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I think it'll be serious business. I had been imagining it as lighter, because I had it in my head that mom was going to be kind of meddling and a teensy bit critical, but now I am just imagining her as a less intelligent Felicity living under different circumstances. Now, I think it'll probably lead to genuine advice. Maybe wrong advice, but genuine all the same.

  • Love 1

That's been my thought for awhile now too. There is just too much juicy potential not to have Mama Smoak say something to Oliver about how he and her daughter act around each other. If it doesn't happen, the writers have dropped the ball.


Yeah, it would be a missed opportunity.


I'm hoping whatever observation Mom makes pushes him forward to make him want to fight for her instead of providing the opportunity for 'I'm not good enough for her' angst.

  • Love 5


MG teases that 3x05 will have some Olicity moments.


I want to trust this & hope there will be some much needed dialogue for them in 3x05 as their exchanges so far have felt incomplete - I can't help wonder if that's an editing fail.


Does this mean 3x04 will come with a lot of Laurel?  Any more spoilers in that regard? At the moment I'm planning to read the epi discussion here 1st before deciding whether to watch this week.

  • Love 1

Yeah, it would be a missed opportunity.


I'm hoping whatever observation Mom makes pushes him forward to make him want to fight for her instead of providing the opportunity for 'I'm not good enough for her' angst.


Well, if there is a parallel between Felicity leaving for MIT and Felicity leaving Oliver for other opportunities both personal and professional, I think the real end conclusion is that no matter where she goes, her mom is her mom, and they love one another. She can go anywhere and do anything and that doesn't change. Oliver being in her life doesn't hurt or limit her unless he chooses to hurt or limit her. That doesn't mean it's the conclusion that Mama Smoak and Oliver would articulate in the ep, but I think it can be part of a larger food for thought thing.

Edited by ostentatious
  • Love 1

I want to trust this & hope there will be some much needed dialogue for them in 3x05 as their exchanges so far have felt incomplete - I can't help wonder if that's an editing fail.


Does this mean 3x04 will come with a lot of Laurel?  Any more spoilers in that regard? At the moment I'm planning to read the epi discussion here 1st before deciding whether to watch this week.


Felicity will probably only be in one scene at the very end of 3X04 because she is in Central City this week (on The Flash tonight). From Spoilers 3X04 is Malcolm, Thea, Nyssa, Laurel & Oliver. So now that's not a mistake. :(


I'm out of Arrow this week. I'll get my Felicity fix on the Flash and I'm excited about that.  

  • Love 6

Well, if there is a parallel between Felicity leaving for MIT and Felicity leaving Oliver for other opportunities both personal and professional, I think the real end conclusion is that no matter where she goes, her mom is her mom, and they love one another. She can go anywhere and do anything and that doesn't change. Oliver being in her life doesn't hurt or limit her unless he chooses to hurt or limit her. That doesn't mean it's the conclusion that Mama Smoak and Oliver would articulate in the ep, but I think it can be part of a larger food for thought thing.


Well, I just meant encouraging with regards to what she actually says to him, not what can be gleaned from it. Instead of saying something along the lines of her daughter deserves the best (or similar, because I don't think Oliver would ever consider himself the best candidate for anything good), saying that her daughter deserves to be loved or to be looked at the way that he looks at her, or something generally encouraging within the headspace that Oliver's operating inside of right now.


ETA: Not that Felicity doesn't deserve the best, she does - it's just I'd like that idea to be conveyed in a way that doesn't phrase the sentiment quite that way.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 4


I'm hoping whatever observation Mom makes pushes him forward to make him want to fight for her instead of providing the opportunity for 'I'm not good enough for her' angst.


I think she will say something motivating, Mama Smoak definitely seems like a Seize the Day type (surely to her daughters occasional mortification), and I'm betting she won't care for Ray, so she'll be all get off the STUMP fool. At least this is what happens in my personal head canon.

  • Love 2

I think it really depends upon the frequency and nature of communication she's had with Felicity the past two years.


Does she know who Oliver is? Does she know about the job switcheroo last fall? If so, is she the type to be like OOOH BILLIONAIRE! or would she recognize it for the problem it was?


