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Yet if you go by the comments on social media that are overwhelmingly pro JJ. I guess her fans just happen to be a lot more vocal.

And while I believe most of AJ/JJ's fans are decent and considerate, there is also a fraction of them who want to try and stifle any sort of criticism of AJ/JJ.

Now they've been rather successful with twitter, thanks in part to the CM writers. They haven't quite been as successful with Facebook, although there isn't a whole lot of criticism of her there either.


I did get royally pissed off one day while on CM's official FaceBook when I saw where one of JJ's fans was trying to silence anyone who was being critical of the actress and her character.I was tempted to ask them just who the hell did they think they were and what gave them the right to try and silence other people.

Now I have no problem with anyone who loves JJ wanting to defend her,but those wanting to silence any sort of criticism towards her are a different story altogether. 

  • Love 5

Since I cut my cable last summer I've been binge watching this show, which I'd never seen before. And I really love it.


But on the other side of the "age" equation, one thing baffles me about this show: how OLD the non-main-character actors and actresses playing kids are. I understand that shows cheat on ages, and that the ages of the main characters' kids have to be set. But this show has the biggest discrepancies I've seen. Why, when the age of a one-off character can be anything, does this show make them so young and then use actors and actresses who are half again as old as they're supposed to be? I'm watching "The Return" and there's a woman at a diner with her "seven year old daughter" (and the kid was turning seven THAT DAY, even). The actress had to be eleven or twelve. If the show isn't willing to cast a young actress, then why put an age to the kid at all? Giving a kid a stuffed animal to carry doesn't disguise the fact that she's shoulder-height to the woman playing her mother. 

  • Love 2

LOL. That reminds me of one of the season 6 episodes (I think Safe Haven) where they cast a guy who looked like he was in his 20s to play 14 or something-- and he didn't look under 18 at all. 


I looked it up, zaneej, and the actor who played Jeremy in Safe Haven is Sterling Beaumon, who was born in '95, so he'd have been fifteen or sixteen when the episode first aired. He had a similar role on SVU, where he played a teenager who'd been molested and eventually killed the woman who did it.

  • Love 1
Granted, CM has showcased such people, angels of "mercy," injustice collectors, depressives who have broken. A profiler could break and become a killer; Elle did. But she didn't become a serial killer, logically speaking (we would know, because she would have shown up on their radar), she left. There was no cooling off and murdering again for her, no compulsion to murder. The more likely exemplar is Gideon, who broke, and very likely was suicidal, if he didn't really kill himself. The soul-wasting result of burnout of a profiler would more likely be suicide than murder, much less, serial murder.


I put this here because I think it belongs here instead of in the episode thread.


To an extent, I think there is such a thing as reaching your breaking point, and that's what happened to Elle. Having been driven beyond her limit, she snapped, but as she told Hotch later, "Not everyone is an UnSub." I don't think she was going to go vigilante. She'd killed the one person she felt she "needed" to kill, and that was the end of it.


Gideon? Not to sound cold, but given Gideon's state after Frank, if he didn't eat his own gun within six months after he left, I'd be very surprised. There's a slight chance that he sought help and got it, but unlike Elle, who possessed a certain rationality even after she killed William Lee, he seemed to be caving in on himself instead of lashing out.

  • Love 3

I actually think that one of the profilers snapping and becoming an unsub would be very very unlikely despite the grim stuff they deal with all the time. They see what happens to people. They would more likely retire and get their aggression out on social media-- insulting people on Twitter. :P 

Even though I don't think the psychological evaluations they do are perfect, I think they pick people well enough to not get someone unstable that is likely to snap and become a criminal.


It's not a story I would ever want to see. I am really tired of stories where the good guys become the bad guys. I don't like it when the teams go "rogue" and start breaking the law. I think that is one of the reasons I get annoyed with Garcia-- because she now constantly breaks the law in almost every episode and they no longer acknowledge that or even worry about it. I think then they started to do that, it was one of the reasons things declined. The team used to have to do more legwork and actually talk to people to get info that Garcia now just googles.

  • Love 3

I swear I don't understand the mindset of these people who decide just what goes in the official synopsis for an episode.We know that JJ was mentioned in both "If The Show Fits" and "Forever People" And now the press release for episode 15 has been released and Kate and her niece are mentioned in it.

