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6 hours ago, lemotomato said:

"You're a corker, Felicity. What a corker you are."

Crap. Now I want a Far and Away Olicity AU

Seriously, it does really remind me of Far & Away! And now I want an Olicity AU fan fic as well :) I really do love that movie... its so deliciously good even though its really not that great of a film.

Makes me imagine OQ saying "Tell me you like my wig!! ... Say it... Why can't you just say you like my wig?"

Ah, I see how fickle people are here about the wigs. Sure once OQ takes off his shirt after a solid work-out regimen, you all can forgive the wig. I have always loved the wig, and I for one am Very Happy to see it back :)

SO does fight club earn him is Kapitain status & tattoo? Interesting twist. Certainly a more PG way to introduce Bratva.

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I have been reading thru the spoilers and granted, they are fragmented by nature, but they make the season seem really fragmented, I am less interested in this season than ever. All these new characters, Olicity apart. OTA?   Arrow you have always been my must see TV, please don't become my DVR Day+1 viewing.  

Can anybody convince me I am seeing this all wrong and I should get all excited!! Anyone?  

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21 minutes ago, TVHappy9463 said:

I have been reading thru the spoilers and granted, they are fragmented by nature, but they make the season seem really fragmented, I am less interested in this season than ever. All these new characters, Olicity apart. OTA?   Arrow you have always been my must see TV, please don't become my DVR Day+1 viewing.  

Can anybody convince me I am seeing this all wrong and I should get all excited!! Anyone?  

I'm still interested in what's going on, but there is kind of a lack of excitement because there has not been really any direction as to where the characters are going from here. The fragmented feeling is probably somewhat on purpose, since the season specifically ended with a fragmented team, but I think it's also because there has been no spoilers/teases/explanations for any of the characters, save for the descriptions of the newbies. There's little excitement because there's little that they can/will share, which kind of leads to a feeling of justifiable mistrust (equating no news with bad news, especially coming off of a fizzle of a finale).

Despite negative feelings on the little buzz, I am still interested in what's going on with Mayor Oliver, bringing Diggle and Thea back, what's going on with Felicity, etc. Excitement might need actual time/footage/info before I actually reach it, so SDCC might help, but I'm still in somewhat of a wait-and-see camp. Little things here and there are perking me up a bit (SA's flashback photo, the one-take action scene they are filming), so I'm not entirely writing the whole season off just yet.

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1 hour ago, TVHappy9463 said:

I have been reading thru the spoilers and granted, they are fragmented by nature, but they make the season seem really fragmented, I am less interested in this season than ever. All these new characters, Olicity apart. OTA?   Arrow you have always been my must see TV, please don't become my DVR Day+1 viewing.  

Can anybody convince me I am seeing this all wrong and I should get all excited!! Anyone?  

I have no desire to convince anyone of anything. Watch/Don't Watch that's all on you.

What I will say is that there is NOT enough information out there to determine anything, yet. 

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The wig is much better. Never thought I'd say this but we do need the wig to differentiate between past and present Oliver. He was too similar in s4.

But has Oliver been taking hair supplements or something? How has his hair grown that quickly?! Haha. Must be a big time jump.

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For comparison to SA's newly tweeted pic, here's a pic of Oliver with his Bratva tattoo - and he still has to get to this island rescue look...


The “star” on his left side is from the Solntsevskaya Bratva, or simply Bratva, a powerful Russian Mafia organization. Oliver Queen is one of the highest ranking members (captain), due to the fact that he saved Anatoli Knyazev, the leader of the Bratva. 

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18 minutes ago, tv echo said:

For comparison to SA's newly tweeted pic, here's a pic of Oliver with his Bratva tattoo - and he still has to get to this island rescue look...

He was way more cut back then. The new pic was fine, but he's still way beefier. I'm pretty much okay with whatever as long as he doesn't revert to pot-bellied NJ used car salesman again...beefy is, for me, less attractive, BUT still believable for a non-superpowered superhero.

Also, this is the photo that got me to tune in. Dude needs to suck it up for an occasional photo shoot.

15 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Hahaha, fake hair and beard on the island and no one noticed

I can kind of buy it, if they show him going into the bathroom on the fishing boat with a razor/scissors. Not like those guys were going to stand there and watch him.

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6 hours ago, Angel12d said:

But has Oliver been taking hair supplements or something? How has his hair grown that quickly?! Haha. Must be a big time jump.

For most people, hair grows at the rate of one inch every two months.  Either a big time jump or the FBs from season 4 took place over only a couple of months (the latter would be my guess).

Maybe it's just me but I don't find that "new poster" pic SA tweeted at all attractive, I much prefer that old one.  Or maybe he's been too influenced by watching WWE.

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The boob canyon is really unattractive, so I'm gonna go with bad angle & lighting. Shirtless OQ with sexy hair is one of the only things I'm excited for this season, I won't let a little awkward angle make me worry about that too.

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So is Thea working for Oliver or just there as family? Almost a 100% sure that's Carly Pope slightly to Oliver's right.  More importantly, is that Felićity in yellow? It could be her or someone completely insignificant.

Edited by bijoux
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Do you mean the yellow blazer on the right?  I don't think that's her.  The hair is too long, and rather dark, though it is a dark picture.

Nice to have further confirmation that Oliver retains his Mayoral job.  I hope Thea has another job and is there as family.  Her position seems a bit prominent for an aid.  I also want more of an outside life for Thea.  I'd even rather she work at PT/QC/SI whatever the company is called.

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17 minutes ago, TrueMyth said:

Do you mean the yellow blazer on the right?  I don't think that's her.  The hair is too long, and rather dark, though it is a dark picture.

Yes, I mean her. That's why I said it could go either way. On the one hand, there are the things you outline. On the other, there's the woman's prominence, she's distinguished both by the bright Felicity-esque clothing and the way she's positioned.

i didn't know Pope was set to first appear in episode 3. There goes that.

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IDK, at first glance I thought that was Felicity because she has a similar shape but the hair is too long and dark to be EBR. Maybe it's because the pic itself is dark? IDK.

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Thanks for the answer from the Paps. At first glance I thought blonde in yellow jacket was Felicity/EBR.

I Guess it could be if they used a stand in since it's a back shot at that point. They would eventually need EBR there to film reaction/cut shots.  If the Paps are sure she wasn't on location then it's probably not her.


One bright note, we can now easily differentiate between current/flashback Oliver in spoiler pics

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18 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Looks like Oliver might be appointin a new Chief or something since there's one officer standing apart from the rest. 

Probably, since they revealed that Lance wasn't getting his job back. Plus didn't they hire a new actor as a cop or release a casting notice for a cop? Unless I'm imagining that character?

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12 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Probably, since they revealed that Lance wasn't getting his job back. Plus didn't they hire a new actor as a cop or release a casting notice for a cop? Unless I'm imagining that character?

Yes - Tyler Ritter was cast as a cop. But that guy standing to Oliver's left is definitely not him.

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S5 Synopsis
-- The CW's S5 synopsis: “After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) was missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the North China Sea. He returned home to Star City, bent on righting the wrongs done by his family and fighting injustice. As the Green Arrow, he protects his city with the help of former soldier John Diggle (David Ramsey), computer-science expert Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), his vigilante-trained sister Thea Queen (Willa Holland), former police captain Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne), and brilliant inventor Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum). But sinister players with a connection to Oliver’s past will push the team to its breaking point, threatening everything Oliver’s worked for and his legacy as the Green Arrow." (May 19, 2016 EW article, page 37 of Spoilers thread)
--  From Arrow panel description for SDCC 2016: "Now, as the show takes aim on season 5, Oliver will set out to save his city from a new threat-one that he personally created-as both the newly appointed mayor of Star City and as the Green Arrow." (SDCC Unofficial Blog tweet/article, page 427 of Social Media thread, and SDCC 2016 Saturday programming schedule, page 440 of Social Media thread)

