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I'd be fine with her quitting the team when she dumps Oliver, or at least taking some leave.  It's totally different now than when she very maturely didn't quit after Oliver dumped her/died/worked with MM/seemingly went evil...they were going to be married, so being around him after all that will be 1000x more difficult.  I'm very tired of Felicity having to be the one who adapts and forgives and deals with everything.  It's Oliver's turn. 


In my dream scenario her father blackmails her into leaving with him at the end of the season, using his assistance v. DD and/or a threat to spill the BM/Spawn secret.  I want Oliver to have to experience life without Felicity, so he learns not to pull this crap again.  (She can return in 5.2 or thereabouts.)

I would support her decision if she was a real life friend but selfishly I do not want to endure the show with Felicity not there even temporarily. 

  • Love 15

What if they go with a situation that her "paralysis" is caused by a bullet or something that they can't remove?

If the technical fix that Felicity/Curtis (swear to God Felicity better play a role in her own recovery!) Comes up with isn't a cure but a medical device that removes the bullet safely thereby allowing Felicity to regain the use of her legs?

Obviously I don't have a medical degree so I'm just pulling typical TV/comics stuff. I don't expect a Comicbook/action show to do a detailed/ realistic medical storyline. They're always going to come up with a "magic" fix.

I just checked out Barbara Gordon's "cure". Apparently she had an experimental procedure done at a clinic in South Africa that, some sort of "neural implant surgery". I could also see them doing something like this as well. Of course I'm not quite sure how a neural implant would fix a severed spinal cord but that's comics for you

I am medical, she can have a spinal cord injury & paralysis, but not have the spinal cord severed. If the spinal cord is severed there is almost no realistic way with current medical technologies and science to restore the spinal cord back to normal & repair the damage. There are implants, procedures, and other ways the person can regain function but not restore the functionality of the actual spinal cord. But there are new research and developments being worked on everyday. So perhaps they will find some small dept in PT that has been working on biomedical research. Because no matter how smart FS or Mr.T is, finding the perfect insta-fix solution after a few weeks of research would be a convenient, unrealistic and cheap cheat/fix by the writers; and mildly disrespectful to the lengthy research that is involved.


So I think as long as they are vague on the injury, they can get away with a realistic or magical/comicy cure. It's when they get into specifics that I think there are going to be problems.


What I don't want to see is people & families suffering from real life spinal cord injuries watching the show and feeling disrespected because the show just whizzes over how hard it is to live with a spinal cord injury whether its for a few days or forever. I just want them to be respectful to the journey of losing your functional abilities and the struggle to get those back whether its physical therapy or the courage to undergo an experimental procedure. So them making the story about FS's strength in adversity and OQ's unwavering love & support is what I think they should focus on. But they will probably miss that bigger message and aim for the dramatic gotcha fix-it moment.


Matthew Crawley's magical recovery never bothered me in Downton Abbey, because the show really did keep to the medicine of the time. Without extensive imaging that did not exist in DA's time, it was nearly impossible for the doctors in WWI to know whether he had a permanent spinal cord injury or a temporary injury. ARROW does not have that luxury. Plus over the season they also showed Matthew & his families' struggle to cope with the injury & recovery. It wasn't used as a plot device it was used as a story telling device to tell characters' journeys. I just hope ARROW has the writing abilities and faith in the characters to achieve an actual story and not just plot gimmicks.

  • Love 5

I would support her decision if she was a real life friend but selfishly I do not want to endure the show with Felicity not there even temporarily. 

Dump him! Dump him! Dump him! Dump the lying liar who lied to you and used you in S2, lied to you again and again in S3, and is lying to you about a massive relationship-related issue now. Dump him! You can get back together in S5.


I don't want Felicity to be reduced to Oliver's helpmeet and prop.  She's more than that.  What he is doing is wrong, and if she gets over it in eight seconds, she is at best a good evangelical Christian-style helpmeet future spouse, at worst a doormat. No can go there...Felicity is better and more than that.

  • Love 1

I'd be extremely disappointed if Felicity quits the team because of Oliver. You don't abandon your team because of a broken heart or because Oliver lied. Her team is more than just Oliver.

Felicity was helping the Team while Oliver was playing Suburban House Husband and Tourist. Felicity was the one that wanted to come back. I'd be very, very disappointed in both the show and the character if she abandons her friends because of Oliver or runs at the first sign of personal injury.

Heroes don't do that.

