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I actually think they could have left Thea single for a season and given Laurel a love interest but who knows what they're doing with her.


I'd have preferred that actually. I'd like them to let Thea just be Thea. The biggest criticism that I had for her last year was that she didn't really get agency in her storyline, it was all about Malcolm and Oliver, and since Malcolm isn't leaving I'm a bit worried that that will happen again. 


At least 'political consultant' isn't 'another hero' though.

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They made such a mess of Thea And The DJ last season that I refuse to get excited about the fact that they are teasing a new love interest for her. Not to mention, I really think it is too soon for her after the end of last season, unless it's part of the dark path she's going on, especially if Roy is going to be returning to any of the three shows.



I actually think they could have left Thea single for a season and given Laurel a love interest but who knows what they're doing with her.

I agree, unless they're going to bring Ted Grant back for her.  I have no idea what they're going to do with Laurel, and I can't imagine many scenarios that make sense for her screetime, but a love interest is an easy way to give her an arc.

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I hope Thea's love interest is a better drawn character than DJ Douchebag. She deserves a decent guy.

I hope so too.... its like there default for introducing new guys. First with Blood & Laurel, Barry & Felicity, and DA & Laurel in s2. Then Ray & Felicity, DJ douchebag &Thea and Wildcat & Laurel in s3. I'm all for everyone getting some, but if you want me to invest in a character then prioritize what is more important who they sleep with or what their character does on the show. I feel like they were better at getting the priorities set in s2 than they were in s3, so fingers crossed we get  better characters in s4.

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 For some reason the idea of them throwing a lot of issues at Oliver and Felicity as a couple to test them encourages me a lot.  If they were living problem free I'd just be waiting for disaster to hit.  Nothing "perfect" is real enough to last. 

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At least Felicity will have a new confidante when the show returns: fellow tech-genius Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum), the future Mister Terrific. "He's going to fill the void that Ray left, not as a romantic interest for Felicity, but as someone who is an equal intellectually to her and that we can have fun scenes between her and Curtis Holt in Palmer Tech," Mericle says.


Um. Am I the only one who doesn't think Ray left a void? There were episodes where he didn't feature and I was glad, not simply because I wasn't a fan but because his storyline just didn't fit.


And I'm trying to keep positive but I don't really want a repeat of Felicity at Palmer island (tech) like last year. This just feels like the same beats repeating themselves except he's not a love interest and no thanks. 

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I'm good with Felicity having a friend she can talk to, because one of my main frustrations with the writing for Felicity in S3 was she was unable to voice *anything* about her feelings. BECAUSE THERE WAS NO ONE SHE COULD TALK TO. Except for Barry IN ANOTHER SHOW. They made Diggle into Team Oliver! for plot, and she couldn't talk to anyone else on the regular Arrow cast. As much as in my head she and Caitlin texted each other every day, having someone on the show that allows Felicity to give voice to her inner thoughts? I *want* it hard.

I'm also not super worried about a possible Terrific Island, because there doesn't seem to be a reason to keep Curtis away from Oliver at all costs, like they did with Palmer. PLEASE DON'T PROVE ME WRONG, SHOW.

Edited by dancingnancy
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I'm all for Felicity having a friend. Someone outside of Team Arrow and Oliver. She needs it. But she suffered last year not just because Ray was a love interest but because she was stuck with him all the damn time. And Ray suffered too because his personality was too close to Felicity's and so the pair of them talking really fast was just white noise I wanted to fast-forward through. 


So yeah. I hope Curtis gets to interact with other people too. For both their sakes.

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I'm also not super worried about a possible Terrific Island, because there doesn't seem to be a reason to keep Curtis away from Oliver at all costs, like they did with Palmer. PLEASE DON'T PROVE ME WRONG, SHOW.

But what was the reason for keeping Palmer away from Oliver at all costs last season?

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But what was the reason for keeping Palmer away from Oliver at all costs last season?


So that Ray could accuse Oliver of murdering all those people while Ra's and co were traipsing around Starling City pretending to be the Arrow. They got to have their little showdown, with Felicity caught in the middle. 