But yet Reid is suppose to have an arc coinciding in both 13 and 14 but no mention of him in either episode despite the fact they know fans are clamoring for more Reid. I mean isn't that why they supposedly changed it from Hotch being the one to reach out to JJ to Reid.But at the same time Kate,whom the fanbase isn't exactly clamoring for, as well as her niece gets a mention in an up and coming episode.

Edited by missmycat
  • Love 3

The promos are probably just saying it's an "emotional arc for Reid" because they hope it will get the Reid fans to watch.  As much as some fans want to follow blindly, watch anything that's doled out, and gush about how the show staff is so nice and would never lie to the fans on purpose, I think the show staff has demonstrated quite the opposite tactic.  The show staff, and particularly the show runner, just in the recent past has bald-face lied to the fans, either to stir up controversy, or shock, or amaze, or because secretly they think it's OMG-funny to toy with the complainers who don't kiss their butts on social media.   If it will boost ratings for episodes that center around JJ, the show runner in particular will lie and say it involves other team members of the entire rest of the team, when really, it doesn't.  This show is all about JJ for the show runner.  That's been true for four years now.   


This would not be the first time TPTB have directly lied to fans to trick them into watching an episode they would not otherwise be interested in.  Like, last week's episode?  It wasn't so much about JJ and Reid's friendship as it was JJ's relationship with JJ, while JJ solved the entire crime and took down the unsub.  Because a little thing like PTSD is not going to keep Super Mary Sue down.  Reid was just there to let her yell at him, and for him to worry over her so much that he couldn't do his job.  Such BS.  That episode was something you wipe off your shoe when you step in it.    How much worse could it get?  How many more ways does it have to be demonstrated that the rest of the team doesn't matter it in the slightest?  It's all about JJ. 


How about "If the Shoe Fits?"  All about JJ and her dead sister and her mom (played by her real mom) and her son (played by her real son) and JJ being JJ because she's JJ and she has to be the focus of everything.  Reid plays Prince Charming for like five minutes, and we're supposed to wet ourselves with excitement over that?  I don't think so. 


How about 200?  We could spend DAYS talking about all the ways fans were lied to about that piece of *bleep*.  42 minutes of screen time, and more than 20 minutes of it was all about JJ, with more about JJ, with another dose of JJ.  Where was the rest of the team again?  One-shot guest stars got more screen time than team members who have been with the show from day one.  How is that a celebration of this team?   In short - it's not. 


Like, honestly, the show staff lies to the fans anytime they think it will boost ratings.  "You don't want to miss this, do you?!  It might be really really really good!"  And then it turns out to be hackneyed and juvenile.  The promos have become all about hyping crappy scripts that otherwise wouldn't get a second glance.  One of the team will be in danger!!!  And it's only Will.  One of the team will DIIIIIIIIIIE!!  And it's only Strauss.  One of the team will leave FOREVER! And everyone already knew it was Prentiss leaving, because Paget wanted gone, so no one should have been surprised there either.   What about the nonsense that the Replicator Arc was going to be an unsub we had all seen before, someone with ties to the team, and it will tie to every case of the season in strange and mysterious ways.  But it was like a complete nobody that didn't even matter because he only had ties to Strauss and the newest member of the team (poor Alex)?  What a freaking waste that was!    Say....wasn't there supposed to be stuff going on all season this season about some super mysterious badass female baddie?  How's that going?  The biggest question is how is Messer going to tie that to JJ?  Because you know it's going to involve some super clunky catfight scene down the road. (LOL)  


The show staff has lied through their teeth several times to trick hopeful fans into watching, so I'm reserving the right to be dubious about the supposed "emotional arc for Reid" that they are trying to hype this time around.   Pardon my skepticism.  Guess I'm tired of tuning in for Criminal Minds and getting the Super Awesome JJ show instead. 

  • Love 8

Say....wasn't there supposed to be stuff going on all season this season about some super mysterious badass female baddie?  How's that going?  The biggest question is how is Messer going to tie that to JJ?  Because you know it's going to involve some super clunky catfight scene down the road. (LOL)  


As someone who still hasn't fully recovered from watching JJ beat up Number Six in Run, as justified as it was (and as normasm said, as much as she should have spared a couple of smacks for Will as well), I have this image of Erica trying to get Summer Glau's agent on the phone.


