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I wonder if Oliver reads his vows over the montage at the end of tonight's ep?

That was my thought too. How dramatic would that be...Could it be more dramatic? "I love you so much" Yet she broke with him because he was a liar and hurt her...

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OK this is what happens when Work expects me to actually Work. 


It's been confirmed that the wedding is a plan to catch cupid?


No, that is just the assumption since it is not a dream or a hallucination. Or an different reality.

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No, it hasn't been confirmed, it's just the most plausible theory if it's not a hallucination or fast forward.


In the Asian promo, wasn't Felicity in the wheelchair when DD announced that he has William?  So if she's had the surgery, she's still trying to recover from it.


And, am I the only one who doesn't really like the wedding dress? 

Nope. Of all the ones MG posted, I thought it was the worst.


So hopefully she just grabbed what she could to set a trap for Cupid.  I can see MG rubbing his hands gleefully at all the angst it's going to cause viewers that Oliver and Felicity are forced to pretend to get married when really they're apart and both their hearts are breaking.


I hate that the show didn't have any focus on Felicity being paralyzed/her dealing with that, and going by the interview there won't be any real focus on Felicity walking again. So what was the point in paralyzing her again? 

I'm going to be in the minority but I really like how they did it. Not too long, not too short, and they showed a number of the problems she would have (e.g. mobility, having to rely on other people, feeling like she's not worth what she was) and then the problems with recovery


It's 1000x times better than the crappy addiction storyline they gave Laurel in season 2 when  you didn't know when she was taking and when she wasn't.

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Oh Amell. You really need to stop pushing this storyline so much. (Interview from here)

He may be even more stubborn than Guggie.


If the ratings for this episode tank watch him talk later about how this crap was all something the writers wanted. Watch him.

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One of SA's favorite episodes was the flashback one in s2 and that was the biggest piece of crap ever. So him saying 415 is one of his faves means nothing to me. In fact, it makes me even more certain that I'm gonna hate it. Oh well. I knew that anyway. 


I wonder if Oliver reads his vows over the montage at the end of tonight's ep? 


I had the same thought. His vows will all be positive and the montage will be sad to contrast.

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I am just really angry that the show didn't focus on Felicity finding out she was paralyzed (or any of her surgeries) and now they put her surgery to have her walk again in the same episode as a guest star and an episode that is all about Oliver's kid and the secret coming out. 

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Also with Vixen,  It's going to be one of those impossibly stuffed episodes.


If the voice over is the vows, does that mean that Oliver's vows are going to be 3 1/2 minutes long?  From the next-to-mute Oliver in the pilot, he's certainly opened up.

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I am just really angry that the show didn't focus on Felicity finding out she was paralyzed (or any of her surgeries) and now they put her surgery to have her walk again in the same episode as a guest star and an episode that is all about Oliver's kid and the secret coming out. 


Eh. It's not really surprising though. They've rushed through that whole arc because deep down, they don't really give a shit about Felicity. It's pretty clear now.


The silver lining is at least they're showing her having PT at the hospital. Better than nothing. I would have hated it if we didn't see anything to do with her surgery or recovery. 


I know how to grasp at straws. I'm pretty good at it. LMAO.

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Also with Vixen,  It's going to be one of those impossibly stuffed episodes.


If the voice over is the vows, does that mean that Oliver's vows are going to be 3 1/2 minutes long?  From the next-to-mute Oliver in the pilot, he's certainly opened up.

You're talking about 2 different episodes.  Vixen is in 415 and the wedding is in 416

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LOL SA has probably been writing the Olicity wedding vows since s2, as soon as he was told Olicity were happening. Haha. He probably read the script and was like "No! I wrote it better!" *snort laugh*

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Now I want to know what challenges he and Marc talk about. Also, LOL at him going "Let's not forget what people loved in the first place" obviously meaning Oliver's fights and badassery, and Holbrook going "Olicity!"

