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Criminal Minds Fanfiction

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I dunno about Booky, but cringeworthy sex scenes for me comes (pardon the pun) in a few different situations:


1. vulgar terms being used and/or awful writing and there's plenty of that out there. It's a personal thing for me, I suppose, but I don't like the c words. And although I say it all the time when something goes wrong in real life, I also don't like reading the f word in a fic. (used in the sexual context, as opposed to how I use it daily I mean)  Concurrent to this, I'm also not fond of sex scenes that are all about getting off in great detail and not about love. Again, just a personal preference. To me, it's far sexier to lead the reader to imagine for herself/himself exactly what is going on rather than a really graphic blow by blow (ergh, oops) description of the proceedings.


2. sex between characters that I just don't buy. And for me, that's sex between characters that in no way, shape or form have indicated in canon that they go that way, or, as I've detailed before, coworkers. Not buying that either. Don't be pairing up my beloved (in CM, Reid, in ST:V, it was Paris. etc etc) favourite character with someone he'd absolutely not ever be in love with (also, again, my preference.not saying no one is allowed to write that stuff, just don't expect me to like it/read it/give it any kind of kudos)


3. Never saw it in the ST:V fandom, but I have seen them in the CM world, and that's the *actors* being paired with the characters.... I didn't read the entire story because as soon as I realised where the author was going, I bailed; but someone actually wrote a story about a CM character doing Matthew. Not Reid (which to me was bad enough,) but Matthew. Sorry, that's just wrong (to me) and it would have been had it been Thomas or Joe or whoever too, it wasn't just because it was Matthew. Squicks me right the hell out.....


and a disclaimer: if the author is somebody whose writing I've really liked in the past, I'd probably loosen the restrictions I set out for myself above, and read it anyway as long as it didn't go down the avenues I can't deal with (but those things are usually warned anyway)

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I know I had a certain idea for my fan fiction, and I started to write a treatment for my original idea. However, I came up with a new fan fiction possibility that is much more Spencerlicious-one that taps into his love of reading, his eidetic memory, his ability to read 20,000 words per minute, and his love for doing things old-school. Though my first idea was unique and interesting, I think I like this new idea much more!

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well then hurry up and write it!!!!!

I'll probably wait until summer due to some other projects I'm working on and I'm busy with church activities until the end of May.


Plus, because a few of you are more practiced fan fiction writers than me, I might PM you to bounce off ideas and get some sound advice. I trust your judgment.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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On April 6, 2016 at 11:39 PM, ReidFan said:

 New story, a sequel to Mistaken Identity, my Reid/Original character based on a real life friend :) first chapter is up 


schmaltz warning in effect :)


at AOOO:      http://archiveofourown.org/works/6473710

and at ffnet:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11881893/1/My-Spencer    story is now complete, #3 in the series is underway, once I get an Elephant's Memory thing out of my head




Edited by ReidFan
I messed up editing! didn't mean to reply to my own message!
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I had to go back quite a bit to see the last time I remembered to post a link here. It's been quite a while.  So, here they are, in reverse order, with the newest post-eps first.  At least those episodes will be fresher in mind.,  All are a single chapter, unless noted otherwise:

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11913462/1/Role-Play  (Devil's Backbone)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11849666/1/The-Toast  (Between Derek and Sandman--Morgan's wedding)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11832835/1/Brothers  (Derek)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11749195/1/My-Brother-Pretty-Boy (Entropy)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11622606/1/The-Banishment (Reid, during the three 'Reid-less' episodes, three chapters)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11623851/1/Out-of-Character  (Awake)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11610110/1/Encyclopedic-Memory (Target Rich)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11584593/1/The-Night-mare-Watch (Night Watch)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11233361/1/Heaven-Sent (The Hunt)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11140998/1/Hot-Coffee (Rock Creek Park)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11246161/1/Earthbound (Nelson's Sparrow)

Some older episodes, but new stories:

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11533776/1/The-Liar  (The Gathering)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11407181/1/Aftermath  (Penelope)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11371799/1/Elephants  (Elephant's Memory)

and the behemoth, and ongoing, 'And When I Wake':



I'm only on fanfiction.net.  Keep meaning to post at AO3 as well, but I think that's going to have to wait until my retirement!

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love them all JMO....am currently angry at ffnet because I have you pinned as an author alert yet I have not ever received any alerts from them that you have posted anything new *grumble*  (I'm mccabebabe  on ffnet, by the way). Just read several of them and loved them all and am crying in a corner over the one for Devil's Backbone..

