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and the jackets, don't forget the jackets (and that one fine pea coat). 

I seriously drool over those jackets. OQ wears the hell out of them!  I'm particularly fond of the brown one with the tall collar he wore in S1 and S2.


I like that they repeat the outfits, too.  This was intended to be a superhero show grounded in reality, and the repeated outfits are the only aspect still tethered to reality now that we have LP, speedsters, and time travel. And Laurel as Black Canary.

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I personally LOVE it when shows repeat outfits. It's more realistic. I'd rather the show get 30-40 amazing outfits and reuse those all throughout the season than have less budget for other important things. 


Literally all Oliver wore last season was a henley top and jeans, and I thought that was fine :p

I agree, I like when they repeat clothes it's more realistic.  However it threw me off because it looks like the same jacket but parts were different which made it confusing.

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After watching that little clip about what to expect (from Comic Con) I am quite sure that Starling City will finally have its comic name and Laurel will get a motorcycle or some form of 'badass' vehicle.


I do get annoyed sometimes when people scream fanservice when it comes to O/F but isn't it also fanservice if you just give in to little demands about characters? At least O/F is a story decision whereas other things seem to happen because some people are complaining about their character not being exactly like the comics. Therefore Laurel gets a new Canary Cry and possibly a motorcycle (even if there is no indication that she knew how to drive one before but I guess it is like a five day workshop on vigilantism. Day 1-3 learn to fight, Day 4 put the costume on, Day 5 get the bike and learn to drive it)  And if they wanted the city to be called Star City why didn't they do that right away. Or last season when Ray presented it.


I will wait till I see it but sometimes that bugs me. 

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As someone who has never read the comics, like most of the viewing audience, I hope they don't change the name to Star City.  It makes no story sense to rename it (the only city I know which was re-named was "Berlin" to "Kitchener" and that's because it was WWI so obvious reasons) and it's going to annoy me immensely.


It would be the very definition of fanservice.

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As someone who has never read the comics, like most of the viewing audience, I hope they don't change the name to Star City.  


I'm pretty sure they did. MG said as much in an interview at Comic Con (although to be fair, he said something like, "Some people might not be calling it Starling City anymore." - whether "some people" means that there's a groundswell to change the name, or if he just misspoke, IDK). 


I think that changing the name is stupid, but this is the kind of fan service I can get behind. It's a little shout out that gets the comic fans excited, and basically has no real impact on the show or the characters whatsoever. 

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Same. I think changing the name of the city is a dumb idea but it won't really change anything so let them get on with it. And if Laurel getting a bike means her stans will stop saying she's so hard done by, then go for it. Riding a motorbike won't magically make her the best vigilante to ever vigilante. And girl's gotta get around somehow, I guess. *Shrug* I think of it like the boxing glove arrow. It was a fun way of getting something from the comics into the show and it worked because that particular episode was set in a boxing ring. No harm, no foul. 

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I  think it would have a fairly strong impact on the audience though.  It's a trust issue, can I trust the producers not to do something really stupid? The boxing glove arrow was a couple of seconds of screentime and a cute joke. This would be much bigger, and doesn't make sense.. 


Not to mention all the future fanfic that would have to be changed!


It's easier for me to take Laurel as the Black Canary, which I can just ignore most of the time, than to have Starling City be Star City.  It's too big of a chance.

Edited by statsgirl
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As someone who has never read the comics, like most of the viewing audience, I hope they don't change the name to Star City.  It makes no story sense to rename it (the only city I know which was re-named was "Berlin" to "Kitchener" and that's because it was WWI so obvious reasons) and it's going to annoy me immensely.


It would be the very definition of fanservice.


Well there was Constantinople that became Istanbul and New Amsterdam became New York. Which I learned in history class but also memorized to that random fact area in my brain after the cute They Might be Giants song "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)". Great song, I highly suggest youtubeing it :)


So there is precedence, usually there is some big government change or some conquering that precipitates the change. Not just a businessman and his crazy idea during a corporate buy-out. But if the writers can find some good way to make the change happen, then I guess I can go along with it. Honestly, I prefer Starling City but if it gives the comic people something to enjoy, it's not gonna hurt me that badly.


But if they go through the hassle of changing it, I want it to be either important to the plot or done in enjoyable/cheeky manner like the boxing glove arrow. I would not be opposed to a new cheesy jingle. But more importantly, I either want it be connected with the people of the city or done by Darhk during one of his power plays/moves. If its done just because it was Ray's idea out of homage to him, I might just gag. OQ & RQ both went missing and nobody renamed anything then and the Queens have been a mainstay in the SC business & civil community for decades. Ray was sorta just a carpetbagger that came out of nowhere to make a profit and perhaps save a few lives. No need to change a name just because he went missing/dead - that's more just a street or corner renaming at the most.

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If its done just because it was Ray's idea out of homage to him, I might just gag.

You and me both.  He's not enough of a hero yet to make it anything but an homage to a rich guy.


I like the idea of DD doing it though. Then I can hate him all the more.