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Well if Oliver and Felicity ever do reproduce, they might actually have a shot at the kid being somewhat normal since Felicity's brilliance can balance out Oliver's sheer stupidity. It's a win-win situation.

How deliciously evil is NM in that clip? I thought his little sarcastic dig at Felicity's paralysis was especially vile. I know some people are upset at DD not living up to expectations but that's on the writing for the character and definitely not on Neal's portrayal.

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I think I've found a way to enjoy this BM story because it is so ridiculous now it's laughable! So at the end of 414 we see DD has "taken" the kid. I'm assuming a WEEK goes by unless they tell me otherwise (in show and not post episode interviews to clear up audience misunderstandings) and we see that Felicity has had the implant and started rehabilitation.

During this time neither his over protective mother or father (aka "friend of mommy") seems to have realised their kid is gone. So the villain who takes him has to tell them so that they notice. The writers tendency to rush through story has always caused some wonky timelines but this is a whole other level. LOL.

I can suspend belief on a world inhabited by meta humans, magic and superheroes and villains more easily than I can believe Oliver and BM are concerned parents.

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But thankfully we also get Laurel's reaction (at least I hope that what SA meant) But seriously if she isn't at least upset with him a little, I will be seriously annoyed. 

I expect very stern arm crossing. Maybe she'll be powered up for at least the whole scene.  :)

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I think I've found a way to enjoy this BM story because it is so ridiculous now it's laughable! So at the end of 414 we see DD has "taken" the kid. I'm assuming a WEEK goes by unless they tell me otherwise (in show and not post episode interviews to clear up audience misunderstandings) and we see that Felicity has had the implant and started rehabilitation.

During this time neither his over protective mother or father (aka "friend of mommy") seems to have realised their kid is gone. So the villain who takes him has to tell them so that they notice. The writers tendency to rush through story has always caused some wonky timelines but this is a whole other level. LOL.

I can suspend belief on a world inhabited by meta humans, magic and superheroes and villains more easily than I can believe Oliver and BM are concerned parents.

I would think that BM would assume Oliver had something to do with the kid's disappearance, right? She has no reason to trust Oliver not to kidnap their son, especially given the restrictions she's placed on their interactions.  I mean, he is the type of guy that gets young girls pregnant. If she truly believes that he is so selfish and reckless that William can't know Oliver is his dad and that Oliver can't tell his own loved ones, why wouldn't she think that he'd be capable of just taking what he wants? 


DD could still have William, but it would have been interesting if QL and the police showed up to ask Oliver about William's disappearance as the way Oliver and everybody else found out.  

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Oh Amell. You really need to stop pushing this storyline so much. (Interview from here)


And now I'm really confused about this wedding thing:

He is so stubborn... It wasn't him being a father that people had a problem with. It was the crappy storytelling to get to the point. That is what the fanbase is mad at. It's season 4 and we're be given amateur connect the dot plots. So disappointed in SA.


I do appreciate that he gave a nice shout-out to Anna Hopkins. But she is a trained professional actress if she can't nail a cliched young single mother role for a few episodes, I question her talents as an actor. And then I question the casting dept.


I can't even talk about the wedding. Because even if I was on the wedding train at the beginning of the season, this is NEVER how I wanted to see O/F married. I have never had an issue with OQ withholding the truth from FS. But I was rightly mad at him for a few days until I processed why he needed to do it. However, if he was my fiance, there is no way I can imagine marrying him within a few days or weeks. I would need at least a few months to process it and evaluate if his bad habits are something I can deal with long-term. Nevermind, with FS's income, she can financially afford to postpone whatever accelerated wedding was planned.

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He is so stubborn he can't even say that despite playing a father on the show was his idea maybe the execution was disappointing. He avoids the problem of Oliver's regression because he knows it's true and prefers to talk about layers when the only layer we explored is Oliver's idiocy and that isn't new or exciting by any means.

