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I'm gonna go out on my limb and say that DD has already resurrected SL. SL will approach QL and he will likely think it is a binge induced hallucination or something. SL will then convince him that she is really alive. It will then be SL manipulating QL under DDs direction that will get QL to start to bend his codes more & unwillingly begin doing DD's bidding, not fully aware of the bad he is doing. He will do it as a way to protect SL and possibly try to bring her back to the SL he once knew. He will probably keep this from TA for awhile, so there will be some narrative stretching & drama for the storyline. Hence the haunting.


SL being familiar with TA operations/patterns will be able to be the perfect adversary to undermine their missions, thus haunting them as well. Its a win-win storywise. SL is back. She gets to be evil & crazy. WC gets to do some evil things to live up to a portion of her comic history. BC & TA get to rescue her from herself, she moves onto LoT needing another mission. QL is devastated, but is able to reconnect & rehabilitate himself & his relationships w/ LL & TA.

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IDK, the way PB spoke in that interview with Seat42 made it seem like Quentin knows he's getting involved in something dark, but he thinks he's doing it for the right reasons. So I'm not sure if there's going to be any manipulation. I guess we'll see!

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I'm sure I read somewhere that Malcolm is going to be on all three shows.  I don't know if this makes him the floater or just someone who crosses over to the other two shows.

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I just don't care what Quentin does. He turned into a moronic abusive cop last year, who hit a handcuffed prisoner in anger while making sure his darling daughter never felt any consequences beyond daddy being mildly perturbed with her. Abusive cops are close to my least favorite people in the world. If he's working with DD, my only reaction will be to hope he gets killed because of it. Actually, I just hope he gets killed in S4. Don't care how it comes about (no offense to the actor, it's not his fault).

I agree so much with this. That scene with Oliver was too over the top for my liking.
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Seriously, imagine it the entire fandom is speculating this big thematic rationale as to why OQ & FS return to SC and literally it is just for Sara's birthday party. Not that that is not special enough reason. :)


If they went that route, I bet OQ opening running scene will be playing soccer or tag with kids at the party. Didn't one of the con interviews say that OQ might be found hanging around kids sports?


It's silly, but they did say they were going for a lighter tone. I can see MG just being like "Gotcha" and then of course they'll drop the anvil with a bigger shocker than SL's death that will haunt us for the rest of the season. But hey we got a few seconds of light?...

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Since SA gave us that dialogue tease "What's wrong, Speedy?", I've imagined the opening scene to be at Oliver & Felicity's new house in the new city, and Oliver getting a phone call from Thea.  Or maybe it's night, they're in bed and get woken up by Thea's phone call.

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Don't they always open the season with Oliver running?


101 - Oliver running on Island to light signal fire and get rescued

201 - Oliver running through Island tracking Felicity/Diggle plane overhead

301 - Arrow running after truck

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Maybe the twist isn't something Oliver knows about yet. It's just something for the audience to freak out over for an episode or two.


However SA also did say that how Oliver responds to things will be different. I imagine this could be a preview of that. I'm curious to see just how different Oliver will be. I'm thinking it may be a bit like Angel. Tortured soul, rather snarky, kind of a dork.

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He could still be related if they wanted Felicity to have a family connection to him. He could be the step-brother she didn't know she had. That could actually be really interesting. 

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Haha. I would be more in favor of Anarcky as her brother then DD as her father. He would be what would happen if Felicity hadn't decided to be good.  


Anyone watch The Pretender? She is Jarod. He is Kyle.

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Damien could be her father or grandfather after all. I seen someone on twitter suggest that DD kills Olivers Baby Mama and takes Junior under his wing?

That would be good and bad. Get's rid of baby mama, but brings Oliver's son into the mix. 

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Kids generally suck on action shows, so I really hope not.  I don't mind Digglet, but she's barely there and is young enough to be in the background.  I really don't need a snarky 7-year-old boy around making precocious comments.

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Kids generally suck on action shows, so I really hope not.  I don't mind Digglet, but she's barely there and is young enough to be in the background.  I really don't need a snarky 7-year-old boy around making precocious comments.

children this age should only appear in Arrow's flashbacks

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The kid storyline is the worst thing they could have bought in from the comics. The WORST. I'm dreading when it comes up. Baby Sara is cute and has been used sparingly, as she should, but I don't even like the fact that Diggle was lumbered with a kid. A grown child that brings more angst and drama? Naw, son.