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Honestly, I'm not worried about the new season and what it holds for Olicity. We are in the buzz cycle right now. We got a lot of positive Olicity news & energy, that does not appeal to all Arrow fans. So now will get the opposite to reassure that part of the fanbase. Round and Round we go on the Merry-go-Round of summer TV buzz cycle. Its only logical that they are gonna have some relationship bumps along the way. If it was all perfect, it wouldn't be a TV show or even real life for that matter. I do agree with those that think the stressors to their relationship will be external, which should hopefully keep the misery & angst that weighed down s3 to a minimum. Plus it always makes for more intense make-up or reunion moments.

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I don't mind Oliver and Felicity having some bumps in the road but i want it to be believable and please don't have Felicity cry too much . Of course to some idiots if she crys twice in like 9 episodes it will be " she cries every episode"

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So that Ray could accuse Oliver of murdering all those people while Ra's and co were traipsing around Starling City pretending to be the Arrow. They got to have their little showdown, with Felicity caught in the middle. 

I think also because they needed to keep the Atom from joining Team Arrow before the very end because Ray in a functioning Atom suit is like having Barry as The Flash around, there's no real need for the Arrow because these guys can just wrap everything up on their own.  It's too bad because while the non-sexual banter with Felicity was okay (like borrowing the keys to his helicopter), I liked Ray best in the scenes when Oliver was being his straight man.


I'm looking forward to Felicity having a geeky BFF since Caitlin is on another show.  It's another trope from screwball comedies, the gay best friend, except Mr. Terrific isn't gay, and I hope it will work better for the show than the non-banter of Felicity and Ray.

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Perfect!  (While a number of the actors are themselves gay, like Barrowman, Garber and Miller, I think this is the first gay character they've had on the show.)


Bring on the screwball!  I'm tired of the bleakness and depressing.

Edited by statsgirl
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Perfect!  (While a number of the actors are themselves gay, like Barrowman, Garber and Miller, I think this is the first gay character they've had on the show.)


Bring on the screwball!  I'm tired of the bleakness and depressing.

Me, too! However, I did a quick double-take before I realized you were using "screwball" to modify "comedies" (from your previous post) and not "gay character" from your most recent post! :-)

I'm excited about Felicity's new friend and the potential to lighten up even the corporate scenes.

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Was it ever said why OQ was kidnapped at the beginning of Season 1?

It could have been the book, the undertaking or maybe even Thea's parentage but was it ever established? It could be a number of other things as well. Just wondering.

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Moira had him kidnapped, to find out if Robert had told him anything about Malcolm's plan/show Malcolm he didn't know anything.

His escape was an awesome stunt/fight sequence, during which you could see SA's face.

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Was it ever said why OQ was kidnapped at the beginning of Season 1?

It could have been the book, the undertaking or maybe even Thea's parentage but was it ever established? It could be a number of other things as well. Just wondering.

Yes, the reason was stated at the end of the pilot.
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I heard KL and JB are in Vancouver so Sara coming back or setting the stage for Sara's return seems likely.


TV Echo - that list you put together is so useful.  It's a shame we can't get a pin or something like they do on Fan Forumn where the OP is constantly updated with info.  Needed to do some fact checking and it was all in one spot.  Very useful, thanks!

Edited by Morrigan2575
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TV Echo - that list you put together is so useful.  It's a shame we can't get a pin or something like they do on Fan Forumn where the OP is constantly updated with info.  Needed to do some fact checking and it was all in one spot.  Very useful, thanks!

You're welcome.  I was actually updating the OPs until August 2nd. After that, I could no longer edit them (edit button disappeared).

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I have never heard of Casper Crump (Vandal Savage).  He looks okay for the part, I guess.  I'm not watching LoT, because I hate Ray the Cane Toad, so no skin off my nose if he's another Nable, as long as he's not got much going on in Arrow.  I've probably quit The Flash, too, since I no longer like Barry and the only other character I'm really attached to is Cisco. 

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If Sara gets restored in 4x03, that leaves three or four episodes for her and Laurel to work out their sister thing before they start ramping up to the mid-season finale which will launch LoT so that makes sense.

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Is the crossover the mid-season finale?


As much as I enjoyed the crossover last year, I think it may have interrupted the flow before the The Climb. Story telling wise, the show needed more build up.


It might be a good idea to have the Arrow Big Bad being moved into play and then fully launch the villains after LOT is fully set-up.