General S5 Spoilers
-- Per WM, the S4 finale title, "Schism" (423) hinted at "the ultimate setup" to what the show will explore in S5, particularly with Oliver. (Apr. 17, 2016 TV Guide article, page 35 of Spoilers thread)
-- Per WM, the S4 finale was "a good clue" for what Season 5 will be about. WM: "We talked about Season 4 as a soft reboot and I think Season 5 will see some big changes on the show." (May 9, 2016 TV Guide article, page 37 of Spoilers thread)
-- At City of Heroes 2  (on May 15, 2016), SA said that the nukes will play a part in S5. (Morrigan2575 tweet, page 1050 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Per WM, we'll find out in S5 what Laurel said to Oliver in 418 right before she died. (TVLine article, page 35 of Spoilers thread, Variety article, page 998 of Spoiler Discussion thread, and Collider article, page 149 of Starling City Times thread)
-- At City of Heroes 2 (on May 15, 2016), SA: "So maybe the theme for season 5 can be 'everything that's old is new again.' ... Some old school stupid training sequences. Shirtless for no reason. Kill a bunch of guys... Maybe some greasepaint." (Video of SA panel at COH2, page 406 of Social Media thread)
-- At CW Upfronts (on May 19, 2016): On whether he wants the supernatural element to continue in season 5, SA: "I think it was a good element for season four. I think that ultimately, we are always going to be at our best when we do what we do best... which is, you know, we’re the superpowerless superhero show. Right? And we haven’t been for a couple of years now for a variety of reasons, all of which are important and have helped build the universe on The CW. But at the same time, I do think we’re at our best when we are doing what we do best." (ComicBook.com article, page 37 of Spoilers thread)
-- At CW Upfronts (on May 19, 2016): SA: “I’ve heard that our big bad, our villain, is something that you can really only do once you’re in the fifth, sixth or seventh season of a TV show. ... “As far as I know, they don’t have superpowers. I’ll tell you that.” (Variety article, page 37 of Spoilers thread and page 167 of Starling City Times thread)
-- At CW Upfronts (on May 19, 2016): SA: “‘Supergirl’ is coming, but we don’t have to introduce a new show next year. In Season 2, it was the introduction of ‘The Flash’ and crossovers there, and last year there was a lot with ‘Legends of Tomorrow,’ and we don’t have to do that this year because ‘Supergirl’ is already established... So I would like to focus on a lot of the stuff that I think ‘Arrow’ does very well.”  (Variety article, page 37 of Spoilers thread and page 167 of Starling City Times thread)
-- SA (on May 25, 2016): "When we started Arrow, we were the superpower-less superhero show... Because of our success and because of opportunities that The CW has had, we’ve had to break away from that original modus operandi a little bit, because we were introducing Barry Allen, and in subsequent seasons, we’ve shepherded some of the Legends of Tomorrow onto their own show... Even though Supergirl is joining the ranks, there’s no new person or new show to introduce this year, and I think as a result of that, we need to get back to focusing more on some of the core elements that used to define Arrow... To me, that’s hand-to-hand combat, no superpowers, and dealing with the job of cleaning up Star City.” (Scan of EW article, page 170 of Starling City Times thread)
-- SA reiterated that he's ready for Arrow to go back to a more grounded world. SA: "I do know that we’ve done a lot of work on Arrow to introduce the other shows, for lack of a better term, and now that that’s all done, we’re focused on doing the things that we do well for Season 5."  In response to question if that meant bringing it "back to basics," SA: "Yes, that's exactly right.  Arrow is at its best when we’re dealing with problems in Star City. We’re not a time-travel show, we’re not a multi-Earth show, though obviously [we do that] with crossovers and stuff like that. We’re Arrow, we deal with Star City, and I feel like we’ll be better off focusing on that." (May 25, 2016 ComicBook article, page 170 of Mind Your Surroundings thread)
-- At Wizard World Philadelphia (on Jun. 4, 2016), SA said that it will not be black and white in S5, but there will be more shades of gray. (fangirlishness, DianeAlberts and ckinger13 tweets, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- On the show returning to the beginning without superpowers or magic, EBR: "I’d prefer the beginning of the show because is was OUR show and because this is what we do best but when we decided to introduce super powers and stuff like this, there was no going back. The main concern is to give our show a new feeling, like a new lair. I don’t think it is necessary to get a new lair every time to get the show stronger. I think we did a great job with CQC and all the weapons and guns. I think it gave a truer meaning to the show. When we introduced the magic in arrow, we didn’t do it the best way possible. However I do believe it was really cool from a comic fan point of view, we truly enjoyed it a different way. But we didn’t really feel in our own show anymore. A bit left out and all over the place somehow."  (Jun. 13, 2016 MCM article, page 175 of Starling CIty Times thread)
-- In SA facebook video chat, SA said that if 501's any indication, Arrow's going to be "f*cking mean" this season and "that's really exciting." (Jun. 22, 2016 SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 2, 1016), SA: "The villain that we're introducing is a direct result of things that Oliver has done in Star City, and it calls back to a lot of things that happened in the first season of the show and, as a result, really re-grounds the show and re-focuses it on its core element, which is really the batlle to save Star City.  It's not - with all due respect to Earth 2 and all the other things that are happening in this gigantic universe - really our show needs to be about what happens within Star City.  And the first two episodes really do a good job of bringing us back to that and re-focusing us on what the core mission of the show should be.  So that to me is very exciting. Plus... Russia." (Video of SA & Cody Rhodes panel at HVFF-NY, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 2, 2016), SA said that the intro to S5 will be different this year. (AllThings_Arrow tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 2, 2016), SA: ""Arrow is about the fate of Star City. And we're going to return to that, to the mission  of the show." (heroesfanfest tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016): Someone asked about a possible continuation of the Suicide Squad story that was hinted in Arrow, but David Ramsey said it’s a long shot due to the film and TV series being controlled by different companies. (Geeks of Doom article, page 176 of Starling City Times thread)
-- Per SA, there will be a lot of hand-to-hand fighting this season.  (Jul. 6, 2016 SA facebook video, page 431 of Social Media thread)
-- WM: "[Season 5's villain] is somebody Oliver unwittingly created in season 1 when he was a killer in a hood... This guy is going to be collateral damage who lost someone to the Hood and [has] spent the last several years training and plotting for revenge. He will be a true dark mirror to Oliver Queen." It's unclear whether WM was referring to Tobias Church or someone else.  (Jul. 18, 2016 EnStars article, page 40 of Spoilers thread)

S5 Flashbacks and Beyond Season 5
-- Per WM (on Jan. 20, 2016), they have not really begun to talk about plans for S5 or beyond, but she thinks they are likely to get a 5th season, and the flashbacks could potentially end at S5. (ComicBook article, page 120 of Starling City Times thread)
-- Per SA (on Feb. 13, 2016), the show was "built to be five years long" but he doesn't think it'll end after season 5.  However, they built in a "five-year story." They still have so much to get done in the flashbacks because the flashbacks were built to be only five years.  (SA panel from Dallas ComicCon 2016, page 318 off Social Media thread)
-- On S5 flashbacks, WM: “We know what we’re working up to ... The season will be easier to break because we have an endpoint, and we work backwards from there.” Also, WM: "I don’t want to tip too much ... but it’s a very good possibility that we’ll finally find out how Oliver got that Bratva tattoo and how he learned to speak Russian.” (Apr. 17, 2016 TVLine article, page 35 of Spoilers thread)
-- Taiana's last name is Venediktov. (Apr. 30, 2016 ER tweet, page 381 of Social Media thread)
-- Brian Ford Sullivan (on May 18, 2016, after 422): "Taiana name dropping someone called 'Kovar.'  Read into that what you will. #ArrowSeason5." (BFS tweet, page 37 of Spoilers thread)
-- At CW Upfronts (on May 19, 2016): On next season playing the flashback Oliver that came right into season 1, SA: "I mean, that'll be fun, man.... Maybe he'll lie just in complete juxtaposition to the Oliver that we see in season 5 in the present day. Or maybe they'll start to line up together again. You never know. Things change." (ComicBook.com article, page 37 of Spoilers thread)
-- At MCM London Comic Con (on May 28, 2016), on the future of the show after the 5-year flashbacks end, WH: "We're probably not going anywhere...our show is like a onion, every season you open up another layer. ... From your guy's response, as well as the networks response to our show and the creation of all the others that are interlocked into another it's kinda going to be a never ending cycle for awhile. I don't think anything is going to happen." (Mirror.co.uk article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- WM: "It's a very good possibility that we'll finally find out how he got that Bratva tattoo and how he learned to speak Russian... When Oliver says, 'No one can know my secret' and he kills that guy in the pilot, we're going to get some insight into that." (Jun. 2, 2016 TVLine article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- At Wizard World Philadelphia (on Jun. 4, 2016), SA said that we'll get a look at Oliver's past with Bratva in S5. (Video clip from SA panel at Wizard World Philadelphia 2016, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jun. 22, 2016), SA said that he didn't know how many seasons are planned for Arrow.  There was originally a five-year plan but "that relates purely to the flashbacks."  He's under contract for a couple more years.  (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 2, 2016), SA: "When our show was first conceived, the idea was, this was a five-year journey, right? With the flashbacks. I think that it's safe to assume that the current iteration of the flashbacks and the journey of Oliver from Queen's Gambit going down to when he first appeared back in Star City in our pilot - that's going to come to a close this year.  So whatever happens - and I don't believe this is going to be the last season of the show, by any means, but this is certainly the end of the chapter.  And, uh, I'm very, very excited because to me it's like that moment where - you know, one of my favorite shows is Lost, right? And I remember the first time they did flashforwards instead of flashbacks - spoiler - and, uh, to me, this is that moment in our show, where our finale this year is going to take us right to the point where the flashbacks theoretically go to where we first meet Oliver in the pilot.  And I'm really, really excited to see how we get there."  (Video of SA & Cody Rhodes panel at HVFF-NY, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), fan reported spoiler that S5 flashbacks take place in a Russian bathhouse. (FanMomMer tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), SA said that this will be the last year of flashbacks.  (clement_regina tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), SA: "I think it's safe to assume that Oliver's five-year flashback story will be coming to an end this year. And that, going forward, if we have the opportunity to do a sixth season or a seventh season, that, uh - I always think that flashbacks or something of that nature is going to be [unintelligible words] of the show in the present, but I don't know what it's going to be after season 5.  We shall see." (Video of part 2 of SA panel at HVFF-NY, page 431 of Social Media thread, with transcription posted on page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- SA tweeted (on Jul.12, 2016): "Here's your S5 poster" with pic of shirtless, buff and bloody Oliver wearing a flashback wig standing in some kind of fight club setting.  (SA tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- Another pic of SA in new flashback wig.  (wonderwall post, page 1089 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