I think the conclusion that Oliver has to come to is the same conclusion everyone has to come to when they decide to really commit. You have to decide that yes, in fact I *am* the best for the person I love. Whatever your issues are...somebody is always thinner, younger, smarter, richer, nicer, from a better family, more educated, more well read, more well traveled...you still have to believe that just because you're you, you're who this person you love should be with. That's the core of "you have to love yourself to be able to love someone else."


So while I would not want Mama Smoak to be all negative Moira about it, I would want her to be more thoughtful than just "I see the way you look at her, I can tell you really love her." I would want her to get a read on his fears and provide some useful food for thought.


I don't know that the Ray/Felicity dynamic is developed enough yet for her to bring up Ray to him. Unless she really does get a load of Ray and he's already visibly pursuing Felicity romantically. So far I don't think he's gotten to that point.


Since Cooper (right) is in this ep, I think probably there'll be something paralleled with him and Oliver, so mom may know about that whole situation. She could have something to say there.


I guess she'll encounter TA in the ruins of Verdant? Or Felicity's house?


ETA: EBR interview

they end up on a double date and Felicity's a little awkward and very much overdressed and I think they say yes because there's no opportunity to say no.

So she actually is supposed to be dressed wrong.

Edited by ostentatious
  • Love 2


Wow, she has a Masters from MIT and was doing random tech support for Queen Consolidated? I hope there's more of a story behind that. Next week, preferably.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 4


I would want her to get a read on his fears and provide some useful food for thought.


Eh I guess I would just find that Fairy Godmotheresque in her degree of insight, given she's going to have ONE at most two scenes with Oliver. Moira observed them for months and months before pulling out her catty observation. Certainly Felicity could have provided her some background on everything that was emotionally going down these last 5 months, but I just want her basically to be reiterating Diggle's advice, like it's clear you feel SOME KINDA WAY, and awwww committing is scurrry, but HELLO 30 year old man get on with it. Which is more a *general* life advice than about any of Oliver's specific hang ups. I want it to be thoughtful, but necessarily all that deep, and more cut to through the bullshit and to the chase, I think a blind man could perceive Oliver's emotional constipation so that would work for me fine.

  • Love 2

Huh. Wells says "(he) foresaw great things from (Felicity)."


That is interesting. He emphasizes "foresaw." Lord, maybe *Wells* is her dad.


And blixie, Moira is uninformed except for infrequent observations. Felicity may actually *talk* to her mom about her feelings.

Edited by ostentatious
  • Love 1

Something is going on with Wells and his ability to see things that will come in the future.  He gives me great pause (I love him!).  REALLY excited for his scenes with Felicity and hope it's more than just what is in that preview.  Thank goodness for The Flash this week.  I'm not watching Arrow until I read the episode thread and decide if it will only bring me down more than this season has, or if Nyssa/Thea/Malcolm is enough to carry me through.  


I'm really scared of the Nyssa/Laurel scenes, TBH.  I'm not sure I can handle someone like Nyssa being impressed by what I've seen of Laurel this season.

  • Love 3

Okay, now I think Felicity should just move across to The Flash permanently.  I'm so looking forward to this episode!  And I think we learned more about her in that one clip than we've done in all her time on Arrow.  Giant fail, Arrow!  Interesting that her majors (which, we note, were not in the secretarial arts) were in cyber security and computer sciences.  Sounds kind of like a sanitised way of saying she majored in hacking!

  • Love 6


Lord, maybe *Wells* is her dad.


Ha, truecrystal totally think's he's future Barry so that is making me laugh really hard. The Flash and PTB really DO dig their incest! As do I of course.



Felicity may actually *talk* to her mom about her feelings.


Sure but  that doesn't give her automatic insight into Oliver's *particular* set of fears/hang ups. Admittedly your conception of Mama Smoak and mine are really different.I'm expecting Eve Donovan, jaded ex secret super hero. A woman who has LIVED the hella hell out of life, and doesn't need to get a read on Oliver's very speshul unique pain.

  • Love 2


“Ranked second in the National Informative Technology Competition at age 19. Graduated MIT with master’s degree in cybersecurity and computer sciences. I know who you are. I keep an eye out for promising talent in scientific fields. It’s what brought me Cisco, Caitlin. And I foresaw great things from you.”


This actually makes me so happy to see! I literally giggled because of how brilliant Felicity is. Completely irreplaceable. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. 

  • Love 6

Ha, truecrystal totally think's he's future Barry so that is making me laugh really hard. The Flash and PTB really DO dig their incest! As do I of course.



