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On 6/19/2016 at 9:44 PM, Lantern7 said:

Bumping up because there's going to be a new episode this Thursday. Also wondering who else saw the last episode, a Fiona & Cake take on the "Graybles" stories. Apparently, Ice Queen does Rule 63 fanfic starring Flynn the Human and Jacques the Raccoon.

I think this was my favourite episode this season. I love the Fionna and Cake-verse. Only complaint: Neil Patrick Harris didn't come back to do the voice of Prince Gumball. I realize he's a busy guy, but it's still disappointing, conversely it's awesome that they got Donald Glover to come back to be Marshall Lee.

Love that the Ice President (Ice Queen's rule 63 version of herself), does his own Rule 63 fanfic starring Lynn the Person and Janet the Fox. What I love is how different each iteration is. The Ice Queen seems much more combative with Fionna and Cake then the Ice King is with Finn and Jake and the Ice President is with Lynn and Janet. Also the Ice President is so freaking philosophical, it's difficult to imagine it all stems from the mind of Ice King.

Also of note the "table" theme did go all the way through, even if Ice King couldn't find it.

1) Fionna and Cake were at the breakfast TABLE

2) Prince Gumball consulted the periodic TABLE of candy elements

3) Flame Prince set fire to the TABLE of Contents

4) LSPrince had a TABLEspoon of syrup

5) Ice Queen: "Why don't we TABLE this for now so I can destroy you!"

Did anyone find the second theme? I assume this is the one Gunter found.

1) Fionna: "You're a real ACE in the kitchen."

2) Butterscotch Butler: "KING me."

3) Fionna: "We've still got TEN minutes until the library closes."

4) LSPrince: "This is J-JACK."

5) Fionna: "Oh hey Ice QUEEN!"

"Daddy-Daughter Card Wars"

Jake finally deals with his card-playing issues. We also get to see more of Charlie, the last of Jake and Lady Rainicorn's children to get some real individual story involvement. Some observations -

  • The whole bone thing was probably the most freakish exhibition of his powers that Jake's ever done.
  • Either the turtle kingdom is an old oil rig or turtles just really like to officiate at card tournies and the like.
  • We meet Jake's old girlfriend, Moniker DeLuise. Jake does have a type.
  • BMO is a girl, or at least Charlie thinks so.
  • Charlie's manifestation of her parentally derived powers was a hoot.
On 7/10/2016 at 5:11 PM, Terrafamilia said:

BMO is a girl, or at least Charlie thinks so.

When I first started watching the show, I thought BMO was a girl too, but since then I'm sure many episodes have indicated otherwise, so I'm not sure how to interpret that bit in the scene. Or...BMO is a robot and therefore has no gender...

On 7/12/2016 at 10:16 PM, Lantern7 said:

I DVRed this and "Card Wars," then watched in chronological order. Are most card games like that? My experience starts and ends with Yu-Gi-Oh! Nice to see Jake try to suppress his all-consuming desire to win. Funny to see BMO know where the story was going and (literally) jump ship.

Card Wars seems like an amalgamation of a lot of games, personally I have the most experience with Magic the Gathering and it shares a lot of similarities with it.

But Card Wars is both more and less complicated then most card games. 

It's less complicated in that most card games have different casting costs for different cards. In most games a more powerful card is more difficult to cast then a less powerful one. For instance in Yu-Gi-Oh (as I understand it anyway), to summon more powerful monsters you need to sacrifice weaker monsters. In Magic the Gathering, your land gives you mana and to play powerful monsters or spells you need more mana then you would need for weaker monsters or spells. Card Wars seemingly allows you to play whatever card you want, and the cards don't appear to have casting costs, you just say "I'm playing this one." However you may be limited by the amount of cards you can play per turn.

On the other hand Card Wars, almost certainly in mocking manner, has card interactions that are just ridiculous, and so overly complicated that no sane person could actually be expected to follow them. For instance the Pig destroys cornfields, but gets trapped in the mud lands, and the granary weevil both destroys cornfields and creates infinite haymaker but only with a downed feedman (and presumably not a live feedman.) What card would interact with another card in so specific a fashion? But that of course is the joke.

Edited by Maximum Taco

Interesting, of course there may be no way to know for sure, but something about the way the episodes framed it gave me the impression there were costs to the castings in Card Wars, just that it was implied that the ones we saw them play, they had enough whatevers to do so at the time, and they didn't happen to have a plot point surrounding "oh no I don't have enough blerns to floop the whomever". Not necessarily that such a scenario weren't a thing? Possibly the bit about the corn is what gave me that impression. That Jake did need to have the corn in the first place to do some of his other stuff.

I'm overthinking this.

Whoops . . . we got a week's worth of episodes before we get to "Islands." Seriously hoping that more people post here . . . not only because I like the company, but also because Adventure Time is still a quirky show with insane backstory.

Grass Sword + Finn Sword = Fern . . . or as I thought he would be dubbed, "Grinn." As in "Grass Finn." He becomes aware, realizes he's not Finn, tries to go the "good guy" thing, goes on a major slashing spree, and rides off on Starchy's vehicle. Meanwhile, Finn gets used to his new metal arm, and winds up becoming the hospital's doctor after Doctor Princess decides to take time off. The big secret? "Doctor" is her first name, and everybody assumed she was a doctor. Finn fucks people up and seemingly almost kills a comatose Susan Strong. But it turns out that a falling blade can awaken a warrior's soul. Good thing Finn doesn't know that, though.

You can probably catch them online or On Demand, right?

In case you missed them:

"Wheels": Kim Kil Whan gets his father Jake to try and get his daughter Bronwyn to fly right. Of course, since Jake is Jake, we end up with a skate battle between grandfather and granddaughter as to who's cooler. And Jake takes it way too seriously. Not as bad as with Card Wars but he misses the point.