Flashpoint Affecting Arrow
-- On whether The Flash S2 finale will affect Arrow S5 in any way, SA: "Possibly. I mean, we're dealing with a very interconnected universe. Um, so clearly the events that happened in The Flash finale could affect us in season 5. It does not affect our [season 4] finale though. Our finale is a standalone event." (Video clip of SA interview in May 25, 2016 smoaksqueen tweet, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- In response to question of whether the Flash finale will affect Arrow S5, SA: "I don't know." (May 25, 2016 ComicBook article, page 170 of Mind Your Surroundings thread)
-- On Jun. 20, 2016, GG tweeted that the title of The Flash S3 premiere will be "Flashpoint" but that it would be their own version of the comics Flashpoint story.  (GG tweets, page 169 of Mind Your Surroundings thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jun. 22, 2016), in response to question of whether Flash finale will affect Arrow, SA: "Don't know. Certainly could."  (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), in response to fan asking if Barry's changing the timeline in The Flash will affect Arrow, SA replied: "Sure."  Fan then asked "in what way... majorly or what?", and SA replied: "You bet." He later said: "I don't know if what happened at the end of the season of The Flash is going to affect Arrow." (Video of part 2 of SA panel at HVFF-NY, page 431 of Social Media thread, with transcription posted on page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jul. 7, 2016), SA: "No. There aren't. We just started season 5... like literally just now. And I think sometimes people take, uh - there were two things I said over the weekend at Heroes & Villains-New Jersey.  One, someone comes up to me and they go, 'Is Flashpont on Flash going to affect Arrow?' and I sarcastically go, 'Sure!'  And then they said, 'No, really, is it going to to?' and I go, 'Yeah, it could.'  And then I proceed to say, 'Actually, I don't know, and if I did know, I wouldn't tell you, but I don't actually know.'   And that actually got printed as 'Stephen Amell confirms that Flashpoint in Flash will have major consequences on Arrow.'  Boy, that's not what happened at all.  And then some website called We Got This Covered says, 'Stephen Amell Walks Back Statement,' when I actually took to twitter - or facebook, I can't remember - and it was like, gosh, that's a responsible headline. ... Oh yeah, and then the second thing is, some very nice fans came up to me when I was in New Jersey over the weekend, and they were like, 'We need some positivity around Oliver & Felicity's character,' and I'm like, 'Guys, ... it's the off-season.' It's funny for me during the off-season because - over the hiatus, I guess - I'm not a professional athlete.  It's funny for me because I would sit down for interviews and, you know, a lot of the journalists would've seen Turtles and that was the - that was the point of the interview, and they would ask two Turtles questions - but, you know, then 'What happens in season 5?' ... 'I don't know' ... and that has led to, like, news, for some reason. I literally don't know.  I've now read three scripts. I've had lots of discussions.  But I didn't reveal sh*t in any of those interviews, for the record." (SA facebook video, page 436 of Social Media thread)

Arrow/Flash/LoT/Supergirl Crossovers
-- AK confirmed that there is a Kara Danvers on Earth 1, saying: “Any Kara that exists on Earth 1 would also have to have been an alien... It can’t just be Kara Danvers from Poughkeepsie.”   In response to question of whether that means she could be a potential super (or maybe power) girl on Earth 1, AK replied: "Sure, different costume, but sure."  (Apr. 8, 2016 EW article, page 169 of Mind Your Surroundings thread)
-- At City of Heroes 2 (on May 15, 2016), SA said that the nukes will probably be brought up in S3 of Flash and S2 of LoT. (Morrigan2575 tweet, page 1050 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Per CW Pres. Mark Pedowitz , Arrow, Flash, LoT and Supergirl will join up for a giant annual crossover story - "the biggest one ever."  (May 19, 2016 IGN article, page 37 of Spoilers thread)
-- At Wizard World Philadelphia (on Jun. 4, 2016), SA: "Giant, four-night crossover. No, seriously. How we end up doing that? I don't know. But, um, this is really, um - this is really kind of an unprecedented moment in terms of the history of network television, to have four shows, same showrunner - um, obviously Supergirl is in a little bit of a different universe, but we can fix that. That's one line of dialogue and it's all fixed. So I would suspect that Oliver will be meeting Supergirl at some point." (Video clip from SA panel at Wizard World Philadelphia 2016, page 418 of Social Media thread)
-- GB: “There’s definitely crossovers happening. They’re happening. There’s like mini ones and then there’s bigger ones." (Jun. 14, 2016 Variety article, page 168 of Mind Your Surroundings thread)
-- In SA facebook video chat (on June. 22, 2016), in response to question of whether there will be a Supergirl/Arrow crossover early in the season, SA said that there's going to be a crossover event, but he doesn't know "which people will be in play."  (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- In SA facebook video chat (on Jun. 22, 2016), in response to question of whether any LoT characters appear in 501, SA: "No comment".  But he did say that we get to see someone who we haven't seen in two full seasons. (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- Wentworth Miller will be a series regular across the whole Berlantiverse (Arrow/Flash/LoT/Supergirl), as Leonard Snart. (Jul. 1, 2016 TVLine article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- Akin to the groundbreaking contract that Wentworth Miller segued into at the end of his single-season LoT run, JBarrowman will continue to appear on Arrow and maintain series regular status, but across all of the superhero shows executive-produced by Greg Berlanti, including The Flash and Legends. (Jul. 8, 2016 TVLine tweet and article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

Edited by tv echo
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Willa being only being there makes me think her job in s5 will be the first lady of SC, or whatever they call a Mayor's wife. She'll do all the ceremonial stuff. I  just hope they give her something more for her character than social gatherings, only because I would like to see her have more of her own storyline about her.

I'm going to hope the new cop is her love interest. Perhaps she meets him at this ceremony.

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Team Arrow
-- On how 423 paved the way for S5, DR: "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. That's the big theme. You are going to see a team that's more fractured than it ever has been. The elements that remain of that team, ultimately, in Season 5, will be the strongest of the strong. I'm excited, because you are going to see a team stronger than it has been." (Apr. 27, 2016 ComicBookResources article, page 36 of Spoilers thread)
-- SA: “There’s always possibly going be more new members of Team Arrow, but I don’t know yet... I know obviously Echo Kellum is joining us as a series regular, so we’ll see if he can ingratiate himself into the team." (May 27, 2016 EW article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- At MCM London Comic Con (on May 28, 2016), on how S4 ended and what this means going forward, WH: "[When Oliver left] the team had to find their own place in the team. ... Now they need to find their own place in their own lives. ... It's not like we're not going to be back together. ... Probably sooner than you think." (Mirror.co.uk article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- At Super Heroes Con II (on Jun. 12, 2016), DR: "When you have, you know, Speedy, Oliver and Diggle in the field, and Felicity's doing her thing on the computer helping the team,  that's when it's the best." (Video clip of DR panel at Super Heroes Con II, page 419 of Social Media thread)

