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Nashville Spoilers and Speculation

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She's a love interest for Gunnar.

Because the other ones worked out so well and kept us interested.

Are there any positive Juliette/Avery spoilers because I'm almost gone.

Edited by CofCinci
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Because the other ones worked out so well and kept us interested.

Are there any positive Juliette/Avery spoilers because I'm almost gone.

None. If anything things are going to get even worse. Apparently Juliette will have a scene on top of a roof contemplating to jump. That's fine by me. I ship Juliette with the sidewalk. Juliette/Sidewalk OTP 4ever.

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Looks like Juliette is going to enter some kind of high falutin' rehab.  Casting call for rich-looking women "with problems" but still classy.  So I wouldn't be surprised if that actually is Juliette on the rooftop.  If that's the case, sounds more like a psychiatric hospital than rehab to me. 

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Looks like Avery is going to get the producing gig for Markus Keen's album. According to Spoiler tv.com, in episode 5, entitled 'Stop the World and Let me Off', the synopsis says: Keen pushes back against Avery (so gotta be with him as producer, right?); Rayna pushes back against Layla's relationship (am assuming against Fordham?); Maddie joins Colt. From what have read about the Keen character, sounds like he's gonna be a real problem in the studio, given his hold over Rayna, so that can't bode well for Avery's job. Come on show, give Avery a professional break!


For those wanting some Juliette/Avery news, no idea if it means anything, somewhere (maybe a twitter photo somewhere?) I saw a photo of the actors who play Avery, Emily, and Glenn together off set, so that's gotta mean they are there for Juliette, right? Hate it that they're going this route with Juliette, but probably they are there for the Juliette inevitable meltdown.  


This is pure speculation-- but also saw in someone's post (here I think), that Deacon buys a bar? Anybody got anything on that?

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This is pure speculation-- but also saw in someone's post (here I think), that Deacon buys a bar? Anybody got anything on that?

Recovering alcoholic buys a bar? What is this, Cheers?

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I think his sponsor owns the bar but isn't really making a go of it so Deacon either buys it from him or goes in on it. If this were to turn out to be a feeder for Hwy 65, I'd be cool with it. But a distraction from his life and family wouldn't work so well for me.

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I think his sponsor owns the bar but isn't really making a go of it so Deacon either buys it from him or goes in on it. If this were to turn out to be a feeder for Hwy 65, I'd be cool with it. But a distraction from his life and family wouldn't work so well for me.

A feeder for the label would be great. I do really wish he and Rayna would work together. #1) I miss that dynamic. And #2) it seems like an obvious progression.

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Unfortunately I think he's doing it more so as a way to somehow memorialize Beverly. Because everything must be about her for the rest of the season.

Why is Maddie wearing a slutty dress on stage with Juliette in the promo stills for episode 5?

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I don't think Maddie's dress looks slutty. The whole look seems older, like she's a jazz singer in the 1940s or something, so it feels out of place. But it doesn't seem trashy at all.

Edited by madam magpie
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That's not true either. Her Instagram photos all look fine and dressed to me. I'm not sure what you're looking at, but as a general rule, I'm also not down with saying 16-year-old girls look slutty, so...

Edited by madam magpie
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I guess she is more into short shorts than skimpy shirts, so I'll give you that. But a great many of her outfits would've gotten me smacked if I tried to walk out of the house showing that much leg when I was 16.

I guess that's why I'm a prude 20-something now and don't find her episode 5 outfit appropriate.

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Ah. I don't get the sense that her parents are much into smacking.

To me, she just looks like a kid finding her way. Most of the outfits work really nicely; others less so. But she always looks her age and lovely. And even if she walked around in a bra and underwear, I wouldn't call her slutty. That's a lot to throw at a teenage girl, I think. Then again, I've probably got about twenty years on you, so I really just see Lennon as a kid. She's young, beautiful, very mature for her age, and extraordinarily talented, but she's still a kid to me. I do think the dress they've got her in for those promo pics is a real disconnect from her age and the century we're living in. I can't see the whole thing, but it ages her and looks like a 1940s style to me, which isn't inherently bad, but doesn't match the character or setting. I guess we'll have to see how it plays out.

Edited by madam magpie
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I wouldn't call the dress slutty at all but it does make her look far older than 16. I think she looks gorgeous in the pics though.

She looks like a pretty normal, if somewhat funky teenage girl on Instagram. And who could blame her for showing off those long legs? I would if I had them, and I haven't seen anything that reads trashy to me. But then I'm an "old lady" who grew up during the "short shorts" era.

Edited by Clemgo3165
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Right? She looks happy and normal to me. And whoever is taking the photos of her has a great eye. The composition of some of those pictures is top notch, though I guess them dang kids can do a lot with filters on their phones these days. But still!

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Unfortunately I think he's doing it more so as a way to somehow memorialize Beverly. Because everything must be about her for the rest of the season.

Why is Maddie wearing a slutty dress on stage with Juliette in the promo stills for episode 5?

Where did you view the photos?  I am curious to see what the slutty dress looks like and if it is something that will further escalate the bad blood between Rayna and Juliette if Juliette has anything to do with tarting up her young daughter.

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Please stop with the "tart" and "slut" kind of language. Thanks. Also, please link to any spoilers or spoiler photos you're discussing! Not everyone knows where to find them.