If they were smart (ha), IMO they'd try to get Glaudini to come back for a limited run, bring it full circle. Say what you will about the suddenness of Elle's breakdown, that was more plausible to me than this current nonsense. I know she and JJ were never buddies back in the day, but it'd be interesting to hear how, and if, Elle recovered from her PTSD, and if she could get JJ to a support group or something. I'm not saying I really trust these writers to do it justice, but that would be a change from watching her punch her way through her problems.

  • Love 5


As someone who still hasn't fully recovered from watching JJ beat up Number Six in Run, as justified as it was (and as normasm said, as much as she should have spared a couple of smacks for Will as well), I have this image of Erica trying to get Summer Glau's agent on the phone.


If they were smart (ha), IMO they'd try to get Glaudini to come back for a limited run, bring it full circle. Say what you will about the suddenness of Elle's breakdown, that was more plausible to me than this current nonsense. I know she and JJ were never buddies back in the day, but it'd be interesting to hear how, and if, Elle recovered from her PTSD, and if she could get JJ to a support group or something. I'm not saying I really trust these writers to do it justice, but that would be a change from watching her punch her way through her problems.

But we saw Elle slowly unravel - and it only took a few seconds in a handful of episodes to do that. This time it was Oh Look! The kiddies want JJ to have PTSD. Wham Bang Fall apart. And doubtless it will equally be Wham Bam All Better. They have no idea how to weave personal stories through the show any more.

  • Love 5

The promos are probably just saying it's an "emotional arc for Reid" because they hope it will get the Reid fans to watch.  As much as some fans want to follow blindly, watch anything that's doled out, and gush about how the show staff is so nice and would never lie to the fans on purpose, I think the show staff has demonstrated quite the opposite tactic.  The show staff, and particularly the show runner, just in the recent past has bald-face lied to the fans, either to stir up controversy, or shock, or amaze, or because secretly they think it's OMG-funny to toy with the complainers who don't kiss their butts on social media.   If it will boost ratings for episodes that center around JJ, the show runner in particular will lie and say it involves other team members of the entire rest of the team, when really, it doesn't.  This show is all about JJ for the show runner.  That's been true for four years now.   


This would not be the first time TPTB have directly lied to fans to trick them into watching an episode they would not otherwise be interested in.  Like, last week's episode?  It wasn't so much about JJ and Reid's friendship as it was JJ's relationship with JJ, while JJ solved the entire crime and took down the unsub.  Because a little thing like PTSD is not going to keep Super Mary Sue down.  Reid was just there to let her yell at him, and for him to worry over her so much that he couldn't do his job.  Such BS.  That episode was something you wipe off your shoe when you step in it.    How much worse could it get?  How many more ways does it have to be demonstrated that the rest of the team doesn't matter it in the slightest?  It's all about JJ. 


How about "If the Shoe Fits?"  All about JJ and her dead sister and her mom (played by her real mom) and her son (played by her real son) and JJ being JJ because she's JJ and she has to be the focus of everything.  Reid plays Prince Charming for like five minutes, and we're supposed to wet ourselves with excitement over that?  I don't think so. 


How about 200?  We could spend DAYS talking about all the ways fans were lied to about that piece of *bleep*.  42 minutes of screen time, and more than 20 minutes of it was all about JJ, with more about JJ, with another dose of JJ.  Where was the rest of the team again?  One-shot guest stars got more screen time than team members who have been with the show from day one.  How is that a celebration of this team?   In short - it's not. 


Like, honestly, the show staff lies to the fans anytime they think it will boost ratings.  "You don't want to miss this, do you?!  It might be really really really good!"  And then it turns out to be hackneyed and juvenile.  The promos have become all about hyping crappy scripts that otherwise wouldn't get a second glance.  One of the team will be in danger!!!  And it's only Will.  One of the team will DIIIIIIIIIIE!!  And it's only Strauss.  One of the team will leave FOREVER! And everyone already knew it was Prentiss leaving, because Paget wanted gone, so no one should have been surprised there either.   What about the nonsense that the Replicator Arc was going to be an unsub we had all seen before, someone with ties to the team, and it will tie to every case of the season in strange and mysterious ways.  But it was like a complete nobody that didn't even matter because he only had ties to Strauss and the newest member of the team (poor Alex)?  What a freaking waste that was!    Say....wasn't there supposed to be stuff going on all season this season about some super mysterious badass female baddie?  How's that going?  The biggest question is how is Messer going to tie that to JJ?  Because you know it's going to involve some super clunky catfight scene down the road. (LOL)  