Oliver & Felicity AKA Olicity
-- At City of Heroes 2 (on May 15, 2016), SA "I think that Emily - Oliver & Felicity's relationship is, um - it's in a very mature place - that's where we leave it. And I think there's a little bit of certainty towards the end of the season as to what the future's going to hold for them... But I don't know if we have any firm resolution. We certainly don't have the type of firm resolution that we had in season 3 where they were literally driving off into the sunset. We certainly don't have that this year." (Video of SA panel at COH2, page 406 of Social Media thread)
-- At Wizard World Philadelphia (on Jun.  4, 2016), SA said that he doesn't believe that Oliver & Felicity will begin S5 together. (fangirlishness tweet & article, amellxwood tweet and ckinger13 tweet page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- At Wizard World Philadelphia (on Jun. 4, 2016), on whether O&F will ever get married, SA: "I don't know. I don't know. I know that, uh - I know that, um, it was important, uh  - I thought especially at the end of season 4, with everything that happened, and obviously with, um, with Laurel Lance's death, that their relationship be put on the back burner, because I think there were more pressing issues, obviously. So I don't know what they're - what's going to happen in season 5. I do know that, um, they don't - I don't believe they begin season 5 together. So, we'll see where it goes from there."  (Video clip from SA panel at Wizard World Philadelphia 2016, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- At Super Heroes Con II (Jun. 12, 2016), EBR said that Felicity needs to grow by herself before getting back with Oliver, and that whatever may happen, she hopes they keep it true between Oliver and Felicity. (SophieLimbourg tweets, page 418 of Social Media thread)
-- At Super Heroes Con II (Jun. 12, 2016), EBR: "I said this yesterday. I believe their relationship has been true, um, in how they introduced themselves to each other, how they got together, how they moved in together, how they broke up. Now, relationships change all the time. It's whether or not you're willing to compromise and move forward together as a couple. And if that makes sense to them, it depends on what truths are presented to them the next season because I don't know, I feel like right now Felicity needs to grow probably by herself. I mean, she's a few years younger than Oliver." (Video clip in obrientoubia tweet, page 418 of Social Media thread)
-- On where the Olicity relationship will be at the beginning of S5, EBR: "I don’t think they’ll be in a love relationship. They’d be like 'we work together, we were in love', it’s complicated. They try to move on but I hope we will see them back together.'' (Jun. 13, 2016 MCM article, page 175 of Starling CIty Times thread)
-- In SA facebook video chat (on Jun. 22, 2016), in response to question "What about Olicity?", SA replied: "What about it?" (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- During Weibo Q&A (on Jun. 28, 2016), SA: "I don't believe Oliver and Felicity are together in Season 5," but he could have been joking. (yasriechi tweet, page 1077 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- From HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), fan tweeted that SA said that, not only are Olicity not together, but Felicity has a boyfriend. (dettiot tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), SA: “I was chatting with a couple of fans earlier and they were saying there hasn’t been a lot of positivity and reassuring notions when it comes to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship. I think that it’s important to remember that relationships on the show don’t have to be only defined by romance. Oliver and Felicity could have a wonderful, fulfilling, dynamic relationship and not be together, right?”  Met with a swell of boos, SA chuckled: “That wasn’t a question, OK. That’s how the world works! So we will see where they are this year.” Also SA: “I hope that they’re both in a happy positive place... Whether that means they’re together or not remains to be seen.” (TVLine article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), SA: "Um, I was actually chatting with a couple of fans earlier, um, and they were saying there hasn't been a lot of like, uh, positivity and reassuring notions when it comes to Oliver & Felicity's relationship. I think that it's important to remember that relationships on the show don't have to defined by romance. Oliver & Felicity could have a wonderful, fulfilling, dynamic relationship and not be together, right? ... That wasn't a question, by the way. That's how the world works, guys. So we will see where they are this year. I know that, uh - I [unintelligible words] in a positive place.  Whether that means they're together or not remains to be seen." (Video of part 1 of SA panel at HVFF-NY, page 431 of Social Media thread, with transcription posted on page 39 of Spoilers thread)
--  At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), in response to child fan who asked if Oliver & Felicity were ever going to get married, SA: "Um, no [real?] plans to get married yet. But I did propose at one point in time, she gave the ring back to me... [unintelligible word] marriage is something that's in Oliver's mind, despite the fact that he's currently married." (Video of part 1 of SA panel at HVFF-NY, page 431 of Social Media thread, with transcription posted on page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), little girl asked if Olicity was going to get married and SA replied that marriage is on his mind.  (TheAltSource tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), SA said that marriage is something that is currently on Oliver's mind despite the fact that he's currently married (to Nyssa). (AllThings_Arrow tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), SA reiterated that Oliver & Felicty are not together at the start of S5. (KnottedYarn tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
--  At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), in response to fan asking what we can expect from OTA in S5, DR replied: "Um, mayhem. Um, death, love. Oliver and Felicity breaking up and getting back together." (Video of part 1 of Arrow panel at HVFF-NY, page 431 of Social Media thread, with transcription posted on page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), on what we can expect from S5, DR: “Mayhem, death, love…. Oliver and Felicity breaking up and getting back together.” (TVLine article and peopleschoice tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), DR said that we can expect Oliver & Felicity to get back together.  (fangirlish tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jul. 7, 2016), SA: "No. There aren't. We just started season 5... like literally just now. And I think sometimes people take, uh - there were two things I said over the weekend at Heroes & Villains-New Jersey.  One, someone comes up to me and they go, 'Is Flashpont on Flash going to affect Arrow?' and I sarcastically go, 'Sure!'  And then they said, 'No, really, is it going to to?' and I go, 'Yeah, it could.'  And then I proceed to say, 'Actually, I don't know, and if I did know, I wouldn't tell you, but I don't actually know.'   And that actually got printed as 'Stephen Amell confirms that Flashpoint in Flash will have major consequences on Arrow.'  Boy, that's not what happened at all.  And then some website called We Got This Covered says, 'Stephen Amell Walks Back Statement,' when I actually took to twitter - or facebook, I can't remember - and it was like, gosh, that's a responsible headline. ... Oh yeah, and then the second thing is, some very nice fans came up to me when I was in New Jersey over the weekend, and they were like, 'We need some positivity around Oliver & Felicity's character,' and I'm like, 'Guys, ... it's the off-season.' It's funny for me during the off-season because - over the hiatus, I guess - I'm not a professional athlete.  It's funny for me because I would sit down for interviews and, you know, a lot of the journalists would've seen Turtles and that was the - that was the point of the interview, and they would ask two Turtles questions - but, you know, then 'What happens in season 5?' ... 'I don't know' ... and that has led to, like, news, for some reason. I literally don't know.  I've now read three scripts. I've had lots of discussions.  But I didn't reveal sh*t in any of those interviews, for the record." (SA facebook video, page 436 of Social Media thread)

Oliver Queen AKA Green Arrow
-- At HVFF-Chicago (on Mar. 12, 2016), fan asked if we're going to see Oliver going back towards the darkness now that he's lost both Felicity and his son (sent him away). SA: "I think that if we're talking about a five-year journey, we're talking about Oliver being very, very,  you know, lethal and dark in the first season and then, you know, building towards, you know - that didn't work. And the method where he just, you know, 'I'm not going to kill anyone regardless, it doesn't matter, I've got to strive for something different', that doesn't seem to have worked either. So maybe in Season 5, we can see the medley of the two, because, um, you know, he has people in his life that, um, in the latter parts of this season, really push him towards a place he really didn't think they'd be comfortable with him going. And we see some of his, um, some of his teammates and friends going to places where he never expected that they would. So I think we're going to see, hopefully, more of the finished product of Oliver in Season 5 that he can use going forward. The two extremes don't seem to work." (Video of SA solo panel at HVFF-Chicago 2016, page 343 of Social Media thread)
-- At HVFF-Chicago (on Mar. 12, 2016), SA said that he would like a new bow and that he actually needs a new bow. Then he said: "I think that there would be a very good reason in Season 5 to go back to a very particular type of bow. And you'll have to wait, you'll have to wait and see how that will unfold." (Video of SA solo panel at HVFF-Chicago 2016, page 343 of Social Media thread)
-- At City of Heroes 2 (on May 14, 2016), SA said that there might be a costume change in S5. (Lauren Winter @lozwinter tweet, page 388 of Social Media thread)
-- At City of Heroes 2 (on May 15, 2016), SA said that there is a theme we’ll see at the end of S4 leading into next year’s overarching theme for Oliver that he was adamant about wanting for Oliver. (Soulfire post, page 404 of Social Media thread)
-- At CW Upfronts (on May 19, 2016): On whether there's a relationship or aspect of Oliver that he hasn't gotten to explore yet that he's hoping to explore in season 5, SA: "The public visage and version of Oliver Queen within Star City is something that we really haven't touched on. And I think that something happens in the finale that will help change that." (ComicBook.com article, page 37 of Spoilers thread)
-- At CW Upfronts (on May 19, 2016): On next season playing the flashback Oliver that came right into season 1, SA: "I mean, that'll be fun, man.... Maybe he'll lie just in complete juxtaposition to the Oliver that we see in season 5 in the present day. Or maybe they'll start to line up together again. You never know. Things change." (ComicBook.com article, page 37 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Oliver's stint as Mayor, WM: "City Hall, that institution, is crucial to our series." (Jun. 2, 2016 TVLine article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- WM: "When Oliver says, 'No one can know my secret' and he kills that guy in the pilot, we're going to get some insight into that." (Jun. 2, 2016 TVLine article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- At Wizard World Philadelphia (on Jun. 4, 2016), on Oliver's moral code for S5, SA: "Going forward, he made this decision to - to not kill, period, forever. And that decision put him in a tricky place, a bunch of different times. So I think that, if everything was always black and white with him, that there are certainly going to be shades of grey this year - which is more interesting." (Video clip from SA panel at Wizard World Philadelphia 2016, page 418 of Social Media thread)
-- At Wizard World Philadelphia (on Jun. 4, 2016), on Oliver as mayor, SA: "What I'm very excited for, and what a big part of the canon is, is that, you know, Green Arrow from its inception point has always been a very political character. And I think that, you know, as a show, at the risk of offending some people, we should really discover what Oliver's political ideology is. We should really make Green Arrow someone that is an advocate for the people. Um, he was always a very, uh, liberal superhero. And it would be nice, regardless of his, um, his political ideology, to lean into it a little bit, not be afraid to offend some people, and really see what he stands for. So I think as mayor, I've always loved the idea of Oliver Queen as a public persona within Star City, but that's not really something that we've had to - um, been able to tackle - I mean, he was obviously running Queen Consolidated in season 2 and it wasn't until the end of this season when, you know, he hopped on a car and gets to do his speech that, you know, we really got to see him as a man of the people within Star City, so - hope we get to see more of that." (Video clip from SA panel at Wizard World Philadelphia 2016, page 418 of Social Media thread)
-- In SA facebook video chat (on Jun. 22, 2016), in response to question of "Evil Arrow in next season", SA: "I wouldn't say 'evil'.  A little meaner." (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- In SA facebook video chat (on Jun. 22, 2016), SA: "New Arrow suit this year, by the way. Or a slightly modifed version." (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- In SA facebook video chat (on Jun. 22, 2016), SA said that his "salt-and-pepper" hair will be making an appearance this season.  He shaved it and his hair "inexplicably came back gray."  But he kinda likes it. (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jun. 22, 2016, SA tweeted: "Excited to debut my suddenly salt & pepper hair in the season premiere." (SA tweet, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- In response to question of what he looked forward to most in S5, SA replied (on Jul. 1, 2016): "Kill shots." (SA tweet, page 1079 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), SA: "I'd say that, Oliver has a nickname as Mayor, so I'm going to use 'spoiler alert'." (Video of part 1 of SA panel at HVFF-NY, page 431 of Social Media thread, with transcription posted on page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- SA tweeted (on Jul.12, 2016): "Here's your S5 poster" with pic of shirtless, buff and bloody Oliver wearing a flashback wig standing in some kind of fight club setting.  (SA tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- Another pic of SA in new flashback wig.  (wonderwall post, page 1089 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jul. 14, 2016), SA: "Suit's different this year, pants aren't. Whoops." (SA facebook video & transcription, page 39 of Spoilers thread and page 443 of Social Media thread)
-- On instagram (on Jul. 14, 2016), SA posted video clip of himself wearing a black mask and shirt. (SA instagram video, page 443 of Social Media thread)
-- On Jul. 15, 2016, JBam posted instagam pic of Office of the Mayor plaque hanging on the wall of the mayoral office. (JBam instagram post, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 15, 2016, SA tweeted b-t-s pic of himself laying on top of his desk in Oliver's mayoral office. (SA tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

