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S11.E07: Target Rich

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The BAU assists Rossi's daughter, Joy, in an investigation into the disappearance of a college student. Also, the team is alarmed when Giuseppe Montolo dies in prison after he warns Morgan about the Dirty Dozen, an underground group of hitmen, and JJ returns from maternity leave.

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Hmmm...I have mixed emotions about this episode. I did like the individual storylines. BUT....of course it goes without saying there was too much unsub, who we saw from before the opening credits. I personally didn't see the need for that. If they really wanted to show Bahni's experience as much as they did, Tom could have been in shadows or it could have been filmed from his perspective, because honestly, seeing HIM didn't actually add to the story.

But it also felt a bit overstuffed and rushed. There were two basic unsub stories running at the same time, and either one of them could have served as their own episode. It just felt all too coincidental that the killer Joy was tracking from NYU also happened to be in the Alexandria area and they just happened to stumble upon him. And it was just so reckless for Joy to be running off to interview Sam at the supposed abduction site and then follow down a dark alley. Her dad works for the BAU. She could have easily just voiced her suspicions that he was a killer and let them do their thing. Or better yet, have the masters of the micro expression explore their suspicions. That storyline and the arrest of Sam just rested on one too many coincidences in my opinion.

Like I said, the actual cases were actually interesting. I just think some changes in the storytelling choices could have made them more interesting and allowed for a deeper exploration.

And now we know what the setup is for Reid's absence- his mother's health. Most Reid fans saw this coming as there are only so many ways you could get rid of Reid for a couple episodes. Now it makes me almost certain we won't see Reid in episode eight, because we already know he won't be in nine or 10 (except for the outside possibility of a phone call cameo).

And I do have to sigh at the prospect that Penelope's computer bot nets are The Dirty Dozen. I assume that means that the hit men are planning an attack on the FBI's servers. I have a couple problems with this. First off, this would be at least the third time her computer networks were attacked, so it feels like it has been done before. Maybe the writers will surprise us and make it new and different, but it has only been six months since we last saw something like this in "Mr. Scratch". And secondly, is this group specifically targeting the BAU's servers, or the FBI in general? Because if it is the FBI in general, they have their own cyber section that is responsible for protecting the FBI's networks, and it wouldn't be Penelope's responsibility, since her job is as a technical analyst for the BAU. I need to reserve some judgment, because I don't see the big picture yet. I am just watching a bit warily at this point.

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Absolutely loved the Hotch&JJ hug. I always felt that Hotch had a soft spot, affection for her. Like she's his baby and he wants to protect her.

Reid picking up JJ was adorable. I really don't think it was 'out of character' :p . JJ is a petite little thing, of course he can pick her up very easily.

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I call bullshit on girl Rossi being raped in college yet being naive enough to follow a stranger into a dark ass alley.   I actually call bullshit on any adult woman following a man into an alley.


I call bullshit on random weirdo cab driver being a serial killer who voluntarily came to the FBI because he JUST SO HAPPENED to see a girl get abducted and there was a blurry ass pic of him that only he knew WAS him..


I say bravo to the Dirty Dozen being Penelope. Because at least that's interesting.  I've lost track of why they want to kill her, but hey. Not the first time.

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I didn't see the reveal about Garcia coming. I'm not sure what to make of it...Garcia's assertion that she uses twelve botnets and that makes her "The Dirty Dozen" is flimsy at best. There very well could be others who also use twelve botnets, and there's no way of knowing even if "Dirty Dozen" even refers to a number of botnets. Of course, I could totally buy Garcia being that paranoid and jumping to that conclusion.


Here's what I do hope, though- it doesn't result in a "heroic death" for Morgan or Garcia. That would just be a new low for the show and one that I don't think I could come back to.


Reid...finally visiting his mother. About time, really. I'm going to assume for the next three weeks we're only getting cameos from the man genius. Which basically means the show is finally acknowledging how often it uses the character nowadays.


As for the case itself...blah. Really blah. I had no idea what was in it for this guy...why kidnap Bahnai Desai? What did he want out of her? Was she a surrogate for his absent mother? Was she the girlfriend he always wanted? Was she supposed to represent some kind of daughter figure for his father? Was this another bland rip-off of "The Collector"? Really...what did he want from her?!?!?!


