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Adventure Time - General Discussion


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All week. And I didn't find out until I stumbled across the news on AVClub.


So . . .  what is the general take on "Bonnie And Neddy"? For me, it's interesting to see Bubblegum's origin story, and how it relates to her brother, who is a vital link to the Candy Kingdom. It may take a while to get used to King Of Ooo as the kingdom's new princess. He comes across as a huckster, with more in common with Finn's absentee dad than a credible ruler.

No King Of Ooo today. Just Anne Heche as Cherry Cream Soda, still grieving over the loss of her Root Beer Guy, even after she married Starchy. Then RBG comes back to life. Things get complicated quickly . . . though what sticks in my head is Princess Bubblegum creating both RBG and CCS, then immediately marrying them to each other. No wonder she objected to King of Ooo marrying Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig . . . she's the one that does the wedding, dammit, and she does 'em quick!

Caught the latest episode. King of Ooo --still raiding Bubblegum's wardrobe --  sends Finn & Jake out  to retrieve a giant flying mushroom. The symbolism went over my head until I read the AVClub review. Anyway, our heroes wind up messing around with Canyon (Billy's ex), fight a giant hive-mushroom, and subsequently get fired by KOO for their failure. Oh, and the Banana Guard almost get KOO killed. Wouldn't have been a great loss if they succeeded.

Weird episode tonight. BMO switches places with his mirror image, the one we've "seen" in two of the Greybles episodes. While "Football" explores her* new environment, BMO is stuck in reflective surfaces, with no apparent way out. It's a little disturbing. You have to wonder if Finn and Jake do the right thing by letting their little buddy have what could be a massive breakdown.


Also: in a few weeks? "Stakes." Should be fun.

Bumping up . . . the "Stakes" storyline starts Monday night at 8, with back-to-back episodes running through Thursday. Cartoon Network will air the miniseries in full on Friday night at 7 p.m.


ETA: Interesting . . . Marceline was a vampire hunter who inhaled remnants of her slain and acquired their powers. Also interesting to see other humans in the flashbacks. I keep forgetting that Finn is more of less the last human alive on Ooo (discounting Simon, of course). And we got another sitcom theme song covered! Anybody want to bet on what Marceline will sing next?

It was interesting to see more of Princess Bubblegum's backstory but I didn't find it compelling.

I too found it...lacking... I can't think of the word I want. But! I also think with the way this show has a tendency to slow burn, I wonder if the "more of PB's backstory" we got here was really just teaser, less so than actual reveal.

I'm a recent convert as well, coming on board a few seasons ago. While I may not be into the massive mytharcs, the general goofiness and adult winks are more than enough to  keep me coming back.


Is Marceline's father a demon? If so, is that how she can suck individual vampires' powers after she's dusted them?


ETA: I guess the status quo had to be preserved. Marceline is destined to be a vampire, living forever with Bubblegum while Finn and Jake die and turn to dust. Also, Bubblegum is set to get her kingdom back. I kinda think the homestead life suited her, being away from her subjects, but a status quo had to be restored. And King Of Ooo was revealed to be a blob of ear wax, which . . . ew.


ETA2: Friendly reminder . . . if you missed any of "Stakes," CN will be running two hours' worth of fun starting at 7 p.m. tomorrow night.

I'm a recent convert as well, coming on board a few seasons ago. While I may not be into the massive mytharcs, the general goofiness and adult winks are more than enough to keep me coming back.

Is Marceline's father a demon? If so, is that how she can suck individual vampires' powers after she's dusted them?

ETA: I guess the status quo had to be preserved. Marceline is destined to be a vampire, living forever with Bubblegum while Finn and Jake die and turn to dust. Also, Bubblegum is set to get her kingdom back. I kinda think the homestead life suited her, being away from her subjects, but a status quo had to be restored. And King Of Ooo was revealed to be a blob of ear wax, which . . . ew.

ETA2: Friendly reminder . . . if you missed any of "Stakes," CN will be running two hours' worth of fun starting at 7 p.m. tomorrow night.

Marceline's father is Hunson Aberdeen, the demon who runs the Nightosphere. He can suck souls, which is what Marceline does to the vamps after killing them, absorbing their power.

She's always been my favorite character. I loved this arc. And I've been watching this since the second season with my 8 year old. Well...he was 3-4 at the time of the second season and liked the animation. I kept watching for the story, because I'm a sucker for a cool post-apocalyptic world.

Bumping up because a new episode -- "Summer Showers" -- will be running on Thursday.


ETA: Anybody else compare Lumpy Space Princess to Cat Grant from Supergirl? Man, what a bitch. I can see where she's coming from, since she's not Bubblegum, but she's such a pain in the ass to deal with. I whole-heartedly support Viola teleporting her to the Ice Kingdom in order to fill in for Tree Trunks in LSP's drama set in "Ing Land." Oh, and Finn looked "over it" in the audience. And next week? Stop-motion. Should be fun.


ETA2: Actually, there's going to be a week's worth of episodes heading our way.

That was fun.


