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Small Talk: How Not To Get Caught Dead With Dirty Underwear

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Awwwww...Despite their being rodents, I love squirrels (especially the red ones) and chipmunks!  At the end of last summer, I was sunning on the back patio and a chip kept running up an oak tree, then down again with his prize acorn, under my butt on the lawnchair, and into the garage where he was neatly storing his winter supply between the studs, then back under my chair on his way to the tree again.  Lather, rinse, repeat for the entire afternoon.  He was totally unfazed by us giant human things, just hell bent on stocking up for the months ahead.  It was very hypnotic watching him go about his business, and I'm not sure who was "nuttier".

Edited by Tunia
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The biggest of the squirrels that would come to the head feeder I called Head Honcho. He had a scar on his left flank, so I always knew which one he was. Last summer, after 4 summers of hanging out here, I didn't see him anymore. I guess he had a good life while he was here.

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Awwwww...Despite their being rodents, I love squirrels (especially the red ones) and chipmunks!  At the end of last summer, I was sunning on the back patio and a chip kept running up an oak tree, then down again with his prize acorn, under my butt on the lawnchair, and into the garage where he was neatly storing his winter supply between the studs, then back under my chair on his way to the tree again.  Lather, rinse, repeat for the entire afternoon.  He was totally unfazed by us giant human things, just hell bent on stocking up for the months ahead.  It was very hypnotic watching him go about his business, and I'm not sure who was "nuttier".


I know right? They are so cute and fluffy. :)

The squirrels here will approach me after they get used to me and take food from my hand; but the chipmunks just seem too scared. Same for the rabbits.

Edited by ari333
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Friends who have Flat Coated Retrievers trained as service dogs took them to a dog show in California, flying them in the passenger cabin with their SD vests on and paperwork in hand. Service dogs, and service dogs in training, can do that, they lie at the person's feet. Not much room, but that's how it's done. They had to pay to have the dogs fly, but this way they could keep big dogs in the cabin with them.


Dogs small enough to be put in a Sherpa bag or other carryon and put under the seat in front of the passenger can ride in the cabin. Passengers pay around $100 per flight or more. I haven't flown with a pup in a bag for several years, prices keep going up. To fly with a dog as a checked bag also costs passengers lots extra. Those dogs are put in the luggage/cargo area under the plane, and are only accepted on certain aircraft that have pressurized cargo areas. Only a certain amount of live dogs can be accepted per flight now, which causes problems when many people are trying to get to the same show, like Westminster in NYC. Also, dogs will not be accepted as cargo if live human remains are on board. I've had dogs bumped from flights several times because of that. Note: I've shipped dogs as far as to Mexico and Hong Kong. Shipping a dog as cargo only, without a passenger, is even more expensive, based on the size of the kennel and total weight. It's a huge hassle, paperwork and getting requirements right for the airline, all of which are being more strict.


As for the dog barking at rabbits, yes, they will bark at rabbits, but the rabbits, UNLIKE SQUIRRELS, do not tease and torment the dogs to make them bark, run the fence and get into fights because they are being agitated. Squirrels do tease, and do it on purpose for their entertainment. If the dogs stop barking, the squirrels will chatter and jerk their tails around to get the dogs started again, all while staying JUST out of reach. Rabbits mind their own business and don't stick around when the dogs are out. Their only mistake is when they put their nests inside dog exercise yards ...


Last night the dogs had a critter trapped under a log in the back yard. I eventually had to carry the dogs back inside and lock them in. This was at 1 a.m. and my contact lenses were out so I couldn't see much. I poked a long pole under the log and the thing just stayed put and kept growling and snarling. I gave a couple of shots under the log but my aim isn't the best in the pitch black and while being blind. 


This morning it was gone, whatever it was. I'm hoping I convinced whatever not to come back.


I wasn't always a squirrel hater. The ones at my house now just made me that way. When I was in between college years, I rescued a baby one from my cat and raised it until it eventually decided it was old enough to be turned lose. I have tons of fun stories of "Rocky," my then-pet squirrel. Those were some good times.