At least I can appreciate the fact that the show victimized someone who isn't white or black...they don't go to that well often enough, and typically minority victims get swept under the rug by a media fixated on the "Missing White Woman". The case of Daniel Holtzcraw is a stark reminder of that.


I did rather enjoy Rossi and Joy...they actually got to play off each other and for once I could actually see their bond and believe they're father and daughter. Joy was also very much believably a young adult who needed her father to keep her steady- it would have been easy to turn Joy into an "overgrown kid" just so Rossi could look like the smartest one in the room but they didn't do that. Rather, Joy came across as someone who was determined yet competent and capable- she just let her emotions get the better of her. Yeah, someone will cry "victim blaming" at Rossi yelling at Joy "what were you thinking?" when she walked down that alleyway, but it was completely appropriate. Joy was reckless and very nearly made herself a victim because of it (I almost thought she would be a victim) so a teachable moment was in order. Especially from the one person who'd least like her to be at risk: her father.


Speaking of daddy...boy didn't Rossi's face light up when he heard that Joy was using his last name? A little narcissistic, yes, but I can imagine a guy like Rossi, for whom people who've loved him depart way too easily, it must have been a very hearty moment.


I also did appreciate that Rossi told Joy that she needed to talk to someone...I gotta be honest, there are far too many rape victims who could use the same advice, because it's clear they're letting their past consume their present. I think it really hurts any reasonable discussion about rape, and Joy let it cloud her judgement. I thought maybe this episode would be heavy-handed in its treatment of violence against college women but I think it handled it well, balancing the need to be patient and the limitations of "the system" while serving as a reminder that if you let justice do its job, it eventually does work out. Idealistic, yes, but I think it's a message today's police-weary society needs to hear and needs to hear often.


Lastly...JJ was actually kind of warm and human when she came back to the team. She very rarely does that but it's a treat when she does. Then she wound up becoming "JJ-Bot" for the rest of the episode...oh well, can't have everything.


Overall...it actually wasn't bad. Could have been better, but it could have been a lot worse. So I give this a B.

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 I interpreted Joy's story to be that she was attacked and likely would have been raped, but she fought him off and was able to get away. I agree that she would be better talking to a professional rather than her father, no matter how well meaning Rossi was when he said it. 


I would consider use of a ski mask to be somewhat disorganized, or at least minimally planned. Criminals who use ski masks don't want to be identified, so that indicates he wasn't going to kill her or anything. 

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To give Watermelon the benefit of the doubt, whether or not Joy was actually raped is immaterial- she was attacked, brutally, and still experienced a traumatic episode. So it's understandable that it's odd that Joy would go down a dark alley alone with a man, let alone one she thinks is the culprit.


Of course, I also think in this case she let her guard down because she was determined to get justice for Bahnai and all the other women who got abducted and killed. I could be wrong but I do believe there was a slight hesitation before she went down the alleyway, so she could have shut down her fears and told herself, "Bahnai wants you to be strong- do this for her".


So I didn't find it implausible.


As for Rossi telling his daughter to talk to him- yes, she really could use a professional. However, I'd say Dad is a close second. Her loved ones are supposed to be there to be her support group and she does need to utilize them, even if all they can do is just lend a listening ear.

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I call bullshit on girl Rossi being raped in college yet being naive enough to follow a stranger into a dark ass alley.   I actually call bullshit on any adult woman following a man into an alley.


I call bullshit on random weirdo cab driver being a serial killer who voluntarily came to the FBI because he JUST SO HAPPENED to see a girl get abducted and there was a blurry ass pic of him that only he knew WAS him..


I say bravo to the Dirty Dozen being Penelope. Because at least that's interesting. I've lost track of why they want to kill her, but hey. Not the first time.

Here's hoping that whoever it is that is targeting Garcia will be successful in taking her out for good.

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Yeah. Why would a group of hitmen want to target Penelope or her computer networks? What is the overall endgame here? I'm just hoping whatever it is, is well written and plausible and interesting, but considering how they flubbed The Replicator, I am not the most confident about this one. I was more open to the idea until they are now making it seem that this is all about Penelope or the BAU or the FBI. That basically they are the targets of criminal masterminds yet again. 

