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Crazy theory that is probably wrong, but I'm gonna put it out there just in case: what if Felicity's cliffhanger in the season finale is a job offer at STAR Labs? That she's seriously considering, for whatever reasons, Oliver-related or not, but giving her a nemesis that she wants to defeat seems like a big one anyway.

I can imagine the amount of fandom outrage, and media spec, and super free buzz for both shows for the entire hiatus if that happens.

And I can see these particular EPs sending her to Central City for the first couple of Flash S2 eps, before sending her back to Starling City, because gotcha!

Edited by dancingnancy
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I'm sorry but yet again Felicity is getting a good story on another show. I'm fuming. I know her nemesis was introduced in The Flash comics but it's really not fair to those of us who don't always tune into The Flash but still want Felicity to get her own storyline. I'm getting really pissed off about it actually. This season I've not really felt like she's had her own story. And seriously, must she always be with Ray? Even in s1 and s2 she wasn't attached to Oliver's hip. She had scenes with Diggle and Captain Lance and Sara at times. I'm getting so bored by it. And now she's finally being given something of her own on another damn show. I just don't get it. Do they care about her at all? 

Yes, I've got enough of her being with Ray all the time, which is why I'm hoping Ray will get to interact with more people.


And while I don't like it that Felicity's story is being played out so much on The Flash rather than Arrow, at least we are getting her story there.  Between Laurel and Roy and Ray and the Suicide Squad and all the LoA stuff, there wouldn't be time to do anything with Felicity, it would be like 2B all over again.  At least on The Flash, till they build up their own characters, there's room for her.



what if Felicity's cliffhanger in the season finale is a job offer at STAR Labs?

I like it. I mean, I like it in terms of something to do, not that I like it that she could be moving to The Flash.

It also keeps Oliver and Felicity apart but together, if that's what they still want to do.

Edited by statsgirl
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Yes, I've got enough of her being with Ray all the time, which is why I'm hoping Ray will get to interact with more people.


And while I don't like it that Felicity's story is being played out so much on The Flash rather than Arrow, at least we are getting her story there.  Between Laurel and Roy and Ray and the Suicide Squad and all the LoA stuff, there wouldn't be time to do anything with Felicity, it would be like 2B all over again.  At least on The Flash, till they build up their own characters, there's room for her.


Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased she's getting something but I don't like having to watch another show just to get a story for one of my favorite characters. I'm not really attached to The Flash yet. Sometimes I watch, sometimes I don't. Nothing has really connected for me so far and the only reason I even tuned in in the first place was because of the crossovers. I think it's sneaky of them to give her something that she deserves on her own show. 

Even though it's not an "official crossover," I wonder if (if that IS Felicity's nemesis, which it could be since she's using robots) Felicity will get injured in Central City because of said nemesis, or if the nemesis will follow her back to Starling City and hurt her there (isn't the Arrow following it the one where her mom has almost all her scenes in a hospital?). Since the nemesis specifically went after Felicity at PI in SC, I don't think she'd be doing whatever she was doing in Central City to get at Felicity. And I wonder if she's after Felicity because of something she's working on at PI? They never did explain why that woman wanted Felicity dead. TYPICAL

Sometimes I truly worry that Felicity will just be shipped of to a spinoff so that it works with the audience. I seriously doubt I'd watch the show if it were just Oliver, Roy and Laurel with their sidekick Diggle. Even though I love Diggle to pieces, his presences wouldn't be enough to make up for not having Felicity there. But I just don't have that much faith in the producers. Even though they are constantly telling me that I should indeed trust them. No, not really happening.


And in all honesty:  While I have to admit that I liked Barry immediately and wanted to see his story unfold, Ray is still very uninteresting to me. Maybe that will change but I am mostly very indifferent to him. Sometimes I think he is ok, sometimes I think he is creepy but mostly I don't care. I don't know whether I would want to watch a whole show that just focuses on him saving a city. Not even if they put Felicity there with him. I don't care for their dynamic now and I doubt it will change if you just maximize their screen time with each other. EBR is obviously the miracle worker for all shows. ('The hero needs fans...Call EBR, we will put her there, she is so likable, she will make the hero work' )

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Even though it's not an "official crossover," I wonder if (if that IS Felicity's nemesis, which it could be since she's using robots) Felicity will get injured in Central City because of said nemesis, or if the nemesis will follow her back to Starling City and hurt her there (isn't the Arrow following it the one where her mom has almost all her scenes in a hospital?). Since the nemesis specifically went after Felicity at PI in SC, I don't think she'd be doing whatever she was doing in Central City to get at Felicity. And I wonder if she's after Felicity because of something she's working on at PI? They never did explain why that woman wanted Felicity dead. TYPICAL


I think it is her nemesis. I didn't read the comics but someone posted the pictures and the robots were buzzing weren't they? I know they were flying robots. And that was definitely a woman at the end. And no, they never did explain because of course they didn't. Grrrr.