I see your point (bold by me)

But rabbits (to my knowledge) have no very super vocal way of warning other creatures that there is a dog etc near. They don't chatter or have wavy long tails for communication. The squirrels imo are warning other animals that there are dogs near... dogs who are not barking. If the dogs are barking they are obvious to all. If they are quiet, the squirrels are warning other animals of the dogs' presence. It is not teasing or entertainment (imo) for the squirrels They're trying to survive. And they don't have a caring pet owner to feed them and care for them like many lucky, loving dogs do. just my 2cents. 

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Like hell squirrels are giving warning to others. The dogs are all there in the fenced yard for anyone or anything to see. The squirrels leap from tree to roof to tree to fence to run up and down to torment the dogs. Every single one of my dog friends say squirrels in their area do the same thing, they tease on purpose to make the dogs bark for their entertainment. Squirrels are not "into" warning any other animal, they are "into" making the dogs run, jump, bark and get into fights so they can sit on a limb and watch it all happen. Squirrels are NOT altruistic ... no animal is ... and to assign them human capabilities is wrong. In the wild, prey animals will watch and know when others signal danger, but a deer flagging its white tail is not signaling to help turkeys, it's signaling flight for other deer. 


I have observed what I describe above many times and in many different places. I've spent my entire life working with and around animals, farm, wild and domestic, and a lifetime of studying animals of all types as well as animal behavior. Put a dog in your fenced yard -- you will see the same teasing behavior by that squirrel living in your tree.


Squirrels don't need "a caring pet owner" to feed or care for them. They have thousands of acres of corn and soybeans to eat in farm country, and bazillions of walnut and hickory trees to harvest for themselves. Who needs some human doling out kibble when one has the entire universe available as a free-range cafeteria?


Many animals do warn other animals - (their own species or otherwise IDK) about predators and danger. ...in my opinion. It is especially noticeable when done by mothers who have juveniles venturing  out. Also I  agree that the tail waving is to signal other squirrels and that is reason enough in itself to do it, but other animals happen to notice and flee.


The squirrels don't need me to feed them. I do it bc I enjoy it. There is a lot of wildlife here and I enjoy them.


On a sidenote, Im sure dogs could survive too outside of human homes... eating plenty of squirrels and other animals for meat.  


Animals offer companionship and fun. It is rewarding and fun having them (the animal of your choice) around. Maybe we can agree on that.   

Edited by ari333
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This is not a debate forum, nor is it a place to tell others they are "wrong" when everyone is entitled to their opinion. Please be respectful and cordial, and follow site rules about how to post to others. If you have questions, I'd be happy to answer them via PM.

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On a lighter note, one of my many favorite animal shows (yes, I watch them all!) is Unlikely Animal Friends.  Even though I ff through all commercials, a few months ago I happened to catch the Android commercial that used some of those animals, and it makes me sooooo happy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnVuqfXohxc


Oh, and the dry food that's always out for my backyard semi-feral cats is readily shared with my raccoons, possum, skunk and some species of birds (I even throw it to the mosquitofish in my swimming pool swamp).  Nobody fights in walnutqueen's realm.  The baby raccoons love to play with whatever they can find, and are always stealing the drain covers or knocking shit over, but I really don't care - I've let the place go totally wild & natural for the critters.  :-D

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On a lighter note, one of my many favorite animal shows (yes, I watch them all!) is Unlikely Animal Friends.  Even though I ff through all commercials, a few months ago I happened to catch the Android commercial that used some of those animals, and it makes me sooooo happy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnVuqfXohxc


Oh, and the dry food that's always out for my backyard semi-feral cats is readily shared with my raccoons, possum, skunk and some species of birds (I even throw it to the mosquitofish in my swimming pool swamp).  Nobody fights in walnutqueen's realm.  The baby raccoons love to play with whatever they can find, and are always stealing the drain covers or knocking shit over, but I really don't care - I've let the place go totally wild & natural for the critters.  :-D




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Unless he's got certification from a doctor that the thing is a service animal, no, it's not allowed in the stores. It's not allowed anywhere inside where people are eating, food is out, etc. I once saw a couple with their pug, the pug was riding in the cart. His butt is where someone's food will be the next time they get the cart. I told someone and they told the man he'd have to take the dog outside. It was not a service animal, just a pet.

