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This weekend was so quiet on the spoiler front that the only surprise I feel is that it doesn't feel like sweeps. I'm confused as to why there's not more hype happening. Everything seems really muted. 


Honestly, I'm at the point where I don't even care who gets married anymore. Whatever. I just want to know now so we can move on.  I just can't believe there's only two episodes left to wrap everything up. This time last year it felt like everything was building really nicely but now it just seems like a huge mess.

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Regarding the spoiled dialogue of Nyssa: "I would rather die than wed this pretender." and Ra's: "Well, you speak as though those are the only two options before you, my daughter." --


Therefore, the third option has to involve Nyssa remaining alive and not married to Oliver.  Possibilities?


  • Nyssa is mortally wounded (but not dead) and healed via the LP.
  • Nyssa must kill Oliver.
  • Nyssa must marry someone else.
  • Nyssa must do something else for her father to prove her loyalty.
  • Nyssa challenges Ra's and must kill him to become the new Ra's.


I don't know. I really got the feeling that Ra's isn't offering her a third option so much as pointing out that he can make her life worse than death. I also think that while Nyssa is not afraid to die, she has no desire to kill herself.  She would happily refuse marriage and be prepared to face death but not to take her life to avoid the ceremony. 

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I wonder if they will blow it all tonight/tomorrow like they usually do?

But this show has had a really hard time keeping secrets under wraps. Secret titles guessed quickly, major big reveals leaked. Maybe they are trying extra hard to keep under wraps. Or, Oliver/nyssa are getting married and the rxn has already been so net they don't want to push it bc people will tune out. That doesn't make sense though.

How is pr going for the other CW shows? Maybe their understaffed dept just can't do anything right?

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I wish I could care enough to speculate about what Nyssa's other option(s) but I've just had it with this Ra's plot. The takeaway from Arrow season 3 should be "just because it's in the comics doesn't mean it should go on the TV screen."


I think Oliver will be revealed to have been faking it/back to normal by the end of this episode so that he can go to help Barry.  We may even get a mention in the middle of 323 that Oliver had to run to CC for a time.  The LoA outfit, as others have said, is because his Arrow gear is locked up in the police vaults, although in fanfic he always has a back-up set. Maybe he doesn't want to wear a back-up outfit (hidden in the back-up lair) to continue the idea that The Arrow is dead.


As much as I didn't like BkWurm1's idea of Oliver retiring from being the Arrow when she proposed it in the fall, it's looking better and better every episode.  Run off with Felicity, Oliver, and have a rest at last.


I'd wish the season to be over, but I know I'm going to be in severe withdrawal when it is.

Edited by statsgirl
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This weekend was so quiet on the spoiler front that the only surprise I feel is that it doesn't feel like sweeps. I'm confused as to why there's not more hype happening. Everything seems really muted. 


Honestly, I'm at the point where I don't even care who gets married anymore. Whatever. I just want to know now so we can move on.  I just can't believe there's only two episodes left to wrap everything up. This time last year it felt like everything was building really nicely but now it just seems like a huge mess.

Most of this season has felt like there's been a subsantial lack of hype for this show. I'm not sure if it's because they've got so many irons in the fire with hyping Flash's first season finale and launching the spinoff, or if they just figure Arrow is successful enough to launch two spinoffs, they don't really need to promote it. This year's approach on the show and in the promotion of it has just felt really scattered - like they've just got too much to do, so Arrow's gonna have to fend for itself. 

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As much as I didn't like BkWurm1's idea of Oliver retiring from being the Arrow when she proposed it in the fall, it's looking better and better every episode.  Run off with Felicity, Oliver, and have a rest at last.



Agreed. I didn't ever see Oliver hanging up the hood but after everything that's happened with the mask/hood identity stolen from him, I can totally see this season ending with him taking some time away. And then s4 will start with Felicity & Co trying to get him back in the game, depending on how everything else works out. For all we know, everyone might hate him.


That being said, how does this fit with the season's theme of identity? 301 established that Oliver didn't think he could be the Arrow and OQ but shouldn't his journey have been learning to embrace both? I'm kinda confused.