Here's the dress: http://www.spoilersguide.com/media/images/b9/ac/2612770f9d88309e2ce1e3332e1e.jpeg


More photos from the ep here: http://www.spoilersguide.com/nashville/episode-guide/season-4-episode-5/

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Thanks for the photo link.  I will just say that for me, I would not let my young daughter wear that if I had one.


That Deacon/Scarlett road trip looks interesting.

I can't say I'd be comfortable with my 14-yr old niece wearing a dress like that, even if there is clearly illusion fabric covering that middle section from the collarbone down to the navel.  Then again, if she was a figure skater, none of us would bat an eye at her dress if she was wearing it on the ice for a competition or show.  I don't think it's really "slutty" or "trashy".  Perhaps the better word would be "suggestive".  I bet most of us would be a lot more comfortable with the dress if there were some crystals or sequins scattered over the part that's illusion fabric, because that would help reduce the suggestiveness of nudity you get from the dress in its current state.  Personally, I have more of an issue with the skirt length than I do with the illusion fabric.  A couple inches longer, please.

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Who's idea was it that she wear that dress Juliette? I can't believe Rayna would be happy to see her 14 year old daughter on stage with that dress being so "suggestive". Looking at that photo Maddie looks so much older than 14 yrs old.

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Maddie should be 16, yes. They aged her up around the end of season 2 I think for the sake of matching her age to Lennon, as Maddie was originally slightly younger. Or maybe the writers just forgot how old she was. That's equally possible.

I don't have a link to it or I would post it, but the press release for episode 6 specifically says she is grounded. I don't know if it's for the dress alone or performing at a very public Juliette Barnes/Luke Wheeler concert in said dress (or just performing at such a public venue without the dress causing issue) but there is fallout.

Edited by airwair
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I can't say I'd be comfortable with my 14-yr old niece wearing a dress like that, even if there is clearly illusion fabric covering that middle section from the collarbone down to the navel.  Then again, if she was a figure skater, none of us would bat an eye at her dress if she was wearing it on the ice for a competition or show.  I don't think it's really "slutty" or "trashy".  Perhaps the better word would be "suggestive".  I bet most of us would be a lot more comfortable with the dress if there were some crystals or sequins scattered over the part that's illusion fabric, because that would help reduce the suggestiveness of nudity you get from the dress in its current state.  Personally, I have more of an issue with the skirt length than I do with the illusion fabric.  A couple inches longer, please.

Maybe she borrowed it from Juliette?  HP is a teeny thing!

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Juliette already wears her clothes up to her butt. I'm sure they'll try to convince us that Maddie borrowed something from her, but let's face it, Lennon has more than a few inches on Hayden and much broader shoulders. Nothing Juliette has is going to fit her in real life.

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I would say the dress is age-inappropriate and thus weird and kind of off-putting in a too-grownup way.  I've seen sexy clothes on kids, but that looks like "Morticia" wear..  But yes, skaters dress like that all the time.


Lennon is blossoming into a beautiful girl.  And I loved her song last week.  So talented.


What is Beverly doing in that photo set?  Has she risen from the dead? I knew it!  They just couldn't let us rest, could they ;-).

Edited by TVWithPity
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They have cancelled her scenes for tomorrow and called the extras off.

This is sounding like it was pretty abrupt.

Who the hell knows what they'll come up with to cover it up.

More importantly, I'm hoping Hayden gets the help she needs. It couldn't have been easy filming this nonsense so soon after having a baby and suffering from this illness herself. After having to film what's apparently coming in later episodes (which I personally find to be so messed up I do not feel comfortable spoiling--sorry) I can't help but feel like these writers have been completely insensitive.

They have always turned serious medical issues into clownish sideshows and now I can't help but feel like it's backfired.

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Unless she's in and out quickly, I would think it would have to. Aren't they filming the ep when Juliette goes to rehab herself?

So this should bring an end to a terrible storyline, not before time. Having to live through Juliette's drama can't have helped HP. Nashville struggles without her - remember season 3 anyone? - so the writing is on the wall for the show as it is already losing ground. Anyway, it's only TV and I hope she makes a quick recovery.

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I wonder how far into the filming she got before she told them she had it. I'm assuming she did so before she talked about it in interviews and stuff. NOT BLAMING HER AT ALL, just wondering if she thought she could handle it (not knowing how INSANE the storyline would become) and then realizing that her own PPD was not getting better. I'm wondering how much time the showrunners realistically would have had to adjust once they knew she had it. ASSUMING (and I know what they say about assumptions) they would have changed anything at all. I would think any decent person wouldn't want to keep forcing her to act out something she was living in real life.

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I don't know if the writers pursued the storyline knowing she was suffering, but given the last minute scrapping of her scenes for episode 8 I can only gather that her checking in somewhere was completely sudden.

I can't imagine what they'll do to cover it up.

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I wasn't thinking they wrote it with the knowledge that she had PPD, I was just wondering how many episodes in they were before she told them she had it. It could not mean anything if she assured them she was fine and could handle acting out the rest of the story. 


As far as the cover-up? My guess would be have Avery have a sudden change of heart/understanding/sympathy towards his wife while she's in an exclusive rehab. Maybe even communicate with her through letters or talk to her therapist. That would buy time to get into 4b at least.

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