I think you might be right though. If Mama Smoak's scenes are in a hospital in 318, Felicity must get hurt in Starling otherwise the hospital scenes would be in CC and that wouldn't be right on Arrow. I'm guessing whatever happens on The Flash is left open. I hope so. I don't want one episode for Felicity to be fine and the next she'll be hurt and we never see it unless we watch The Flash. It's not right.

Crazy theory that is probably wrong, but I'm gonna put it out there just in case: what if Felicity's cliffhanger in the season finale is a job offer at STAR Labs? That she's seriously considering, for whatever reasons, Oliver-related or not, but giving her a nemesis that she wants to defeat seems like a big one anyway.

I can imagine the amount of fandom outrage, and media spec, and super free buzz for both shows for the entire hiatus if that happens.

And I can see these particular EPs sending her to Central City for the first couple of Flash S2 eps, before sending her back to Starling City, because gotcha!

Oh that's evil dancingnancy lol! I COULD see them putting Oliver and Felicity together within the last 5 episodes then she gets the job offer at Star labs. Oliver would support whatever she chooses to do and we end the season wondering if she goes or not. OR they use her job offer as a way to FINALLY get them together. She's ready to leave Oliver goes to her apartment to stop her then they get together. Although im pretty sure Oliver would tell her to do what is best for her

I think it is her nemesis. I didn't read the comics but someone posted the pictures and the robots were buzzing weren't they? I know they were flying robots. And that was definitely a woman at the end. And no, they never did explain because of course they didn't. Grrrr.


They were human-sized drones, but they did have wings. If they do have her come after Felicity on the show, I wonder how they'd explain that since the revelation that she was after Felicity came in the Flash comics, and the audience's first introduction to her would come on the Flash show. It'll be exposition city. Messy.

I can't see a real reason to have the storyline for Felicity on the Flash unless it is to set up some tie between her and Firestorm, since Martin Steins is not her Father, maybe he could be her Grandfather?


I don't get why the nemesis stuff needs to be set-up in the Flash, it seems science-y not powers so why not do it on Arrow?


Like @Angel12d I'm not that invested in the Flash and it is just frustrating because Felicity should be more than just setting up Superhero spin-off and get development in another show, and enough with Ray Palmer monopolising Felicity already! One of the reasons I enjoyed the 1st Felicity x-over was because it got her away from Ray.



It wouldn't surprise me at all if they shipped Felicity to STAR Labs. That would clear the deck for Lauriver 2.0 again. 


I wouldn't be surprised if for financial reasons they ended up consolidating the Flash and Arrow into a Justice League because really without Oliver that is all Arrow is now. 



I honestly can't see them getting rid of Felicity from Arrow ever, they use her too much, free publicity, off-set negative buzz about Laurel and they would be down to 2 women regulars, and as much as I love Willa, DR, SA they can't offset what is lacking in Arrow when EBR isn't around.


@dancingnancy I both love and hate your theory, the idea of Felicity working at StarLabs or even Central City @ Palmer Industries (Not letting go of moving Ray over to the Flash) over the hiatus, it is brilliant and we won't miss out on and Olicitiy goodness, but I would need Oliver & Felicity dating first, or some scenario that @jay741982 suggested, the fandom freak-out over the hiatus might be tiring though, but she has to be back on Arrow from 4.01 if not in Starling City. 

Also, I just watched the promo for 3x11 and can I just say, and this is not at all Laurel related, but "justice is the new black" is an awful tagline for so many, many reasons. I hope it's just limited to that one trailer. 


So True. I cringed when I heard that. Horrible tagline.


I found the promo kinda awful anyway. It started okay but then the shot of Laurel in outfit on the stairs with the stream. It went very B-Movie. 

