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It's probably no coincidence she's in 505. She sounded very flirty in the trailer and even the actress was dropping some hints on her Twitter about Susan becoming a fan girl or something. Wouldn't surprise me at all if she's his love interest. I was expecting it tbh. Just didn't really want to talk about it.

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I take back my earlier remark about kiss in 5.02.  I just realized that Ritter has scruff in BTS of 5.02 not a beard.  He grew the beard post 5.02.  So she could be kissing him in a later episode even though there is no sign of him being around post 5.02.

55 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Okay so I'm guessing the two mayo cops are partners. Detective #Poppy gets killed by Prometheus in the first episode and the other stale bread guy who is also Felicity's boyfriend thinks it was GA and wants to go after him. Hello dumb conflict!

Maybe goes after vigilantes in general.  Creates conflict with Mayor Handsome.  So is Felicity still seeing him because she cares or is she attempting to remain close to him to protect Oliver?

So, all S5 storylines will be replays of what they thought worked in S1/S2? LOL!

BTW, where is D.A. Adrian Chase?  I guess he can take the role of ADA Laurel Lance trying to capture and prosecute the vigilante. 

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2 hours ago, Sunshine said:


Just a thought.  The only spoiler to come out of the Edmonton expo was SA talking about wearing "charges" and pushing someone into a car.  Now I wonder if this happens in 5.05 and Mayor Handsome pushes Reporter into car out of line of fire which makes her into an immediate fanboy. 

Because of the charges, that sounds more like a GA scene than a mayor scene. But I guess she could develop a crush on GA a la Lois Lane for Superman. Or Laurel Lance for the Hood.

2 hours ago, Angel12d said:

This is all gonna bring up trust issues too because Felicity will have been lying to her cop bf about working on Team Arrow (and maybe even lying to Oliver about the fact she even has a bf) so of course that makes her just as bad as Oliver and omg I can see this crap coming from a mile away. 

I hope not because it's the exact same thing I saw in season 3 with Felicity lying to Ray about the Arrow and to Oliver about working on Ray's super suit. 

The weird thing is that it's kind of bland new guy in Oliver's place. It feels a bit Twilight Zoney. Maybe he even made chicken cordon bleu. That will really freak me out.

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7 minutes ago, looptab said:

Wait, so there's no episode out there, but someone bothered to leak that SS? Why do you play with my feelings :(

With the single shot but no episode leak, I'm half wondering if this was deliberate PR. They tend to release the big fandom stuff on Fridays and feel like the Supergirl, Flash, and Constantine episode leaks were weird audience testing and/or buzz generators.

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Looking at the screenshot makes me feel really weird. Maybe that couple will look awesome in movement because apparently the new bf is so likeable but to me they just look weird together. Also I know they don't have many sets but I still don't like the fact that Felicity continues to live there. 

I am not really looking forward to the rest. Everything seems so boring. The descriptions sound lame and the screenshot of Felicity dealing with her issues by hooking up with new guy doesn't necessarily get me more excited for her storyline at this point. Not because she can't do it but I would have preferred her to be able to deal with her issues without the girlfriend/boyfriend problematic on top.

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Maybe I'm just deluding myself, but I'm not fully convinced this whole bf thing is as simple as Felicity moving on. I'm still expecting a twist of some sort. Flashpoint-related or not, because why give her a random boyfriend? I mean, aside from stalling the ship. Both of the LIs they've thrown at Oliver & Felicity post "ILY" have pretty much failed: Ray, Poppy. And the ratings haven't been good since they blew up the engagement. Do they really want to piss off a good portion of their fans? (yes, these writers are trolls)

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46 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Do they really want to piss off a good portion of their fans? (yes, these writers are trolls)

At this point, I come to believe that nothing will tear them down. They believe that people will come back if you are so kind to throw them a bone once in a while. 

I remember watching and liking Alias and after S2 people were really pissed off (me included) So much that the ratings did dip and by mid- to end season 3 they made a complete 180° on their romance storyline. By that time I no longer enjoyed the show all that much and I dropped it by the time S4 came around. So sometimes fans do check out if you piss them off for too long.