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I think there PR problem comes from the fact that more and more people are kind of done with this Ra's/LOA storyline. It hasn't exactly been buzzing. I wonder if they just don't know what to tease thats going to get people talking and wouldn't be a big spoiler. 

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I wondered if maybe the insane cliffhanger was the plane taking off with O/N/R on board.  You know like "The Offer" was made at the end of 3.15 instead of in 3.16 "The Offer" although it also lead off that episode.  

Except that he goes to CC to help Barry the following Tuesday.  I really don't see how ANY big cliffhanger works with him showing up in CC the following week.


If it turns out getting TA to Nanda was Oliver's non-brainwashed plan, I wonder why.  I wouldn't think he'd want his loved ones that close to Ra's, who is a huge murderer and such.  Maybe he wants them out of SC in case he fails?  

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That being said, how does this fit with the season's theme of identity? 301 established that Oliver didn't think he could be the Arrow and OQ but shouldn't his journey have been learning to embrace both? I'm kinda confused.

Maybe season 4 is about embracing both?  If he ends the season at odds with Diggle, and Felicity's father is involved with Damian Darhk, there's room to reconcile relationships for both Oliver and Felicity.  Then there will be the Bratva flashbacks (I  hope) as FB Oliver becomes darker and darker.


But probably it will be just about next seasons Big Bad again.

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Except that he goes to CC to help Barry the following Tuesday.  I really don't see how ANY big cliffhanger works with him showing up in CC the following week.


Well, since time travel's a thing on the Flash, I suppose Barry could go and snatch Oliver from wherever he is (maybe back in SC at that point) and then return him to the point of time in which he was snatched. The only thing he'd have to be is not brainwashed, which maybe we'll find out he isn't by the end of 3x22. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Maybe it's just allergy season affecting my brain but I don't understand what value there is in this bio weapon storyline. Destroy one city to use it as an example before you go blackmailing New York or DC or ?? What is Ra's stake in it?  Why kill everyone in SC, wouldn't it make more sense to have Oliver kill his family/friends directly, so there is no going back?  Why destroy the home city and leave Thea and Felicity alive?  Home isn't real estate, it's people.  Am I missing something here?


Since nothing Ra's does makes sense to me, I don't think he's trying to make Nyssa embrace her inner, evil LoA.  It's convoluted but it does  make a little sense and we can't have that... 

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Maybe it's just allergy season affecting my brain but I don't understand what value there is in this bio weapon storyline. Destroy one city to use it as an example before you go blackmailing New York or DC or ?? What is Ra's stake in it?  Why kill everyone in SC, wouldn't it make more sense to have Oliver kill his family/friends directly, so there is no going back?  Why destroy the home city and leave Thea and Felicity alive?  Home isn't real estate, it's people.  Am I missing something here?


Apparently it's a thing when you become the new Ra's to destroy every bit of your previous life (aka your hometown and everyone in it). I'm sure he's going to tell Oliver he has to kill at least Felicity and Diggle, maybe more. Maybe he'll spare Thea because of the pit. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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That being said, how does this fit with the season's theme of identity? 301 established that Oliver didn't think he could be the Arrow and OQ but shouldn't his journey have been learning to embrace both? I'm kinda confused.


Either the theme is continued in season four but expanded to also include family skeletons falling out of the closet or Oliver Queen becomes the name that encompasses all aspects of who he is and will come to be and labels don't matter.  

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I honestly feel they lost sight of their theme this season. A lot of things are going to be left hanging while they try and grasp what they can to tie up the season.

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Apparently it's a thing when you become the new Ra's to destroy every bit of your previous life (aka your hometown and everyone in it). I'm sure he's going to tell Oliver he has to kill at least Felicity and Diggle, maybe more. Maybe he'll spare Thea because of the pit. 


I know but there just feels like a piece missing.  Oliver as Heir to the Demon feels like a setup of some kind (doesn't make sense and never did, lame ass prophecy or not) and since the destruction of SC seems like where they are going, surely there needs to be a real reason behind it.  Oh, who am I kidding.  This is Arrow.  (Can we borrow TS,TW from Once Upon a Time?)