Crazy theory that is probably wrong, but I'm gonna put it out there just in case: what if Felicity's cliffhanger in the season finale is a job offer at STAR Labs? That she's seriously considering, for whatever reasons, Oliver-related or not, but giving her a nemesis that she wants to defeat seems like a big one anyway.

I can imagine the amount of fandom outrage, and media spec, and super free buzz for both shows for the entire hiatus if that happens.

And I can see these particular EPs sending her to Central City for the first couple of Flash S2 eps, before sending her back to Starling City, because gotcha!


You know, I actually wouldn't mind that. If we are heading towards Olicity getting together at the end of this season (honestly, I'm not sure now tbh), I begrudge missing the beginning of their relationship over the summer hiatus. It was bad enough we missed all their happy flirting and losing all of their boundaries before s3. I want to see the good stuff, not just the angst. Omg give me the good stuff!


Felicity going to work at Star Labs, maybe over the summer, would give them a way of delaying Olicity for organic character reasons and also, like you said, some buzz about both shows. I very much doubt it would happen but I wouldn't mind if it did.

Edited by Guest

While I can see the benefits to Felicity getting a job at STAR labs at the end of the season, that's so Castle.  At the start of season 7, Beckett got a job in Washington and Castle was trying to find a way to make it work.



They were human-sized drones, but they did have wings. If they do have her come after Felicity on the show, I wonder how they'd explain that since the revelation that she was after Felicity came in the Flash comics, and the audience's first introduction to her would come on the Flash show. It'll be exposition city. Messy.

They could show in in Central City at the end of 1x17, she either mentions Felicity or Barry puts it together, and Barry gives Felicity a call.  At the start of 1x18, she goes down, taking Ray with her because he knows the techy stuff too.  It's not a bad way to introduce Ray to Central City and give him contacts there so it would make sense if they moved him to The Flash at the end of this season. MG said that he wasn't going to The Flash because he knew the people in Central City, this will give  him the chance to meets the others.



Yes I think so. I like her. It seems like she's guest starred in almost everything I've ever watched. :) I hope her character doesn't get killed off.

Same here, from NCIS to House to Castle.  Oddly enough, the only thing I didn't like her in was the vampire show she did with Dylan Neal (Dr. Ivo).

The Flash spoiler about a woman making robot bees. Could Felicity's nemesis be the head of H.I.V.E because ... robot bees? Or am I thinking to literally? 


It would be so good to have Felicity and Diggle teaming up to take out the organization that is trying to kill Felicity and got Digg's brother killed. I'm afraid to get my hopes up.


My friend just said Felicity's nemesis could be Queen Bee who, according to the internets (I know nothing about comics so Google is my friend), does become the leader of H.I.V.E., so you're probably right! Obviously this is pure speculation but if they could somehow link Diggle and Felicity with H.I.V.E. I will get over my complaint that Felicity seems to have more character development over on The Flash because that sounds like something that could continue into s4 and beyond and it's hers. OMG GIMMIE!

Some Q&A's from Marc's tumblr. You can find more here.


Q: IMPORTANT QUESTION. You said we'll be furious at you regarding Olicity by the end of 3x12. So, for how long are we gonna stay mad? Will you be fixing any of the damage you'll make in 3x13 or is it gonna take longer than that?
A: You guys will be mad at me for a while.


Q: MARC some cute scenes between roy and thea coming in the next episodes?
A: I’m not sure if I’d describe them as cute…


Q: Hey Marc, but it is true that there are rumors about Roy and his possible love with someone on the team?
A: Yes, it’s true that there are rumors to that effect.  #riggle #doy


Q: Just saw the EP's preview for 3x11 and I have a question. What about those who aren't Laurel Lance fans? What's gonna make them "happy" this episode?
A: More of Roy kicking ass.  Diggle piloting a… well, that would be telling.  A real fun scene with Felicity and Palmer.  More Brick.  Our homage to Michael Mann films in the flashbacks.

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I've seen people complain about it on Twitter, but he seems to ignore it.


Thanks, I suppose I won't bother then. Not like it would change anything anyway. I don't mind her on The Flash, but I know some Flash watchers aren't interested in her character and that time could be used to flesh out The Flash characters more. And, of course, it does a disservice to Felicity to not have her character progression on her own damn show.