Our stores have signs that say all service animals must be on a leash, and you must have certification. I have yet to see an animal in the store since those signs went up. Most blind people have someone do their shopping for them.

About a year ago I was in a similar situation where a woman and her two teenage daughters were in the grocery store with a small toy dog that did not look nor act like a service animal at all.  I really don't want pets hanging out where I buy groceries and notified the manager about it.  He responded they had been instructed by the home office not to inquire about a pet's credentials as a service animal - even if it was not wearing the vest to clearly identify as such - because of potential claims of discrimination or harassment.  It seems asking for credentials on the pet was deemed to be asking a person to "prove"  their disability.  The store manager clearly did not like this policy either.

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About a year ago I was in a similar situation where a woman and her two teenage daughters were in the grocery store with a small toy dog that did not look nor act like a service animal at all.  I really don't want pets hanging out where I buy groceries and notified the manager about it.  He responded they had been instructed by the home office not to inquire about a pet's credentials as a service animal - even if it was not wearing the vest to clearly identify as such - because of potential claims of discrimination or harassment.  It seems asking for credentials on the pet was deemed to be asking a person to "prove"  their disability.  The store manager clearly did not like this policy either.


Yes, exactly!

 That was mentioned in that article I found when I searched iguanas as service animals (above.) I was shocked!

 That does not seem too much to ask.... that the animal have a vest or some obvious credentials bc otherwise anyone can walk in with.... whatever and no one can dare ask for fear of litigation.

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The sign I mentioned earlier said in big letters "No Pets Allowed"... then went on to say unless they were service animals and had proper certification. When it's at the front door, no one is the bad guy for asking later on.


That seems the way to go to cover the owner of the store etc. I don't see why asking for certification is harassment or discrimination since it is very clear that people who are not disabled or not legit in need of a real service animal could just take their pet anywhere and dare anyone to inquire. It takes the power away from the fakers. It seems everyone would be on board for that... except the fakers. :)

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This following link is so heartwarming I wanted to share it with those fellow posters here who are interested.

It is about animal altruism... toward animals of the same species and animals of different species with  examples. It kind of gives me the warm fuzzies as an animal lover. I just don't want the animals to be in the grocery unless they have creds! :)



Edited by ari333
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I don't have a problem with staff asking for credentials of a service animal, because as someone else mentioned it helps to keep the scammers at bay. But I do take issue with other shoppers/customers who make loud, snotty, passive-aggressive comments. Someone doesn't look like they need a service animal? Tell me, what does PTSD look like? What does epilipsy look like? I get even more disgusted with people who start bitching about their allergies whenever they see a service dog. As if the inconvenience of allergies is anything compared to the wonderful opportunities such an animal can open for someone who is, say, severely hearing impaired. For heaven's sake. 


Squirrels have ruined my patio furniture and dug up all my potted plants, but I don't care, they're so much fun to watch. Especially the young nest mates playing and grooming each other. :)

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Unless he's got certification from a doctor that the thing is a service animal, no, it's not allowed in the stores. It's not allowed anywhere inside where people are eating, food is out, etc. I once saw a couple with their pug, the pug was riding in the cart. His butt is where someone's food will be the next time they get the cart. I told someone and they told the man he'd have to take the dog outside. It was not a service animal, just a pet.

Our stores have signs that say all service animals must be on a leash, and you must have certification. I have yet to see an animal in the store since those signs went up. Most blind people have someone do their shopping for them.