Sure but  that doesn't give her automatic insight into Oliver's *particular* set of fears/hang ups. Admittedly your conception of Mama Smoak and mine are really different.I'm expecting Eve Donovan, jaded ex secret super hero. A woman who has LIVED the hella hell out of life, and doesn't need to get a read on Oliver's very speshul unique pain.

Oh, you're expecting her to secretly not really be what Felicity thinks she is? I was up in the air about this, and in fact operated on the principle that if you tell me a character played by this particular actress is just a waitress, then she definitely is not just a waitress. But that last article from EBR makes me question that, and think perhaps she really isn't that complicated.


The reason I think she might have insight into his particular set of fears/hangups is if they sound familiar to her.

So Wells foresaw great things and since (possible Flash spoiler/speculation)

Wells is Professor Zoom from the future. So he knows what great things Felicity accomplishes in the future and he knows if Oliver and Felicity end up together.


Insert the Loki screaming TELL ME gif!!!


I could not be more excited for tonight's episode.

  • Love 7

Is it bad that I am far more excited for Flash than I am for Arrow? I mean, I adore Nyssa, but I'm loving Felicity gelling in with the Flash crowd so easily. However, I don't see why people would want her to move to Flash. I mean what would her purpose  be on that show? 


Yeah, I think she'd be superfluous on Flash. I'm excited because a) I love Felicity, and b) I'm not nearly as invested in the characters on Flash as I am on Arrow so I watch with approximately 100% less trepidation that they're about to f**k something up, because I really don't care that much.


I love that we learn more about Felicity in 20 seconds on ANOTHER SHOW than we have on Arrow. Okay, I know that's not true, but it seems like it.

  • Love 11

Felicity will probably only be in one scene at the very end of 3X04 because she is in Central City this week (on The Flash tonight). From Spoilers 3X04 is Malcolm, Thea, Nyssa, Laurel & Oliver. So now that's not a mistake. :(


I'm out of Arrow this week. I'll get my Felicity fix on the Flash and I'm excited about that.  

MG's tweet makes me wonder if Felicity's scene with Oliver (from stills & previews) ended up on the cutting room floor?


I am with those more excited for Flash than Arrow!

  • Love 1

MG's tweet makes me wonder if Felicity's scene with Oliver (from stills & previews) ended up on the cutting room floor?


I am with those more excited for Flash than Arrow!


He probably just realizes that fans of the ship are getting kind of restless, considering all the selling of it they did over the summer. He's mentioned on several occasions that she's briefly in the ep, so I think we'll still see her tomorrow night.

  • Love 2

He probably just realizes that fans of the ship are getting kind of restless, considering all the selling of it they did over the summer. He's mentioned on several occasions that she's briefly in the ep, so I think we'll still see her tomorrow night.

I hope so!  It was just the first thought that popped into my head.  I know there have been one or two scenes with Felicity that MG confirmed ended up cut from 3.03. 


 I am watching anyway as I want to see the Oliver/Malcolm confrontation. 

  • Love 1

I'm glad Felicity is dressed wrong.  She's socially awkward, but not that socially awkward.  I'm so excited for the Flash tonight.


I've been wondering where exactly Oliver and Diggle are going to meet Felicity's mother.  The lair is out, Oliver and Diggle are no longer at QC, and Felicity doesn't seem like the type to throw a party at her apartment for family to meet friends.

I am so pleased to read in EBR's IGN interview that Felicity has a loving mom. I can just see this kind, hard-working single mom with a daughter she loves so much but cannot understand, who had a big brain and bigger ideas, and mom always felt like she deserved more than she could give her. 

That makes sense, but it doesn't fit in with the "my mother is... my mother", which gives the impression her mother is someone she can't emotionally connect with and who discouraged her from going to MIT.  If her mother was warm and loving, even if she didn't understand Felicity's brain (and IQ is passed along on the X gene), Felicity wouldn't have felt so family-less so as to cling to her new family in the lair.


I'm really scared of the Nyssa/Laurel scenes, TBH.  I'm not sure I can handle someone like Nyssa being impressed by what I've seen of Laurel this season.

Same here.  I'm afraid my love for Nyssa will be taxed if she's actually impressed by Laurel after being with Sara.

  • Love 2

However, I don't see why people would want her to move to Flash. I mean what would her purpose be on that show?