So yeah no need to watch 3x11. Thanks for the heads up Marc.


Agreed. Nothing he said makes me want to watch. I can catch Diggle and Felicity on Tumblr. Maybe the Oliver stuff will be worth watching.

  • Love 2



Q: IMPORTANT QUESTION. You said we'll be furious at you regarding Olicity by the end of 3x12. So, for how long are we gonna stay mad? Will you be fixing any of the damage you'll make in 3x13 or is it gonna take longer than that?

A: You guys will be mad at me for a while.

He's going to make Felicity "mad as hell" at Oliver, which will really suck.  Part of the reason I hate Laurel is how horrible she was to Oliver, and then her sister, when they came back.  Personally, I think cheating, etc., really pales next to death, and she should have been happy they were alive, even if she didn't want to hang out with them.  The first thing she said to Oliver was something like "I'd hoped you'd stay dead longer than five years."  So am I going to have to start disliking Felicity because she's going to be hateful to Oliver when he comes back?  So I can't start watching again after the dreaded trilogy?

  • Love 1

He's going to make Felicity "mad as hell" at Oliver, which will really suck.  Part of the reason I hate Laurel is how horrible she was to Oliver, and then her sister, when they came back.  Personally, I think cheating, etc., really pales next to death, and she should have been happy they were alive, even if she didn't want to hang out with them.  The first thing she said to Oliver was something like "I'd hoped you'd stay dead longer than five years."  So am I going to have to start disliking Felicity because she's going to be hateful to Oliver when he comes back?  So I can't start watching again after the dreaded trilogy?


I bet she's going to find out that he didn't let them know he was alive right away or something to that effect (for some dumbass Oliver-esque reason), and she'd rightfully be angry about that. Doesn't mean she's not going to be happy to see him and grateful he's alive before that happens though. 

  • Love 3

He's going to make Felicity "mad as hell" at Oliver, which will really suck.  Part of the reason I hate Laurel is how horrible she was to Oliver, and then her sister, when they came back.  Personally, I think cheating, etc., really pales next to death, and she should have been happy they were alive, even if she didn't want to hang out with them.  The first thing she said to Oliver was something like "I'd hoped you'd stay dead longer than five years."  So am I going to have to start disliking Felicity because she's going to be hateful to Oliver when he comes back?  So I can't start watching again after the dreaded trilogy?

Ugh Goddamn MG he is determined to keep this season depressing. Olicity was FINE until he had to Fuck things up. We do not want Ray forced down our throats by him only sharing scenes with Felicity. I don't mind Angst but he is gonna give boneheads a reason to hate Felicity thanks a lot MG I bet there won't even be a happy reunion between them. Ugh he sucks

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Hello marc, I was wondering, did Oliver really die and come back to life or was he just badly hurt? I know Maseo Told Oliver "I asked her to come here so she could bring you back to life" but i don't know if he meant it. Will we get an open answer to that on the next episode? or ever?

Just very badly hurt.  Maseo was speaking poetically.


This dude must have bones of steel.


(Oliver not MG)

Edited by apinknightmare
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Boy, he really doesn't make you want to watch his show... So, why would they be so so mad at Oliver? He died, had to recover, probably couldn't contact them and then he already returns. 


So either she starts a physical relationship with Palmer that sticks or she shuts Oliver down by telling him she doesn't love him and doesn't want to be with him. I guess those are the only things she could do that would upset me for a longer period of time. If she tells him she loves him but doesn't want to be with him because he will always leave them behind then I can almost see where she is coming from. (Granted it is not like she doesn't know what they are doing is dangerous and that he likes to do things by himself, it is not a sudden character development.) 

Edited by Belinea
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I'm okay with her being angry at him if its justified. I just don't want that to be all there is. I want to see Felicity happy first and a hug/kiss, something before it hits the fan. And I don't want Felicity separated from the Team. She needs to still be in the action. Oliver rejected them but they still made progress. I need the same for Felicity.


There is nothing I'm looking forward to in 3x11. Roy and Laurel kicking ass with Diggle support. And a fun scene with Palmer for Felicity. What fun.

