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In the extended promo, at 0:31, we can see big windows being broken from the outside in what looks like Thea's new apartment.


Could it be the LoA coming in for Xmas dinner?


It kind of looks like that's actually Oliver shattering the window glass with his boot. Also, I don't think that's Thea's place. It looks like an old brick building and not like Thea's swanky contemporary pad. My guess is that Oliver's breaking into one of the safe houses of the LOA that will probably lead to that shot of him, in his Arrow suit, getting captured by 2 LOA members and dumped in front of Nyssa.




I'll guess that the, "not this time" is Roy offering to go with Oliver and fight by his side against Ra's.


Something like:


Roy: If you fight Ra's al Ghul he'll kill you.

Oliver: I have to protect the city.

Roy: Let me at least come with you.

Oliver: Not this time.


I think that's actually the back of Diggle's head in the shot of the extended promo where Oliver says "Not this time." And I assume, based on the NZ promo, it's a response to Digg trying to ask him if there's another way/other contingency plan. Oliver does tell Roy, very definitively, that Ra's won't kill him after Roy worries that Ra's will kill Oliver, though. So the hope is still alive that we'll have a determined, this-is-not-goodbye Oliver fighting for his life instead of resigned, I-just-can't-be-happy Oliver.

Edited by SleepDeprived

This cracked me up, it's totally possible. Probable, even.


I will laugh so hard if we've been sitting here trying to figure out whether the team thinks Oliver's dead or what could possibly be going on for Oliver to be gone and have no one looking for him and it turns out that they know he's alive because of a stegosaurus picture and present day Oliver just isn't in those two episodes because they needed the time for Laurel's story. 


Haha, but it's true though. They're determined to mess with us. 


Also lol @ stegosaurus picture. But we all know the reason Oliver isn't in the episodes is because they're trying to make Laurel BC. They really couldn't be more Captain Obvious about it tbh. 

I think they realized that Laurel needs a lot of time for the BC arc and decided instead of spacing it out they would remove Oliver (to free up screen time and because they realize what a lot of us already knew: you can't tell BC and Green Arrow origins at the same time) and jump into the story. The Black Canary trilogy is really a Black Canary trilogy, Arrow will resume for the final 11 episodes. I think SA math in the QA was spot on; that is how he probably views the storyline.


Unless I hear glowing reviews after the episode, I have YouTube for what I want too see. And to be fair, they are bringing in a new writer and he may be the one who can connect Laurel to the audience. 


I am however curious about how Laurel will fit into the narrative once Oliver gets back. It looks like she is still an ADA (I will not type DA because that is stupid). I'm curious if the following episodes (after 3x13) will be Laurel-Lite in case of damage control or if they are so confident we will see an increase in presence. I suppose it all depends on the end of Canaries. If her hallucination encourages her to suit up or take a step back.


Really hoping Slade returns present time and its a big Team Arrow episode. I wouldn't mind if the Team takes a trip to LandMine Island to pay him a visit. 

Edited by 10Eleven12

It kind of looks like that's actually Oliver shattering the window glass with his boot. Also, I don't think that's Thea's place. It looks like an old brick building and not like Thea's swanky contemporary pad.




Agreed about it looking like Oliver. But it is Thea's place.




That's from when Malcolm was peeping on Oliver and Thea like a weirdo. It has the same brick on the side and the same metal rail design outside.

  • Love 2

Oh man... Oliver gonna go all Moira at QC on her doesn't he?


Pap video of the scene with Laurel and Count Vertigo 2:

Man I should have listened to that guy warning about ears... i had my speakers on full high. spooked my cats half to death, spooked me half to death, and i only hope my neighbors are not home.. cause that would be an interesting convo if they called the cops. "No officer no one was getting shot.. what i mean is not really, and by that i mean sadly not the character I want to see dead."

Also: why does KC needs her stunt double to be in her outfit for a punching scene?

i'm gonna reserve judgment until i see the episode.