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If the screenshot leak was deliberate that's a pretty dumb way to get people excited - unless they are still more interested in courting the non-Olicity fans and getting them to watch. Most of the reactions I've seen are either pissed off and/or grossed out. It's also kind of interesting to me that, at least on Twitter, it seems like a lot of people are chatting about the show but not using hashtags which would make it more difficult for the PR people to track show buzz, if they are even bothering to do that.

Even though I was aware of the bf thing, actually seeing the screenshot removed the remaining tiny smidge of interest I had in watching. I just don't want to see that in real time - or ever really.

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1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Do they really want to piss off a good portion of their fans? (yes, these writers are trolls)

I don't think they've pissed all that many people off yet. The biggest chunk of viewers - the people who tune and but don't pay a lick of attention to the show outside of the 8-9PM hour on Wednesdays - probably don't even know it's coming. And if I had to venture a guess I'd say that they're probably going to deal with the boyfriend in a way that gives the audience a pretty good indication of where things are going in the first ep. Like, we know there's corruption in the PD - is the boyfriend a corrupt cop? If we get a hint that he is - even if Felicity doesn't, it'll give people a clue that it's not long for this world and I doubt that many of them would care very much. 

We've just had months to stew over it, so it's this Big Looming Thing. 

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9 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

So I was watching the promo for the first episode and I'm sure someone mentioned this before, that the person that's kidnapped Oliver as Mayor has a badge of some sort around his neck.  He also has the right kind of longish floppy hair.  Could that be the twist?  That Felicity's new boyfriend comes to the loft at the end of the episode and we find out he's the guy that was beating up on Oliver? 

That would put a nail in that relationship pretty fast.   

There is an Officer Benton played by a Jay Hindle credited on IMDB for 5.01.  He looks similar to this guy.  I think he and Lt. Conahan/Mr. Poppy (who has the Prometheus run in) are the corrupt cops.  Detective Malone could be involved but since Mericle said he was a straight shooter and they really hope we like him I think that might rule him out as a corrupt cop. I think ship stall and possible conflict provider if another anti-vigilante task force is established. Lack of SM presence on set doesn't indicate not being on set.  I was surprised Joe Dinicol (Rory Regan/Ragman) was still around for the crossover. There has been very little BTS pictures this year.  Echo said it was to avoid spoilers.  Spoilers might included who is filming.  (JR grew his beard out after 5.02.  In the only BTS picture we have of him in 5.02 he has scruff.)

Since the episode doesn't appear to have leaked, just that particular screenshot, I wonder if someone who received a screener did it or if it was even Chico & Co. or MG/WM.  It seems like the journalists must have been told not to reveal the boyfriend's identity.  Then CW releases a promo showing Felicity kissing someone not Oliver.  Some journalists were being hounded by who he was because clothing, hair, and ear analysis by fandom wasn't  providing a clear identity. Ha!  Some also tweeted things like "Feeling Betrayed".  Fans thought it was the scene but a more likely scenario would be feeling betrayed by CWPR.   Perhaps that screenshot was meant to stop the harasssment or to get the online anger out of the way before the premiere?

Felicity being affected by flashpoint (per WM) may amount to nothing other than her knowing it happened because of her Flash appearance.                

Edited by Sunshine
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11 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:


you guys might be right

I'm pretty convinced that he's Tyler Ritter (Detective Malone) and not Mr. Poppy - but I could be wrong.  I believe that Ritter is in 501 and 502 - he was in the Arrow production offices on July 12 and he was shooting with Adrian Holmes (directed by JBam) on July 23. However, JBam directed the first two episodes together, so it's possible the dates don't mean anything.

I've found no spoilers indicating that he's in any subsequent episodes so far, although Ritter tweeted a vague shadow puppeteering pic on Sep. 7, but I don't know if that's Arrow-related.  On the other hand, his role is supposed to be a recurring role. I'm so confused.

Edited by tv echo
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Ok, so i have no idea if this is accurate or not, so take with a huge grain if salt. I spend no tumblr and my twitter timeline is dedicated sports/news/politics. Anyway this is what i saw posted on a other board.


The ep was leaked...........its all over my timeline people are saying that the 'Barry theories' are wrong and FS bf dies by prometheus

Apparently in the scene where we see Prometheus stabbing someone with an arrow and yelling 'Green Arrow is mine.' ....he is killing FS boyfriend

I have no idea if that's legit or just mass confusion or spec.

