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I think it was you catrox, that posted a site that was a tribute to the cinematography of this show. It was so awesome!


When I taught at NYU, I had the privilege to hear Gordon Willis, the cinematographer for "The Godfather" movies speak. I never looked at any movie the same way again!

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Sorry Mick Lady... it's actually work that's got me behind. Who would've thunk late September / early October would've been so buggy (I think it's all the rain) and full of talks, and classes, etc. Have you already finished my Buffy fanfic? Cuz that thing was kinda long... I'm 3/4 of the way through the next chapter of "Rewriting History" so I'll get it out to you and Omegamom soon (this chapter's gonna be yours, Omegamom).

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Sorry Mick Lady... it's actually work that's got me behind. Who would've thunk late September / early October would've been so buggy (I think it's all the rain) and full of talks, and classes, etc. Have you already finished my Buffy fanfic? Cuz that thing was kinda long... I'm 3/4 of the way through the next chapter of "Rewriting History" so I'll get it out to you and Omegamom soon (this chapter's gonna be yours, Omegamom).


Alright, I'll wait! But I'm NOT happy.


Read most of your Buffy stuff, only one to go. I didn't comment because I wasn't sure you still checked it. I so miss that show!


But I'm thrilled for Omegamom! She writes some frightening stuff! The two of you should get together. Seriously.

OH, and Awesome, if you're like working on something like, a new way to kill spiders, carry on! Don't bother writing anything!

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Now now, Mick Lady, remember, spiders are our FRIENDS. They eat things like mosquitoes. And flies. So we're not drowning in them.

Having finished long work number two, I'm in the doldrums. Sorry! Same thing happened before. I'll come up with something.

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I'm new to this thread so I don't know if this is what it's for...but if anyone wants to read my old stories...(I haven't been writing much lately and about half my stories were eaten when the Ungen/Supernaturalville site disappeared), but I still have some of my stories archived at Dean Damage (author name Nachuma) here: 




Not really horror/scary stories, though.  Mostly casefics and angst.  I'd love some comments/critique from this group. 

Maybe once my stress levels get back to manageable and I can concentrate again, I'll be able to write (and read!) more.  *sigh*



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Here. Just for you, Mick Lady:

In the Mist

It all starts when Sam sees eyes in the fog.



ETA: damn. It really helps when one actually posts the darn thing, rather than leaving it as a draft.


This story is amazing! I don't want to say too much about it, just read it.


But not when you're alone. Or in the dark. I made both mistakes and almost want to go wake Mick up! Instead I just turned on all the lights...

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Well. Duh. Catrox had posted it! Sorry, catrox! I missed that post earlier. Definitely a cool one, though, and, yes, it makes you realize how creepy the show can be.



LOL that's okay. You probably would have noticed if mine had embedded properly! It's all good. 


I will say that I think s10 started get back to that creepier vibe that we had early on. Especially Soul Survivor,  Executioner's Song and the Prisoner at least in cinematography IMO

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Hah! I'm newer than that! Like, oh, nine months? But somehow found that video right away when I plunged into Internet references to Supernatural (maybe on Mark Watches Stuff?), and fell in love with it. I would so watch that movie. Of course, it would have to have Jensen and Misha...

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Hah! I'm newer than that! Like, oh, nine months? But somehow found that video right away when I plunged into Internet references to Supernatural (maybe on Mark Watches Stuff?), and fell in love with it. I would so watch that movie. Of course, it would have to have Jensen and Misha...

Ha! Mark Watches is exactly why I started watching SPN. I was reading the BSG and Angel reviews and started SPN with him. I blew way past his schedule and watched all the episodes in like 4 months back in 2013.

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Whether you ship Destiel or not, this is a pretty fun movie trailer. I hope the person that made this got a job makingb real movie trailers because this is great.



Just caught this, and went to youtube to see it. Found several of them, but I loved this one best!




Oh, and this one!




The song choice is perfect!

Edited by Mick Lady
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#Sorrynotsorry, MickLady 


Honest to gods. I watch that Profound Bond one when I get sad. Makes me irrationally happy because it's just sooo well done. So basically I watch it like once a day....and I probably watch it twice in one sitting. I may or may not have a problem.

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Checking in to ask- What the hell are you doing Awesom0400? Omegamom too! I'm waiting for some new stuff.


Awesom, put down the spiders! Write damn it!

hmm...it's your fault...I warn ya it is a long one that isn't finished and it's different.  I consider it an AU.  If you want something to do you can give it a whirl...I have a play production coming up...so time for writing isn't happening, but you have 29 chapters to read...if you're bored let me know what ya think.  I know it needs some rewriting.  Perhaps you can tell what is missing.



