomery-reveals-she-s-pregnant-with-a-baby-boy

I wonder where they're at with the shooting schedule and how this will effect the show. I mean, they can't very well pull an X-Files and have her abducted by space aliens LOL.

  • Love 1

Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention, but it seemed like there were some loose ends left at the end.

Like wouldn't Carrie and Al have wanted to hear what Al's NSA lady friend was going to ask the head of the network that was involve in the scandal that got 2 people killed rather than play darts? Or were we supposed to infer from that, that it was all BS?

And what about the blonde ponytail who represented the unknown group that just wanted to be sure the military bigwig didn't get confirmed to some more powerful position? And what about the thing he was involved with that he said they'd hear about (presumably on the news) soon????

And maybe it's because Breaking Bad was so well crafted that I never forgot any of it, but was anyone (all 2 or 3 of us posting here) else sure those were just red laser pointers and not weapons trained on Carrie like Badger and Skinny Pete did at the end of the BrBa series?

This was the first episode MrTrey and I have ever seen of this show.  I liked it well enough, seems to be the sort of mindless procedural we enjoy:)  I like Dylan Walsh but Poppy's character really grated.


I agree, there were lots of loose ends.  The military bigwig seemed to be a decent sort so I don't know why blonde ponytail's group didn't want him in a powerful position.  Or were they supposed to be bad guys?

Continuity was all over the place this ep. so yeah, I don't know about the overall plot arc.  Thought Al was really keeping his distance from someone so seemingly enamoured of him, and fab beautiful to boot - but I thought they didn't listen to the tv interview because anything Elliot says is going to be irrelevant BS/sucking up  in their eyes.  :)


I love Poppy's voice as much as anything; it's like when she speaks you expect it to be loud from her physicality and then it's so almost hushed and well modulated.  Weird, but cool.  And I wondered the same about laser lights....who knows if they'll follow this up or move on.


It really chapped my rear that that guy would call newswomen "haircuts!"  That's about the most emotion I got out of this one. 


When Carrie recognizes a murdered city official as someone she played poker with at an underground casino, she puts her career on the line by admitting her illegal activities and volunteers to go back to the tables undercover.

Season 1, episode 10, "Trajectories," Carrie was playing underground poker. I don't recall, but didn't at least Al find out?



After seeing the episode:

Lots of shots of her baby bump and it's only episode 4.

Edited by shapeshifter

So is that why Al was working with Murray and Jay more?? Carrie is pregnant? So we will see lots of loose clothes and sitting behind a computer or desk, and hiding behind half walls? On Numb3rs and The Mentalist I saw a lot of that. I liked the idea on NCIS:LA better, they filmed alot of Kensi's parts before she showed to much, and in baggy Military Uniforms. Interesting to see what happens. Maybe she will explain it as her dating the Secret Service Agent Francis Simms. I to like that they talk about him and her doing stuff. Some of the other shows I watch don't mention someone off the screen and then all of a sudden this big romance has supposed to have been brewing. So tell us little things then. They showed last week how much flirting they both did.

I was surprised Eliot was so tight with Rapper/Promoter Andre AK Kade. Then when we findout he is having an affair with Mob wife Megi Dervishi. I wondered if something had transpired between him and the family or Johnny. Thought maybe even the Tv show Producer Troy, had something to do with the murder. Then they also throw in that Anna McGraw being pregnant. And her being Casey's daughter and Johnny's gf threw in another twist. But it got me wqen Carrie was after Mr. J.Parkers "Bonnie" and "Clyde" weapons.

Was thinking at first when they said that the dead boxer Johnny D'Amato had a father in another town and a brother Bobby that one may have something to do with it. But when we find the father has been MIA and the bro was also wasn't around that something was up. But for awhile Bobby was cleared in my mind when he came with the baseball bat and wanted to hit some wanna be TV star Crime Families blocks off. But Bobbie being not taken up as Casey's boxer and then being dropped from the Gym deal and not being able to use Johnny's money drove him over the edge???

I was surprised Murray went to talk to trainer Casey McGraw alone ,especially when they again think he maybe the killer. They could have had her meet a Patrol Car there atleast. It would be nice for her to work with Carrie too. Al working with her was nice. Then Al crossing with Jay in the squad room. The back and forth about Boxing vs. MMA was kinda cute.

At the end with Al and Carrie squaring off it looked like the ending where Apollo Creed and Rocky squared off. Ok episode!