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Well, since time travel's a thing on the Flash, I suppose Barry could go and snatch Oliver from wherever he is (maybe back in SC at that point) and then return him to the point of time in which he was snatched. The only thing he'd have to be is not brainwashed, which maybe we'll find out he isn't by the end of 3x22. 

Oh, I'm quite positive either he'll no longer be brainwashed in 22 or we'll find out he never really was.  The words to the title's song are a huge spoiler.


I wonder what they do re destroying the hometown if the new Ra's is an Army brat.  

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Most of this season has felt like there's been a subsantial lack of hype for this show.


Honestly, I'm at the point where I don't even care who gets married anymore. Whatever. I just want to know now so we can move on.  I just can't believe there's only two episodes left to wrap everything up. This time last year it felt like everything was building really nicely but now it just seems like a huge mess.



More than that, this season it's felt like we have been constantly just trying to get through the now to get to something better.  Oh the hopes I had for this season!  I was so prepared for some good emotional Olicity angst but then any feels about that was shunted aside by Sara's murder and it became a painful slog waiting for team dynamics to brighten and return to at least status quo.


We got a taste of it again during the crossovers only for everything to go dark and grim again with the "death" of Oliver.  Then while we knew he was alive almost right away, it was having to wait for his return but when he returned he had his head up his ass about Malcolm and so I was waiting for that to be over and just as he got a clue about his real motives, Felicity was on the Ray train and I had to gear up to wait that mess out but just as there was any light at the end of that tunnel, Lance has gone off the rails and Ra's is making anything close to normal impossible.


Now we're waiting for Darth Oliver to be over but already bracing ourselves for a Season 4 Diggle and Oliver conflict.  


I tired of bracing for the worst or holding on through the crap or waiting the shit out. How have they managed an entire season where dread has been my weekly companion?  I'm just weary of everything and the worst of it is I don't feel like much has happened this season.  A date, a death, a bunch of filler so they could get to Ra's offer and now we wait for it all to be over.   


Oliver is not the only one that needs to ride off into the sunset for a nice vacation.     

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More than that, this season it's felt like we have been constantly just trying to get through the now to get to something better.  Oh the hopes I had for this season!  I was so prepared for some good emotional Olicity angst but then any feels about that was shunted aside by Sara's murder and it became a painful slog waiting for team dynamics to brighten and return to at least status quo.


We got a taste of it again during the crossovers only for everything to go dark and grim again with the "death" of Oliver.  Then while we knew he was alive almost right away, it was having to wait for his return but when he returned he had his head up his ass about Malcolm and so I was waiting for that to be over and just as he got a clue about his real motives, Felicity was on the Ray train and I had to gear up to wait that mess out but just as there was any light at the end of that tunnel, Lance has gone off the rails and Ra's is making anything close to normal impossible.


Now we're waiting for Darth Oliver to be over but already bracing ourselves for a Season 4 Diggle and Oliver conflict.  


I tired of bracing for the worst or holding on through the crap or waiting the shit out. How have they managed an entire season where dread has been my weekly companion?  I'm just weary of everything and the worst of it is I don't feel like much has happened this season.  A date, a death, a bunch of filler so they could get to Ra's offer and now we wait for it all to be over.   


Oliver is not the only one that needs to ride off into the sunset for a nice vacation.

Lol Felicity needs to be with him on this vacation. If him and Dig have this rift I can see Diggle leaving TA for the time being at the end of the season

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If releasing the virus on SC is Ra's endgoal, I wonder if thats what makes Oliver so special. Something Oliver did with the virus is the past actually means something to Ra's.

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Lol Felicity needs to be with him on this vacation. If him and Dig have this rift I can see Diggle leaving TA for the time being at the end of the season

Oh, that's given for sure!!

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If releasing the virus on SC is Ra's endgoal, I wonder if thats what makes Oliver so special. Something Oliver did with the virus is the past actually means something to Ra's.


Now that I think about it, Ra's didn't seem all that surprised that Oliver knew that the Alpha Omega virus was called the Alpha Omega virus. Had Ra's mentioned that before around Oliver? Maybe Maseo told Ra's about it and that Oliver had experience with it and that's why Ra's is so hell-bent on getting Oliver as his heir? If that's the case, surely he has bigger aspirations than just destroying Starling City.