Edited by foreverevolving
  • Love 1

Wow! I just saw the New Zealand promo and is it weird that I laughed at how badly casted RAS's character was instead of actually being excited about the face-off? Yikes!

I am excited to see Oliver and Malcolm interacting and Team Arrow working together even more. Also, do you guys think Atom would make an appearance while Oliver is out of the city to help the remaining Team Arrow out of a jam or something? 

  • Love 1

So, thinking about the fact that Felicity won't be searching for Oliver has me thoroughly confused.  If Oliver is like, "Hey, Boo.  I love you and I promise you I'll come back after I defeat Ra's" and then Felicity hasn't heard from him in a month, won't she get worried and begin looking for him?  Even if she thinks that he's dead, I still have to believe that she wouldn't be satisfied until she saw a body.  I mean, she's witnessed Sara, Slade, and Oliver himself all return from the grave.


So then I think that maybe she knows that he's alive and knows where he is.  But if he's alive and well, why are we only getting flashbacks after the winter break?  But then I wonder if flashbacks would even make sense if we're supposed to think that Oliver is dead.  They usually try to connect the flashbacks to the present, but if Oliver is not in the present, what purpose do flashbacks serve?


So if Oliver is alive and Felicity knows this, what do we think that he's doing?  It must not be important enough to show us if we're only getting flashbacks.  Maybe he has to take a little Hong Kong detour with Maseo? 


I'm going to go crazy thinking about this, I swear.

Anyone have a theory on the flashbacks between 310-312? I can't figure out what they could show with no current Oliver. Are we supposed to guess what Oliver is currently going thru? 


Just had a worrisome thought: Since Laurel is taking lead in those episodes, could those flashbacks be hers? Memories involving Oliver?


I'm just curious as to what they could show Oliver doing in the flashbacks, if there is no Current Oliver to provide the significance.

Edited by 10Eleven12

Anyone have a theory on the flashbacks between 310-312? I can't figure out what they could show with no current Oliver. Are we supposed to guess what Oliver is currently going thru?

Just had a worrisome thought: Since Laurel is taking lead in those episodes, could those flashbacks be hers? Memories involving Oliver?

SA filmed flashbacks for those episodes, he also said that there were a couple/few episodes where he'd only appear on flashbacks.

I wonder what Laurel flashbacks they could show.  Compared to every other same age character on the show, she had it easy until the Queen's Gambit sank.  Pulling Quentin out of bars would have been better shown during her addiction arc than now.


It will be bizarre to see Oliver flashbacks when there is no current Oliver present day story to connect them to though.


I am excited to see Oliver and Malcolm interacting and Team Arrow working together even more. Also, do you guys think Atom would make an appearance while Oliver is out of the city to help the remaining Team Arrow out of a jam or something? 

I think it's too early for the Atom to be making a superhero appearance.  We don't even know if or why he wants to be a superhero.

I'd be okay with Felicity helping him with the tech on his suit though while Oliver's gone.

  • Love 1

It will be bizarre to see Oliver flashbacks when there is no current Oliver present day story to connect them to though.


Do we know the context of Oliver's flashbacks yet? I like the idea of them being flashbacks with Laurel. Well, not like as in I will watch them, but like as in it would make more sense than having Oliver continue his Hong Kong adventures without a present day parallel. 


From that pic of Oliver busting into Thea's place, it looks like Starling City Windows & Doors will have some more business soon! 


Do we know the context of Oliver's flashbacks yet? I like the idea of them being flashbacks with Laurel. Well, not like as in I will watch them, but like as in it would make more sense than having Oliver continue his Hong Kong adventures without a present day parallel.

From that pic of Oliver busting into Thea's place, it looks like Starling City Windows & Doors will have some more business soon!