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I don't think it was leaked by anyone at the CW. Some people said the link led to a virus. Sounds like the photo was bait. Which I suppose is a compliment. Laurel Brown's tweet tease about the screener was liking it and wondering how Olicity fans will feel. 

All these journos and Olicity. lol 

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Well, the boyfriend should be in at least one more episode if not more judging by the kissing in the promo that Felicity is doing. Or maybe she is kissing several people in the first few episodes...

1 minute ago, Chaser said:

Laurel Brown's tweet tease about the screener was liking it and wondering how Olicity fans will feel. 

In a postive or negative sense?

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'Sad' or 'hopeful' were her options. I think it's going to be both.

If it's not HT she is kissing (which I kind of think it is), then I think that's a break up kiss. The angle and the fact that he doesn't seem that into it.

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I would love it if this show did something truly surprising with the boyfriend. Like, have Felicity dating him as some sort of cover to get some inside info on the corruption inside SCPD. Wishful thinking.

And I'm still on the kissing Human Target train. 

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How sure are we about when Human Target shows up? I'm not 100% up to date so I wasn't sure.

If the BF is killed early on then could be Human Target pretending to be the BF?

Maybe just wishful thinking cause i'd rather see Felicity and Oliver alone than  be in  forced relationships for ship stalling purposes. 

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1 minute ago, Thundercatmary said:

How sure are we about when Human Target shows up? I'm not 100% up to date so I wasn't sure.

If the BF is killed early on then could be Human Target pretending to be the BF?

Maybe just wishful thinking cause i'd rather see Felicity and Oliver alone than  be in  forced relationships for ship stalling purposes. 

100% sure. He's in the 5th episode. 

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The journos know where they get their clicks from.  

I guess what I don't understand is the EPS trying to sell Oliver & Felicity as ambiguous.  Oliver hasn't moved on.  Felicity has or is at least trying to.  I guess it depends on who says the quote about moving forward even if it's not the life they wanted.

The shot of Felicity kissing tall, bearded guy through an open door makes me think the shot is about someone seeing.  Originally I thought it was HT with Oliver witnessing.  After seeing the shot of TR taken on 09/24 that someone posted I was back to thinking it was Det. Malone because of the body stance. LOL!  The promo might cover 7 episodes but there is no way to know which episode that shot is from.

I am surprised the CW is allowing so much facial hair on set when they won't let David Ramsey keep his in Star City.      

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20 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I would love it if this show did something truly surprising with the boyfriend. Like, have Felicity dating him as some sort of cover to get some inside info on the corruption inside SCPD. Wishful thinking.

And I'm still on the kissing Human Target train. 

There has to be something. Everything surrounding this boyfriend, plus the journo mentioning the spoiler in the loft. I don't think it's just the boyfriend he is talking about. 

Can't wait to get past 5x01.

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20 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I would love it if this show did something truly surprising with the boyfriend. Like, have Felicity dating him as some sort of cover to get some inside info on the corruption inside SCPD. Wishful thinking.

And I'm still on the kissing Human Target train. 

This is likely (and by likely I mean it's what I really really want). There was a lot of talk about how things about Felicity can't be spoiled because they'd be major spoilers. 'Felicity has a boyfriend' is less of spoiler than 'Felicity's boyfriend is evil', especially if they introduce him at the beginning of the episode. 

And, to add to that hope, Wendy Mericle kept saying that Oliver and Felicity are still in an ambiguous place when we see them again. How is Felicity having a boyfriend ambiguous? That's a pretty big sign that Felicity has moved on. Unless both her and Oliver are in on it as a means of getting information. 

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22 minutes ago, doesntworkonwood said:

And, to add to that hope, Wendy Mericle kept saying that Oliver and Felicity are still in an ambiguous place when we see them again. How is Felicity having a boyfriend ambiguous? That's a pretty big sign that Felicity has moved on. Unless both her and Oliver are in on it as a means of getting information. 

Yeah, the only way I can make a boyfriend make sense with everything else they've said about Felicity this offseason is if the boyfriend isn't actually a boyfriend for whatever reason. Plus, it doesn't seem like he's around for very long so it isn't serious (and someone who had seen the ep said we don't get to see Oliver's reaction to him -which I suppose could indicate that he's been around a while but I thought there were spoilers that it's new? So they're passing up on emotional plot movement since we don't see Oliver's reaction, so I thought maybe the BF had some other plotty purpose). 