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What if William was on a vacation with other kids because it was Snow Week and the mom didn't know? I can see DD taking him and somehow with magic or whatever making the other parents think that he never came with them.  My nephew just got back from his (he lives in CA).

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He is so stubborn he can't even say that despite playing a father on the show was his idea maybe the execution was disappointing. He avoids the problem of Oliver's regression because he knows it's true and prefers to talk about layers when the only layer we explored is Oliver's idiocy and that isn't new or exciting by any means.


Well, I mean, these are interviews meant to publicize this episode of the show in particular, so SA saying--in advance--that the main storyline was a failure was never going to happen. Frankly the fact that he acknowledged fans' "angst" about the "regression" at all was more than I expected from him, and his stubbornness around this storyline is no surprise to me. He hates being wrong, and digs his heels in when there is any suggestion that he might be, so I will never expect him to say anything negative about the Kid story, other than hints that he wishes The Lie wasn't a part of it.

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LOL I absolutely love this response for all the wrong reasons. SA is essentially saying: "Yeah I know this storyline is regressing Oliver's character, and that the fandom hates it... but let's forget about that aspect of it b/c I love playing a father" 



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I'm so thoroughly confused by the wedding picture now. Will she dump his ass at the alter? I'm not in favor of that, but I can see these hacks going for that trope. 


I didn't even watch any of the clips, and I can already tell you, Spawn is an idiot. Perhaps he has some cognitive challenges. Both his dad and mom are also idiots, so let's hope that any Olicity kids inherit her...everything. Oliver can contribute the looks. 

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So I wonder at what point does Laurel and Diggle find out that the 10-yr old is Oliver's kid?  I think at the beginning of the EP clip, Felicity only says that a 10yr old boy is kidnapped to force Oliver to step out of the race - no mention of being his son.  Obviously that must change when they let BM in the lair.

Edited by ComicFan777
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What if William was on a vacation with other kids because it was Snow Week and the mom didn't know? I can see DD taking him and somehow with magic or whatever making the other parents think that he never came with them.  My nephew just got back from his (he lives in CA).

For as supposedly overprotective as she is, she would have been one of those Moms that had you call in a few times on the trip. Any trip I went on without my parents as a kid, I had to call in a few times. Plus if he is on a group trip, there are always chaperons and with the current state of legality in America - most chaperons have to be CORI checked and most have pretty structured head counts to make sure no kid is lost.


So yeah that excuse wouldn't fly with me either. Although it would be on par that the writers are so clueless to the obvious holes in this storyline that they wouldn't realize that BM went a whole week without knowing where her kid is. Yet, they still want us to believe she is mother of the year. It would be so ridiculous, but not out of the realm of believability.

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I really do think that in the actual timeline that William was kidnapped just before DD shows Oliver that video of him coloring, and that it's only been a matter of hours, not a whole week. They just screwed up by flash forwarding to put the cliffhanger at the end of last week's ep. Unless William is wearing different clothes in that pic than he was at the end of last ep, the poor, sweet moron.

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My guess would be BM reported the kid missing last week, but didn't bother telling Oliver because she doesn't think he could do anything to help and she could care less if he knew.


Although if this is the case, I would have to question the intelligence of the police officers because at least one of their leads should have led to questioning Oliver by now, unless the list of mommy's friends was so long that they haven't reached Oliver's name yet within a week's time.  As a responsible mother that she is painted to be, I would hope she would have dropped Oliver's name as a friend that has seen William in recent months, given that her son has been kidnapped and she has no idea who might have taken him.

Edited by ComicFan777
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My guess would be BM reported the kid missing last week, but didn't bother telling Oliver because she doesn't think he could do anything to help and she could care less if he knew.

But we've been told repeatedly that she's such a good person!?!


I mean, we've been SHOWN that she's a foul lying hag, but we've been told she's superfabulous and also the second coming of the Virgin Mary.

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