  • Love 15

So Oliver can quit, and Diggle can quit, but Felicity can't quit?  She has to be the good little woman who continues to work with the lying liar she was actually engaged to be married to, or she's not a proper hero? That puts Felicity in the position of a professional woman in the 1980s...she has to be 100x smarter, and better, and more forgiving, and more heroic, and cuter, just to be considered 1/2 as good.  


I don't think she'll quit, but I'd be fine with her taking some time away.  Either way, she is entitled to look after her own heart and emotional health for once.  I think ending an engagement to the man she truly loves should include a couple weeks away from him.  Anyone who has ever ended a very serious relationship would agree that he/she would prefer not to go to work with that person the next day.

Edited by AyChihuahua
  • Love 1

Her quitting the Team over Oliver doesn't even make sense to me. There is no story where that would make sense to me.

If they have her leave the Team, I'm going to need it to be because she is in crisis. Over her father or her injury or something more then her boyfriend lying to her.

Really?  Not wanting immediately to hang out with the guy she's in love with, but just dumped, doesn't make sense to you?  


Again, I doubt she'll quit permanently.  But I also can't see her wanting to go to work with him the very next day.  That would be human of her. Imagine dumping your fiance, who you're massively in love with, because he is a lying liar, and then going to work with him the very next day. Who would want to do that?

  • Love 1

Echo's response about a life changing scene. If he is brought on, it doesn't mean Felicity left the Team. Maybe they need help on something or he accidentally discovers them.

Was he filming with Stepford because then the life changing could be Oliver and Felicity having a big moment. Or maybe they kill his husband. Too many unknowns.

Really? Not wanting immediately to hang out with the guy she's in love with, but just dumped, doesn't make sense to you?

Again, I doubt she'll quit permanently. But I also can't see her wanting to go to work with him the very next day. That would be human of her. Imagine dumping your fiance, who you're massively in love with, because he is a lying liar, and then going to work with him the very next day. Who would want to do that?

If they had normal jobs, sure. But they don't. Their jobs save lives. Innocent lives. Her job can save their lives. By 'their,' I mean Oliver, Diggle, Thea and Laurel. This mission is just as much Felicity's as it is Oliver.

  • Love 3

If they had normal jobs, sure. But they don't. Their jobs save lives. Innocent lives. Her job can save their lives. By 'their,' I mean Oliver, Diggle, Thea and Laurel. This mission is just as much Felicity's as it is Oliver.

And both Oliver and Digg quit.  Oliver quit for five months, twice. Felicity kept up the heroing business without Oliver (to the extent she could) both times Oliver quit. Laurel tried to quit. Felicity deserves the same opportunity to take a couple weeks away from the guy she loves but just dumped.  She has to continue to hero in the face of bad guys trying to kill her, putting her (probably) in a wheelchair, her evil dad returning to evil at her, her fiance lying to her about having a kid...all while she brings light into the other heroes' lives and keeps their spirits up, but she's never allowed to take any time for herself and her own emotional health?  


Cops and firefighters and ER doctors and soldiers all save lives, too.  And all are allowed to quit, or take a step back, or whatever.  But Felicity can't, or she's not a proper hero? How is that at all fair?

Edited by AyChihuahua
  • Love 4

Felicity stayed with Team Arrow last season even after 1) Oliver dumped her after her first date, when they didn't even get dessert, 2) Oliver announced he was working with Malcolm Merlyn, 3) she boinked Ray, 4) Ray electrocuted Roy and left poor Roy in a puddle, 5) Oliver joined the League of Assassins, 6) Oliver announced that he didn't want to be the Arrow any more.


So, yeah, I can see her staying with Team Arrow no matter what Oliver does next.  She and Thea (and, yes, ok, Laurel) can always go to a bar and say, "Oliver," and sigh deeply and then get another vodka mudslide. 

  • Love 13

Felicity stayed with Team Arrow last season even after 1) Oliver dumped her after her first date, when they didn't even get dessert, 2) Oliver announced he was working with Malcolm Merlyn, 3) she boinked Ray, 4) Ray electrocuted Roy and left poor Roy in a puddle, 5) Oliver joined the League of Assassins, 6) Oliver announced that he didn't want to be the Arrow any more.


So, yeah, I can see her staying with Team Arrow no matter what Oliver does next.  She and Thea (and, yes, ok, Laurel) can always go to a bar and say, "Oliver," and sigh deeply and then get another vodka mudslide. 

She quit, temporarily, after Oliver "died." And ending an engagement is an order of magnitude heavier than being preemptively dumped sans dessert.