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Didn't TVline say that Felicity is trying to keep Team Arrow alive in some new form?...maybe Felicity is working undercover to find the police corruption/getting info for the team...just like Oliver had started the flirty-flirt with Mckenna to get info from the police dept.

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49 minutes ago, doesntworkonwood said:


And, to add to that hope, Wendy Mericle kept saying that Oliver and Felicity are still in an ambiguous place when we see them again. How is Felicity having a boyfriend ambiguous? That's a pretty big sign that Felicity has moved on. Unless both her and Oliver are in on it as a means of getting information. 

 Also somewhat depends upon what Felicity is shown to actually feel for the boyfriend - i.e., ambiguous looks versus heart eye looks.

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58 minutes ago, doesntworkonwood said:

And, to add to that hope, Wendy Mericle kept saying that Oliver and Felicity are still in an ambiguous place when we see them again. How is Felicity having a boyfriend ambiguous? That's a pretty big sign that Felicity has moved on. Unless both her and Oliver are in on it as a means of getting information. 

I wonder if ambiguous means that Felicity has moved on but Oliver has not. I could see the relationship only counting as over once Oliver accepts it, starts dating new people, etc.

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7 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Clarity is supposed to come in 5.05.  Felicity realizes she can't move on or Oliver attempts to?

I'd guess that it might be a combination of those two things. I was always of the opinion that the wouldn't run their cash/buzz couple into the ground and break them up for good but this last couple of weeks I am generally not buying into it anymore. There seems to be the narrative that they will just ignore them and put the memory of it as far away as possible. That includes new love interests that won't stick to serve a point. I don't have to like it but I feel as though they don't want to go there for quite some time. Hopefully the new season will be as good as the all are proclaiming. Even SA's twitter bio tells me how much everyone will love season 5. So far, I am doubtful. 

Regardless I am curious how that picture got leaked. 

Edited by Belinea
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I would not be surprised if they continue to move away from Olicity.  I think SA support of it was in no small part due to the fact that it gave him an alternative form the vortex of suck that was Oliver and Laurel - which he doesn't need any more.  They can easily go back to playboy Oliver - I mean Felicity was so mean and would not forgive him and has moved on so what else can he do?  

Given this shows past performance I am fast losing hope that Haven Rock will really be about Felicity.  Ever since they announced it will involve Ragman I fear it will just be another situation where her story is not really about her - but instead about yet another mask they want launch.   I am happy Diggle's homecoming will heavily involve Oliver - but I remember when he was allowed to be friends with Felicity too (Dig in his car outside of Felicity's house protecting her from Deathstroke is one of my favorite scenes from this show). 

Is EBR usually this quiet about the show?  She seems pretty removed from it this season.   

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I honestly don't think they're moving away from olicity at all.I think they're just very afraid of the moonlighting curse and think a couple needs to be on and off to be interesting and are now probably sure they're getting more than 5 seasons so they're stalling olicity.It sucks tho because I really think they had a chance to to something different with olicity and keep them together and not the main source of drama all time time.

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5 minutes ago, Belinea said:

There seems to be the narrative that they will just ignore them and put the memory of it as far away as possible.

I'm puzzled by this. Apart from, well, the last three seasons, the spoiler narrative is also assuring us that a) Oliver isn't forgetting it or ignoring it or putting the memory of it as far away as possible, and b) that 505 will have a major Olicity moment - again suggesting that Arrow isn't planning on ignoring Olicity at all. The Superhero Fight Club promo went to great lengths to include Felicity, who is the only non-mask love interest in that promo (note the absence of James and Iris, and to a lesser extent Winn and Caitlin).  Instead of showing romantic scenes in the loft, the officially released clip went to great lengths to show Felicity kissing someone who could, for a second, be mistaken for Oliver - and the other officially released clips have shown Felicity and Oliver working together and having their usual arguments.


3 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:


Given this shows past performance I am fast losing hope that Haven Rock will really be about Felicity.  Ever since they announced it will involve Ragman I fear it will just be another situation where her story is not really about her - but instead about yet another mask they want launch.  