They were Hong Kong flashbacks, pictures from Paul Blackthorn confirmed that for 311. Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 1

Do we know the context of Oliver's flashbacks yet? I like the idea of them being flashbacks with Laurel. Well, not like as in I will watch them, but like as in it would make more sense than having Oliver continue his Hong Kong adventures without a present day parallel. 

The flashbacks in 310 are Hong Kong -- SA posted a video on Facebook while filming that ep wearing the HK wig. No idea about 311 and 312.

  • Love 1

Well that's kind of dumb that they're doing Hong Kong flashbacks when Oliver isn't even in the present day story.  "Oliver's not here right now, but have a look at this thing that he was up to a few years ago that has nothing to do with what's happening now."  I guess that they could try to parallel it with Laurel's story, but I don't know if it's a good idea for the show to be comparing year three of Oliver's journey through hell with Laurel's four episode journey.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
  • Love 4

The Hong-Kong flashbacks may work if we have someone in the present wondering what would Oliver do - and then showing a similar situation in the past, with Oliver dealing with it (but since it's Hong-Kong, he'll probably be sloppy about it, which will paralel well with BC being sloppy...)


btw, the scene with Peter Stormage and the punch looks kind of... I don't know... funny? It would have looked funny with any actress, the running, the punch and the continued dash. I'm hoping for good editing and camera work on that one.


Another thought I had : what if Oliver fight Ra'S for the leadership of the LoA? Being the head of the League would be the best way to actually control it in some way. Naturally, it's just a wild guess.

  • Love 1

I"d be in favor of Oliver taking over the LoA and handing it over to Nyssa but I think s3 is too early for that.


I'll have to see the punch scene after editing but it looked kind of strange, Laurel running in from the side and punching out a guy who was shooting a gun. I wonder if it's one of the times when she does succeed as her Canary self, or one where she doesn't.  Maybe she succeeds and then Quentin gets angry at her for risking her life.

I think it's too early for the Atom to be making a superhero appearance. We don't even know if or why he wants to be a superhero.

I'd be okay with Felicity helping him with the tech on his suit though while Oliver's gone.

I've been hoping that Ray won't have some "Island" of a reason, and instead this'll just be another thing he felt like doing so he did it. Edited by ostentatious
  • Love 3

Laurel will be punching a US Marshal or someone to be pretending to be one?


Someone pretending would be my guess.


A tweet posted in the SPOILERS thread regarding something spoilery in Oliver's costume in 3x13 (no pic of the costume, just a comment) -> can he be wearing LoA's black? Is my theory of brainwashed Oliver as the Black Arrow coming true?... (Hey, I'm not fond of the theory, but...)


EDIT: ok, so the recent photos apparently show Oliver in green costume with nothing out of the ordinary. Good.

Edited by Ariah

Regarding Oliver's costume spoiler over in the SPOILERS ONLY thread - looks like he's got something on the strap to his quiver in that pic of SA and Colton's stunt double, right on the chest area (it's got an ammo kind of look to it, IMO). Maybe it's some kind of suit upgrade (again)? And he's got a guard/armor-type plate on his right leg. 

Edited by apinknightmare

Do we know for a fact that SA only shot flashbacks for 310?  Perhaps he's only in them in 311-312?  They might resolve the mid-Season cliff hanger and give us a reason for him not being around in 311-312.  This would explain the time jump as well as why Felicity (or anyone else for that matter) isn't looking for him. 


No clue about the costume.

Regarding Oliver's costume spoiler over in the SPOILERS ONLY thread - looks like he's got something on the strap to his quiver in that pic of SA and Colton's stunt double, right on the chest area (it's got an ammo kind of look to it, IMO). Maybe it's some kind of suit upgrade (again)? And he's got a guard/armor-type plate on his right leg. 