Sadly, people can buy fake certifications online as well as those service animal jackets that some animals wear. There is no way to confirm if an animal is legit, not to mention some managers of stores are apprehensive about approaching people with animals.


I had a time where I confronted a store manager about a dog in a cart. The store manager told me his hands were tied because the policy is that no customer will be "interrogated" about their animal. I suppose those laws about animals not being allowed in businesses where there is food are pointless because owners and companies are not about upsetting customers with pets along with the fake certifications that are easily obtainable online.


I know we touched upon some of the abuse many of us endured as we posted on the Cosby thread.  Big hug out to all you! Happy to know we are alive to be able to tell our stories since so many victims of these kinds of crimes sometimes end up dead. I think of the Cosby victims and how lucky they are to be alive. Cosby could have caused any one of them to have overdosed! That fucking bastard. My heart aches at how many of us have had to endure such a crime.  I endured being molested by a family friend. This family friend was considered a relative in our family because of the closeness of the relationship. I finally spoke up about it when I was a teenager. My goal was to have this molestation stop, not see my perpetrator go to jail. In fact, I felt a bit of sadness of having to reveal this secret because I felt I was tarnishing the image of this person and I was responsible for how he would be looked upon. That was such a heavy rock on my shoulder at the age of 15 years old.  Imagine that. I was more concerned about my perpetrator.!  The insanity. But, as I look back, that was the mindset of the adolescent that I was at that time. In some ways, I'd rather that if anyone had to go through this, better it was me than any of my children, my nieces and nephews, or my siblings. Of course, I wish it never happened to me, but it did and I am glad that it all came to a stop and I know that by speaking out, I kept my kids and all the other kids that came along in the later years, from ever being a target of this person. It was also a time to learn from this and with that, to teach my children on how to protect themselves, be aware, and that sometimes it is not just strangers who can commit these types of crimes.


Sorry for the long post.



What's next? Emu as service animal and has to go on the plane.... ok Im an ass.

OMG Thanks for the laugh. It was needed after my post above. lol


Imagine, snakes on a plane. But, they are service animals!!!

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I don't have a problem with staff asking for credentials of a service animal, because as someone else mentioned it helps to keep the scammers at bay. But I do take issue with other shoppers/customers who make loud, snotty, passive-aggressive comments. Someone doesn't look like they need a service animal? Tell me, what does PTSD look like? What does epilipsy look like? I get even more disgusted with people who start bitching about their allergies whenever they see a service dog. As if the inconvenience of allergies is anything compared to the wonderful opportunities such an animal can open for someone who is, say, severely hearing impaired. For heaven's sake. 


Squirrels have ruined my patio furniture and dug up all my potted plants, but I don't care, they're so much fun to watch. Especially the young nest mates playing and grooming each other. :)


I totally agree. I've seen people smirk and mumble at people who park in the special parking spots. They have the decal or hanging thing on the mirror. Just bc someone is not in a wheelchair does not mean they are able to walk far in a parking lot into a store. What if they have emphysema or God knows what else ? There are many conditions that are not immediately  apparent to the casual, judgmental observer.. 

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I totally agree. I've seen people smirk and mumble at people who park in the special parking spots. They have the decal or hanging thing on the mirror. Just bc someone is not in a wheelchair does not mean they are able to walk far in a parking lot into a store. What if they have emphysema or God knows what else ? There are many conditions that are not immediately  apparent to the casual, judgmental observer.. 

Exactly. I have a handicapped plaque due to a back injury. I have received looks from people and I know they are likely questioning why I have such a plaque. Not all physical issues are easily detectable. I have a relative who suffers from Lupus .She has a handicapped plaque. When it comes to animals in carts, it is not my concern when I see an animal wearing a service vest or some sort of identifiable tag that shows it is a service animal, which is what is required here where I live. Whether it is a legit service vest or not, I can't say for sure. As for those animals whose owners are not following the law with regards to that animal not wearing a service vest or some other identifiable tag, such as the dog I saw in a grocery store a month ago, that is when I took action and inquired with the store manager. I would never confront a customer or throw them dirty looks. Those people are just making it hard for those who have legit service animals just as those people who "borrow" handicap plaques from a relative simply because they don't want to walk that far.