Felicity Smoak AKA Overwatch
-- At City of Heroes 2 (on May 15, 2016), EBR said that Felicity was removed as CEO but still owns Palmer Tech, that she doesn't know when Smoak Tech happens, and that she assumes that more Palmer Tech will be coming in S5. (Evil Nicole@morrigan2575 tweet, page 5 of Monument Point thread)
-- At Super Heroes Con II (on Jun. 11, 2016), EBR said that her S5 focus will be Palmer Tech and that her roots are with Oliver in Star City so she wiil stay. (tanavip tweet, page 38 of Spoilers thread and page 416 of Social Media thread)
-- At Super Heroes Con II (on Jun. 11, 2016), EBR said that Felicity and Curtis will have a lot of interaction next season. (SophieLimbourg tweet, page 38 of Spoilers thread and page 416 of Social Media thread)
-- At Super Heroes Con II (Jun. 12, 2016), EBR said that Felicity needs to grow by herself before getting back with Oliver, and that whatever may happen, she hopes they keep it true between Oliver and Felicity. (SophieLimbourg tweets, page 418 of Social Media thread)
-- On how Curtis will play a larger role in S5 without duplicating Felicity’s efforts, WM: "Essentially, if she’s software, he’s hardware... As he evolves into becoming Mr. Terrific in Season 5, one of the things we’re really exploring is differentiating them by having Curtis be more like Cisco on The Flash. We want him to be a bit more hands-on, a little more about building physical tech.” (Jun. 27, 2016 TVLine article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On whether Curtis will take over Felicity's role, EK: " I don’t know if anyone can take Felicity’s role because she is such an integral part to the team. He’ll definitely be helping out and adding in some layers of tech that they need. He will be more of a compliment than as opposed to a replacement." (Jul. 6, 2016 FanFest article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 15, 2016, fan tweeted pic showing on set cast chairs for RG, EBR, EK and MMcL.  (sacredsmoak tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

John Diggle AKA Spartan
-- At Wizard World Minneapolis (on May 7, 2016), DR: "oh by the way, we'll have a new helmet, coming next season. It'll be a Cisco creation... That'll be a storypoint next season."  (Video of DR panel at Wizard World Minneapolis 2016, page 398 of Social Media thread)
-- At City of Heroes 2 (on May 13, 2016), DR said that Diggle's new helmet has an open visor in the front so that you can see his face. (Morrigan2575 post, page 37 of Spoilers thread)
-- DR said that Diggle will have a new helmet next season.  (Extra facebook Q&A with DR, page 406 of Social Media hread, and Video of DR on The Lowdown with Diana Madison, page 408 of Social Media thread)
-- At Phoenix Comicon (on Jun. 3, 2016), DR said that Diggle will be returning to the team but he didn't know how or when. (Hollywood News Source article, page 413 of Social Media thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), DR teased two changes within Diggle’s world. One, his Spartan mask is getting a much-needed, “Cisco-created” upgrade.  Two, DR: "You will see a new Baby Sarah,” as a third child actress takes over the role. (Jul. 3, 2016 TVLine article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
--  At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), in response to fan asking about Diggle's mask, DR: "Season 5, you will see a Cisco-created new mask...  Also you will see a third new Sara.  You guys notice that Sara's changed over the past? Baby Sara." (Video of part 2 of Arrow panel at HVFF-NY, page 431 of Social Media thread, with transcription posted on page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- Brian Ford Sullivan tweeted (on Jul. 7, 2016): "Off to script on #Arrow with my favorite Oliver/Dig story we've ever done. Get ready for some feels!" (BFS tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

Laurel Lance AKA Black Canary 
-- MG tweeted S5 production art design option showing Black Canary memorial statue.  (Jun. 22, 2016 MG tweet, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- In SA facebook video chat (on Jun. 22, 2016), in response to question of whether Black Canary is coming back, SA: "The idea of Black Canary, and what it means and what it embodies in Star City, is something that we’re going to examine this year."  (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread)

Thea Queen AKA Speedy
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), WH: "I hope that Thea in Season 5 is going to be focusing a lot more on herself… and learning a little bit more about what’s going on inside of her now that she has lost the bloodlust. She needs to take some yoga classes and meditate real hard, maybe smudge [with sage] the apartment she lives in.” (Jul. 3, 2016 TVLine article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

Curtis Holt AKA Mr. Terrific
-- EK has been promoted to series regular for S5.  (Apr. 4, 2016 TVLine article, page 146 of Starling City Times thread, and Jul. 1, 2016 TVLine article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At Super Heroes Con II (on Jun. 11, 2016), EBR said that Felicity and Curtis will have a lot of interaction next season. (SophieLimbourg tweet, page 38 of Spoilers thread and page 416 of Social Media thread)
-- On how Curtis will play a larger role in S5 without duplicating Felicity’s efforts, WM: "Essentially, if she’s software, he’s hardware... As he evolves into becoming Mr. Terrific in Season 5, one of the things we’re really exploring is differentiating them by having Curtis be more like Cisco on The Flash. We want him to be a bit more hands-on, a little more about building physical tech.” (Jun. 27, 2016 TVLine article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On whether Curtis will become Mr. Terrific, EK told Inverse that “it’s definitely going to happen this season. Ninety-percent gonna happen.”  EK explained that Curtis’s life will change as he takes on more important duties. EK: “Battling with that aspect of being a part of the team and getting into the field more, protecting people, I think it’s going to be a really fun season for him to see what type of hero he’s going to become... I think it’s going to be really interesting to see how that’s going to play against his backdrop at home too." (Jul. 5, 2016 Inverse article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On how Curtis will fit into the show/team as a series regular, EK: "I can't really say too much, outside of that it will be 'terrific'! That it'll be a lot of cool things happening, and just buckle up and get ready for an awesome ride. They're really going for it this season, and I think they're going to bring a lot of cool elements that made the series so great. It's just going to be such a cool cast to work with, with all the new additions this season. I think it's going to be the best."  Also, on getting a costume, EK: "Yes, yes. Second that! Where is my costume? Guggenheim, if you're listening, or reading, whatever: Where's my costume? No, I definitely want to suit up really bad. But I understand. It's this arc. You've got to build up to it. But I definitely hope -- and I believe, hopefully, within this season we should see Curtis Holt get there in some capacity. So I'm really looking forward to all that's happening." (Jul. 5, 2016 Moviefone article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On whether Mr. Terrific will debut in S5, EK: "There is a very high probability that could happen this season. I really like what Wendy Mericle, our producer had said recently about Curtis that, if Felicity is the software, Curtis is the hardware. So you could see a lot more tech designs and cool things that the team could be using from Curtis. He will be taking on more of an aspect of Cisco’s role (from Flash). Also, being with Team Arrow trying to right the wrongs that are infiltrating the city, so it’s going to be a really interesting dynamic." (Jul. 6, 2016 FanFest article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On whether Curtis will take over Felicity's role, EK: " I don’t know if anyone can take Felicity’s role because she is such an integral part to the team. He’ll definitely be helping out and adding in some layers of tech that they need. He will be more of a compliment than as opposed to a replacement." (Jul. 6, 2016 FanFest article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On whether Curtis will get a costume, EK: " I think so, it’s definitely possible." (Jul. 6, 2016 FanFest article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- EK mentioned WM's recent statement that Curtis would become Mr. Terrific this season.  He also mentioned WM's quote about Felicity being "software" and Curtis being "hardware." His most common questions are: when is he going to fly, and when is he going to get a costume. (Jul. 9, 2016 Comic Book Central podcast interview with EK, page 178 of Starling City Times thread)