This strikes me as a more valid concern, given Arrow's past history and the clear DC/WB focus on "LOOK POTENTIAL ACTION FIGURES AND MERCHANDISING OPPORTUNITIES."

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Ouch. Dig is going to ask how Olicity is and Oliver is going to give some hopeful response and then Felicy/Mayo. I hate Mayo so I totally approve of calling Felicity's temp Mayo.

I like the idea of The Big Bad being a mask. It's intriguing. 

Someone leak Laurels last words please. I want to laugh. 

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8 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

Bunch more screencaps from 501:


I think the episode did leak, because I can find ~traces of a Daily Motion upload that was removed.

Anyway, because there are time codes, the last 3 scenes are Oliver skyping with Diggle to SURPRISE! Felicity has a mayo boo, to Prometheus arrowing someone in a dress shirt.

If it did leak then there's a possibility that what i posted under spoiler bars is correct in which cast this is all a moot point.

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2 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Who provides support to Felicity when she cracks over Havenrock - Detective Malone, Curtis, Diggle or Oliver?  (I am thinking it's not Rory.)

I think Rory and Felicity are going to have some type of collusion in 5x04 based on the writers tweet about addressing Felicity and Havenrock and then it comes to head in 5x05. I think that's were the Olicity comes in. 

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Do the screencaps mean nothing interesting happens in the first 20 minutes? I remember some of the reviewers commenting on the pacing.

So, Lance has at least four scenes if my count is correct. At the lair during Oliver's kidnapping, at the docks for the statue unveiling, then again there with Oliver at night, and I'm 98% sure this takes place in his apartment. 


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6 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

If it did leak then there's a possibility that what i posted under spoiler bars is correct in which cast this is all a moot point.

But how would that work with WM goofy we hope people will root for him or whatever comment that implied some longevity? 

10 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Who provides support to Felicity when she cracks over Havenrock - Detective Malone, Curtis, Diggle or Oliver?  (I am thinking it's not Rory.)

Did Diggle and Felicity get to speak to and support each other at all regarding the dead brother, shooting/paralysis, or Haven Rock last season?  I don't remember them doing so, but I admit we muted when certain people were talking and did not always remember to un-mute last season.   But my guess is not Dig.  Oliver had five/six months to notice and nothing.  So probably Curtis since he knows what happened and the Detective would not.  

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Is it going to be a 45 minute exposition?

3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:


  Reveal hidden contents

The ep was leaked...........its all over my timeline people are saying that the 'Barry theories' are wrong and FS bf dies by prometheus

Apparently in the scene where we see Prometheus stabbing someone with an arrow and yelling 'Green Arrow is mine.' ....he is killing FS boyfriend

I have no idea if that's legit or just mass confusion or spec.

Does that seem more legit now? Because I can't tell 100% from the screenshots...

How strange would that be if SA had given it away all those month ago... That's why I still have a hard time believing it.

Edited by Belinea
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3 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

But how would that work with WM goofy we hope people will root for him or whatever comment that implied some longevity? 

Did Diggle and Felicity get to speak to and support each other at all regarding the dead brother, shooting/paralysis, or Haven Rock last season?  I don't remember them doing so, but I admit we muted when certain people were talking and did not always remember to un-mute last season.   But my guess is not Dig.  Oliver had five/six months to notice and nothing.  So probably Curtis since he knows what happened and the Detective would not.  

Using that reasoning, Curtis has had the same five or six months as Oliver.

3 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Is it going to be a 45 minute exposition?

Does that seem more legit now? Because I can't tell 100% from the screenshots...

How strange would that be if SA had given it away all those month ago... That's why I still have a hard time believing it.

Since the episode obviously did leak, I think it makes it more legit. The part about SA just spoiling it is giving me the giggles.

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12 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

If it did leak then there's a possibility that what i posted under spoiler bars is correct in which cast this is all a moot point.

I think I prefer Prometheus offing Mayo rather than Felicity breaking up with Mayo, which was my initial theory. Killing Temp Bland gives Felicity a story. Her breaking up with him doesn't.

I do think it looks like the Ritter kid. And he hasn't been seen on set since they filmed 501-502, but since they block shot those eps, he easily can be just in 501.


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