And if he's been informing Ra's, Maseo's got to be working an angle, because I cannot believe this dude would be complicit in unleashing the virus that killed his son. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Now that I think about it, Ra's didn't seem all that surprised that Oliver knew that the Alpha Omega virus was called the Alpha Omega virus. Had Ra's mentioned that before around Oliver? Maybe Maseo told Ra's about it and that Oliver had experience with it and that's why Ra's is so hell-bent on getting Oliver as his heir? If that's the case, surely he has bigger aspirations than just destroying Starling City.


If that's the case, Maseo's got to be working an angle, because I cannot believe this dude would be complicit in unleashing the virus that killed his son. 


Maybe the big twist is Oliver unleashes the virus, then Ra's turns to him and says he's just kidding about that Heir to the Demon stuff?  The LoA may have a code about not killing innocents but I'm thinking this Ra's is BSC enough to think using Oliver to do it is a viable loophole.  (Hopefully the twist to the twist is Oliver anticipating and counteracting the virus.)


8 1/2 days and I won't have to think about it anymore. 

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Bkworm stated that it didn't feel a lot has happened this season.  For me it is that too much happened without a why.  Why did Mark Shore really want the list?  Why did the DJ spy on and then try to kill Thea?  Why did Malcom have Thea kill Sara?  Why doesn't Ras want Nyssa as heir?  What was Vertigo's goal?  Why did Brick want to control the Glades?  Why did Malcolm release Slade, he is more than a training dummy right?  Why does Maseo join the LOA?  Just to name a few.  Lots happened, the thing is that the thread that ties it all together or shows how it all isn't related isn't woven. 


One thing I noticed distinctly last episode, when Ras listed the things Darhk has done he did not mention Andy Diggle.  Now if you are the menacing bad dude and you want to make your point, you would probably mention best buddies brother's murder.


I also noted Maseo's line about some of us didn't think you would return.  That line suggests the LOA is not a mass unified body and the members have opinions on what the outcome of Nyssa v. Oliver might be. 


I think one possibility is that the LOA has been corrupted and a power struggle is emerging.  We know Ras would be one, the other side is likely Nyssa. Where would Malcolm fall in that struggle?  What if Maseo isn't Argus, but is HIVE?  Nyssa had her hands on the virus, didn't use it.  Ras wants the virus to be used...why?


Just one other note:  Oliver is valuable because he was innoculated against the virus, but so was Maseo and Tatsu. 

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Except that he goes to CC to help Barry the following Tuesday.  I really don't see how ANY big cliffhanger works with him showing up in CC the following week.


If it turns out getting TA to Nanda was Oliver's non-brainwashed plan, I wonder why.  I wouldn't think he'd want his loved ones that close to Ra's, who is a huge murderer and such.  Maybe he wants them out of SC in case he fails?  

A part of me wonders if the "shocking cliffhanger' is the virus getting unleashed in SC only for Barry to recruit Oliver to help him, time travel, fix whole virus thing. I dunno, but stupider things have happened this season. I think I'm now advocating for SC to get destroyed just because.  Whoops. 


Bkworm stated that it didn't feel a lot has happened this season.  For me it is that too much happened without a why.  Why did Mark Shore really want the list?  Why did the DJ spy on and then try to kill Thea?  Why did Malcom have Thea kill Sara?  Why doesn't Ras want Nyssa as heir?  What was Vertigo's goal?  Why did Brick want to control the Glades?  Why did Malcolm release Slade, he is more than a training dummy right?  Why does Maseo join the LOA?  Just to name a few.  Lots happened, the thing is that the thread that ties it all together or shows how it all isn't related isn't woven. 


One thing I noticed distinctly last episode, when Ras listed the things Darhk has done he did not mention Andy Diggle.  Now if you are the menacing bad dude and you want to make your point, you would probably mention best buddies brother's murder.


I also noted Maseo's line about some of us didn't think you would return.  That line suggests the LOA is not a mass unified body and the members have opinions on what the outcome of Nyssa v. Oliver might be. 