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Watermelon, while I tend to agree with you about it seeming like bullshit for a woman to go into an alley with a man like that, there are unfortunately some women who just have very poor judgment. I know women who are that dumb. Some people just have no common sense.


I felt like this story was too convoluted and there were just too many things in play. We essentially had 3 unsubs (the kidnapper, the murderer, and the father who tried to murder the last victim). We got to see the girl being held captive, but we never really got any explanation on the kidnapper's motivations. yeah, his father was a dick, but that didn't explain the kidnapping. We also didn't really get anything on the guy who kidnapped and killed the other college girls.


It was nice seeing Reid contribute a little bit and we saw the explanation for his absence in the next three episodes-- an explanation which I think is a cop-out, but I guess the writers couldn't think of anything else. I'm willing to bet that is his only story arc this season and I bet most of it will happen off screen. I did hear a rumor that they may have filmed some scenes of Reid as a child (without Matthew present) so they might have flashbacks of Reid without adult Reid being in the episode.


I felt like Hotch just disappeared. JJ's line delivery was insincere in a number of scenes. I half-puked in my mouth when the writers had to tell us how great she is by having Reid say that Tara thought JJ was "awesome". But still, I did like some of the moments with JJ-- really liked the press conference-- and she wasn't overused and she contributed without dominating. Despite some of my complaints, I did generally enjoy the episode up until the last couple of minutes with Garcia which completely ruined it for me. So, Garcia is in a secure FBI building and she's skulking around in the dark and blubbering like a melodramatic baby because of some netbot or botnet search thingies. The explanation made no sense to me whatsoever and Garcia's reaction was just so over-the-top. It would have made more sense if she'd gone to Hotch's well-lit office and told him first- oh, and not had such a meltdown.

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This season, I've been trying to look at the show through the eyes of a new viewer, wondering what someone with no expectations might think of it. Through that lens, I think episode 1 (The Job) would have worked. Episodes 2 through 6 were just so badly constructed that I don't think a new viewer would have given the show a second chance. But I think last night's episode, Target Rich, would have intrigued me. I would have liked the camaraderie among the team, the complexity of the two cases intertwined, and the hint of ongoing mystery and danger that would make me want to tune in next week. Overall, I think it all worked, and I enjoyed it.


As a long time viewer, I had some additional reactions. Specifically, I appreciated that they gave Rossi a 'B' storyline that was actually incorporated with the case. And I really liked how the actress portraying his daughter (too lazy to look her up) did so----just the right tone, and her line delivery was the best of the night. I actually wish they hadn't used her in a role already, because I could have easily welcomed her as a new agent for our team.


I'm disappointed at the uncreative choice of explanations for Reid's absence. But, since they went there, I thought it deserved at least one line acknowledging the angst of having Diana go from 'well enough for a field trip' to having her doctors struggle to control her illness. That whole alley scene came across as an add-on.  Maybe it was.


The episode passed the Reid-meter, but only barely.  And it lost points for telegraphing his upcoming absence.  


Finally, a question: I actually am intrigued with the idea of Garcia's bots being the Dirty Dozen, mostly because I never saw it coming, and I love it when I can be surprised. But---and maybe I missed something early on in the season----I didn't think she'd started her hitman search until after that episode where the unsub told Morgan about the Dirty Dozen. So I'm confused. Had she already been looking for hitmen? If so, why?

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I'm so glad I've alredy complained about this episode before it aired so I'm not wasting time now...well...not Hotch enough and I did like Rossi respects Hotch as a boss  (pointing my finger at Gideon, Morgan and JJ)



oooh one more thing, if they actually kill Garcia off I wont complain again, ever.

Edited by smoker
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Finally, a question: I actually am intrigued with the idea of Garcia's bots being the Dirty Dozen, mostly because I never saw it coming, and I love it when I can be surprised. But---and maybe I missed something early on in the season----I didn't think she'd started her hitman search until after that episode where the unsub told Morgan about the Dirty Dozen. So I'm confused. Had she already been looking for hitmen? If so, why?

It could be that they came across her while doing their work online, and part of their story is that the team of hitmen arose when the FBI took down the Silk Road. No doubt Garcia played a role in that.