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maybe I am ignorant on this subject, but don't service animals walk on a leash? As opposed to sitting in the cart?

Did not think of calling the health dept. good idea.

also it seems the people with legit real needs would WANT the scammers to be exposed.


OMG Cooks! That is hilarious! I hope he wasn't really stuck or someone got him out :)

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Wow! It feels so good to know that I am not the only one with these thoughts running thru my mind! Lol There have been many times when I would be so tired or would just not feel like cleaning, but I would take a few minutes to straighten or tidy up before bed just in case of an emergency lol. Also reading these reminded me of an incident that took place about 15 years ago (when I was young and care free lol). I was newly married and had just moved into a home that my husband and I had bought. Only living in the home for a very short period of time, the previous owner, we later learned, had been into some trouble with the law. One night we hear a loud knock at the door. To our surprise it was our local Sheriffs Dept. They were looking for a gentlemen who failed to report to the jail to serve weekends. He had our address listed as his own. It turns out, he had lived there with the previous owner but we had never heard of him. So before figuring this out, we had given the officers permission to search our home. Looking back, maybe not the best idea! But we had nothing to hide so they began to search thru each room. The whole time, I'm looking around thinking, "man I wished I had made this bed...dusted this table" etc.. And while I was obsessing over my untidy home, the officers were evidently browsing thru my top dresser drawer!! At the time, I had no idea that anyone had even looked into my drawers. I mean, why would they?? A man can't hide in a tiny dresser drawer?! It wasn't until after the officers had left that my husband called out to me from our bedroom. There he stood with an "oh s**t" look on his face, holding a few of our VERY PRIVATE Polaroid pictures! But they weren't all there!! So I am understandably upset and feeling extremely violated.. Then a few days later (while making inquiries into where our photos had gone) we were told that a few of the detectives were describing in great detail the photos they had recovered. I was mortified!! I felt so violated. These people, who swore to protect me, we're behaving like the people they were sworn to protect me from! I immediately contacted a lawyer and within a matter of hours the photos were returned. To this day I am bothered by this and the fact that I did nothing more to punish the people who violated my privacy. Maybe there was nothing more I could have done, I don't know? I was only 20 years old and very naive to the ways of the world. So... Now instead of worrying about a messy home, I make sure all my private and important things are locked safely away! Sorry.. I guess I have gone off topic a little with this story but I hadn't thought about it in years until reading some of the other posts on here. So for anyone reading this, I am curious to hear what you think. Were my civil rights violated, according to the law? Did any of this warrant a police misconduct suit? Again, I am just curious and it's something that I guess I will always wonder about.

Have a great day & God bless!

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Taralynnstacey - you were TOTALLY violated, and I am not at all surprised or shocked by the transgressions of the police.  Once you give them permission, or they have a warrant, they can more or less run roughshod over and destroy any of your personal property with impunity.  Civil action with a really good (and expensive) attorney is usually the only recourse.


Yet another reason to avoid the police, even when your civic duty demands otherwise.

Edited by walnutqueen
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Were my civil rights violated, according to the law? Did any of this warrant a police misconduct suit? Again, I am just curious and it's something that I guess I will always wonder about.

I'm not a lawyer but I know the police don't have the right to come into your house and steal! They didn't have to have a search warrant since you told them they could search, but they went way beyond the definition of search. Yes, you could have brought a suit but I wouldn't regret not doing that. I think you did the right thing. You got them in trouble with their boss and got your pictures back -- a suit would have meant more people talking about your pictures and a longer stretch of embarrassment. That's just my opinion though, others may have felt better by seeing these guys punished more. Total. Jerks.
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And now for something completely different ...


and yet in the same vein.  The incarceration epidemic in this country, as addressed by Shane Smith and President Obama  on VICE : Special Report "Fixing the System":



Some people are serving decades for drug possession/intent to distribute crimes, while coddled affluent others get away with murder & mayhem.


