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S27.E05: A House Divided / S27.E06: Dirty Little Secret

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Add me to the list of people who are waiting not so patiently for CT :-) 


Adioss Nany. She annoyed the crap out of me this season. I actually liked the Twins because they didn't take any crap from her. Nany is the perfect example of someone who can dish it but can't take it. 


Aneesa just looks so pathetic but I was so surprised that she seemed remorseful about her ridiculous treatment of KA at the bar. This is what happens when mean girls grow up, methinks. It was annoying and juvenile. KA also should have apologized for her black comment, she was OK during the fight til then but I think she was drunk and just lost it with Aneesa coming at her so much. Still wrong to say though. 


Love Abe, hope he doesn't kill Thomas but CM really should have said something by now. LOL. If John says something he is officially the biggest shit stirring whiny baby ever in the history of life. Oh, and you had to vote in Nany because your bitch ass GF would be mad? LOL! He really is spineless. Him and Nany totally were hooking up in the Exile so its funny to see real life animosity carry over. 

Edited by yogi2014L
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Aneesa just looks so pathetic but I was so surprised that she seemed remorseful about her ridiculous treatment of KA at the bar. This is what happens when mean girls grow up, methinks.



I agree! She could have hung KA out to dry with her "black skin" comment, and let everyone focus on that (while I think there may be a few closet racists in that bunch, no one is going to say so out loud- except maybe Jenna), but instead, she seemed to honestly recognize how awful her own behavior was, and that whatever KA said or did, Aneesa is still responsible for her own actions. That made me like her a little more. I also appreciated her self deprecation when she interviewed about how dead she would have been in an endurance challenge against KA.


The most annoying thing about Aneesa is how she acts like because she's done a ton of these challenges (and lost every time) she should be so respected and feared. Um, if someone has worked for a company for 15 years and has been consistently passed over for promotions due to their performance issues, that's SAD, not respectable. Aneesa is not a physically good competitor (only her size helps her in one on one eliminations) or very good at politicking.

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so in two weeks, we've had 4 teams go home (net bec Abram & co came in). How short will this season be? I don't recall many times that they've continued on the elimination process when folks left unexpectedly, probably due to set schedules for shooting. Kind of odd. If they continue on this path of newbies that I don't care about (probably necessary because everyone else is aging out), I can't see myself watching many more seasons. 


Aneesa has never acted like this before and she has seen the results of Challenge hookups for over a decade now. I wonder if she was going through something or what. Did she really have some deep connection with Cory that we just didn't see? It's so odd. 

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Abram interviewed that he worked hard to portray himself as a crazy person, and in his own words, "apparently, it worked."


So is he crazy?  Not crazy?  Giving us a long-term, Oscar-worthy performance of a crazy person?  Is he really completely calm, gentle and rational, and is laughing at everyone who ever called him crazy?  Is he crazy and just doesn't know it?


I don't know, but every time he's on the screen, I can't take my eyes off of him.  I love his hatred of John.  I hold out much hope that Abram and CT join (crazy) forces and reduce Johnny Bananas to a mushy pile of banana tears.

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Not sure if it's been mentioned here but Cara admitted to cheating on Abe with Thomas on Twitter and asked for forgiveness though she says they only made out. Interestingly, she hasn't posted any pictures of/with Abe in 6 weeks. Not sure if they broke up or not, just interesting. Clearly went beyond "flirting" to stay in the game, have to feel bad for the guy.

Hell, in what world is "making out" just flirting?


Can't imagine anyone who isn't in an open relationship being ok with even kissing another person.


Not sure what the hell CM was thinking....other than maybe she WANTED to end her relationship with Abe (maybe subconsciously?).


Knowing all this now, I am finding it hard to root for her and she has always been my favorite girl in these challenges.

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Hello all!  I've been a loooong time lurker (since the TWoP days), but today is the day I felt compelled to make an account and my first post!  So, while I've pretty much given up on MTV programming since, well, becoming an adult; I can't quit the Challenge.  It's my guilty pleasure.  Abe and all of his cray has been one of my favorite Challengers since his infamous threesome scene back in (I think) the Gauntlet; and I'll admit I have an irrational attraction to him (I know folks, I know - it's shameful) because he resembles Mr. AngryCarrot (sans poor tattoo choices) and because I thought he was so sweet to CM back on Cutthroat when nobody else wanted to bother with her. 


