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Four episodes on Arrow is a lot of storyline. I wouldn't rule out paralysis yet, though I suppose they could just have her in a wheelchair recovering from a shattered femur or something. I really think they will want the visual of Felicity playing the part of Oracle vs The Calculator. I can't see how the comic fanboys in them could resist.

4-11 is the episode I'm most curious about. 4-10 I feel we have a general feel for even if we don't know the particulars (Felicity clinging to life, Olivers breakdown and rampage to find answers). Felicity likely will be unconscious most of the episode so even if we get a reveal about possible paralysis, we won't see the real emotional fallout til one of the following episodes. (I assume there will be a time jump in there somewhere). Then by 4-12, I expect her cleared for duty (but still in a chair for previously mentioned fan service) and end in the last minute reveal about her father being the Calculator. (The Lair has no security, maybe he gets to walk out of the darkness this time). 4-13 then handles the duel issues of Dad and Olivers BM drama.

Do we know when the next hiatus happens? How many episodes do we get before another little break?

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I think it may play out like this:


410: Felicity goes into surgery, almost dies, episode ends with her in recovery (not a lot of Felicity)

411: Felicity is laying low and recovering either in the hospital or at the loft (not a lot of Felicity)

412: Felicity is out of recovery and goes back to the lair and helps Roy with his issues (moderate amount of Felicity)

413: Felicity's father comes back and so does Donna and Calculator shenanigans ensue (Felicity centric episode)

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I've said this before, why can't Oliver call Ray and ask him to tell Curtis how to make the injection he/Ray got and have it tailored for Felicity. It would be the simplest way to fix her.

Edited because I couldn't spell tailored correctly

Edited by BunsenBurner
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I've said this before, why can't Oliver call Ray and ask him to tell Curtis how to make the injection he/Ray got and have it tailored for Felicity. It would be the simplest way to fix her.

Edited because I couldn't spell tailored correctly

If I remember right, considering I didn't really rewatch any Ray scenes in 318, I believe the nanites were only used for Ray because he had some sort of blood clot that would have caused serious damage in his body, and he used the nanites to shrink it. I know they tailored it for the Flash in 122, but tailoring it to solve a form of paralysis or to solve something that isn't life-threatening but just requires recovery is something just sounds a bit too out there for me.

Plus, you know, plot. Shows can't use logical solutions that make a 4 episode problem into a 5 minute problem. *sigh*

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411: Felicity is laying low and recovering either in the hospital or at the loft (not a lot of Felicity)


Not sure about the amount of Felicity in 4x11 but as i read your post i remembered these 2 tweets https://twitter.com/jldinsdale/status/667910163429515264& https://twitter.com/jldinsdale/status/667914252708130816 seems something important happens with her or to her. I think they were filming 4x11 according to MG script pages he normally tweets


Also,i was just on twitter a bit ago and i saw that James Bamford  was posting some pics on insta regarding prep work for 4x14 https://www.instagram.com/p/_NZcqrFoDw/?taken-by=james2bambamfordCharlotte Ross made a comment on it saying she's excited for next week. Probably means she's also in 4x14 

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I don't think they're filming 414 this year. 413 ends filming on 12/15 which is right around the time they normally break for Christmas.

Normally they do film episode 14 in December but I don't see how they'll have the time.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I don't think they're filming 414 this year. 413 ends filming on 12/15 which is right around the time they normally break for Christmas.

Normally they do film episode 14 in December but I don't see how they'll have the time.


I didn't thought they're either, but her comment made me think they could be filming just a scene or two. There's also the possibility CR is filming some stunts in 4x13 Only 2 reasons she would be working with J. Bamford next week 


Edit to say: I checked her comment again, she does say "...with you directing" so i suppose that's a no for being only stunts for 4x13

Edited by Balaclava
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I didn't thought they're either, but her comment made me think they could be filming just a scene or two. There's also the possibility CR is filming some stunts in 4x13 Only 2 reasons she would be working with J. Bamford next week

True, guess we'll have to see how it plays out. Maybe like you said they're filming a few scenes for 414 next week. Could be they're filming Mama Smoak’s scenes while CR is in Vancouver rather than have her come back in January?

Would be cool if Mama Smoak is in 13-14.

I wonder if 414 is the flashback episode or if it's 415 this year?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I wonder if 414 is the flashback episode or if it's 415 this year?