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4 hours ago, JMO said:

I had to go back quite a bit to see the last time I remembered to post a link here. It's been quite a while.  So, here they are, in reverse order, with the newest post-eps first.  At least those episodes will be fresher in mind.,  All are a single chapter, unless noted otherwise:

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11913462/1/Role-Play  (Devil's Backbone)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11849666/1/The-Toast  (Between Derek and Sandman--Morgan's wedding)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11832835/1/Brothers  (Derek)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11749195/1/My-Brother-Pretty-Boy (Entropy)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11622606/1/The-Banishment (Reid, during the three 'Reid-less' episodes, three chapters)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11623851/1/Out-of-Character  (Awake)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11610110/1/Encyclopedic-Memory (Target Rich)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11584593/1/The-Night-mare-Watch (Night Watch)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11233361/1/Heaven-Sent (The Hunt)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11140998/1/Hot-Coffee (Rock Creek Park)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11246161/1/Earthbound (Nelson's Sparrow)

Some older episodes, but new stories:

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11533776/1/The-Liar  (The Gathering)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11407181/1/Aftermath  (Penelope)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11371799/1/Elephants  (Elephant's Memory)

and the behemoth, and ongoing, 'And When I Wake':



I'm only on fanfiction.net.  Keep meaning to post at AO3 as well, but I think that's going to have to wait until my retirement!

I think Aftermath was the first one of yours I read, and I looked around on your page and read a lot. You're the coolest. Oh, and, what's Spencer up to in And When I Wake? Hmmmm?

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1 hour ago, normasm said:

Oh, and, what's Spencer up to in And When I Wake? Hmmmm?


If I didn't have a major obligation running into the beginning of next week, we'd find out about Spencer a lot sooner!

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Too much time on my hands these days, I'm not supposed to be working so much so I'm writing instead. Have two things on the go, first is #3 in my Spencer Reid/Melissa Martin (original character) series, "My Spencer, My Daddy" (which by the title, you can probably tell where this is going) 

at aooo: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6702484/chapters/15329386

or at ff.net   https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11922414/1/My-Spencer-My-Daddy

and the second one is a post episode revisit, also set in the Spencer and Melissa world, I'm revisiting a scene from "Elephant's Memory" and bringing it to the present, tentatively titled "Elephant's Karma" but I'm not ready to post that one yet.

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Help requested...

I've written a story revolving around a scene from "Elephant's Memory." the story's complete, but there's one scene I really wasn't happy with so I've written two versions and I was wondering if there's a braveheart/kindheart/interested party here who'd give them the once over and the second opinion on which version's better. TIA!

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19 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

Help requested...

I've written a story revolving around a scene from "Elephant's Memory." the story's complete, but there's one scene I really wasn't happy with so I've written two versions and I was wondering if there's a braveheart/kindheart/interested party here who'd give them the once over and the second opinion on which version's better. TIA!

Hey, send them my way. I'll "reid" them once I get a chance.

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sent to your email.... explanation included.... and thank you so much!! xoxo


oh, and by the way, Booky, I love you :)

Edited by ReidFan
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On ‎5‎/‎2‎/‎2016 at 2:26 PM, ReidFan said:

sent to your email.... explanation included.... and thank you so much!! xoxo


oh, and by the way, Booky, I love you :)

Thanks. I need this today. I love you right back.

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more new fiction from me..... thanks to Booky, for the push :)

The accidental death of Anton Yelchin really affected me. Besides the obvious-- the life of such a young and talented man cut short--it also put the kaibosh on there ever being an actual follow up episode to his season 2, episode 11 "Sex, Birth, Death" which I thought was an absolute elite episode, probably a top ten in the series. So I threw an idea around with a couple of you here and a few other online friends, and the result is this Reid retrospective "From Darkness Comes the Light"

at aooo: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7369804

and at ffnet:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12029692/1/From-Darkness-Comes-the-Light

thanks again Booky xoxo

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33 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

more new fiction from me..... thanks to Booky, for the push :)

The accidental death of Anton Yelchin really affected me. Besides the obvious-- the life of such a young and talented man cut short--it also put the kaibosh on there ever being an actual follow up episode to his season 2, episode 11 "Sex, Birth, Death" which I thought was an absolute elite episode, probably a top ten in the series. So I threw an idea around with a couple of you here and a few other online friends, and the result is this Reid retrospective "From Darkness Comes the Light"

at aooo: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7369804

and at ffnet:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12029692/1/From-Darkness-Comes-the-Light

thanks again Booky xoxo

You're very welcome. And to everyone here, you might want to get out the tissues while reading this. I know this story made me cry. And I think ReidFan should send it to the producers at CM. I really think it would make a great episode if handled in a sensitive, not exploitive manner.