Quentin Lance
-- On Quentin's relationship with original Team Arrow, PB: "Each year, the dynamics change. This is probably going to have much to do with setting up the next season’s dynamic between the characters. From season to season, there’s always a little subtle shift in the relationships between everybody. This is going to create a whole new world next season, given that everybody is now in a world without Laurel. It’s a game-changer, obviously, and it’s a relationship-changer, for sure." (Apr. 27, 2016 Collider article, page 36 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Quentin's relationship with Oliver, PB: "The shift in the relationship between Lance and Oliver is great. There’s an element of father figure there, but only to a degree because Oliver knows the world and Lance is just a small part of it. Lance is always going to revere him, in that sense. So, it would be nice to see some development, in that way." (Apr. 27, 2016 Collider article, page 36 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), SA: “Lance does not get reinstated,... I’m sorry.” (TVLine article and peopleschoice tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 3, 2016), In response to fan who asked about Oliver being Mayor since he's read the first two episodes, SA: "Um, I think that of all of the things that I remember from those first two episodes, uh, Oliver's relationship with Lance - where Lance is, in terms of the type of place and the state of mind that he's in, and their dynamic, um - it's probably the thing that I'm most looking forward to in terms of doing the scenes. And I think that, you know, obviously with the events that happened towards the end of the fourth season, there has been a sizeable shift forever in terms of the dynamic between Oliver and Quentin, and a lot of that actually came from him calling him Quentin for the first time.  And that's something that we continue to explore. But Lance does not get reinstated... Sorry." (Video of part 1 of SA panel at HVFF-NY, page 431 of Social Media thread, with transcription posted on page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 13, 2016, PB tweeted that he was back in Vancouver shooting S5. (PB tweet, page 1089 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

Malcolm Merlyn AKA Dark Archer AKA Ra's al Ghul
-- Akin to the groundbreaking contract that Wentworth Miller segued into at the end of his single-season LoT run, JBarrowman will continue to appear on Arrow and maintain series regular status, but across all of the superhero shows executive-produced by Greg Berlanti, including The Flash and Legends. (Jul. 8, 2016 TVLine tweet and article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

Donna Smoak
-- CR: “I’ve relished every moment playing Donna since season 3 when I was lucky enough to start being a part of this show but, we have no agreement in place for me to continue further. Things can, obviously, change but as of right now, I have no plans to return for season five."(May 18, 2016 Emertainment Monthly tweet & article, page 37 of Spoilers thread)

Roy Harper AKA Arsenal
-- From Justice Squad Convention in Paris, fan tweeted: "Colton : 'I get to come back on a few episodes of Arrow next year.'"  (May 8. 2016 Slytherimpala tweet, page 36 of Spoilers thread)

Sara Lance AKA White Canary
-- From Justice Squad Convention in Paris, fan tweeted: "Caity Lotz : 'yes, hopefully I will be back in the next season of Arrow.'" (May 8, 2016 Slytherimpala tweet, page 36 of Spoilers thread)

Lonnie Machin AKA Anarky
-- From HVFF-NY (on Jul. 2, 2016), fan tweeted: "Hints for season 5. Echo says lots of villains, lots of action. The moderator says we'll see Anarky again next season." (Jul. 2, 2016 SMummert tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

Liza Warner AKA Lady Cop
-- MG: "As for Lady Cop, she’ll be returning next year.  (She’d be back this year, but Rutina is doing a pilot.)." (Feb. 6, 2016 MG tumblr post, page 31 of Spoilers thread)

Venediktov Family
-- Taiana's last name is Venediktov. (Apr. 30, 2016 ER tweet, page 381 of Social Media thread)
-- Brian Ford Sullivan (on May 18, 2016, after 422): "Taiana name dropping someone called 'Kovar.'  Read into that what you will. #ArrowSeason5." (BFS tweet, page 37 of Spoilers thread)

Floyd Lawton AKA Deadshot
-- At Arc Con (on Jun. 25, 2016), MRowe: "I think that, in the comic book, [Deadshot] is the hardest person to kill. So I would say, with confidence, that you have not seen the last of him." He then mentioned that Earth-2 Floyd also got killed. (Video of Arc Con panels, page 428 of Social Media thread)

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Adrian Chase AKA the Vigilante (formerly described as "James")
--  For S5, Arrow is adding the series regular role of “James,” an “irrepressibly charming” contemporary of Oliver’s who is described as “a man on a mission” — out as he is to avenge a tragic, violent loss from his own, years-ago past. The casting call seeks an actor of any ethnicity, in his late-20s to 30s and who comes across as a physical threat. The character is said to “just as easily shake your hand as your best friend or break your neck as your worst enemy — and you never know which one is coming. Either way, he’s more than capable of having a good time as he does it.” (May 2, 2016 TVLine article, page 36 of Spoilers thread)
-- In response to fans freaking out over "James" spoiler, Matt Mitovich tweeted: "Pardon my French, but... WTH is saying 'love interest'? His audition scenes aren't with F." (May 2, 2016 MMitovich tweet, page 1034 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- S5 will introduce Oliver's unpredictable/"charming" new adversary. (Jun. 2, 2016 TVLine article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- Oliver will be getting a new ally.  Josh Segarra was cast as a new series regular for S5. He will play Adrian Chase, Star City’s new district attorney and an ally of Mayor Oliver Queen, who aims to clean up the streets through the legal system.  Adrian Chase and his alter ego the Vigilante first appeared in the 1983 New Teen Titans Annual #2.  A New York City district attorney whose family was killed by mobsters, Chase sought justice in his own way. In the comics, Chase has strong ties to Deathstroke, who was a major character on Arrow. (Jun. 16, 2016 Deadline article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- TVLine confirmed that Adrian Chase is the previously reported "James" character, stating: "As TVLine first reported, Chase is described as an 'irrepressibly charming' contemporary of Oliver’s and 'a man on a mission' — out as he is to avenge a tragic, violent loss from his own, years-ago past. He is someone who could 'just as easily shake your hand as your best friend or break your neck as your worst enemy — and you never know which one is coming. Either way, he’s more than capable of having a good time as he does it.'” (Jun. 16, 2016 TVLine article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- Josh Segarra has been added as a series regular for S5, as DA Adrian Chase aka the vigilante known as… Vigilante. (Jul. 1, 2016 TVLine article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

Tobias Church (formerly described as "Anton Church")
-- S5 will introduce a new villain loosely inspired by Idris Elba’s Wire drug kingpin Stringer Bell. The character, tentatively named "Anton Church," is a ruthless crime lord who sets out to fill the sizable void left by Damien Darhk and H.I.V.E. The initial casting notice describes him as an "apex predator" who "cuts his way through the shadow" by taking down "the biggest threat first." While the role is being likened to Elba’s classic Wire baddie, the breakdown also references ex-Game of Thrones actor Jason Momoa as a physical prototype. (Jun. 3, 2016 TVLine article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- At Wizard World Philadelphia (on Jun. 4, 2016), SA: "Our villain is going to - uh, in a lot of ways - be a callback to season 1 and, uh, that's something that you can do when you're in season 5.  And I think that the villain that we have coming in is really going to ground the show and take us back to some of the elements that we had in the earlier days before we introduced so many fantastical elements to the Arrowverse as it were."  (Video clip from SA panel at Wizard World Philadelphia 2016, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- Chad L. Coleman ("CLC") will play the recurring role of Tobias Church, "an imposing gangster looking to unite the various criminal enterprises in Star City under his own singular command." He will debut in 501.  (Jun. 21, 2016 IGN article, page 38 of Spoilers thread, and page 1070 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- CLC will recur during Season 5 as gangster Tobias Church. (Jul. 1, 2016 TVLine article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- TheAltSource tweeted: "Chad Coleman said he read the #Arrow script on the plane here and oh boy are we not ready for Tobias!" (Jul. 9, 2016 TheAltSource tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- TheAltSource tweeted: "Chad Coleman on his new role on #Arrow. 'Tobias Church is a bad boy.'" (Jul. 9, 2016 TheAltSource tweet, page 1087 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Per CLC, Tobias Church is a bonafide badass.  CLC: "I was reading the script on the plane (before arriving at Walker Stalker Con.) He is Suge Knight, Jay-Z, and Dr. Dre all rolled into one. I’m telling you this is an amazing character. I’m gonna have so much fun with this guy.”  Tobias will also be very charming. After the destruction caused in S4 and the hole left by the death of Damien Darhk, the criminal element of Star City will be a little scattered. That’s where Tobias comes in. He’ll seduce them with “brass knuckles and silver coins” to join his cause against the vigilantes of the city. On a scale from 1 to 10 of how much trouble Tobias is going to cause our heroes, CLC was quick to say 15: “I’m dead serious. I’m telling you. I am not trying to hype it. I’m reading the script and I’m like wowwww. I can’t wait to get going on this one. He’s so smart and so quick with the words. He’s got savvy, sarcasm, smarter than everyone. He’s a strong man. It’s amazing.” His new role is also going to be very demanding and full of “physical stuff.”  CLC: "I’m really looking forward to working with the lead man (Stephen Amell) and mixing up. And just giving fans something new. You know, a new character in the repertoire where you really get to see me play a bad guy.” (Jul. 10, 2016 fangirlish article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- CLC was in the Arrow production offices on Jul. 14, 2016. (ArrowProdOffice tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 16, 2016, JBam tweeted: "Fraterday with @ChadLColeman ? I'll take it. Welcome to the family." (JBam tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

