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Criminal Minds Fanfiction

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On 11/24/2016 at 11:23 AM, ReidFan said:



so, I'm about half way through a Christmas story and I got waylaid. Elliot's Pond --as wonderful as I thought Matthew was and the direction was fantastic--missed a scene. So I wrote it. Cause it wouldn't shut up and leave me alone to write my Christmas story.

at Fanfiction:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12246021/1/Words-From-Afar

and at aooo:  http://archiveofourown.org/works/8641966

enjoy! (I hope)

Beautifully written. You portrayed Reid and his thoughts about Hotch leaving in such a true to character manner. Seriously, CM should hire you!

And as some of you know, I just dipped my toes into writing Spencer-related fan fiction. I have shared my first chapter via PMs with a few of our lovely members. I also sent my first chapter to my friend, Nora, and she will give me her thoughts and feedback when I see her tomorrow. She's not a CM fan (crime procedure shows aren't her thing), but she is also a writer and I look forward to her feedback, but I can't help but be nervous.

As for the fiction itself, I'm not sure when I'll post the first chapter. I want to work n the second chapter first. But first I  need to write a review for my blog.

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10 hours ago, ReidFan said:

Finally! After much hair ripping and eye rolling, I finally managed to finish my Christmas story. And in time for Christmas!!

this one is for Droogie and for Aut, who bless her heart, stepped up to beta for me when things were going too rough.

at aooo:


and/or at fanfiction dot net:




Aww, glad to help! :)

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First of all happy New Year to everybody!!

I have been away and without Internet connection for some days, So before going away I copied some fantiction into Word documents to be able to read it while I was disconnected. Not that I had a lot of time (family reunions, cooking, meeting friends... Christmas time is always very busy!), but I managed to read ReidFan's series about Spencer and Melissa (I loved it!) .

So thank you for keeping me company !!

I had to edit because I had spelled read incorrectly, I had written "reid" !! I wonder why... 

Edited by senin
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When I saw last night's episode I thought, "Crap, this throws a wrench into my fan fiction idea!" But then I reminded myself that fan fiction is just that FICTION. So I fan wanked a bit and wrote a rough draft of the second chapter of my Spencer-related opus (snerk). I hope to post it to one of the fan fiction sites after I get some feedback from some of my trusted friends.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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One of my favourite writers of fanfiction has written some new stories which I have enjoyed enormously. Let's see if I can manage to get the links here. 

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11993266/1/Of-Genius-and-Gentility  new chapters, getting better with each new one. 

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12348607/1/Family-Secret  one shot, post -ep for "Surface Tension"

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12270537/1/Missing  to help ease withdrawal symptoms, during Reidless episodes.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. 

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Yes, definitely -- bravo, JMO!

I seriously considered submitting a story on AO3, using the pairing of Spencer Reid/Reader, and every tag I could conjure.  In the body, I was going to issue a plea for people to just STAAAHHHHPPP with the SR/Reader stories!  It takes forever to scroll past and I'm so sick of seeing them.  I can't imagine who could read them without feeling terribly icky.  I hope it's a fad and that it passes soon.

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I just watched Spencer and I have done something I don't usually do, find the promos for the next two episodes and watch them. Why am I writing this in the fanfction thread??

Because some images of it made me think of one of JMO's stories, Consequences!! 

I don't think she will remember, but when I read it I told her that stories with trials, court rooms and lawyers were among my favourites. Well, it seems I am going to get what I wanted... and I'm afraid I won't like it!!

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When I write a long story, I pretty much live in that CM headspace until it's done.  So, yes, when I saw the promo, I thought, "But he's already been on trial for murder!"  

Anxious to see how it's portrayed by the professionals.  

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I've told you before, I have this feeling that someone in the CM writing team is reading your stories. Well, at least we know that they will do something good. 

And we'll have to wait a whole looooooong week!! 

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I got a bit worried after watching "Spencer" and seeing the clip for next week's episode. Just how am I supposed to work this arc into my fan fic? Well, I think I have an idea. Just as Spencer is dealing with Diana's Alzheimer's, looking for alternative remedies, and being framed for murder, Spencer's potential lady love has also gone to great lengths when it comes to a loved one's health. She makes a less than ideal, somewhat unsavory choice that ends up with someone dying. Hmm...

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I understand that some writers feel "married to canon", but I personally have never really understood why.  In my own headspace, that's kind of the point of fanfiction, to borrow characters/items/locations from something else but then write your own story around the borrowed people/places/things.  If I want to take in something that adheres strictly to 'canon', I'll go read the original book(s) or watch the TV shows or movies that provides the playground the fanfic is set in.

I can read 'strictly canon' fics - especially one-shot episode codas - but they're usually not my faves.  Another thing about FF is there's a good-to-great chance I can find (at least) a few fics with my chosen pairing(s);  canon be damned, in that respect.

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48 minutes ago, autumnmountains said:

Mabelreid posted a fantastic coda to "Spencer." It features Reid and Morgan. I really enjoyed it. 


So now I've discovered a new writer of CM fanfiction, and I've enjoyed her story, and I have checked and she has a lot of them, and.... days are just too short!!

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On 2/17/2017 at 0:17 PM, Bookish Jen said:

I got a bit worried after watching "Spencer" and seeing the clip for next week's episode. Just how am I supposed to work this arc into my fan fic?

don't worry about it! Just write it how you want to!

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Thanks RF and Norm.  These episode reaction pieces I really write for me, especially when they're just filling in some background---but I post them in case anyone else feels as I do.  Glad you enjoyed.

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I love a good episode coda.

Especially if it's for an episode I really loved. And most especially when it's done by such a talented writer as yourself JMO. You always manage to touch on something there just wasn't time for in the aired episode. 

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Though fan fiction doesn't have to be canon, I now realize how Spencer's arc can lead up to the decision he makes in my fan fic. Before Spencer's fan fic, I thought my fan fic idea might be too "out there." Well, perhaps for the Spencer of yore, it would have, but I think with this arc, it might make sense why he makes the choice he does when it comes to meeting his potential love interest.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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JMO, I can't even!

This was just wonderful. I literally pictured AJ Cook and Jane Lynch acting out your scenario. I expect to see it in the deleted scenes section of the season 12 dvd set; it fit right into the episode. Loved how you addressed something we all fear with Reid in prison; and how you worked in some of the details we saw in Surface Tension and fleshed out Diana's memory book. Beautiful.

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11 hours ago, JMO said:

Oh my gosh, JMO.  No words.  

Well, OK, a few.


I hadn't really teared up and felt pretty proud of myself until that last paragraph!  OH!  My heart really hurts over this arc and that really, really did me in.  It's what we all fear for him, poor sweet baby.  You touched on all the things we are worried about -- spelled out most but intimated the others.  How I wish you wrote for the show!

And I love that your JJ wanted to strangle Garcia.  I do on the weekly but her stupid, childish, insensitive "chart" wasn't cute and furthermore, "cute" had no place in that context.  So that was cathartic for me.

Just brilliant, really.

Edited by Droogie
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Ohmigosh, I was coming to say the exact thing as Norm -- I could see Walker and Luke and Tara saying those things, even thought I don't "know" then as well as the core team.

So incredibly good, JMO.  My goodness.

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Wonderful, as usual. More comments in spoiler, read the story first!!


Of all the possible explanations for Reid's behavior in the last part of the episode, you chose the one which I think fits better with his personality. He has to be true to himself. 

And the part about Henry was so beautifully sad!!

Thanks for the story, and for making the week (until next episode) shorter!!

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