If they are going in a pseudo-pattern, then this year it would be 415 (114,215,314), although I will find it odd if they don't let Bamford direct the usually stunts-heavy flashback episode. 


I'm really curious about 4x10. IIRC that was the episode with the really short shooting schedule.


I feel like it will be mostly a reactionary episode to Felicity's injuries/Oliver's small spiraling into darkness, kind of like how 310 mostly focused on Felicity's five stages of grief. Wasn't 310's shooting schedule short as well? I remember being pretty curious at that episode in the same way.

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If they are going in a pseudo-pattern, then this year it would be 415 (114,215,314), although I will find it odd if they don't let Bamford direct the usually stunts-heavy flashback episode.

Yeah having him direct the flashback episode makes the most sense to me, though it might be a case of wishful thinking on my part.

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If they are going in a pseudo-pattern, then this year it would be 415 (114,215,314)

Mmm I'm pretty sure that the break last year was at 315 when Felicity slept with Palmer and Oliver/Diggle went to Nanda Parbat to save Malcolm (which I still don't understand why this had to happen tbh).

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Mmm I'm pretty sure that the break last year was at 315 when Felicity slept with Palmer and Oliver/Diggle went to Nanda Parbat to save Malcolm (which I still don't understand why this had to happen tbh).


Yep, the break was at 315, but the flashback episode was 314, that's what I was referring to. And I love how I honestly can't decide which part of your sentence I should place the (which I still don't understand why this had to happen tbh).

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Not sure about the amount of Felicity in 4x11 but as i read your post i remembered these 2 tweets https://twitter.com/jldinsdale/status/667910163429515264& https://twitter.com/jldinsdale/status/667914252708130816 seems something important happens with her or to her. I think they were filming 4x11 according to MG script pages he normally tweets

That's the episode A.W.O.L. so maybe that's where she gets the tech to be able to walk again, and not still be in a wheelchair in 4x13 when The Calculator is on.


If Roy is back for 4x12 only, and The Calculator is forcing him to do something but Tom A. only comes on for 4x13, I guess the reveal is at the end of the episode.


I hope I'm wrong but I have a feeling that whatever saves PT is going to be created by Curtis. Either he does it on his own or as a way to help Felicity but, sadly I don't think she'll come up with it, not even the idea. Which, if that's how it plays out, the last thing I want is Felicity injured just to give Curtis the save.

I would have worried about that if this were last season when Felicity's middle name seemed to be Job rather than Megan.  But I'm optimistic about what WM is doing and hopefully can do.


Instead of everything happening to Felicity and she's powerless to change things, this is something she can do something about even if it's only her attitude in how to fight it, and how awesome is Felicity when she's fighting back.


That's why even if Curtis gets the save (he's a combination of Cisco and Felicity, isn't he?), it's going to be Felicity's attitude that will make or break it for me.

Edited by statsgirl
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Felicity gets her codename in 4x11, right? I'm assuming she's back to working with the team in that case. Which means her injuries can't be that extensive. I'm not saying she has to be 100% at that point, but she has to be functional and not completely doped up on pain killers.

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I'm fully expecting a time jump either during or post 4x10. Especiall since Donna isn't there for the next two episodes. I don't see her leaving town with Felicity bed ridden. I'm just saying it won't take that long for the viewers to see Felicity recuperating to a decent extent,

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About the filming schedule, I found this:


Arrow's break is Dec 19 - Jan 4, so it makes sense they'll start 414 this upcoming week, and wrap it in January.

That's interesting. I didn't realize shows would take a large breaks in the middle of an episode. At most they'd get 3-4 days of filming before their break, seems odd but does explain the tweets. Edited by Morrigan2575
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If Roy is back for 4x12 only, and The Calculator is forcing him to do something but Tom A. only comes on for 4x13, I guess the reveal is at the end of the episode.


I thought we had Tom A for TWO episodes. 

