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If you allow the Darkness in can you really change to being someone who can live in the light. Just because you can be stable during the good times-what happens once a rough patch hits. Oliver's instinct is to go dark (even in the little things like lying and keeping secrets). We are back to can Oliver fight the fight along side Arrow or does he have to be one or the other. And Can Oliver find a way to keep himself balanced. He does that by being open and honest with his love, partner and team mates. So far Oliver can't change. We'll see if he eventually can. 


You are far more eloquent than I am :) Thank you

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“We’re really excited about some of the things we’re throwing at the team; they’re gonna be taking on some villains-of-the-week that we’ve never seen before, with tactics that the team’s never gone up against; we’re going to have Laurel (Katie Cassidy) helping to challenge and possibly even take down Darhk, at least temporarily, in a surprising way that we haven’t seen her use in a while. We’re intrigued by seeing where Thea (Willa Holland) goes with this bloodlust and where it takes her, and most importantly, really evolving Oliver’s relationship, not just with Felicity, but with the rest of the team.”


Edited by Velocity23
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If this episode is going to be full of Laurel's pearls of wisdom, I might need to start drinking while watching. 


LOL at them avoiding any mentions of Felicity's fate even in the previews. 

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we’re going to have Laurel (Katie Cassidy) helping to challenge and possibly even take down Darhk, at least temporarily, in a surprising way that we haven’t seen her use in a while

If that means that she's actually going to do lawyer work, I'm rolling my eyes because hey, it's your fault you never show her as a lawyer any more.


WM just says that it's "the back half".


Mericle says we’ll finally learn who dies “towards the end of the season. I can’t tell you which episode – you’ll have to watch! But it’s big stakes and it’s going to be a big shock, so we want to make sure that we handle it with as much care as possible, and that means making sure that we are ramping into it in all the right ways, so that pushes it towards the last few episodes of the season.”

They're really pushing the death -- I hope for their sakes that they can deliver.

Edited by statsgirl
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OH MY GOD SHE'S GOING TO PROSECUTE DARHK. YES. My theory is coming true :') Her stupidity is going to kill her :')))))))))))))))))) At least, I hope

I honestly can't wait for this, really. It seems like the ultimate in stupidity. Do they maybe use Thea to get him depowered to the point where he won't just Force choke the shit out of Laurel on sight? Or is he just submitting so the general public doesn't catch on to his ~magique?

Seriously kind of excited to find out what the approach here is.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I honestly can't wait for this, really. It seems like the ultimate in stupidity. Do they maybe use Thea to get him depowered to the point where he won't just Force choke the shit out of her on sight? Or is he just submitting so the general public doesn't think he's a loon?

Seriously kind of excited to find out what the approach here is.


I am so excited! haha because 


1) every time Laurel is in court, they manage to make her look kind of dim because the show gets a lot of legal issues wrong (& KC really can't do the whole passionate lawyer spiel... It's just not in her wheelhouse)

2) This is a really stupid idea so of course it's Laurel's idea

3) It makes it more and more likely that Laurel will be in Darhk's line of sight. Maybe she uses Thea to depower him and Malcolm finds out when she gets put in the hospital and kills her? Maybe Darhk just kills her? 

4) I can't wait to see Damien roll his eyes at the stand in regards to Laurel


So much good can come out of this

Edited by wonderwall
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I...I don't understand how Laurel will prosecute DD though...? Because everyone knows who he is now so that means he literally wouldn't give a crap about using his magic on her, like maybe strangle her with his mind while he's sitting there on the stand. LMAO. What. I just. 

Edited by Guest
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I'm just super curious about who comes up with this idea, because it seems super hilarious to me that the one guy she decides to actually prosecute is the guy who knows magic. Guess prosecuting him to the fullest extent of the law is something they've never done with a villain before.

Law & Order: Star City

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I...I don't understand how Laurel will prosecute DD though...? Because everyone knows who he is now so that means he literally wouldn't give a crap about using his magic on her, like maybe strangle her with his mind while he's sitting there on the stand. LMAO. What. I just.

I feel like the team must figure out how to strip him of his powers before this happens. I can't really see any other way of doing it unless Laurel threatens to expose something about him if he doesn't submit? Which is still stupid?