So Carrie is a boxer too. Did I detect Al rolling his eyes at other characters' observations about her specialness? Or was that actor Dylan Walsh's reaction? Or maybe the director was using Dylan's character to express his own eye rolling over this plot convenience. And given how many times her specialness was remarked upon, likely the writers were rolling their eyes too.

I suspect that this is why the show still rolls. Because Lets be honest, beside Carrie charm there isn't much memorable about the show, and the way she is being cast as a 'tom boy'**, I suspect that its target audience is young female. 


** a very juvenile and insecure one, i might add. Considering Carrie over the top showing off and turning everything into a competition.

  • Love 3

Well this week Agent Francis Simms is back. But Al is not out done by the visit of Lt. Colonal Emily Connors. Their relationship didn't seem as flirtacious and sexual like Carrie and Simms. But I think Al had his mind on the case more. So he had times when he was with Emily that his mind was distant. Wonder what will happen now that she is on the News program?

The plot was a bit confusing at first. The NSA guy Calvin Claridge being charged with fake emails of love messages. Then News woman Annabel Parker being lauded then goes to room to be killed. The left handed part was good, but isn't always the answer I bet. Some must shoot up with the weakhand. But we wouldn't have as much of a story would we.

So the meeting in the dark with the lady with the red laser sights associates, she was Casper? Will we see her again and what Agency does she work for?? Surprised Carrie met alone. I know Al was close but. Jay and Murray should have been near also.

Was nice that Al got to talk to Calvin Claridge and clear that up. So he didn't look like another corrupt Government Official. But I figured that both Al and Carries contacts would have to come up with some answers. But now that leaves former FBI Murray, tech Wiz Jay and "uppity up elbow ruber" Eliot out in the cold. LOL

Definately thought somethign was going to be up with Matt when we saw him answering messages when Carrie went to the station to find info. on what Parker was doing. But also ofcourse it was Donovan Gates and Pemberton Ward made me think they were bad. Carrie getting the call on her personal phone. The girl made her think she was in trouble and Carrie should leave her alone. Seemed to confuse me over all the agencys and people.

Pemberton Ward looked familiar to me. He played Officer Laskey on Person Of Interest!


Carrie knows all the kids names in the park. Lulu asking if she was a witch? Her replay, "That would depend on who you ask!": lol Very true I guess. Commisoner Scott Standley being murdered made me tihnk at first it was his employees, Larry Boreman or Suzie Hochen. But with us seeing Larry finding him it is hard to say he did it. It was for the cameras benefit not someone elses. But finding out that carrie knew him from a Poker Game made us know that she would go undercover. I do remember as we see in her memory that she was in a card game on a previous episode. Maybe Season 2? Al and Eliot trying to help her kick that addiction is good. And Eliot whispering that he can't cover for her forever. So I guess we will have an episode that she gets in trouble? Or will it be her talking about getting help. We saw this season on L&O:SVU where Rollins had the gambling problem she is working on stopping. Observent Carrie spotted the enterance to the back room Casino pretty easily.

Molly MicGinty who led them in, I at first didn't suspect her. I figured she was just like she had told Al in the diner. She owed them and was scared of Dean Gray and "Germ" Charlie Thornton. The was Germ and Carrie bantered at the Poker Table I figured he had more to do than just being a patron. came into play later. Was the photo machine supposed to have their faces on record so the Casino could use it to find out more info? When Charlie Newman(Al) talked to Gray about his "marker" and Dean told him about false names, I thought maybe he suspected Al. Cindy Campbell (Carrie) kept calling Al "daddy". I know he was supposed to be her sugar daddy. I was surprised Murray was outside in the car alone. I don't think Al and Carrie were packing. I know Jay had to be at HQ to watch and listen. They should have had it stated that SWAT or PD was parked up the street to or something. Or they need a couple part time Detectives to help out like that.

Like on The Mentalist, they had CBI Ron and CBI Karl. Between them they were only on 19 episodes(out of 139) but were there when needed to back someone up or deliver a suspect or files.

It took a bit to understand that Kirby Monroe(sunglasses guy) was using Gray to pressure Standley to put the subway extension though land he bought on Wolcott St. But instead Standley went with the better Carrol St. They didn't go deep enough into that to make it stand out. So he was killed over making the right choice. Molly came on my radar after they had said she was going to help Al. Either her in alone would get her bumbling and nervous and Al/Carrie would have to save her, or she was in on it.