The show staff has lied through their teeth several times to trick hopeful fans into watching, so I'm reserving the right to be dubious about the supposed "emotional arc for Reid" that they are trying to hype this time around.   Pardon my skepticism.  Guess I'm tired of tuning in for Criminal Minds and getting the Super Awesome JJ show instead. 

Good post you were pretty spot on about everything except that Candy Clark is not AJ Cook's real life mom. I know the Reid/JJ shippers probably loved it.I sure as hell didn't. Hotch fans ought to be thankful he was spared from the humility.But I do agree it should of been Hotch JJ confided in not Reid


I agree it was absolutely ridiculous about Reid not being able to function well enough to do his job because he is worried about JJ. But yet here she is in the throes of full blown PTSD where she is actually having hallucinations,but not only could she still function well enough to do her job,she was the one coming up with most of the answers.She was the one who ultimately broke the case. She was the one who bought down the unsub and rescued the victim thus saving the day. And all the while she is suffering from something she told Reid was beyond PTSD. And yet somehow this was suppose to make me see her as less of a superwoman.I would really like to know just what EM and her writers have been smoking and drinking.But then again maybe they are just naturally clueless on their own.

  • Love 5

Sorry to be so grumpy this morning.  I promised myself I was going to stop posting long rants.  So this post will be very tiny. 


That's not AJ's real mom?  Well hush my mouth and call me 'Mumbles'!  They really can hire people who aren't related to anyone else on the set?!  My mistake!


I don't like it either when the show runner makes Reid look weak, immature, incapable, etc etc etc, in order to make her special little princess JJ look better.  LOL  - just waiting for Super Barbie to develop the ability to walk through walls and read minds.   =)

  • Love 4

The promos are probably just saying it's an "emotional arc for Reid" because they hope it will get the Reid fans to watch.  As much as some fans want to follow blindly, watch anything that's doled out, and gush about how the show staff is so nice and would never lie to the fans on purpose, I think the show staff has demonstrated quite the opposite tactic.  The show staff, and particularly the show runner, just in the recent past has bald-face lied to the fans, either to stir up controversy, or shock, or amaze, or because secretly they think it's OMG-funny to toy with the complainers who don't kiss their butts on social media.   If it will boost ratings for episodes that center around JJ, the show runner in particular will lie and say it involves other team members of the entire rest of the team, when really, it doesn't.  This show is all about JJ for the show runner.  That's been true for four years now.   


This would not be the first time TPTB have directly lied to fans to trick them into watching an episode they would not otherwise be interested in.  Like, last week's episode?  It wasn't so much about JJ and Reid's friendship as it was JJ's relationship with JJ, while JJ solved the entire crime and took down the unsub.  Because a little thing like PTSD is not going to keep Super Mary Sue down.  Reid was just there to let her yell at him, and for him to worry over her so much that he couldn't do his job.  Such BS.  That episode was something you wipe off your shoe when you step in it.    How much worse could it get?  How many more ways does it have to be demonstrated that the rest of the team doesn't matter it in the slightest?  It's all about JJ. 


How about "If the Shoe Fits?"  All about JJ and her dead sister and her mom (played by her real mom) and her son (played by her real son) and JJ being JJ because she's JJ and she has to be the focus of everything.  Reid plays Prince Charming for like five minutes, and we're supposed to wet ourselves with excitement over that?  I don't think so. 


How about 200?  We could spend DAYS talking about all the ways fans were lied to about that piece of *bleep*.  42 minutes of screen time, and more than 20 minutes of it was all about JJ, with more about JJ, with another dose of JJ.  Where was the rest of the team again?  One-shot guest stars got more screen time than team members who have been with the show from day one.  How is that a celebration of this team?   In short - it's not. 