I don't imagine many people seriously want her to move to Flash. I mean, I miss her since I'm not watching Arrow, and Team Flash has not exactly clicked for me the way Team Arrow did, and I've always enjoyed the Baricity chemistry (though I wouldn't go so far as saying I shipped them. More that the possibility is there). So yeah. I would welcome her, but that doesn't mean I think it would be the best move. She already gets a fair amount of criticism for being the spoiler for one "canon" pairing - I can only imagine the outcry from those who aren't fans if she moved to Flash. :(

Edited by Starfish35
That makes sense, but it doesn't fit in with the "my mother is... my mother", which gives the impression her mother is someone she can't emotionally connect with and who discouraged her from going to MIT.  If her mother was warm and loving, even if she didn't understand Felicity's brain (and IQ is passed along on the X gene), Felicity wouldn't have felt so family-less so as to cling to her new family in the lair.

I felt that "my mother is...my mother" was the kind of eye-rolly thing anyone with a mom who bugs them about anything, ever, might say. It was so incredibly non-committal, as was Oliver's "well yeah" sound/shrug that it should be used as an example of how to leave a thing WIDE OPEN.


I have never seen Felicity as really...clinging to her new family in the lair, in a way that indicates she couldn't have a warm and loving mother. Not wanting to lose Oliver is different. He is incredibly important to her, and she has "abandoned by the most important man in my life" issues. I could see Felicity as someone whose mother is *overconcerned* with her. Calls a lot, wants to know everything that's going on with her. And the past two years, as Felicity was less and less able to come home to visit, or tell her about what was going on in her life, I can see that kind of mom getting pushier and pushier.


Also, I didn't feel that the person(s) who told Felicity she could never be anything more than a cocktail waitress was her mother.

  • Love 1


hat makes sense, but it doesn't fit in with the "my mother is... my mother", which gives the impression her mother is someone she can't emotionally connect with and who discouraged her from going to MIT.

When did she say her mother discouraged her from going to MIT? It may be she did but I don't recall her saying anything that specific.  I took her comment to mean not that her mother wasn't loving, but that she was loud, and flashy and maybe a littler reckless, and not overly concerned with the development of the mind, and therefore embarrassing/overbearing. Her mom was "just a cocktail waitress", but Felicity had bigger dreams and she made them happen.

I love that Harrison Wells knows who she is and is expecting big things from her. Finally, Felicity gets appreciated for her brain this season.

I have never seen Felicity as really...clinging to her new family in the lair, in a way that indicates she couldn't have a warm and loving mother. Not wanting to lose Oliver is different. 

In the deleted scene with Sara after Slade invades the lair, Felicity says to Sara "It's the first place in the world where I really felt that I was home. He took that."  So it sounds as if the home she grew up in really didn't feel like home to her, which seems to say something about her relationship with her mother.


When did she say her mother discouraged her from going to MIT? It may be she did but I don't recall her saying anything that specific.  I took her comment to mean not that her mother wasn't loving, but that she was loud, and flashy and maybe a littler reckless, and not overly concerned with the development of the mind, and therefore embarrassing/overbearing. Her mom was "just a cocktail waitress", but Felicity had bigger dreams and she made them happen.

It was the 'if I had been content to stay in Las Vegas and be a cocktail waitress like my mother' line that made me think that Mama Smoak didn't have ambitions for her daughter.  If you listen to people like Michael Jordan who made it really big out of the environment where they grew up, they talk about how their parents encouraged them to reach for the stars.  If Felicity's mother had been encouraging her to dream big and spread her wings, why would Felicity have said that to Oliver? 

If Felicity's mother had been encouraging her to dream big and spread her wings, why would Felicity have said that to Oliver? 


One of two things. Either:


1. Felicity didn't mean *professionally*. She meant that he made her believe she could make a difference in the world, be part of this here heroic operation and what-not.


Or (more likely)


2. Women with her résumé do not refer to themselves as "IT girls" or "just" anything. Something happened that forced her to lower her career sights. So, whatever it was that hurt her and led to her winding up an IT girl at QC, having Oliver have faith in her helped her believe in herself again.


I suspect whatever she went through with No Way He's Really Named Cooper Seldon is at the root of this. Either he took credit for something, stole her work somehow, ruined her reputation, got her in trouble with the Feds...something.


