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Supergirl Quotes

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Kara: I could throw her into space, you know. I dream about doing that.


Hank: As effective as kicking and punching is, the next time you're angry, let's have coffee.


Cat: Toyman Junior, you're the computer expert. Fix this.

Winn: I definitely liked it better when she had no idea who I was.


Siobhan: You tell anyone about his, I'll kill you.

Winn: You threaten to kill me a lot.


Cat: Cancel my plans. I'm going home to hug my son and cook him a chicken.

(Did I hallucinate that last half?)

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Kara: Last night I helped a family assemble their Ikea table. It's still not enough.

Barry: Oh, so we both have Mariah Carey. That's...something.

Barry: Speaking was the wrong choice. I see that now.
Cat: Standing there doing nothing like that, you look like the attractive yet non threatening racially diverse caat of a CW show

Livewire: Like an evil Taylor Swift squad?

Barry: What do you say we step away from the nice lady? Settle this like women. What? There's more of you guys here than me.

Edited by bettername2come
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Winn: Jealousy, thy name is Olsen.


Barry: I have traveled through time before by accident --

Winn: -- That's cool --

Barry: But I've never jumped parallel dimensions without meaning to so...


Barry: I have to get somewhere around 10,000 calories a day --

Winn: Oh, Yeah, you definitely met the right girl.

Kara: You like donuts?

Edited by JustaPerson
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Barry: I have to get somewhere around 10,000 calories a day --

Winn: Oh, Yeah, you definitely met the right girl.

Kara: You like donuts?


Barry: Who doesn't like donuts?


*phone buzzes*

Cat: So you do have a cell phone. Can I get that number, please?

Supergirl: Superman!

Cat: Ooh, can I get his number as well?

Edited by bettername2come
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I may be the only person amused by this one, but...

Kara: (looking out over the city) There's that bar where that guy cards me all the time. He knows how old I am.


Winn: Who names their snake Fluffy?!!

Edited by bettername2come
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James: It says here Cat used the corporate jet - 

Kara: Which is hers.

James: - to go to Burning Man last year.

Winn: Gross. I know what happens there.


Kara: How bad is it?

James: I mean, I'm compiling a master list but it's always this strange, weird stuff like the fact that Cat invested in Jekyll and Hyde : The Musical...

Cat: (scoffs) I still maintain that it was an excellent score.

James: Has sent in an audition tape to be on Undercover Boss... 

Cat: Years ago, and only because Anderson Cooper dared me to.

James: And there are 317 e-mails referring to Lois Lane as a...

Cat: Oh, please. I call her that to her face and worse.


Winn: God, I'm enjoying corporate espionage, like, a little too much.


Cat: If I wanted to have sex with a Beach Boy, I'd still be sleeping with John Stamos. Do you really think I need to pay for it?

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Cat: Now, look, I'm not immune to the allure of James Olsen wearing a shirt that is unbuttoned one too many. But a woman with brains who gives up everything for love inevitably finds herself staring into an existential abyss that men, babies and cardio bars simply cannot fill. You are a smart and accomplished woman who needs to work, or you will lose your confidence, your sense of identity, and most importantly, your mind.

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Superman to Metallo (who's probably dead because Martian Manhunter ripped his heart out and everything): "Now we’re going to give you a little time out and you’re going to think about what you did".

Cat: "Oh, watching Clark Kent walk away is like transcendental meditation. And all of your worries, all of your concerns in life, they just fall away."

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8 hours ago, Jediknight said:

Superman: "See, now if the bullets don't work, right, why the punching?  Never understood that."

I do love the slightly mischievous edge and sense of humor that they've given this version of Superman, and it's clear that Kara has some of it as well. And yes, that's a good question.  If these petty crooks know anything at all about these two, they know that they're invulnerable and that normal means of repelling cops (bullets, knives and fisticuffs) simply won't work -- yet their first instinct is ALWAYS to try to take Superman and Supergirl out by using one of those methods.  As Kal said, I've never understood that.

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4 hours ago, CooperTV said:

Cat: "Oh, watching Clark Kent walk away is like transcendental meditation. And all of your worries, all of your concerns in life, they just fall away."

And the look of utter discomfort / grossed-out-ness on Kara's face while she has to listen to it!

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Jonn: I offered to meld with her in the Martian way.

Kara: But you guys just met.

Jonn: Psychically, Kara!


Winn: Nothing! I'm not hungover! You're the one being defensive!


Jonn: Apparently this alien had a 5'2" sidekick.

Winn: I am 5'9"!


Lena Luthor's annoyed assistant: She's so fast!

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The best part of that was that they were TOTALLY going in for another kiss before he interrupted! Heh.

Kara: When I write, I don’t need a yellow sun. It’s just me. Supergirl is what I can do. Kara is who I am. [Nice shout-out to Lois & Clark, and refocusing on Kara!]

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Winn: Woman, you are She-Hulk!


Winn: When a beautiful woman asks you to do something, you've gotta do it! You know!


Mon-El's hookup: Please don't leave me!

Mon-El's bodyguard: Leave her! Come on!


Winn: She femme fetaled me!

Alex: Well, you have a type.


Winn: I have the bruises. Wonderful bruises.

Alex: Please don't point to where they are.


Kara: Superfriends! Back in the habit!


Kara: I'm ready to Nancy Drew the crap out of this!

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4 hours ago, bettername2come said:

Kara: Superfriends! Back in the habit!

Loved this one because it was a reference to Sister Act 2, which is musical-adjacent. Also that it acknowledged that Kara/James/Winn used to be a team.

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Mon - El: I just lost you and I don't want to lose you again. That would not be palatable.

Winn: That's a very culinary word choice.

Mon-El: I cook now!


Mon-El: I'm a mixologist. It is an artistic profession in the medium of preparing alcoholic beverages and it is very honorable.


Alien: I know more than you can imagine.

Winn: Oh, yeah, except for the difference between a gun and a stapler!


Mon-El: I'm reading this play Ro-Mayo and Juliet.


Mon-El: Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?

Winn: You finally saw Star Wars!

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Cat, about the President: 

She was my RA at Radcliffe and I'm having this vague memory of walking into the dorm bathroom and seeing ET in a bathrobe and I thought it was the pot brownies but now I'm realizing it was actually ET.

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From the premiere:

Winn: "[Kara] goes from being little Miss Sunshine to... well, Alex, basically."
Alex: "What? I'm not like that!"
J'onn: "Come on Alex, Your unrelenting seriousness is one of your best qualities."
Alex: "I'm not like that- I'm not!!"

Lena:"I hate that sentient bottle of cheap cologne."

Winn: "You two are my favorite couple-"
Alex: "Winn, shut up!"
Maggie: "Winn, get off the comms!"

Alex: "Stop- don't cry. If you cry, I'm gonna cry, and then everyone here is gonna know that we can cry."


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