Justice is blind, deaf and dumb, but has her grubby hand out to be greased.

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Wow! It feels so good to know that I am not the only one with these thoughts running thru my mind! Lol There have been many times when I would be so tired or would just not feel like cleaning, but I would take a few minutes to straighten or tidy up before bed just in case of an emergency lol. Also reading these reminded me of an incident that took place about 15 years ago (when I was young and care free lol). I was newly married and had just moved into a home that my husband and I had bought. Only living in the home for a very short period of time, the previous owner, we later learned, had been into some trouble with the law. One night we hear a loud knock at the door. To our surprise it was our local Sheriffs Dept. They were looking for a gentlemen who failed to report to the jail to serve weekends. He had our address listed as his own. It turns out, he had lived there with the previous owner but we had never heard of him. So before figuring this out, we had given the officers permission to search our home. Looking back, maybe not the best idea! But we had nothing to hide so they began to search thru each room. The whole time, I'm looking around thinking, "man I wished I had made this bed...dusted this table" etc.. And while I was obsessing over my untidy home, the officers were evidently browsing thru my top dresser drawer!! At the time, I had no idea that anyone had even looked into my drawers. I mean, why would they?? A man can't hide in a tiny dresser drawer?! It wasn't until after the officers had left that my husband called out to me from our bedroom. There he stood with an "oh s**t" look on his face, holding a few of our VERY PRIVATE Polaroid pictures! But they weren't all there!! So I am understandably upset and feeling extremely violated.. Then a few days later (while making inquiries into where our photos had gone) we were told that a few of the detectives were describing in great detail the photos they had recovered. I was mortified!! I felt so violated. These people, who swore to protect me, we're behaving like the people they were sworn to protect me from! I immediately contacted a lawyer and within a matter of hours the photos were returned. To this day I am bothered by this and the fact that I did nothing more to punish the people who violated my privacy. Maybe there was nothing more I could have done, I don't know? I was only 20 years old and very naive to the ways of the world. So... Now instead of worrying about a messy home, I make sure all my private and important things are locked safely away! Sorry.. I guess I have gone off topic a little with this story but I hadn't thought about it in years until reading some of the other posts on here. So for anyone reading this, I am curious to hear what you think. Were my civil rights violated, according to the law? Did any of this warrant a police misconduct suit? Again, I am just curious and it's something that I guess I will always wonder about.

Have a great day & God bless!

omg indeed. They were looking for a human....not contents of a dresser drawer. I HAVE  NO WORDS>

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My arms are too fucked up to do housework, so my house is very dirty and cluttered.  I don't wear underwear, or clothes unless it's cold, so the coroner's going to have a field day.


BWAH!   Walnutqueen.  I will never get that visual out of my head  Every time I read a post of yours, I will forever picture you sitting at your PC naked..  I tried the nude thing for a while, but my butt cheeks kept sticking to the leather on the chair and it always hurt when the cat jumped on my lap, so I had to abandon. 

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BWAH!   Walnutqueen.  I will never get that visual out of my head  Every time I read a post of yours, I will forever picture you sitting at your PC naked..  I tried the nude thing for a while, but my butt cheeks kept sticking to the leather on the chair and it always hurt when the cat jumped on my lap, so I had to abandon. 

LMAO  It's been very hot and humid around these parts. I have been wearing shorts non-stop. Sitting here on this wooden desk chair can be uncomfortable, especially when I get up quickly. One time I got up so fast, I thought my skin ripped off from the back of my thighs. I yelled and scared my husband. I decided it was time to buy a cushion for this damn chair.