I do think that her mother has a Position on man-issues, but "All men are scum" is as likely as "Felicity, you should work what the good Lord gave you," IMO.

Edited by ostentatious
  • Love 1

I'm currently on my mobile so I can't link or quote that well but as far as where Felicity's mom will be meeting Oliver...The same day that EBR Instagramed a photo of her and the actress that plays her mom she instagramed a photo of herself drinking from a "big belly burger" cup. So I'm thinking that we will be seeing the return of big belly burger next week?

  • Love 3

To add to what @Orion said:

"So if dr. wells "forsaw great things" from Felicity can he just be kind enough, put us out of our misery and confirm if there is a Felicity Smoak- Queen in her future. And FYI i'm still on the fence on who he is, my pet theory is that he is Dr. Fate."



That makes sense, but it doesn't fit in with the "my mother is... my mother", which gives the impression her mother is someone she can't emotionally connect with and who discouraged her from going to MIT.  If her mother was warm and loving, even if she didn't understand Felicity's brain (and IQ is passed along on the X gene), Felicity wouldn't have felt so family-less so as to cling to her new family in the lair.


I think i can understand that line.. Me and my mom are.. very different individuals. actually i'm very much like Felicity, ambitious, my mom on the other hand is not, she is just fine with settling on what she has. I wanted to move across an ocean and go to school in a different country, and I did. my mom? her first, second, third and 10th reactions was "just stay here".

I know she loves me, and she looks out for me, but we are truly such different individuals that.. yea. actually having an ocean between us has only done our relationship good.

So, My mom is... my mom. I get where it can come from. i'm living it.


The only scenes I know of that were cut involving Felicity was the gunshots one and the "Are there any cameras around?" from when Oliver asked her out. That last one makes me sad because SA had the cutest expression on his face (the one from the comic con trailer).

I don't remember that one. I need to re-watch the comic-con trailer.

  • Love 1

One of the Eps says it was cut for time (twitter) and if you watch the trailer and compare it to the actual scene you can see the difference. Just watch SA's face....I know....I know....Its so hard.


ETA: The full scene isn't in the trailer but there is a shot of SA during the ask out scene that was not in the episode. Sorry, thought I should clarify.

Edited by 10Eleven12

We also know based on SA's Facebook comment last week that another line/exchange was cut from 3x03 that made it clear that Oliver knew Felicity was working at QC. I'm sure lines were cut from other scenes and other characters as well, so I'm not going to get up in arms about it, but I don't really get some of this stuff, from an editing/directing standpoint.


I'm hoping 3x04 & 3x05 (and Flash 1x04) live up to the hype they're receiving from the EPs. I'm still pleased with the show, but my standards and expectations are high for Arrow (still riding off of the front half of S2, plus the last four eps, which I thought were great), and I want them to get back to that level. A lot of the first three episodes has felt like place setting. So now the places are set. Let's start, you know, the actual show.

It felt to me like 3x03 was the show rather than still setting up. Laurel comfortable in the lair and starting her physical training to be a vigilante (hopefully it takes more than a couple of episodes, the new Team Arrow of Oliver/Diggle/Roy figthing together and Felicity trying to balance working at QC with working for Team Arrow still.  EBR said in an interview that Felicity was going to have trouble balancing her work life with her Arrow life, which I now take to mean Corto Maltese.  She also said that Mama Smoak comes at a bad time, which presumably when they are trying to catch Malcolm Merlyn who is back in Starling City.

Edited by statsgirl

I'm currently on my mobile so I can't link or quote that well but as far as where Felicity's mom will be meeting Oliver...The same day that EBR Instagramed a photo of her and the actress that plays her mom she instagramed a photo of herself drinking from a "big belly burger" cup. So I'm thinking that we will be seeing the return of big belly burger next week?


Also I'm pretty sure David Ramsey tweeted a picture during filming where he had baby Digglet strapped to his chest while SA was holding the diaper bag. Maybe they all meet casually at Big Belly Burger?

Not sure where to put this, so...per her conversation with Barry in The Flash, Felicity was listening to Oliver's conversation with Barry on the rooftop and that's how she found out he was the streak. So...she and Oliver both left the hospital and went to the foundry? Separately? And then they worked together right after (assuming that's why Oliver was dressed as the Arrow when he went to meet Barry, love that he said he'd be right there and took the time to change). Kudos for getting right down to business, I guess.