Wild Dog
-- S5 will introduce the recurring role of a cocksure/reckless ex-Marine turned vigilante. (Jun. 2, 2016 TVLine article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- At Wizard World Philadelphia (on Jun. 4, 2016), SA: "We are introducing another vigilante from the DC Universe next season." (Video clip from SA panel at Wizard World Philadelphia 2016, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- DC Comics character Wild Dog will appear in multiple episodes, starting with the season premiere, in S5.  He will be played by Rick Gonzalez.  Wild Dog is a new vigilante in Star City whose reckless and cocksure nature prompts Green Arrow (Stephen Amell) to take him under his wing.  (Jun. 15, 2016 EW article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- Rick Gonzalez ("RG") will recur during Season 5 as the DC Comics vigilante Wild Dog. (Jul. 1, 2016 TVLine article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- EK tweeted (on Jul. 9, 2016): "Yo, I had a blast working a Fraturday with @officialrickg and @MadisonMcLaugh. It's going down! #ArrowSeason5." (EK tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thrad)
-- RG tweeted (on Jul. 11, 2016): "#ArrowBootcamp Way of the Dog. #WildDog #CW #ArrowSeason5 #Arrow" with pic of himself working out with wires. (RG tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 15, 2016, fan tweeted pic showing on set cast chairs for RG, EBR, EK and MMcL.  (sacredsmoak tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

Derek Zaba
-- S5 will introduce the recurring character of Derek Zaba, a man of fierce intelligence whose wit and humor belie a person wrestling with deep-seated demons. Derek looks to his Jewish faith to ground himself, having been raised in a devout family, and while usually kind and well-meaning, he also can come off as a physical threat. (Jun. 16, 2016 TVLine article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)

Evelyn Sharp AKA Artemis
-- Madison McLaughlin ("MMcL") will return as Evelyn Sharp for multiple episodes beginning in 502 and will be taking on the DC Comics persona of the masked archer known as Artemis.  (Jun. 21, 2016 Variety and TVLine articles, page 38 of Spoilers thread and page 1069 of Spoiler Discussion thread, and Jul. 1, 2016 TVLine article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- MMcL was in the Arrow production offices on Jun. 28, 2016.  (ArrowProdOffice tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- EK tweeted (on Jul. 9, 2016): "Yo, I had a blast working a Fraturday with @officialrickg and @MadisonMcLaugh. It's going down! #ArrowSeason5." (EK tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 15, 2016, fan tweeted pic showing on set cast chairs for RG, EBR, EK and MMcL.  (sacredsmoak tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

Detective Malone

-- S5 will introduce the recurring role of Detective Malone, a new addition to the SCPD. He will be played by Tyler Ritter.  (Jun. 28, 2016 The Hollywood Reporter tweet & article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- Tyler Ritter ("TR") will recur during S5 as the SCPD's Detective Malone. (Jul. 1, 2016 TVLine article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- TR was in the Arrow production offices on Jul. 12, 2016.  (ArrowProdOffice tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

Susan Williams
-- From 2015, MG: " Something that’s always been a struggle in writing the show is, how do we keep Starling City alive? All this stuff happens, and how do you get the general man-on-the-street opinion of things? It’s just a hard thing. We don’t really have a character like that. We don’t have a newspaper reporter who you go home with and learn about everyone’s opinions through. I actually would love for us to develop that aspect of the show. We just haven’t figured out how to do that yet. It’s just not where the show lives, at the moment." (Apr. 22, 2015 Collider article, page 1077 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- S5 will introduce the recurring role of Susan Williams, a journalist from nearby Coast City who comes to Star City “looking to make a name for herself” by targeting Oliver Queen for a big story. She will be played by Carly Pope. In the DC comics, Williams is married to Jim Jordan, the little brother of Coast City's resident Green Lantern, Hal Jordan. (Jun. 29, 2016 TVGuide/TVInsider tweet & article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- Carly Pope will recur during Season 5 as Susan Williams, a Coast City reporter doing a piece on Star City's Mayor Oliver Queen. (Jul. 1, 2016 TVLine article, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

Unnamed Character (to be played by Cody Rhodes)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 2, 2016), SA said that Cody Rhodes will guest star in 503, and Rhodes said that we can probably expect him and SA to get into another fight. (TVLine tweet & article, SA tweet, CRhodes tweet, and Video of SA & Cody Rhodes panel at HVFF-NY, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 9, 2016, Cody Rhodes tweeted pic of himself wearing a jacket with the following on its back: "Season 6 ARROW TEAM RHODES 'Destroy Queen'." (CRhodes tweet, page 439 of Social Media thread)
-- On Jul. 13, 2016, Arrow writers tweeted pics of Cody Rhodes in their offices. (Arrowwriters tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

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[NOTE: Some scenes for 501 & 502 were shot together by JBamford, so some of the spoilers dated during the 501 shooting schedule may actually have been shot for 502.]