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I feel like the team must figure out how to strip him of his powers before this happens. I can't really see any other way of doing it unless Laurel threatens to expose something about him if he doesn't submit? Which is still stupid?



Possibly. So maybe they use Thea to strip DD of his powers? Meanwhile, they try to prosecute him but it probably doesn't work, given that Oliver says he has to kill 'him' in the flash forward. 


Also I really can't picture Laurel winning the case and DD being sent to jail and job done. Like, that sounds very anticlimactic to me. 

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I...I don't understand how Laurel will prosecute DD though...? Because everyone knows who he is now so that means he literally wouldn't give a crap about using his magic on her, like maybe strangle her with his mind while he's sitting there on the stand. LMAO. What. I just. 

He'd also still have henchmen. I mean he walked into a whole holiday party, had his henchmen kill people, and used magic in full view of the other people there. I don't see what would stop him from using both his henchmen and magic to walk right out of the courtroom, after killing half the people there.


Still don't think they're killing Laurel. Unless KC starts to get weird on social media, I won't believe they have the guts. They should have killed her every season and usually chose to kill someone else FOR Laurel instead.

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If they really want to Law&Order it, Laurel takes him to court and loses. He kills her in retaliation but before she dies she manages to get some information that is needed to take him down. Team uses that to go after him.

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Who would even be on the jury? Obviously being on a jury is not entirely voluntary, but come on, every single person would be begging and crying not to be on it, and they'd all vote to acquit because they wouldn't want to be murdered. It's just totally stupid.

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Who would even be on the jury? Obviously being on a jury is not entirely voluntary, but come on, every single person would be begging and crying not to be on it, and they'd all vote to acquit because they wouldn't want to be murdered. It's just totally stupid.

Well...the citizens of Star(ling) City have proven themselves to be morons time and again, so maybe they'd serve and convict with pride!

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Well...the citizens of Star(ling) City have proven themselves to be morons time and again, so maybe they'd serve and convict with pride!

They let Malcolm bribe/threaten them to acquit Moira. I think DD would go more with murdering their families than paying them off, so there wouldn't even be a profit incentive to serve on the jury.


It's so incredibly dumb, but also fits with Laurel and with the spoiler that she'd be balancing being a DA and the BC (which is apparently only a thing now, no balancing has been necessary for the last year), so it will probably happen, but it's definitely FF material.

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Possibly. So maybe they use Thea to strip DD of his powers? Meanwhile, they try to prosecute him but it probably doesn't work, given that Oliver says he has to kill 'him' in the flash forward.

That actually sounds plausible.  I'm kind of interested to see how it plays out.


But what I get overall from this is that they're really struggling to figure out how to give Laurel a real role on the show.

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Maybe Laurel threatens to expose his wife and his daughter, if he doesn't submit. Maybe Team GA finds the totem that Darhk uses and it weakens him enough to put handcuffs and for Laurel to lawyer her way to a conviction. Maybe she burns down the evil cornfield. Whatever it is, Laurel will figure it out. She's the justice you can't run from.


I'm intrigued by this spoiler, though. If only because it's made me start taking the Laurel in the grave specs about 40% more seriously than I did before.


In the preview clip, what does Andy say before "Now we're even"?


He says "Don't thank me. You're ashamed. Now we're even." I don't really get it but I'm guessing that's laying some of the the foundation of what went down in Afghanistan. Why would Diggle be ashamed to ask for help? Because he beats up Andy early in the episode, Team GA can't figure out anything, and now Digg has to ask him for help?

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Laurel Lawyering.....well that is something. I'm also stumped about what will they charge DD with, extortion, murder, conspiracy to commit murder, unpaid parking tickets? Is it Assault when you wave your hand and people go flying through windows. Maybe the cornfield is producing excessive pollution.


But they need to get her into DD sights if they are going to make her a legitimate candidate for the Grave. I think the scene of LL and QL running together might be what they are doing before the death occurs.


I'm kind of excited for Arrow's 4B return. Last year we knew we had a bunch of Boring Canary episodes, this year we know we have both Felicity and Diggle story-arcs Roy's return, the Family Smoak and Oliver unchained.

Edited by Genki
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Maybe it's just me, but the idea of DD getting caught and actually put on trial makes me think



This is the same show that handwaved Malcom fucking Merlyn not being punished for mass murder with the excuse of "no jail can hold him". But we're supposed to think DD-- with actual magic powers and an army of henchmen-- is going to be captured and held against his will? If it doesn't turn out to be just a part of the Big Picture plan by him, his wife, or the evil committee, then I'd be shocked.