Now that my confession is out of the way, I have to say I'm SO disappointed with how CM is behaving this challenge.  I was REALLY rooting for her to win, but I just can't now.  I'm wondering if her actions reflect a subconscious desire to perhaps recreate her experience on Cutthroat.  She met Abe, aligned herself with him by being romantically involved, and made it to the final.  CM is NOT a weak competitor, so I found it odd that her strategy was "flirting her way to the top".  Maybe she thought that since it worked for her in the past, it would work again.  Normally I'd say do whatever, as long as your shenanigans entertain me, but she's really hurting Abe in the process.  I watch both CM and Abe's YouTube channels, and I get the impression they may have had an open relationship in the past, but they certainly have been exclusive for quite some time now.  I also get the impression they are both very mentally fragile, albeit in different ways.  Abe seems to be head over heels in love with CM, I can only imagine his crazy would go over the deep end over all of this. 

I'm not mad, CM.  Just disappointed.

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I would agree that Abe and CM's relationship is unhealthy. CM has some older videos on YouTube highlighting some of their quarrels, and they're downright disturbing. There's one in particular where Abe is burning money, and CM is heard in the background saying he needs that money for his attorney. Tensions were high, and I was scared just watching it. I can only assume this was shortly after the poo flinging incident. Anyway, regardless of how stable or unhealthy their relationship was at the time this was filmed, CM should not have "flirted" aka cheated on national television for all to see; not to mention she of all people knows that Abe is not likely to react in a rational manner, whatsoever. If she didn't want to be in that relationship, there were better ways to end it.

I can't help it. I feel bad for Abe. He's nuts, no doubt. But if loving Abe is wrong, I don't want to be right ;)

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I wonder if Cara almost purposely got involved with Thomas to force the breakup issue with Abe later on. Maybe she couldn't break away on her own & her whole approach to Thomas was to put out there on film something that she wouldn't be able to wiggle out of later. Sort of a self-sabotage on purpose.


Cara has been a strong competitor her last few challenges & she really didn't need the alliance with Thomas

& his brother to help her make it to the end. Her reasoning on this feels really false.

Edited by kat165

I wonder if Cara almost purposely got involved with Thomas to force the breakup issue with Abe later on. Maybe she couldn't break away on her own & her whole approach to Thomas was to put out there on film something that she wouldn't be able to wiggle out of later. Sort of a self-sabotage on purpose.


Cara has been a strong competitor her last few challenges & she really didn't need the alliance with Thomas

& his brother to help her make it to the end. Her reasoning on this feels really false.


Yes she has been a strong competitor, in terms of the actual challenge activities, but she hasn't done well at the social game at all.  The flirting (and subsequent involvement) with Thomas was about aligning herself with someone to try and stay protected from the elimination rounds.  And, honestly, until Abe showed up and blew it all up, it was a smart move.  She had to pick someone outside of John's alliance, because she knows that, even if she did suck it up and agree to join in with him (which, given how few allies he had this time around, he would have welcomed), she would always be fodder for him to get rid of once he ran out of non-alliance cast members to throw in.  Since this was the first season where there were a credible number of non-Bananas groupies to counter him, latching on to one of the rookies was a smart move.  

I just watched all 4 episodes in a row, so they are all jumbled in my head right. I apologize if something I mention is from the previous epi.

I don't understand why the rookie guys went against their plan to vote in Johhny's cousin or someone else from his alliance, but instead went for Mike (? I think that's Abe's brother's name). They proved what chickenshits they were by not having the balls to follow through.

And did Cory really think that Aneesa was going to vote his way? He was such a dick. I thought he was attractive up until he started taking about not giving a shit about them hoes or I'm tired of that bitch cause she knows I have a girlfriend. Ugh! He literally morphed into quasimodo right before my eyes. I was like, "why is his head so big and his eye so wonky...gross." lol.

Wow. Nicole looks like a completely different person without makeup. It took me a minute and a rewind to figure out who she was.

 I was so confused as to why there was a stranger in the room all up in the conversation between Nany and Johnny. I wondered if they brought someone in from off the street, if a producer was hanging out. And then she spoke and I was so shocked. Dark skin, brown eyes, no eyelashes.......she really was a different person. I wonder if her passport/ID has her original face and eyes or her new ones. Cause I get looked at twice just because my hair is very different. Can't imagine what they do when you show up with a different face!

Dammit why couldn't Wes be on this season? The look on his face when Abram showed up would have been priceless.

If they were in the same place, there would be a rupture in the fabric of the space-time continuum! I can't remember, have they been on a challenge at the same time?
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Hee, I love the "Abe and Wes are possibly the same person" jokes. Although similar in body type and hair, I don't actually think they look alike and although neither is my cup of tea, I'd be super insulted if I were Abe. Wes is quite possibly the least attractive BMPer ever. Abe has gone to great lengths to make himself as ugly as possible with the weight gain and stupid tattoos and he's STILL better looking than Wes. I loved the comment back on TWoP that likened Wes to a rusty marshmellow.

I don't recall a challenge they appeared together, anyone else?

Eta: they were both on original battle of the exes.

Edited by Tatum
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