I think the updated strap to the quiver was there at the end of the crossover already. I don't know about the plate on the leg, though, so maybe it'could have been added later, and not by Cisco :)

I think the updated strap to the quiver was there at the end of the crossover already. I don't know about the plate on the leg, though, so maybe it'could have been added later, and not by Cisco :)


It was part of the upgraded jacket, you're right. It looked like his quiver, but it's clearly part of the jacket when Oliver pulls it out of the box. Maybe Oliver has some kind of injury to his right leg that needs protection? Can't be too bad if he's walking on it - but it seems like it must be due to some kind of injury since there isn't a plate on his left leg. Wonder if there's something on the right side of his jacket, too. 


Do we know for a fact that SA only shot flashbacks for 310? Perhaps he's only in them in 311-312? They might resolve the mid-Season cliff hanger and give us a reason for him not being around in 311-312. This would explain the time jump as well as why Felicity (or anyone else for that matter) isn't looking for him.

No clue about the costume.

SA filmed Hong Kong flashbacks only for 310-311, he was also barely on set or even in Vancouver for most of that filming (a couple of days for each....at most). We know from canadagraphs that the HK actors were sent home after 311, implication is that they've wrapped the flashbacks for now (no more in 312-314) and will resume in January with 315. Other possibility is that they're done with the hong kong flashbacks for S3 (unlikely).

312 is the big question mark, SA was in LA for most of filming, he flew up to Vancouver for a couple of days and people believe he filmed Thursday/Friday but no confirmation. SA then flew to LA on Saturday for the Flarrow screening. He stayed in LA until Monday, there is a Twitter picture of SA and JB in hair/makeup on Tuesday and he was at the table read for 313.

Best people can figure, 310-311, flashbacks only. 312 no flashbacks but shows up in Starling possibly as the cliffhanger possibly with a small (5 minutes or less, 2-3 days of filming) role. 313 he's obviously on set, shooting in Arrow gear, so he should have a substanial role again.

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 3

Regarding the leg plate, I think that the lighting in the photo is just funny.  If you look at Colton's stunt double's right leg, it looks similar.  I think that's just the seams of his leather pants.


I don't think so - whatever that is is strapped on there. He doesn't have any straps on his left leg.


I looked at his costume in the Arrow side of the crossover ep, and it doesn't look like there's anything strapped to his right leg (although I could be wrong). So, whatever that is seems like it might be new.

I don't think so - whatever that is is strapped on there. He doesn't have any straps on his left leg.


I looked at his costume in the Arrow side of the crossover ep, and it doesn't look like there's anything strapped to his right leg (although I could be wrong). So, whatever that is seems like it might be new.


Doesn't he strap a knife or something to his hip?  Here:




And if you scroll down further to the crossover pics, you can see the strap too.  I think there used to be only one strap, but maybe they added another weapon or something on his leg, and now he matches Roy with the two leg straps.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit

Maybe the fact that he was in costume per say it's a spoiler. Maybe they actually go with "Oliver is dead", so it could be that if a picture of him in Arrow gear (possibly meaning he is alive and well in Starling, since he is shirtless during his  battle with Ra's) starts floating the internet, it could spoil the resolution. Who knows :)

  • Love 1

Maybe the fact that he was in costume per say it's a spoiler. Maybe they actually go with "Oliver is dead", so it could be that if a picture of him in Arrow gear (possibly meaning he is alive and well in Starling, since he is shirtless during his  battle with Ra's) starts floating the internet, it could spoil the resolution. Who knows :)

Too late then since Canadagraphs posted a picture of him in costume.

Count me in as confused about the HK flashbacks in 310-312. I thought the flashbacks linked to what was happening to Oliver in the present day but he's not going to be around so WTF?! It doesn't make any sense. As these episodes are about Laurel it would make more sense for the flashbacks to be Laurel based (maybe with Sara too) but they really can't have three episodes with Oliver missing completely. That would be ratings suicide. 


Also the only difference I notice with Oliver's costume is the straps around his leg. Everything else looks the same, although it's hard to tell from that angle.