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Maybe it's just me, but the idea of DD getting caught and actually put on trial makes me think



It probably is a trap. It might even be a very obvious trap but Laurel can't really tell when huge clues/warning signs are staring her right in the face (will never let it go that she never recognized her own sister's cleft chin 5 inches from her face). She won't know 'cause no one ever tells her anything. At least, until the villains ('sup Slade!), tell her what's the what.


And by then, it might be too late and it's time for the episode with the grave and oh no. Oops.

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How good of a lawyer is Laurel considering she hasn't been shown to actual do any kind of lawyer work. Not that I need more court but we haven't seen her do much of that in quite a while...

You don't need to be shown anything because people are just expected to believe Laurel is awesome at everything. We didn't need to see her train to believe that she is awesome enough to go against 3+ LoA members at the same time, she doesn't need any lawyer scenes where she actually wins a case for her to be a successful and good lawyer.


I mean it'd be okay if the show established her to be amazing at being a lawyer like they established Felicity to be amazing with computers. But the difference between the two is that we've seen Felicity succeed and be GOOD at computers while all we've seen with Laurel is see her lose in court all. the. time. 

Edited by wonderwall
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When they let her, Laurel can be a good lawyer. I liked what she did with DoucheRay in season 3B.

Funny, I thought Laurel acted horribly in that episode she was beyond stupid. She didn’t pretend not to be biased or hide her identity/intent.
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Being a good lawyer doesn't mean getting in people's faces and threatening them. It means crafting a persuasive argument, utilizing available evidence and legal rationales, and mapping out effective strategic and tactical approaches. For trial lawyers, it also means connecting with people to get them to share information and make compelling witnesses, and thinking very quickly on one's feet.


I.e., NOT Laurel Lance.

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Being a good lawyer should also mean not meeting with the defendant in a case you're prosecuting without that defendant's lawyer present, disclosing prosecution strategy, and trying to get the defendant to accept a plea deal (State v. Queen).

Edited by tv echo
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Being a good lawyer should also mean not meeting with the defendant in a case you're prosecuting without that defendant's lawyer present, disclosing prosecution strategy and trying to get the defendant to accept a plea deal (State v. Queen).

It's also pretty fundamentally at odds with being a vigilante and beating people up. That's why I'm not a vigilante.


(IRL she'd have been disbarred like 10x over by now. Not even counting the vigilante stuff.)

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Per AK tweet, can I hope that Felicity doesn't spend the whole episode unconscious? And not just the last few minutes either.

Or maybe the hallucination is actually in this episode and we have Goth Felicity while current Felicity is in a coma. Though the loft set doesn't really make that much sense to me in that case.

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Or maybe the hallucination is actually in this episode and we have Goth Felicity while current Felicity is in a coma. Though the loft set doesn't really make that much sense to me in that case.

I had about 1000 different ideas for this story. First I thought Felicity would hallucinate during surgery, like an out of body experience. I didn't know who she would interact with but, the idea of Felicity talking to Goth Felicity is kind of fun.

I also thought the hallucinations might be related to some sort of experimental treatment that Felicity tries in order to walk again.

Honestly at this point I'm so turned around and going in 10 different directions

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A part of me thinks Donna at the grave site would be the best thing ever. Viewers will feel it could only be Felicity or Quentin at that point, but I kind of think it would eliminate both of them. Donna wouldn't even need to say anything, just show her wrapping her arms around Oliver. People will think she is grieving when in reality she is just comforting her future son-in-law.


Unless by shocking they mean go the most obvious telegraphed route ever. 

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All I know is if there's a grave flash forward and Donna's standing there with Oliver I might actually throw a shoe at my TV.


I hope you don't break your TV because I'm starting to think that's what is really going to happen. Gird your loins! 

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I just laugh at people who think they'll kill Felicity. Regardless of what people here, or on tvline, or ew.com, or any other website think, the show and the network very obviously have reason to believe she's extremely popular. She went from a one-off day player to, for all intents and purposes, the female lead. The CW and the studio are in the business of making money first and foremost...Felicity Smoak is a moneymaker. She ain't goin' anywhere.

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