I'm not saying she will quit.  I doubt she will, but I do think she might take a little time off, similar to 3.4.  I am, however, very tired of Felicity being held to a standard that no one else either in the show or in real life is held...that she can't take a week or two away from the love of her life after she had to dump him. I've defended her a lot in various fora against the accusation that she is a Mary Sue, but if she instantly forgives him or is all "bygones" with him in the lair in five seconds after this awful storyline, she actually is a Mary Sue. She is allowed her own reaction that doesn't include hugging him or wanting to spend a lot of time with him after she finds out he intentionally hid the existence of his CHILD from her.

Edited by AyChihuahua
  • Love 2

I think there is a big difference between her taking some time away from the Lair and her quitting the team. I could see her saying that she might need some time away from OQ and that trickling over to her spending less time in the Lair. But I definitely don't see her quitting the Team over it. Perhaps taking a Weds night off or leaving the Lair as soon as the mission is done. But FS quitting, NAH I don't see that.

  • Love 3

Oliver/Diggle/Felicity. They aren't the same people. I'm not holding Felicity to a different standard, I'm holding her to her nature. It took Oliver dying for her to walk away. And even then she came back with a renewed purpose. 


Her not wanting to be around Oliver I totally get, but her relationship with Oliver is separate from her devotion to the mission and her friendships with the Team. 

  • Love 7

Oliver/Diggle/Felicity. They aren't the same people. I'm not holding Felicity to a different standard, I'm holding her to her nature. It took Oliver dying for her to walk away. And even then she came back with a renewed purpose. 


Her not wanting to be around Oliver I totally get, but her relationship with Oliver is separate from her devotion to the mission and her friendships with the Team. 

It would make sense if she could assist remotely. But being in the lair with him, while he's on the salmon ladder or trying to touch her, 12 hours after she dumps him despite very much loving him? No. Who would want to do that? Would you want to do that? 


And that is still a different standard...a standard doesn't depend on to whom the standard is being applied. Oliver quitting, twice = okay. Digg quitting = okay. Felicity taking a week off = how dare you! That is not fair. Dumping a fiance is a huge deal. If she does that, she is entitled to a couple weeks away from him. 

  • Love 1

Felicity quit temporarily and no one was up in arms about it. So there is no standard against her. And Oliver would be even more a douche if he tried to talk to Felicity about them during their missions, he would (should) know to give her, her space and keep things professional. All of them share a comm link channel so it shouldn't be that hard. 

  • Love 1

I'd be fine with her quitting the team when she dumps Oliver, or at least taking some leave.  It's totally different now than when she very maturely didn't quit after Oliver dumped her/died/worked with MM/seemingly went evil...they were going to be married, so being around him after all that will be 1000x more difficult.  I'm very tired of Felicity having to be the one who adapts and forgives and deals with everything.  It's Oliver's turn. 


In my dream scenario her father blackmails her into leaving with him at the end of the season, using his assistance v. DD and/or a threat to spill the BM/Spawn secret.  I want Oliver to have to experience life without Felicity, so he learns not to pull this crap again.  (She can return in 5.2 or thereabouts.)

NO NO NO to them having Felicity leave with her father at the end of the season.

Plus I have this fear that the writers will be fuckheads and have almost everyone back up Olivers decision to hide that he has a kid from Felicity. Cause it's normal to give in to demands of a woman who lied to him for nine years over the woman he says he trusts and loves more than everyone SMH .

  • Love 2

Heads up, they just released new promos for LoT and Flash, Arrow's should be coming soon. Flash's had footage from 210-212 at least, so I'm guessing Arrow's should be the same.

Heh, you THINK it'll show up soon. I think Arrow is the red headed step child...it should just go sit next to Supernatural in the ignored by Network section. LOL

Now watch, a new promo gets released tomorrow

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 5

Hey, @Morrigan2575, I like to stay positive! That being said, my optimism definitely dwindled after waiting for a half hour, so I've got no counterargument, I'm afraid. Oh well, we'll get one eventually. I wonder if it will squeeze in Roy's return and give us some hint as to where this recovery story/ Baby Mama Drama is going.

I'd be extremely disappointed if Felicity quits the team because of Oliver. You don't abandon your team because of a broken heart or because Oliver lied. Her team is more than just Oliver.

Felicity was helping the Team while Oliver was playing Suburban House Husband and Tourist. Felicity was the one that wanted to come back. I'd be very, very disappointed in both the show and the character if she abandons her friends because of Oliver or runs at the first sign of personal injury.

