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Not really sure if this is the right thread to post this, but since The Flash is not airing next Tuesday, does this mean we'll have a week hiatus on Arrow,too? If not,  what would the timeline for the crossovers be?

I don't know if this is true, but if it is, I'm all for it! Moira FTW :)

Responding in the Media thread...which on other boards seems to be for media/scheduling/ratings (perhaps we should update as well?)

Not really sure if this is the right thread to post this, but since The Flash is not airing next Tuesday, does this mean we'll have a week hiatus on Arrow,too? If not,  what would the timeline for the crossovers be?


They have defined dates up until 306, so the break is either between 306 and 307, or 307 and 308. Last season they took a break between episodes 7 and 8, so that would be my guess here as well. 

From the Barrowman interview:


TVF: What is Malcolm’s Achilles heel at this point? Is it Thea? Or is it something we don’t know about yet? Do you know what that is?

JB: Yes and you don’t know yet. Let’s put it this way, if I were going to reference Doctor Who, it’s like Bad Wolf. There is a greater thing happening.

Hmm...very interesting. Not Thea, but not known to us yet.


It's Tommy, isn't it Barrowman? It's Tommy. Come on. It is.




JB: Malcolm is always a hard ass but I always think there is a core emotional side to him deep down and everything he’s doing with Thea…I think that Malcolm did love Moira and he loved how she would spar with him and now that she’s gone he feels an obligation to protect.


*sniffles* Malcolm and Moira would've been so badass. I shipped it, I mourn it, I ain't ashamed.

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“Ranked second in the National Informative Technology Competition at age 19. Graduated MIT with master’s degree in cybersecurity and computer sciences. I know who you are. I keep an eye out for promising talent in scientific fields. It’s what brought me Cisco, Caitlin. And I foresaw great things from you.”

If Felicity was ranked second, then who was ranked first?  And will that person show up on Arrow?  Perhaps her college boyfriend - or someone else?

They have defined dates up until 306, so the break is either between 306 and 307, or 307 and 308. Last season they took a break between episodes 7 and 8, so that would be my guess here as well. 



According to the episode descriptions they released for next week 3x05 is suppose to air while the flash is airing a rerun.

  Yes, I knew about next week's episode, I wasn't sure about the following weeks and how the whole " we're going to Central, then get back to Starling" order would play if there wasn't a hiatus on Arrow, too.  I hadn't considered Thanksgiving. Thank you for answering :)

I'm curious about the breakdown of Felicity's resume on The Flash. They didn't need to go into such detail; they could have just had Mr. Wells say the part about how he foresaw great things. I'm wondering if its supposed to tie into her backstory. With all those qualifications, why was she working as an IT girl? Does it have anything to do with her darker past? Part of me thinks that she was hiding at QC (not in a criminal way or WITSEC). Maybe she was into something deep and decided she needed a quiet life to recoup....

I'm curious about the breakdown of Felicity's resume on The Flash. They didn't need to go into such detail; they could have just had Mr. Wells say the part about how he foresaw great things. I'm wondering if its supposed to tie into her backstory. With all those qualifications, why was she working as an IT girl? Does it have anything to do with her darker past? Part of me thinks that she was hiding at QC (not in a criminal way or WITSEC). Maybe she was into something deep and decided she needed a quiet life to recoup....


I think he listed her accomplishments as a way to let her know he had indeed been paying specific attention to her, instead of just offering general praise such as "I foresaw great things from you."



I am just gonna say UGH! Tell Quentin the truth.


New sneak peak


LOL, I love Laurel wanting vengeance for Sara's death but being all pissy toward a person who is a) motivated to get it and b) much more capable of doing it than she is. I guess it only counts if she or Oliver gets it?



Edited by apinknightmare
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I am just gonna say UGH! Tell Quentin the truth.


New sneak peak

Is there a link anywhere else for this? It doesn't work in Canada. 


Also: comic preview 



Edited by ban1o

I know this is ridiculous to even THINK, and I know it won't happen, but the further we get into the season without Quentin knowing, the more I think that Laurel's going to finally buck up the courage to tell him, go in for a hug or something, and then while looking over Laurel's shoulder Quentin's going to say "Sara!" as she walks through the door.