A fellow They Might be Giants fan!

Ligos --> Byzantium --> Constantinople --> Istanbul.  Those happened because the city was conquered by an invader and even the lofficial anguage  was changed.  Same with New Amsterdam, when the British acquired it from the Dutch.  A bigger deal than Ray's attempt to rebrand Starling City as Star City.

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Rebranding cities does happen though without big disasters or invasions.  These days it's usually more for corporate sponsorship or win something, so honestly I could buy the politicians in Starling being just desperate enough to go along with Ray's original idea both for the rebranding and also the money he probably was going to give them if they went along with his idea.  He was already just showing up at important meetings between the Police Captain and the Mayor and bankrolling the money they wanted for the kidnapped aldermen.  At least his money and influence it right out in the open? 

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Star City just sounds a little....tacky IMO, especially when compared to Starling City. I'm sure there were reasons to change it in the first place.


As a non-comic reader I thought it was the equivalent of LA in the DC universe. So pretty unimaginative, but gives sense of where they are like Coast City, Central City, etc. Which is unnecessary in a medium like TV.


I guess I can live with it as a trade-off for Diggle (non-canon *gasp*) getting a bigger storyline.


And I agree with Kismet.


[snip] if they go through the hassle of changing it, I want it to be either important to the plot or done in enjoyable/cheeky manner like the boxing glove arrow. I would not be opposed to a new cheesy jingle. But more importantly, I either want it be connected with the people of the city or done by Darhk during one of his power plays/moves. If its done just because it was Ray's idea out of homage to him, I might just gag. OQ & RQ both went missing and nobody renamed anything then and the Queens have been a mainstay in the SC business & civil community for decades. Ray was sorta just a carpetbagger that came out of nowhere to make a profit and perhaps save a few lives. No need to change a name just because he went missing/dead - that's more just a street or corner renaming at the most.




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So we know that they're currently shooting 4x03 (from SA).  And we know that both Double Down (played by JR Bourne), current adversary, and Conklin (played by Ryan Robbins), flashback adversary, will debut in this episode.  Now from the recent tweets, we know that Jocelyn Ott and Giles Panton will be appearing on the show and will be working with JR Bourne - so I'm guessing that they'll appear in this episode and that we're going to get a casino scene with gamblers?

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Casino scenes could be fun. I can't figure out who seems to be working with who. I get the impression that Bourne/Ott/Panton all knew each other. 


Does anyone know if JR is more than a one episode villain? It looks like JR and EBR have scenes with just each other. I really hope they aren't damseling her. 

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Young, who broke through as the lovable jock Ryan Shay on ABC's critically-lauded comedy Suburgatory, will play Alex Davis, described as a smart and driven young man, who will work for Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and become a potential love interest for Thea (Willa Holland).


Since this guy is supposed to be a political advisor (per earlier spoilers about her love interest), I'm guessing Oliver starts running for mayor (or some other office) straight away? Good luck, Star(ling)! 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Why do they keep saddling Thea with a love interest, can't she have a story without a man? Her storylines last season was her new boyfriend was actually an assassin sent to kill her and she was brainwashed to kill a family friend by her father. 


If Oliver's mayor, Star(ling) City will at least have a Mayor that keeps coming back from the dead. He may run away for a bit after that but he will always come back. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Hmm...wonder how accurate that article is when it says he'll be working for Oliver. Does that mean Oliver is back at Queen Consolidated/Palmer Technologies/whatever we're calling it now? I hope it doesn't mean that Felicity gave the company back to Oliver since she should be the one running it, IMO.

ETA: I guess it would make more sense if he's working on Oliver's mayoral campaign. Let's hope that's what it is.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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Hmm...wonder how accurate that article is when it says he'll be working for Oliver. Does that mean Oliver is back at Queen Consolidated/Palmer Technologies/whatever we're calling it now? I hope it doesn't mean that Felicity gave the company back to Oliver since she should be the one running it, IMO.


I think it means that he's Oliver's political advisor - there was a spoiler out not too long ago that that's what his occupation is. 

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Well, there goes my theory that her love interest and Anarky were one and the same. Damn. Haha. No but he's kind of cute! I approve. I didn't think Thea needed a love interest this season but whatever. I just hope they can juggle all of this. I'm still getting the same feeling as last year which is an overcrowded cast.  We'll see though.

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I loved Parker Young on Suburgatory and Enlisted. It'll be interesting to see him in what I presume will be a more serious role.

It's that guy?!?  That guy's great!  He plays a hot (I actually think he's kind of funny-looking, but he has a nice bod and is portrayed in-show as being totally hot) dumb lug with a heart of gold so well!


Wait, a hot dumb lug with heart of gold...he could be ROY Part II!

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I have to admit, if Oliver's really running for office? I AM HERE FOR IT.


There's so much potential for hilarity -- intentional and accidental -- omg please yes.