Maybe I wasn't paying attention, but what does the episode title mean? 'Target rich'? Maybe it's obvious, but I don't get it.

I forget when in the episode it was, but Hotch talks about the area Bahnai walked through after the party- one downtown, near all the college bars, full of vulnerable, intoxicated women- as a “target rich” area.

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Finally, a question: I actually am intrigued with the idea of Garcia's bots being the Dirty Dozen, mostly because I never saw it coming, and I love it when I can be surprised. But---and maybe I missed something early on in the season----I didn't think she'd started her hitman search until after that episode where the unsub told Morgan about the Dirty Dozen. So I'm confused. Had she already been looking for hitmen? If so, why?

I could be wrong but I got the feeling the 12 bot nets were how she always looked for everything underground...like it was a sort of signature.  She's always talking about computer signatures of hackers so I just assumed the 12 was something she always did and the powers of eeeevil caught on.

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The episode was okay, but I kept feeling like we'd seen all of this before. I thought the actress who played the victim was good.


I was a little confused that, first, Hotch explained that they needed to be invited into the case, but then, after looking into it on their own a bit, instructed someone (can't remember who) to inform the campus police and local police department that the BAU would be working the case.  Maybe it became a suspected multi-state case?  


I was thrown when Reid called his mom directly, but I can accept that maybe Bennington's phone system has been upgraded, giving each patient a phone in their room.  Or that she now has a cell phone.


I'm not invested in the Rossi- daughter story.  It didn't bother me, but I thought the ending was too schmaltzy.


This bot thing made me roll my eyes.  Sounds like domestic terrorism or a cybersecurity issue to me.  Time to hand it off to the experts on those types of crimes.  Of course, they won't...


Maybe Garcia will need to go into hiding for the rest of the season though.  I'll cling to that hope for now.


Not thrilled about Reid being gone for the next few episodes.  Not sure whether I'll watch the show without him.  Does anyone know for sure when he'll be back?

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Not thrilled about Reid being gone for the next few episodes.  Not sure whether I'll watch the show without him.  Does anyone know for sure when he'll be back?

Reid will definitely be back for episode 11.  Matthew was on set for the filming of it. I however do not plan on watching 8, 9 or 10.No way. Not when his character is going to be side lined  for such a lame ass reason.

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I was not happy with this episode at all. Sure, it’s great that JJ came back and her two little boys are so cute! But the overt praise on everything from her figure to how awesome she is (from Tara, of all people, someone who has yet to meet JJ let alone work with her) was so over-the-top.

And of course, the rest of the episode was “JJ’s Hour of Power” showing her doing everything perfect from profiling to working with the media to putting on her “Because I’m a Mom” empathy broach when talking to Spencer. Yes, perhaps this was done to welcome AJ and her character back to the BAU fold, but it was really layered on thick. Will Spencer get the same treatment when he comes back from tending to his mother and her mental health issues? Is the Pope Hindu?

Speaking of Spencer, good call on us for figuring out his absence from the next few episodes have to do with Diana. I’m hoping this will lend itself to a very interesting story arc that fully utilizes Matthew’s acting chops. But I doubt this will come to pass. CM’s current crop of writers are utterly clueless on how to write a character that was once so fully-dimensional. Funny, our beloved CoStar manages to do it and she’s never been on the CM set or has met Matthew (and how lucky Matthew would be if he ever got to meet CoStar).

As for other the aspects of Target Rich, well, it was just all so meh. Way too much unsub stuff and no clear evidence on why these women were targeted. What were the motivations of these particular unsubs?

And then there was Joy and Rossi. I have no problem with Joy getting upset with the case. Yet, she was more involved with the profiling than Reid. Yes, she had some stake because she because she was a writing an article about the case and was herself assaulted and nearly raped. Plus, she seems like a caring human being so I can imagine her caring a lot about the victims. However, once her father got involved in the case, Joy should have tread very lightly, and I’m not just talking about her personal safety. With her father being involved Joy may be viewed by her editor as way too personally invested and this may keep her from being fully objective as a journalist, or at least be perceived that way. There is a certain code of ethics regarding this by the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics. Heck, even college journalists have to bide by this code. But then again, this is CM so what do they know? 

Garcia and this dirty dozen/bot business? At this point, I can’t work up the energy to care.