I think one possibility is that the LOA has been corrupted and a power struggle is emerging.  We know Ras would be one, the other side is likely Nyssa. Where would Malcolm fall in that struggle?  What if Maseo isn't Argus, but is HIVE?  Nyssa had her hands on the virus, didn't use it.  Ras wants the virus to be used...why?


Just one other note:  Oliver is valuable because he was innoculated against the virus, but so was Maseo and Tatsu. 

Does Oliver really know about HIVE though?  Deadshot brought it up to Digg when no one else was listening.  I suspect, in this realm where characters really don't seem to talk as much as they should, Diggle hasn't shared.  


The thing with Maseo is that even as Sarab, I can't imagine him being cool with casually handing around the virus that killed his son.  He clearly is still Maseo when he shared his last memory of Akio.  There has to be "MORE". 


Interesting about the innoculation thing, I hadn't thought about that (because the stupidity in this show has made it too hard for me to look closely lately).  Maybe the virus is unleashed on Nanda Parbat instead. I mean if Nyssa is to become Ras, she'd need to destroy her home after all.  BAHAHAHA, the stupid, I can't. 

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I actually don't think the destroying your hometown thing is that stupid out of all the stupid things about this plot. I don't see why Nyssa would have to do it because she grew up in the League and wouldn't have to burn down her entire life pre-Ra's because her entire life has been the League. I get it on several bastardly levels: you destroy your past life and all ties to it to commit to your new role, and there's nothing left in the world to entice you back to the life you lived before. 


Honestly, in the whole grand scheme of things it's the part of this idiotic plot that I have the least problem with, haha. I just don't understand specifically why Oliver has to use the A/O virus to do it. There will probably be more to it, now whether that makes sense or not is debatable. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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It does kind of give a big clue that maybe you shouldn't get a decent person as your new Ra's, though.  Even killers usually balk at killing their own families, etc.  I mean, even if he's fully brainwashed with drugs, eventually they'll have to stop drugging him (he can't be Ra's and a puppet), and at that point, realizing what he'd done and that there was no one left for the LOA to threaten, I would think he'd kill himself.  

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It does kind of give a big clue that maybe you shouldn't get a decent person as your new Ra's, though.  Even killers usually balk at killing their own families, etc.  I mean, even if he's fully brainwashed with drugs, eventually they'll have to stop drugging him (he can't be Ra's and a puppet), and at that point, realizing what he'd done and that there was no one left for the LOA to threaten, I would think he'd kill himself.  

That's kind of the point I think-Ras can't care about anyone/have a weakness/blah blah blah. If (s)he (because I don't want to be as misogynistic as this show) does, then it can be used against Ras.


It seems among a large percentage of fan boys that the lack of personal ties and the power of Ras is actually a draw.  I have heard fan boys in both real life and other forums express this.  "Why would you NOT want to be Ras????"


Hmm, okay.   

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It does kind of give a big clue that maybe you shouldn't get a decent person as your new Ra's, though.  Even killers usually balk at killing their own families, etc.  I mean, even if he's fully brainwashed with drugs, eventually they'll have to stop drugging him (he can't be Ra's and a puppet), and at that point, realizing what he'd done and that there was no one left for the LOA to threaten, I would think he'd kill himself.  

Maybe stock up on a bunch of c-4 and take them down with him?  At the very least destroy the Lazarus Pits so Ra's can't go on forever. 

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It seems among a large percentage of fan boys that the lack of personal ties and the power of Ras is actually a draw.  I have heard fan boys in both real life and other forums express this.  "Why would you NOT want to be Ras????"

That's just typical fanboy silliness, though.  As soon as they were ordered to murder their beloved mamas, they'd be out.  It's not typical human evolutionary behavior to kill your own family.  I mean, it happens, obviously, but not by basically decent people such as Oliver.  



Maybe stock up on a bunch of c-4 and take them down with him?

Definitely something like that.  Something to make sure he went out, but took them with him.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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It does kind of give a big clue that maybe you shouldn't get a decent person as your new Ra's, though.  Even killers usually balk at killing their own families, etc.  I mean, even if he's fully brainwashed with drugs, eventually they'll have to stop drugging him (he can't be Ra's and a puppet), and at that point, realizing what he'd done and that there was no one left for the LOA to threaten, I would think he'd kill himself.  