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Well, I was busy writing Bad Blood for quite a while (it's done now). And I have been adding to Hair Today, just posted a wee bit two or three days ago. Just didn't feel like inundating folks with stuff. ;-)

And I'm waiting for Awesome to come up with the next chapter, too.

I'll be checking out your story, too, 7kstar!

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Thanks Omegamom, I'll check it out! Just hope I don't get scared to death, again!


Hey 7kstar! you got me when I read, "What if only a loved one can rescue you?" Man, I am becoming a junkie for this stuff!

Edited by Mick Lady
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Awesom, put down the spiders! Write damn it!


Hee - I finally can put them down... literally. (The spider lab was Thursday.) So I've been writing again. Almost done with the chapter - promise. When you get your computer back, there should be a new chapter waiting for you. Hopefully you enjoyed my Buffy fanfic. If you want to add feedback, I'd be appreciative. I still check them from time to time... Considering how many people read it - still about 2-3 a month actually read the entire thing (which is surprising, considering how old that thing is. I don't even know how they are finding it). - it's kind of disappointing I don't get feedback, but I guess they figure I don't check that one. I do kind of wonder though if it's held up over time, because it is one of my more maybe sappy (?) ventures, but it seems to be the most well-liked, so...

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Okay Mick Lady and Omegamom, here you go:


Chapter 9


I know, I know: it took me long enough, but at least it's an extra long chapter. And also during Thanksgiving break, I should have some writing time to get working on the next chapter... mostly so you won't want to kill me, because of where I left this one. : /

Edited by AwesomO4000
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Okay Mick Lady and Omegamom, here you go:


Chapter 9


I know, I know: it took me long enough, but at least it's an extra long chapter. And also during Thanksgiving break, I should have some writing time to get working on the next chapter... mostly so you won't want to kill me, because of where I left this one. : /


Just got here, been busy all day, plus it's snowing like crazy here! Did a lot of last minute running around,(in ice and snow) and baking. I'm exhausted! But this will be my treat to myself tomorrow, before starting the turkey! But I swear to God Awesom, if you leave me hanging too long again...I'll, I'll kill a spider! 

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Just got here, been busy all day, plus it's snowing like crazy here! Did a lot of last minute running around,(in ice and snow) and baking. I'm exhausted! But this will be my treat to myself tomorrow, before starting the turkey! But I swear to God Awesom, if you leave me hanging too long again...I'll, I'll kill a spider! 


You can put the shoe down, I promise it won't be as long this time...


But I'm expecting a "You bitch!" tomorrow after you finish the chapter ; ) ... I'll be on the road all day and then at Black Friday in the evening* but I figure it'll be waiting for me when I check the internet later that night (Hubby's an early to bed, asleep when his head hits the pillow kinda guy, so that's when I write and check the boards).


* I've got my yearly ritual of picking up half price 9 packs of Hot Wheels cars and $4 games to give to the workplace toy cart for the kids in need of presents to do - plus some DVDs for myself. For me, it's worth fighting the crowds for.

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Okay here is a short one shot that I enjoyed...  It even has a youtube video for it, lol


I liked it, so if you think you would like to see a tag to 10x 09 - although Cas and Claire make an appearance it is really a nice visual between the brothers. 


The Ghost of You



sometimes I read when I can't figure out what to say in my own fics.  LOL

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Awww. I thought this was a funny idea....but then it became rather sweet and kind of sad about Bar!Angel and Bar!Demon



Doug doesn’t find out for almost a week and a half.


Tim doesn’t show up for their scheduled meeting and Doug is at a loss of what to do. He assumes that there was some Heaven business to take care of and he’ll contact Doug when he’s finished.


After a few days, though, Doug becomes concerned (he is not worried. Demons don’t worry). Tim has never gone radio silent like this and it’s pretty clear that something is going on with both Heaven and Hell.


Doug has no way on contacting Tim; it’s not like he has a cell phone. Normally, they just meet and then agree to their next meeting spot before leaving. Tim is somehow always able to find him (something about angel radio), but not the other way around.


Doug tries to continue his duties, but he finds himself always looking over his shoulder, hoping Tim might just pop up and have a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this. When he stumbles upon a small group of very rattled-looking angels, he finds out what happened and his heart sinks.  Tim, so idealistic and naive, thought that he and a few other grunt angels could face off against a power equal to God. Doug could weep over the combined bravery and stupidity.


He doesn’t say anything to the angels, just walks away and into the nearest bar. He takes a seat and orders two drafts. The bartender sets them down in front of him. Doug stares at the glasses for a long while, watching the condensation form and drip down the outsides. He picks up one glass and tips it toward the other, clinking them together.


“Cheers, Tim,” Doug mumbles sadly, taking one last drink with his friend.


Edited by catrox14
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