Like, honestly, the show staff lies to the fans anytime they think it will boost ratings.  "You don't want to miss this, do you?!  It might be really really really good!"  And then it turns out to be hackneyed and juvenile.  The promos have become all about hyping crappy scripts that otherwise wouldn't get a second glance.  One of the team will be in danger!!!  And it's only Will.  One of the team will DIIIIIIIIIIE!!  And it's only Strauss.  One of the team will leave FOREVER! And everyone already knew it was Prentiss leaving, because Paget wanted gone, so no one should have been surprised there either.   What about the nonsense that the Replicator Arc was going to be an unsub we had all seen before, someone with ties to the team, and it will tie to every case of the season in strange and mysterious ways.  But it was like a complete nobody that didn't even matter because he only had ties to Strauss and the newest member of the team (poor Alex)?  What a freaking waste that was!    Say....wasn't there supposed to be stuff going on all season this season about some super mysterious badass female baddie?  How's that going?  The biggest question is how is Messer going to tie that to JJ?  Because you know it's going to involve some super clunky catfight scene down the road. (LOL)  


The show staff has lied through their teeth several times to trick hopeful fans into watching, so I'm reserving the right to be dubious about the supposed "emotional arc for Reid" that they are trying to hype this time around.   Pardon my skepticism.  Guess I'm tired of tuning in for Criminal Minds and getting the Super Awesome JJ show instead. 

Spinner, I could kiss you for that. I come here so frustrated and frazzled by the writing and the crap I read in interviews and previews that I can barely express myself coherently. Thanks for expressing exactly what is in my brain but won't come out clearly because I'm too stinking mad. 

  • Love 4

Moving this, because I think we went off topic..and, yes, you are a poet!


I don't remember where I read that AJC comment. It was recent, though -- I saw that convention you mention (ha -- I'm a poet) but this was different. She was asked if she'd like to write for the show (like KV) and she said something to the effect of definitely, that she would also like to produce some and that she was "itching" to direct some episodes also.


You're right.  I've seen and read a few different things where AJC is asked if she'd like to do what some of the others do, and I've always had the sense that she thinks she is supposed to say 'yes'.  But I would be very surprised if she actually wanted to do any of those things.  To me, she never, ever, looks comfortable in an interview, which is why I don't think anyone should put stock in what comes out of them.  I think she is an athlete, a dancer, an actress and a wife and mother, and I think that is how she channels her creativity.  In a similar way, I'd be surprised to hear that SM wanted to write or direct.  That doesn't seem like it would be his interest, nor his forte.  But my guess is that he's more comfortable saying so.

  • Love 3


I would take this over to the Bullpen but I don't know how. My thinking was with this episode at the forefront of my admittedly-lackluster short-term memory. Good writing or not, I didn't think this episode was put together well (and I love Rossi, too). I liked the funeral scene and the music choices, but otherwise it didn't work for me. Which led to me wondering if everyone was so gung-ho to direct all along, or did they feel like MGG was "showing them up" (terrible sentence structure there) or is that just what happens when a show has been on this long? I don't know.


So moved!

  • Love 1

I will say that one flaw I noticed in episodes that Joe directed was lack of emotion from Reid. Didn't Joe direct one where someone committed suicide in front of Reid and Reid didn't even blink? And in this one, Matthew said the lines, but I felt like he was phoning it in. And I don't think it was out of lack of dedication or trying-- I think he was making sure to not steal scenes because he wasn't supposed to be the one in focus. It brings me to one of my gripes about this show is that since it shifted to other producers/writers, they can't seem to let more than one character have focus and the other characters lose their personalities while they highlight another character's personality/angst. I miss when all of the characters could have a reaction and it didn't make it all about them. It was more believable that way.

  • Love 3

The only other episode Joe has directed was last year's "The Road Home" where it was another split storyline between a forgettable case and Rossi/Sgt Scott subplot. I don't recall anybody committing suicide in that one. That was the one where the father abducted his daughter and then leads the BAU on a multi-state road chase. I think he was going to commit suicide or something, but JJ (and his daughter) talked him out of it or something like that. 

Not sure where this belongs, but I'll put it here. 


Last night, when he was finally given some material to work with, I was reminded at how good  MGG is at giving a touching, understated, nuanced performance.  I know he enjoys comedy, and he's good at that as well.  But---is it wrong of me to wish he'd get over his fascination with the horror/comedy genre and get to work on something of real substance? 