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I think they're gonna keep the same schedule as usual -- 9 episodes before Christmas break, with the 8th episode being the crossover.


Has Caity Lotz been in Vancouver at all since they started filming?

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It might be a good idea to have the Arrow Big Bad being moved into play and then fully launch the villains after LOT is fully set-up.

I think part of the problem with Ra's was that they dragged him out so long.  In the fall, he wasn't very scary and a number of us couldn't figure out who the season's Big Bad was going to be -- Malcolm Merlyn, Amanda Waller or Ra's al Ghul.  Even after the duel, I didn't think him worthy till he got to Starling City and started shooting up people.  Whereas they set up Slade so much better, a shadowy figure after the hiatus and them coming out full-on evil.


It would make more sense to introduce Damien Darhk early, build up Vandal Savage for the LoT and then concentrate on DD for the winter and spring episodes.

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I think they're gonna keep the same schedule as usual -- 9 episodes before Christmas break, with the 8th episode being the crossover.


Has Caity Lotz been in Vancouver at all since they started filming?


From what I understand JB and KL just got to Vancouver for 403 but, no sign of CL yet.

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You're welcome.  I was actually updating the OPs until August 2nd. After that, I could no longer edit them (edit button disappeared).

. Check with a mod. On another show thread here I had a big post that I was updating and I they did something so that I had extended editing privileges on that specific post. Maybe you could see if it's still possible?


From what I understand JB and KL just got to Vancouver for 403 but, no sign of CL yet.

Maybe she only shows up at the end and technically, they already filmed her rising from the water in that LoT teaser.

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Maybe she only shows up at the end and technically, they already filmed her rising from the water in that LoT teaser.

Yep, totally possible, I was just saying she's not there yet.  That could mean her scenes for 403 are filming next week or could mean she's not filming scenes for 403 because they're reusing LoT clips.  It could also mean she's not in 403, this episode could be more about setting up Sara's return in a later episode and not her actual return episode.


I do think that KL and JB being in Vancouver for 403 means this is the start of Sara's return story, but how much of it is covered in 403 is up in the air at this point.  For all I know 403 could be about Thea and her Resurrection issues but will get tied into Sara's return as well.  Maybe Thea's story will impact Nyssa's desire to have Sara back?  Does she put Sara in the LP?  Does Malcolm?  Or does Sara come back from DD and not LoA?


My biggest question is related to that clip of Sara/Canary that aired during one of the promo's for 318-320.  MG said it doesn't air in any of the episodes from last season but, no one seemed to know where it came from.  CL said it wasn't her but it was Sara/Canary and not Laurel/BC.  So did the CW dig through old film to find the stunt woman for no reason?  Was it a scene filmed for Thea's resurrection that got cut from the episodes?

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Just watched SA's most recent FB livestream. That jacket EBR is wearing looks damn familiar. Is it the one she was wearing in Season 2? When Slade was in the lair and Felicity and Oliver jumped off the stairs? Arrow repeats wardrobe, I know, but usually within the same season. Also, if Felicity is in pants, does this mean she might be doing a stunt? :D


Speaking of stunts, Oliver getting hit by a car in 4x03, any speculations?

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Oh so maybe they altered it? I thought it was the same jacket but another site said the collar was different so just a similar jacket.


The only reason I think so is because of the zippered cuffs - I'm not sure why they'd be like that on a blazer. Although I'm also not sure why they'd go to the trouble of altering it, so who knows.

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The only reason I think so is because of the zippered cuffs - I'm not sure why they'd be like that on a blazer. Although I'm also not sure why they'd go to the trouble of altering it, so who knows.

budget cuts...got to pay for the ATOM CGI somehow LOL

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I personally LOVE it when shows repeat outfits. It's more realistic. I'd rather the show get 30-40 amazing outfits and reuse those all throughout the season than have less budget for other important things. 


Literally all Oliver wore last season was a henley top and jeans, and I thought that was fine :p

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I personally LOVE it when shows repeat outfits. It's more realistic. I'd rather the show get 30-40 amazing outfits and reuse those all throughout the season than have less budget for other important things. 


Literally all Oliver wore last season was a henley top and jeans, and I thought that was fine :p


and the jackets, don't forget the jackets (and that one fine pea coat). 

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