And where was Hotch? After Spencer, he’s my favorite character!

Edited by Bookish Jen
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Not thrilled about Reid being gone for the next few episodes.  Not sure whether I'll watch the show without him.  Does anyone know for sure when he'll be back?

I'm sorry if I'm being obtuse, but why is Reid going to be gone for some episodes?  Is it to serve some plot line or is he doing a movie or what?  Thanks in advance.

Edited by peacheslatour
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I'm sorry if I'm being obtuse, but why is Reid going to be gone for some episodes?  Is it to serve some plot line or is he doing a movie or what?  Thanks in advance.

For whatever reason the actor was given they entire month of October off. So he was not around for the filming of most of 8 and all of 9 & 10. The show choose to explain his absence by simply having him absent because he is taking care of his mother. Which many of us found to be a totally lame ass  excuse.

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Oh it is a lame ass excuse, unless the show is planning some interesting storyline culminating with an appearance by Jane. But since that wish has basically been snuffed out, I think the writers just pulled the mom card as the cheap and easy way to write out Reid. I agree with others' suggestion that it would be just as interesting if Reid was requested for a special project. I mean, we have had Tara pulled to run a special task force, because she is just that good. And we have seen JJ being forcibly sent on a covert mission to track down bin Laden, because she was just that good. You would think that with all of Reid's knowledge and qualifications, agencies and departments would be fighting over him. It could have been some good character development for him, and a reminder that Reid is truly a valuable asset. But yeah, we get sick (offscreen) mom again. *sighs*

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Well, I came here to find out what others thought since I have been wondering if it's just me who can't get interested in these episodes this season. I felt this writing was beneath Jim Clemente. Some things were very predictable (Rossi's daughter would end up in peril and Rossi would be the one to save her, the guy that came in voluntarily to clear himself would end up being involved) while others were just confusing/unexplained (why the 2 different unsubs, what was the kidnapper's motive) and some were just stupid and/or annoying (JJ asks about the newbie right away even though she's not even there, we hear that the newbie thinks JJ is great - how? why?, Garcia's contributions - like coming up with the car of a guy who delivers Chinese food to the campus in two key strokes, the whole Garcia/dirty dozen thing at the end.) And where the heck was Hotch? 


I'm going to say that the whole thing with Garcia and the dirty dozen was brought in because, whatever happens with this story line, either she or Morgan is going to be killed or end up leaving and so the writers thought they had to involve her in this plot. I think the whole thing is utterly ridiculous. I'm so frustrated with this show that I can't even formulate my thoughts. That, and my husband is watching a Swedish cop show and all the babbling in Swedish is very distracting.


Again, I think this episode had some interesting ideas but there were too many of them and they weren't executed well or explained properly. Does anyone besides me wonder what happens at those table reads? Doesn't anyone ever say, "Um this doesn't make sense?" or "How did you come up with this?"

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I will say, I like the actress who plays Rossi's daughter. She's believable to me, attractive. I also liked the victim, Bahni, another good actress. We all called the Reid cop-out, so, no surprise there. And the Garcia thing? Just whuhuh? Can't even.


Bracing myself for next to no Reid until January 13. *sigh*

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Well, I came here to find out what others thought since I have been wondering if it's just me who can't get interested in these episodes this season. I felt this writing was beneath Jim Clemente. Some things were very predictable (Rossi's daughter would end up in peril and Rossi would be the one to save her, the guy that came in voluntarily to clear himself would end up being involved) while others were just confusing/unexplained (why the 2 different unsubs, what was the kidnapper's motive) and some were just stupid and/or annoying (JJ asks about the newbie right away even though she's not even there, we hear that the newbie thinks JJ is great - how? why?, Garcia's contributions - like coming up with the car of a guy who delivers Chinese food to the campus in two key strokes, the whole Garcia/dirty dozen thing at the end.) And where the heck was Hotch? 


I'm going to say that the whole thing with Garcia and the dirty dozen was brought in because, whatever happens with this story line, either she or Morgan is going to be killed or end up leaving and so the writers thought they had to involve her in this plot. I think the whole thing is utterly ridiculous. I'm so frustrated with this show that I can't even formulate my thoughts. That, and my husband is watching a Swedish cop show and all the babbling in Swedish is very distracting.