I am so pleased to read in EBR's IGN interview that Felicity has a loving mom. I can just see this kind, hard-working single mom with a daughter she loves so much but cannot understand, who had a big brain and bigger ideas, and mom always felt like she deserved more than she could give her. If they go with that angle, I also expect some sort of Oliver moment with mom where he thinks about how he thinks Felicity deserves more than him, too.

That seems in opposition to Felicity saying to Oliver  "My mother is.....my mother".  As if to imply there are issues between Felicity and her mom.  Feels a little retconny

  • Love 2

Not sure where to put this, so...per her conversation with Barry in The Flash, Felicity was listening to Oliver's conversation with Barry on the rooftop and that's how she found out he was the streak. So...she and Oliver both left the hospital and went to the foundry? Separately? And then they worked together right after (assuming that's why Oliver was dressed as the Arrow when he went to meet Barry, love that he said he'd be right there and took the time to change). Kudos for getting right down to business, I guess.


except it makes zero sense when you factor in Sara. right?

meh, best not to think about too much, it gives me a headache.

Edited by foreverevolving

except it makes zero sense when you factor in Sara. right?

meh, best not to think about too much, it gives me a headache.


It must've taken Laurel a really long-ass time to get Sara down to the foundry, since it was already morning the next day (or even afternoon) and Oliver and Felicity had already changed clothes.

That seems in opposition to Felicity saying to Oliver  "My mother is.....my mother".  As if to imply there are issues between Felicity and her mom.  Feels a little retconny

haha I feel like I trash the show's writing at times but honestly, I really doubt they knew Felicity's background in season 2. They don't really seem to plan some things out. But I'm assuming they don't get a long at first because they're very different but at the end they come to an understanding. 

So I was reading the imdb synopsis for episode 6 (Guilty) and it's interesting. Really different from the official one. This is it


"Oliver receives visions about Moira Queen. Meanwhile a close ones true identity is revealed."


I know...it's imdb but they get their descriptions from somewhere right? I know like when I look up the episode descriptions on my tv, they are very different than the official ones that CW made. 


The producers haven't mentioned anything about Susanna Thompson coming back, so I wonder what these "visions" are. And what do they mean by "a close one's true identity s revealed." 

Edited by ban1o

Not really sure if this is the right thread to post this, but since The Flash is not airing next Tuesday, does this mean we'll have a week hiatus on Arrow,too? If not,  what would the timeline for the crossovers be?

"Oliver receives visions about Moira Queen. Meanwhile a close ones true identity is revealed."

I don't know if this is true, but if it is, I'm all for it! Moira FTW :)

I just had a very different take on Felicity's one comment about her mom. I felt that they went out of their way to ensure the writing and acting was as neutral as possible. To me, that scene supports all scenarios. At that point we didn't know the Vegas waitress thing. Felicity was basically "ugh," which could've meant her mom is like Leonard Hofstadter's, her mom is overprotective and sheltered her, her mom is embarrassing to her in some way, mom makes bad life decisions, mom constantly complains she doesn't call or visit enough...basically anything that ever made somebody ugh their mother. Then the Vegas info dropped and I ruled out the first two on that list and added "tension between mom's hotness and Felicity's adolescent not-ness," "tension between mom's hotness and Felicity's equal hotness that she always refused to capitalize on to mom's frustration."

But now I have to accommodate EBR's description of her as being as caring and maternal as Felicity is herself. I can work it into that last really well, but I have to give it a less comedically vulgar spin and more of a "all mom understands is being beautiful and she was really just trying to advise Felicity the best way she knew how" spin. Mom's idea of bonding is getting their hair bleached together, mom really does NOT understand that whole goth look she was rocking at MIT (why does such a pretty girl want to do that to herself?!") etc.

But Felicity has been a genius all her life, and either her mom recognized it or she didn't, and I have a hard time imagining a woman just as warm and loving as Felicity being dismissive of her abilities. Not comprehending just how special she was, sure. Being bewildered at how to handle it, absolutely. But I had an image of her as undermining and grasping, and now I don't.

Brb, I just delighted myself with an image of mom forcing Felicity into pageants her whole life and Felicity using her Teen Miss Clark County 2003 scholarship to go toward MIT instead of South Vegas Community College like her mom might've wanted.

Edited by ostentatious
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