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In Bad Wolf, Jack comes back to life and becomes an Immortal thanks to Rose.  Rose absorbs the Time Vortex from the Tardis and becomes super powerful/god like with time travel and reality bending ability.  She destroys the entire fleet of Dalek ships including the Emperor.  The Doctor also takes all of Rose's new found power from her to save her life resulting in becoming Ten.  Did I miss anything?  I know Bad Wolf kept popping up throughout Rose's run but it seems like it all tied back to the original episode (IIRC).


So Bad Wolf - Jack Comes Back to Life, Doctor regenerates from Nine to Ten, Secret major threat/fleet hidden behind a seemingly minor threat....


Tommy/Sara - come back to life, Laurel becomes Canary, Ra's hiding behind Malcolm?


If it's only related to Malcolm then I'd go with Tommy coming back to life.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I'm curious about the breakdown of Felicity's resume on The Flash. They didn't need to go into such detail; they could have just had Mr. Wells say the part about how he foresaw great things. 

I think he said it because not everyone who watches Flash watches Arrow. It was a quick way for people to understand just how brilliant she is so when she hacks something in less than a minute people won't go "Where the hell did that come from?"

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Oliver and Laurel interact



Question: I would love any spoilers you have about Arrow, specifically Laurel-Oliver. —Alannah
Ausiello: If I’m hearing you correctly, you’d like some “Olicity” scoop. (Kidding! I made a funny!) Oliver will soon find out that Laurel is training with Ted Grant, much to his dismay. “The dynamic has been very adversarial” between the former lovers, Stephen Amell shares. “What she wants and what he’s prepared to reciprocate are at odds with one another, and that carries through the fall.” There’s also the fact that he’s not thrilled that she’s keeping Sara’s death hidden from Captain Lance. However, “it is Laurel’s decision, it is not Oliver’s,” Amell concedes. “And he’s not gonna step on that. He has the ability to disagree without taking matters into his own hands.”

At least Oliver isn't giving in.

Ah, so they're adopting the Castle method of storytelling? That means you've got writers clarifying what is actually happening on the show via twitter to look forward to. It's canon if one of the EPs twitterised it, guys!


I think it was a response Stephen made during the press interviews they did last week. Seems like it comes up in the show, it just hasn't yet.

Anyone else expecting the promo to be lighter in tone? Granted that hardly counts as a promo. When does the extended promo come out?

I need promo photos. How can they not have any out right now?

ETA: I said promo a lot. That is how much I need this.

I don't know what tone I was expecting, but I thought her mother would be in it. Edited by apinknightmare
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Anyone else expecting the promo to be lighter in tone? Granted that hardly counts as a promo. When does the extended promo come out?




Usually it would be up by now actually. They are usually released by 11:30-12 midnight EST. (don't ask how I know this :P) I'm surprised it isn't up yet. 


On that note they seem to be delaying a lot with this episode. Even the promo pictures should have been released this after noon. They seem kinda disorganized lol. 

Edited by ban1o
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I legit cannot decide if the lack of good promo materials for 305 is an oversight, or if they're legit hiding something ~big about Felicity's background. Ugh, the wait is gonna kill. Is it next week yet?

I thought the news that she wrote a program that could bring down Starling City was a pretty big place to start.  But overall, I thought it just seemed really short (granted, I realize it was short, but I think there was just a lot of it spent building up to the "I wrote it" reveal).  Oh well, I shouldn't complain, I feel so spoiled as each ep goes by with all the details they spill each week.  Yet, at the same time, I wanna know!  It's a conundrum...

They may have made it all action-y so that the male demo would still be excited for the episode and want to tune in.

This might be true. I know some people online were worried the episode might be soapy and light on action. It wasn't a majority, by any means,, but the promo just might be just trying to focus on the action. 

Edited by ban1o

I don't think they have. We only know about Mama Smoak and the Ex-Man. And considering its a cyber attack on the city, I'm betting its the Ex.


I'm ready for promo shots and sneak peeks now.

Thanks and yeah if they didn't announce a villain it seems very likely that it's the ex. The face in the dark towards the end kinda looks like him from what I remember 


And yeah those promo pictures better be released tomorrow or CW has failed the fandom lol! 

Edited by ban1o
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