Again, I think this episode had some interesting ideas but there were too many of them and they weren't executed well or explained properly. Does anyone besides me wonder what happens at those table reads? Doesn't anyone ever say, "Um this doesn't make sense?" or "How did you come up with this?"


hahahha I totally get the babbling thing sometimes it becomes white noise when I watch someting in German or similar, is he watching bron/broen?


I don't think they do it anymore, what for? they can save the time like they are doing with their presence, episodes centered in characters make easier take days off, it's like you wanna make this show about Morgan and JJ: ninja patrol, well, I don't have to be here to see it, I make a tiny appearence and take the rest of the week off and the sweaty money because this show is not something compelling anymore, it's more like a "get a salary" thing. And TG  must be cashing a good amount just for nothing.

Edited by smoker
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I'm not quoting because I can't read right now where the opinion about baby Rossi started but I don't like the actress, setting aside the soap story line.

I did enjoy her first appearence, I even enjoy Garcia and Rossi interactions about the groupie, even with that horrible ending about she being his daughter, I don't care if Rossi pays her a visit once in a while, thats enough for me, I don't have to see her.


she is an "ooh" actress, it reminds me of an etnic version of Taylor swift and we have an "ooh" actress already, that's Garcia and it's enough to me.

she taking Rossi surname, I don't like it, she had a loving father, and its her mother fault anybody knew it before, but she was raised for a loving father, she has been using his surname all her life, it's off chage your name and being called different without a powerful reason (I can tell myself) but I guess it's different when your are a poor writer and your daddy is successful...

I didn't like JJ either, when AJ had less time she did better, she is not a good actress, it's more a beautiful woman who knows how to put a face sometimes, And she got this big pretty eyes and she is used to fix her world blinking. I'm thinking about well done scenes where she was prior season 7 and it's a shame because She can't carry a show, she sounds and looks fake even worse than CSI Miami Calleigh. It's not only the fact this show is not Alias, a show I dislike by the way, but it had its fans, AJ is not Jennifer Garner who is an actress who can performe.


And you can say things like that about SM or KV too, I don't know how KV does in theatres but she is histrionic and unrealistic, however MGG, I've never watched him in other things but he got his character, I like to think he has nothing to do with the crap he has to deliver, just like TG or JM.


ok, that was longer than intended, sorry for the rambling and for any grammar mistake

Edited by smoker
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I didn't like JJ either, when AJ had less time she did better, she is not a good actress, it's more a beautiful woman who knows how to put a face sometimes, And she got this big pretty eyes and she is used to fix her world blinking. I'm thinking about well done scenes where she was prior season 7 and it's a shame because She can't carry a show, she sounds and looks fake even worse than CSI Miami Calleigh. It's not only the fact this show is not Alias, a show I dislike by the way, but it had its fans, AJ is not is Jennifer Garner who is an actress who can performe.

AJ is a wonderful actress. She can make me cry and feel all the emotions the script wants me to feel (and even more...). You can feel her emotions from her big, beautiful eyes ;) The way she showed JJ's sadness in her PTSD episode...there are no words . She has the ability to act without saying a word. My heart breaks looking at her beautiful, innocent, sad eyes

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hahahha I totally get the babbling thing sometimes it becomes white noise when I watch someting in German or similar, is he watching bron/broen?


I don't think they do it anymore, what for? they can save the time like they are doing with their presence, episodes centered in characters make easier take days off, it's like you wanna make this show about Morgan and JJ: ninja patrol, well, I don't have to be here to see it, I make a tiny appearence and take the rest of the week off and the sweaty money because this show is not something compelling anymore, it's more like a "get a salary" thing. And TG  must be cashing a good amount just for nothing.

Yes, Smoker, that's the show he's watching. Just saw the last 2 episodes last night. Usually when he's watching, I'm on the computer not at all paying attention, but I have fun when I think I hear English words and expressions in the Swedish dialogue. I'll say, "it sounded like he said 'cut the cake.'" or something like that. Sometimes what they're saying sounds dirty. And there are a lot of characters that have made me say, "Looks like an unsub to me" to my husband. 