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I'm fully expecting a time jump either during or post 4x10. Especiall since Donna isn't there for the next two episodes. I don't see her leaving town with Felicity bed ridden. I'm just saying it won't take that long for the viewers to see Felicity recuperating to a decent extent,


Yeah, I'm thinking that a time jump might happen in the middle of the actual episode. Like, the episode begins immediately after 409 and then some sort of montage happens as Oliver goes on a rampage against the Ghosts again to show time passing as Felicity stays in the hospital. Although, I do wonder when that emotional scene comes in between SA and CR, since they are both in the hospital in different clothes. I assumed that it would be a parallel to the Malcolm and Oliver scene in Thea's hospital room in 320, but I have no idea when it would happen. And I wouldn't know when or why she would actually leave at some point if only to come back in 413.

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NP scenes in 413 (posted link to spoilery pictures from Twitter). Guess Sins of the Father is going to reference Papa Smoak, Malcolm and probably Oliver

For the BamBam tweet (about 414), I think I might be the only one that considers Flarrow one fandom because I didn't even think he was talking LoT and Flash.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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From the 409 episode thread...


... I'm not sure whose reaction we will get in 410 regarding Felicity's injury but here's what I hope we'll see:


  • Diggle's reaction and help calming Oliver down
  • Team Arrow struggling without Felicity's expertise (because I sometimes feel like Felicity's skills aren't very appreciated on the show by the characters except for maybe Oliver)
  • Donna and Oliver to have an emotional scene regarding Felicity almost dying (which Charlotte Ross said we'd get so yay!)
  • Thea regretting not getting to know Felicity more which leads to her making it a point to get to know her future sister-in-law more
  • Oliver going all ragey because of what Darhk did to Felicity
  • An emotional scene between Oliver/Felicity when she wakes up
  • Some really good Team Arrow bonding moments and possibly Diggle/Thea calming Oliver of his rage
  • Stephen Amell to flex his acting chops. I know he can do heartbreak really well so I can't wait to see this side of him again
Edited by wonderwall
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It's more likely we will see Felicity waking up and having an emotional scene with Oliver at the end of 410, and then time jump to her recovering and working from the loft in 411.  I can picture her helping on her laptop from their bed.

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For the BamBam tweet (about 414), I think I might be the only one that considers Flarrow one fandom because I didn't even think he was talking LoT and Flash.

Yeah, my first thought was they hired people from the Stargates, because it's a fandom he's familiar with. Or maybe from other shows he previously worked on,

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From the 409 episode thread...


... I'm not sure whose reaction we will get in 410 regarding Felicity's injury but here's what I hope we'll see:


  • Diggle's reaction and help calming Oliver down
  • Team Arrow struggling without Felicity's expertise (because I sometimes feel like Felicity's skills aren't very appreciated on the show by the characters except for maybe Oliver)
  • Donna and Oliver to have an emotional scene regarding Felicity almost dying (which Charlotte Ross said we'd get so yay!)
  • Thea regretting not getting to know Felicity more which leads to her making it a point to get to know her future sister-in-law more
  • Oliver going all ragey because of what Darhk did to Felicity
  • An emotional scene between Oliver/Felicity when she wakes up
  • Some really good Team Arrow bonding moments and possibly Diggle/Thea calming Oliver of his rage
  • Stephen Amell to flex his acting chops. I know he can do heartbreak really well so I can't wait to see this side of him again



I think we're definitely going to see Oliver and Donna's reaction mainly but I hope we get some good Diggle moments too. Actually I want to see them all shocked by it tbh. But I need me some Delicity.


I also don't think anyone will manage to calm Oliver down. It think it's going to be up to him to find it in himself because they've made it very clear that Felicity lights his way and so without her he's going to need to find the strength to fight the darkness. I see him giving into it for a couple of episodes though. 410 for sure. 

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I thought we had Tom A for TWO episodes. 

I thought it was 4x13 and 4x14 but from imdb, it looks like it's 4x12 (Unchained -- Felicity reference?) and 4x13 (Sins of The Father).


Sorry, but I really like the idea of seeing Oliver go dark because Felicity isn't there to light his way.

Edited by statsgirl
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Sorry, but I really like the idea of seeing Oliver go dark because Felicity isn't there to light his way.


SAME. And I'm not even sorry about it. But I also think it might be part of his growth this season, that he can't always rely on Felicity to steer him from the darkness. He'll sometimes need to do that himself. 

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You know what I would REALLY love to see? 


Felicity flashbacks in episode 10 while she's fighting for her life.




Olicity flashbacks to whatever happened between season 3 and season 4 when they were blissfully happy with each other.