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Also, I'm starting to get the impression that too much is going on in the season again and I know from last season that's not exactly a good thing. So we have supposedly Diggle and H.I.V.E (WE BETTER), Felicity working with Mr Terrific, then we have Sara and Ray's set up on LoT and I'm assuming we'll get more Sara than Ray, which in turn means lots of Quentin, Sara and Laurel stuff. Then there's DD and Anarky. And all this is on top of Oliver/Felicity, hopefully Oliver/Diggle friendship revival, and whatever is going on with Thea and then Malcolm. Oh and Laurel. Whaaaat. Sounds messy.



And if it really isn't Connor Hawke, then putting it in the story was completely pointless. 



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The Anarky actor does look a lot like N.McDonough on the picture I saw. Well, as long as he isn't  Oliver's son who'd have been back-to-the-futured...


But I wonder if other (I mean, purely Arrow-related) storylines matter now: According to EW and per Marc G. the first seven episodes of Arrow will be “table setting” for LoT. Yippee ki-yeah.

And congrats to the Flash peeps, you're getting the same treatment. Your show has been hack'd. 

Edited by Happy Harpy
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The Anarky actor does look a lot like N.McDonough on the picture I saw. Well, as long as he isn't  Oliver's son who'd have been back-to-the-futured...


But I wonder if other (I mean, purely Arrow-related) storylines matter now: According to EW and per Marc G. the first seven episodes of Arrow will be “table setting” for LoT. Yippee ki-yeah.

And congrats to the Flash peeps, you're getting the same treatment. Your show has been hack'd. 

The Flash getting screwed THRILLS me.  I find it hilarious that finally the pain is being shared, plus a lot of Flash watchers were so cranky about Arrow characters coming over, when, IMO, their show wouldn't exist without Arrow.  So yeah, neener neener on that.

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I figured 4-5 episodes, 2 per character (Sara and Ray). That's definitely more than I expected. No wonder SA kept saying he had no clue about Arrow S4 and we'd have a better idea of the theme by MSF.

1-7 is LoT

8 is crossover

9 is first Arrow only episode for setting up the "season" long arc. LOL

Obviously I'm exaggerating a bit but, it's kinda funny

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I just checked, looks like LoT starts filming September 9th. Arrow would be done with 5/6 episodes by then, but that doesn't mean some LoT cast members couldn't do both (like they did the big Arrow/Flash crossovers last year). 

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So sick off the spinoffs already.Seven episodes is way too much.I'm so glad the Flash is getting a taste of what its to set up useless characters for a spinoff.They have more characters to set up but Arrow has Ray and Sara who are well known for eating up screentime.

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1-7 is LoT

8 is crossover

9 is first Arrow only episode for setting up the "season" long arc. LOL

Obviously I'm exaggerating a bit but, it's kinda funny

Or are you? I'm trying to focus on the "lighter tone" and all but with news like this, they make it more complicated. On the bright side, it gives me good hope that the O/D problems won't last as long as it sounds. The writers will be too busy with the shiny new toys to really "write" for TA, so they won't have the time to mess it up, right? Right ?!


I find it hilarious that finally the pain is being shared, plus a lot of Flash watchers were so cranky about Arrow characters coming over, when, IMO, their show wouldn't exist without Arrow. 

I didn't look forward to Barry being introduced to Arrow because I felt that the producers seemed to care more about him and his series than about the Arrow characters. It was back during season 2-A. Oh, sweet child of summer that I was. I guess we all learn to count our blessings :)

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I have low expectations this season and I'm trying hard not to judge before we see anything but 7 episodes is a joke. Naw, son. Stop this. 

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I didn't mind Barry on Arrow at all.  I thought he fit in well, and he actually had a purpose on the show, so that he was working for Arrow rather than Arrow working for him.  Plus, it was only two episodes.  I loathe Ray Palmer and will never stop resenting how much time and how much of Felicity's likability were used up on that toad.  I do love Sara, so I'm hoping more time goes to her story than Ray's, but of course with Sara comes her family, so...blecch.

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Well Sara is a Arrow created character. She wasn't created for a spinoff. Her story directly connects with Thea, Malcolm, Laurel and Quinton's. And if they connect her resurection with DD then they can set up LOT and HIVE. Fingers crossed that it's all connected. And who knows about Felicity's father.

Ray was created for a spin off but hopefuuly his role is smaller this season. They can do his arc with building Felicity up this time. And they could even bring in Oliver into PT as non melodrama conflict for Oliver and Felicity.

Edited by tarotx
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