As for CM, it's amazing to me that they pay guys like Thomas and Joe these big salaries and then hardly use them. Sheesh, I'd love to have one week of their salary. My husband kills himself working almost every day of the year and doesn't make in a year what they make in a week. And my piddly part-time salary barely pays for our groceries and my hair cuts, chiropractic appointments, etc. But an episode with hardly any Hotch is a huge disappointment for me.  I can't imagine one without Reid. I still refer to "25 to Life" as "The Hotchless Episode" and I don't watch it when it airs on ION or A&E.

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I liked JJ and Garcia in their earlier incarnations. JJ had the cool, collected aplomb to handle the media with grace and yet, with the right amount of firmness. And I thought it was pretty cool that it was woman who handled all the tech issues. Sure, Garcia was quirky and bubbly, but in a way that didn't make my teeth itch.


But I best connect with characters like Spencer and Hotch, despite being a woman. Plus, I think Matthew and Thomas are vastly superior actors over AJ and Kirsten. Matthew is very nuanced; he doesn't chew scenery with those lovely chompers of his. And I've liked Thomas ever since I saw him in "Tales of the City."


The recent past couple of seasons just keep reminding me how much I miss the holy trinity of CM brunettes-Elle, Emily and Alex. If CM had a spinoff focusing on these three characters (and brought back Andrew Wilder) I would watch the shit out of that show!


On-topic: I totally rolled my eyes when Joy announced she changed her last name to Rossi, what a way to throw the father that was actually in her life under the bus.

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Interesting...not sure what to make of it. I think I'm happier the two of them actually have a bond now- Rossi needs a real family in his life.

haaha sorry, I mean they open their mouths and they try to look surprised and Garcia sometimes even says "oh"


For some reason, I'm now thinking of that scene in Amelie.

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I liked JJ and Garcia in their earlier incarnations. JJ had the cool, collected aplomb to handle the media with grace and yet, with the right amount of firmness. And I thought it was pretty cool that it was woman who handled all the tech issues. Sure, Garcia was quirky and bubbly, but in a way that didn't make my teeth itch.


But I best connect with characters like Spencer and Hotch, despite being a woman. Plus, I think Matthew and Thomas are vastly superior actors over AJ and Kirsten. Matthew is very nuanced; he doesn't chew scenery with those lovely chompers of his. And I've liked Thomas ever since I saw him in "Tales of the City."


The recent past couple of seasons just keep reminding me how much I miss the holy trinity of CM brunettes-Elle, Emily and Alex. If CM had a spinoff focusing on these three characters (and brought back Andrew Wilder) I would watch the shit out of that show!


On-topic: I totally rolled my eyes when Joy announced she changed her last name to Rossi, what a way to throw the father that was actually in her life under the bus.

Jen, I loved all the characters in the early seasons. It's a travesty what the writers have done to them all, and I blame Erica Messer. It was under her run as show runner that everything went to hell. Now, granted, she may not be responsible for the leaving/firing of the better writers or hiring of the new ones, but she allowed these horrible scripts with blatant character errors to go through. And there was one year where she promised in an interview that all the new writers were going to watch the early seasons during the hiatus so they could familiarize themselves with the characters and the show. Yeah, that never happened. 


When I watch season one, I'm always surprised at how much I love Elle. Emily is overall my favorite of the female characters, but Elle was great until the very end when they had her crack up. 

But Hotch and Reid have always been my favorites. The others can come and go and I would still watch, horrible as it is. But if Hotch leaves, I'm done. 


As for Joy using the Rossi name, yeah, it was cheesy, but I kind of liked it. I didn't like her much in earlier episodes, but in this one she definitely seemed to have a genuine connection with Rossi. 

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I found this episode to be too unbelievable.  Too much coincidence for my taste - and too little profiling.  Did they do any profiling at all?  I don't think they even gave a profile to the news/police.  The closest they came to giving any background was when, after they found out that the chinese food delivery guy had been beaten as a child and his abusive father had had a heart attack, Hotch said, "He is forced to take care of the man who beat him, that might have caused his break."


So the profiling was done with 20/20 hindsight and they still didn't relate it to the cause. Other than the notion that a traumatic event could cause someone to break, they should have at least offered a theory as to how his mother dying was connected to him specifically kidnapping a woman and keeping her chained in the attic - was he trying to replace his mother?   