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Yeah 412 and 413. In 412 Calculator is apparently blackmailing Roy into doing something for him. We don't know what's going on in 413 but probably Smaok Family related.

Balaclava posted an update from BamBam in the spoiler only thread. So, I'm going with dancingnancy on this it's Stargate fandom (hopefully not the crappy SG:Universe) not sure the other fandom...

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I think we're definitely going to see Oliver and Donna's reaction mainly but I hope we get some good Diggle moments too. Actually I want to see them all shocked by it tbh. But I need me some Delicity.


I also don't think anyone will manage to calm Oliver down. It think it's going to be up to him to find it in himself because they've made it very clear that Felicity lights his way and so without her he's going to need to find the strength to fight the darkness. I see him giving into it for a couple of episodes though. 410 for sure. 


I do think we'll get a form of Diggle's reaction. However, I feel like his reaction is going to be in the form of reacting towards his brother to set up the probable Diggle-centric episode in 411. I think he'll be upset, of course, and try to take it out on his brother to get some results ("try" being the the word here, since Dig is not one for torture and the fact that Andy is still his brother). He did say that they were going to start treating Andy like a Ghost, and the Ghosts are the ones who almost killed Oliver and Felicity, so I can see some residual anger directed towards Andy. But I'm excited, since it'll be Diggle's feelings for his found family now directly conflicting with his blood family.

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Yes, that's what I meant, it was big (as big as this show gets) casting news. If it's someone of that stature, like William Shatner for example, I can't see them letting Bam Bam break the new.

They weren't in Stargate Universe just SG1. Unless you meant fandom?

As for why he didn't tweet before or if it's got to be huge actor considering BB and JR Bourne have already appeared? I think it's more because he's pimping his episode rather than it being a huge actor.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Morrigan2575, I misunderstood. The difference between Universe and universe.


If it's someone from Stargate: Universe, I'll be disappointed.  Other than Robert Carlysle, who is busy being evil on OUaT, there isn't an single actor I care enough to want to see again.

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Ah gotcha. Yeah sorry, when I said Universe I meant that crap 3rd show in the franchise that I stopped watching around episode 5.

I agree if they magically got Robert Carlysle from OUAT I'd be estatic. I also wouldn't mind seeing Joe Flanigan's hair pop up for an episode. I'd also fully support Mckay/David Hewitt (loved him).

Ultimate troll tweet, he's talking about Jewel Staite who was in both Firefly and SG:Atlantis. LOL

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He says "2 very amazing actors from 2 different very amazing fandoms"  so it sounds like it's two different people.


I have to confess to a fondness for Jewel Staite from her very early days on Space Cases, and as the pain-in-the-ass daughter on Da Vinci's Inquest.

Edited by statsgirl
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He says "2 very amazing actors from 2 different very amazing fandoms" so it sounds like it's two different people.

I have to confess to a fondness for Jewel Staite from her very early days on Space Cases, and as the pain-in-the-ass daughter on Da Vinci's Inquest.

Oh that's right here did say 2 actors. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
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Throwing this out there in the universe not having a clue if it's a possibility or not. William Shatner and Orlando Jones but my immediate thought was Chloe Bennet and Italia Ricci but that was mainly because they're Emily friends :p I do not know, guess we'll find out 

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Season 4


70.    4-1                 07 Oct 15   Green Arrow
71.    4-2                 14 Oct 15   The Candidate
72.    4-3                 21 Oct 15   Restoration
73.    4-4                 28 Oct 15   Beyond Redemption
74.    4-5                 04 Nov 15   Haunted
75.    4-6                 11 Nov 15   Lost Souls
76.    4-7                 18 Nov 15   Brotherhood
77.    4-8                 02 Dec 15   Legends of Yesterday
78.    4-9                 09 Dec 15   Dark Waters
79.    4-10                20 Jan 16   Blood Debts
80.    4-11                27 Jan 16   A.W.O.L.
81.    4-12                03 Feb 16   Unchained
82.    4-13                10 Feb 16   Sins of the Father

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How about the guy who played Anatoly - David Nykl.  He was in Stargate Atlantis.  Maybe it's the beginning of Bratva in flashbacks?


Please please please please please.


That would also possibly mean that episode 14 is a flashback episode with the introduction of Russia/Bratva and I can avoid watching it and enjoy Anatoly in future episodes of S4.

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