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S02.E03: 7th Inning Splits/S02.E04: A Home of Her Own

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3. The debut for the dance class is set for a Greensboro Grasshoppers baseball game, but a soggy forecast has Whitney worried about the girls' safety. Meanwhile, Whitney and Buddy find a great house, but she wonders how she'll tell her parents she's moving out.

4. Whitney and Babs bond while driving the moving truck to Whitney's new place.

Whitney was slightly (but only slightly) less annoying in these episodes. I was glad to see her go swimming, because that is great exercise. Babs with the pantyhose cracked me up. Her moving out was long overdue but I am perpetually stunned by her parents' difficulty in letting her go. Her having prediabetes is hardly a reason for a 30-year-old woman to be living at home. It obviously didn't help her blood sugar in the last few months, so I don't even know what her clearly-enabling parents were supposed to be helping with.

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Whitney has been out of the house before, didn't she go away to college and then for a while, she was teaching English in Korea? I also read somewhere that she had a radio show after that. I think she moved home with her parents for a brief period because of this TV show, her parents were part of the cast and filming the dynamic between Whitney and them created the storylines in season 1. I'm sure she didn't intend to keep living there indefinitely. And I still think something is going on with Buddy, behind the scenes. 

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Yes, she lived overseas for something like 4 years.


I don't have an issue with her living at home, and I thought it was very touching that her parents were so verklempt over having her move out. It was sweet and very southern. I found them all very like-able on these episodes.


I LOVED Whitney's mermaid swimsuit bottom. Like, LOVED that. It was so cute. Good for her for doing water-based exercise - such a great option and so much easier on your body. I thought her mom wearing pantyhose into the pool was hysterical. I am super southern but have never in my life seen anyone swim in pantyhose - not even my Mamaw!


I thought these were fairly lackluster episodes in terms of storytelling, but I was glad to see the dance group perform (and thought they did a good job.) I thought it was really touching to hear the comments from some of the women about getting to dance - THAT is the stuff I would like to see more of on this show, the bits that really humanize those of us who are fat and might shine a light on issues non-fatties have never thought about. If they would insert more of that plus more PCOS awareness on the show, I think it could really be a great, inspiring show.


I am looking forward to the 5K episode - surely she does not jog the entire 5K. I'm in decent enough shape for a plus-sizer and while I could speedwalk a 5K with no issues, no way could my knees/feet handle a full-on jog. And I weigh considerably less than Whitney! 

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I suspect the reason Babs wore pantyhose with her bathing suit is because she knew she'd be filmed for the show and there was no way she was going to be comfortable showing her bare legs on camera. She's in her mid to late 60's, maybe she has varicose veins or something like that, but that's how she dealt with it. It was pretty funny, and probably not at all a southern thing, just Babs not wanting to be embarrassed about her legs.

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Why does this woman have a show? 


She is suffering from PCOS (I have it too), and struggling with her weight (I am too).  I would LOVE to see what she eats during the day, because if she is truly, truly eating healthfully AND exercising, there is no way she should be this size.  No way.  Sorry to break it to anyone else going through this, following her lead.


I know when I don't lose weight, it's because I'm eating garbage or not working out.  It's really that simple.  And I do eat garbage at times. And I pay the price.


Why someone thought it was a good idea to give her a show, I'll never know.

If she's happy with her weight (and the health consequences it could bring her -- will most probably bring her) that's her business.  But to have a public platform like this...it's just making people who are truly trying to fight this battle an object of mockery or fat shaming.


I hate being overweight, personally.  I don't like the way it's harder for me to move around. I don't like having to buy the fat clothes at the store, instead of cute clothes. But I'm also actively trying to lose that weight.


She's not doing me, or anyone else sincerely trying to fight this battle any favors.


I think her confidence hides a world of pain.

Edited by OhioMom
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Awww, I think her parents are adorable.   A little cloying I guess but maybe they're just super protective.  From her just walking around and trying to get a kick out of her life, it looks and sounds as though she takes so much random verbal abuse from strangers.  Maybe they go that extra mile to let her know home is one place she doesn't have to be self conscious.  That's kind of nice.


I only just started watching the marathon over the weekend so I might've missed it but has she ever brought up whether or not she or any of her doctors have considered her as a candidate for bariatric surgery?  I understand pcos isn't curable but I was wondering if they'd ever even addressed it, given her other potential comorbidities.


I giggled when Babs said wait until she finds out how much the cat's food is.    Between pantyhose in the pool and the aquatic theme purse...actually the fact that she's carrying a purse poolside.   I swear she's the star of the show lol. 


Love how Buddy regards her, hope they wind up together.

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Bariatric surgery might be an option, although she is big enough that most doctors would probably require her to attempt to lose some weight on her own first. Honestly, I think Overeaters Anonymous might be better for her. She just has no recognition of her food issues whatsoever. Bariatric surgery would force her to eat smaller portions and avoid certain foods, because she would puke up any extra, but she could just stretch her stomach back out eventually if she doesn't face the actual problem. I won't even address the PCOS because I believe that Whitney specifically uses that as her ultimate excuse. Normal people with PCOS have trouble losing weight just because of the PCOS. Whitney has trouble losing weight because she drinks frappuccinos and sweet tea and eats too much, and the PCOS is incidental.


Babs' fish purse...I don't even know where she got that, but I love that she thought "I'm going to the pool, I should have an aquatic theme going on." What I want to know is: what was IN the purse? Her gym locker key? Hairspray?

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My question is:  How the hell did she not see that big assed garbage can before she ran over it?  I have a strong feeling someone from production threw that can under the truck for drama's sake.  Otherwise, if it was so hard for her to see something that big thank God it wasn't an animal or worse, a small child.  smh

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