Assuming he does actually want Oliver for his new Ra's and isn't playing him, which I've been hoping is the case ever since he said the Pit wasn't working so well on him anymore and then promptly dipped his hand in there to heal a cut.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Assuming he does actually want Oliver for his new Ra's and isn't playing him, which I've been hoping is the case ever since he said the Pit wasn't working so well on him anymore and then promptly dipped his hand in there to heal a cut.

I swear, the problem with that is that this show is SO SLOPPY now, that I can't ascribe any meaning to stuff like that.  Like Malcolm leaving Thea alone in the apartment when they knew Ra's was after Oliver's loved ones...clue that Malcolm was in on it, or typical sloppiness?  These are the people who did not realize they left Roy unconscious in a ditch.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Assuming he does actually want Oliver for his new Ra's and isn't playing him, which I've been hoping is the case ever since he said the Pit wasn't working so well on him anymore and then promptly dipped his hand in there to heal a cut.

my hubs, who generally doesn't pay that close of attention to tv shows, just shrugged and said "Its not working when he's REALLY hurt.  Works fine on minor scratches".

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That's just typical fanboy silliness, though.  As soon as they were ordered to murder their beloved mamas, they'd be out.  It's not typical human evolutionary behavior to kill your own family.  I mean, it happens, obviously, but not by basically decent people such as Oliver. 

Maybe instead of going by prophecy, future Heirs should be tested for sociopathy.  I guess the previous Ra's did better since both this Ra's and Damian Darhk sound like they would pass.


Late Tuesday and still no sneak peeks?  That's unusual.

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my hubs, who generally doesn't pay that close of attention to tv shows, just shrugged and said "Its not working when he's REALLY hurt.  Works fine on minor scratches".


Yeah, I figured as much, but like I wrote, I keep hoping there's more to this thing than him legit wanting Oliver as an heir because his magic hot tub doesn't keep him young anymore.

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They have to know how poorly this season has been recently by both critics and fans. Last year, I believe they refused to confirm Ra's until July, right?

This year, with 5 or 6 episodes left, they announce Damien Darhk, DR starts playing up Felicity's father, and SA and the EPs start slobbering all over S4. You don't do that when you're confident with your current story telling.

Edited by calliope1975
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I know that I can't take another 23 episodes of abject misery. I'm really hoping that they are reading all the reviews and comments, taking notes and working out a real, and balanced, plan for S4.

My enthusiasm for the show is dented but not dead...yet.

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Okay, that preview has me excited. Oliver's playing and Maseo's into some shit. 


Don't get too hopeful, self. Don't get too hopeful. 


How stupid is Oliver though, getting epiphany face when there are LoA members RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF HIM.

Edited by apinknightmare
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So…as Oliver is clearly faking it, I wonder if the team know - or when they find out exactly? Because now that I think about it, when Laurel and Felicity are shouting and crying at Oliver about trusting him and believing in him, it did sound kind of embellished maybe? It could be they're playing into the game too.

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The sneak peak offers another "why?".  So, Maseo gave the A/O to Ras and from Oliver's face upon hearing it, Oliver did not know.  The more curious part...Maseo did not seem at all bothered by Ras seeking to use the virus (the plane is all ready sir...blah blah).  I can see loads of reasons Maseo might give the virus to Ras, but why wouldn't Oliver know the virus was in play?

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Also what the hell was Maseo thinking?! 



I can't express how much I need this to be the case.


Me too. I'm not saying they know instantly but they must think something is up when Tatsu turns up on their doorstep to help them. I'm just thinking about the way Laurel and Felicity sounded - Laurel especially. Like it was part of an act. I could be totally wrong but it's possible. 

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The sneak peak offers another "why?".  So, Maseo gave the A/O to Ras and from Oliver's face upon hearing it, Oliver did not know.  The more curious part...Maseo did not seem at all bothered by Ras seeking to use the virus (the plane is all ready sir...blah blah).  I can see loads of reasons Maseo might give the virus to Ras, but why wouldn't Oliver know the virus was in play?