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BWAH!   Walnutqueen.  I will never get that visual out of my head  Every time I read a post of yours, I will forever picture you sitting at your PC naked..  I tried the nude thing for a while, but my butt cheeks kept sticking to the leather on the chair and it always hurt when the cat jumped on my lap, so I had to abandon. 


Well, if you're going to do that, I hope you picture me as a younger, skinnier self, because the real visual is more gruesome than any crime scene photo, and likely to scar you for life!  :-)


My cat walks all over me (and my keyboard), but when he lays on me for cuddles he f'ing kneads his sharp little claws, so I'm always shoving a blanket under them, or just holding them in my hand so he can't scratch the tender bits. (heh, I almost typed "tender tits"!)



LMAO  It's been very hot and humid around these parts. I have been wearing shorts non-stop. Sitting here on this wooden desk chair can be uncomfortable, especially when I get up quickly. One time I got up so fast, I thought my skin ripped off from the back of my thighs. I yelled and scared my husband. I decided it was time to buy a cushion for this damn chair.



No leather seats here at Casa de Deplorable, and my recliners are covered with soft sheets I can shake the cat hair off easily.  I still remember the terrible days of miniskirts/shorts and leather convertible seats - YOUCH!!!  It has been unusually hot and humid here in SoCal, too - yesterday was the first time in ages I didn't need to turn on my fan.  I'm still a serial killer's dream, though, what with all the open windows, no curtains, and irresistible nekkid old lady goods.   :-D

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Does anyone out there know anything about dreams? I have a recurring dream about a house. It's a big house, with lots of oddball rooms. Colored/stained glass windows in one bedroom, another bedroom has teal walls. Wooden floors. Older house. I never envision it from the outside, only inside. The first time I had the dream, my now ex-BF was in the house with me. I cannot remember how much longer after that I broke up with him. I dreamed about it again, this time with my aunt being in the house. She passed away in May. I dreamed about it last night, and she was in the house with me and a bunch of other people. We were all renting a room from her in the house. I remember going around and introducing myself to the various people, since we'd be sharing the house. I woke up to find out that a guy I'd been talking to (we got to know each other on Facebook) had lied to me about something. I blocked his phone number and his Facebook page as a result, I don't keep people in my life who lie to me. Anyway, does dreaming about this house mean I lose someone in my life as a result? I'm wondering if the next time I dream about it, those people who moved in will still be there.

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Does anyone out there know anything about dreams? I have a recurring dream about a house. It's a big house, with lots of oddball rooms. Colored/stained glass windows in one bedroom, another bedroom has teal walls. Wooden floors. Older house. I never envision it from the outside, only inside. The first time I had the dream, my now ex-BF was in the house with me. I cannot remember how much longer after that I broke up with him. I dreamed about it again, this time with my aunt being in the house. She passed away in May. I dreamed about it last night, and she was in the house with me and a bunch of other people. We were all renting a room from her in the house. I remember going around and introducing myself to the various people, since we'd be sharing the house. I woke up to find out that a guy I'd been talking to (we got to know each other on Facebook) had lied to me about something. I blocked his phone number and his Facebook page as a result, I don't keep people in my life who lie to me. Anyway, does dreaming about this house mean I lose someone in my life as a result? I'm wondering if the next time I dream about it, those people who moved in will still be there.


Could you be having premonition dreams? Very interesting.

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I find dreams fascinating and wish I knew more. I have dreamed about a place.... house.... hotel ... not single hotel room but suite with multi rooms. The common factor among these recurring dreams is that there is another way in... as in... not just the door. Or if there are two doors there is another way in - another way that is not supposed to be there. Im not explaining this well at all.

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This house in my dream is multi-story, and there's one room upstairs that is sort of like a sitting room, and several bedrooms are connected to it.