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In my experience, the whole point of fanfiction is to take the characters where they wouldn't otherwise go. So if I see a non-canon pairing, that doesn't put me off in the slightest, especially if the writing is good. And double-especially if someone is paired with Reid. 

I'm of the opinion that the best fanfic experiences can be had by just opening your mind to new and different scenarios, pairings, and situations. Two things I can't abide however, are horrible spelling, grammar, and usage... and any kind of torture porn or 'whump'. Avoid it like the plague. 

Oh, and I also can't stand the tumblr trend of pairing "reader" with such and such character or real life actor. I know it's been around forever but there's been a real uptick in that type story lately and I despise it. I like a story I can get submerged in, not some weird Mary Sue self-insert tale.

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17 hours ago, Franky said:

In my experience, the whole point of fanfiction is to take the characters where they wouldn't otherwise go. So if I see a non-canon pairing, that doesn't put me off in the slightest, especially if the writing is good. And double-especially if someone is paired with Reid. 

I'm of the opinion that the best fanfic experiences can be had by just opening your mind to new and different scenarios, pairings, and situations. Two things I can't abide however, are horrible spelling, grammar, and usage... and any kind of torture porn or 'whump'. Avoid it like the plague. 

Oh, and I also can't stand the tumblr trend of pairing "reader" with such and such character or real life actor. I know it's been around forever but there's been a real uptick in that type story lately and I despise it. I like a story I can get submerged in, not some weird Mary Sue self-insert tale.

I agree that exploring new possibilities is a great use of fanfiction.  But I think it also has a very real role in exploring all of those minutes before, after, and in between, the ones we see on our screens.  Especially for a show like CM, where the characters are so rich, there is no real way to do them justice in 42 minutes (or 5, if you're Reid) on a Wednesday night.

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17 hours ago, Franky said:

In my experience, the whole point of fanfiction is to take the characters where they wouldn't otherwise go. So if I see a non-canon pairing, that doesn't put me off in the slightest, especially if the writing is good. And double-especially if someone is paired with Reid. 

I'm of the opinion that the best fanfic experiences can be had by just opening your mind to new and different scenarios, pairings, and situations. Two things I can't abide however, are horrible spelling, grammar, and usage... and any kind of torture porn or 'whump'. Avoid it like the plague. 

Oh, and I also can't stand the tumblr trend of pairing "reader" with such and such character or real life actor. I know it's been around forever but there's been a real uptick in that type story lately and I despise it. I like a story I can get submerged in, not some weird Mary Sue self-insert tale.

I'll admit I've come up with some fan fiction ideas using certain details of myself as an inspiration for a character, but bringing in some new details that different too. And I'm way to 57 varieties of effed-up to Mary Sue any character resembling myself even in the minute ways.

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14 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

:-( they fired Thomas Gibson. Which means we're losing Hotch. And I felt it necessary to write my own version of how that's gonna happen.

at archive of our own: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7933384

and at fanfiction.net:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12130185/1/Friends-and-Changes

I just read it, you have made me cry. I'll write you a review later there, but I wanna tell you, I like your style very much, you are a talented writer!

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On 28/3/2016 at 3:23 AM, ReidFan said:

I've written an episode tag for "A Beautiful Disaster" if anyone's interested.. Reid reflects on the events of the day







I think it's the first time in my life that I have read any fanfiction. 

I really loved it!! 

I guess I'm going to be busy over the next few days reading more. And I will certainly read this one again.

Too bad I have started work after my holidays, and don't have so much time. 

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19 hours ago, ReidFan said:

aw Booky *cries* that's just too sweet

here's a new Matthew edit

ready? copy.jpg

And just who is going to clean up the mess that would undoubtedly occur? I just don't lie there and count the cracks in the ceiling, you know...

Well, now you do. Wait TMI?

I actually came (yes, pun intended because I know what naughty little minxes you all are) up with a fan fiction sex scene idea, where post coital, Spencer's girlfriend makes him laugh so hard he actually falls out of the bed

Edited by Bookish Jen
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23 hours ago, ReidFan said:

:-( they fired Thomas Gibson. Which means we're losing Hotch. And I felt it necessary to write my own version of how that's gonna happen.

at archive of our own: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7933384

and at fanfiction.net:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12130185/1/Friends-and-Changes


I had a look at it and thought, your too tired for this, leave it till tomorrow, but I had seen two or three lines and... just had to read it. Thank god I'm alone right now, because I was smiling, and almost crying at the same time. My family would have considered me insane, I'm sure. 

And I'm also sure we won't be getting anything as good in the show.

Fanfiction has got a new reader from today!!

(By the way: gorgeous gray matter??!!) 

(By the way again: that picture !!)

Edited by senin
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