"High Strangeness": Princess Bubblegum's plans to find worlds for candy people to inhabit are thwarted by Tree Trunks and the small collective of rebels of the Candy Kingdom. Why? Because Tree Trunks has been going on an alien ship for years, actually had children with one of them, and the visitors are getting killed by the neo-people. Or something. Lots of political overtones, though I'm guessing the story was cemented long before things really got weird with us.

ETA: Anybody see "Horse and Ball" tonight? James Baxter the ball-riding horse loses his ball, and he sinks into depression. As Jake and BMO scour the kingdom of Raggedy Princess (Maria Bamford!!) for a replacement, Finn tries his best to cheer James up. In the end, James decides to basically do James. That involves a lot of breakdancing. From a horse. Damn, kinda wish I could see that in real life. I'd settle for one rolling on the ground like a dog.

One more episode on Friday night at 7:45. Once again: "Islands" is next week, and it will take place over eight episodes and four nights.

In case anybody else is having problems keeping up with "Islands":

1. "The Invitation"

2. "Whipple The Happy Dragon"

3. "Mysterious Island"

4. "Imaginary Resources"

5. "Hide And Seek" (tonight; 7:30)

6. "Min And Marty" (tonight; 7:45)

7. "Helpers" (tomorrow; 7:30)

8. "The Light Cloud" (tomorrow; 7:45)

ETA: Because five or six people demanded it . . . Susan Strong's Kara's origin! Well done, though. And then, we meet Finn's mom! And also Martin, back when he was an easily-graspable asshole.

"Islands" wrapped up. Finn got to meet other humans, as well as his mother, who tried to keep him there. She's not as big a butthole as Martin, though that goes without saying. And I think Finn is half-Australian. Also, Kara Susan reunites with her friend Frieda, and they go off on their own adventure in the end. I'm hoping Susan gets a makeover if she comes back. Not body-wise . . . she worked to keep that body. But she needs an upgrade from the sack dress.

I thought the last thing that happened to Susan before she left was Dr. Gross sent her after the missing Mertenses. I don't think it was clear how she ended up going by Susan...if Dr. Gross renamed her that or if when she got to Ooo and was with the other animal hat people who weren't humans but sorta looked like humans they might've started calling her Susan because at that point she didn't remember her name.

It is funny, I enjoyed 'Islands' but I was expecting more from it as well, namely around Minerva's reveal since we've waited 8 seasons for (prime universes') Finn's mother to be revealed.

I guess the best way to explain it, after the punch-in-the-feefees heartbreaking backstory that was Simon/IceKing, the bittersweetness of Marcy & BMO backstories, the excitement of getting answers about Betty, and heck even the truly sad revelation that Marvin was a jerk with few redeemable features, I just expected a more emotional rollercoaster when the finally introduced us to Minerva. I guess you really are going to have trouble topping such episodes as "I'll Remember You", "Simon & Marcy" and "Betty".

I'm not saying it wasn't bittersweet (it was), it was just... I dunno... can we say the bar was so high after all the other backstories, it was always going to be so difficult to top?

I am surprised they didn't use the actress that voiced her in Farmworld, Ming-Na Wen (Mulan!!!)  again. Saying that the new actress' Irish accent was adorable and charming!

Edited by Robert
  • Love 1

the elementals mini-series was so so brilliant and spooky, I loved it more than islands honestly. that barber moment between finn and jake was really touching :') that ending with jake though...... that spooked me but I can't wait for them to dive into that... same with the lich possibly coming back into power. I can't wait!

my favorite part was when prismo and cosmic owl were watching the whole thing go down and were shocked lol! part of me wants to believe they told normal man and that's why betty got summoned, i'm guessing he's very disappointed in her

The thing that's extra weird to me is that everyone else seemed to be healed/returned to their original state from the lumps-spread, including the Lich. But Jake ended up weird. So, was 2-eyed Jake an anomaly all along (like broken-horned Lich)? And we just didn't know until now? I don't think it's just because of Elemental Slime, because others were in there too and they came out ok, although they weren't magic dogs. So who knows.

1 hour ago, theatremouse said:

The thing that's extra weird to me is that everyone else seemed to be healed/returned to their original state from the lumps-spread, including the Lich. But Jake ended up weird. So, was 2-eyed Jake an anomaly all along (like broken-horned Lich)? And we just didn't know until now? I don't think it's just because of Element Slime, because others were in there too and they came out ok, although they weren't magic dogs. So who knows.

I think the idea is that this is actually Jake's natural state and dog Jake was just a shapeshifted form.  But who knows, I'm looking forward to see where they go with this (and hopefully more Jermaine too).  I really like how Finn was concerned by the new look but was relieved to have his brother back.

Which is extra interesting because wasn't there a previous episode where Jake made some comment about it being strenuous to hold a shapeshift for an extended period of time? If so, it suggests he wasn't consciously the default dog we've seen so far. Something happened to him, probably like Sweet Pea, that altered his default state. It's not like he was purposefully holding that shift. So now it's undone and we see real Jake. I hope they do reveal not only why that's his norm, but how he got un-normed in the first place.

Caught up with the episodes. Good stuff, even with the specter of The Lich never being far from Sweet P. And Fern turning into an asshole. Cut to BMO: "I know the look. You just killed someone." Speaking of which, BMO got to bond with Marceline, Ice King met Fionna (sort of; his stories might not just be poking fun with Rule 63), Jake goes back to normal (or what passes for a constantly morphing dog), and Finn's metal arm turns out to be a lethal weapon of multiple purposes. Basically, things are still the same in Ooo: delightfully weird, yet oddly deep.

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