S5, Episode 1: Legacy
-- Production code: 501.  Shoot Dates: Jul. 5-15, 2016.  Director: James Bamford.  Story: Greg Berlanti.  Writers: Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle.  Airdate: Oct. 5, 2016. (MG tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread, and 06/17/16 TVLine article, page 175 of Starling City Times thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jun. 22, 2016), SA said that James Bamford will be directing 501 and 502. (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread) 
-- In SA facebook video (on Jun. 22, 2016), in response to request for one word to describe 501, SA: "Legacy." (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jun. 22, 2016, SA tweeted: "Just read 5.01 -- ??????#Arrow" (3 fire emoticons).  (SA tweet, page 1071 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- On Jun. 22, 2016, SA tweeted: "You have 21 days to get as ripped as you've ever been for the most vicious 'oner' in the history of network tv. No stunt double."  (SA tweet, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jun. 22, 2016), SA said that he read 501 "yesterday" and talked to James Bamford.  They're doing something they've never done before, called a "cross board".  He said that 501 "has the opportunity for us to quite literally have the most vicious, violent one-r shot, which is where there is no cut, in the history of network television. I insisted that it's gonna be me, no stunt double. He says, 'fine, but you got to do it shirtless'."  SA said that he's been enjoying the "most extended physical break" he's had since Feb. 2012, but that one-r shot is 21 days from now.  He's lost around 20 lbs. of muscle because that's not the natural state of his body.  But he's got 21 days to get back in shape in order to shoot that scene. SA said that if 501's any indication, Arrow's going to be "f*cking mean" this season and "that's really exciting." (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jun. 22, 2016), in response to question of whether any LoT characters appear in 501, SA: "No comment".  But he did say that we get to see someone who we haven't seen in two full seasons. (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jun. 22, 2016, SA tweeted: "Excited to debut my suddenly salt & pepper hair in the season premiere." (SA tweet, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 2, 1016), SA: "And the first two episodes really do a good job of bringing us back to that [i.e., re-grounding the show and re-focusing on the battle to save Star City] and re-focusing us on what the core mission of the show should be.  So that to me is very exciting. Plus... Russia." (Video of SA & Cody Rhodes panel at HVFF-NY, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 5, 2016, JBam posted pic of motorcycle in darkened room of Arrow Bunker.  (JBam instagram pic, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- SA wore a tuxedo for a scene in 501.  (Jul. 6, 2016 SA facebook video, page 431 of Social Media thread)
-- On Jul. 6, 2016, SA posted b-t-s pic of himself in shirtsleeves in the Arrow Bunker.  (SA tweet, page 431 of Social Media thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jul. 6, 2016), SA said that Oliver has a big fight scene in the first two episodes.  (SA facebook video, page 431 of Social Media thread)
-- On Jul. 6, 2016, EK posted a pic with EBR and WH in the Arrow Bunker. (EK instagram post, page 432 of Social Media thread)
-- Tobias Church (Chad L. Coleman) will debut in 501.  (Jun. 21, 2016 IGN article, page 38 of Spoilers thread, and page 1070 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Wild Dog (Rick Gonzalez) will debut in 501.  (Jun. 15, 2016 EW article, page 38 of Spoilers thread)
-- Rick Gonzalez was in the Arrow production offices on Jul. 6, 2016. (ArrowProdOffice tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 7, 2016, JBam tweeted: "Wrapped day 2......and.....wow. These thespians are just bringing all sorts of real to the table. I'm pretty sure I shed a few tears today." (JBam tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- Arrow was filming in studio on Jul. 8, 2016. (WhatsFilming tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- EK tweeted (on Jul. 9, 2016): "Yo, I had a blast working a Fraturday with @officialrickg and @MadisonMcLaugh. It's going down! #ArrowSeason5." (EK tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thrad)
-- On Jul. 11, 2016, GB tweeted "Wondering today which of the shows will be the first to cleverly use a Pokemon Go reference in a script" and SA replied "We ad-libbed one in this morning." (SA tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 11, 2016, JBam tweeted: "@coreyrobson and I have some surprises for ya'll in season 5 of #Arrow.....you're going to have to wait until October to see them though." (JBam tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 11, 2016, JBam tweeted: "OMG.....tomorrow. Tomorrow is a behemoth." (JBam tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 12, 2016, SA tweeted "Here's your S5 poster" with pic of shirtless, buff and bloody Oliver wearing a flashback wig standing in some kind of fight club setting.  (SA tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- Tyler Ritter was in the Arrow production offices on Jul. 12, 2016.  (ArrowProdOffice tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 13, 2016, Arrow writers tweeted pics of Cody Rhodes in their offices. (Arrowwriters tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 13, 2016, fan posted b-t-s pics of Oliver in casual wear, a Star City police car, and Thea wearing a casual jacket and ballcap. Fan said that only SA and WH were on set, and not EBR or DR.  (IrisAlves tweets, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 13, 2016, YVRShoots tweeted "#Arrow filming at New Westminster City Hall  in #NewWest on Wednesday, July 13th. Night shoot." (YVRShoots and Canadagraphs tweets, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 13 & 14, 2016, fans posted b-t-s pic of Mayor Queen giving a speech on the city hall front steps in front of a crowd. (CanSpice tweet and otafan pic, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 14, 2016, Arrow was filming a hospital scene in Surrey. (samlimv tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 14, 2016, MMcL posted pic of herself with EK, RG and WH.  (MMcL tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 14, 2016, MG tweeted "On the Arrow set..." with pic of Star City Office of the Mayor plaque. (MG tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jul. 14, 2016), SA: "SA: "We are on Day 8, which typically is the last day of an episode. We are on Day 8 of 501, 502 - we cross boarded our first two episodes, which I'm actually kinda enjoying, um... but we cross boarded our first two episodes... for a variety of reasons - never done it before on the show. We flipped an episode once, but we've never done it before. And I - and I gotta say, um... it kinda feels different. It feels a lot like the pilot. I think that, uh, stylistically, thematically, um, visually, violence-y, we are getting back to some of the things that, uh, our show does really well. So from that standpoint, I'm very, very excited."  (SA facebook video & transcription, page 39 of Spoilers thread and page 443 of Social Media thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jul. 14, 2016), SA: "501 and 502 feel good." (SA facebook video & transcription, page 39 of Spoilers thread and page 443 of Social Media thread)
-- On Jul. 15, 2016, JBam posted instagam pic of Office of the Mayor plaque hanging on the wall of the mayoral office. (JBam instagram post, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 15, 2016, SA tweeted b-t-s pic of himself laying on top of his desk in Oliver's mayoral office. (SA tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)

S5, Episode 2: The Recruits
-- Production code: 502.  Shoot Dates: July 15-27, 2016.  Director: James Bamford.  Writers: Speed Weed & Beth Schwartz.  Airdate: TBA. (MG tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jun. 22, 2016), SA said that James Bamford will be directing 501 and 502. (SA facebook video, page 38 of Spoilers thread) 
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 2, 1016), SA: "And the first two episodes really do a good job of bringing us back to that [i.e., re-grounding the show and re-focusing on the battle to save Star City] and re-focusing us on what the core mission of the show should be.  So that to me is very exciting. Plus... Russia." (Video of SA & Cody Rhodes panel at HVFF-NY, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jul. 6, 2016), SA said that Oliver has a big fight scene in the first two episodes.  (SA facebook video, page 431 of Social Media thread)
-- Evelyn Sharp (Madison McLaughlin) will return beginning in 502.  (Jun. 21, 2016 Variety and TVLine articles, page 38 of Spoilers thread, and page 1069 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- EK tweeted (on Jul. 9, 2016): "Yo, I had a blast working a Fraturday with @officialrickg and @MadisonMcLaugh. It's going down! #ArrowSeason5." (EK tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jul. 14, 2016), SA: "SA: "We are on Day 8, which typically is the last day of an episode. We are on Day 8 of 501, 502 - we cross boarded our first two episodes, which I'm actually kinda enjoying, um... but we cross boarded our first two episodes... for a variety of reasons - never done it before on the show. We flipped an episode once, but we've never done it before. And I - and I gotta say, um... it kinda feels different. It feels a lot like the pilot. I think that, uh, stylistically, thematically, um, visually, violence-y, we are getting back to some of the things that, uh, our show does really well. So from that standpoint, I'm very, very excited." (SA facebook video & transcription, page 39 of Spoilers thread and page 443 of Social Media thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jul. 14, 2016), SA: "I actually got to do a funny ad lib today that if you're a fan of the pilot of the show, and something that the doctor says to Moira when she first sees me about the state of my... body, I guess - uh, he's not being weird, he's being a doctor. Um, there's an actual callback to that, assuming it makes the cut in 502."   (SA facebook video & transcription, page 39 of Spoilers thread and page 443 of Social Media thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jul. 14, 2016), SA: "501 and 502 feel good." (SA facebook video & transcription, page 39 of Spoilers thread and page 443 of Social Media thread)
-- On Jul. 15, 2016, fan tweeted pic showing on set cast chairs for RG, EBR, EK and MMcL.  (sacredsmoak tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 16, 2016, JBam tweeted: "Fraterday with @ChadLColeman ? I'll take it. Welcome to the family." (JBam tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 19, 2016, SA tweeted: ""Keep that elevated." (SA tweet, page 40 of Spoilers thread)

S5, Episode 3:  TBA
-- At HVFF-NY (on Jul. 2, 2016), SA said that Cody Rhodes will guest star in 503, and Rhodes said that we can probably expect him and SA to get into another fight. (TVLine tweet & article, SA tweet, CRhodes tweet, and Video of SA & Cody Rhodes panel at HVFF-NY, page 39 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Jul. 9, 2016, Cody Rhodes tweeted pic of himself wearing a jacket wth the following on its back: "Season 6 ARROW TEAM RHODES 'Destroy Queen'." (CRhodes tweet, page 439 of Social Media thread)
-- In SA facebook video (on Jul. 14, 2016), SA: "503 reads nice. Cody Rhodes is very excited. I'm excited to have him on the show." (SA facebook video & transcription, page 39 of Spoilers thread and page 443 of Social Media thread)

S5, Episode 4:  TBA
[?-- Brian Ford Sullivan tweeted (on Jul. 7, 2016): "Off to script on #Arrow with my favorite Oliver/Dig story we've ever done. Get ready for some feels!" (BFS tweet, page 39 of Spoilers thread)]

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I know the team is fractured, but I hope that ends early in the season. I have no desire to watch everyone be disconnected. I also hope there's so super exciting spoilers at SDCC because right now, I am uninterested. Even Fight Club Oliver can only go so far for me. I mean, it's pretty far, but still.

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17 hours ago, kismet said:

The boob canyon is really unattractive, so I'm gonna go with bad angle & lighting

Maybe they also did the contouring thing for men... It is a really weird thing that you can do to enhance abs and pecs...

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34 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Maybe they also did the contouring thing for men... It is a really weird thing that you can do to enhance abs and pecs...

Are you trying to say that not all that beef is real?!? Say it ain't so! That's Grade A prime Canadian beef right there!

I'm guessing at this point that his abs are mostly paint. And beer.

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1 minute ago, wonderwall said:

I'm not into nitpicking and criticizing someone's body...But from what I see,  I think he looks fine (with or without contouring).

He's an actor on a CW superhero show known for taking off his shirt. In fact he himself talked about amping up the gratuitous shirtlessness for S5. I'm going to go ahead and not worry about taking the high road on the subject.

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I think SA looks fine, more than fine. I am not a fan of that particular angle for the shot.

And as for "amping up the gratuitous shirtlessness for s5", I say bring it on! Only good spoiler I've seen, even if he uses a little make-up to get the job done. I don't care how they make the pretty happens I just wanna see it. :)

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