RIGHT?! I'm hoping the whole Oliver running for Mayor thing isn't 100% serious and they add levity to it. Like maybe Oliver screwing up his speech or at least SOMETHING and maybe bring in the media a bit. IDK why but I'm hoping like some sort of Veep situation here :p


That being said, I'm glad he's connecting himself to the city more. It gives the viewers a look at what the Arrow is fighting for. 


Plus I'm super into the whole power couple thing. Felicity will be CEO and Oliver will be Mayor :')

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This is ARROW, the show that patted itself on the back for finding the humor in 201/202 and then spent the rest of S2 and all of S3 killing it, stuffing it in a really tight box and then burying it so deep a MoleMan couldn't find it.


Playing Oliver running for mayor in a satirical/comical way?  Sadly, doubtful even if there's a ton of potential there.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Is it possible Oliver isn't running for mayor, but has a different role in what's her name campaign?

I guess we'll know for sure if any Queen for Mayor banners will start showing up


Could be, but I don't really see why a political advisor would be working for Oliver, if Oliver isn't a candidate. 

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Vice mayor position?

or maybe he is working for the campaign and this guy is his aide?


I mean, he could be running for any office, doesn't have to be mayor. But I'm pretty sure that if Oliver's got a political advisor working for him, he's running for office, not working for someone who is. 

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They will also have to cover CL and BR's salaries plus anyone else from the new show since LoT doesn't start till 2016.

Not their LOT Salaries, they'd get Guest Star rates for any Arrow or Flash episode they appear in. 

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Do we know if Jeri Ryan and JR are slated for more appearances?


Plus SA and the stunt guy are talking about how big the stunts are this year. Maybe they did get a budget increase? Or someone is leaving the show?

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I think Brandon Routh going over to LoT may have freed up some money but John Barrowman is still around though.



Not their LOT Salaries, they'd get Guest Star rates for any Arrow or Flash episode they appear in. 

Yes, but I doubt BR would be paid scale although CL might be.  And then there are any other LoT characters who may be appearing on the set-up episodes.

Maybe they got some money from the LoT budget since the crossover shows will be setting it up..

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I loved Parker Young on Suburgatory and Enlisted. It'll be interesting to see him in what I presume will be a more serious role.


I agree, he was really good in both Suburgatory and Enlisted but he played very similar character types, I wonder if he will come across more douchey if he has to play it straight and not as the loveable but dumb guy he usually plays. 


Beside he can dance and is pretty darn hot.


I can understand giving Thea a love interest, now that Oliver/Felicity will be a couple. The only other option is to give one to one of the Lances.



I think Brandon Routh going over to LoT may have freed up some money but John Barrowman is still around though.



Yes, but I doubt BR would be paid scale although CL might be.  And then there are any other LoT characters who may be appearing on the set-up episodes.

Maybe they got some money from the LoT budget since the crossover shows will be setting it up..



Arrow really really deserves some LOT money, i imagine the CG, the suit and BR's salary was a big strain on the budget last year.

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I think Brandon Routh going over to LoT may have freed up some money but John Barrowman is still around though.

Yes, but I doubt BR would be paid scale although CL might be. And then there are any other LoT characters who may be appearing on the set-up episodes.

Maybe they got some money from the LoT budget since the crossover shows will be setting it up..

Didn't JB comment at a con that they recently (over the summer) signed a new contract? Maybe he's doing less then 18 episodes of Arrow S4 which freed up money?

Ultimately, we have no idea what the budget is nor what each of these actors actually cost. They obviously don't see a problem is casting these actors/characters so it's probably not an issue.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Why do they keep saddling Thea with a love interest, can't she have a story without a man? Her storylines last season was her new boyfriend was actually an assassin sent to kill her and she was brainwashed to kill a family friend by her father.

I guess that Thea will have an agency or her own storyline when Oliver sports a Van Dyke.


A character brought in as a love interest. My absolute favorite. Sigh.

Well, at least they also gave him a role in Oliver's storyline and not only as a LI. So I'll give him a chance. But I loved Roy and Thea, I miss Roy and Thea. So needless to say, I'm not sold on a replacement.


Oh, and Laurel being a "key player in the decision" to bring Sara back from the dead cracks me up. I know that W.Mericles meant it in universe, yet I can't help but read it with a meta twist: They killed Sara for Laurel, and now they have to bring Sara back for Laurel, too. Oops.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Didn't JB comment at a con that they recently (over the summer) signed a new contract? Maybe he's doing less then 18 episodes of Arrow S4 which freed up money?

Please yes! I am okay with him being the new RAG...I mean, it sucks, especially for Nyssa, but it could be interesting. However, if he is it'd make no sense for him to constantly be in SC, and if they just pan to him in Nanda a lot it'll be boring. Hopefully far fewer than 18 episodes.

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Possibly. I was just looking forward to watching Oliver getting to the point where he was in the pilot, all cold and detached. It seemed like we were getting to the point where we were gonna get that when he was cutting off Shrieve's fingers and whatnot. That kind of dude doesn't date. Hopefully this chick is involved in the Bratva or Shadowspire somehow and it's at least interesting.

Edited by apinknightmare
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