Jake is simultaneously a terrible father (putting tons of pressure on Viola to validate himself as a parent) and a great father (being just as pumped that she ran the effects as if she was the lead). So now we've visited with Jake Jr, TV, Kim Kil Whan and Viola. Just waiting for Charlie to get her own episode.

Anybody else saw the latest episodes? "King's Ransom" looks to be a game-changer, with Betty adjusting Ice King's crown. I forgot she has Magic Man's powers, so it's not impossible. Also, we got to see foxes in action. Anytime I see a fox on this show, I think of the Cartoon Network Africa parody of "What Does The Fox Say?," using AT animation.


ETA: In case anybody missed "Stakes" . . . Cartoon Network will be running it from 6-8 p.m. on Monday night.

Checking to see who else saw "Crossover." In case you missed it . . . Finn and Jake get summoned by Prismo and are sent to the alternate world where Finn possessed Ice King's crown and wound up summoning the Lich. It was an episode that was weird yet poignant. Also, Prismo has a boss. Any ideas on what that character would be?

Prismo's boss must be someone far more powerful then him. I don't think we've encountered a character like that yet. Maybe an entity like the Purple Comet?


Any I loved this episode. I love all the episodes that hit me right in the feels. You could hear the longing in Finn's voice when he saw Farmworld Finn with his family. Meanwhile all Jake cares about is how dumb Farmworld Jake is. "Woof woof woof, I eat stuff off the ground!"


What are dogs even into these days?

Edited by Maximum Taco

Heads up for anybody who hasn't seen the commercials on Cartoon Network . . .Adventure Time will have new episodes on Saturdays at 7 p.m., starting with "The Hall Of Egress."

I totally forgot about this show (I thought it was no longer on, actually) and only totally stumbled upon tonight's by accident. Wow, I am going to have to ponder "The Hall Of Egress" and watch it again.


Just watched "Don't Look"


So Finn sees PB as a teenage boy?


I guess it's supposed to mean that he no longer sees her as a crush, and their relationship is more casual and comfortable? Like he sees her as an equal or a peer... Maybe?


Or maybe it was just weird.


Really heartwarming that he sees Ice King as Simon and BMO as a little angel. Really wish we could've seen some other characters in this one though, would've been enlightening to see Marcy or Flame Princess as Finn sees them.

Edited by Maximum Taco

Fell into a mild coma. Might have forgotten to DVR tonight's new episode. Does CN bother rerunning episodes, or do I wait for it to go On Demand?

They're playing new eps on Saturday nights at 21:00 until mid-April, then switching back to Thursday nights.


I'm not sure how to process last night's new ones. The heavy allergy meds do not help.

Fell into a mild coma. Might have forgotten to DVR tonight's new episode. Does CN bother rerunning episodes, or do I wait for it to go On Demand?

They seem to be doing a whole hour of Adventure Time on Saturdays now. The repeat of of the previous week's new episode has been at the start of the 1/2 hour (3rd episode in the hour).

I'm caught up. Mystified as to why Lady's parents would be using their translator devices in flashbacks. I thought they only broke those out when they met Finn and Jake. And "Beyond The Grotto" was trippy. Well, trippier than usual.


Ubiquitous . . . I don't think Jake's kids have gotten the spotlight recently. I think the focus has spread out amongst those five since "Jake the Dad."

I wondered about them using the translator device as well. Maybe we've forgotten something.


Maybe it's the order I am seeing them, but I've seen three eps about them this month. One with the magic sandwich, another in which his corporate son bought the tree house and evicted Finn and Jake, and a third with one of his daughters auditioning for Princess Lumpy's play. Very strange.

I wondered about them using the translator device as well. Maybe we've forgotten something.


Maybe it's the order I am seeing them, but I've seen three eps about them this month. One with the magic sandwich, another in which his corporate son bought the tree house and evicted Finn and Jake, and a third with one of his daughters auditioning for Princess Lumpy's play. Very strange.


It's just your viewing order, or maybe they specifically scheduled a bunch of episodes about Jake's puppies?


Anyway, there's only been 5 episodes about Jake's puppies, 6 if you count the one where they are born. And only 2 per season.


Jake the Dad - Season 5, Episode 6 (aired 1/7/2013) - Where the puppies are born


One Last Job - Season 5, Episode 23 (aired 6/10/2013) - Where Jake has to save Jake Jr. when she is kidnapped.


Ocarina - Season 6, Episode 12 (aired 7/17/2014) - Where Kim Kil Whan buys the deed to the Tree Fort


The Diary - Season 6, Episode 30 (aired 2/26/2015) - Where TV finds an old diary.


Summer Showers - Season 7, Episode 16 (aired 1/7/2016) - Where Viola is in LSP's play.


Lady Rainicorn of the Crystal Dimension - Season 7, Episode 30 (aired 4/16/2016) - Where TV eats a magic sandwich and runs afoul of Lady's ex Lee.


Also of note: Charlie is the only one of Jake's puppies to not have a major solo appearance in an episode, and TV is the only one to have 2 major solo appearances (in The Diary, and Lady Rainicorn of the Crystal Dimension)

Edited by Maximum Taco

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