Heroes don't do that.

IF Felicity officially walked away from the team, I think she would only do so if she felt she had the team covered for what she typically did for the team.  That's why I looked at the spoilers of the biggest scene of the episode not involving stunts and EK's character having something life changing happen and jumped to Felicity quitting. 


I think Felicity would have the right to quit if she needed to, but I think she would hold herself to a higher standard and not walk away without a replacement of some kind.  Last year when she briefly walked away it was because in her mind there was no Team Arrow without Oliver so therefore she wasn't worried about a replacement for herself.


Now I really, really really think that there is a perfectly legitimate way for Felicity to decide that she can be upset with Oliver and not need to end her engagement without it making her look weak or Mary Sue-ish so all this concern would be moot but the odds are not in our favor for that to happen. 

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 4

If we got a new promo wouldn't it just be more Felicity is on death's door? What's the point of telling what comes past the cliffhanger?

I was hoping that the new promo would just set the scene for the rest of the season. See some angsty Oliver see some Diggle Flashbacks with Andy see Thea dealing with her issues, see a little bit more of Damien's plans, as well as see a bit more Curtis and what he's up to

I mean yeah I suppose we'd also see Felicity almost dying but I almost can see how the promos can spoil Felicity not dying like they did with the proposal, Olicity kiss, etc.

If we got a new promo wouldn't it just be more Felicity is on death's door? What's the point of telling what comes past the cliffhanger?

Eh, the promos for 310 last year mostly focused on the team trying to deal with Brick without Oliver with a bunch of action shots (that cool shot of Roy running through that tunnel thing, Laurel kicking a guy as BC, Roy chasing the van on Oliver's motorcycle, etc.). They've still got a lot of action shots to work with, especially if they're doing 410-412 or 413. Rage!Oliver, Diggle with his brother for 411, Roy returning, a shot of Tom A., anything that DD might be doing, all without showing Felicity or even hinting that she's still alive.


ETA: or, you know, what wonderwall said.

Edited by way2interested
  • Love 1

Noooo, if they fake Felicity's death, there won't be as many Felicity scenes on the show!

Everyone else will be doing their day jobs and their night jobs and Felicity will be stuck in the lair with only the occasional visitor.  I also don't want to see Oliver start running PT in her absence.


Diggle quit the team after breaking up with Oliver because he thought he couldn't trust him in season 1.  It's a precedent.


IF Felicity officially walked away from the team, I think she would only do so if she felt she had the team covered for what she typically did for the team.  That's why I looked at the spoilers of the biggest scene of the episode not involving stunts and EK's character having something life changing happen and jumped to Felicity quitting. 


I think Felicity would have the right to quit if she needed to, but I think she would hold herself to a higher standard and not walk away without a replacement of some kind.  Last year when she briefly walked away it was because in her mind there was no Team Arrow without Oliver so therefore she wasn't worried about a replacement for herself.

I agree.  But that is why it's worrisome that Echo Kellum is shooting something "life-changing".




As for the wallowing in self-pity, I would kind of need at least one scene with some sort of negative reaction from Felicity over some news about what happened. Even if it is a temporary paralysis, that would be a serious accident that shouldn't just be taken automatically with a stiff upper lip. Maybe just one scene at the end of 410 when she and Oliver realize what's going on and what they'll be dealing with in recovery, but no wallowing afterwords would be preferred, since I'm thinking that's what you mean. I totally agree, she's strong and will totally get through this, but I would like some sort of initial reaction. Plus, I've been loving how this season they've been making Oliver into the supportive friend/boyfriend and would love another opportunity to see that again from Oliver.

In the last episode, Felicity was adamant that it was her choice to make to choose the life with Oliver-as-a-vigilante.  I really want a scene between her and Oliver as they revisit that statement now that she knows just how much it can affect her.  Hopefully with Oliver giving her the chance to change her mind.


However they do the paralysis story, I hope they do it respectfully to people who have been paralyzed in real life, and also no keep her in a wheelchair for too long because there are actors who really are in wheelchairs who could use a role like that.

  • Love 2

I wonder if they'll feel the need to hide/protect Thea and Diggle as well, since they were targeted in 409. Why wouldn't DD go after them again, if he did before?

Also, I'm trying to figure out whether they are convinced DD is dead. That last conversation in the lair has Laurel wondering, and Felicity being doubtful, but who knows.