  • Love 4

Nope, JMO, I'm hoping his friends and impressed industry people will keep him busy doing meaty roles that will get him some attention, while he does his thing in between.

I definitely agree. I honestly think MGG (and Spencer Reid) is a big reason (not THE reason, but a big reason nonetheless) the show has been so successful. Reid was featured heavily in S1-S4 (and he had some good eps in S5, plus he started directing at that time). Is it a coincidence that he was such a critical character and the show was so successful? I think not. The writing was stellar, and he pulled it all off with aplomb. The fact that last night's ep was so good is in no small part due to him.

That's why I'd hate for the show to end. I would really miss Spencer Reid. On paper, he is one thing, but MGG has made him unforgettable.

  • Love 6

I agree about Spencer (obviously). And based on many of the comments I've seen about this episode, Reid is a big reason why so many people liked it. So that is why it irks me to no end that Reid has basically been sidelined the past few years. Yeah, he gets some good stuff every so often, but more often than not, he's sitting in a corner playing with a ball of yarn.

  • Love 6

This is meant to be a humorous observation, so please don't flame me.  But are JJ and Garcia having a hairdo-dance-off?  Like, whoever has the longest, blondest, prettiest hair wins a prize at the end of the season?  No one's hair stays like that naturally.  They must be spending a fortune on hair extensions, blonde dye, and mousse!


Then there's Matthew's hair, which is the complete anti-thesis.  He is a bit of a prankster.   Could he be tongue-in-cheek refusing to maintain his mane in order to draw attention to the amount of time being devoted to make JJ and Garcia's hair look so unnaturally-perfect?  Like PA's swarm the set with a brush and mousse, frantically getting JJ and Garcia's locks to lay where the lights hit them just right, and their hair looks shiny and pretty no matter how they move around.  What are those instruments called which are used to measure light for the camera to get the perfect angle??   Is Matthew eschewing normal grooming in order to make fun of the ladies and their devotion to their hair?   Matthew just turns his head over and shakes his mangled waves around, and calls it good.  LOL.  Sorry.  I can't stop laughing about it.  This is extremely distracting.

  • Love 3

She was back with the immaculate waves again in this latest episode though. Watching her dealing with the press I did think she either uses gallons of hairspray or she has the stylist on hand. Also was it just me or did anyone else think they toned back her dress this week and didn't style her as a female Morgan? She actually had a skirt on at Quantico and later she wore a very conservative jacket and white blouse. Maybe they have noticed all the ninja comments?

  • Love 1

Watching old episodes on A&E I'm realizing something about a major change in the show over the years and maybe it's already been covered. It used to be that the top billed guest star in an episode would be the detective who requested the BAU's help because they were featured prominently in the episode. Off the top of my head some examples I can think of are Jones, About Face, and Cold Comfort. Now they've taken the time spent with the detectives and shifted it to the unsub. I can't remember the last time we had a somewhat memorable detective. It used to be that the BAU was there to help. They even made sure to point out that they weren't taking the case away from the police and the local officers would make the arrest. Now the team is just a traveling police force.


As I'm typing this I'm watching A Real Rain and there's a journalist who's featured prominently. There are also episodes that focus on family members of the victims. It just seems as if the current writers have turned away from all these secondary characters who helped the audience connect to the show and boiled it down to unsub vs. BAU.

  • Love 5

Watching old episodes on A&E I'm realizing something about a major change in the show over the years and maybe it's already been covered. It used to be that the top billed guest star in an episode would be the detective who requested the BAU's help because they were featured prominently in the episode. Off the top of my head some examples I can think of are Jones, About Face, and Cold Comfort. Now they've taken the time spent with the detectives and shifted it to the unsub. I can't remember the last time we had a somewhat memorable detective. It used to be that the BAU was there to help. They even made sure to point out that they weren't taking the case away from the police and the local officers would make the arrest. Now the team is just a traveling police force.


As I'm typing this I'm watching A Real Rain and there's a journalist who's featured prominently. There are also episodes that focus on family members of the victims. It just seems as if the current writers have turned away from all these secondary characters who helped the audience connect to the show and boiled it down to unsub vs. BAU.