That sounds like it has some kind of meaning but I have no clue what the meaning is. Let me take a think. :)

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Another strange dream.... this time I am in an airport, I don't know where, but I am waiting for my next flight. There is a little yapper dog who keeps growling at me. He's off his leash and his owner is nowhere around. He bites me twice, on my right ankle. I get mad, throw something at the dog...misses him, but breaks into a million pieces. A flight is called and the lady with a very ugly wig who owns the dog takes him and off they go. I am left sitting with a woman to my left, and my seat miraculously reclines into a little bed. One of the ladies working in the lounge we're waiting in offers me a blanket. Next thing I know, some guy is giving a talk about space and the planets, the solar system, etc... complete with a slide show on the wall. Someone lays a manual down on my little bed, with great details and photos of all of the things the man is discussing. I want to keep it, so I hide it under my blanket. The lounge lady offers us drinks, and food. I wound up with a martini and a bowl of rice.

How's that for weird?

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You hate yappy little nipping dogs and the bewigged women who own them.  You want to get away from it all and be cosseted in a warm blankie and entertained by Neil DeGrasse Tyson.  You have a hankering for martinis and a simple rice dish, prepared and served by someone other than yourself.



Edited by walnutqueen
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LOL! I have a small dog myself who I love more than anyone... the dog in my dream was a black Dachshund, with beady eyes.


I take it you don't wear wigs?  ;-) 


Never trust the beady eye.  At least, not in a human!  In animals, I'm likely to forgive all perceived flaws - that's MY flaw.


I have no fucking clue about dream analysis (in case you hadn't noticed).  :-)

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Another strange dream.... this time I am in an airport, I don't know where, but I am waiting for my next flight. There is a little yapper dog who keeps growling at me. He's off his leash and his owner is nowhere around. He bites me twice, on my right ankle. I get mad, throw something at the dog...misses him, but breaks into a million pieces. A flight is called and the lady with a very ugly wig who owns the dog takes him and off they go. I am left sitting with a woman to my left, and my seat miraculously reclines into a little bed. One of the ladies working in the lounge we're waiting in offers me a blanket. Next thing I know, some guy is giving a talk about space and the planets, the solar system, etc... complete with a slide show on the wall. Someone lays a manual down on my little bed, with great details and photos of all of the things the man is discussing. I want to keep it, so I hide it under my blanket. The lounge lady offers us drinks, and food. I wound up with a martini and a bowl of rice.

How's that for weird?


OMG the sounds like it is full of meaning and clues. I may have to search it and see what I come up with on the interwebS. That is fascinating.


And WQ, "bewigged" made me LOL. ... you so funny.


One time back when I lived in a house with a deck on the back that was maybe 15 or so feet off the ground because of angle of the yard... I dreamed that the thing was loose and I almost fell. I kept dreaming of falling off a railing or a balcony at a hotel or different versions of the same falling from a loose balcony rail dream. Finally... cuz I'm all quick like that... heh... I went out and checked  and part of the deck railing WAS loose. My bf at the time said that my subconscious noticed the loose rail and that is what caused the dreams. I can buy that. That we notice things, our eyes tell our brains, but we are not aware of it at the time.

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I haven't seen any little dogs with beady eyes lately. And no, I don't wear wigs. But I've often thought about it on those days when my hair looks like crap and won't do what I want it to do. It would be nice to plop new hair on top and look stunning.

My mom wore wigs, she had several. They all looked like her own hair, so I think that is the reason she had them... convenience. Back then, we didn't have a shower, just a claw-foot tub. You washed your hair in the sink, or in the tub under the faucet, or when you went to the beauty parlor on Saturday.

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I haven't seen any little dogs with beady eyes lately. And no, I don't wear wigs. But I've often thought about it on those days when my hair looks like crap and won't do what I want it to do. It would be nice to plop new hair on top and look stunning.

My mom wore wigs, she had several. They all looked like her own hair, so I think that is the reason she had them... convenience. Back then, we didn't have a shower, just a claw-foot tub. You washed your hair in the sink, or in the tub under the faucet, or when you went to the beauty parlor on Saturday.


Those were the days, eh!  Saturday night baths and towel drying hair while listening to the radi-o.  Cue the old timey music.  hee

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