Felicity quit temporarily and no one was up in arms about it. So there is no standard against her. And Oliver would be even more a douche if he tried to talk to Felicity about them during their missions, he would (should) know to give her, her space and keep things professional. All of them share a comm link channel so it shouldn't be that hard.

Actually the haters (you know who hates her) always use that against her that she "left" the team for a grand total of like 5 minutes. So they were up in arms about it and call her a quitter. When everyone has "quit."

It would make sense if she could assist remotely. But being in the lair with him, while he's on the salmon ladder or trying to touch her, 12 hours after she dumps him despite very much loving him? No. Who would want to do that? Would you want to do that?

And that is still a different standard...a standard doesn't depend on to whom the standard is being applied. Oliver quitting, twice = okay. Digg quitting = okay. Felicity taking a week off = how dare you! That is not fair. Dumping a fiance is a huge deal. If she does that, she is entitled to a couple weeks away from him.

Except the lives of everyone on that team depend on her. She knows out, they know it. It would be ooc for me if she takes more than just a breather. She's said time and again how much she lives the sense of purpose their heroing gives her.

  • Love 2

How exactly does this Faked Death Theory play out? How does it fit with what we know about filming?

Roy's Faked death worked because Roy left town/show. How do you fake Felicity's death but keep Felicity around SC and the show?

How does that work with CR filming scenes for 413 (with EBR)? They fake her death but everyone knows she's still alive anyway, just not Darhk?

Why would the couple from Ivy Town be in SC for that big party if they Faked Felicity's death?

How does it work with Felicity's Palmer Technology storyline? How does it affect Oliver's Mayor storyline since Felicity is bankrolling the campaign?

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 1

I don't see Felicity leaving the team tbh.She only did it when she thought Oliver was dead and there was no team and even then it was for like a week.No matter how bad things got between her and Oliver she always managed to separate that from being on the team.Maybe if they gave her a reason to leave other than Oliver I could see it but I don't think she would leave because of his lie or not wanting to see him.She clearly loves what they do so much she couldn't give it up during the time they were away and she seems to need that purpose.Her relationship with Oliver being in a bad place doesn't seem like a reason for her to quit form what we've seen so far.

I'm not even sure how bad things between her and Oliver will really get.I hope the crossover was the worst of the writing for that storyline and I think it might be since they tried to stuff a huge storyline that needed a lot more time and focus to be halfway decent into an already overcrowded crossover.They did make a point to show how Felicity thinks being married is getting through the hard times together.I do think she will at least need some time and will be angry and hurt but I don't see it being a full on break up.I hope we see Oliver try to make it up to her and learn from it,it would be really annoying if he was as pasive about it as he was in season 3.

I doubt they fake her death.Didn't we get a spoiler about Oliver finding out there's something DD loves and then uses that against him?I don't remember anything like that happening yet.Maybe he uses DD's family since it seems to be a secret,to keep him from going after Felicity again.

  • Love 2

At this point I think it's more realistic if felicity and the team ask Oliver to leave the lair for a bit. Oliver is technically the last person on the current team. Felicity walks a way when she's angry but just as a argument ender. She doesn't quit. As long as the ghost and DD are active I just don't think anyone is leaving the team.

  • Love 2

I would HATE for the team to ask Oliver to leave the lair for a bit. This is HIS show and them asking him to leave while they go on a mission just undermines his importance. What's the point of Arrow if the Arrow is unnecessary? 


Also I can't see Felicity quitting and would hate for her to quit or even take some time off from the team. She said before that being on the team, saving people's lives gives her life purpose and a sense of direction. This is her mission as well and it would be disingenuous for her to want to be apart from that. Why would Felicity, whose love life will be going through tough times, deny the other thing in her life that makes her happy? It makes no sense to me. 


I can see them working together but Felicity would want to keep things cordial for a while. But I can't see her taking a break. 

  • Love 6

How would asking him to leave the lair be asking him to not go out on a mission? And he would still bring us the boring flashbacks to remind us that this is his show.


Leaving the lair = Oliver being away from the team and not getting all the info/helping with the groundwork for a mission, yes? If the team asked him to leave the lair he would just essentially be reduced to muscle which DOES undermine Oliver on his own show. 


If Oliver is irrelevant in the present, that means he's irrelevant to the show. The flashbacks suck (it's universally known). There's no way like telling the lead of the show he's irrelevant but hey at least he can keep the shitty flashbacks to himself?

Edited by wonderwall
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