I've been watching season 1 on A&E, too. The differences are glaring. These current writers suck. They don't understand the premise and lack the knowledge and the skill to write for the show as it was designed. As a result, they rely on action, in some cases the gorier the better for them. I honestly don't know which bothers me more - that the writers can't write true Criminal Minds episodes or that there seem to be so many viewers who are satisfied with what we're getting now.

  • Love 6

It's a problem that feeds on each other and reinforces it. I mean, the writing started taking a downturn overall when the new batch of writers and a new showrunner came on board, people who had a very different conception of the show and didn't enforce the discipline and realism of the earlier showrunners and writers. I think that caused many of the older fans to abandon the show. I mean, I came into the fandom midway through season five. And many of the other fan forums I populated had many, many members, members who were older and passionate about the show. But over the years, I have seen those people abandon the fan forums, and presumably they aren't fans of the show anymore. So what is left? A bunch of newer viewers who like action and less intelligent profiling. Their squeals of delight over such absurdity reinforce the idea that the show is still on the right track, while the rest of us are left by the side of the road grumbling that our once favorite show is a shell of its former self. I've said it over and over again, but I don't see any improvement as long as the current showrunner and writers stay in place. It is impossible for the show to recapture its former glory unless there is a complete overhaul in that department. 

  • Love 8

I agree with you, FA. I mean, if suddenly, they got the old writers/showrunner back, or a new batch who suddenly "got it," how much longer would the show really go on, anyway? I started with Season 1 and I'm in it until the end (or until there is no more Reid, whichever comes first), but at this point, I can only hope the show sails off into the sunset with a vestige of its former greatness intact.

Truthfully, I'm now invested only to see what ultimately befalls my favorite characters -- still holding out hope for a resolution and what I might consider a satisfactory wrap-up to their lives in the BAU.

That doesn't mean I won't bitch and complain here, or re-Tweet things, or "like" things on FB -- can't go down without a fight.

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It's a problem that feeds on each other and reinforces it. I mean, the writing started taking a downturn overall when the new batch of writers and a new showrunner came on board, people who had a very different conception of the show and didn't enforce the discipline and realism of the earlier showrunners and writers. I think that caused many of the older fans to abandon the show. I mean, I came into the fandom midway through season five. And many of the other fan forums I populated had many, many members, members who were older and passionate about the show. But over the years, I have seen those people abandon the fan forums, and presumably they aren't fans of the show anymore. So what is left? A bunch of newer viewers who like action and less intelligent profiling. Their squeals of delight over such absurdity reinforce the idea that the show is still on the right track, while the rest of us are left by the side of the road grumbling that our once favorite show is a shell of its former self. I've said it over and over again, but I don't see any improvement as long as the current showrunner and writers stay in place. It is impossible for the show to recapture its former glory unless there is a complete overhaul in that department. 

I'm with you, FA. I actually found the show on ION while flipping channels in a hotel room in the fall of 2010, which was season 6. By the time I realized it was a current show with new episodes, they had already introduced the Seaver character. Then I found the CM forum on CBS and became involved there, but a lot of the threads were about what CBS did to Paget and AJ and what people thought about the Seaver character. Meanwhile, I bought seasons 1-5 on DVD and began catching up. I knew the episodes in season 6 were not as good, but I assumed it was because of the cast shake up and the silly premise of having a cadet in the BAU. I had such high hopes for season 7 with the rightful cast back, but so many of the episodes were just terrible, including that whole spy/Doyle arc. Then Paget left again and season 8, IMO, was even worse than season 6. It remains for me the worst season, so far. I'm sick about what they've done to the show, but I'm kind of committed to sticking it out. Of course, if Hotch leaves, I won't want to watch anymore. But think about it. When the best comments we can make about an episode here are that it didn't suck or that Reid looked good, what does that say about the writing? The main thing keeping me watching, besides my Hotch love, is the connection I have online with other folks who are as invested in CM as I am. And, as you said, many have quit watching, so my little group of CM buddies has really dwindled.

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Here is the data, valid for Today, since this is when I accessed it.


Gubler. 957.6 k

Hewitt. 885.4 k

Moore. 608.8 k

Mantegna. 447.6 k

Vagnsness. 435.1 k

Cook. 376.0 k                                                                                                                                           

Gubler: 982k






Ouch at poor JLH. She actually lost around 16,000 followers.

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