  • Love 4

Guys, just because MG thinks we'll be angry at him for a long period of time doesn't mean that Felicity's going to do something nasty and nonsensical or that it'll even be that bad. And if it is "bad," maybe it will make sense and be in character, so it won't be all that upsetting? I mean, this is the guy who probably uses "epic" to describe a roll of toilet paper. He anticipates audience reaction incorrectly all the time. He thought Felicity was OOC for asking Oliver to kill Ra's. Did that actually surprise anyone? 

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 6

Boy, he really doesn't make you want to watch his show... So, why would they be so so mad at Oliver? He died, had to recover, probably couldn't contact them and then he already returns. 


So either she starts a physical relationship with Palmer that sticks or she shuts Oliver down by telling him she doesn't love him and doesn't want to be with him. I guess those are the only things she could do that would upset me for a longer period of time. If she tells him she loves him but doesn't want to be with him because he will always leave them behind then I can almost see where she is coming from. (Granted it is not like she doesn't know what they are doing is dangerous and that he likes to do things by himself, it is not a sudden character development.

Isn't MG the biggest Laurel fan of him GB and AK. MG is more concerned about making laurel BC then ending the Olicity Depression.

I'm okay with her being angry at him if its justified. I just don't want that to be all there is. I want to see Felicity happy first and a hug/kiss, something before it hits the fan. And I don't want Felicity separated from the Team. She needs to still be in the action. Oliver rejected them but they still made progress. I need the same for Felicity.


There is nothing I'm looking forward to in 3x11. Roy and Laurel kicking ass with Diggle support. And a fun scene with Palmer for Felicity. What fun.

I agree with you I just fear knowing the writing a lot of unwarranted hate is coming Felicitys fault even if her reasioning is justified

EL OH EL a homage to Michael Mann right when his latest movie is being pummeled by critics as the worst thing he's ever made after his two previous movies were also the worst things he's ever made. Great timing, Guggenheim!

Related: https://mobile.twitter.com/mattzollerseitz/status/554849505057964032

Edited by dancingnancy
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Guys, just because MG thinks we'll be angry at him for a long period of time doesn't mean that Felicity's going to do something nasty and nonsensical or that it'll even be that bad. And if it is "bad," maybe it will make sense and be in character, so it won't be all that upsetting? I mean, this is the guy who probably uses "epic" to describe a roll of toilet paper. He anticipates audience reaction incorrectly all the time. He thought Felicity was OOC for asking Oliver to kill Ra's. Did that actually surprise anyone? 

That's very true. It just feels like the anger may get directed at Felicity. I don't want to see that.



elawee asked:

Is this obstacle that you're throwing at Olicity that's gonna cause us to be mad at you for a while going to involve a third party? Yes or no?

marcguggenheim answered:

I’m gonna go with yes.

But it’s not Palmer.








Or maybe it's 'The Arrow.'


I'mma go with the love fern.



elawee asked:

Is this obstacle that you're throwing at Olicity that's gonna cause us to be mad at you for a while going to involve a third party? Yes or no?

marcguggenheim answered:

I’m gonna go with yes.

But it’s not Palmer.



It's either Ra's (because Oliver had to promise him something) or Malcolm (because Oliver agreed to do...something). OR ROY BECAUSE 'AWKWARD EYE MOVEMENTS'

Edited by apinknightmare
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Thanks for small favors, MG. Maybe he realized that using Ray to stall Olicity wouldn't exactly endear him to the people who they want to watch his spin off show (or wherever the Atom ends up.)


You're probably right apinknightmare. MG's not a great barometer of how people will react to scenes. I hope whatever ends up happening, it makes sense for the characters involved.

  • Love 3

Thanks for small favors, MG. Maybe he realized that using Ray to stall Olicity wouldn't exactly endear him to the people who they want to watch his spin off show (or wherever the Atom ends up.)


You're probably right apinknightmare. MG's not a great barometer of how people will react to scenes. I hope whatever ends up happening, it makes sense for the characters involved.


First part? I agree.


Second? I will cackle if whatever happens happens and we're all, "YES, FELICITY. YES!"

Thanks for small favors, MG. Maybe he realized that using Ray to stall Olicity wouldn't exactly endear him to the people who they want to watch his spin off show (or wherever the Atom ends up.)


You're probably right apinknightmare. MG's not a great barometer of how people will react to scenes. I hope whatever ends up happening, it makes sense for the characters involved.

Good point about Ray stalling Olicity Calliope

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