And what a coincidence! - they go there because a woman is missing and Joy thinks it is related to other missing women over a period of years over multiple states, but it turns out that this missing woman was kidnapped by a different guy, but the guy from the other cases just happens to be in the same place. And, if what he was saying was true, that he was talking to the missing woman when the real unsub came up and walked away with her.  Of course he was probably lying - maybe he was three states over and heard that a woman was missing and didn't like that some other guy was taking his place so he drove over to pretend to be the guy in the video ... yeah, right. 


I don't think she was raped, she said she fought back and he left. Maybe she decided to fight back during though. Rossi also called him disorganized, but she said he was wearing a ski mask so there was some planning. 


I thought Rossi was saying that the who took Bahnai couldn't be the same one that that had attacked the other women (including, possibly, Joy) because the "other woman guy" was organized and that the guy who took Bahnai was disorganized.  


Speaking of daddy...boy didn't Rossi's face light up when he heard that Joy was using his last name? A little narcissistic, yes, but I can imagine a guy like Rossi, for whom people who've loved him depart way too easily, it must have been a very hearty moment.


I have never known anyone in real life who found out about an adult child they didn't know they had or anyone who found a parent they thought was dead (that didn't know they existed.  When this happens on tv, they seem to bond almost instantly and become part of each others lives as though they hadn't spent decades apart.  I would think that in real life, people would just be thinking, "wow, this is really weird, but he/she seems like a nice person, I wonder how life would have been different if I found out about this years ago... Well, I guess I should add them to my Christmas card list." 


I liked how CM didn't go the typical route and, instead, when Rossi found out, he spent time with her and her family, instead of them immediately becoming one big happy family.  But I still find it unrealistic that she would change her name to Rossi, even if it is just for her byline and not an official change - unless Rossi is so well known that she hopes it gives her more credibility as a reporter.


I could be wrong but I got the feeling the 12 bot nets were how she always looked for everything underground...like it was a sort of signature.  She's always talking about computer signatures of hackers so I just assumed the 12 was something she always did and the powers of eeeevil caught on.


But I thought she hadn't counted hers until she realized someone else was counting them.


I was a little confused that, first, Hotch explained that they needed to be invited into the case, but then, after looking into it on their own a bit, instructed someone (can't remember who) to inform the campus police and local police department that the BAU would be working the case.  Maybe it became a suspected multi-state case?  


It confused me too. Wasn't it only 4-5 missing/killed college women from different states over a period of 10 years? Why would they think those cases were related? 

Edited by needschocolate
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I reaaally don't like Joy's character. Like, at all. And I found it bizarre that she was now using Rossi's last name, seeing as she's married. It's possible she was still using her maiden name professionally (and personally) but it still seemed odd, especially if she HAD taken her husband's name and then decided, eh, I'll use Dad's. 

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Yeah, ripple, it seemed a little weird to me too. I don't use my husband's name, I actually do use my daddy's name, but you can bet if I was raised all my 30+ years by a very nice man who wasn't my father, I wouldn't be changing my last name from his to a stranger's name, even if the man who raised me had died. He still was my dad all my life. 

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Yeah, ripple, it seemed a little weird to me too. I don't use my husband's name, I actually do use my daddy's name, but you can bet if I was raised all my 30+ years by a very nice man who wasn't my father, I wouldn't be changing my last name from his to a stranger's name, even if the man who raised me had died. He still was my dad all my life. 

My dad's real father left them when he was very little. His mom had to work full time and ended up shipping the kids to live with relatives on a farm out of state where he and his brother were mistreated. When my grandmother remarried, her new husband was so good to the kids, treated them as his own, that my dad went to court and took his stepfather's last name. 


I don't mind Joy taking Rossi's name as a byline, but I'm tired of how contrived all these family and team bonding incidents are. 

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I really liked this episode. Nice to see JJ back, great to hear Tara will still end around though.

I love Amber Stevens West so I was prone to love this episode. And she was fabulous. Her relationship with Rossi is great. I thought her going after the suspect was very believable. Not every woman displays more cautious behaviour after being attacked. It's why examining how a victim reacts afterwards can be so damaging.

Interested to see where the dirty dozen thing goes.

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