The call to PD made it seem like they had someone on law enforcement. Maybe they did. But when Al/Carrie go to Lonnegans' to get her and the file out I knew something was up. I thought the room was empty. They go in and first room was storage then you find the game room is still there. I thought it would have been moved out and storage room again. When Molly fell after we see Gray dead and Germ shooting it out with them I thought she had to have something to do with it. Then we see Carrie rendering her memories. I was surprised though that when shots were fired, either SWAT would hear it and rush in, or Al would call to get them in there.

They could have come in first to like they did sometimes on CSI:NY along with Al and Carrie. I also had hoped that when Molly ran out with the bar patrons that instead of Carrie running after her that Murray could have snagged her even if she had to wait for Carrie to yell to stop her. But Al got there quick when Molly and her Guard got in her Caddy. Again surprised other officers were not in persuit.

Also was funny at end that Carrie again didn't like to give back the money used in a sting. Previously, Simms made her burn the money she got from the Counterfeiters. But I didn't get the arm wrestling match for charity or Caribbean Cruise with her winnings. It was more like holding hands as Carrie pointed out. Maybe with out Simms around, Carrie sees that they are good together? Or did she know that Al was right on where it should go?

Thanks Shapeshirter that does answer one of my questions.

Edited by webruce

Just saw this episode off the CBS website (this show is really urgent viewing for me, can't you tell?).


Hey, did you guys know Carrie remembers everything? Surely not because it's been five minutes since we last reminded you. Let's have Carrie demonstrate it again just to be sure. Isn't she so cute when she's proving how superior she is to all of us? Let's take a moment to stand here and admire her brilliance!


Also, the cooking couple acting all happy and cutesy for their show right after the explosion was kind of offputting. If I were a viewer of the show, I would actually find it highly inappropriate. Did we ever find out whether the wife was involved at all or was it just the one jilted lover who was acting on his own?

  • Love 1


Did we ever find out whether the wife was involved at all or was it just the one jilted lover who was acting on his own?

I'm pretty sure it was just the jilted lover, not the wife.  She did tell Carrie and Al that her husband was worth more alive than dead when they mentioned the insurance policy and how rich she'd be if he were dead.

Edited by Trey
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Thanks for starting the thread, @Kromm

Contrived is par for the course on crime shows, and this episode may have been a little more so, but my top pick adjective would be convoluted.

Because my memory isn't great:

Carrie conducts an investigation off the books when Al becomes the prime suspect in the murder of a parolee he helped put away.

I did like the scene in the elevator with Eliot and Carrie after he "fired" her.

Why would Carrie, for whom remembering is like breathing, be good at helping people remember things?

Why would Carrie, for whom remembering is like breathing, be good at helping people remember things?

She wouldn't. And to add to the level of BS, them having her do this is a repeat of something they did in a previous season (several times in fact), so not only is it contrived, it's unoriginal (and Al acting like this is such a surprise to him is also BS, since he's been the subject of one of her Memory Whisperer sessions in the past)

I liked it, it's no more far fetched than say, NCIS. My boyfriend compares it to Castle - it's not nearly that dumb. Al and Carrie manage to seem like they care about dead people for the most part.  Plus Al is like 1000 times more manly than Castle - he was whaling on that guy once he managed to get on top.  They just always seem like the real deal - him a tough dectective with a soft spot for a redhead, and Carrie managing to live with a condition and turn it to where it actually helps people whilst not driving her crazy.


Always love Jane Curtin too...the whatever it was - Columbo? Terminator? of ME's. ha!


 Thought the shank scene in prison with Al was ALL THAT, and that Carrie winning the patriarch's trust was touching.  Al's continually surprised because for him what Carrie does is really unimaginable - as it would be for all of us.  Love their relationship, loved Elliot, and his head turns to the side with his nose up;  loved Jay staying quiet! 


Loved the cupcake.  It was fun.  Next week's looks good. 

Edited by Jlina
  • Love 2

I liked it too. 


I think what I dislike about Carrie is not the memory thing but all the flirtiness with every guy who comes along and that was absent in this episode.  So it was all business getting Al cleared. 


I'm glad the cop family was not involved in the frame and that the father finally listened to Carrie.


I thought Al looked more beat-up when he came back to work than he did right after the fight in the jail cell.

  • Love 3


I thought Al looked more beat-up when he came back to work




I noticed that too - and it was probably realistic so that was cool.  The day of the fight all the bruising hasn't shown up yet (?)...but a day or two  later he was looking like one would expect...