Ah, ok. As per the new spoiler posted in SPOILERS only (seriously, it's really awkward to have a discussion and go back and forth between threads) the Vertigo hallucination masks are back and they're part of the press which leads me to think the Count drugs the FBI agent who is leading him in handcuffs and that's why he starts pointing the gun at everyone and yelling to stay back. And then Laurel punches him. No one needs to watch that episode now because I've figured it out. Just kidding. But not really. Lol.

Edited by Guest

Sara will probably be part of Laurel's hallucinations. And yeah, I think Angel12d nailed it. The marshal will get drugged by Vertigo somehow, and start hallucinating the monsters, and Laurel will dash in and punch him. But then she'll somehow end up getting drugged later and having hallucinations of Sara as the Canary.

Edited by Starfish35

Doesn't he strap a knife or something to his hip?  Here:




And if you scroll down further to the crossover pics, you can see the strap too.  I think there used to be only one strap, but maybe they added another weapon or something on his leg, and now he matches Roy with the two leg straps.


I've officially spent too much time looking at a leg for something that will ultimately not matter, haha

  • Love 2

Ah, ok. As per the new spoiler posted in SPOILERS only (seriously, it's really awkward to have a discussion and go back and forth between threads) the Vertigo hallucination masks are back and they're part of the press which leads me to think the Count drugs the FBI agent that's leading him in handcuffs and that's why he starts pointing the gun at everyone and yelling to stay back. And then Laurel punches him. No one needs to watch that episode now because I've figured it out. Just kidding. But not really. Lol.


If all is as it seems in that video of the scene that was posted, then the fact that she's able to just walk right up and punch a man who's high and shooting people is just ridiculous. And I'm not saying that because it's Laurel, I'm saying that because she literally was able to just walk right up to him - no tactical maneuvers or anything. Hopefully it's a dream sequence or something, IDK.

  • Love 2

I don't remember the Vertigo hallucination masks from previous episodes, but looking at the Spoilers Only thread the only thing I can see in that picture is Voldemort!


They were only in episode 301 and very briefly. Hard to see too because the camera shot is shaking all over the place as it happens.


But yes, very Voldemort!



If all is as it seems in that video of the scene that was posted, then the fact that she's able to just walk right up and punch a man who's high and shooting people is just ridiculous. And I'm not saying that because it's Laurel, I'm saying that because she literally was able to just walk right up to him - no tactical maneuvers or anything. Hopefully it's a dream sequence or something, IDK.


Maybe it's Laurel wishing she can just go up and punch someone without any repercussions? So yeah, dream sequence probably. Hopefully.

Oh good grief. I just watched that BTS snippet of Laurel. Are they really trying to tell me that Laurel got the drop on the guy SHOOTING AN ACTUAL GUN and that she punches him whilst his firing? Really? Is that ssupposed to be AFTER she's been taking boxing lessons? Because if it is Cassidy looks like she still can't throw a fake punch to save her life.

I've officially spent too much time looking at a leg for something that will ultimately not matter, haha


You were looking at his leg?? You are a better person than me...cause that new Arrow suit....oh my.

  • Love 6

Well, if he's high and focused on the "monsters" in front of him, he might not see her running in from the side.

ETA: I didn't watch the video - did she actually walk? The stills looked like she was running, but maybe not.


She was kind of shuffling towards him - kind of a run. But she came right through the crowd of "monsters," so... shouldn't she look like one of them to him? I'll stop trying to make it logical, haha.

You were looking at his leg?? You are a better person than me...cause that new Arrow suit....oh my.


I never said I *just* looked at his leg. ;)

  • Love 3

Sorry in advance, I have a hard time keeping all of these spoilers straight.  When is Felicity supposed to be alone in the dark with a pair of scissors?  Or did that already happen and I just missed it?


Good question. Everyone was assuming that was on 308 [hence all the spec Felicity was gonna get kidnapped and Team Flash would come help save her], but maybe it's next week instead? Hiding from the LoA? From Malcolm being in Verdant?


Alternately, it got cut.

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