Well, why on earth would Oliver ever think that Maseo would turn over the virus that killed his son to someone like Ra's. Even though he's with the League, Maseo's helped Oliver several times, and even tried to appeal to his better judgment against Ra's. So yeah, he's an assassin, but he hasn't done anything that would make Oliver suspicious, really.


Also, that thing better be filled with water.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I wonder if there is a chance that Maseo is the big bad this season? Meaning he has been plotting to destroy all Oliver loves and holds dear ever since whatever happens in the up coming Flashbacks happened?

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Well, why on earth would Oliver ever think that Maseo would turn over the virus that killed his son to someone like Ra's. Even though he's with the League, Maseo's helped Oliver several times, and even tried to appeal to his better judgment against Ra's. So yeah, he's an assassin, but he hasn't done anything that would make Oliver suspicious, really.


Also, that thing better be filled with water.

Sorry, I wasn't clear.  My question goes back to after the events in Hong Kong.  We assume Oliver goes on from Hong Kong, but why would he not know that the virus is "secure".  We have to believe that Amanda -the will do anything - Waller let the virus walk?  Ok, maybe...but that she and Oliver continue some form of contact and yet she never mentions the virus is floating out there in someone's hands?  So for me not so much that Maseo had it, but why Oliver didn't know that the virus wasn't secure.

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I wonder if there is a chance that Maseo is the big bad this season? Meaning he has been plotting to destroy all Oliver loves and holds dear ever since whatever happens in the up coming Flashbacks happened?


Then why bother healing him after he fell from the Cliff of (almost) Doom? Is Tatsu in on it too? Because neither one of them seems to hold anything against Oliver, and he's not really at fault for Akio getting the virus. 

So for me not so much that Maseo had it, but why Oliver didn't know that the virus wasn't secure.


Maybe the virus is secure and that's not what Ra's has in his possession? Oh how I would love for this moron to be getting played. 


Otherwise, it's probably like the existence of the spare mirakuru: convenient plot point.

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Also what the hell was Maseo thinking?! 




Me too. I'm not saying they know instantly but they must think something is up when Tatsu turns up on their doorstep to help them. I'm just thinking about the way Laurel and Felicity sounded - Laurel especially. Like it was part of an act. I could be totally wrong but it's possible. 

The thing is KC tends to go overdramatic with those scenes so who knows really? But I'd love the team to be in on it. We already had Oliver cut off from them for so many episodes this season, I just want them to plot things together like they used to. This is my hope but what I think will happen is Oliver faking he's faking it without TA knowledge.

Edited by steeledwithakiss
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Also what the hell was Maseo thinking?! 




Me too. I'm not saying they know instantly but they must think something is up when Tatsu turns up on their doorstep to help them. I'm just thinking about the way Laurel and Felicity sounded - Laurel especially. Like it was part of an act. I could be totally wrong but it's possible. 

They would earn some brownies points with me if Oliver whispers to Felicity as he is putting on her cuffs "I imagined this under different circumstances - very platonic circumstances"

The thing is KC tends to go overdramatic with those scenes so who knows really? But I'd love the team to be in on it. We already had Oliver cut off from them for so many episodes this season, I just want them to plot things together like they used to. This is my hope but what I think will happen is Oliver faking he's faking it without TA knowledge.

It's not KC's acting in that scene. It's the 'We believed in you!" Diggle and Felicity sure, but Laurel? Since when?

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Because Maseo would want Oliver to see Starling city and all he holds dear destroyed? He could just kill Oliver if it was about Oliver's death. I doubt Tatsu would be in on it. She might suspect Maseo and Ra's has the virus though. And it wouldn't just be Oliver he wanted to suffer but The US and Maybe ARGUS. Plus Perhaop he works for HIVE now. With Malcolm :p

Lol I'm just once again trying to find a belivable reason (as well as a flasback connectivity) to all that is happening in s3. It's not working though...

Then why bother healing him after he fell from the Cliff of (almost) Doom? Is Tatsu in on it too? Because neither one of them seems to hold anything against Oliver, and he's not really at fault for Akio getting the virus.

Edited by tarotx
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