Al certainly has Carrie's number on the flirting thing.."I was in love....with a blonde in evidence."  LOL


I have remarked before on how her voice is at such odds with her pysicality - she usually looks like she wants to punch something and is pretty abrupt in her movements but always has that soft modulated voice, esp. around men.  And when most people would get shrill she gets more soft and slow...it's some kind of manipulation thing.  Like her looks aint enough.  :)

Edited by Jlina
  • Love 1

I liked it, it's no more far fetched than say, NCIS. My boyfriend compares it to Castle - it's not nearly that dumb. Al and Carrie manage to seem like they care about dead people for the most part.  Plus Al is like 1000 times more manly than Castle - he was whaling on that guy once he managed to get on top.  They just always seem like the real deal - him a tough dectective with a soft spot for a redhead, and Carrie managing to live with a condition and turn it to where it actually helps people whilst not driving her crazy.


I often wish Poppy had been cast as Beckett instead of Stana Katic.  She would have been perfect.  I was once a huge Castle fan.  Now, I'm loving other shows more.  And I don't think it's the writing as much as the acting -- AWKWARD. Actually, really I'd also love Dylan Walsh as Castle. 


But yeah, 3x06 was a bit far-fetched as episodes go, but still very entertaining.  I don't know any TV shows that are super realistic.

  • Love 1

Well first off I saw Carrie and the Retirees trying to confuse her with the lunch menu.It was cute to talk with, Phyliss, Barry, Abner, Gerti, Florance and Harold. How though did she figure Barry Linus didn't eat his 2nd pickle? Because he was a person that took stuff home to his wife Doris, or he said she also like pickles, or his diet didn't allow him to eat 2 a day?? Not sure, but it was cute. Hopefully we see them again, maybe even to help solve a crime??

Felt real bad for little Stevie Callahan when his father Duke was found dead in the laundry room. A Coast Guard case, then call NCIS, lol. I figured that it would come down to Stevie telling Carrie clues, like the kids would have toldl H. on CSI:Miami and a couple other shows. But it was the clues that Carrie saw that helped. I didn't see the yacht picture under the coloring the first time. The C-4 playdo really made them worry.

Well it is nice to see Jay and Murray go with Al on a meeting to talk to a suspect. I would like to see Carrie and Jay or Murray too. Like they do on Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, and CSI where they mix up the teams. Murray tried to use soem of her connections.

Carrie flirting again. She likes Coast Guard Agent Charles Sewell. They flirt back and forth. Her calling him Chuck. She said: "Thanks Chuck!" Al asking,"Chuck??" lol. And she said, "I like the cut of his jib!". It was nice that he talked to Al about going fishing together. But we find out she was trying to make Al jelious. And was happy when he was a little. So was that some tihng with Agent Simms? Even though they have actually dated and more.

Iron Chefs Marco and Juliana Lantini were on my suspect list. She just acted strange, and the actor for him usually seems to play jerks or bad guys. But to be the victim, after Duke Callahan and Chef Taro Yemato, I wasn't sure who the killer would be. Wasn't sure about Zenji Siomi the business man they interviewed. Will we see him again? Juliana telling Al and Carrie that her husbands past was behind him, and Carrie replying "How Far?" was funny. But to be a fan of wife Juliana, Robert Singh was no one I suspected. And to have his wife Gila, moving him out that quick, there must have been problems before. The back end of the boat blowing off was strange. Then Carrie haveing to tell the Coast Guard's Sewell where to look in the wreckage was strange. Maybe he needs more training. He then pulled his divers, how deep was it?? Lucky Singh wore the bright red shoes and had the green Patch on his back pack, or Carrie might not have figured it out from the videos. He was both a former Chef and Coast Guard member. Convienent! But it definatelty had a lot of suspects. It was a decent episode.

Edited by webruce

When one of Eliot's oldest friends, the campaign manager for a mayoral candidate, is murdered, he is forced to face his past and current demons as Carrie and Al work to uncover the killer.

Editing to add: According to CBS on Twitter:

Due 2 live extended coverage of PGA Golf Championship, #BB16 start time tonite 10pmET/8pmPT,NO #Unforgettable,NO #Reckless in any Time Zones

And "that's all she wrote."

Hope it's okay I'm starting this thread. A mod on another board said they're going to be merging threads on boards with few posts. Personally, I like the separate threads but am grateful just to have a place at the table.

Anyway, sounds like an interesting episode.

And here's a definition from Urban Dictionary for "throwing shade":

to talk trash about a friend or aquaintance, to publicly denounce or disrespect. When throwing shade it's immediately obvious to on-lookers that the thrower, and not the throwee, is the bitcy, uncool one

"How does Kimmy keep any friends? Last night at the party all she did was throw shade at people."

Edited by shapeshifter
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